Mainline Executive Coaching ACT
Steam Locomotives were some of the most powerful machines ever built. They represented vision, ingenuity, collaboration, and extraordinary human achievement. However, to get to the next destination, they had to be directed to the mainline. This required someone directing the train through a series of switches to reach the right destination. Just like these amazing machines, leaders and organizations alike need the right direction and “switching” to reach their destinations—this is the essence of Intelligent Leadership® (IL). IL is a transformational, results-driven leadership growth philosophy and process that ignites, cultivates, and polishes an individual’s heart, mind, and soul in support of creating a truly exceptional leadership and cultural capability in an organization.
At its core, Intelligent Leadership (IL) empowers leaders to unlock their full potential—transforming their leadership capabilities and the organizations they serve. Pioneered by John Mattone, recognized as the world’s #1 executive coach, IL provides a proven roadmap for achieving sustained leadership excellence and organizational success. IL provides the framework that is needed in today’s world for leaders and organizations to set the right direction and execute the required “switching” to reach their goals.
IL is not just a philosophy; it’s a process that addresses the dual dimensions of leadership—the inner core and the outer core. By developing character, values, and beliefs (inner core) alongside strategic competencies like communication, vision, and execution (outer core), leaders can achieve alignment and drive extraordinary outcomes. Intelligent Leadership has impacted the lives of millions of leaders and thousands of organizations across the globe—55 nations and still counting.
The hosts of Mainline Executive Coaching ACT Podcast are Rich Baron—Chief Operating Officer of John Mattone Global (JMG) and IL Master Executive Coach and Maikel Bailey-IL Master Executive Coach. With over 50 years of combined success in executive leadership, cultural transformation, and executive and emerging leader development, Rich Baron and Maikel Bailey bring to light some of the most pressing issues facing leaders and organizations today. Hand-picked and personally mentored by John Mattone, your hosts Rich and Maikel will partner with you to improve your leadership ability and cultural transformation in ways you never thought possible. John Mattone makes frequent guest appearances on the Podcast.
Email: rich@johnmattone.com or mbailey@intelligentleadershipec.com
JMG’s Mainline Executive Coaching ACT has been recognized by FeedSpot as the world’s #1 Executive Coaching Podcast. This recognition is based on an evaluation of numerous podcasts on the internet, taking into account factors such as web traffic, social media followers, and timeliness. The podcast enjoys a substantial following in more than 80 countries and 800 cities across the globe.
Leaders, Lead Well!
Mainline Executive Coaching ACT
Leading Beyond Limits: Redefining Age and Careers with John Tarnoff
You're a mid-career professional. Maybe sporting a little more gray than you did just a few years ago. You may have just lost your job, or feel that ageism has crept into your office and you are getting lost because the system doesn't know how to value people approaching or after 50. Yourself included.
The simple fact of the matter is that age-based discrimination is alive and well, the workforce is becoming increasingly multi-generational, and careers are becoming less linear and more portfolio-based. Worse yet, the hiring system is broken!
So instead of trying to turn back the clock, or try to repeat the years, you need to take back control over your career, define the value you deliver, and get your network to sell that for you.
John Tarnoff is a career transition coach who helps people build more sustainable, meaningful, and purposeful careers that align with their values and their most prized talents.
John joins Rich and Maikel as we discuss the importance of redefining age and careers on this episode of Mainline Executive Coaching ACT.
John can be reached at: https://johntarnoff.com/
Leaders, Lead Well!
Thank you to all of our listeners in over 80 countries and 850 cities worldwide, we greatly appreciate your support! We truly hope that what we bring to our listeners will improve your ability as leaders.
Mainline Executive Coaching ACT has been recognized by FeedSpot as one of the top Executive Coaching Podcast in the world based on thousands of podcasts on the web and ranked by traffic, social media, followers & freshness.
John Mattone Global: https://johnmattone.com/
Rich Baron:
Maikel Bailey: