The MJ38 Show

Episode #27

November 27, 2023 MJ38 Season 1 Episode 27
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Matthew and Justin talk about Gambling, Business, and Social Interactions

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They told me three picks. For Thanksgiving bro traditions. Mr. Steve Johnson Thank you for paying homage. I would be upset if we forgot this. He's the one that passed that torch down. You pick all three games. I think Steve is what you do first. I like that. I'll go with that for the last couple of years now. Hit 12 of them bitches. We had three for three on. Thanksgiving in. Green Bay, and the dog wanted all the dogs for the dogs. And so he was telling me. Switch it up. The fucking Green Bay. House pick San Fran, Dallas. Both the cover by. Over eight. And over 12 or 12 or over eight or over. All teams. For Dallas was 12 by 12. And then San Fran. I need them to win by eight. But Green Bay was a dog. They were like at seven and a half point out. Although I even got it up. Let's go than Denver. At the dog for the and if I had to put five gun to my head I got to pick. Miami nasty and if it dove if you could have ran. Like let's say you had $1,000 in the four game parlay and you hit the three on Thanksgiving and you want to I say you can you can add a game for less money and make it a five game parlay. Well, people trade like that like if you were hitting three though, out of fourth and yeah now if you added Miami it's like a five game parlay after Thanksgiving. Cash out, bro. Oh. 50 bucks, 100 bucks. It's just like. Right. Yeah. Seriously, probably if I give you five. Game parlay, that's. Ridiculous. Yeah. It's hard to hit. This guy because of, like. Yeah, at least, like, ten. One can tell you something that you won't believe. I mean, you might believe me because you choice, right? But like other people, I don't tell this story because it just sounds like crap. But I remember one of the first times that I learned about parlays was when I think it was when I was the very first year that I was in the Pick EMS League, which was like my sophomore year junior year in college. And I was like in my own mind, like understanding that when you're picking four games for this, like other league that we're doing, it's basically doing a parlay. And so that made me interested in a parlay because you can make so much money, allegedly. And I was like, okay, So then I went to like a gambling website where you can like lock in bet you know what I'm saying? And like, see what the odds you get back where. And so I'm just looking at like the slate of games and I pick out like in my mind I'm like, Oh, dude, easy win, easy cover, easy cover. So, like, the first time I've ever looked at a bet sheet, right? I got a good it was like. Eight games, I want to say. Or I was like, I legitimately think that like there's 13 games being played on this weekend. These eight, I've got them in there and all eight of those games I got right and covered that week. Oh seriously. Well like I didn't I looked it was like $20 to win like $11,000 or something like that. Eight games late this year. Something like that, where I was like, this is the kind of betting that I'm into. And then I hit and I was like. But they didn't place a bet. No, no, that's got the math. Yeah, It was like the first time I'd ever opened up like, bravado, you know what I'm saying? Yeah. Yeah. All that shit pops up whenever you watch streams on illegal websites. Yeah, I don't want to lose. Yeah, but, like, I didn't really want to, like, break the law and make the bet, you know what I'm saying? So I was in on that. I'm still in that same boat where, like, that's crazy If I. Let beginner's luck. Yeah, I think so. Eight game parlay on your first go through. Yeah. So I was I was going to say the same time. It's really funny because it's like beginner's luck but also at the same time the experts are wrong. All the time. All the time. The experts are wrong. No one's hitting the ship perfect all the time. It's like unpredictable, unexplainable things happen in game sometimes. Yeah, That's why gambling is an industry that hinges on that. Yeah, it's like no one on any given Sunday. No one knows. You never know. Injuries. Someone just bough. Someone that has come the ball, especially in basketball. Football is a little bit different. But like basketball, one player can take over a game. I mean, it happens in football too, where somebody just came to. Ball catch and everything. Let's say like the quarterback is balling. Yeah, Jalen Hurts is really running that fucking huddle, you know what I'm saying? He's got everyone just like on ten. Like there's certain people where if Peyton Manning comes to play, like the Colts are on a different level and Ray Lewis is on some sheesh, the Ravens are coming on a different level. Mm hmm. It's tight like now we're just I love team composition. I love game analysis, you know what I'm saying? And I think game analysis is so it's like a simulation analysis is more or less, I think more true, you know? Yeah. And we. All, we all love trying to predict the. Future. Yeah. And in any business, if you have a day of business that's like you, you had projections for that day and what you thought was going to happen that day. And then there's the reality of it happening and then there's the analysis of the reality. Post Your prediction. And that is, that's like my favorite part about what we do. That's one of the things that I love about business the most is that we it's almost like sports where it's like we have a playbook. We have a game plan, we have what we think is how it's going to go down like huddles. Yeah. We're like, All right, let's go have meetings. Yeah. Sometimes, you know, shifts obviously win. You know what I'm saying? You come out and you're like, Yes, we did it like your job to the. Opponent or the challenges presented in the new. You respond to it. And how is your response to the challenge? We love that shit. Yeah, love it. The businesses same thing is sports, but yeah, sports is more just like, like literally play down. There is like a little scoreboard in there. Even keeping track of it. Yeah. Yeah. That would. That's the difference for sure. Like I say, I kind of like if you have a yeah, if you're a business or management perspective, you have goals and financial stipulations and strict like restrictions that you have to deal with and you make as much money as you can and stretch your dollar as far as you can and have a profitable business. That's a winning. Team. That's the name of the game. Name of the. Game that. As sports are deeper than sports. I sound like such a jock when I say that. I know I sound like gronkowski, but like I well, it's a hill I like to stand on. Like you told me Is sports like life or is life like sports? Because it's so it's so similar, you know what I'm saying? I don't know. Like we're saying the business is like sports and I'm like, basketball is like the business. Saying it's like. It's just. Moneyball. Yeah, yeah, exactly that. That's why I like analysis because it's like that's the thing that goes in the both of them. It's like Moneyball being like if you really tapped into the game, like you really know what's going on and you can see where you're like pros and where your cons are and where there's like areas for you to make a play, for you to do something different. Advantage Yeah, to get your edge if you have game sense. Like for instance, I thought about this when I was playing basketball the other day. This is, this is dope. Like some of the best crossovers you ever seen. It's not because that guy has a nasty crossover. It's because that guy felt his opponent leaning hard left for the last 15 minutes, and he probably set them up for the last three plays to have that crossover where he falls down. But it's not like his right to left is so good. People will just fall like I don't I can't take that same Oh. Mm. You know what I'm saying? But when we're kids we watch someone do a spin move and we're like, If I have a nasty spin move, I can do that. Yeah. And I'm like, The spin move works when I drop step right ten times in a row this whole game. And I know he's he's I feel his whole energy predicting that. And now I have the ability to spin on him right now and I'm going to like bus his head to fall down. But like it's. That analysis of the moment or the the this feedback loop of challenge and then like response and there's like, like how that how that go and the challenge is still there still need to respond. It's like that that constant loop of information plugging away the numbers in real time. In real time, yeah. Having like the sense for like what to say in a moment or like. What's how to handle situation. Yes sometimes like the answer like I'm like, do this like it comes to me and I and it's like making a play almost like he's leaning right, I'm breaking left and it's like I'm open, you know? Yeah, but it's not because it's it's in the moment. Sense is based on what I've been going through the game flow. Yeah. You know, the same thing in any business, but in our particular case specifically like running a restaurant, like playing the game of restaurant or playing the game of account or playing the game of lawyer. Yes. Like we're all playing the game of lawyer and like or playing the game a restaurant, the situations that arise. And we're all dealing with the same situations that arise based on whatever field you're trying to play in, whatever game you've assigned yourself to. They all have rules and we're all responding to those rules in real time. And then some people have been in the restaurant longer, are able to say, Now don't do that, do this now, don't say that, say this, I don't go that way. Okay. I see. Okay. I've seen this before. Okay. This is how we handle it. Yeah. Yeah. It's all nice wisdom. The wisdom is real. Yeah. It's just like sometimes a situation just arises to me and I'm like, I know who has the wisdom to deal with the situation. Like, just because game sense, it's like I'm passing him the ball right now. But. You know, Kobe. He's open at the three. He's hot. I know. He hits the shot. Bang. But yeah, whatever. It's cool. It's enriching, it's deep analysis. And that's I think restaurant is an industry for a reason. Like just the same way that gambling is an industry for a reason. Like they have to hinge on something that's going to make them stand the test of time. Something real. Something real has to be there that, like, works. You know what I'm saying? Because let me let me retract, you know what I'm saying? Because it doesn't help anybody. But for instance, it's like one can't sometimes. Yeah, it's just to go with it. Come gambling works because a people want to have fun. It's like kind of a thrill to gamble, be they. The house always puts things in their favor, at least by 1%. Like blackjack is 51% in favor of the house. More than that. Really? Yeah. You definitely have the best odds of any game in the house on blackjack. I think it's craps. Is it craps? Okay. Oh, that's how it was sold to me. Yeah, That's. How blackjack was sold to me. Yes, It's a college in Vegas. Right. But regardless, they always give the odds and, like, they'll never play a game where they have less than 51% odds because their business. And then the reason that the business works is people want to spend money. They think they have a chance. But the longer that they're there and there's a. Story presented so we could all like we all like predicting the story. Yes, that's true. Yeah. There's a lot of the hospitality piece too, like your guest there. That's a fun experience. You know, people are really instructional and nice and you you have like you build friends within the casino while you're playing games with them. You know, it's like there's a lot going on that makes that work. It's hard exactly to put like, my finger on the pulse of it. But I think a lot of it is, is that the the actual gambling aspect where people can risk and then potentially have the thrill of winning a reward like instantaneously, but then they stay alive because they're always going to win long term. Yeah. And so like that, that's like their formula for why they've been around for like two, three, 400 years. Like gambling's been around forever. Forever. People are like games gambled in Egypt, you know what I'm saying? Yeah, I think it's in the Bible. Yeah. Yes. The gambling away. As close as something. Like that, right? Yes, yes. Jesus. Close his robes. Yeah. They like roll dice for it. Yeah. Yeah. Dude. See, this is crazy. Okay. Anyways. Sorry, there's. Some, but it's crazy to me because there's something real there. And just like, touching that and being aware of that helps me understand what is business as a whole. Like the restaurant works because people need to eat and love. That's it, right? In the hospitality industry is is real. Yes. Being a guest in someone's house and then like allowing them to pay because that's I've been I've also just been a person who doesn't want to make their own food. Or maybe I don't want to be alone that night, or maybe I want to, like, have a cocktail. It's like when you just have those feelings alone in your apartment. It's nice that there's a place where you can go to have all those things and people are friendly and nice and inviting and warm and welcome. And that thing you were feeling when you're at home, when you wanted to get out, it's