The MJ38 Show

Episode #28

December 11, 2023 MJ38 Season 1 Episode 28
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Matthew and Justin talk about Graduation, The Family Unit, and "The Matrix"

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Yeah. So in that regard, I really feel like my mom was there because. I. Was like, my mom would definitely be doing this. And then I was like, Hold on, we're definitely doing this. And it was kind of crazy because like, you know, to some some ideas animate you. Mm hmm. That's how I felt like that. A lot of it was I was just crying so much. Just letting you know. I don't mean to this crying, you know? I lost a lot of weight, man. Crying. Yeah, but, yeah, I was just, like. Just like a church, like. Yes. I just think I was just thinking that. Overwhelmed with emotion. Oh, yeah. I'd be crying virtually every service these days. And it gets to a point where sometimes, like, the tears are at your eyes and you're just like, Man, this is not really like a crying moment right now. You know? It's a lot know just a lot. Oh, it's exactly how I felt for real. And it also took me back to when we were eating a J.P. Austin for our birthdays, like when we turned 28. Yeah. Two years ago. Yeah. Yeah, yeah. And I was just eating dinner and I was just, like, crying. My goodness. I kind. Of felt like now we're. Missing a great piece of. Art. Yeah. Yeah. Do you have a freaking aged dude? I swear. Yeah, that's. Is it? Yeah. For real. So, yeah, I feel. I thought the whole. I thought this is graduation. Yeah, Grace's graduation. My sister graduate from Texas State Bank. Eat em up. Eat them up. Go, cats, go. Let's go. It was really cool thing. Yes, Shout out, Shout out. Shout out all the graduates. Graduation season. Let's go. Great job, everybody. Good job. Well done. You did it. That's a freakin tough sledding. Let's go. It was a tough. I know it's not easy. Another semester down. Let's go. So some things are meant to test you and, like, break you and, like, make you fail and see what you do with failure or see what you do when you're all the way broken down or see like, not everything when sometimes because we work out so much like working out the failure means like something different to me because I work out. It's like, Oh, working out to failure is not that bad, but when you work out to failure in life, it's pretty bad. Like, that's it's. Tough, you know, I'm saying. They get hard and. But to persevere. Creatively, it's like the the celebration of the graduation is like the acknowledgment that you just were able to, like, handle all the daily challenges. You're able to handle the daily grind of doing, like these small kind of arbitrary rules and like abiding by them and like showing up and then doing all that shit. And then it's like I did it like winning a whole bunch of small scrimmages. And then it's like, Oh yeah, you won the season, kid. Like, we got to. Yeah, it's really like that. We won the Super Bowl. Let's go, let's go celebrate it. Yeah, it was Super Bowl. It was the it was Super Bowl for you. It was crazy. Yes. Energy we were in. That was. Important to do. That. We were in the basketball gym and you've got all the graduates basically on the basketball floor. And then the most of the seats in the arena were like, filled. We were on the top row. There wasn't a whole lot of other people in the top row, but like, relatively, that was like the easiest place to sit. Yeah, And they got late in there a couple of times, like, oh, like the thing is Romblon do you have like a thunderstorm in there? So yes. And then they just they the guy who went last had a whole. Yes. But I'm sure I could go on Twitter and like find this video, like, I'm sure I can. Yeah. It's just a graduation. Yeah. This dude, the last guy in line, I thought maybe he was like the president and the valedictorian. He might have just had, like, a last name. First name that started with Z. I like, you know what I'm saying? Z y. So you have to know you're going last if you got that last name. Like my my step brothers. ZUNIGA Yeah. Zu Z, you, you know, saying not much is going to come after Z. You Yeah, they're going to be last. What do you do? You just adopt that personality. The the first shall be last. The last shall be first. What's up. Of course for something. Like that we, we don't, I don't know, I just. Yeah but the guy had a whole thing prepared. Yes. So he. He has a whistle because it's like as three different times I saw some people here and some dance moves and there was like a whistle that would start playing like. Boom, boom, boom, boom. He's like, blowing. The whistle while they're hitting their dance move. And it will be like like. If they were lit. If they were lit, it would get lit. Right? But also, yeah, then people started like hidden whatever they had lined up while they were getting their graduation. There's a little run. And then I felt like we're all playing American Idol. Because like Fortnite. It was like Fortnite for everyone to to emote, really. Then we were all just. Like crowd for 5 seconds. Oh, the emote was lit. Oh, yeah. So the last dude. Oh my God. He pops up and he gets like that initial, like, you know. He knows it's coming. Yeah. But it's also crazy because at first you just think everyone a lot of people had a Fortnite silly just now. So you think he's just going to hit a light Fortnite silly. But instead it turns out he's the guy with the whistle and it turns out. That he's really. Good at dancing. So he's hit. Like a fool. Do you ever catch the TikTok videos where it's like an arena and then a guy just like, pops out and he starts doing like, real break dance like crazy, bouncing back and forth, jumping in and out of his own legs, like street dancing. Yeah, yeah. He goes off. Goes off, goes. Off, bro. Like to think that I'm. Going to see it. So the whole arena is going nuts. And then he, like, stops and he's got his own whistle. So he's like. She Shh, shh. He's going crazy. Yes. And the president comes down and pulls out his phone and, like, takes a selfie with the dude while he's like, right when he finishes. And it was just like a crazy moment. It was cool. It was like. That's awesome. Yeah. I definitely didn't think you were going to get, like, entertainment, but it was like type. Of hip. Hop though, for. Sure. Yeah. Oh. Wait, hold it down. That's awesome. Yeah, man, I felt the best thing I could. It took me a minute to figure it out while I was there, because, like, I just had a feeling. In me, But. Then I couldn't quite diagnose. It was a really happy, good feeling. And then I figured it out. It was it felt like in high school, winning a varsity football game where afterwards, like the the dads are trying to kind of beat traffic and the coaches don't want to fucking be there till two in the morning. So they're kind of trying to get you back in the locker room. But like all the families are like on the field or like at the edge where they can come meet ya and y'all are like celebrating the fact that you won that crazy game for like, as long as you can. Like, you can't stay too long, but you don't want to leave quite yet and all the lights are on and everybody won and you're around. All of the families of the people that were the competitors. So there's like two different energies, the competitor, the and one and then like the proud person, just like who was rooting for them. Yeah. And you're like, together in that for that moment. Yeah. And it was just like, yeah, everyone's like, and people are like screaming like, yeah, people are literally jumping in the river. It takes a state. Jumping in the river. That's important. Yeah. You're seeing like all. The dad, me and like, you know, it's another girl with the other girl in like it was just like, you know, it's like, yeah, it drew. Me straight back to that. And it was. It was beautiful, man. I love a nice, beautiful. Yes, It's a great piece of art. It's great piece of art. And with that being said, welcome into the military show, Episode number 2828. What is it? Is it is that a maybe. A. P a baby? Come on. I think. We know. Let's give it to Adrian Peterson. Yes. Go pull. Let's go. Like I want to be a fantasy league. Dude. My best Adrian Peterson memory is pre fantasy football sports at all. It was. You were over at my house, at my mom's house in Pflugerville. And we were watching the Monday night game and we watched Adrian Peterson break the record for, I think most scrimmage yards in a career. And he did it after his ACL tear. So he had again ACL tear the season before recover come back and then play this season and be the same to like break the record and he was just going off that game and people were like yeah he's got he's a go. Go to. And we were just sitting there and I was just like, Man, this is like a piece of if you didn't watch this game, you didn't watch him break the record, but we watched this game. This is high. That's cool. Yeah, super cool. It's awesome. You remember that like that clearly. I love that. It's like a memory for you. Yeah, that's my. That's what. That's when I learned who Adrian Peterson was. And I was like, Oh, he's like, Barry Sanders. He's a beast. Yeah, Single handedly. Single handedly. I think I like Cam Newton The same year. Either way. Sounds of that man AP had all day, baby. He was a beast. Get it and keep running. Yeah, yeah. And we are here. So I was jumping in, but we've been talking for a minute that. Yeah, my dog was awful to all the dogs out there. Are dogs hopefully is going well. Yeah. Let's go. It's been a minute since we had like a formal introduction. Yeah, Yeah, I like the podcast is evolving, man. Yeah, I mean, we're just. I love it. It really is just like stream of consciousness. I've been listening to podcasts a little bit more myself in the car because sometimes I've just hosted like on my roster. Yeah, but it's a different. Our job requires like a lot of processing power in my brain, Like I'm firing neurons, like all day really fast was like high priority and I don't get a lot of just like, oh, that's why I like to watch movies because it's like my brain gets to be like, Oh, I know I don't have to be firing neurons right now. So that's when whatever I, I feel fried. So sometimes more what I'm referring to is like my brain's like starting to get a lag time because I've been firing neurons for so long, I, I need like ATP or carbs or something like that because I'm like, my brain's like slower than it's supposed to be. Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah. Mentally, like, exhausted, right? Yeah. It's crazy how I can, like, feel what that feeling feels like. If you can feel it with me. Hopefully I'm getting better at my job, but it's like, yeah, too much focus. Studio for a while. Yeah. Same thing. Like that. Yeah, for like two, 3 hours. It's like, okay, who. And take a break from that. Yeah. And same thing with video games after like late night sessions. I don't even play enough to get the feeling like that anymore. But like, sometimes, just like my eyes hurt, you know? Like you're with me, though. Yeah. Yeah. What the fuck does it? There's something on my graduation that's always. I jump in the river Texas State somewhere. Listen to my podcast lately. Oh, yeah. So sometimes, like, I'm fried. And I think that, like, I listen to a lot of hip hop, and hip hop is so emotionally like, swell. There's a lot of swells and drops and people are pouring their heart out or they're like, It's art, you know what I'm saying? So listen to hip hop is to digest art, in my opinion, and it's going to make me want to feel something because it's art. And I'm like, I can't feel things right now. I have no I've got no more sheets to send to anything. I can't process words right now. It's like, okay, that then I put on the podcast and it's so relaxing to sit in their waters. I think that's why I use it in order for her to. Mm hmm. And honestly, I start to get I start to feel better because it's like they're not predictable in a sense, but like the book is. Like. Safe and, and I'm starting to like, recoup a little bit instead of being taken on these freaking rollercoaster ride. Drafts. Of this hard music I listen to. Yeah, but yeah. So I hope that. Yeah, that definitely I love. Yeah, every once in a while it's like they're the Joe Rogan podcast in rotation. Yes. No I listen to usually in like nothing. Sometimes it's a song listening to or working on or something just made or whatever. But it's nice to just have, Oh yeah, whatever music is on. But then also it's nice to have the audiobook option. I've been using that a lot lately and then also the podcast option, there are like different frequencies. It's like the audio book. One is like learning for real and like music is also like demanding to a degree. Yeah. Of like not have like you're being to it now. Said I guess you could like you can put it on the background, but I feel like the podcast is almost like, like hands off and it's like coast on there's like a flow like a flow mentally on this drive. Yes. I feel that. I like that. It's helpful. I've needed it lately to just I would just listen, I would just if I didn't have a podcast to go to, I would turn it off because I'm like, I can't listen to music right now, but to two podcasts that I listen to that were good, where Joe Rogan in the Rock. I'm listening to, I listen to like on about 30 minutes. And I want. To be honest though, I'm like, I'm listening to it because it should be good because it's Joe Rogan in the Rock and he's not really on that show very much. And he's the rock, right? So, man. He's got to have some perspective. What are you cooking? Yeah, cool. Well, like, it's just all right, Like, I can't really get through that one, to be honest. I'm just not. It's nice when I need it, when I'm tired. Even though it's boring, I'm like, it's cool. But there's some people that where the podcast is really just like electric and it's really good. So Derek, from more plates, more dates, is the most recent one, and he is usually a podcast that really captivates my attention and I appreciate his perspective. And I remember the last one I listened to it and that became the standard for what I thought a good Joe Rogan was the first time I ever heard that guy. Really? Yes. And years ago. It had to be a year and a half to two years ago when I heard the first. Derek Yeah, yeah. It's titled the same Derek For more plates, more dates. It's like a long ass title. But then that's a website that he runs and he sells like supplements, but he also critiques, I guess he runs a blog and makes videos about the people who are the biggest personalities. Like when the Liver King was saying he wasn't on steroids, he was one of the guys that was like, I guarantee you he's on steroids. I guarantee you he's on steroids. So I literally saw you scientifically. Why he's on steroids and he knows all of the how supplements and amino acids and vitamins work. So when you're talking about any supplement he like, it's not it's not like creatine makes you big. Like. You retain water. He like, knows exactly what's going on. So it's a good episode. Yes. But what to bring into our podcast. That's a lot of biographical information for you guys to bring it to this point right here. What they were talking about in the first 30 minutes was just like, Blow my mind, dude, because they're talking about they're talking. About how. Girls have like a different life. Being in a relationship now is so much different than it was like 20 years ago. And now, like, a lot of girls are so into social media that and this is obviously from a male perspective, right? Because obviously men are really on social media, too. But this is Derek from our place that what it's like talking. Okay. I heard and he's talking about how women are like if they have a Tinder account where they're getting like bombarded with matches, like they could just like swipe, match, swipe, match, swipe, match, like 20 matches in like less than 30 minutes and like the amount of the opportunities that that creates for them combined with if they have a social media account that has like over 100,000 followers because like they're beautiful, they just like posting pictures of themselves in bikinis and stuff like that, like, you know, Instagram girls, nothing. All girls are like this. But Instagram girls. In this culture, this day and age, this was never available ever in any point in history. Not like this. Not at all. It's. No, it. Wasn't like that, bro. This is awesome. It might be the pendulum swinging back towards in the favor of like, women having more power and culture and society. Mhm. You know what I'm saying. To kind of balance out the last however many. Too much. Order. Yeah. Too much. Especially too much male patriarchy I guess what women call it. They couldn't vote and shit in the a. Sense of chaos and order just like in feminine, in the masculine. You know, it's the cosmic pendulum. Yeah. So whenever I think about women having more power than men in the society right now, I'm like, Well, that sounds fair. Like, it sounds about right. Like, but. So Derek is talking about how these girls have so much opportunity today, and it's basically like 10% of the population is garnering 90% of the women in the marketplace because their standards are so high and because they have so many options that they're instead of going across and upward like Jordan Peterson describes, it's like 90% of the women are going for the top 10% straight upward, just straight upward, dude. And then the 10% of women is available. It opens dating like the rest of the pool based on their like viewpoints and like who they are, whether they're headed or behind the times. So all that to be said, is different. Nowadays. It's different nowadays, which is we can talk about that too. But I guess like the point that I actually want to bring up, I'm like, Man, there's other stuff within that conversation that I want to like bring to light here on this podcast. Right now they're talking about Andrew Tate and they're talking about like what he represents and how. I don't know enough. Yeah, he got. This guy does. That's a great thing about Derek. Yeah. The information he's got. So yeah. But. Andrew say, you know, he's like a lot of what his message is, is discipline and focus and it's, it's brought across and almost like a WWE wrestler, like a really good personality, like a heel, almost like a really sharp edged personality, telling you like, you wonder why you're broke. You never want to get up. You never want to put in the work. 90% of males won't be up before 4 a.m.. I get up at. 359 just to fuck those guys, just to get them on my way. 60 seconds on you know, I need. Yeah. So shit like that. I just I just give you an air. Version of an entertaining video right. There. But like, there's something to, like giving Jordan Peterson. A lot of people are like, there's something to Andrew saying, What is it? And personally, I think they also say, too, that it's like the discipline and focus message that he has that you could be working harder and like you probably are making more excuses than you have to. And he's like telling you that this really abrasive way, but it's also like really attractive to women, which is kind of like. The. Ideology maybe that like the discipline of the masculine discipline and focus, even though people kind of hate him because he's kind of a heel and a douchebag, it's like it is attractive to women. Like women do want men to be like that, and men are lacking that to some degree in our culture. Now. As you're saying. Okay, there's those things, but ultimately why I brought it up on our podcast is because what's dope about us is that we don't deal with any of that more or less. I deal with. Any of that shit like, Hey, that should be like, what? I don't know. The the, the culture of I don't have a Tinder. And I'm like, by choice, you know what I'm saying? Like, it doesn't I've like, experimented with it and I've like, gone on dates from Tinder before, but also Tinder has been around for, what, like six years since I was like 23. I think I could have had it Tinder 2223. Yeah, I say longer probably. Okay. What's it like, eight years? Seven, seven years. And this is a fair number. Fair enough. I've only ever had it on my phone for like maybe three months total of those seven years because I would just like, download it, fuck around with it, understand it a little bit, delete it and then maybe like later was single again, downloaded it and I was like, No, I'm really going to date this time, but like, not something I deal with, not something to do with Instagram, to be honest with you. Not something I deal with. Like I literally post ghost. Yeah. Posting ghost dude, I'm not. Joey Roque. Not even. Thinking about it, bro. Like literally not in my life. And the ramifications of those things are so heavy on our culture allegedly, you know, like they're Derek from our place. More dates are talking about how it's creating a culture of adolescent males where they're just like not getting a lot of dates. Like nobody is like going on a lot of dates right now because of the current culture of our society. Just like not a lot of guys are willing to admit that that's the truth or like, talk about it like that. Like let us garner any statistics on it. But like because of the shift in crossing over being 90% going from 10%, 80% or 90%, the male population like not really going on a lot of dates, not making a lot of connection like that. And then what that's doing overall to like the male psyche and how the male psyche wants to go about taking on the world. It's like lessening the family dynamic more. It's creating like this more independent structure that's matching the women independent structure. And ultimately it's like antisocial behavior and it's like, that's so serious. Yeah, it's a lot of heavy weight on our culture and our society that just. Hit the Ryan in the chest. Well, fuck is B I think people are going through, you know. Yeah. Golly, yeah, it's crazy. I think I saw Bo Burnham maybe saying that it's crazy that since YouTube's like, public now or like with Google and like their company and Facebook and all that shit, they're all like, they're, it's, it's a fight. It's a war for your attention. I think I remember describing to you like that weeks ago. A couple weeks ago. Yeah. It's like we just people want more and more of your attention and then our how are they? And like, the tools are like in social media and shit like that. It's crazy. It's just never really been around. You'll never. Like this. Not like I. Thought about that with. Not like they're not. Like they. Dude, I think it's. Up the Matrix. So you go, Oh, yeah. God, you're my head. I was thinking about. I was like my family guy referencing The Matrix. I'm pretty sure that's in the Family Guy, too. I think there's a not like this. I think I've seen it. I don't know. That's what I thought you're pulling from with you guys. We don't. Well, one thing is that, like, we really don't. You can not. There's a streamline. Like, that's the thing about God, in my opinion. So all that stuff is going on in culture, right? But this is a streamline for me to just be on my story and on my path. We're like, even though society and culture is like we are struggling, you're all struggling with that. It's like it's mutual that we're all in this society and culture together. So if that thing is like going through hardship and change, then like innately we're going to do it too. I definitely went through a long period of time where I just like wasn't going on a lot of dates and I was like working for five, sometimes six days a week and you're trying to make sure you pay your bills. You don't only have like money saved up yet and like there's not a lot of opportunity to meet somebody. And then when you would have met somebody, it's hard to like schedule and account for, like dating them. It's like a difficult thing to manage. And like if you tried to wrap your head around a strategic way to deal with that, I think that that's like a way more difficult problem than you have to deal with because there's just a streamline for you. Yeah, the. Streamline is just like. Do it in my personal legend. Continue. Just do what you have to do every day. What's my today request like? I just need to today at 24. Give me 24. I want more. But I'll start with these. Like I got to. I got to do what I have to do today. Then I'll pick up the next one. Like you can just do that and all the best things are there. You know what I'm saying? They'll work out exactly how you wanted it to. Better than you could have imagined. Imagine that. You can't. It's wonderful. It would inspire. Wonder. Yes. So that's while they were talking about it's like watching the news and it's like. Joe Rogan and more place, more. Dates. Yeah. And I was like, Damn, it's fucked up out there. Fucked up 16. Yeah. And I can feel it. You're like, you know, I think that is going on. Like, I do think that it's harder. I don't know when you see like movies and culture referencing like the seventies and eighties and nineties feels like people were just like in happy relationships all the time. But it does feel like that's like less around now. Mm hmm. I don't know. If I don't know, I can't really, like, say that's necessarily true. I can say like, I know it's true, but it just seems like the America that's represented in like seventies and eighties, it doesn't feel like now it, now it does feel different. Mhm. Yeah. Absolutely. Right. Yes. It's more rare I guess. I know it's wild. It's hard to think about little pockets that we're in right now with that. Yeah. The cosmic swing back. But it's like you can use that because like feminism like that, it's like we believe in that. Women had taken more power, having more ability to