Amit Sood, Coach on Life and Spiritual Fulfilment

Meditation on the Chakras - Your Energy Centres

Amit Sood

This mediation is intended to support you in reinforcing your energy centres - your chakras.

1) Mooladhara-  Focusing on the first chakra will improve your self-assuredness, gravitas, sense of certainty and clarity. This chakra is burdened by self-doubt, confusion, and directionlessness which results in anxiety. 

2) Swadishthana - The Second chakra is about fully allowing, feeling and honouring your emotions and body's subtle sensations. Unless you allow yourself to feel your emotions and feelings, they will burden you and block you from participating fully and lightheartedly in life. Unhealed shame is a sign of blockage of this chakra. 

3) Manipura - The Third chakra is about experiencing complete freedom and autonomy in life, enhancing your willpower and creating purposeful action, resulting in a deep sense of self-confidence.  When guilt blocks this chakra one feels stuck, unable to take action freely. 

4) Anahata - The fourth chakra is about love. Letting yourself love fully,  deeply and with complete vulnerability.  When unhealed heartbreaks and past suffering block this chakra, one is hesitant to love with all of one's heart and the resulting half-hearted relationships are not fulfilling.   

5) Vishuddhi  - The fifth chakra is about confronting and fully appreciating all aspects of your life and reality.  Acknowledging the truth as it is. It brings you to a state of spacious contentment and silent stillness established in firm awareness of the oneness of reality. When this is blocked, there may be inner conflicts, denial and refusal to confront reality in some aspects. 

6) Agnya -  The sixth chakra is about letting intuitive wisdom beyond words and logic illuminate your path. It is about yielding to this wisdom, permitting silent wisdom to light up and energise your being.

7) Sahastrara - The final seventh chakra is about experiencing and establishing yourself in your true reality - being who you truly are - the Divine Self "I AM I".   

You can read more about the energy centres by following this link-  

#LifeCoach | Deep Transformational Coach | Mid-life | #HolisticWell-being | Clarity, Confidence, Emotional Healing, Happiness, Relationship, Success | #Meditation | #Spirituality | #PersonalCoaching | #SpiritualLifeCoaching | #Chakras | #MediationonChakras | #energycenters

I'm Amit, I am a Life Coach.
On this channel, I share my learnings as a Coach and a student of Life and Spirituality.
