Ep. #34 | EU Directive on Platform Workers
The Open Talent Report
The Open Talent Report
Ep. #34 | EU Directive on Platform Workers
Jan 14, 2022 Season 1 Episode 34
Connor Heaney

In December the European Commission released a proposal that aims to improve the rights of platform workers.

We spoke with Julia Kermode (IWORK) and Lucas Stuurop (Lexence) to get their views on what this directive will mean for gig platforms and workers.

At CXC, we have long held the view that people who work through these digital platforms should be afforded sufficient protection. However, the EU has taken a blanket approach across all platform workers and has left little room for nuance.

You can read our thoughts on the directive here: https://www.cxcglobal.com/en-gb/eu-directive-on-platform-workers

Connect with Connor: https://www.linkedin.com/in/hrmconnorheaney/

Connect with Julia: https://www.linkedin.com/in/juliakermode/

Connect with Lucas: https://www.linkedin.com/in/lucasstuurop/

Visit CXC: www.cxcglobal.com

Visit IWORK: https://www.randstadsourceright.com

Visit Lexence: https://www.lexence.com/en/