Diligent Minds | Motivation and Personal Development Tips

How To Set and Achieve Your Goals

June 24, 2019 Dorian Jones Episode 7
How To Set and Achieve Your Goals
Diligent Minds | Motivation and Personal Development Tips
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Diligent Minds | Motivation and Personal Development Tips
How To Set and Achieve Your Goals
Jun 24, 2019 Episode 7
Dorian Jones

Shoot Me A Quick Text. I Can't Wait To Hear From You

Today's topic is goal setting, setting goals and putting a system in place to achieve them is the key to success. I learned this by experience, I would never set goals and just run free. The moment I began setting goals is the moment I started achieving a lot more than I did previously. Over the years I found a way to simplify it, so that is what I'm sharing here today. I am sharing my simplified method for goal setting and achieving.

Website: https://www.djmotivates.com

Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/dorianjones_

Intro by: https://baggz.lnk.to/wantitmore

Youtube Video: https://youtu.be/GI1L8aZ706M

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Show Notes Transcript

Shoot Me A Quick Text. I Can't Wait To Hear From You

Today's topic is goal setting, setting goals and putting a system in place to achieve them is the key to success. I learned this by experience, I would never set goals and just run free. The moment I began setting goals is the moment I started achieving a lot more than I did previously. Over the years I found a way to simplify it, so that is what I'm sharing here today. I am sharing my simplified method for goal setting and achieving.

