Intuitive Eating & Body Positivity with Terri Pugh

51. 10 ways to measure success in intuitive eating

July 11, 2022 Terri Pugh Episode 51
51. 10 ways to measure success in intuitive eating
Intuitive Eating & Body Positivity with Terri Pugh
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Intuitive Eating & Body Positivity with Terri Pugh
51. 10 ways to measure success in intuitive eating
Jul 11, 2022 Episode 51
Terri Pugh

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When we are dieting we have lots of ways to measure how 'well' we are doing, such as weight loss, inch loss, clothes sizes changing. When we stop dieting and start intuitive eating we lose those measures - which is a good thing! However, as humans we are driven by goals and success, so how do we still measure our progress as an intuitive eater? How do you know you're on the right path? How do you know you're doing it 'properly'? In this episode I'm giving you 10 ways that you can know you're doing a good job of it.

In this episode I also talk about a giveaway I'm running. Here's the link:

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Please note, this podcast is intended to be general information for entertainment purposes only. Any figures quoted are correct at the time of recording. As always, please seek the support of a registered professional before making changes to your diet or lifestyle⁠, or if you feel that you are affected by any of the topics discussed.


Related Topics:

Intuitive Eating, HAES, Health At Every Size, Body Positivity, Body Confidence, Body Positive, Anti Diet, Non Diet, Diet Culture, Food Freedom, Fat Acceptance, Fat Liberation, Self Care, Weight Loss, Eating Disorder, Eating Disorder Recovery, Disordered Eating, Nutritional Therapy, Slimming World, Weight Watchers, WW, Cambridge Diet, Cambridge Plan, 121 Diet, 1:1 Diet, Lighter

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A quick heads up - my transcriptions are automatically generated. For this reason there may be errors, incorrect words, bad spelling, bad grammar, and other things that just seem a little 'off'. You'll still be able to understand what is being said though, so please just ignore that and enjoy the episode.

Show Notes Transcript

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When we are dieting we have lots of ways to measure how 'well' we are doing, such as weight loss, inch loss, clothes sizes changing. When we stop dieting and start intuitive eating we lose those measures - which is a good thing! However, as humans we are driven by goals and success, so how do we still measure our progress as an intuitive eater? How do you know you're on the right path? How do you know you're doing it 'properly'? In this episode I'm giving you 10 ways that you can know you're doing a good job of it.

In this episode I also talk about a giveaway I'm running. Here's the link:

Get your FREE Introduction to Intuitive Eating e-book here:

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Follow on Instagram: Https:// or @IAmTerriPugh 

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Please note, this podcast is intended to be general information for entertainment purposes only. Any figures quoted are correct at the time of recording. As always, please seek the support of a registered professional before making changes to your diet or lifestyle⁠, or if you feel that you are affected by any of the topics discussed.


Related Topics:

Intuitive Eating, HAES, Health At Every Size, Body Positivity, Body Confidence, Body Positive, Anti Diet, Non Diet, Diet Culture, Food Freedom, Fat Acceptance, Fat Liberation, Self Care, Weight Loss, Eating Disorder, Eating Disorder Recovery, Disordered Eating, Nutritional Therapy, Slimming World, Weight Watchers, WW, Cambridge Diet, Cambridge Plan, 121 Diet, 1:1 Diet, Lighter

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A quick heads up - my transcriptions are automatically generated. For this reason there may be errors, incorrect words, bad spelling, bad grammar, and other things that just seem a little 'off'. You'll still be able to understand what is being said though, so please just ignore that and enjoy the episode.

A quick heads up before you start reading..... My transcriptions are automatically generated. I do not type them manually. For this reason there may be errors, incorrect words, bad spelling, bad grammar, and other things that just seem a little 'off'. You'll still be able to understand what is being said though, so please just ignore that and enjoy the episode.

[00:00:00] Welcome to the Intuitive Eating and Body Positivity Podcast. I'm Terri and I'll be talking about all things intuitive eating, body positivity and health for every size. And shaking off weight stigma, diet culture, and food rules so that we can all have a better relationship with food and our bodies.

