Merging Life and Money with MJ Caesar


May 22, 2024 Marie Jo Caesar Season 2 Episode 161
Merging Life and Money with MJ Caesar
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Merging Life and Money with MJ Caesar
May 22, 2024 Season 2 Episode 161
Marie Jo Caesar

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In this episode, host Marie-Jo Caesar dives deep into how cultivating a positive financial mindset can significantly enhance mental well-being. As part of Mental Health Awareness Month, she explores three key pillars: transforming financial mindsets, practical steps for effective financial management, and building healthy money habits. Listeners will discover actionable strategies for budgeting, saving, investing, and managing debt, alongside tips for setting realistic financial goals and boosting financial confidence. The episode also emphasizes the importance of continuous learning, seeking professional advice, and adopting a growth mindset for lasting financial security and emotional fulfillment. Tune in to gain valuable insights and build a healthier relationship with your money for a happier life.

🌟 Financial Mindset:

  • Importance of a healthy financial mindset for mental well-being.
  • Influence of upbringing and personal experiences on financial views.
  • Transforming negative mindsets like scarcity mentality and spending fear.

🌟 Improving Financial Health:

  • Budgeting: create budgets, track expenses, and adjust as needed.
  • Saving & Investing: build emergency funds, automate savings, and diversify investments.
  • Debt Management: understand debt, create repayment plans, and avoid new debt.

🌟 Healthy Money Habits:

  • Set realistic financial goals: prioritize, set specific goals, monitor progress.
  • Build confidence: read finance books, follow blogs, listen to podcasts, and take courses.
  • Seek support: join financial communities, use finance apps, consult professionals, and stay updated on financial news.



00:05 Develop Positive Money Relationship, Reduce Stress

04:38 Family Experiences Shape Financial Mindset

07:07 Address Financial Habits for Clarity

10:56 Seek Support to Improve Mindset

15:33 Positive Mindset Boosts Mental Health

19:01 Shift, Embrace Financial Well-being Strategies

23:28 Prioritize Debt, Avoid Accumulating More

24:33 Strategies for Stability and Mindset

30:38 Confidence with Practical Finance Education

33:26 Recognize, Shift, Embrace, Plan Financially

35:21 Host Marie-Jo Caesar Encourages Financial Growth

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In this episode, host Marie-Jo Caesar dives deep into how cultivating a positive financial mindset can significantly enhance mental well-being. As part of Mental Health Awareness Month, she explores three key pillars: transforming financial mindsets, practical steps for effective financial management, and building healthy money habits. Listeners will discover actionable strategies for budgeting, saving, investing, and managing debt, alongside tips for setting realistic financial goals and boosting financial confidence. The episode also emphasizes the importance of continuous learning, seeking professional advice, and adopting a growth mindset for lasting financial security and emotional fulfillment. Tune in to gain valuable insights and build a healthier relationship with your money for a happier life.

🌟 Financial Mindset:

  • Importance of a healthy financial mindset for mental well-being.
  • Influence of upbringing and personal experiences on financial views.
  • Transforming negative mindsets like scarcity mentality and spending fear.

🌟 Improving Financial Health:

  • Budgeting: create budgets, track expenses, and adjust as needed.
  • Saving & Investing: build emergency funds, automate savings, and diversify investments.
  • Debt Management: understand debt, create repayment plans, and avoid new debt.

🌟 Healthy Money Habits:

  • Set realistic financial goals: prioritize, set specific goals, monitor progress.
  • Build confidence: read finance books, follow blogs, listen to podcasts, and take courses.
  • Seek support: join financial communities, use finance apps, consult professionals, and stay updated on financial news.



00:05 Develop Positive Money Relationship, Reduce Stress

04:38 Family Experiences Shape Financial Mindset

07:07 Address Financial Habits for Clarity

10:56 Seek Support to Improve Mindset

15:33 Positive Mindset Boosts Mental Health

19:01 Shift, Embrace Financial Well-being Strategies

23:28 Prioritize Debt, Avoid Accumulating More

24:33 Strategies for Stability and Mindset

30:38 Confidence with Practical Finance Education

33:26 Recognize, Shift, Embrace, Plan Financially

35:21 Host Marie-Jo Caesar Encourages Financial Growth

Support the Show.