Website: https://www.djmotivates.com

Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/dorianjones_

Intro by: https://baggz.lnk.to/wantitmore

Youtube Video: https://youtu.be/GI1L8aZ706M

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welcome back ladies and gentlemen to the Diligent Minds podcast where we talk about your growth and your mindset providing practical steps for you to become a better you. I'm your host, Dorian Jones. If you don't know me already, I want to say thank you to all my returning and listeners and welcome to all the new listeners. I appreciate you tuning in. Don't forget to leave a rating and a review, uh, not just the rate end, but also write a review on there. Let me know what you think of the podcast. It helps me out, helps me get discovered by more people. Uh, so I hope everybody's doing great today. Hope you all had a great weekend. Hope you working on some big things for yourself. Hope you forget about everybody else this moment and just working on yourself, working on improving yourself. So today's daily tip. Want to talk about validating yourself. Don't look for the stamp of approval from nobody else. Go out there and approve yourself. That's the only approval you really need. You don't need anybody else to tell you that you're good. As long as you believe it, then that's the only validation you need. Remember to believe in yourself. Today we're going to talk about goal setting and achieving. We're going to talk about simple things that you can start doing right away. Like I said, everything I talk about on this show, you can start doing right away. It's nothing you have to wait to do. You can take action right now. We're going to get into today's show. Talk about goal setting and get you on track to knock out those goals. First of all, what are goals? Goals are your how to. How are you going to get from one point to another? You set that goes, it's like a, like a football field, okay? You got your touch down as you go, so you're going to go slowly, or you may get it all in one run. Who knows? But as long as you're working towards that goal, you're moving towards it. You're getting there, so that's what your goals are. In a simplified method, you must identify clear and achievable goals. Decide what you're going to pursue. Are you going to pursue something big right now or are you going to pursue something small? And just make sure that you, that you understand what you're going towards because that makes your life a lot easier. Make setting goals much easier. Uh, because you know what you're going after. You creating a roadmap for yourself. You want to create a, it's like a blueprint. When you're building something or when you, let's say if you're building a desk or nah, we'll say, let's s ee you b uilding a, you see the blueprints for a, f or a house. That's the whole blueprint of how you're going to build it before you get the materials, before you get all of thelabor, you got that blueprint. That's all your goals are as just your blueprint of how you're going to get to your goal. So that's just your role map of how you're going to do it. You must make sure that you write down your goals. I'm not talking about putting it in your notes as cool to put them there. Uh, viewed, going to forget something, but make sure that you're writing them down with pen and paper, a not your longterm goals and talking about your daily goals, uh, you midterm longterm, which we'll get into in a second. Uh, you want to write everything down on pen and paper and constantly review it is a difference when you type in it compared to when you're, when you, uh, putting it in there. What a on a, on a piece of paper, what actual pen you write it down physically. Um, I used to put it in my phone all the time. Like I'll type something in like, okay, cool, we'll send my fall. Next thing you know, I'm on to something else. Forget about them. The moment that I started writing down my goals and I always have my notebook next to me, always, I made it a habit of going into my notebook, checking out my goals. So I found that writing them down, it always helped me. It was, it was a big difference like night and day difference. I achieved so much more are simply writing down my goals and I review my goals every day. Um, when I say everyday, I mean in the morning, getting up, looking at my goals. Okay, well it's on my list today. This is okay. This is what we need to get done. All right, cool. Does well we own today. So we get to the goals and then we also reviewing them at the end of the, at the night before you go to sleep, before you lay it down, make sure you review your goals so that you can know when you get up in the morning what you're going after. Okay, I'm getting up. I didn't knock this out, so this is my goal for today or I did this. So now let me move onto this next step and my, uh, and my goals list and always reviewed them at the end of the week and see what you achieved. And all that is is a validation to yourself that, that you're making progress, you making progress because you know you have them written down on piece of, on a piece of paper and you know, okay, I've done this so far, now let me move onto the next step. I feel good. It makes you feel better about yourself because now you actually see your growth. You actually see your movement written down on paper. You're not just going like, okay, I think I did it. You writing down your goals, you set these goals for yourself so you saying what you need to achieve. Then we actually achieve it and you review it. At the end of the week you feel much better and you want to keep going because you see the results. You see everything happen in a real time setting goals. Um, I actually have a video on this on youtube. I'll go ahead and put that link in the show notes. It is, I'm set. I like to set short term goals, mid term and long term, the short term goals. Those are usually my things that I want to do. On a few days, um, I'll say to a couple of months, but I'd like to keep them to maybe a few days to a couple of weeks or something. So I can just always make that quick progress. And my midterm goals that goes from uh, from about two to six months. So that's a compilation of all the small goals that are set. Auto short term goals. It's a compilation to lead up to those midterm goals in the midterm goals lead up to your longterm goals, which are your yearly goals, uh, your multiyear goals and everything all aligned with each other. You want to make sure your goals all aligned. You don't want to be all over the map when you just need to focus on that, on that one stream. You need to focus, you know, you need to be laser focused on that one goal. So all your small goal, your mid term goals need to lead up to that long term goal. So you need to set all of those and you need to learn to break them down into small pieces. If you don't know where you're going to start with the goal setting and just look and work your way backwards. Just know where you want to go. Okay, this is the end result that I want, but now, okay, I see, I see where I'm going. Okay, these are the things I need to do to get there. Now start breaking it down into smaller goals. As much fun as it is much easier when you break down, when you look at the bigger picture from a bird's eye view as opposed to looking at it on a microscope because you're down here looking at it when you're only thinking from the start, from the starting point, but when you go up and then you see the act, the whole pond, then you can say, okay, I need to start here. This is where I'm going to start and then this is how I'm going to migrate and get to that next goal and eventually lead me to the bigger goal. So that's what she needs to do. You need to step back and work your way backwards sometimes. And for the people who can't find a goal, like, hey, I don't know what I want to do. I don't know what type of goals I want to have. I don't have any goals for myself. I'm not an ambitious person. I never thought about it. That's perfectly fine. That's, there's nothing wrong with that because as many people that are living a without a purpose, I'd say, um, they don't think beyond, they're not thinking beyond where they are right now because they worried about survivor for today. So if you, if you're struggling with that, never feel bad about it. Don't ever feel embarrassed or anything, just just be open about it and let people know, like a man, I don't, I don't have any goals. Uh, let's just, you know, just bounce it off people that you trust and then the people that know you, they usually see things that you can't see within yourself and they may suggest things for you. You may find a passion that you like and you may want to turn that into a, into a hobby. Or You may want to turn it into a business for yourself or maybe you just want to improve yourself in general. First you must identify the things that you'd like to change in your life are to change that you'd like to see in your life and have that set as a goal and set and say, how are you gonna? How are you going to change it? There you go. That should go right there. How are you going to change this circumstance in your life? That's for you to figure out. Now, I just gave you, I just gave you an extra. Right now you can't find it. Go figure out something you want to change in your life and determine how are you going to change it. I'm pretty sure you know to actually to that, and last but not least, if a goal is big, never look at it as something big. Just break it down into smaller achievable goals. Break it down like that analogy we used earlier in the show with the football field, you have a hundred yards. You don't have to go 50 yards at a time, 20 yards at a time. You can go five, five here, five there, 10 here, 20 here. Just slowly break it down into smaller, achievable goals. Don't overwhelm yourself. When you do that, then you're going to feel like you're not getting anywhere. You're going to feel like, like you just, uh, running in place. Uh, because you just looking at the, you're looking at the finish line. You're not looking at the things that are affirming to you, your obstacles that are right there and you need to overcome in order to get closer to that, to that larger goal that's in the, in the far, far end of the field. You need to slowly get there and don't worry about, um, about what others are doing. Never compare yourself to someone else. Remember that everybody's on their own clock. You can't look at someone and say, Hey, they, they've already achieved their goals. They've already got to where I want to get. But you don't know how long that person has been working on that. Behind all the success that we see. There's usually five, 10 years of grind right behind that. You don't know what a, the struggles that that person went through. You don't know all the obstacles that they had to face before they were able to get to the goal. So never compare yourself to someone else when it comes to you setting and achieving your own goals. Remember that you have all the power within you to create your own future and create your own destiny. Keep that in mind and when you set goals for yourself, and I like to say thank you to everyone. Uh, especially everyone from a social media who's been sharing my content and as I said before, is really appreciated his, help me grow my audience so much. I want to thank you all for listening. It means a lot to me because I'm, this is something I really believe in. I really want people to think beyond. I want people to think about reaching their fullest potential and I want to be a part of that. I want to see you. I want to see everybody grow. I'm type of person. I want to see everybody when I'm not jealous of anybody, I'm not going to hold back information from anybody. If it's something that I know or if I can connect you with somebody that knows something, I'm all for it. Because what if you win? We all win and my mind, at least, that's just how I look at it. I'm not going to say, okay, they wouldn't do the same for me because I'm not looking for that. Return is just me doing it from the kindness of my heart. So go ahead and have a nice week everybody. Go ahead and set those goals, those small short term goals, those midterm goals, long term goals. Let's get to it. People at this time is gonna pass us by and make sure that you making this time count for yourself. Don't worry about nobody else. Don't worry about what people will think. Always do what's gonna make you happy. It's okay to stand out from the crowd, truly appreciate every wants to listen and I will see you later. Peace.