choose and having the which is like Mother Nature being able to kind of dictate what's going on here. You know, it's like this, like orders like met like the masculinity side and then like the chaos is like the feminine side. It's like we need the we need the structure, we need to have structure, and we're all just random balls of potential energy chaos, potentially. Most of us, it's easy to fall into chaos, what it's like. So we need like structure and walls and like a society to live in and abide by those rules. But too much of that structure is not good. Yeah, well, so I go on tangent there. Yeah, I was, I was like, we're shifting gears here. Shifting gears. I feel you though it's hard to structure and care with. Disguised as feminism was like because like, that sounds like feminists. Like, I believe in like strong independent women, of course. Of course. But then it's like, yeah, also maybe you could use that as the guys to split the, the narrative or use that as a guide to like a break to the family structure that we're talking about here. Yeah, the more the rarity that we're seeing now versus 20 or 30 years ago. Yes. In like happy married couples. Yes. Sorry. Yeah. If you're trying to break that up, it's like you can it's I don't know, it's like more like independent women, you know, saying yeah, I guess as a title more than like a maybe like an energy or a character. I don't know. Going in. Yeah, I don't want to speak for the women because I'm not a woman. But not a woman. I the same thing. I just think that What. Can I be like? Sorry, What? Go on. Fairly, I can be right. Yeah, I identify as one if you wanted to. Oh yeah. Yeah, right. You'd have to. Really. You have to really think, you know. But yeah. Anyways though. Well no. So with that being said that is a wild thing that's going on here. I don't think, I don't think I could identify as a woman, I don't know which I'll go through you know, saying I don't imagine, I just like I don't think that women understand what the male dominance hierarchy structure is like. I think that like you can often infer and then you can understand, like women are usually smarter than men on an emotional, quantitative level. Yeah, we're interested in people and things, right? So I think you might be able to pick up what's going on in the masculine hierarchy structure quicker than we're able to pick up what's going on in the feminine struggles of life. But like. You just want. To know, unless you had gone through it, you know, and I think I understand the allure of wanting to be strong and independent, just as like a human. You know. You want to be able to fend for yourself or like I remember thinking about it when I was like 18, 19 is like, I need to be able to carry one unit of life around like my own. It's like I need to be able to make sure that like I can account for one life. Like I feed this thing. I sleep this thing. Yeah, I make I make enough money so that I can have a house. Yeah, I'll try to make sure this this things story is maximized in a positive light. Yes. And whatever my story is, I respect your story. Whatever your story is. 100%. Who am I to say what's going on in your story? Hell, yeah. No idea. If you want to, like, bear the responsibility of your self because it feels like a good like, what would you call it? Like a self-fulfilling thing. Totally get that. Who wouldn't want that? You know that. But I do think that, like, the family dynamic is like beyond self fulfilling. It's like more fulfilling because I was talking about this recently, so it's like fresh in my mind to know I love it, right? It's like. I. I can only do so much. I can only do so much like me. And then I have a relationship with God that allows me to do like more than just what I could do. But like, even that's only so much more like with a partner and like, having a partner is one thing, but like a lot of partnerships, people are so independent in the partnerships. But I feel like when you really like, that's what I think marriage represents, is like you're going to marry them, like you would marry like olive oils together into one thing. It's like. You. You're like a power now or like you're two instead of a one. You're not two ones. It's like you're two now, but like twos are way more than two ones. You can do more. Yeah, with each other. There's a third thing. There's a marriage of them. Yeah. You know what? I'm saying? Yeah. The spirit that marries them. Yes, that's involved as well. So I think that, like, it's idealistic in my mind, even though there's a lot of compromise and sacrifice there. Like it's easier to be independent for sure, because you don't have to answer to anybody. Which are simple. Much more simple. Yes. You know. I guess you have to answer to yourself, but a lot of times they've been doing that. Though, you. Know, saying so like much less. Do you want to answer to somebody else for how you're acting and being and stuff like that? It's a lot of responsibility to bear an existence, one existence. And then you got multiple existences. Yeah. And have like hope and faith that they're going to keep their shit together and, like, maximize their story. Yeah, we could accurately predict our stories together. Forward, you know? Yes. And what if I'm ambitious, right? It's like I need to predict them. It's going forward. Forward? Not just like, forward their time, like, relatively predictable, but also like Annie. I also would like it if you were maximizing our legend together. And if at some point you're not into that, that's going to really suck for me, you know what I'm saying? Like that. That's so much the gamble on one side of the argument for sure. Yeah, but it's like that's the I think that's the way sometimes you're going to get some tasks where like, that's the thing that you need. You need the power of the family structure and what it takes to embody that. And like the discipline and responsibilities like that's like the deepest echelon of those responsibility and discipline upgrades and levels is like when you're taking care of someone else and like helping them learn discipline, it's like, that's really how you become like a sensei. And I think some quests in life require like. Literally, yeah. You know, I'm saying. Yes. And you can't do it until you're sensei, but you can be a sensei if you were like. If the other articulate are like, Yeah, yeah. Interpret and articulate and act upon and guide at the same time. Take care of you and they'll take care of them. And they're also able to take care of each other and us. It's like three things. Yeah. It's more work, but it's more input for more output. It's higher frequency. Like that's what I'm doing here. Like at some point you're trying to climb to the highest frequency you could possibly be. Mm hmm. Maximize our personal legend, whatever that is for you, right? Yes. Golly. That time it really hit for me. Said. Exactly. It's like, Wait, why do that? Because it's idealistic and like the m.J 38 code, it's like one of the things is maximize your personal legend. It's a hard thing to wrap your head around, but it's like. Be all you can be player like. What's the what's the most. Yes you could do Like what's the biggest what's the high score? Highest score you could leave on like. The. Arcade? We're all playing side note if you've ever seen Rick and Morty, when I was watching The Matrix the other day, I was like, I'm pretty sure just played Roy I'm pretty sure we're just playing. Roy Yeah, it. Seems like it just seems like Roy to me. Hmm. Hard to explain what the way that movie made me feel, but I think it's because I'm a consciousness that controls all of this. Yes. So it's easy for my consciousness to identify with a game like Roy. Because it's like. Like, like up here, I'm like, this is what it's like. But I'm like. Maybe it's back here and this thing is controlling all this thing. It's like it is. It's just right here. You know what I'm saying? It's in my brain. Yeah. Or that's where we feel it's, like, localized and centralized right? Yeah, I think we have control of that, but I'm not sure if we, like, we're aware of that. You know, like, not right. Yeah, we're. In like a, a block or like, I don't remember what happened before I was born, but like, I think after I die, I'll remember, like, a longer, a longer lifespan unless, like, you know, that's just one theory of what's going on here. Who knows? Who knows? You know, I could be like a I was given life when I was zero. And this is like a fresh run for me. And when I die, it'll be like that. That's life. How was it? One for. One. You know what? Great job, kid. Hopefully. But