like you went to a place and it was like a very validated decision. So I'm happy. I want to hear, this is so nice here. Like, I love this drink. Being treated so well. I getting treated so well, like I love the personalities around here. I love watching these people live out their stories. I can just come here and be like, because the guest perspective is weird. It's like they get to come there and just, like, hang out at our place. Mm hmm. Mm hmm. Well, like, what would like times going to like, how do you have have you ever gone to a bar and just, like, sat there for two or 3 hours. Now without, like, people? Yeah, I. Think. I don't think so. Maybe now that I at least like one person. It's kind of rare, right? Like, right. At least for. At least in my story. Yeah. We're usually like the social setting. Right? It's where you meet someone for a drink or like, sometimes when I want to just talk to you about stuff, I just want to talk to you about. Like, my brain's like, we should go to a bar for a drink. Yeah, Go, go, go to watch a game. Watch football? Yeah. Sports bar? Yes. On a Sunday. There's a lot of utility. There's a lot of sometimes you shouldn't like. You don't need to get out of the house, but you. It's nice. It's a nice allure though. Like you're. You had to pay money for someone else to cook for you and for you drinks and give you the alcohol and the food and the hospitality piece like it costs something. But like, that's why it works is because, like, these places are able to sustain a profit because people are willing to pay for it. Yeah. Over time, like it's just proven to be true, you know? Mm hmm. Mm hmm. Yeah. And like, I don't know, as I say, like, in almost like, negative light, it's kind of like, not like slavery to a degree, but. Like, serve it to. Like, we're in service of these people, you know, or, like, good service. And it's also, like, it's just nice to have at any and every level. Like, if I go to discount Tire, it's like I could get good service and like, thank you so much like it's going to cause. Surely, yeah, I guess. Paying the money help ensures that it doesn't go steadily. Sometimes, right? That's the idea. Yeah, definitely. People say that. It's like why we gotta pay a lot of money? Have someone treat me like shit. Exactly. You can make a lot more money if you give great service. You could even charge more money because people want the service so much that they're willing to pay a premium for it. Yeah, Hostel is a real thing. Service is real. Thing. And I think that stems from the fact that the very human experience that we all have that like going to a tire shop is kind of scary. And scary is like, I'm not afraid when I go in there, but there's still that moment. An unknown. Yeah, it's unknown. I don't know what's going on here. I'm not sure what's truth here right at all. I'm vulnerable, for sure. Yeah. And some people, like, have a guy for stuff like that. Someone you trust. Yeah. And you go to that guy. And you just let you just put all that on them. Yeah. Yeah, right. Doing any. Like, of, like, the research myself and, like, diving into it, which we could all do. We got the internet, lets like you just put all that on this person and you're like, it says truth here and like yes or no. And then you listen to them, you're like, okay, like my stepdad for sure. I'm like, Mike, he knows what the fuck you talking about? He's like, Toyota's and Lexus is good brand good car reliable there. I bet you know Toyota. You know Lexus. Hey let's go. I got to think twice about it. Yeah. Word though, but that's there's something I mean it's the same thing is I kind of want to have the position of like a curator, a taste curator, because I feel like you can do that with me with your taste. Like I could put you on a good music right now. Or, like, if you told me what your vibe was. But, like, if you wanted, like, the meta of hip hop right now, I could kind of tell you, like, the most popular songs. Mm hmm. And I. Story. What's going on in hip hop, right? And I think there's something like, maybe, I don't know, someday I want to be just, like, have a playlist where it's like MJ 38 curated playlists, and it's one of the most played playlists. And it's not even our music. It's like my my playlist, the. Taste of what's current or taste at the moment, right of the time. But like there's something to that. It's hard to find music sometimes. It's hard to find podcasts that's hard to find. Takes time, right? To sift through all the fucking data that's out there for anything the podcast, the music, movies or shows. Yeah, that's one of the questions that everyone's been talking about as of the last 20 years of our lives, for sure. Before that, not so much. Yeah. Was like, What are you watching? Yeah, like it's all on cable or ice and same thing. But now it's with so many options. What shows have been worth your watch with your existence and which ones have not been? Yeah, both. That information is kind of pertinent to me. Yeah. People also identify with, like, it's hard. It's like, Do I want to tell you what I think is great or do I want to tell you what I think? What I've identified with a lot of people use our art like television movies to, like, identify themselves. Yeah, yeah, yeah. Which is dope. Its dope that we can do that. Yeah, we find something in it. But even with my grandma, one of the things that when I was hanging out with her, you know, she was like eighties, like, I think she was almost 97. She passed. Away. Okay, So it's just. No, no, but just the late nineties, late eighties, early eighties. Yeah. Huge age gap that like 60 year age gap. Right. And I was like, so what do you watch on Netflix? And we could have a whole conversation about what's dope on Netflix and it was like an icebreaker or not you just know when it was like not any conversation going on and you're like, Why aren't we talking right now? It's like, break the ice or just get in there, you know? Yeah, create a conversation. Yeah, that was like one of my pieces. We talk about, you know, whatever. It's a conversation game. Yeah, that's a whole thing. Well, yeah. So I think. Well, yeah, I think. That's one of my questions as well. I guess the conversation game, I remember coming to that kind of analysis or self analysis about conversation and how I play conversation and things to throw into the game of conversation when it comes to a lot of play. That's one of my go to. That's a good go to I, I go to and like I could talk about that myself and I can talk about or whatever, you know and other people have opinions and like usually pretty strongly or like not strong to a degree, they definitely like, Oh, this is a softball. Yeah. And it's nice because there's like an uptick in energy. You connect with someone when you both like it's like you're watching TV and then they're like, I do fuck with TV and then it's like, what kind of TV you watch? And they're like, I like Peaky Blinders. And then I'm like, Dude, come on. What we're talking about is bro, like Tommy Shelby, I'm saw on a. Post like, Yeah, as well. But there's a connection in that moment. That's what I'm trying to say. Like, that's kind of what we're looking for, especially. Yeah, and a moment of vulnerability. Yeah. Which is life is scary. Life is vulnerability. Yeah. We're all just little humans, those deep. So. Yeah, I was just, I had the I had a moment with, with the coworker I work with, there were like I forget what he expressed something to the degree of I don't, I can't connect with that many people about better call Saul because not many people have seen it at least that I've talked to. And I was like, Oh. Better call Saul. That's Gus. She's like, Oh, you. Know, Yeah. Boom, connection. Yeah, that's top five shows that I've seen in the last year for sure. Yeah, that's. It's beautiful. I love that show. It's just incredible. Just as good, if not better than Breaking Bad. Arguably. I think it's better. Personally, right? Yeah. I can tell you why. I love it. Breaking Bad has more like boom boom craziness. But then better call Saul has more like gut wrenching dialog where you're just like, Oh, or like, Oh my God, I can't believe that happened. But like an explosion, like a building blows up. And that's like one form of coolness or like entertainment. Attention grabbing or keeping you engaged. Climactic moment. Yeah, Yeah. But when you when like, a relationship was developed for two or three seasons and then, like, just something gets said, it's like more climactic, it's more gritty. I'm like shooken. I'm like, Oh my gosh. Look at me to my cause. Oh, I cannot believe this is happening. Yeah. It's like way more. I think it's better. I think. It's really. Yeah, more thrilling. It's deeper like takes a little more me to understand. But then the more me that I put it out there to find understanding is like bigger reward for my system. And then I feel like I learned to. You don't really learn much from an explosion. Then things explode. You know? Yeah. Don't. Don't connect those wires. I don't like the gas in a fire. Yeah, right. Or like an episode I'm thinking of. It's like when it goes into two, goes office with the bag of stuff. Yeah. And he's just like, you know. And I said it was crazy. What's the. What's the better thing that happened there? He went into the lion's den, but he didn't go without a backup plan. Yeah, he came knowing, ah, he's a he's a dead man. Anyway, he's like, I can't die. Like, this is it. And what he did, this is why what I'm doing, this whole thing. And he goes in there with that and yeah, with the knowing that he's going to be like dropped it to a degree or just like you're predicting, you're putting yourself completely in the fucking lines, then he's like putting your head in the line. Yeah, Yeah. So you're not going to find me, right? Like I got this line that I got this line. That's head I'm in. Yeah, yeah. Both going down. Fucking the people. People look. Okay. So that episode grabbed me for sure. I remember that episode. Right. That was early too. Was early. When I think about the best parts of Breaking Bad, that's one of the things that comes to my head is like, that's one of the best moments of my mind. And then I compare that with like some of the best moments and Better Call Saul. And I'm like, I just like Better Call Saul better. Like, that scene was great, but like, do Kim's character arc? Yeah, I see what you're saying. Oh, my God, how deep can it go? Yeah, I thought. Yeah, I think it does get super deep, but I love better call Saul. I think you're I think you're right in that it's more. The. Whole thing. The whole thing is crazy. The whole. Thing. And like, yeah, definitely. The ending is nice. Anyway, Breaking bad's incredible. The two I don't know. I can't give it. I can't give you the other way. That's what I said. Yeah. I can't really pick one or the other men but like I love, I love them both so good. I think he said there's another Vince Gilligan show coming out with the same actor for actress. Sorry, who plays Kim? I think he said, I'm not sure if it's a better call Saul continuation or some other stories within that or if it's an entirely new script written by Vince Gilligan, just starring this actress who played the lead supporting cast role in Better Call Saul. By either way, I'm sure it's gonna be a fucking fire because Vince Gilligan has proven to me time and time again, that man comes with some heat. He comes with both of those shows. A gas. He's special, special wrestling where he if he had two kids and they're both just ballers, they're yeah, he's awesome. Great. We had just that moment of connection, of genuine connection. It's another thing too, because it's like, I seen that thing. I know exactly what you're talking about. And they could have a different take on it than you. And then you guys talking about that together or enhance your own or enhance your own understandings or whatever, you know, also nice have the different differing opinions as well to give you more of a complete like I never thought about it like that. It's like, oh I love the show for this reason. Like, I didn't even like appreciate that reason that much until he's brought to my attention. I appreciate it for my own reasons. Yes. Right. And then we connection. Yeah, it's awesome. It's like I love I love the I. Love the left leg of this elephant. I forget what the metaphor is. It's like you can't you can't look at a you're always too close to a picture to see the whole picture. So you have to have other people help you figure out that you're looking at elephant because you're just looking at one leg or you might be looking at the trunk, but like you could guess what it is. And you're probably right, but like, you're just so close, you can see the whole thing. And it's really nice when someone else is like, Dude, did you did you see this part over here? When they look at it from this side? Yeah, right. Oh, shit. Like it's like really changing your perspective. A lot of this life thing that we're looking at. Yes. What you're appreciating is like the whole elephant. You know, it's cool that there's, like, a bigger thing than the one thing that you see about it. That's cool. It's like, the whole thing is the whole elephant, you know? And that's. That's like the piece of the piece of art, for instance. Yeah, right. The validation. It's like, I think it's dope. I think it's dope, too. Like, cool. My great my dope