Connect with me:

Click this link to take the "What's Your Financial Personality Type” Quiz, so you can transform your financial identity and create Financial Freedom.

Click this link: to book a FREE consultation now! Let's map out your path to financial wellness together. Your future self will thank you.

Hello, and welcome to another episode of the Merging Life and Money Show. I am your host, Marie-Jo Caesar. Today, we are diving into a vital topic: building a healthy relationship with money. This episode is titled Dollars and Sense, Building a Healthy Relationship with Money. As you know, May is Mental Health Awareness Month, and this year's theme is Learn, Act, Advocate. 

Over the past few weeks, we have explored the profound connection between mental health and financial well-being. Today, we continue that journey, focusing on how our relationship with money can significantly impact our mental health. 

In this episode, we will discuss how to understand and improve your financial mindset, practical steps to enhance your financial health, and how to cultivate healthy money habits. I will share insights, strategies, and actionable tips to help you achieve a balanced and positive relationship with your finances. Whether you are tuning in live or listening to the replay, I invite you to join me in discovering how we can develop a healthier, more enriching relationship with money to support your overall mental well-being. 

Building a healthy relationship with money is not just about numbers and budgets. It's about understanding the emotional and psychological aspects of how we interact with our finances. 

In today's episode, we will discuss the importance of cultivating a positive financial mindset and its impact on mental health. We often underestimate the stress and anxiety that financial issues can cause. So, addressing these underlying emotions and learning to manage our money more effectively can reduce financial stress and improve our mental well-being. Our goal today is to give you practical tools and insights to nurture a healthier relationship with money in your daily life.

You will discover how to identify and transform negative financial beliefs. Implement steps. to boost financial health and develop habits that promote long-term financial well-being. By the end of this episode, you will have a clearer understanding of how to approach your finances in a way that supports your mental health, aligning with this month's theme, 'Learn, Act, Advocate.' Let us embark on this journey together and build a more positive and empowered relationship with money. 

Welcome to the Merging Life and Money Show. 

In today's episode, as I mentioned, we will discuss three main points for building a healthy relationship with money.

First, we will explore the concept of financial mindset. This includes identifying your financial beliefs and habits, understanding how they were formed, and learning how to shift negative mindsets into positive ones. Recognizing these patterns is the first step in transforming your relationship with money.

Next, we will move on to practical steps you can take to improve your financial health. This section will cover essential topics such as budgeting, expense tracking, saving, investing, and debt management. These actionable tips will help you gain control over your finances and reduce the stress associated with financial uncertainty.

Finally, we will discuss cultivating a healthy money mindset and habits. This involves setting realistic goals, building financial confidence through education and self-awareness, and knowing when to seek professional help. These habits will improve your financial situation and overall mental well-being.

By the end of this episode, you will have a comprehensive understanding of how to build a healthier relationship with money, which will, in turn, support your mental health. 

 Let's get started and learn how to make dollars and sense work for you, simultaneously improving your financial and mental health.

 As I mentioned, the first point of today's episode is that our financial mindset is often deeply rooted in our upbringing and early life experiences. From a young age, we observe and absorb money-related attitudes and behaviors from our parents, guardians, and the environment around us. These early influences can significantly shape our beliefs about money and financial management.

For instance, if you grew up in a household where money was a constant source of stress and conflict, you might associate money with anxiety and insecurity. On the other hand, if your family openly discussed finances and demonstrated healthy money management practices, you are likely to have a more positive and confident approach to handling money. 

Personal experiences like starting a job, dealing with financial setbacks, or managing debt also shape our financial mindset. These experiences can reinforce existing beliefs or prompt us to reevaluate the situation and change our views on money. Recognizing and understanding these influences is essential to building a healthier relationship with money. Reflecting on your past experiences and the financial lessons you have learned can identify any negative beliefs holding you back. This self-awareness is the first step in transforming your financial mindset. 

Remember, your beliefs and attitudes about money are not set in stone. With conscious effort and a willingness to change, you can reshape your financial mindset to support better financial decisions and improve your overall well-being. 

To develop a healthier relationship with money, it is essential to first identify your current financial beliefs and habits. Reflecting on this aspect can provide valuable insights into how you manage your finances and reveal patterns that may need adjustment. 

