Sharing the Mic

Sharing the Mic with David Phillips and guest David Goodrich

Barrier Islands Center Season 4 Episode 3

Our guest is David Goodrich, author, retired United Nations climatologist, former head of the UN Global Climate Observing System, and helmsman on the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration weather ship. Goodrich is the author of two non-fiction books that combine the science of climate change with distance cycling travel logs. His first book, A Hole in the Wind, captures Goodrich’s bicycle journey across the United States as he speaks with Americans from all political persuasions about climate change. His second book, A Voyage Across an Ancient Ocean, follows Goodrich as he cycles across the Western Interior Seaway. Goodrich has also published several other short non-fiction and fiction works in The Humanist, The Potomac Review, and National Geographic Traveler.