radar's, like, at least somewhat calibrated. That's crazy. Yeah, it's nice. It's nice. That's part of this whole experience that we're having. As I say, it's like, Yeah, I like watching shows like that, but life is like that. Yeah, that's life. It is. We're all living our own life and we can't see the whole thing. So we need other people to tell us how to look at this. True. And it's nice whenever you just hear someone like I have like a truth radar or like someone sits with me. Well, like they're saying it and it's like making sense to me, you know what I'm saying? And it's nice whenever, you know, you get something that makes sense to you that's different. Like you can change the way you think a little bit. Like people's perspective and energy literally will like change you a little bit for the better. Like you get to pick what changes and what doesn't change. You stand guard, stand guard at the at the gate of your subconscious. Yes, you should. Right. Right. Word changes into like, okay, it's like it's gone now. That's going to do its own thing in the back of my mind, like you, you stand guard there. Yes. You can let the things come by that you want to come by, the things you want to identify with and agree with, and things that you think are true and the truths that people have seen and experienced that you may not have seen that experience yet in your story and then give it to you now and you let it go through like, okay, I'll I'll, I'll agree with that. I'll also label that as truth until I find I find out otherwise. So we have to do here. Yeah. And you're always a lot of attention and awareness. It does, but it's also it's also written for you. So like, it's crazy because in my own mind, that presents a problem where, like, I have to analyze all the data so I can get to, like, the foremost conclusion of what's true and what's not true with all this information that's come into my gate. Yeah, but I think it's scripted so that the information that comes your way is coming to you as you need to know it. Personal, like personally written, scripted, right? Yeah. So the job becomes a lot simpler. I just need to go have my day. It's people don't I say so often and I thought people would just like, pick up on what I'm saying kind of quickly. But like I realize there's a disconnect when I'm like, Yo, let's have a day or like, let's get this day off or like, Yo, I'm trying to like, go for. The score for touchdowns. Please. Let's go cover with more focus. Who better the phone with you? But you can see me in the battle background. So I go, Yeah, angels have been on you dollars one. Thousand 1 million to 1. They've been on you. Come on. And the odds are stacked. I'll be honest you to cover straight up money lying dog. We need you, baby. We need today We need you. Yes, bro. Like, Come on, y'all. Golly, That's the part right there. That's what the show's about. But yeah, the job is simpler, though. Like, it is an impossible task. That's why I only knew one kid. Tom Cruise. Mission Impossible. Brilliantly like Tom Cruise. But it's like you. It's your day, though. It's like that's your challenge. Like your. We do have the like in the 360 degree, like you're the central focal point and like there's 360 degrees information coming in at you like, like and it's all like texts. It's like if your life was literally a story and like literally broken down into text format and just coming in to you like second by second, your script was being read through a fucking like a movie. Well, it's second by second. It's just going like you only have it's like a slight beam. It's it's your story that's coming in like one one text at a time. And you're able to like, try to read that story. But like, in truth, it's like a whole, whole thing. And you go see it your day, your days. It's like your little script. And you can follow your script perfectly for your day to day. Then you'll, you'll have your perfect story. And like the things that are supposed to come into your head will come into your head, and hopefully you're able to identify them, like you get to play a part in that as well. Yes, it's your responsibility. You get you get to have that responsibility. Praise God. Praise God. And you get in a rhythm with yourself or like your you're hitting your checks like you get momentum is what I'm trying to say. So like, once you're in like once you've had a few positive interactions and you're in rhythm much like any sport or any dart throwing or I'm trying to like job that I'm not sure exactly how to label this type of thing, but you can get into a rhythm where it becomes easier to you like it's kind of you're in a flow state and the task isn't even as hard as it was on paper when you started. Yes, because you're in a rhythm of making the right choice. Yes. And I could feel that I like and 100% back to what we're talking about the very beginning when we're talking about what I was making this week. And like, for example, if I for the last four weeks, it was like I had two points week one and then from week to two, week by eight or nine it was zero dog goose eggs across. The board, the drought. The drought dog. And then over the last four weeks it was 612 zero 12. Come on. The zero was only because I, I didn't even lose. It was, it was a it was a push. You hit three out of four and pushed on your last three. To four and pushed. Out, which would have paid out in. Vegas what it paid out in Vegas, but not in our league. Hey, let's go. Salvage dog Falcon came back with another 12. Oh oh so burgers are don't. Grow and the fucking Yeah it it it was push it was a push on the fourth and that fourth is my powers in the times two or time zero. So I got the time zero. And on that push they covered by five or the spread was five, they won by five, They missed a field goal and they threw a pick in the red zone. So it's like that's ten extra points potentially right there. Like they get covered easily twice. Justin was right, like 98% out of 100, which most of the time people celebrate. With, Yeah, I would have gotten paid. Yeah, literally would have gotten paid for that one. But like death just a. Little different of a league. Here won one more point by the Houston Texans and you get the most points in our league you could have possibly gotten but it happened to be the pick that was everything rides on that pick regardless of what else happens. And then it was also just like a tie instead of a loss. But a tie goes to the house in this league. Yeah. So you lose. Whereas like a tie is a no in Vegas. They give you your money back. Yeah. They're like, okay, we tied, you get your the game. The game don't even count the game. Might as well have not even been played as far as we're concerned. Yes. Which is tight like I mean I didn't really appreciate it that like a. Push isn't something I appreciate. In Vegas. Oh, I didn't win. But now I appreciate a push because I'm like Lisa, I love of course. And blackjack, but push and blackjack. Well, there's. I didn't lose my money. Yeah, you're right. It's like I. And here we go again, my friend. Double down. I would have to bet. The city was. Yeah. Oh, shit. I'm happy with my new move. Hard, actually. Yeah, but, yeah, that's a I feel like the thing is, when the more right decisions are making, like, the smaller it gets. And then you just focus on your actual text that's coming in the text, you're supposed to be reading the story. You're supposed to be reading or telling yourself about what's what's happening here. The maximized story, the maximized legend. Yeah. I feel like I'm I side for the last four weeks. Let's go. Yeah, dude, I feel that. And I felt that last year when I was doing the picks where I found the rhythm. And you find your own your own mechanics for making picks like you get your own system going. Like, what's going on? What's truth you what's truth here? Yeah. If I think about who's going to win was truth here seriously. And you know, the truth is the scoreboard dog. Fuck the stories, fuck the narrative we tell. Ourselves, the scoreboard, the truth. Seriously, even if is fucked. Up or the refs fucked up or whatever. Yeah, like. That's a story. But still, there's. Stuff to know too. Like when you got your zero. This story of you getting that zero is like, you really almost got it. All right? But if someone saw your zero and was like, Well, fade. Justin Zero, that's not true. So it's like, yes, yes, that's but like I. Got zero points. But yeah, three like four. And the three and a half out of four ain't bad. No, dude, my analysis is people. Justin The next week, the following Like people Justin and I did start to pick with you, and. Then I started scoring points. That's my sister baby books dog like. And then last year I had a really good system where I would text three different people with three different perspectives and I would add my perspective as a fourth perspective. And then I would try my best to detach from my perspective and analyze all four as 25% components. And so since I'm making four picks, I would kind of cancel out based on like I put all four of us in a Venn diagram, it's like, okay, we all kind of think this isn't going to happen, so let's fake that. And then it's like, these two are big on that and I'm down on that and Justin's down on that. But like, I can see why they're up on it. Like. JJ Why do you think this is going to happen? Yeah, And then he told me specifically why he thinks why, and I think, okay, I, I didn't see that I was thinking this. I mean, I know Justin also thinks this, and that's why we think that. But I think what you're saying are might be more true than me. And it's something I don't think. And I'm not always right. I'm actually wrong. Most of the time. I'm usually wrong. I'm betting against myself when I bet sometimes. Right. So I'm like, All right, that's pretty convincing. Let me throw that in there. And then I'm like, Derek, what are you super hard on? You like 249 years of what? And he's like, CMC can't be stopped. Can't be stopped. Dude, I'm telling you, this man machine. He's going to go for three. Dude, the Russian defense is nothing. I don't understand the spread. And I'm like, I bet, like, I didn't see that, you know what I'm saying? And then I'm like, I definitely think this is going to happen because the Steelers, like I always think that they're they show up and win and cover when like at least expect them to. So whenever I need something out of thin air and the Steelers have a cover in two or three weeks and I kind of like it, I'm like, Bro, I don't know, man. Mike Tomlin, you know? Yeah, he. Gets it going sometimes. So like, I'll just pull something not even my most favorite game, but just like, pull something that my analysis sees. And then when I would was doing that, that's when I was the most accurate that I'd ever been. And then I got into a rhythm of like if I read all the news stories for that whole week and I asked my four friends what was up, I feel like I had a money picks and I didn't know picking weird stuff like a young girl in Kansas City because my dad told me he's watching that game of Patrick Mahomes. He never watches football, so I don't think my dad's going have a bad weekend. I think I think Casey is going to cover big and then I would just pick him because of that. You know. It's crazy because you can do all the analysis and all the the experts are wrong all the time. And you do all the number really number crunching that you want to do. But then it comes down to the sun has to play out. It's like sometimes you got to bend against the thing that you're like, This is not going to happen in Phuket. So it's really happening. See, that's. That's a that's a more sophisticated way to deal with the system because the system isn't predictable. So why would I try to predict it? I'm predicting the unpredictability. Yes. So that's why I'm like my dad's watching the game. So it's more predictable that my dad has a good day than that. When my dad goes on a limb to try to watch a football game, I think he's going to get rewarded for that. I like I know my dad story and I know that this experience he has, I think he's going to have a good time today. And so I'm picking the chiefs for that. It's like that thing is more predictable to me than the NFL is. You. Know what I'm saying? Yeah, because there's like a million negative three, but like, trying to do the right thing in the right time in your personal story will allow you to just only have that perspective of those things coming into your feed, coming to your gate. So crazy. Well, gambling helped me see that. Yeah, that's. I was about to say about sunglasses. Four weeks later, I'm still in this big storm ride. That wave. God. Tell about that. That's the. That's the thing. It's like that's what gambling school to me is. Kids like that perspective of being able to predict the unpredictable by detaching from my own perspective and putting it at the same evaluation as my peers perspective. That thing was super value to me last year. It's like I learned something here bigger than the NFL is I could make money gambling or I'm smart. It's like I learned something bigger for sure. Yeah. Yeah. There is that unpredictability factor that you have to factor in. The randomness, the yeah, you you never know what's going to happen. That's like the great thing about life. Life's a gamble. Life's a gamble. That's why gambling works. It's like life to a very high degree. And same thing with