Soulful Badass - Straight Talk for Soul Aligned Entrepreneurs

Elevate Your Money Story 5 Day Challenge: Day Four

March 07, 2024 Rachel Jackson Season 5 Episode 24
Elevate Your Money Story 5 Day Challenge: Day Four
Soulful Badass - Straight Talk for Soul Aligned Entrepreneurs
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Soulful Badass - Straight Talk for Soul Aligned Entrepreneurs
Elevate Your Money Story 5 Day Challenge: Day Four
Mar 07, 2024 Season 5 Episode 24
Rachel Jackson

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Unlock the chains of financial constraints and allow abundance to flood your life with ease—it's all about reshaping your money mindset. On today's Soulful Badass podcast, I, Rachel Jackson, take you on an enlightening journey to dismantle the myths that confine us to a limited view of wealth. It's time to appreciate the neutral nature of money and understand how it can amplify your true self, rather than alter who you are. We'll confront the restrictive rules that have defined money's place in our lives and learn to welcome its presence in all forms, setting the stage for a prosperous and fulfilling existence.

Are you ready to author a new chapter in your financial narrative? This episode is not just a conversation; it's an actionable challenge to align your identity with financial success. I'll guide you through my money program, where you can dive into the Abundance Challenge at a special early bird price. Let's release those negative judgments and replace them with strategies that invite prosperity. We're not just talking about money—we're talking about the capacity to serve at a higher level, to become the person you need to be to attract wealth. Join me and begin your transformative journey toward a richer life in every sense of the word all the details at at

See you tomorrow for the final day of the Challenge

Join me for an incredible 3 day live event in July. Quantum Success Activation. Discover how to close the gap between your desired life and your current reality to create the extraordinary. Join here.

Miraculous Success Academy is reopening! Grab your place in the mastermind of ultimate expansion and limitless success.

Thank you so much for listening. Please hit subscribe and if you loved this episode leave a 5 star review.

Please come and join the Soulful Badass Community, this is a group of incredible people creating epic lives together.

There are amazing programs and meditations available at , including this Meditation 'Unleash the Highest Version of You', which is my free gift to you for listening.

You can follow me on Facebook or Instagram @rachel.soulfulbadass

Thanks for listening.

Love Rachel x

Show Notes Transcript Chapter Markers

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Unlock the chains of financial constraints and allow abundance to flood your life with ease—it's all about reshaping your money mindset. On today's Soulful Badass podcast, I, Rachel Jackson, take you on an enlightening journey to dismantle the myths that confine us to a limited view of wealth. It's time to appreciate the neutral nature of money and understand how it can amplify your true self, rather than alter who you are. We'll confront the restrictive rules that have defined money's place in our lives and learn to welcome its presence in all forms, setting the stage for a prosperous and fulfilling existence.

Are you ready to author a new chapter in your financial narrative? This episode is not just a conversation; it's an actionable challenge to align your identity with financial success. I'll guide you through my money program, where you can dive into the Abundance Challenge at a special early bird price. Let's release those negative judgments and replace them with strategies that invite prosperity. We're not just talking about money—we're talking about the capacity to serve at a higher level, to become the person you need to be to attract wealth. Join me and begin your transformative journey toward a richer life in every sense of the word all the details at at

See you tomorrow for the final day of the Challenge

Join me for an incredible 3 day live event in July. Quantum Success Activation. Discover how to close the gap between your desired life and your current reality to create the extraordinary. Join here.

Miraculous Success Academy is reopening! Grab your place in the mastermind of ultimate expansion and limitless success.

Thank you so much for listening. Please hit subscribe and if you loved this episode leave a 5 star review.

Please come and join the Soulful Badass Community, this is a group of incredible people creating epic lives together.

There are amazing programs and meditations available at , including this Meditation 'Unleash the Highest Version of You', which is my free gift to you for listening.

You can follow me on Facebook or Instagram @rachel.soulfulbadass

Thanks for listening.

Love Rachel x

Speaker 1:

Welcome to the Soulful Badass podcast. I'm your host, rachel Jackson, an intuitive success coach from the UK, and I'm here to help entrepreneurs, leaders and soul aligned goddesses to create epic levels of success and impact in your life and your business. So if that sounds good to you, make sure you are tuning in every week for Mindset Talk, manifestation Magic and incredible interviews with other Soul aligned entrepreneurs. So hit the subscribe button and I'd love to invite you to come and join the Soulful Badass community. All the links are in the show notes. Please go and click them and I'll see you in there.

Speaker 1:

Hi everyone, welcome to day four of the Abundance Challenge. This is an abundance challenge to elevate your money story, and today we are going to be diving into the real rules around money and let's just face it, there isn't any really. So we've created all of these stories, all of these different rules why we can have money or why we can't, but money is a completely neutral resource. So I want to repeat that money is completely neutral, it is not good or bad and it doesn't have its own agenda. Now, we often think money is the root of all evil. You might have heard that if you come from a religious background. You might have heard that people with money aren't nice, but money is completely neutral and money's purpose is to support you. That is why money is created in this life. Money is here to support you and it is here to help you live your best life. It is not here to hold things back from you or make things harder for you. So if you have those beliefs, please go back to yesterday's session and start to clear them out, and as we go through today, you might realise there is more of those beliefs happening for you. So please go back to day three, clear them out and let yourself really elevate into your own abundance story. So if you think of money being neutral, it isn't good or bad and it really is here to support you how would that change your life? How would that change the way that you interact with money, the way you show up with money? How would it start to reframe some of the stories you've been telling yourself about money?