I have no idea how today's episode is gonna go. 'cause in setting up, I have already knocked over my microphone three times, pulled my earphones out of my ears. Several times and, um, struggled to launch the computer program. The program that records it. So, we'll see. Oh, it'll be fine, won't it? [00:01:00] Um, there may be background noise today.

Blimey, that sounded Herifordian, didn't it? There may be background noise today. Uh, because again, it's hot here. It's hot in the UK today so the windows are open. In the absence of a studio with air conditioning and soundproofing and lovely things like that, I am recording from the house again with the windows open so there might be noise.

It is what it is. Does anybody really care? I think not. Last time I mentioned the weather in this podcast, I said, it's so hot here and I know that you all have weather hotter than me, but it's really hot here. And, um, somebody emailed me afterwards and said, I understand, um, thank you for the suggestions for how to manage the hot weather.

Here it is, and it was over a hundred degrees, [00:02:00] which to us here in the UK is the equivalent of about 40 degrees, which is so hot. So I don't know what you're working in degrees wise, whether you're working in Fahrenheit or Celsius, but I was like, that is hot. Here we are. I think it's about, I think it's mid twenties at the moment and it's hot.

So to hit Kind of 40 degrees is ridiculously hot. So hot. So look after yourself. If you haven't listened to it yet, go back and listen to the episode about um, how to manage summer, how to manage your bigger body in summer and how to make yourself more comfortable. Some nice little tips in there if I do say so myself.

Today I'm going to be talking about success in intuitive eating and body positivity. When you're on a diet. You're always measuring [00:03:00] something, aren't you? You're always measuring weight loss or inches and centimetres, whatever metric you work in. We're always measuring some kind of loss to our body, aren't we?

Weight loss, size getting smaller, clothes sizes changing, that sort of thing. There's always things to count. You're always measuring against calories or a limit of points or sins or an allowance of some kind. There's always something to guide yourself against. If you're exercising, for example, and you have a plan that says you have to do X amount of exercise, then it can be things like counting steps.

There's always something to count. There's always something to measure. And as human beings, we like that, because we're driven by success. We're driven by structure and rules and guidelines. And [00:04:00] even if we don't always want to conform to them, we like routine. We like things to measure ourselves against.

Those of you who are like me and are competitive. We like to. Measure up to something, do better than something, improve on something. There's always something that drives us. Even if we don't always want that structure and those rules, we're still, as human beings, always driven by those things. And there's lots of reasons why that might be.

And it's definitely not a bad thing, but it does get in your way when you're trying to be an intuitive eater. Because you don't feel like you have that control anymore. You don't feel like you have the rules and the guidelines and the limits that tell you how much you can eat and how much you should eat and how much you shouldn't eat and what you should eat and what you should not eat.

All those things. And you're kind of left to your own devices. You're left to figure it out for yourself and decide what you want to eat and When to eat it, [00:05:00] how to eat it, how much to eat. Did I say that already? I don't know, but there's all these things that just feel a little bit loose. So we're going to talk about ways that you can know that you're doing okay in intuitive eating and ways to know that you're making progress in your own body image and your own body confidence.

I have 10 ways for you. Number one, I think this is the easiest one and the one that comes the quickest. When we start intuitive eating or we start trying to improve our body confidence, one thing that is very easy to do and a nice thing to do is to start noticing social media and adverts that are basically fat phobic.

They're weight stigmatizing. You start to see them. The more that you know how bad dieting is, [00:06:00] you know how bad diet culture is, you know how bad beauty standards are, the more you start to see them. And do you now catch yourself kind of rolling your eyes? Do you start now seeing things in adverts and in social media that makes you look at it with the attitude of, for the love of God, what is this nonsense now?

And you start cleaning up your social media feeds. You start disposing of those accounts that you're following that are promoting these messages. When you have a good social media feed, Cleanup is the best. You get rid of anything negative. You get rid of the stuff that does not bring you joy. When you have your social media feeds, you should open those apps and they should bring you positivity and joy and good feeling, good vibes.