restaurant. That's why those work. Life is hospitality. There's something there. There's something true that makes it work and that you can touch. We're touching it right now, but it's hard to understand fully. Yes. A lot of times you go out to eat with your family. You know, really you have good times there. And like that's the initial start of you getting into something or like playing poker with your friends. It's like fun or like camaraderie. It's like, but you're just enjoying something that's stood the test of time, like an industry. The word industry. Like it's crazy to me because it's like. Like a social foundation. Yeah. Or definitely a business foundation. Like a social. So yeah, I mean, social means like businesses. You can't do businesses people, right? You need you need clients. That makes business always social to something has to be. Yeah. Every social interaction is business. Or. Transactional, but not monetarily, you know? So there's more literally those both good, bad, zero. That's the thing. So that transaction, momentary transaction. I love this bridge because I wanted to get to this part. Come on, come with me. Okay, so. That's the thing about like making it work and in the workplace is an employee or a boss or an entrepreneur. I think it's true. Across the board you have to have the social piece in there because business isn't just is just transactional, but transactional is a social piece. So like in my mind, like you don't have to you don't have to kiss my ass and I don't want to kiss your ass. You just got to do your job well, and I just got to do my job well. The confident the. Hike is confidence based. Come on, I'll just outlive you. Come on. Oh, in the words of Mike McDaniel. Oh, seriously. Premium's a price to be paid. We could buy these bars. They write themselves right Themselves. You. But So I don't necessarily like that, though. Yeah. No, I don't. No, no, not of course. I wanted to kiss my ass. Oh, why would we just do our jobs? Well, it's kind of weird to me if you enjoyed that piece of the game. Mm hmm. That's something. You like it? I propagate it when it feels like I have to, just to checkboxes. Sometimes people are trying to. Sometimes my boss is trying to. Well, that's a weird metaphor. Socially. We're trying to figure people out sometimes. And sometimes if someone's trying to figure me out, I'm like, Oh, you know, fuck off, dude. Like, not not interested. Be like, I don't want to play this game of whatever it is with you. Yeah, like in the gym. I don't really like to, like, make friends in the gym. I think some people go to the gym for a social piece. Yeah, And I'm like, watching them, enjoying the hanging out with all the people almost more than I think they're enjoying the workout, which is like, cool. It used to not. I used to shit on those people. I don't. I try not to do it now because it's like the gym is like a healthy bar sometimes for those people. And who am I to say that they don't need some kind of social interaction in their life? Go to the bar. Get something off my chest. Yo, yo, yo, yo. And that's all right themselves. So. So you shit on those people? Well, I don't like it, though. That's where that stemmed from, is this feeling of like, I'm not there to do that. Like, I'm not. That's what it is, though. Yeah, yeah, yeah. It's like, I don't want to shun these people, but I'm not there to do that. I'm not. I don't agree. Right? Or at least I'm not interested. Not interested. Firmly not interested. B Yeah. But then some people, you know, they don't like that. B In fact, it's like almost like those people that want that social peace really don't like the denial of the social peace, oddly enough, you know what I'm saying? It kind of makes sense. So then like. They want it badly, so when they don't get it, it hurts badly. Yes. And then that makes them pursue a social peace, something more. They're like, hold on. No, I can like when this guy over. Like, let me just see what was going on there. Like, it like piques their interest to some degree when I'm like, Hey, I'm good. Like, I'm trying to work out, bro. You know, I'm saying like, have a good day, bro. They're like, Nah, tomorrow I'll frickin I'll talk to you tomorrow. I'm just like, Stop dong. But then I have to, like, engage with them socially to not have to deal with them socially, which is like, you know, I'm. I sound like an asshole right now, but maybe this is advice for introverts. It's like if you deny people the social peace that they want, it becomes like someone that inflates and wants to come over the gate you put up instead. If you just allow free passage, you'll have less calm you in between. You're shit, less energy expenditure. Trying to keep it at bay. Yes, because if you keep it at bay, it's going to swell up because people are weird, you know, like we're we're, we're too like people. Everyone's weird, Everyone's weird. You know what I'm saying? It's like you know, we're all dealing with this massive alternation we have going on. Yeah, we're all dealing with it in our own way, through our own interpretation of our own story. Right? And I'm just on the scale of less likely to. I just don't want to have to have that social piece I'm expending, like, all my energy on the performance. And then the people that I get along with are doing the same thing. And then we like find little gaps on Windows to relate the performance, but it's also like a natural flow where it makes sense to us. And like I feel when people tap into that, but I also feel when people's own neuroticism is steering them away from that. I also feel something of myself. We're coping with, you. Know, those. Same things. But yeah, it's all transactional. Yes, it's like, yeah, I'm answering, but we're all it every conversation is transactional. It's like input output. Input output and input output communication is a two way street and you need every everything is more than one person is like social, right? Yeah. Yeah. You need a client, you need someone to sell to or whatever, whatever, whatever you're trying to do to transact with. For me, I think, Oh, this is so hard. It's so hard. You know, for me, it's just like I value the currency at a much higher rate. Oh, sorry, guys. But what I mean when I say that is like, I'm not willing to give out transactions of me, It's a higher price. Like. I can't be so, you know, willy nilly with my transactions, I only so many. Right. And I'm not trying to say it's like causes or like it doesn't go out very often, but when it does, it's expensive and it hits you. That's my energy, you know? Yes. Dom Perry on Baby, You know, he's young. It's going to hit every time. Right? And like, that's I'm cool with that. I like that about me. I want to preserve that. It's something that developed naturally because of the way that I am naturally. And the whole effect of baby. Yeah. If I just keep being me, it's going to keep being true. And but so, but, but it does go out the title. Yeah. What is that whole effect. Yeah I like. That. I'm into that. And you have only one. Yeah. So but the social interaction. Yeah. The other side of that is that I share it with you all the time. Like you don't have to pay any kind of tax. Like we've been like, we're like, true friends. Like, we. That's what I saved it for. Like, my dad gets that at will and my sister gets that from me. You only have so much of it to give, right? And I do want to share it with the people that not like deserve it more or less, but the people that like mean a lot to me and I don't mean a lot to them. It's like I'm saving it for them because, like, that's who it's for, you know? So sometimes I am like more reserved in the social setting. I'm not trying to just like, I don't know, it's just not me all the time. Like, but then I do give it in to the people that I am trying to have those transactions with. And I think that's a better mode of being. I don't know. I might be wrong. Like some people enjoy. Things of balance. Right? There probably is a balance for that. Yeah, I guess. Yeah. And everyone has their own view of what that right what that right balance looks like in their own day to day, regardless of your level of introvert versus extrovert. Because some social interaction is like good for your soul, it's good for the for like humankind, like you're, you're conscious thought of what humankind is and who people are. It's like you have to kind of figure out who you are through other people as well. And then and there's people that pursue me to open me up like that for that sake. They're literally like, no, to be more be a little more open hearted, be a little more like child, like with your your self. Don't take yourself too seriously Like JJ is like that with me and I appreciate him for being like, he's right, you know what I'm saying? As much as I am like this and this is kind of my default setting, like people that have the opposing view like their right. And I would. Agree. Right the same way you are. Yeah. I want to embrace their right to. You know, the introverts and the extroverts both have a truth. Yes. The higher order is taking your default setting and detaching a little bit and being nuanced, sophisticated with yourself, trying. To integrate the other side, the other, the truth that's on the other side of the fence. Try to integrate that into your side of the fence. Yeah. Now we're cooking, you know? Yeah, yeah. Yeah. That's. That's tight, right? Yeah. Well, yeah, but I think the truth that we're talking about insofar as why it was hold it more so or than just like give it set, try to be everyone's best friend. You can't be everyone's best friend. And just like a truth for sure. But you should try to be friends with people for at least some people. And then like that, that level of friendship is a scale as well. It's like your family should be probably near near the top for sure. Yes. Of that social transactional. Well and amount of you, they are really invested into this social transaction like like all of you is in the transaction. I guess all of you should be in all the transactions regardless. But I guess insofar as like how much you're like with this person or like really in the moment, like I'm a little transaction, like. Emotionally invested, we're. Here together. Yeah, we're here together. Yeah, yeah, it's different. It is different. It varies. Well, you should be friends with some people at least. Yes. It's good for your soul. And you should give people, even though, like. Like we are. I do value with withholding my personal energy. Mm hmm. Like. Like I brought up my boss earlier and then kind of, like, diverged from that. But to, like, loop that thought is, like, sometimes, like, my boss needs to see who I am, and so I need to, like, give him some of my personal energy and then, like, develop a relationship with that person so that we can do what we have to do. It's like a coach. Like if a coach, like kind of needs to try to understand his quarterback a little bit more. So like, I'm going to have to be giving this guy like, you know, the the keys to the what do they call it? The keys to the car? Mm hmm. Yeah. Like, I'm going to have to, like, know who who's driving my car and, like, what he's about, what kind of decisions, how he thinks. Like I need to open it up a little bit. And so, like, but if someone at the gym is trying to open up like that, I'm like, the start. Like one of my. Your father in law got here. Yeah. Some people treat you like the father in law. Some people try to treat you like your step kid. Yeah. Because in that situation or I guess like in the father in law analogy, like socially, it's like in that case. Yeah. You're trying to inter meld your, your social fucking vibrant are vibrations and frequencies because you're not going to do that with this other person and they try to create one vibration. We're like in that in like the father in last thing, it's like so it's kind of like it makes sense that that kind of shit should go down to a degree because, yeah, who are you? You're driving my car and shit, you know, like carrying on a family name and shit. Yeah, I get it. What's going on with you? What kind of. What kind of things? You hold. Through. Right. So what my boss is, like, kind of like opening me up and I'm, like, intuiting him and perceiving him, opening me up and stuff like that. A lot of times my initial reaction is like, Stop, bro. Like, that's not it's not for you, it's for Justin, it's for my dad, for my sister, it's for whoever I'm dating at the time. Like these true parts of me are like I'm more rewarded when I keep those for the people that I actually have true relationships with. Not that I don't want to build one with you, but you just can't force one. You know what I'm saying? Thanks. Yes, that's another truth. What was it on the on the introvert side. Right, exactly. But people want to I don't know, but I don't know what it is. But to stay on what we're talking about right now. But with my boss, for instance, it's like I get it, though. For me to be a sophisticated person, it's like different in this regard, in this circumstance. Like I'm open to that. Yeah. And then, you know what I'm saying? It was put in my head. I think that's a correct and mature, sophisticated way to go about it. I did execute and like was vulnerable and direct. So like sometimes it's being a true self is scary because like, they could deem you not cool. Yeah, they're not worthy. Yeah, not