Start by asking yourself key questions like these. How do you feel when thinking about money? Do you approach financial decisions with confidence or anxiety? Are you more inclined to spend or save? Do you often worry about debt or future financial security? 

These reflections can help you pinpoint the origin of your money habits. For example, you may notice that avoiding looking at your bank statement stems from childhood experiences where financial discussions were avoided or caused stress.

Conversely, if you habitually save every penny, it could be a reaction to experiencing financial instability in your past. 

Understanding where your financial habits come from enables you to address any negative patterns and develop healthier ones. It is important to remember that recognizing these habits is not about assigning blame but about gaining clarity and taking control of your financial future. 

Consider keeping a financial journal for a week to assist in this reflection. Record your spending habits, emotional reactions to financial transactions, and money-related thoughts or feelings. This practice can reveal unconscious patterns, and help you understand the underlying benefits guiding your financial behavior.

By consciously reflecting on your financial beliefs and habits, you lay the foundation for transforming your relationship with money. Self-awareness is a potent tool for creating positive change and fostering a healthier financial mindset. 

Negative money mindsets can significantly impact our financial well-being and overall mental health. Two common negative mindsets are the scarcity mentality and the fear of spending. 

The scarcity mentality is a belief that there will never be enough money. Individuals with this mindset often feel a constant lack regardless of their financial situation. This can lead to chronic stress, hoarding behavior, and a reluctance to spend money even on essential items. The scarcity mentality often originates from experiences of financial instability or childhood messages. about the difficulty of earning and saving money. 

On the other hand, the fear of spending is characterized by anxiety and guilt around spending money, even when it is necessary or budgeted. This mindset can prevent individuals from enjoying their earnings and lead to a restrictive lifestyle that negatively affects their quality of life. This fear may originate from past financial traumas. such as debt, financial loss, or a deeply ingrained belief that spending is inherently bad or irresponsible. 

To shift this negative money mindset, acknowledging and recognizing them as mindsets, not realities, is essential. 

Challenge these beliefs by reframing your thoughts. For example, instead of focusing on the fear of not having enough, remind yourself of your financial successes and the steps you have taken to ensure stability. Practice gratitude by acknowledging the resources and opportunities you do have, which can help counteract feelings of scarcity. 

For those struggling with the fear of spending, create a balanced budget that includes allocation for both savings and spending. This can provide a sense of security and permission to spend within your means. Gradually introduce small plan expenditures that bring you joy and fulfillment, helping reduce spending anxiety. 

Seek support from a financial coach or therapist for guidance in reframing beliefs and developing a healthier relationship with your money. They can provide guidance and tools to help you reframe negative beliefs and develop a healthier relationship with your money. 

By shifting these negative money mindsets, you can reduce financial stress and cultivate a positive approach to managing your finances, hence improving your overall well-being.

Transforming negative money mindsets into positive, empowering beliefs requires intentional efforts and practical strategies. 

 Here are some effective ways to reframe this mindset. 

Practice gratitude. Keep a gratitude journal to shift from scarcity to sufficiency by acknowledging what you have. 

Set realistic and positive financial goals. Establish clear, achievable goals that reflect your values. Break them into steps and celebrate progress to foster a positive outlook. 

Affirmations and positive self-talk. Replace negative thoughts with positive affirmations to reinforce positive beliefs about financial abundance. 

Education and empowerment. Increase financial literacy through books, courses, or workshops to feel more self-confident. 

Mindfulness and reflection. Practice mindfulness to understand and reflect on your financial thoughts and decisions. Identifying and adopting positive beliefs. 

Visualize success. Use vision boards or mental imagery to focus on and motivate actions. to achieve your financial goal. 

Seek support and accountability. Share your goals and challenges with trusted individuals for support. and encouragement. 

Reframe financial setbacks and view setbacks as learning opportunities for growth and improvement. 

Healthy spending habits. Create a balanced budget with discretionary spending to enjoy money responsibly and promote a healthy attitude. 

Celebrate small wins. As I mentioned, recognize and celebrate all financial achievements, no matter how small, to reinforce positive behavior and motivate continued effort. 

 Applying these strategies can gradually shift your negative money mindsets to positive, empowering beliefs. This transformation will improve your financial health and enhance your overall well-being and confidence in managing your finances. 