That's what you want in your life. You don't want stuff that [00:07:00] makes you feel negative and feel down about yourself. So, when you start eye rolling at these things and pulling them apart and even questioning them, when you start even wondering if the messages are real in the first place, it's the best because it means that you are taking note, you are ingraining intuitive eating into you and everything that it speaks for.

And it's so good. It's such a good one. So if you are doing that, if you are noticing these things and you're disagreeing with the messages, then that is a massive tick in the box. That is a big step forward into intuitive eating and body confidence. Number two, throwing out resources that you have around your home, throwing away things like old Slimming Club magazines, old [00:08:00] diet cookbooks, things that are spreading the message that you should be cutting back, you should be restricting and you're not good enough.

when you start getting rid of things like that. That is a step forward. When you start throwing out the bathroom scales, even if you're not throwing them out, if you are making the effort to hide them, to put them out of reach, to make it difficult to weigh yourself, or you just stop weighing yourself, but the scales are still there, that's a big step forward.

Those resources that you've got knocking around your house, they're no good for your mental health. They're no good for your approach to your body. They're no good for your approach to food. And when you start getting rid of them, that's the best. I particularly like throwing away. Cookbooks that are, um, branded by slimming clubs and I know that's very [00:09:00] wasteful.

I know that sounds very wasteful, but for me, I think it's important that people don't get their hands on these books. I would never throw away a standard recipe book. I would. If I didn't want it anymore, donate it to a bookshop or to charity or pass it on to a friend or a family member. But slimming branded cookbooks and recipe cards and magazines and things like that, they're going in the bin because I don't want other people to have their hands on them.

I don't want other people living in that misery. So they go in the bin. I would like to see, please, from you your very finest creative way of disposing of these cookbooks. What are we going to do? Are we going to put them in the chimney in the garden to keep us warm at night while we're sat out having a glass of wine?

What else could we do with them? They can just [00:10:00] go on the fire in the front room. I don't know, can you do that? Does it, is it a bit smoky? I don't know. I don't know if you can do that. Please don't do that and fill your house with smoke. Um, what else could we do with them? Maybe we could submerge them in a vat of acid.

Wow, that's extreme, isn't it? Well, you tell me. You tell me. Share, please. Send me some photos of you disposing of your cookbooks and your magazines and things. I would love to see the most creative ways that people are doing that. Um, Number three. When you start recognising what beauty culture and diet culture say are the ideals and you start rejecting them, that's a step forward.

I don't think this is such an easy one because I don't think it's blatantly obvious. But when you can start to [00:11:00] see, um, mannequins in shops, for example, and you think There are no plus size mannequins in here. That is recognizing a store with an ideal, a beauty ideal, or an ideal of what kind of body that shop wants their clothes to be on.

When you watch TV programs and what you can see is they are hiring typically people who are of a certain appearance, should we say. So they're going for typically thin, quote unquote, beautiful That look a certain way, they're made up, they're dressed a certain way. Um, when you start to see people like that and realise that actually, there is no variety in the people that this show is casting, that's a really good sign that you're starting to see [00:12:00] These things in everyday world around you.

Um, Love Island is on at the moment. I don't know how many of you listening have Love Island here in the UK. It's a massive thing. I don't know if they do it around the world. Do they? I don't know, but basically now I'm going to guess at this a little bit because I don't watch it because I don't agree with it.

For reasons which I'm about to say. Love Island is a show where they put single people onto an island Supposedly in the hope that they will couple up. So it's basically a glorified dating program but these people that they Cast for this show are always very aesthetically pleasing, shall we say. And for that reason, I cannot bear it.

It is reinforcing all of those horrible messages. So when you start seeing things around you [00:13:00] that are beauty standards and diet culture spreading their message, and you start to reject that. That is progress. That's real progress. And I talked there about clothes shops and mannequins and things. And that leads nicely on to number four.

Buying clothes. And actually clothes in general. Your approach to clothes in general. When you become a little bit more accepting of your body and stop trying to diet and change it, you start to understand the importance of buying clothes that fit you, that are comfortable, and that are not reinforcing that need to diet.