worthy. That's a better. Way of saying that. Cool about it. I cool. You can sit with us. Yeah, right. But you're not worthy, right? Yeah. So that's a little bit of a scary thing, but it's also way to like, in that moment, I didn't need to be like that. So like all that to say the end result of us having that, like, share of energy and like opening up a little bit to each other is that we have more cohesion now. Like we work better together for real, like I'm more trusted and I do more with that trust. Yeah. And so, like, that's a good thing. Even though I'm introverted, it's like that moment of extroversion was like utility was important. Or maybe it was even put in my story to help me be less introverted or learn both side. And understand that. Right? Yeah. And so that's all part of this person. This feels important to tell you guys about it. Right? Yes. Yeah. But at the gym, it's weird. Sometimes in the social interactions it's all transactional. But I don't want I'm misunderstanding that sometimes I'm like, Why do you want a social piece of me? What we're transacting in a business sense. Yeah. It's like a make it is it? We kind of hit on this before the pod, but like, it's like, kind of out of context. It's not in line with, like, the movie. In the movie, they were telling ourselves like that that is kind of kind of a random scene, right? What the hell's going on there? It's out of context. Like, yeah, it's like to give father in law energy when like, that's not the situation or to be giving criticism when it's how the situation or talk about something that's kind of irrelevant to what's going on in the right here. Now it's like, what's the motive? Yeah, what are we focusing on right now? Right. What's the what's the motive? That it always gets me because I'm like, why? Why are you what's driving you to do that? And sometimes the answer is just people's own neuroticism and that doesn't mean craziness. It means like compulsion, Like some people just have thoughts and they need to act on them. That's compulsion. Some people can have thoughts and they're super far from ever acting on them. And that's like the opposite of neuroticism. Fanaticism also is almost like OCD, where it's like, That's not straight. I want to straighten it. Mm hmm. It's almost like control, too. It's like. I don't have, like, control. Here, Let me, like, take control. Let me, like, take charge. Let me, like, grab. Grab the wheel real quick. Yeah, yeah, yeah. And, like, there's a lot of it that. That's just a personality change. Oh, God. The light. Yeah. The light's on, whatever this thing is. But, like, look at me real quick. Yeah, It's like we won't know. Like, looking. We're looking at this thing. We're exploring this temple together, right? And yes, then it's like, what's the motive? Because in my mind, it's like a slithering snake. I'm like, Is this thinking about me? I think that's ultimately why I'm like, What's the matter? Like, why are you being like this? It's out of context. It's not with the flow. We have a goal. We have a generalized idea of how the teams to get to the goal This thing is out of context for what was supposed to be going on. Should I be concerned about it? You know what I'm saying? Yeah. Yeah. And I think that's why I generally end up in these negative interactions with people at the gym or sometimes people at work, because I'm just like, Why? Why are you being weird? I'll even just ask them, like, why is this happening Like this all feels out of context to me, and I perceive it to be coming from a place that, like, I don't understand. It's negative energy, to say the least. So like, I don't know what's going on there, but can we just, like, try to bridge gap? Like, I respect you just as a person, but at the same time, we've got a ball. I'm just here to ball, turn barking. That's it. It's like I care about the game. I got love for the game here for anything else, bro. But then there's other people trying to distract themselves, trying to, like, pass the time with more ease by creating more distraction. Yeah, and like, I get that we're all kind of doing that to a degree, but I don't know. I don't always want to be involved with that, and I shouldn't be a problem for you. Yeah, Yeah. We respect. That. Right? Right. Yeah. Respect the introverts bit. No, but. People, all this is going on. Some people only have so much they want to. Try to, like, manipulate it to a degree, manipulate the narrative of what. We are because we're all like. In what's going on. Like, you're in there. We're all in there. We're all in the happening. Yeah. Like, welcome to the happening. Like breathing is just happening, dog. Like, you can't really stop that from happening. You're right. You're right. All you can do is actually stop that from happening. It's like breathing is just going on like you that you can control when to stop it. All you. Can do is get in the way. And all you can do is get in the way. Yeah, it's like this is common dog. Like we're all in the happening right now. So we a divided delegate. Is this a good day. Those are that I'm The other day. Was so good I. Loved it. Awesome. Loved it Shout out big shot but this is. Deep Yeah, girl. And we're all in the happening and we're all trying to like our interpretation of what's happening is our story. And we're all trying to, like, have validity with that our own story. Or have. Our interpretation of what's going on, because I guess that that's what it is like. You live in your interpretation of what's going on and we can like present that to other people. And like the thing that we're looking at, like we were talking about earlier, like we're all looking at the same elephant or the same picture and we're all have our interpretation of what it is. And then like we like share that with other people. Like while we're going through at the same time. So then some people, I guess in the social interaction, we can just like genuinely share what we think is going on. You can talk to me what you think we're like, even if you think you're wrong or like potentially because who knows what we're looking at here. But if you are open and vulnerable enough with me to like, tell me that at that level of you don't really care if I think that you're wrong and I'm not going to like, I guess there are other interactions like even when you are wrong, I'm not going to like, kill you for it. It's like if you're able to be that vulnerable or like at that level, like that's like your true self and like the true social interaction and people are trying to manipulate that or think that you have or they have a more true version of maybe what the things going on are their interpretation. So that is like super, super high and having a high interpretation that is like very important in this life as I competence, literally like my competence that's really high. And it's like, that's like the most important stat in this entire video game. Yeah. So people want to like, wants you think because you can't see everyone stats. Yelling you. Gives anyone stuff you. Can to a degree you can tell. Yes. Yes you can. Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah. Right. I'm with you though, but you can want to guess again over time. Time will tell. Yes. If you tell a lot of me in this one social interaction, like you might just be trying to me make me think that you have a higher stat in the interpretation of this whole thing that we're all going through together. Yeah. Just so I think that I give you more clout, whatever that is. What's your motivation? Why do you think that? Why do you want that for me? Why do you What do you do? You just Yeah, you just value it so much. Like ultimately you do have a lot of influence, so your call is super valuable and people do think that the social game is so important that they want to literally manipulate perception. Manipulate this narrative. Right? So that they have more social credit when they go into these transactions? Yes, a really good one. But ultimately, like as like I had to sit here and admit with fucking America right now that that's the social piece is part of the transaction. And that's why I think I'm predicting right now theorizing. That's why people are so like neurotic to try to control that narrative with the social pieces that happen. Like I don't sit there and think to myself, Wow, this guy has a lot of influence. I got to make sure he likes me or I'm never going to give up. Get by in this place. Who? Yeah, lot was going off a little bit. So we're touching on Truth for real. It's crazy. Yeah. The social interaction, the social transaction. The reason that it is true, like it is true as much as I kind of want it to be true is true. And I think people take that and then that's why they think they have right to act so neurotic. They think it can like legitimately be more important than just like being like, I don't have to make you like me. Like, I don't like, I don't have to care what you think about me at the end of the day. And the people are like, Well, you kind of do. And I'm like, The thing is, this is like, if you like me and I'm not good at my job, you can still get rid of me. But if you don't like me and I'm great at my job, I got better odds. Yeah, I got better odds. So yeah, yeah, yeah, for sure. The competencies like interpretation of what the hell's is going on and it's like between you and yourself and then also with you and others, because, like, what others are interpreting can help you interpret better as well. So I love Jordan. We all love people. We all have people that we listen to and think. We think they know things like just like we talked about earlier. I think before all this, like with Mike, like he knows things about the car. So I was like, trust all that with him, right? In any of that dialog, any of that information that's like funneled through him. But there's like the interpretation of this whole life thing in and of itself, and that's like one of your stats, and then that's with you and also with the social people's. But then there's like competence is like, do you fucking get bucks? Do you put points on the board and whatever game you play. And that's the other thing. So it's like if my competence that is super high, like my, the social aspect of my interpretations that I'm willing to forgo to a degree is always a competence that is high. And I think you you can't tell me shit. Dude. Can't tell me nothing. I love to give money. Well, ultimately you personally need that, bro, because your interpretation set is really high. Yeah, and sometimes that's the other thing that's like, man, okay, so people didn't like Billy Beane in Moneyball. Like when he starts saying, like, we're doing things this way now, it's like, what gives him the right to do that? Well, one is in the position and then two, his interpretation told them to do that. And ultimately, even though no one really agreed with his interpretation and then socially they could sit there and talk to each other about how they all agree that they don't like his interpretation and they might think that might be enough to shut it all down. But it's not necessarily. Sometimes it is, but it's not necessarily in that movie. It's not. And ultimately, if your interpretation is scalable, like if your interpretation is more true and you play it out over time, then like the karma of that comes back and it's like validating in a sense where you probably change culture and like you personally have, it's lucky that your competence is so high that you're willing to sacrifice some of the social perception of your interpretations that because your interpretation, interpretations that is so high that you might predict something that's out of the culture and you're going to need to not care what people think. So that way you can get it, get them across the bridge. Your thoughts? You know, then I. Think that's I think that's part of your story, for instance, and part of my story, too. Like we kind of need to have that. Moneyball the Oh, yeah. You got to. Pay me. Yes, I love that shit. Yeah, same. I think that's what that movie is about. Like on a deeper level, like that's a difficult road to have to travel. But I think the other thing is that he got to that place in life. Like the whole story is kind of about how he ended up in that place in time. Like a third of the film is like back story and then it's like current time and then it's like backstory. And I think that's like part of the overall Arctic story, which is like you get to a place in time where you're going to have to say, No, I think we should do it this way instead. And then, well, like, what gives you the right to do that? It's like my interpretation. And I hear the guy on. The worthy hill, the guy who was. The one who could interpret the hills where the of dialog. Oh, that's how you start the notes for like the gods. Yeah. Yeah. Yes. And then some people really want you to think that they know what hill to die on. And then if you, if they agree or if they get you to agree with them, then they do. And if they're wrong, then like a manipulation is that's what, that's what, that's what they're trying. To do socially and needing my validation is weakness. Mm hmm. I don't want your validation. If I'm right, I'm right. And you'll just see that. You know, you're just going to see if I make it three. Points or go on the board and. We'll all know what happened. Yeah, that's it to me. Like, I don't need you to tell me