Colorado Bowhunters Association Podcast

031: Outfitting Mountain Lions with Evan Koster and Jake Kunken

Jacob Kunken

Evan Koster is a 5th generation Coloradan and the lead guide for Flattops Wilderness Guides and Horn Fork Guides.  Evan has been guiding since 2015 for Elk, Bear, Deer, Sheep, Goats and Mountain Lions.  About 7 years ago Evan got his first hound and now has a pack of 10 hounds that he trains and uses in his Lion Hunting.  On this episode we discuss Outfitting Lions, how the hunt is regulated, Lion management plans, Quotas, Fitness and the potential ballot initiative to ban mountain lion hunting.  I felt it was important to get the truth out there about how Lion hunting and outfitting truly work in our state.  Pleas listen and take action where you can!

Evan Koster
Instagram: @Kosterevan

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Jake Kunken: Area Rep - Boulder 

Join the CBA today for $40 annually and get access to 6 issues to our publication the Colorado Bowhunters Association Magazine

Colorado Bowhunters Association: 

The Colorado Bowhunters Association proudly accepts the mission:

  • to encourage and perpetuate the sport of bowhunting for all legal game;
  • to protect, improve and increase the opportunities for hunting with the hand held, hand drawn bow;
  • to cooperate with and support federal and state agencies, sportsmen’s associations, and conservation organizations, which are insuring the propagation and preservation of game and its habitat;
  • to encourage and conduct educational programs designed to acquaint the public and the archer with the safe and ethical use of the bow for hunting and bowhunting as an effective method of hunting legal game;
  • to foster unity and perpetuate the spirit of good fellowship among bowhunters; and
  • to develop and advocate specific policies that support and help fulfill the Mission.