And I think for everybody who does intuitive eating, there is a point in time where there is a change in the way that clothes are starting to be bought. And it might just be. a one time thing, or for you it might be a, [00:14:00] right, this is it, big change, no more. It might be a big overhaul, it might be throwing away clothes that don't serve you anymore, that make you feel bad about your body, that make you uncomfortable, or it might be a gentle, Little bit by bit process where you maybe get rid of one thing because that's all you can bear to part with right now.

Or maybe you buy one item of clothing that's in the right size for you, not the size you want it to be if you can lose a bit of weight. Maybe it looks like throwing away the clothes that are in the attic because you're not going to get into them unless you seriously diet and restrict. Maybe it's buying the right size clothes.

Maybe it's about accepting that you need to go up a size. You don't have to be happy with that, but you're [00:15:00] doing it because you know it's right for you and your body. Maybe it's about cutting tags out of clothes because it doesn't matter what size you are because the clothes are supposed to fit you, not the other way round.

So it doesn't matter what size they are. If they fit you, that's right. And so it doesn't matter. You can cut those labels out. There are lots of ways that you can approach buying clothes, wearing clothes. But when you start to do that, when you start to have some acceptance for that and you start to make those changes, no matter how small, then that's a success.

That's real progress because it is a big thing to do. People really underestimate how difficult it is to accept that you need to wear bigger clothes, to accept that you need to wear a different style of clothes, for example, or to try out new clothes, to wear something you would not have worn before.

It's a big deal. So if [00:16:00] you are doing things like that, then go you, that's amazing because That's real progress. Real progress. Number five. When you start noticing your hunger and fullness. It's amazing. Dieting teaches us nothing about managing our appetite, our satisfaction, our hunger and our fullness because we're given rules, restrictions, regulations, limits, things to count and we just work to this plan and we quite often will do actually everything in our power to make the most.

Of the allowance that we've been given. So you find ways to tweak things, to change things up so that you get more bang for your buck, more food for your allowance. And in that time, what you're not doing is thinking about what you want to eat, whether you're hungry, whether you're [00:17:00] full, whether you're satisfied, whether you're enjoying the food, you're just trying to eat because you're hungry.

And you're just trying to make the most of what you can have. So when you stop dieting and you start intuitive eating it can be really hard to notice those hunger and fullness signals because They've been hidden away for so long that you don't know how to feel them. And that's okay. That's not a problem.

It can just take a little while to get them back, to get back into touch with them. So, if you're in that place where you don't know what it feels like to be hungry, and you don't know what it feels like to be full and satisfied, to suddenly start feeling that is The best because it's like your body's waking up and you you kind of realize that this is what it's supposed to feel like So never mind counting numbers Counting calories [00:18:00] counting the amounts of pounds and kilos you've lost never mind counting things like that It all means nothing because it's not Your body, it's not you listening to your body when you notice this hunger and this fullness and whether you're satisfied or not, that's the best because that is you being in tune with your body.

That is you understanding what your needs are now. Such a big tick in the Intuitive eating successes box for sure. Number six. I like this one. When you start thinking about old diet foods, and then you start talking back to them. We've all got foods that are synonymous with dieting, haven't we? There are always foods that we associate with dieting.

So, for example, cork. All right. [00:19:00] Do you know what cork is? It's a weird dairy product it's supposed to be a cheese or something. I'm not sure what it is. I'm not sure what it's supposed to be but it gets used in things like Slimming World quite a lot because it replaces nice stuff when you're trying to make things like uh, white sauces and when you're trying to have a nice creamy yogurt or, oh it's It's just one of those weird foods that gets used in a lot of recipes and used in some strange ways.

Another one for me is overnight oats. So that was a big one on Slimming World. Oats, soaked in yogurt with some fruit, that sort of thing, left in a jar or something overnight, ready for breakfast the next morning. I really like it. I really like overnight oats, but it's very much a Slimming World thing. So for me, overnight oats will always relate to dieting.

[00:20:00] Now, the key is when you start noticing these things and start talking back to them. When you're making choices in the supermarket, for example, and you are deciding whether you should have the low fat cheese or the cheese that you like. Whether you should have cork so you can make your lasagna sauce. Or whether you're actually just going to have a nice lasagna sauce.