Now, let's address the psychological benefits of a healthy financial mindset.

A positive financial mindset can have profound emotional benefits, significantly enhancing your overall mental health. Here are several ways a healthy financial mindset can positively impact mental well-being. 

Reduced stress and anxiety: a positive financial mindset alleviates anxiety by making you feel in control and having a clear financial plan. 

Increased confidence and self-worth: Believing in your financial skills boosts confidence and empowers you to handle financial challenges effectively. 

Improved emotional well-being. Viewing money as a supportive tool enhances emotional health, increasing happiness and satisfaction.

Better decision-making. A positive mindset enables clearer rational decisions aligned with long-term goals and values.

Greater sense of security: building financial security through saving, investing, and smart budgeting reduces future fears and promotes peace of mind. 

Enhanced relationships. Reducing financial stress improves communication and reduces conflict. leading to healthier relationships. 

Increased motivation and productivity: A positive financial outlook motivates goal setting and achievement, boosting productivity in various life areas. 

Encourages growth and learning: A healthy mindset fosters a growth-oriented attitude, promoting continuous learning and adaptation in personal finance.

Overall improved mental health: Cultivating a positive financial mindset contributes to overall mental well-being. 

Understanding and embracing the psychological benefits of a positive financial mindset can improve your financial health and overall mental well-being. This holistic approach ensures that your financial journey supports a happier, healthier, and more fulfilling life.

It is important to note that a positive financial outlook can transform your mental health and overall well-being in many, many ways. Here is an example of how cultivating a healthy financial mindset can lead to a more fulfilling life: 

Enhanced sense of control. A positive financial outlook provides control, reducing anxiety and uncertainty about finances.

Reduced financial stress. Viewing budgeting and financial management as empowering reduces stress and allows focus on other life aspects. 

Improved relationship, as I mentioned before. Open and construct, constructive communication about money fosters healthier relationships and a supportive home environment.

Greater financial security. Believing in your ability to save and invest increases financial security, providing peace of mind and reducing fear of setbacks. 

Increased motivation and goal achievement: A positive mindset encourages setting and achieving financial goals, boosting overall motivation and confidence. 

Better physical health: Reduced financial stress, improves physical health, leading to better sleep, lower stress level and a stronger immune system. 

Increased generosity and social engagement: Financial security promotes child activities and social engagement, enhancing a sense of purpose and community connection. 

By embracing a positive financial outlook, you can reduce stress, enhance your relationship, and improve your mental and physical health. These examples illustrate how a healthy financial mindset is an integral part of a balanced life. As you continue to cultivate this mindset, your overall well-being will improve, allowing you to live a more satisfying and empowered life. 

 Understanding your financial mindset is essential to achieving financial and mental well-being. By recognizing the impact of your upbringing and experiences on your money beliefs, identifying and shifting negative mindsets, and embracing a positive financial outlook, you can significantly reduce stress and improve your overall quality of life. Cultivating a healthy financial mindset enhances financial health and increases emotional resilience and happiness. 

Now that we have explored the importance of understanding your financial mindset let's move on to practical steps to help you. Implementing these strategies can provide a solid foundation for managing money effectively and reducing financial stress. 

I will start with budgeting and expense tracking, a topic I extensively discussed in numerous podcast episodes before. 

Creating and sticking to a budget is one of the most effective ways to manage your finances. A budget helps you understand where your money goes and ensures you live within your means.

Start with a simple budget. 

If you visit my website, I have many free resources that you can download to help you create your very simple budget. 

List all your sources of income.

Categorize and list your monthly expenses, including fixed costs like rent, mortgage, utilities, and variable costs like groceries and entertainment. 

Allocate funds to each category and show your total expenses. Do not exceed your income. 

Track your expenses.  

Track your spending using a budgeting app or a spreadsheet. This will help you stay on top of your finances and identify areas where you can cut back. 

Review your expenses regularly to ensure you stick to your budget and adjust as necessary. 

Adjust and improve. 

Periodically review your budget and make adjustments based on your changes. In your income and expenses. 

Look for savings opportunities such as reducing discretionary spending or finding more affordable alternatives. for regular expenses. 

Now, let's look at savings and investing for the future. 

