Amit Sood, Coach on Life and Spiritual Fulfilment

How to Practice Self-compassion

Amit Sood

How to Practice Self-compassion

When times are tough and we are being challenged, we naturally expect the most from ourselves. We want to be most resourceful intellectually, decisive, and take action. These are the times we expect the most from ourselves.

This is also the time when self-criticism, judgment, guilt, or shame kick in. The situation and internal turmoil can overwhelm us. At such times, we often withhold love and compassion from ourselves, squeezing ourselves into a corner, either in fight or flight mode, and we lose access to the best of our intellect and wisdom.

Practising self-compassion when we are challenged, overwhelmed, or upset can help bring spaciousness back. It can create enough calmness in your mind and heart to deal with the difficult situation better. If you can take a few moments to let in some self-love, there will be more energy and wisdom to make decisions and take action.

Christopher Germer of Harvard Medical School, suggests 3 simple practicing-

Read about them here and watch the video-

I'm Amit, I am a Life Coach.
On this channel, I share my learnings as a Coach and a student of Life and Spirituality.
