Garry's Shortlist

Are we any closer to fixing Australia's growing and ageing population? - with Martin Patience

Garry Season 1 Episode 3

A few years ago, my good friend Martin Patience (the current Joint General Manager of Aged Care and Retirement Living at Richard Crookes Constructions), said to me that even if every builder in Australia stopped what they were building right now to start building aged care facilities, we still wouldn’t have enough beds for the people who need them. That really stuck with me.

I wanted to sit down with Martin for an episode of Garry's Shortlist to talk about the future of aged care - what's being done to cater for our ever-growing ageing population and are we any closer to fixing this crisis?

Coincidentally, just after Martin and I recorded the podcast, the Federal government announced they would be delivering 17.8 billion dollars to the aged care sector for a 'once in a generation' reform of the industry.

This funding promise affirms exactly what Martin spoke about - we need a change and we need it now.

Tune in for the full episode here on Spotify (now also available on Apple podcasts) and join in on the conversation with us!