that, like, my shot was good or bad, per se. I do want the cohesion. Like, if I miss the game flows different. Like if I miss it three I tell the people that mysteries every time. I'm just like, I just keeps you. Keep shooting. Keeps you. It's I got a point where I don't tell a specific person anymore. Like I'm only telling this guy to keep shooting. That guy can stop shooting. It's like I just want everyone to feel that. So any time someone misses the three, I'm like, Keeps you, bro. And like, that's good. But he shouldn't need my validation. Like, if I didn't say it and he's like, Bro, you're not going to say anything to me after I break a three. I'm like, What are you talking about? What. Are you asking me this? Right? No, I'm saying, but that's kind of what happens in these social settings as well. Yeah, that's a great example. Right? But people need. Random and out of context. It makes no sense. That happened during a basketball game. And pick up basketball. It'd be. It'd be strange. I'd be like, What do you want from me? So, like, Yeah, right. Like, I don't. Know. Yeah. Distrust, distrust and disrespect. It's like trust and respect. Minus three, minus one, minus one, minus one. But like, not and just not in like a rude way, not like a shooting on your way, but like in a I don't understand what's going on there. And now I have to like, I have to trust it less because I want to make it non information. Yes, I want to just be in my focus state with what I actually have to do. Unpredictable things I actually have to focus on. Yes, but you're becoming an unpredictable thing that I thought I didn't have to focus on. Yeah. Just means I have to put a little less trust. On that and put more energy on it, but more. Energy on it. And that's which is costly. Yeah. I'm not super happy about it. I only have so much. Right. You're making me pay a premium here for. No. Why? Because you're neurotic. So what the. Fuck? What the fuck. Not being rude per se, because I understand there's human experience. That's what softens me out is like that's why times where I need someone to be chill with me too, until I get my head around the corner. Just like and people to get their head around the corner. Sometimes we're operating at a high level here. I only have time to play like elementary games. Yeah, not a rude way. It's weird. It's weird. The herbs, it's. Yeah, the control of the narrative of ultimately, like, oh, it's like because they don't I guess maybe trying to influence the general social social narrative is easier than controlling your own narrative to a degree. Sometimes maybe you might get that way. You know better. It's like I can at least, like, live the lie or like, you know, it's like I only you know, what the hell's going on for real and what you think and what you're doing and how you just, like, truly subconsciously predict. I predict with like, interpret the entirety of what's going on in your life, what energy you're on. Like, you kind of make your own karma. I believe, like. Subconsciously, that's a definition of karma, right? Right. Yeah. It's something you created. Mm hmm. Yes. Yes. And you're trying to because you don't like the story that you're telling yourself or like, your interpretation. What's going on. Like, if you were like, really? Look at it for what it's like for the entirety of what it is. So, like, you don't like that. So it's easier to maybe influence what other people think of your story and their whatever they're writing in their pokédex of you. Yeah, easier to influence that than it is to truly influence your own story and change your Pokémon from the inside out that. Do you know why that makes sense to me so much? Tell me is because like, why is that? What's your motivation? The question that constantly occurs to my mind is like, why is this being projected onto me? I understand if you're having that problem, but it's like, why do I have to deal with your problem? I don't understand, but that makes sense is because it's a so it's because the problem is hard to deal with. So instead of dealing with it intrinsically, they put it off into this. Can you validate who I am? Not externally. I don't have to feel so bad about the story I've been telling myself or because I have earned my own respect. Yes, I'm not happy with who I've become. Can you make me happy about who I become? Because I respect you a lot? Yes. And if you if you would tell me that it would mean something to me. Yeah. And I'm like, What's your motive? What do you want from me, bro? Right. Sometimes I'm literally, like, turning those people away, and then they're like, Oh, I, like, trusted you or like, I put you. The problem is, I'm too intuitive. It's like, that's negative, neurotic energy, and you're bringing it to my doorstep. I just smell it like a dog. I'm like, Whoa, you're. It's imbalanced. Imbalanced shot's out of context. Come on. The true things you're saying and it's not rude things, just true things and like. That was hard. Oh, but the and like, I don't want people to hear that and be like, you know, he's condescending and cold. I don't want to give him more energy. I have warm energy for you like I legitimately do. Hassan of Espresso, baby. Dude, that's what I'm getting up. In the morning. That's my spirit. Animal Is that okay? So that's what I want to. Be for you guys. Seriously. And at the same time, though, like that requires a lot of focus and balance. It requires a lot of focus and balance all the time. I'm very focused and I'm very balanced. And then if I have something kind of just like that shaky energy coming up to me and like kind of throwing me off of that, it requires attention. And I'm sharp like a needle sometimes because it's like a smell. Male intention to some degree, Yeah, it's not my intention towards me at all. It's your own male attention for yourself. And I just feel that like I can literally feel it. People be like, I'm not doing it. Like, what are you talking about? And I'm like, Dude, I it's it's like smelling it to me. It's like smelling seeping. Into my pores. Like, I feel it and like, I don't want to make you feel bad about it, but it's like you're making me deal with it. You're projecting that onto me and then looking for an extrinsic answer to an intrinsic problem. Yeah. And then if I tell you that that's a negative social interaction, I'm going to like, have to, like, deal with negative consequences. Like, I didn't want any of this. Now I just lost social connection with you because you were being neurotic outside of you. Yes, but we got to help each other. Yes, we're all. Pokémon in the fucking world of Pokémon and we all have our own Pokédex of all all of the fucking other Pokémon that we've ever met. And we have to fill it in with information. And then we have our own who we think we are and the like, our own it like it's just like a mystery box and like you could see, like kind of choose or interpret who you think you are, what Pokémon you think you are and feel like your own, your own shit with things that you hopefully know are true and have tested over time. I guess that's like a way to find out where true is something that happened over time. So we've mentioned that or we've alluded to that. You've alluded to that earlier. Yeah, time tells the truth. Time will tell. You. Yeah. If there if there is competence, that is correct. The time will tell you. Yes. Regardless of what you think about their interpretation. And. The pokemon. If you're a heart in Pokemon, your heart in Pokemon Dog. Yeah, yeah. Word. And no matter what other people have on their pokédex of you, that doesn't determine what you are in the final analysis. No. And what does get determined in the final analysis, in my opinion, is the accuracy of your pokédex if if your shit. Yeah. If you know the big thing right, you can have a diluted us pokédex if you want. But like you're don't have good energy. I'm not going to win the game and I get to the final four oh. You have low frequency experience. You're going to beat your rival. No, dude, you probably lose badly. In this match. You want to draw you forward. It's going to hurt to watch Pikachu go down like that. You know. Pokémon until they get. Off with their with their fucking with what they're immune to or what they're super effective to or whatever you're. Like we're wrong in all your pokédex and like, you're like, misinterpreting people and saying like, off, like, fuck his character. His character doesn't the character that he's exhibiting or she's exhibiting is not going to rape them positive competence and positive repercussions in the final analysis are going to lose their poker battles. You're not going to follow that. I'm not going to go with that strategy. Yeah. And you go there and it's all fucked up. Like you're not going to win the game, you're going to get destroyed. Dog Dragon is going to destroy you. Destroyed, destroyed all six of your guys just out. Mm hmm. Yeah. You have a rival out there. It's yourself. It's you. You. It's you. In another life. It's the shadow link. Yeah, it's a real. It's a real thing. This is all real. Like. And you also have an adversary that's like the devil. But you do have, like, in the devil could be defined as this. Think in your own heart. So it really can be. And a completely intrinsic problem, to be honest with everybody. But like you, your better self, you're called forward. It's like when you get to the point of your complete understanding and then it's like, God or whatever life. Like you're about to learn something. It's like it's always like just one increment outside of what, you know, like give or take like one step forward. You have to have the courage, like I was dwelling on all this social shit or like figuring out the social piece of the transaction. I mean, you giving it a vocabulary term really like finalized. I'm like, I could take the test now. I figure it out. But I've been studying it for like a semester or two, right? Because there was just a weird thing that happened at some point when I was working at a previous employer and I just like got my, like life in my body and my look and my work rhythm, everything just like in line. Now it's humming at a really high frequency and then everybody want to say hello to me at the gym. Like I became like one of the people we'd see in the gym, like a legendary in the gym. I had like a moment where I became like a notable character in the gym and people started to want to come up and press on me like, I'm so proud. Yes, I'm here all the time. Sam, How long you been here for, bro? What are you living in today? Well, I just like it was such a swell at once that I was kind of overwhelmed by it and it was, like, too noticeable. It's like, what's going on here? No, I'm saying, like, I don't want to have all these social interactions. Why do I have to? What propagates that? Why do they. Why are they able to do so though? Yeah. Yeah. And then you kind of like just put the, the nose on the head or like there's a lot going on when it's at the gym too, because the gym is hard to go to. So if there's stable things there to remind you why you want to go and you can engage in interact with those things like that's, that's a that helps in the gym. That's part of gym culture. But at the same time, one of the deeper underlying things that's going on there is the, the you can't the interaction is social. What it is the transaction. Yeah. Like people want to have I can't just be there and be like, Hey, can I buy this these weights when you're done? And they're like, yeah, cool. And we don't have to have any kind of social. Like, I got to be like, Yeah. You know, this. Is that okay, cool. Yeah, there's got to be some kind of like with that. Yeah. Can we just leave it there? You know, they want to have some kind of what do you consider, bro? So, like, they want to have that social piece. Yeah. And where's that come from. Is it. You're saying you had that internal like what the fuck. Yeah. For like nine or ten months, You know what I'm saying? I've been kind of just like trying to wrap my head around it. But ultimately. So with that being said, I was kind of like express that the moment where I did allow myself to open up to my boss so that he could like, evaluate, like let myself be evaluated, and then also like put parts of myself out there that like true, true parts of myself, let him know those parts and then see what he does with them and when he extended the true parts of himself back. And then we had a better relationship for it. It's crazy to me because it's just I've been reading, I've been studying, I've had this on my mind and life me one step forward and all I had to do is be sophisticated enough to take that step without falling like past the vibe check like step and make it to the next step. Because you can just like. You could sit. Your shot and it's a terrible. You know, a brick city. Yeah, but like, if you could just take that one step, then what I'm trying to say ultimately is all that stuff that anyone is dealing with intrinsically. I just told you a bunch of stuff I was dealing with intrinsically. It's like life itself will present you opportunities to understand it and overcome it. You don't have to projected on other people and it will get dealt with, but your experience will try to fix you. In my opinion. You have more clarity or more understanding. Yes, because life is also like a data, let's say like a defense, right? If your defense is vulnerable to deep passes, but you basically have everything else covered, people are just going to come at you with deep passes. You're going to have to fix it. Yeah, have a gap. You have a hole in your ship. Life is like that. Water is going to pour in. So you would do that. So what? The fix. It'll show you what The fix. That's the thing. Yeah. And you can just rely on that. You know what I'm saying? Like I rest easy with that. Yeah, whatever. I'm going to have to with like life is just going to bring it to my doorstep would be one step outside of my comfort zone. And I'm getting good at taking that step, you know what I'm saying? Yeah, to. See that step. Okay. Yeah, that's it. That's it. That's it. It's worth. It. Plug the holes, man. That's the totality of that. That thought. Yeah. Now stem from talking business. Business is social. 