like, I don't know what's going on here. You know, sometimes I think that, like, if I'm a star, we're made of stardust. Neil deGrasse Tyson said that on an interview. Really? On the news. They are somewhat the biggest takeaway, the most important thing that we've learned from astrophysics. And then he said. That. The stuff that makes up all of the planets and all the stars, all the chemicals are the same. We've got chemicals that are like in our skin, in our bones. It's all like carbon dioxide in. To the molecular level. Yes, chemical level. Chemical, molecular neutrons. Protons and electrons. Dog is the same stuff. And it was like so like, Damn, you are stardust. Literally, not like artistically, but also artistically, which is what makes it so beautiful. Oh yeah. And I was like, yeah, like matter can never be created or destroyed. I don't know how that fits into because in church we learned today about Elohim, respect. The Elohim is a whole new regime. That's a that's a Jay Z line that I didn't get until I was at church, that I learned what Elohim means. I love it. Every day, really. I was like, Oh, I'm. Modelo, my best friend. It is for me. Elohim means from nothing. So it's like there wasn't like. A the. Means like flat, nothing. Like it wasn't like there was chaos and he made order from it. It's like there was nothing. And then there was everything. Elohim means like from literally nowhere. Which is hard, right? And and then that's, that's, that's how powerful God is, is like you didn't even need order to make chaos. He needed nothing to make chaos in order. Bang. Yeah. And then. But then that kind of counteracts, like matter can neither be created nor destroyed. It's like that kind of says there was a centralized matter. And then this in our our perception physical world, our laws of physics, or where however it stands. Whose laws? Oh, God. Oh, cowboy. For the laws of physics. Okay. Oh, my God. So, yeah, I think we we electronics sometimes. Call me crazy. Call me crazy like an MP. Sometimes it's. Crazy like. Yes. We're really on one in this project. The spark and electricity. It's real. It's real. I remember being so gross and telling myself, like, sometimes I feel like I'm the electricity in these walls. Like, that's a. Bold statement, But sometimes I just come in on such a high frequency and then the night is so high frequency. I'm just like the same current that is in the room right now, the same current that everyone's writing and everyone's vibing on. It's like that currents in me right now, like I feel it. I'm like riding that lightning too. And I'm just like, want to it greedy like, well, so what you need? I got it right now. Let's go Boom, boom, boom. I'm out of here. I'm out here. By the way, what exactly are you doing tonight? Like I'm in that row? You know, I'm saying. Yes, though. There's times when when you feel like that and it's like there's something special going on there. Mm hmm. So Steph Curry has that. I see it in him, too, you know what I'm saying? He's just like, right in that game. The electricity in the room. Yeah, dude. Be in the in the song of life, being the base. To the 808 of life. He's a walking elite dude. It's that's just me trying to describe this feeling that we have. It's the same feeling is when I feel like the electronics break sometimes when I like, laugh too hard or peak like a peak, the mic and it broke. Like, what is that? You know what I'm saying? It's crazy. Yeah. And unexplainable things happen like that sometimes. And then family unity is more than self-fulfilling. Yes, Literally. Come on. That's all I. I think it is. I think it's just true. I think that I think you you get to an end of your half so you can a lot of time you're trying to fill up your cup all the way and then it's like the it's like you need to fill up your cup and then share it with somebody else. But filling it up your own cup can be so hard. And maybe when you're in relationships, you don't do a good job of filling up your cup. And so it's hard for you to be in a relationship and be a maximized person in your own regard. It's like ideally you'd be a maximized person that bears the responsibility of like a new it's like Fable two. It's like, like, you know what I'm saying? It's like a. Different game you have to play now because you've already kind of maximized doing you. And I'm going to share it with someone else. Intermingle it. But that's a harder task. And people are. That's the thing. So people are struggling to fulfill themselves more than I think they were 20 or 30 years ago. That's a big thing, too. Yes. And so I think that's why the relationship other wedge. Come on, dude, Come on and be like, Sherlock, I'll figure out this issue, dog. Because yes, I think like back in the day, maybe if you just, like, you know, went to high school and you fucking wrestled and you went to college. At some point years or even before that, you like did is what your parents did to a degree or like hundreds of years ago, Like literally that was what was going on. You were making barrels or making whatever the hell you were making or farming or however your family was a butcher. That's my mom and too was a butcher, right? It's crazy. I was doing the family trade. Exactly. And then, yeah. What's your 20 years old and you've been butchering for like four years, probably all your whole life. Down in Indiana. Like, grew up in a butcher shop. Yeah, exactly. Kids drive tractors in Indiana, like so. And then once you're, like, 20 years old, kind of like, what do you call it to be an apprentice? But you know what you're doing? You're helping your dad run the shop. You're like, they're you're they're. Like, go. But as I'm sure that was somebody I think it was way simpler back then. Yeah, I'm trying to say way more complicated now. The social media thing, it's real. It's so new to us. It's so new. Relatively new for sure. Definitely within the span of human history. That's just new as fuck. We just barely got here. Apparently. And now these girls have only fans. I mean. Come on, dude has a young man cope with that? Has it happen? It will be hard to do now. Let's say like it's violent. You know, 23 year old me get my first job on the river walk and I meet a girl. I'm super into her. She's super hot. It turns out she doesn't work at all. And she drives a viper because there's an onlyfans. Let's just be like, she's like the Viper Bibi's favorite car. I feel like there's. There was something here we were supposed to meet. I had you Viper this whole time. I'm like, What do you do? You supposed to it? What do you do? What's your occupation? The drink has a line like that, right? Like, I mean, people aren't going to ask them, was it professional? Wasn't like that. You know, it's funny. Sometimes that's a natural thing that comes to me when I'm talking to people. I'm like, Oh, so what do you do? And sometimes it's a really offputting question. I was like, I was trying to be funny. I think what I do is just talking, you know? So I get. Books for a living. Because, yeah, but it's crazy too. It's a whole thing, dude, that like people are dealing with out there for real. People buy books about it. People are going to the gym about it, but therapists about it. Mm hmm. You know, it's like Jordan Peterson's famous because you're all dealing with it. Like, if you guys were struggling with this, he'd be broke. And I'm saying, like, his book makes sense because there's an issue at hand. Yeah, he's talking at the highest level, though. Yeah, he's going in fucking Jordan Peterson. Yeah. Yeah. There's something going on. And all that's being, I don't know, manipulated. Maybe I'm manipulated, but. I do want to say yes. Yeah, I think people used social media companies are definitely trying very hard to make social media the in our daily life. Like the way the news is in your daily life. Like we're not really going to get away from newspapers or like CNN anytime soon. Like there's always going to be something. That we have to know what the hell's going on here. Yeah. The social media is trying to become like something we have to have, but it's like terrible for your brain, not good for your perception of stuff. So I'm going to say like porn is not good for your perception of sex. I've heard, like young mentioned it, watch porn, cause you're going to think that's like it's going to play into your perception of what sex is like. Life. Yeah, I think social media is the same thing. Right? Mhm. So sex is for your attention if I fear like your belief system almost. Yeah. All your attention for sure will you. And your value structure what