Whether you're going to have overnight oats for breakfast because you want to. Or whether you're going to have overnight oats for breakfast because it's a diet thing and it will be good for you. Good. Quote unquote. For me, now, I talk back to those thoughts about the overnight oats because I know that I'm having them because I enjoy them, because I like the taste of them, they fill me up for the majority of the morning.

They satisfy me. It's always the right kind of food and [00:21:00] the right amount of food for that time of day for me. So for me, it's a satisfying meal now, not a diet product. And so when you start noticing these things, when you start pulling out these thoughts about when a food relates to a diet for you, and you start to say, hang on a minute, that's not the case.

I'm going to have this because I like it, never mind the diet side of it. That is a success. That is progress. That is you moving away from a diet and moving towards the enjoyment and satisfaction of food. Number seven. I feel like I should have some kind of fancy announcement for these numbers. You know, a little jingle or a bell or something.

Um, number seven is when you start to have a better relationship with exercise. Many people when they're dieting have a really poor relationship with exercise. They don't enjoy it. They do it because it burns calories or because you can. [00:22:00] Earn more food if you do some more movement. Whatever it is, however it gets wrapped up in dieting for you, it can be very easy to have a really poor relationship with exercise and do it as a means of justifying your food.

Not as a way to be good to your body and to have some enjoyment in life. When you start to see exercise as movement, as a fun thing to do, as something that you enjoy, as something that makes you feel so physically alive. Whatever it is, when you start to get that pleasure from exercise, we call it joyful movement in intuitive eating.

When you start to have this lovely relationship with it and you don't care whether it's burning calories, whether you're able to eat more for it or not, that [00:23:00] That's absolutely progress. And it's also knowing that if you don't want to exercise today, you don't have to and not beating yourself up about it.

That's such progress. So if you can recognize that in yourself and recognize that as a change, it's definitely progress. Yay. Number 8. When you know and believe that weight loss does not equal better health automatically. So many people think that health and weight loss go hand in hand. You've got to lose weight because then you'll be healthier or you shouldn't gain weight.

Because then you'll be unhealthy. They don't go hand in hand like that. Health is about behaviors. Health is about a combination of things. It's your body. It's your [00:24:00] individual body, your genetics, your own kind of makeup. It's not always all related to outside factors. But in improving your health or trying to improve your health, it's about the behaviours.

It's about whether you move, whether you have a bit of exercise in your life. I do believe that people should have some movement in their life because it's good for your muscles. It's good for your bone health. It's really good going into old age for you to have had some good kind of Yeah, some good strength building exercise in your life.

It's good for your heart health to have some good cardio exercise in, you know, there's lots of physical benefits to having some exercise in your life, some joyful movement in your life. It's good for your mental health, you know, we all know that we get this nice rush of endorphins when we've [00:25:00] been exercising.

It's so good for your mental health and wellbeing to have some movement in your life. And it doesn't matter whether you are losing weight alongside that or not, that movement alone is good for your health. Also, nutrition. There is the suggestion, the logic, I guess, that if you lose weight through dieting, it's because you're eating better.

And if you're eating better, that must be healthy. But let's face it, you can eat very little food and lose weight. You can eat very small amounts of very poor quality food If we ate one Mars bar a day, one chocolate bar a day, for those who don't know what a Mars bar is, if we ate one chocolate bar a day and [00:26:00] nothing else at all, over time you would lose weight.

Because your body can't survive on a couple of hundred calories a day. So it is going to lose weight. But you're not eating healthily to do that. You're just eating one chocolate bar. There's no range of foods, there's no variety, there's no decent vitamins and minerals, there's nothing there that is really life sustaining.

But, you know, if you're losing weight, you must be eating healthy, right? You see where that falls apart? So losing weight does not automatically mean that you are eating healthily, that you are being better to your body in the food choices. That's what people assume, isn't it? Now, if you change up your nutrition and you do start to put a focus on the types of foods that you're eating and the variety of foods that you're [00:27:00] eating and how that benefits your body, that's awesome.

I really like that. I like people being educated in the food that they're eating and what it does to them and how it can benefit them. But it's a totally separate issue to weight loss. So good nutrition might mean that you lose some weight. As a by product of that, it's not the other way around automatically.

