The Compliance Divas Podcast
Our podcast covers current topics such as infection prevention and control, OSHA and HIPAA compliance for dentistry. We discuss the latest regulatory information, answer frequently asked questions and give suggestions for dental practices to make compliance easy and sustainable.The Compliance Divas are a trusted source for consistent, accurate information based upon current guidelines, standards, science, and recommendations.
The Compliance Divas Podcast
#181 The Often Forgotten "Splash Zones" - a Source of Cross-Contamination in Dentistry
Leslie Canham, Mary Govoni, Linda Harvey and Olivia Wann
What is the one area in every dental office that becomes highly contaminated that we don't usually think about? If you say "sinks", you would be right. In this episode, the Divas discuss splash zones and infection prevention and control. It's an eye opener!
- CDC Considerations for Reducing Risk: Water in Health Care Facilities https://bit.ly/3YJOJss
- Infection Prevention and Control Resource Hub - Water Management: Sinks and Drains https://bit.ly/4eYXULe