you spend your time on literally. Do you know. Yeah. What you spend your time on is it's some of your currency. Manipulate the thought you think or you know. Yeah. God yeah. Manipulate to a degree. Because they're trying to promote usage they're trying to create more users. I think Instagram made threads just to have another app. You ever get to the bottom of and you just go to Twitter because you're done. There's no more Instagram to read. That's why they made Thread. So you can stay on Instagram but still go to another app and then they cut you for like two rotations now, and that's double the screen time. It's like a brilliant business model. Double the adware. Hmm. But it exists to encapsulate you. Yes. Its whole purpose is to make me stay on it. Yeah, that's it. I don't want. That. I don't want your lot. I don't want that. I'm not interested. You still downloaded threads because I'm like you bastards. Like sons of bitches. And then they tricked. They've got to set up to where it'll be like a threads post on my Instagram with a really catchy. Like. Ten letters and it's like, read more and like, Well, I want to see what they said. And then it's like, you must download threat download. And I'm like, Cancel. You're not going to, not today. I don't need to see it. And then it's just crazy because how much? Ha ha ha ha ha ha. Yes. This is definitely something I want to talk about. I can't believe how long we set it up. Let's go. So I'm at graduation, and while I'm there. The urge is to pull. My phone out and take a post of my sister graduating. I was my brain. I literally said to my brother, I need to do two things here. I need to scream when they say Grace's name and I need to make sure I get a video. It's like I'm not sure screaming. When they said my sister's name, I was like, That makes sense to me because I'm a sports fan and I'm saying, That's my gladiator. They're going to she's in her cell. I'm going to be like, Oh, I'm selling to the other one to take a video one. I'm like, That's different. What is my urge to do that? Who am I doing that for? That I was like, I'm doing it for grace, more or less. It's like I want to take a video so that I was here and I took a video of her doing the thing like for her, because personally, I'm happy to have live the moment. Like I remember, you know, I'm saying I might get older, my memory is not so good and I'll be like, I should take more videos, more pictures. But like right now, I really don't be like looking at my photo role ever. You know? I'm saying I just live life. Yeah, I love that, you know? Yeah. So but then. In the midst of feeling all of that, I'm like, definitely still going to take a video and watch everyone in the crowd take their phones out and everyone's got a phone out, like waiting to take their video. And I just to myself, I'm like, All these people are going to post this. And I was like, Who are they posting it for them? Is it for their kids? Is it because it's what you're supposed to do? Is it to be a good dad? Do you need post a video of your daughter graduating on your Facebook? I'm like, kind of kind. Of like in my heart, like someone's son's like your kid might be like, you know, I don't ever post anything about. Me. Or like, I think my dad sometimes might be like, you know, we don't ever post about him. I'm like, I never post about anything. I only if I say anything. No, Huh? But it's in our life, though. It's there. Yes, Yes. It's I think it's paying honor to the I guess the ability that we have now to commemorate something and have a memory of something and be able to revisit that memory with full clarity and like without any objective bias, like watching the film again, it's like, Oh yeah, Like I remember when that happened, there was like, evoke those emotions and like Pam said, that nostalgic moments, you know. All. You give me a genius idea for an app because that's true. Sorry, just validate that real quick genius. That is kind of what's going on there. We do. We do see that we didn't have the ability to save those moments ever before. Unbiased. This is what happened. Is that my. Memory? Yeah, right. Never had the opportunity before. And then we we love these people so much. It's like the same thing as buying flowers. It's like mildly arbitrary. But you do it because you can, because it's custom. But like the social media recording the event on our phone has become custom to a degree. And that's the thing that I was feeling while I was there. I was like, This is custom. Look, everyone in this room is taking a video to either post on social media or to share it with somebody else about because it's not like I'm taking a video of her, but like I'm going to share to other people as like a community virtue signal. For some reason, that part stripped me out a little bit, but like. Then. You say, because we can, because we have the ability that we've never had before to, like, save these moments forever and cherish them, it's like, okay, they kind of make sense then, actually. Mm hmm. But that gives me a brilliant idea. We should make an app that's not social media where you can, like, have an Instagram reel more or less. But it's really just like your, like, photo vault or your personal memories, I guess, is what your photo folders for. You know, I'm saying, yeah, but like it would something that isn't like in-person, we'd have to, like, bump our phones or something like that to, like, see each other's Instagram page rather than being like a feed. You scroll down, it'd be like trading cards but of your life. Because mean she picture my kids boom, it's like. Oh, I know. They're doable. So yeah we won the championship buzzer bell but like, it's not something you're posting for everybody to see and it's not something it's literally just to pay honor to, like you said, hey, honor to the fact that I can save these moments now it's like I've got them all in here on the step up something there, because I don't want the social media part. Can I can I divorce them? That's what the idea is from. Can I just pay honor to those things and not need to signal to the community about it? Mm. Yeah, I guess you could, but yeah. Yeah, right. Why not? Because the social media aspect of it has become because it's kind of rude to not. Well, why don't you want a virtue signaling to the, to the community. Why don't you want to? Are you not proud of me? Mm hmm. Mm hmm. You trying to keep it to yourself? It's like. No, I just don't want to partake in social media. Yeah, I don't. Yeah, I guess so. I guess there's something there. I guess with the idea of having a commemoration commemorating the moment. I guess also dealing with other people as well, because everyone's doing the same thing. But I'm not sure if you have to. Maybe there is something to the idea of sharing it with others as well, or being proud of it. I guess that's what it is, is pride or like I'm proud of this, I post this right? Something like that, right? Something like that. What are you a billboard for? And it's somehow our billboard isn't just like T-shirts we wear or the posters in our room. It's extended to, like, an Internet presence. Yes. Yeah. Yeah. So I feel like there's some I'm sure that there's guys out there all the time that, like their girlfriends, like, you never post me. And he's like, I never post it. Oh, babe, it's like a thing, you know, who say, Yeah, that that happens. Like, because the Internet, our internet presence has become a part of our, like, life more or less, or like our representation of us, whether we like it or not. More or less. Mm. Mm hmm. And that's the thing that's kind of got me blown away. But it's also like playing a factor into. The. Tinder and the Instagram and the only fans impacting the relationship status of young Americans. Mm hmm. In the last 20 years, maybe 20 years or. Whatever because it's like if I have to have. Seven for sure, seven, seven, 16, whatever, whenever that's just really started to pop off. Right? It's like if I have to have an Internet presence, well, then I'm going to represent it this way. It's like full embodiment of internet presence versus I like not wanting to use it at all. It's like, I don't even think either one of those. All right. It's a weird thing to wrap your head around. Mm hmm. And the other thing is, back to what we're talking about, it's a manipulation. So, like, I think that somebody like social media in our culture, there are companies, corporations out there, big business America ad companies, too, because ad companies are making a ton of money off of social media. How many how many other companies are supporting the