Saving and investing are significant components of financial health. They provide security for emergencies and help you build wealth over time.

Build an emergency fund. I could vouch for that. 

Aim to save at least three to six months of living expenses in an easily accessible account. This fund acts as a financial safety net in case of unexpected expenses of loss of income. 

Automate your savings. 

Set up automatic transfers to your savings account to ensure you consistently save a portion of your income. Treat your savings like a non-negotiable expense. 

Invest wisely.

Learn about different investment options, such as stocks, bonds, mutual funds, and real estate. Investing can help your money grow over time and provide a source of passive income. 

Diversify your investments to spread risk and maximize potential returns. Consider consulting a financial advisor to create an investment strategy that aligns with your goals. 

And lastly, Debt management. 

Managing and reducing debt is essential for financial health. High levels of debt can cause significant stress. and limit your financial freedom.

Understand your debt. 

List all your debt, including credit cards, loans, and mortgages. Note the interest rates, minimum payment, and due date for each. 

Create a debt repayment plan. 

Paying off high-interest debt first is a priority, as it can quickly accumulate and become unmanageable. Consider using strategies such as the debt avalanche, which involves paying off the highest interest rate first, or the debt snowball, which involves paying off the smallest balances first.

Make extra payments whenever possible to accelerate. Debt reduction. 

Avoid accumulating more debt. 

Be mindful of your spending habits and avoid taking on additional debt unless absolutely necessary. Focus on living within your means and saving for future purchases instead of relying on credit. 

You can significantly improve your financial health by implementing these practical steps - budgeting and tracking expenses, saving and investing for the future, and managing debt effectively. These strategies provide a solid foundation for achieving financial stability and reducing the stress associated with money management. Remember, improving your financial health is a journey that requires consistent effort and attention, but the rewards still come are well worth it. 

 Now that we have explored how to understand and improve your financial mindset, let us move on to the final Key aspect of cultivating healthy money habits, which is today's episode's third and final point.

Building on the foundation of a positive financial mindset, we will discuss practical steps and strategies for developing sustainable financial habits that support long-term well-being and financial security. 

Setting realistic and achievable financial goals is critical to cultivating a healthy money mindset and habits. Clear goals provide direction and motivation, helping you make informed financial decisions. that align with your long-term vision. 

 Here are some guidelines to help you set practical financial goals. 

Define priorities. Identify what matters most, such as saving for a home, paying off debt, building an emergency fund, or planning for retirement.

Set specific goals. Clearly define targets like save 5, 000 for an emergency fund within 12 months. 

Make goals measurable. Specify amounts and time frames, like paying off a certain amount of debt monthly. 

Set achievable goals, be realistic, and break larger goals into smaller manageable steps.

Establish a timeline. Assign a timeline to each goal for urgency and accountability. 

Create an action plan. Outline steps to achieve each goal, such as setting monthly saving targets and reducing spending. 

Monitor and adjust. Regularly review and adjust goals as needed. Celebrating achievement. 

Stay committed, maintain discipline and perseverance by visualizing desired outcomes and reminding yourself of the benefits.

Setting realistic and achievable financial goals creates a clear path to financial success and well-being. These goals serve as a guiding framework, helping you make intentional financial decisions. that support your overall life objectives. Remember, consistent effort, regular monitoring, and a positive mindset are the keys to achieving your financial goals.

I will add that building financial confidence is an important aspect of developing a healthy relationship with money. One of the most effective ways to achieve this confidence is by educating yourself about personal finance. Knowledge empowers you to make informed decisions and take control of your financial future.

Here are some steps and resources to help you get started. 

Read books on personal finance. Explore personal finance books like Rich Dad, Poor Dad by Robert Kiyosaki. The Total Money Makeover by Dave Ramsey. And your money or your life by Vicky Robin and Joe Dominguez. 

Follow reputable financial blogs and websites.

Use reputable sites like Investopedia, NerdWallet, and The Balance. They provide comprehensive articles and resources to help you understand financial concepts. 

Listen to Financial Podcasts. 

Learn on the go with podcasts like the Dave Ramsey Show and the Bigger Pockets podcast, I believe, for real estate investing,The Merging Life and Money Show is an excellent source for financial empowerment as well. 

Take online courses and webinars. 