100%. It's built on social. And social. Does anything more than one person. We're definitely in. I mean, maybe not it's like this McDonald's built on the social peace that they have clients. Yeah. If you just treat them terribly. I think it's built on cheapness. It's built on necessity. People got to eat and that's the cheapest food around. Yeah, I'm just saying this. I get like the, like fundamental level so you can't have a business without. Like, it was people really. People got it. Got people at. All. Yeah. But then okay, so why do people need the social peace? That's a good question. Yeah, because businesses need people that to be works for me. BDC, I have trouble with. But there's it's hard to understand extroversion if you're introverted, I guess. Mm hmm. Mm hmm. Yeah, I guess. Why? To gain more information, to get more your interpretation of what's going on. Because if we're alone or bored. Yeah, I guess in a business standpoint, if you're not, if you know, you need to kind of take care of your clients, you need people that want to come transact with you. Yeah, you need. That. If you don't have that, you're going to have zero customers and you're not in, then you're of business, then you're fucked. I think it's more important than having a better product sometimes is a social piece. If they if they like doing business with you, literally, like now I just like doing business with a boy. That's my dog. Not the best prices in town. Yeah. If you get the balls the like. Chris for instance incredible product. I like this and see I. Like doing business with them. Like, legitimately. That's like we have a barber. Yeah, my barber. Prices are high and it's far away, but I like doing business with them, so I'm like, willing to account for that. Like it can. It can go into my budget. Some people are strictly like, you know, there's times when you have to be like McDonald's only, only. But whenever you're like, able to go to a restaurant, who are you going to give your money to? Like you might pay a little more over, a little less to have that quality. The better social interaction. I wouldn't personally, but it is true outside of me. Yeah. Or it's like whenever I go to any fast food. Wendy's, McDonald's, what a burger. And like, ah fuck. Another culprit is the Wingstop and the fries aren't like great. The fries are like for at best four out of ten. This in my mind I kind of accept. I kind of like chalk it up to the game because I. You know but if you go to a. Fucking five star restaurant and the fries are cold, you're much more apt to dig them a little harder for. Yeah. Foul thing. Yeah. Well equipped the foul. Ball that game kind of tight. Right? It's like it's playoffs or something. Just play the Super Bowl. Yeah yeah I was just the way I was. Mm hmm. Yeah, that's a good thought. That's true. So business is built on that social, I guess people are first and foremost. But then also the hospitality, I guess, is kind of like the word that people associate with that. There's also the scalable. Pleasure. Or. Sorry, there's the like the, the nature of the transaction itself, how pleasurable it is, how enjoyable it is. There we go. That's the way it. Kind of sucks to spend the money. It always kind of sucks on like just I mean, sure, you like to buy things. My spend money literally, but like spending the money kind of hurts a little bit, you know. Like shave something yourself. Off. Yeah, a little bit of your your security, you know what I'm saying? But that's also why I wanted to bring to the table. I think that there's a it's a scalable thing. So the further away you are from poverty, I think the more you appreciate the, the social piece of the engagement. Because when you're closer to poverty, you're more likely to take the cheaper option regardless of the service around it. Yeah, chalk it up to the game. Exactly. Yeah. Cold prize. Chocolate's the game. Right? And I can't just be shaving off pieces of me if there's not a lot of me to shave off. But like, if you're in an abundance, then I think that the social piece, like the enjoyment of spending the money, means more than the amount of money that you're spending. Yes, big time. So much so maybe it's almost like subconscious. Like it's like not a laziness thing that happens, but the same way that people get, you hear the expression like rich. In fact, I'm not saying people. I'm not like, don't say. It's just an expression. Yeah, no. Yeah. It's like I think the gluttony right is I mean. Yeah, like just rich, fat, happy, like a king. I really like, like if a king was very like that. Again. Sorry. Go ahead. No, not with you yet. I'm with you. That I think that you kind of misunderstood. It was kind of redirect. It was like a like a bigger king. If he has got some weight on them, if he's, like, a big guy. Yeah. The Kings in the day were fat. Yeah, because could afford to eat. It's wealthy. It's like a thing. You expand it, you aspire to be fat and happy and wealthy at the end of your life. Yeah. More you to shave off. Yes. And so when you get to that state that for whatever reason, I don't know. I'm not I'm not there yet, don't have that perspective. But the, the social piece of the interaction means a lot more of the transaction. It's much more valuable, so much so that I can tell that people they just like people, will literally try to express to me on my job, like I'm just I'm having a good time because it's like the food is like kind of relevant. I mean, dude, I use steaks everywhere. Yeah, how are you, bro? And I'm like, Get. A good meal. Anyway, once you have enough money and got any restaurant, literally any restaurant. Right now enjoying this one more than all of them. And that's crazy. That's a crazy it's hard for me to digest that in the moment. I'm like, that is that it's so far out of my perspective that I kind of need a moment, but they also need me to be live on camera so I can't sit there and think about it too long, you know what I'm saying? But it's true, or it seems to be true, especially with the wealthier the clients get, the more the social part of the transaction is valuable to them. And I'm not like saying that in a way where we got to really try to be friends with these guys or I'm trying to grease him up or nothing like that. If I'm reserved for the most part with my true selves. But those people, I realize that like one, they're being honest with me. And two, they're really here for the hospitality piece. So like me to be truly hospitable for them and it feels right. I'm like, I have to let in a layer of my more true self, like maybe talk about how I'm going, you know, to Las Vegas a. Little more personal, a. Little more personal stuff, because they're kind of asking for it. Yeah. And like, it's I mean, it's just cool. I think that's how bigger business happens to like the million dollar deals, the golf courses and the saunas and the the social part of the transactions, how you move those gears broke. Because if you're two, the only time you deal with high prices, cold hearts is out of necessity. Like maybe you have poverty and maybe you really need to get the deal done. But people who have the choice of how they want to spend their money, it's that's not what they're going to do, You know what I'm saying? Yeah, Yeah. That translates to the social as well. I think maybe those people like us, I don't know. People Money can do crazy things to people or make people transmute their, their personality for, for the money, but whatever. But I think a lot of people who are truly abundant and like, really got it figured out and have like a good home about themselves. Enjoy the social, really enjoy the social part regardless of like any potential positive outcome. You can have that. Yes, right. And that's more of a there is a higher frequency to be on. Yeah. Or at least the moment because I'm not there for the social piece, but I'm there for the moment. So like, let's say like if champagne gets spilled on me, but it's like the funniest thing in the world based on what we just said. I'm so happy that that moment happened that I don't care that champagne got a spot on me at all. So like, I guess what I'm saying is like a high price to pay if I'm there for the moment, I don't care necessarily how high the price is to be paid. Like if it's like that, this because like art imitating life. So an art encapsulating like a perfect moment. Some of those happen in real life too. And if I'm there for one of those, that's solve that, that's me. Like, that's outside of money. And I think that's a higher frequency that I'm able to tap into. Yeah, because if you're just you ever seen someone that's just like, way too concerned, like the whole time they're having a bad time about how much money they're spending. It's like, that's not right. I'm saying it's like, this is how you should be having dinner. It's like this is all poor experience. I want like, optimal experience. Yeah, Yeah. At the moment, those optimal moment, you know, you have right here. More valuable than money for sure. But also, you know, you've got to, you know, some people don't have money to spend it. Like it hurts like you're in a poor place financially. Yes. The rock and a hard place is real as fuck, too. Yeah. So the social cue or the social piece. Of business. And everything in life is. Important. It's important. It's like, I don't know why not, you know, at least try to be. Like baseline with everybody, you. Know. You know. Everybody's best friend, because you can't first and foremost, can't be everybody's best friend, but at least just be like even keel with everyone's even keel. Yeah. Good. Everything's good. You good? Now again, I call. It Leave it at that. Can I leave it at that. That's, that's nice. I love that. Yes. See, And I build a relationship. You can enrich it from there. You can enrich this shit. Make it crazy dope. Yes. That's what I. Laugh. Cry laughing. Right. It stems from that place of natural peace. It's like we should come to homeostasis on its own affect. Like our just in a pool should become, like, pretty still balance. Yeah. And then from that place, we get the moments where I'm loose enough or, like, it feels right to be like, laughing harder. Yeah, The moments that would give us the thing that you're asking for, which is like bonded friendship. It's like those things occur naturally when we're just at homeostasis with each other. Yeah First, we have to like every social interaction is waters meeting and colliding, and those waters can still and then they could become organized waves. And then us as surfers, we can ride the organized waves in as fuck. Exhilarating. Yes. Or they can clash and create a fucking hurricane. And then we're both surfers in this hurricane and it's terrifying. All right. That's one of the best analogies I've seen. You just pull out on the. That's money. Do you hear me? Go put that in my mailbox. See those? Beautiful. You've got mail. You're like, Oh, that's awesome. Yeah. And it's like, man one One of the bigger problems is that I feel rude saying all this. Just like, what generates more negative energy in myself is that I'm going to have to a a conflict moment which is just hard to have not yeah yeah. Still the waters I was like my waters are pretty still and you're coming at me with some waves. I'm like. What you. Doing? We like just still we still this moment that we're both showing right now. Yes. And I need to express that. And like, part of me is having like a hostile energy within myself because I'm upset that I'm having to deal with it at all. So it's like that's why I think I want to talk to you about it or why it comes to the presence of mind. Why I've been dealing with it is because it's like an annoying thing and I'm going to feel rude and like almost conceited because I'm like, Who am I to say it, dude? I'm like, It's just a lot, you know what I'm saying? At the gym to be like, Dude, I don't want to check in with you every day. Like, I've had that conversation for like five or six or seven. I got an argument with this other dude at the gym because I was trying to pray for me at the gym. Oh, you ever tell me about that? Yeah, dude, it got into a head like at another time after the time when I was like, say, bro, like, you're while in over here and shit, like, all the stuff that you're going to be saying and stuff like, feels weird. I don't know what you're doing to like, I'm cool. What's your motivation? Yeah. Hasbro. And then he's like, I don't know brother, or is like this older dude. And then he ends coming over to where me and Julian are working out, and then he's like, you know, trying to