Speaker 1:

Now, money doesn't belong to any one person. The universe is brilliant. A universe will bring you money, in whichever way, shape or form it can. Money is constantly flowing to you. The issue we often have around it is we put certain rules on where it should come from or how it should look. So money comes in so many ways, but you often have rules and things that you say are correct. So, for instance, you might have lots of money through your partner, but in your mind you're not making that money, so it isn't yours. And you give money an owner, you make it have an owner, whereas money is a resource. Money flows through and in and out of different people, different people's bank accounts, different ways of it coming.

Speaker 1:

So have you been saying it's not my money? Have you been saying that's available to me but it's not mine? It's not the way it needs to be? Have you been creating rules about how money needs to show up for you? Have you been creating rules of it's got to come in the form of cash versus credit? Have you been making rules around where it needs to come, like as in from a business or a job?

Speaker 1:

Sometimes, when we start a business, that is one of the biggest blockers, because you are trained to believe that money needs to come from a job rather than a business. So that could be something that you've actually put a rule around, which is not true. Money is a neutral resource which is here to help you. And once you start to understand that it can come in multiple ways, shapes or forms. So if you actually been rejecting money on some level because it's not being coming either in the amount that you want or in the way that you want, so if you let go of these rules and you let go of these standards that you are applying and you are judging to money, what you can then do is elevate your story and be grateful for it when it comes in any way, shape or form.

Speaker 1:

So for me, when I used to be in a lot of debt and I had to clear a lot of money stuff around this because I used to be in a lot of debt and I used to blame it for the problems in my relationship Money was a source of all of my relationship problems. I put all of that power into my money and I used to think, oh my God, if we just had money, we would be fine. If we just had money, everything would be good. Money was the source of everything. Money was the root of all problems. Money was never the root of all problems. The root of all problems was the decisions my husband was making, the things that he was doing the things that I allowed to happen, that I accepted as that was the way that the world worked. That was the problem. None of it was the money. The money was never the problem, and once I released the energy around money being the problem and actually seeing what the problem was, that was when I could start to put practical steps to change and transform my own life, not blaming it on money, which is what we often do.

Speaker 1:

And another thing we do with money because money is neutral. It amplifies things. So what we tend to do is we tend to think people with money aren't nice. Actually, money is an amplifier. So if you have a belief that people with money aren't nice I know I grew up in a family where that was a big story running through it but if you grew up in that type of family and you believe that having money is something that's selfish or something that you don't need that much money, how many times do we say that? Who needs that money? Who is she to buy that? Who do they think they are in those cars? All those things that we say actually is amplifying what we think about money and also, money is an amplifier of a person. So it isn't that the money's bad, it isn't that the money's anything. It isn't that the money's spoiled or anything like that. It's the person themselves that is being amplified.

Speaker 1:

So if somebody isn't a nice person, money is only gonna amplify that in them. If somebody is a very good person, money is also gonna amplify that. So it's not about if you get rich, you're gonna be an asshole. What it is is if you get rich, you're gonna be an extra good person because you're gonna have all this money to share about. You're gonna have all this money to give to charities. You're gonna still believe in your good causes. It is not gonna fundamentally change your personality. It is you who changes your personality, not the money. So we've gotta stop giving money this power and making money that evil in all of things, when actually it is the person and the choices and the things that we do.

Speaker 1:

So I want you to start to think about who would really benefit today from you being rich. You are an amazing person. You're a solar-lined entrepreneur. You are here to help the world. Who is going to benefit from you being rich? Who is going to benefit from you allowing more money into your life? Who is going to benefit from you being your best self and being rich and helping the world, like there are so many people who's going to get more benefit from you being rich than you being poor. So please start to change how you interact with money. Start to change how you think about money. Start to let go of this good or bad. Start to let go of any judgment you have.

Speaker 1:

I know for me now, when I look at my past and I look at I was in a lot of debt, but that was the way that money was allowed to come to me. What happened was I couldn't see my worth, that suddenly a thousand pounds was going to come into my account, but what I could see is that I could get a credit card with a thousand pounds on. So I accumulated more and more debt because that was the way the money and the universe was brought. It brought it to me because I could understand that. I could understand that I could get this credit. I didn't understand that I could suddenly magic up a thousand pounds. So money will flow to you in any way that you can allow it. So how have you been allowing it in? Now?

Speaker 1:

We've touched on so much today and I go into all of these topics in elevated. So please, if you want to really elevate your money story, come and join my money program. We dive deep into all of this and it is open now and there's an early bird special on. So go and get your special price. That is a gift from me to you and there is no ties with it. Like this is just money flowing.

Speaker 1:

Money flowing to you, given you the opportunity to elevate, because actually the more money you have, the more you can serve. So let's get that out there the more money you have, the more you can serve at your highest. Let's let go of the judgment of money, let's let go of the rules around money and actually let's start allowing more and more money in. And tomorrow we're going to be working on who you need to show up as in order to allow that money to come in. So today just reflect on how you've been judging money, how it's judged in the past, how you have these different rules about where it should come from and how you can let them go. And if you really need to let go of the beliefs around that, then go back to day three. Bye you.

Reframing Your Money Mindset
Elevate Your Money Story