Golden Key Group's Podcast

Year-End Funds – an Opportunity for GKG

GKG’s Vice President of Shared and Managed Services, Jessica Salmoiraghi, and GKG's Director of Business Capture, Reggie Bullock, sat down with GKG's Lynsee Gibbons to give insight about the importance of fourth quarter budget spending within the federal government.

The last day of the fiscal year is September 30th. During the fourth quarter and running up until the last day in the fiscal year,  government agencies need to ensure they spend their entire budget. What does that mean for GKG? Reggie and Jessica discuss how GKG can leverage this opportunity to grow our business.

  • 0:30: What's the significance of 4th quarter of the fiscal year?

  • 2:30: Who in the government is in the position to spend this money? 

  • 3:45: Why is it important government budgets are fully spent?

  • 5:45: How can GKG help the federal government spend year end funds? 

  • 8:25: How GKG can make it easier for the federal government to spend this money?