Inspired Budget

Special Series Part 3: Massive Mistakes To Avoid With Your Money

Allison Baggerly

Do you find yourself dodging your bank statements like they're cursed scrolls? Fear not, for our Inspired Budget podcast's finale of the three-part series is your beacon to financial courage! We're tackling the daunting beast of money avoidance, understanding why ignoring your finances can snowball into an avalanche of stress.

Remember, knowledge is power, and you could be starting your own saga of fiscal freedom. Tune in and equip yourself with the tools to face your finances head-on, because on the other side of fear lies financial confidence waiting to be claimed.

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Speaker 1:

Hey, this is Allison, and welcome to the Inspire Budget podcast, where we talk all things budgeting, debt and saving money. To kick off the new year, I am doing a special three-part podcast series. Today we're on part three Now, if you have not listened to part one and two, that's totally okay. You don't need to listen to them in order, but be sure to go back and give them a listen, because they are really good. We have been talking about the three massive mistakes to avoid with your money. Now, I have worked with many women over the past several years thousands, thousands of women and I have seen these same mistakes repeated over and over again and the crazy thing is most people don't even realize they are making these mistakes. Now, when you're aware of the common mistakes to avoid, you can stop making them and start seeing progress with your money. Before I jump into mistake number three, I want to invite you to one of my free live trainings happening next week. I'm hosting this training to just help you start your year off right. It's called four simple steps to budget and pay off debt. Without cutting out all the fun, in this training, I'm going to be sharing those four simple steps. This is the exact framework I teach in my exclusive membership, the Inspire Budget in our circle. Be sure to join me live for one of the trainings that you choose, because I'm giving away a free gift at the end of the training, and only people who show up live get this gift. There's two dates to choose from Tuesday January 2nd and Thursday January 4th. You can go to inspirebudgetcom slash class to save your spot or click the link in the show notes. I cannot wait to see you there.

Speaker 1:

Okay, let's dive into our last massive mistake to avoid with your money. Now, mistake number three is one I do see often, and it is avoiding your money or finances because it all feels so overwhelming. It's like when you see a pile of unopened bills or bank statements and you think, nope today and you just keep putting it off. It's choosing to not check your bank balance because you're afraid of what you'll see, or not setting a budget because it feels too complicated or stressful. Now, if you're making this mistake, it's likely because thinking about money can be really stressful, especially if you have debt or you're living paycheck to paycheck. It's like that feeling you get when you think something's too big to handle, so you'd rather just not deal with it at all. I personally do this with my email inbox. It's human nature to want to avoid things that make us anxious or scared.

Speaker 1:

Now, unfortunately, your problems don't go away when you avoid them, no matter how much we may want them to. Instead, they often get worse, especially when it comes to your money. Debt can pile up, you might miss important payments or lose track of how much you're spending versus what you actually have. When you stop avoiding your finances and start facing them head on, it's like this weight lifts off your shoulders. Sure, I'm not going to lie. It might be tough at first, but you will ultimately start feeling more in control. You'll be able to make smarter and more informed decisions when it comes to your money, and you'll be better prepared for unexpected expenses. It's like clearing the fog and finally being able to navigate your way forward.

Speaker 1:

This is exactly what happened to one of my inner circle members, michelle. She sent me a DM on Instagram and she said my membership in the inner circle has given me the confidence to control my finances and look forward to budgeting. I used to hate to budget and didn't know where my money was going. The resources and education I have been provided with have been so valuable, well worth the monthly membership fee. I wish I would have had the tools sooner. I love this because Michelle is no longer avoiding her money because it feels so overwhelming. She actually looks forward to working on her budget, and that's what I want for you too. You know I love leaving you with a good action step to take, so here's what I want you to do. I want you to commit in the next week. Give yourself one week from whenever you listen to this and choose a date and time that you are going to spend one hour, just one hour, working on your money. Maybe what you need to do is write a budget or read a book about money, or maybe you can join me for one of my free trainings happening next week. Regardless, make it a priority that you spend just 60 minutes within the next seven days, not avoiding your finances and facing them head on, no matter where you stand with your money.

Speaker 1:

The truth is that if you wanna learn to write a budget that will fit the life you love, you need a system in place. I'm big on systems because I think that systems lead to success, and I'm sharing more about the system that has helped me and over a thousand women write a budget that helps them live their life, pay off debt and still spend money on what brings them joy. And I'm sharing all about it in a free live training coming up next week. The training is called four simple steps to budget and pay off debt without cutting out all the fun. I'm doing the same training twice.

Speaker 1:

The first training will be held on Tuesday January 2nd at 8 pm Eastern Standard Time and the next training will be held on Thursday January 4th at 8 pm Eastern Standard Time. Everyone who shows up live to the training gets a free gift. So if you decide, hey, I need to spend time working on my money, well then, come to my training. It's gonna be about 60 minutes long. I give you action steps along the way and it's gonna help you start your year off right when it comes to your finances. You can save your spot by going to inspirebudgetcom slash class or just click the link in the show notes. I cannot wait to see you there. It's going to be so good. I'll be back next week with another brand new episode, remember. If you haven't listened to part one or two, go back and listen to them now. You will not regret it. Bye for now.

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