social media structure? There aren't even social media businesses, You know what I'm saying? Like, they want us addicted to it for sure. Like more than Cigarets are the same way a CIGARET company wants you addicted to it. It's like we are alive and business is booming. The more you use. So we need to get as much usage out of each user as we can get. And with that being said, I think that we are manipulated to make to make sure it's in our life and the ramifications of social media in our life ultimately are like, that's the that's the arm of the manipulation. It's like they want us to be users so that they can make money, but being a user gets you sick and then now you're sick because they wanted more users. So that that manipulation structure is like it's there. That's happening right now for sure. They're making if you don't want to be, I'll. Put. You let's. Go. Let's go. It's real, bro. Yes. So we're going to say. Just like, dude, if you're if you're just not on social media, it's like also alienating to a degree. If you don't have like any social media, if let's say you meet a girl and you're like, here's a photo of her and she's like, okay, like your day for a couple times, and then she's trying to find you on Instagram or Facebook, anything, and you're like, Oh, I don't have any social media. I don't do like any social media. That would be like a red flag. Almost a little weird, Right? Right. Nothing, I guess. Yeah. I said some people don't use certain ones for sure, you know, so I'm not going to use Twitter at all. So I don't use Facebook at all. Some people don't use Instagram at all. Someone uses something, it's acceptable, right? It's like, yeah, it's acceptable to not use all of them. That's like being like, Oh, well, I'm a conservative, but like, I believe in social issues. Like. You know, saying like, there is room in our culture for you to only have adopted one or two of them. But it's weird if you adopted none of them. Mm hmm. That's crazy, because the thing going on there, you got to have some kind of online representation of yourself. Yeah. How are you communicating with everybody? Yeah, I get it. I understand. But it would be weird. It would be weird. It's like I'm weird. I use all of them. Yeah, I'm talking in front of that to a degree. Or like, I guess we have what I would do if I wasn't really doing this, etc. stuff. I wouldn't really be presented too much, you know, saying. Like never wro Yeah, I'm not posting right now. I'm kind of waiting for the quantum machine. Hopefully my sister just graduated. She's going to help about some tier one content. The rest of your content. Let's go. Let's go. I think we had a nice yin and yang of like I get a boom, I get a big boom anytime I posted my story because I don't like not post for like an extended period of time. I feel like there's something to the the algorithm is like someone that you've you popularly posted for the long time. For the first time in a long time. So I get hyper inflated whenever I do post, which is like a cool cutting power that I have because I think you are hyper inflated on people's feeds because you're you post consistently and people view your post a lot. I feel like they're like your people get algorithm algorithms to you because when yours come on, they click it, they watch the whole thing and even if they don't like it, they expand it, watch the whole thing, they don't skip it, you know what I'm saying? Yeah. So that's why I think, like both of us are algorithm wise up right now. I'm certainly on the incline, but. I really wouldn't be doing any of it if it weren't m.j 38. I just don't feel that need. Yeah. So I understand the need or the feeling of not needing to have any of them for sure. I understand it, but it is weird that yes, our culture, it's like the walls, like societal walls we can like run into to a degree, I guess just like assuming that it's true, that's a whole nother thing. So that's like the big thing, the thing that we're dealing with now that we haven't been having to deal with ever before. It's crazy, right? It's crazy. Sure. They can't run from it. Is it true? Mm hmm. Yeah. Yeah. Or it's not like, you know. Yeah, yeah. Yeah. It resonates or this resonates. Uh. Sometimes I just need hear other people talk to know what the truth is. Because, like, I'll either agree or disagree, you know what I'm saying? Yes. So it's nice because of that, that Jordan Peterson through that to a degree. Yeah, it has great. I mean, YouTube was fucking amazing. It was one of the best things that ever having people ever listen. I listen to so much TPP. You have a library of everything at your disposal anytime you want for free. You learn like anything. Dude, any problem you have. How do I change your car tire? How do I try to. How do I cook chicken in the oven? These may or. May not be my personal searches. My search. History. Well, like literally yes. You could just how to anything. How powerful is that? And that's crazy as well. So in that sense, it's a wonderful thing. But order structure. And social media aspect. So the way I started to think about it is like if you if you're wrapped up in social media, like if you're a social media addict, it's almost like being a drug addict. Like, I don't really want to life with you because there's like a, like if you drink wine occasionally, like on the weekends or even you can have a glass of wine every time you come home. And it's not really like an issue. You know, I'm saying something on Facebook, you could use it all and be like, chill on it, you know what I'm saying? But like when you're in the culture of it, like you're like, well, if you become like an alcoholic with Instagram. Like. It's also stuff because like, people will content create as a living and then make it sort of are like girls make a bunch of money on Onlyfans like, oh, you can really tell a person to stop if they're making like hundreds of thousands of dollars. Yeah, with what authority? Or you have something to say, you get a lot of attention. It's weird, I guess. Like virality, like what's it, what, what determines what gets a lot of attention? So I think the truth is what wins. Ultimately, we'd like that to be what social media does. I mean, I guess it does, right? If it's fighting for attention like likes the literally likes that is kind of like the it's not like I guess I'm saying is for virality sake it is what people like it people if people like the truth and that's what will be the highest virality, right. Or maybe the most consistent over over time. Yeah, maybe that's most popular. True. Definitely the most popular actually. The least popular. Go to appearance is popular and it's popular, right? Yeah. I think there's something there. Yeah. Yeah. It's crazy. Figures do want to smash them and turn into a trampoline. It's like, so, yeah. This podcast is weird. So I love you. Guys about that too. We're just riffing. We're talking about these ideas are just too. I'm like, I'm discovering them. Like, as I'm talking to them with you. I'm like sifting through the sands of all these things I've felt recently and things I've heard recently and coming up with some hypotheses with you about what's going on around here. And we live in strange, fantastical land. Yes, that's breaking down. Hypothetical land. Yeah. Things are cyclical too, so there's no telling how long social media will really and Google's been around a while, Apple's been around a while. Google for sure. You know, it's just Google to be to a degree now. Yeah, for sure. Like Google. Google. Isn't Google a verb now? Yeah, Google. I paid for that. But I guess what I'm saying is it is like Kleenex or a tissue. Is a Kleenex Kleenex as a brand or Band-Aid. What's a Band-Aid? A bandage. Bandage down? Well. Yeah, you see, I'm saying Google it. Like if it. That's the cool thing about the Matrix, too, is it kind of like taps into the technical aspect of this world like that. This is a computer program. Like we can kind of wrap our minds around that because of the technical technology world we live in right now where like, like we watch I watch Black Mirror and it doesn't like do the Matrix was like a super lit Black Mirror episode in the 1990s. Like, it's so far ahead of their time, bro. Yeah, for. Real. I it was lit. I love that movie. Well, we're watching that movie and be like, this movie is crazy. All the crazy movies are seeing like multiple times. Yeah, you're listening to it. Yeah, I remember that being like, The Matrix is dope. And I was like. That movie. And then you were like, Matrix is. Dope was like, really? And then I watched and I was like, This