use our machine. And then the machine right next starts, same machine opens up, and he's just like, still waiting for our machine so that he can like, catch me in between sets so that he can try to be like, Hey, man, I know you. You were thinking this about me, but I'm really more about this. I'm like, This is like, usually would wear headphones in the gym to not have this conversation right here because, like, this is your own eroticism. It's a great weapon. I don't yeah, the headphones. Like I don't want this I didn't come for this And also it's not like I was open to you praying for me for sure. But then you're also like, we're talking shit behind my back to Julien because I guess you thought you were closer friends than me and him were like, as soon as you walked away, this guy's like, Told me what you said about me, and your prayer was kind of off base. You started talking about Joe Biden and the current politics in the middle of your prayer. Feel like you're doing it like a bit. You were like, going off, you know? And I was like, well, I didn't sign up to you're like, take taking this my attention. You're like, Yeah, why are you doing that To me? It's like, rude. I don't know. I don't know how to figure out the right word for it, but it's like, almost like assault for my attention, you know? Yeah. Put your light on me. Like I'll pull out of my workout. Yeah. Where are you? Why are you. You're spending your life trying to get me to remove my light of a thing, obviously. But we should both be focusing on right here. Right? And then it's just like, Oh, so you said you were a devout Christian. I was like, Yeah. He said, You're a pastor or something like that. So my dad was a bachelor and I've, like, grew up in the church, so like, yeah, I want to pray for you, to pray for each other. But also like, right now I'm not interested in that. Not a rude way. I know you wanna pray for me right now, or like, I was kind of telling him no, which is a weird thing to do. Have you ever told someone? No, I'm good. Don't pray for me. Yeah. Have You ever said that? Someone please get in. I would appreciate it if you didn't so like. But in that moment, I'm like, I didn't come for that right now. Like, I'm not. I wouldn't want someone to go to someone in the gym and be like, Hey, can I pray for you in a moment where they're not ready for that? That's like putting a bad name on what we're doing here as like evangelists or like the people of Christ and like, right now I'm in that state where, like, I'm not in a place where I want you to pray for me because, like, my trust and respect was for you were lowered over our last interactions. But like, if you want to pray for me, you could pray for me on your own and it would do the same thing. Same accounting. Yeah. Like I want to. Whatever you're trying to get done here. Like, you can do it for me, but I don't want to. I don't want to be part of it right now because I don't really trust we had I didn't come here for this, and you're kind of being rude by forcing it on me. So could I have some space and just do my workout, please? And, like, do I feel like I needed to have that conversation with that guy because it, like, needed to be said? But it sucked saying all that. It put me in this weird corner that like, I seem like I'm a douche bag for some reason, right? Yeah. Not sure what's truth here. And this name in the Denzel and Ethan Hawke shit they were talking about yesterday, like it's, you know. Yeah. That's like tackling the guy in the wheelchair. Is that right or wrong? Make him throw up the drugs. Is that right or wrong? It seemed like I was doing that to that old man. To the nth degree. Right. I think you were in the right. I think so, too. Because then. Because what kind of like showed it to me is immediately he's like, well, how many people have you brought to Christ in the last year, brother? So what are your stats? And I was like, Dude, that's a weird question. Weird question. The question that had a context completely like, What are we doing here? Right? You're trying to like, get defensive and jockey with me over the hierarchy of this. So I'm saying is you want to pray for me for clout. You're talking about how many people you said for clout. All that is strange to me right now. You want social interaction for me, for clout? Yeah. What's your motivation? You want that. Just workout dog. Just take people to God. That the gym, they didn't go to whatever dealing with this at all. It's not a chat room, bro. Like. But and then yeah, part of me just answered and I'm just like, dude, I probably ten people to church on last year and he's like, Oh, you're going to baptize. That was like, What are we talking is like, I got ten people baptized. Ten? Yeah. Wow. I was just like, What a coincidence, right? And I was just like, Okay, all right, bro. Like, thank you. Thank you for doing the Lord's work. It's like, I don't he's like, You come to my church, you can talk to all the people that I baptized. And I was just like, Dude, Oh. God, I heard. That cringe. You're like talking shit to me about something that so? And then I was like, Dude, like, he's like, I've never seen someone so angry. Like, you're just angry, man. I was like, Dude, I'm. I'm talking to you. Like, Jesus would talk to a Pharisee. And at that point I was like, Damn, you're out on a limb, kid. Watch out, kids. Yeah, seriously, God, talking to you, right? And then he's like, No, I don't take money from people. I'm not in the church for the money. And I was like, the Pharisees. The money was alluding to hypocrisy. The money symbolizing hypocrisy. You're exuding hypocrisy right now because you're talking about, I want to pray for you and you stake so much of your life on this Christianity evangelistic mission that you're doing. But the energy that you're bringing to me right now about it, the way that you're going about it, isn't very Christ like. The the the the Tomahawk dog got the. Job. Moran Tomahawk got a poster, and. Then Julian is like, the guy I'm working out with is like, say, bro, can we just work out? Man? We got one more set and I'm a guy and I do my one man set and this guy just stands there, you know, the other machine's open. They could just start doing PAC deck and I'm saying, not a big deal. And then the peck deck. The other one, Julian points out to me, he's like, Yeah, it other machine was set up for the back deck, and then he just waits for us to get done, which was on machine down and then sets hours up for back deck. Oh my God. Like he just wanted to. He was over there to fucking talk. What a perfect like, life is perfect like that as a perfectly written scene. You know, if I want to write a movie, that's exactly how it would go down to emphasize more of the point that you're trying to. Make. That like, even though it seemed like it would be like, who am I to get mad at this old guy saying hello? I want to pray for me because it's weird. But all of it was out of context. Service level. Who am I right? Where the fucking. What's. Your motivation going in there? Right. Ever. It seems to me I don't want to shy away from. Sometimes I feel like, you know, maybe I should like being too intuitive causes social social disbursement that might have negative ramifications because, like, do you need everyone to like, you know, do you need that? I guess kind of, yes and no. Like we were talking about with like interpretation and social interpretation aspect of that, but then also the competence. So like, you don't need everyone to like you if your competence that is hidden, but if your competence that isn't hidden, then you need people to like you to help you readjust your interpretations to that. Because if no one likes you that are going to help you adjust your interpretation of that correctly. Like I say, fucking you figure it out on your own. Yep. There it is. Yeah, that's hard, dude. That's hard. Also, it's like part of it is like, I think the story is what if your confidence is high enough, like Billy Beans is a story worked out for him. Like the coach ended up gaining respect for him, and once the coach gained respect for him, then Billy Beane had more respect for the coach because the coach was actually going with what he said. Then they could work together. But like there's that moment where, like, you need you need if your confidence is high enough, hopefully you do your job well enough that people ultimately gain respect for you. But like being a Maverick's like a scary thing. Like, that's why Tom Cruise's callsign is Maverick in that user was topgun Topgun Yes, because it's like there's dangers to being a maverick. Like you get your friends killed. Like it's dangerous to be and untouchable. And so ahead of the curve that everyone's got to figure out behind you what like what you see, what the truth is, what the truth that you see. House is like that to another show where someone's so ahead of the curve and they're such a maverick that they create folly and chaos behind their wake of not being allowing themselves to be more likable. Mm hmm. Yeah, It is important to some degree. Yes. I only wonder. I guess. I guess, particularly whenever you're trying to adjust your and because your competence or like the you're not getting the results you want, so you need help in trying to adjust your algorithm and adjust your actions and your habits and see what's working for other people. And then if they like you, they'll tell you and they'll want you to win because they don't like you. They're less likely to tell you and want you to win. But if you're winning on your own, I guess you don't need them. But I guess you can't win every game. You can't win. Forever. The things are you're not going to know. They're going to be things that you don't know how to handle when they present themselves. Yes, I'm just racking my brain. I'm thinking, I don't think about Michael Jordan and Tom Brady, two guys that didn't care too much about the likability. My dad still says he fucking hates Tom Brady. And I'm like, I get it. I get it. But like, I don't get it. Like, do you just need a good home crowd? Is that all you need? And then the rest of the world, they can. They can hate you for your greatness. Yeah, yeah, yeah. That's hard. The people you can actually look at and touch, you need them to know who you are. Like you have to maybe market yourself well enough to some degree that you're like, they're for people and can communicate to them and like like, we like I'm trying to communicate it to them. Problem that I'm dealing with them in the gym. I got to be there for them. Yeah. And like if I'm there for them, they'll be there for me. And I think that's a, that's the frequency that creates like a michael Jordan or a Tom Brady is like the, the commitment to I mean, you can't just be committed to yourself is the ultimately the thing. Yeah. Higher order the higher order is caring about them to. Have your own tendencies and they and you might be right in some of your tendencies, but the higher order sometimes requires you to go outside of your tendencies and outside of what you think is right. And act in a way. Yeah. Like engage with that person and try to help them. And then like you did try to out you did help them, like at the end, like he needed to see that or needed to hear those words and maybe have that, like opposing narrative brought to his attention so he could like deal with his own narrative because it's a him thing. Yeah, everyone's dealing with their own thing and trying to project it out to the outward world sometimes. But the only way we have to work on it, right, is to take our current understanding and tested against what's outside of our door. And so, yeah, I get it. Yeah, get it. You need the social piece of the transaction. You need other people to like run your presuppositions against or with. Help figure out help you figure out what's going on. Yeah. And we guess that is that what we're here to do? Is that why it's so important? Yeah, I guess. Right. This is the name of the game. I don't know the name of the game. There's something going on. The happening is happening. Yeah. And part of it is that we're all here experiencing it together. Mm hmm. That's part of the happening, is that that's like, a multitude of people are in the happening billions. Yeah, That's the name of the game. Yeah, that's life. That's it. Shit, man. We did this for everyone. W when I wanted to do an intro. It's just a random event. Welcome in. And the parting from the M to 38 show. It was a number. 27. 27 of the things Vladimir Guerrero I'm fairly certain it was number 27. Where the pulling out angels thing Let's go. Angels baseball player. Dammit dude, I wish we could just park for 3 hours. I know we'll get. There, we'll get there, we'll get that. We'll get the Joe Rogan status. We'll get there soon. One day semi me. Awesome. Thank you for leveling up with us. Thank you for coming in and hope you had a great Thanksgiving is now the holidays are officially in order. Christmas is coming soon. But life is good. One is always warm. Keep doing the right thing. Any other end of the parting words My. Life getting deeper and deeper. I dig deep. Yeah When you got to dig deep. Dig deep. Deep to only see the surface level y'all. And there's so much beneath the surface it goes forever. You're the answers to everything you're looking for. There, there, within yourself. You got love for life. I love you. Love you. See you next time