The Compliance Divas Podcast
Our podcast covers current topics such as infection prevention and control, OSHA and HIPAA compliance for dentistry. We discuss the latest regulatory information, answer frequently asked questions and give suggestions for dental practices to make compliance easy and sustainable.The Compliance Divas are a trusted source for consistent, accurate information based upon current guidelines, standards, science, and recommendations.
The Compliance Divas Podcast
#113 What Does a Successful Waterline Protocol Look Like?
Dental practices are responsible for ensuring that the treatment water from their dental units is safe for patients and the dental team. The key to managing the dental unit water quality is to establish a protocol and follow it consistently. This episode examines all of the components of a successful water quality management protocol.
- CDC Guidelines for Infection Control in Dental Health-care settings 2003: https://www.cdc.gov/mmwr/pdf/rr/rr5217.pdf
- CDC Dental Unit Water Quality: https://bit.ly/3PARWWY
- HuFriedy Group - Dental Water Management Landing Page: https://bit.ly/3reF4M9
- What Does a Successful Waterline Maintenance Protocol Look Like? https://bit.ly/3NtRNBO
- Top Reasons Why Dental Unit Waterlines Fail: https://bit.ly/44ozepA
- Aseptic Technique for Obtaining a Water Sample: https://bit.ly/3rk0DdW
- HFG Water In, Water Out Brochure: https://bit.ly/439JVvh
- HFG Dental Waterline Testing : https://bit.ly/46yK3an