Diligent Minds | Motivation and Personal Development Tips

How Separation Promotes Growth

May 27, 2019 Dorian Jones Episode 3
How Separation Promotes Growth
Diligent Minds | Motivation and Personal Development Tips
Diligent Minds | Motivation and Personal Develop
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Sometimes we need to separate ourselves in order to grow. In this episode I talk about separating yourself form those things and people holding you back.

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Speaker 1:

Welcome back ladies and gentlemen, to the diligent Minds podcast where we talk about your growth and your mindset. We talk about getting you from that next level, helping you move forward, whether you feel stuck, whether you just,don't know where to go right now, or you just sometimes you need a little push. That's what the show is about. We're talking about pushing you to become a better you, whether you're in school, whether you're thinking about starting a business, whether you're growing a business or you just want to get better as a person in general. We talk about all those types of things on this show. So that's what the show is for. That's who this show is for. And I want to introduce myself. I'm your host Dorian Jones. If you don't know me, first time listening, thank you for returning listener. Thank you even more. Uh, go ahead and hit that subscribe button. If you liked the show and if you'd like the content, go ahead and leave a rating wherever you're listening to this, whether Google, Spotify, apple, stitcher, wherever you discovered this, go ahead and leave a rating and a review. I really appreciate it. And I want to say happy memorial day to everyone. I just realized that data, I'm releasing this, it will be memorial day. So Happy Memorial Day to everyone. I hope you're enjoying yourself where they choose to relax, where the out there darn barbecue thing or whatever you choose to do. I hope you're enjoying yourself. So let's get into today's show. Today we are talking about separating so that you can grow. We talk about separated from those people or those things that hold you back are removing those anchors, those people that as whole you downward, things holding you down. So first you must identify who or what is slowing you down, who is around you or what's around you that's distracting you. Um, a lot of times we can be distracted about things and it just happens. We don't even think about it and it's actually a distraction. When you sitting there scrolling through social media, next thing you know you've been on there 30 minutes, you like, where did my time go? You have to remove that. You have to, you have to identify it first. First. You have to know that that is a problem, that that is something that I'm struggling with and find a way to just scale back from it a little bit it's fine. I know everything's runs on social media. A lot of businesses run on social media, but there are things that you need to do for yourself that are not on social media. So make sure that you learn to scale that down. Learn to get back from that a little bit. Not Saying scale all the way away from it or just designate times for you to do it. And most importantly, one thing that you really need to do. Pay attention to people that are around you, the people that are not clapping for you. When you have those small successes, especially if they know that you've been working on a goal, they know you've been working hard on starting a business or working hard on completing the class and they're not clapping for you, they not happy for, you, didn't look at you like what a would look and discuss like, oh, okay. Are you usually get a weird vibe from him? You have to identify those people and, and just be careful with those people because they're going to be the ones that are going to air when you really make it to where you trying to go and they're going to be the ones that, oh, did, that's my friend. I've been there with them since the whole time. Like now I use there, but she was hating this whole time. I've seen everything that you did. You know, I still love you, but I can't take you with me because I can't trust you. You gotta sometimes or loyalty or loyalty gets in the way. Um, it's a lot of people that we may grow up with, but we keeping them around us, but we know that they're bad for us. You have to be careful. You have to also, you have to put a shield over yourself. You have to also learn to put you first. You're number one. No matter who you have in your life, you can't take care of anybody if you're not taking care of yourself or the people around you goal oriented. If you don't know, do they have something bigger that they're working on? A, it doesn't have to be in the same field. That don't have to be business. They can be working on going to school, completing the class. It could be the smallest thing, but they're working on elevating and moving that they're movement forward. They are looking to move forward or those people that are those types of people around you because if they're not, then there's going to be a distraction because they have no, they have no direction that they're going towards. They just going wherever the wind takes them. They can't hold their own. They can't stand on their own. Two feet. So make sure that you keep people around you that are goal oriented. Uh, that was one thing that uh, pride myself on. I always surround myself with people who are goal oriented, who always have something that they're working towards. They are always working towards a big goal. Um, a lot of times we don't have it all figured out. We, we just don't know. A lot of times we know we want to do, but we have no idea how to do or where are we going to do. We just know that's our destination and I'm moving towards it. We're going to figure it out as we go. And that's the best thing