Platforms like Coursera, Udemy, and Khan Academy provide budgeting, investing, and financial planning courses. Financial institutions and non-profit organizations often host free webinars on various financial topics.

Join financial communities and forums. 

Engage in forums like Reddi. and for support and advice. 

Utilize financial tools and apps. 

Track your finances with budgeting apps like Mint, YNAB, you need a budget, or PocketGuard. They can help you track your spending and stay on top of your financial goals, and investment apps like Robinhood and Acorns make it easier to start investing small amounts of money. 

Attend workshops and seminars. 

Participate in local seminars for practical advice from experts and 

Consult with financial professionals. 

If you have specific questions or need personalized advice. Make sure to choose a certified and reputable advisor. 

Stay informed about financial news. 

Participate in local seminars for practical advice from the experts. 

And lastly, practice and apply what you learn. 

Knowledge is most valuable when applied. Start by implementing small changes based on what you learn. Create a budget, start an emergency fund, or make your first investment. Okay. I've said that a million times. Practical experience will build your confidence and reinforce your learning.

By educating yourself about personal finance, you gain the knowledge and skills to make informed financial decisions. This education empowers you to take control of your financial future, reduces anxiety around money matters, and builds the confidence needed to achieve your financial goals. Remember, the journey to financial literacy is continuous, and every step you take brings you closer to financial empowerment and well-being.

As noted earlier, consulting with financial professionals can be a game changer in your journey to financial wellness. 

Here are some key benefits of seeking professional help.

Personalized advice. Financial professionals. Offer tailored guidance based on your unique situation, goals, and risk tolerance.

Comprehensive planning. They help create a holistic financial plan covering budgeting, saving, investing, retirement, and estate planning. 

Expertise. Advisors provide expert insights into financial trends, tax laws, and investment strategies. 

Objective perspective. They offer an unbiased view, helping you make rational financial decisions.

Time saving. Professionals save you time on financial management, allowing you to focus on other areas of life. 

Accountability. Regular check-ins with your advisor ensure you, ensure that you stay on track with your financial goals. 

Stress reduction. Professional guidance reduces financial stress. and provide peace of mind.

Here are the benefits of professional guidance, 

Clarifying financial goals, 

Creating a clear roadmap, 

Providing strategic planning,

Identifying blind spots, 

Adapting to life's changes. 

Offering educational support. 

Overall, professional financial advice enhances confidence, reduces stress, and leads to a more secure financial future.

As we wrap up today's episode, let us reflect on the key points we discussed. Understanding your financial mindset, taking practical steps to improve your financial health, and cultivating healthy money habits are essential to achieving financial and mental well-being. 

By recognizing how our upbringing and experiences shape our financial beliefs, we can start to identify and shift negative mindsets. Embracing a positive financial outlook reduces stress and enhances your overall quality of life. Practical steps such as budgeting, saving, investing, and managing debt provide a strong foundation for financial stability. And I'm just recapping. Setting realistic and achievable goals, building financial confidence through education, and seeking professional help are all critical strategies to ensure long-term financial success. 

As we strive to improve our relationship with money, remember Warren Buffett's words, 'The more you learn, the more you earn." This powerful quote emphasizes that. the importance of continuous learning and growth in our financial journey. Educating ourselves, setting clear goals, and seeking guidance when needed can build a future of financial security and fulfillment.

I encourage you to take action today. Reflect on your financial habits, set a small goal, and seek out resources to expand your financial knowledge. Remember, each step you take brings you closer to a healthier relationship with money and a more prosperous life. 

 Thank you for joining me in this Merging Life and Money Show episode. I hope you found the insights and strategies shared today valuable and inspiring. Make sure to share them. 

Join us next week as we continue to explore the holistic aspect of financial wellness.

I am your host, Marie-Jo Caesar. Until then, keep learning, stay motivated, take charge of your financial future, and continue merging life and money. Bye for now.

Dollars and Sense: Building a Healthy Relationship with Money
Understanding Your Financial Mindset
Practical Steps to Enhance Your Financial Health
Cultivating Healthy Money Habits for Long-Term Well-being
Empowering Your Financial Journey Through Education
The Benefits of Professional Financial Guidance
Wrapping Up: Key Takeaways for a Healthier Financial Future