The Solopreneur Hotline

Scaling Your Business While Still Making A Profit with Carla Titus

Alina Scarcella

In this episode, I'm talking to finance expert Carla Titus about scaling a business while still making a profit. I'll admit at the top: looking at numbers is my least favorite business-owner-y task, regardless of whether I have a slow month or a huge boom! I'd rather be building relationships, designing beautiful marketing assets, constructing efficient systems - anything but staring at a spreadsheet! BUT - without making a habit of knowing exactly what kind of cash is flowing in and out of the business, the business wouldn't exist!

Carla gives us actionable advice for: 

  • Important things to keep on our monthly to-do list and costly mistakes to avoid
  • What to do when you're ready to introduce a new revenue stream and how that might affect the business you've worked hard to already build
  • Prioritizing resources that support your pre-set goals
  • Paying yourself consistently 
  • Planning ahead to avoid surprises and straighten out the revenue rollercoaster
  • What kind of help you may need at different phases of business

No matter where you are in your business journey, these are great reminders to pull you out of your day-to-day, take an objective look at your numbers, and feel empowered to achieve financial clarity and peace of mind!

Connect with Carla on her website, and follow her on LinkedIn, Instagram & Facebook!

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