You can lose weight with changing up your nutrition, but losing weight does not automatically mean that you are eating better. Does that make sense? So again, weight loss does not automatically equal better health. So if you understand that and you are focused on your health in the right way, in the ways of having some nice movement in your life, having a good variety of food in your life, that [00:28:00] sort of thing, taking part in health.

Maximizing behaviors. That's awesome. And if you are doing that without the focus on your body weight, if you are doing that without the focus of getting smaller, losing weight, being the goal, then that is a massive step forward. That is a. Big, big thing. So great big tick in the success box there for that one.

Number nine. If you are starting to turn down food. By this, I know this sounds like I could be saying, you have to stop eating. You have to start not eating food. You have to start not eating food? That's a bit of a, it's almost a double negative situation isn't it? But I'm not saying that. I'm not saying that you have to start saying no to food because you're becoming an intuitive eater.

That's just another [00:29:00] form of diet. But, if now you are starting to say no to foods because you've chosen not to eat them in the moment, because you've decided you don't fancy it, you're not hungry for it, it won't satisfy you, if those are the reasons why you're not having the food, that's brilliant, that's Intuition.

That is you being an intuitive eater. When we're dieting, we quite often take advantage of the opportunities to eat food, don't we? So if there's a buffet, if there is, um, let's say the ice cream van comes around. We had an ice cream van come to work yesterday. Brilliant. If you are dieting, you will quite often take advantage of those situations because it's almost like you don't know when the next time is going to be that you can have that food.

Panic sets in and you're like, I have to have it now because if I don't, when am I ever going to have that food ever again? That's dieting. [00:30:00] That's diet thoughts in food. That's not intuitive eating. If the ice cream van comes around though, and you say to yourself, I don't really fancy one right now. I don't want an ice cream.

It's not going to satisfy me. I don't really want one. I'm not going to have one. Or if you go to the buffet, and you just pick up a few bits. The bits that you really like the look of. Rather than sum of everything, because who knows when you're going to get to have a buffet again, if you are turning down the options on the table and just selecting the ones that you really want.

That's brilliant. So, if you're starting to turn down foods that you would have automatically had because you had the opportunity to have them before, that is a big step forward. That's real intuitive eating. Yeah, amazing. That's a really good one if you're managing that. And then number [00:31:00] 10, this is a hard one to do, if you are starting to look at yourself differently in the mirror.

This is so, so difficult. A lot of people can't even look at themselves in the mirror, full stop. But when you progress that, when you start to practice it, when you start to look in the mirror and just say, Do you know what? I like myself today. That is a big win. Even if it's not a full length mirror. Maybe you just sit and you're doing your makeup ready to go to work.

And you look in the mirror and usually you would criticise yourself. But today you say, you look good today. That's a big win. If usually you would stand in front of a full length mirror and pull your body to pieces and criticize yourself and tell yourself how horrible you look in clothes and how they just don't suit you because of your lumps and bumps.

But one day you stand in [00:32:00] front of the mirror and you say actually I look good today. I look good in this dress I look good in these trousers. I look great in that top. Then those are big wins Massive wins because they're so difficult to do. We're so critical of ourselves that it's really hard to compliment ourselves So if you can start to do that if you have done it even just once That is success.

That is progress in your body confidence for sure. So there you go. How many do you think you can tick off? So let's just have a quick recap. Eye rolling at ads and social media. Cleaning up your feeds. That was number one. Number two, throwing out diet resources like cookbooks and the scales and things like that.

Number three was recognizing beauty culture and beauty standards and diet [00:33:00] culture around you and starting to reject them and know that they're not okay. Number four was a different approach to clothes, maybe sorting out your clothes, maybe accepting changing your clothes sizes, that sort of thing.

Number 5 was noticing your hunger and your fullness signals when they start to come back, starting to feel them. Number 6 was how you think about dieting foods and starting to answer them back and making your food choices based on what you want to eat and not what you think you should eat. Because a diet says so.