because you have a lot of fun and you learn so much in a process and you meet so many different people from different walks of life that way. And when I say remove people, people get that, they get that wrong. They just may, Oh, I'm cutting them off. Nah, you don't have to cut everybody off. You don't just have to say I'm cutting them off and not dealing with you. Like, Nah, it's cool. Still deal with them. But sometimes you just have to cut them off a little bit. You just have to separate from him for maybe a couple of days, couple of weeks, months or whatever you need to do so that you can get your focus so that you can get in tune with you and you can continue moving forward. You need to be upwardly mobile. You need to constantly move forward. And if you got somebody you need to cut off so that you can do that, hey, it is what it is. That'd be all right. And if they're true friends, they know, understand it, they'll still be there. You know, you may not talk to them every single day this week, but hey, we can come. We go going out, we're going to make this happen. We're going to enjoy ourself. And you know, you still my people, we still good and understand when you hit a ceiling and you need to take a break, sometimes you just need to take a break from yourself. You need to take a break and take that time to go take care of you. Remember that you only get one you. And if you don't take care of you, everything else around you will crumble. Uh, whether that be your family, uh, whether that'd be your health. Uh, it could be school. You just feel worn out mentally and emotionally. Uh, just take that break and get away, go step away. View in a busy city. Uh, like me, I'm an la. Sometimes the city is just always on, always going. It's always something going on. Whether it's traffic, whether it's the people, and sometimes I just need to get away. I like to go take a hike. I like to go to the beach. I love water. So I like to go around water and it just helps me feel free. And no social media, no nothing is sometime a phone was off and just have my music going. Give me a model, right? Bob's and my right move and I just separate and just get back in tune with myself or me go, uh, when I relaxed, I may go get a massage, go get a facial, a manicure, pedicures, and go take care of myself sometimes. And that's really needed so that you could really go out and give you all to everything in those that you have going on and don't never feel guilty about wanting a better quality life. Uh, we are entitled to that as living human beings to go out there and give it our all to become the best version of ourselves. A lot of us, uh, I can't, I don't, I wouldn't say a lot of us, but I know me personally, I'm speaking from my personal experience. I used to feel guilty about having big goals and Finland, uh, I used to feel like, damn, I don't, I don't want to say anything to, to anybody because I don't want to know. I don't want them to look at me different or think that I feel like I'm better when that's not the case. I just want better. Uh, I grew up in poverty. I grew up with nothing. So why not go for it? All people laugh at me when I say I want to buy NBA team. And they like, Oh yeah, he, he thinks like, no, dude, that's just mark. Oh, this is what I want to do, so I don't feel bad about it anymore. I'm open to telling everybody where I'm going and how I'm going to get there and a lot of times we must first finish the race and then come back for those that we left behind because some people don't see the vision until you're done with it. Some people don't understand the path that you've taken until you get there, until you get to that goal line. They don't understand why you went left and they went right on the path. What everybody else is, because I saw something I do. I seen something run across that road. You think I'm crazy but I'm going down this road because I saw it and I'm going to find out what it is and you have to go chase that dream. You have to go chase you. You have to go chase what what you feel is right for you and never feel guilty about it. But don't worry, you can always go back until those guys on the other path like, hey, you know what? That path is cool, but come down here. This is a much better look what I discovered. Look, this is how we can do it, and I did it. You can do it too. I'm going to bring you along with me so that's all you have to do so that you can so that you can constantly grow. Remember, guys, focus on yourself. Focus on your growth, especially if you have a family. I'm not saying I forget about them. I remember your families are not going to be happy if you're not happy. If you'd a woman at a house, you'd man at house and you're doing everything for everybody, but you're not doing it for yourself. Everybody else is going to be miserable at one point because you won't get fed up and you might snap a, this is enough. You may feel like you've been taken advantage of, so there's room ever separate so that you can constantly grow. Thank you for listening guys. I want to say I really appreciate everybody, especially if you follow me on Instagram. I use Instagram most of the time. I'll get on the other social medias a little bit more. But for right now, Instagram has been very lucrative for me, has been really good. I guess so many people that share my stories, uh, share my posts and it's just been growing constantly and I'm really appreciative of everybody and I really appreciate everyone listening right now. So if you want to connect with me, go ahead and do so on Instagram or go to my website and just check it out. Uh, reach out to me. Have you enjoyed the content and let me know and I'll communicate with you. I asked her back. I really believe in everybody achieving a greatness and that's what I want you to do. All right. Then you guys go ahead and have a nice one and I will talk to you later. Peace.