Garry's Shortlist

The key to being a leader and decision maker - with Sam Thiara

Garry Season 1 Episode 9

Imagine yourself holding a photo of the ocean to a room full of people. Then, imagine asking them to tell you one word that described the picture.

You're probably going to receive a whole bunch of different answers. Blue, serene, pirates, deep, mermaids, calm...

So, what's the right word? There's got to be ONE right word, doesn't there?

In today's podcast with Sam Thiara, Chief Motivating Officer of Ignite the Dream, Coaching and Consulting, he used this incredible analogy to explain the concept of perspectives. Everyone has their own truth. Everyone is going to give you a different answer to how they would describe the photo - and that's okay!

The key as a manager and leader is to listen to these different views, and use them to inform your decision making. If you try and impose your reality on other people without regard for their perspectives, you're never going to get the best out of your team.

I had such a great time speaking with Sam, and I just know that anyone who tunes into this episode will come away feeling inspired. Sam just has that kind of energy!