Number 7 was having a better relationship with exercise. Not exercising because you need to earn some food, but instead just getting some joyful movement in your life. Number eight was knowing that weight loss does not equal healthier automatically. Understanding that and understanding how [00:34:00] nutrition can work really well to be health maximizing, but it doesn't necessarily mean that your nutrition is better just because You've lost weight.

Number nine was when you start to turn down food because it's not. Panic stations have to eat it now. You just decide that you don't fancy it. It's not satisfying. You're not hungry for it. When you start to turn down food rather than have it because it's the opportunity there. And number 10 was starting to look in the mirror slightly differently.

To have a bit of an appreciation for yourself, to be a bit kinder to yourself, to find something that you like about yourself. How many of those can you tick off? I hope it's loads. But it can also be that you come back and listen to this episode in six months, say, and see the differences that you've made.

If you're really early in your intuitive eating and body confidence [00:35:00] journey, maybe you can't tick off any of these yet, or maybe it's just one. That's fine. Maybe you'll come back to this episode in a few months and you'll be amazed because of all the ones you can actually say that you're now doing. I would love to hear that from you.

And just remember, we're always aiming for perfection, but we don't need to have that. You don't need to tick off all these 10 things. You don't need to have achieved something set in stone to have made progress. You don't have to have numbers as targets. We're always aiming for perfection, but you really don't have to have that.

Step by step, bit by bit, every small step you take and you can acknowledge in intuitive eating is a step away from dieting. So remember, on your way is still success. You don't have to have completed something. Well, how annoying. [00:36:00] I just had to stop recording for a few minutes because the guy over the road has got a moped and his mate turned up with a moped and so they sat outside with the engines running for several minutes talking.

Look guys, just either get on your bikes and go Or turn them off. Don't they know I've got a podcast to record? Um, right. I have rambled on for 36 minutes. I will leave you to your day. I hope it's going to be a good one. I hope it's going to be a good day. It's a good day here. It's still sunny. It's still hot.

So I'm going to go and make the most of that. Sit outside. Get some sun. Get some vitamin D in. Sounds perfect. Uh, before I go though. If you are listening to this in kind of real time, and by real time I mean if you're listening to this just as it's coming out, you might want to head over and have a look at the link that I've [00:37:00] posted in the Facebook group and in my Instagram bio.

Have a look at that because I am changing up my membership. I think I've talked about this before but I'm really changing up the membership. I have done a video of a walkthrough of what the membership is going to look like. So if you want to have a look inside the membership, go and have a look at the link.

It's in the Facebook group, it's on the Facebook page, it's on my Instagram bio. There's a link there. You can go and have a look around. I talk you through it and then I tell you what it's going to look like going forward. Alongside that, and this is the good bit, this is the really good bit, I'm giving somebody the chance to win six months free membership.

Unlimited. So I'm not going to say you can have some membership, but you're not allowed this, that, and the other. You're going to have complete membership for six months. So if you want to be in with a chance of winning that, there are lots of ways you can do it. [00:38:00] There's lots of ways that you can earn lots of entries.

So go and do that, but also do it because And I haven't announced this yet, so this is just for you lucky little podcast listeners. If you enter the giveaway and you don't win it, then I'm still going to be sending you a ridiculously good offer. I'm going to give you your first month for one pound. One pound.

So you need to have entered the giveaway so that I've got your details so that I can put you on the list to receive the offer information. So enter the giveaway cause you might get six months free. And if you do that and you don't win, then I'm still going to send you an offer so you've got a month for a pound anyway, what have you got to lose?

Other than possibly a pound and you're not losing a pound, [00:39:00] you're going to invest a pound in yourself. It's only a pound. Oh my God. What can you buy with a pound nowadays? For those who work in euros, that's one euro, 18 cents. I just checked today's exchange rate. That's what it is. One euro, 18 cents. And pretty much the same for dollars.

US dollars, 1. 20. 1. 20. What can you actually buy with that? Other than the first month of my membership. So get on the list. It's in the social media places that I've told you about. There's obviously also going to be the link in the show notes. Get involved. Enjoy the rest of your day. Have a really, really, really great day.

And I will speak to you next week. See you later. Bye.[00:40:00]