Inspired Budget

Special Series Part 2: Massive Mistakes To Avoid With Your Money

Allison Baggerly

Ever found yourself haunted by financial decisions from yesteryear? You're not alone, but it's time to break free from the chains of regret and move onwards and upwards. In our latest episode, we unpack the damaging habit of dwelling on past financial missteps and how it stifles your growth. It's a candid discussion filled with 'aha' moments that will leave you ready to embrace a future where your bank balance blossoms and your money mistakes are just a blip in the rearview mirror.

Join us as we equip you with the tools to transform your relationship with money, all while maintaining the lifestyle you cherish. Don't miss the chance to turn the page on financial worry and start authoring your success story with savvy spending, saving, and self-care.

To sign up for my free live class: Sign Up Here

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Speaker 1:

Hey, this is Allison, and welcome to the Inspire Budget podcast, where we talk all things budgeting, debt and saving money. To kick off the new year, I'm doing a special three-part podcast series. It's going to consist of three parts. They are going to be super short and easy to listen to and we're going to be covering the three massive mistakes to avoid when it comes to your money. This is part two, so if you have not listened to part one, that's okay. You don't necessarily have to listen to them in order, but after you listen to this one, make sure you jump back to yesterday's episode, part one, because you're going to love it.

Speaker 1:

Now, why are we talking about these mistakes? Well, I have worked with thousands of women over the past several years and I have seen these same mistakes repeated over and over again. The crazy thing is, most people don't even realize that they're making them. I believe that when you are aware of the mistakes especially money mistakes that are out there sometimes, it allows you to recognize these mistakes, even if you weren't even aware you were making them, and it allows you to put a stop to them. That's what my hope is from this special three part podcast series.

Speaker 1:

Now I do want you to know that I am hosting a free live training next week. I have two sessions. This training is called Four Simple Steps to Budget and Pay Off Debt Without Cutting Out All the Fun. So if you want to write a budget that helps you reach your money goals, become debt free and still save for vacation or spend money on what you like, then you're going to want to join me. I have two dates to choose from. The first live training will be on Tuesday, january 2nd at 8 pm Eastern Standard Time. The second live training will be on Thursday, january 4th at 8 pm Eastern Standard Time. They're the same training, so choose whichever time fits best for you and be sure to show up live, because I have a special free gift for anyone who is there live.

Speaker 1:

Okay, let's dive into mistake number two Now. Mistake number two, which I have been totally guilty of doing, is only focusing on your past money choices. Only focusing on your past money choices. Now here's the deal. We have all made some choices in our past with our money that have us thinking, uh, why did I do that, and myself included. But so often, by focusing on what we did wrong only keeps us stuck in the past. This often leads to a cycle of negative self-talk and regret, where we fixate, or you fixate, on your past financial missteps rather than focusing on your current and future financial opportunities. Have you ever done this?

Speaker 1:

People tend to dwell on past money decisions because we don't want to repeat the same mistakes over and over again, and so it is actually a psychological defense mechanism. Essentially, it's your brain's way of trying to protect you, right? So we think about it because we don't want to make that same mistake. However, when it comes to our money, it doesn't always work out in our favor. Our brains are wired to remember painful experiences vividly so we can avoid them in the future. Unfortunately, this can translate into an unhealthy focus on our financial past, and it can cause us to get stuck and not focus or spend any time or energy focusing on our future Now.

Speaker 1:

Getting stuck on what maybe we've done quote unquote wrong with money before it can really cost us. It's like we miss the chances right in front of us to make things better because we're too busy kicking ourselves over the past. This kind of thinking can stop you from growing financially and, let's be honest, it's really rough on your emotions too. It makes you feel stressed and stuck, maybe even guilty, and you know what? It can even mess up the choices you're making now. It can make you either too scared to take a chance or too reckless. So let's try to let go of these old mistakes or money choices and focus on the good moves we can make today to see progress with our money.

Speaker 1:

When you're willing to let go of your past money choices and no longer spend your time and energy focusing on them and instead start thinking about what's ahead, some pretty amazing things happen. First off, you'll feel more confident about handling your money. It's like a fresh start. Plus, you'll gain peace of mind. This means you'll feel way less stressed and anxious, which is a big win for your overall well-being. I will tell you, having peace of mind when it comes to my money is such a motivator for me and it's very important in my personal life, and I have a feeling it's important for you too. Finally, when you switch up how you think about money, you will actually start seeing new ways to get ahead, like finding smarter ways to pay off your debt faster or cutting back on spending without feeling like you're missing out.

Speaker 1:

This is exactly what happened to one of my inner circle members, shelby. Shelby shared a post recently in our exclusive group and it says I started with $30,000 in credit card debt. Learning how to create a budget that worked for me has been a challenge the past year, but I never gave up. Today, I have paid off $15,000 of my credit card debt so far and I'm projected to be credit card debt free next summer. Not only that, but when I first started this journey, I was running a small room to live in. This year, I got my first apartment. I'm able to pay my rent monthly bills and continue to pay off debt while living comfortably. I never thought I would be able to afford my own apartment in California at 26 years old. I'm excited for the next couple of months and what more I can do in my life as I open up more space in my budget. Oh my gosh. I love that post from Shelby because, shelby, she could have spent all of her time focusing on how she found herself in $30,000 of credit card debt. She could have spent her time and her energy to just sit in shame and guilt, but she didn't. Instead, she looked to her future and has since paid off $15,000 of credit card debt while changing her living situation for the better.

Speaker 1:

I love that Shelby is no longer spending all of her energy focused on her past money choices, and I want that for you, too. It's important to me that you are able to take action, have something to do after you listen to these episodes. So here's what I want you to do Take a moment to think back to where your focus has been when it comes to your money. Have you found yourself thinking over and over again about a purchase that you might regret, a payment that you missed or a money mistake that you've made? If so, don't be mad at yourself, but it's time to stop focusing on your past money choices. You did the best you could with what you knew at the time. I want you to just sit in that for a moment. When you made that mistake, you did the best you could with what you knew at the time. When you signed up for those student loans and took out more than you could borrow, you did the best you could with what you knew at the time. So, instead of thinking about that, let's focus on the future from this moment out Now.

Speaker 1:

If you want to learn how to write a budget that will fit the life you love. You need a system in place, and I'm sharing more about the system that has helped me and over a thousand women write a budget that helps them live their best life, pay off debt and still spend money on what they love, and I'm sharing all about it in a free live training coming up next week. The training is called Four Simple Steps to Budget and Pay Off Debt without cutting out all the fun and I'm actually. I haven't done this in a really long time, but I have two training sessions because I know that sometimes your calendar gets a little busy, so I have two dates to choose from. You can join me Tuesday, january 2nd, at 8 pm Eastern Standard Time, or Thursday, january 4th at 8 pm Eastern Standard Time.

Speaker 1:

Inside this training, I'm going to be sharing the exact framework I teach in my exclusive membership, the Inspire Budget Inner Circle, that has helped thousands of women budget, pay off debt and kick financial stress to the curb. Be sure to register, because I'm going to be sending the replay out to everyone who registers. You can save your spot by going to inspirebudgetcom slash class or just click the link in the show notes. I cannot wait to see you there and be on the lookout for tomorrow's episode. Our final massive mistake to avoid with your money. It's coming out tomorrow. I'll see you then.

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