movie's fucking crazy. But it was hard to read. Yeah. I watched The Matrix and then that laid the framework for understanding later in life when I felt more detached and woke or whatever you want to call it. And I was like, Oh yeah, the world kind of is like The Matrix. There is like a things being put on my face and traditional calendar cyclically gears where marketing companies are trying to get me to buy stuff. And I have to, I have to navigate culture, and culture is its own thing. They put on my. Face all the while you're navigating culture to follow the White Rabbit, and that's like a small little thing that that that that coincidental moment when thoughts in life happen. It's like White Rabbit saying, Oh yeah, I'll go that let that be your determinant your faith that that that's the right thing be the determinant Yeah. Oh that part movies. Yeah. So that movie struck a chord for so a lot of people I'm sure it does. And it was like, yeah, it's a go to movie. Mm hmm. Got it. So, yeah, but then I watched it again, like as an adult that I could conceptualize all that. And then I've done like psychedelics and stuff like that. And then I'm like watching The Matrix. Is this like, composed at all? And I was just like, Whoa, this movie is crazy. It's so good. And like the part where some of the stuff that got me this time that didn't give me last time, when he goes to the Oracle, he already doesn't think he's the one. Hmm. She tells him You're not the one. Then she tells him you're going to have to decide whether you or Morpheus live. Then Morpheus gets abducted. And then. When they think the Morpheus is going to. Die. Neo definitely can't die. And that's part of the karma armor he wears into the fight with the agent. And where he draws confidence from is because he's like, If you kill me, Morpheus lives. And if you kill Morpheus, I live. But you have Morpheus right now. And you in you intend your intent is to kill him. So in this moment, because your intent is to kill Morpheus, you cannot kill me because they kill me. You kill Morpheus. Right? Right. And that part had me that he had, like, figured it out. He and then that's when he went into the fight with him. And I'm not your guy. You just couldn't be killed, bro. You got your. There having. Trippin. That was the masculine. And then Trinity is the feminine. Oh, it is Trinity dog. Come on, come on. Fuck around. Come on. What do you want from us? What? The more I look, the more fun. Yeah. And then. It. Gets to a point where he realizes, like, he realizes that realizing that gives him the power to realize that he's the one. And then when he realizes he's the one, he breaks the prophecy and saves. Both of them. However, all of that creates. What was the prophecy to be an inaccurate prophecy because he is the one and she told him he wasn't the one. The only way he would have done that is if she told them that's what they the one they say. She tells you exactly what you need to hear. Not the future. Not the truth. Oh I'm on my own and. It's so crazy. So what does that mean? How do you how do you analyze that, Matthew? And I'm thinking about it and I'm like, it was the intent. It was the narrative of their intent that was dictating what was happening. So when Neo wasn't the one and she told him, You're not the one, that was the narrative, his intent. And she kept him on that narrative intent. And when he wasn't the one, she she had prophesized that one of them would die. And when she put it in the his narrative and his belief system, what was going to happen was that one of them could die and the other one would live. And then in his narrative it and say he was not the one that propagated the actions that put him in the space where he realized that the narrative of intent was his own power to decide there is no spoon. And so once there was no spoon, there is no your power to decide the narrative of your own intent and your story and what you're acting out based on your own structure of rules that you know to be true around you. You're you, you. You become the victor. You can kill the unkillable. You stop bullets in midair. And like that's the that's the powerful thing there. And that's like how he knew he was going to kill the agency when they were unstoppable. And that's. All code. Just right. He was the only real thing. You're right. Gone right at the end. It's all code. And you just see he loses all the code and he's like, dives into it. Yeah. How does he how do you do that part? You know, save like the fire physics and stuff like that with the power to bend the spoon. Yeah. I think in that situation he realized that he is the, I guess, like the generator of all the ones and zeros, you know, it's a. It's your, it's your hallucination. Yeah. If you lose, you lose to you. Yeah. He just. Okogie. Yes. Sorry. I'm with you. To defeat the age of folly. He dives into the agent. Yeah. And goes. Into him fully and. Goes on from the inside. Yeah, he merges with it. You know, this is me. These are ones and zeros. Dude, that's crazy. So I think once you realize that the power of your intent to create a narrative, once you realize you're the writer, it's all just words. It's like you have to become consciously aware that you're writing and you're like, What am I? I'm writing? Oh, yeah, what I write is what's happening. And then once you know what you write as what's happening, then. You. Can destroy the adversary from the inside out can like. Can die. Yeah. You write what exactly, exactly right. You just write the narrative that you want or what it's what your truth is or what your maximize personal legend would be. That's it. That's it. And for Neo, that's literally being Morpheus. His definition of what the one was being the savior for them or whatever. Mm hmm. Being the savior. Who is deep as far. Crazy. As deep as fuck, because, yeah, it's a confusing scene when he goes. The oracle says she's not the one. It's like, Well, what do you. What did I used to think happened there? At some point he's like not fuck that she's talking about. It's like. Oh, we'll go in right here. Rambo Yeah. And then you definitely like, Well, he's going to die because that's what she says it's like. Or you could save him and you'll die. You have to decide. And then like, he doesn't die though, which is like what? He does die. Yeah. Yeah. Well, like giving in the sense where, like the neo, the innocent neo like the neo though, didn't think he was the one realized he was writer of all of it. I don't know. I don't know what happens. Right. Because he, I think he does realize he's the one whenever he kills or like he, he gets up and he does like the thing where he like gets the dust off of himself, Like I'll him like I'm going to fight this thing. I'm going to kill it. So. I can't die. Morpheus is like, whatever or whatever, man. Whatever happens there, I think what he does kill him and he gets run over by the train. And I think then he comes right back out of the train immediately afterwards, and he realizes like, Oh, this is like a permanent problem. This is never going to go away. Yeah, you're right. This thing I'm fighting my adversary. My rival. Yeah. Even if I get strong enough to kill it like any more than this, I think Trinity is a Holy Spirit, you know, saying Morpheus, like the Father, Neo's, like the Son, and then change, like the whole the Holy Spirit, you know? So the cause. I was going to say, why? Why it. Isn't true. Why can't Trinity dive into people and kill them from the inside out? Well, likewise, Neo, the one in essence. And then why is Cain the guy who was represented as Cain? He wanted to be the one. Why wasn't he the one? You know what I'm saying? What was going on there? Hmm. But Neo, he reluctantly. What's a hero if he isn't reluctant? Sorry. The just permanent. Permanent bar in my head from childish love. But was it his own reluctance? He to adopt the role? I think so. His more virtuous nature of just being like. Because I guess the other thing about the that betrays them, the Judas Figure and the Matrix. His name is Cipher Cipher. Yeah. Yeah. He he says he doesn't want to be awakened to the Matrix anymore. He's like, If I could go back, I would've taken the other pill every time. And then as soon as he's talking with the agents, when he's betraying them, he's like, Yeah, I just want you to wipe my memory and like, make me forget about this part. Just peeling back in the matrix make me rich and let me be. Well. Actor Yeah, yeah. V an actor. I want to be someone to. Notice. Someone important. Yeah. Exactly. It's like, what? I think that's what it's like. Representing to a degree is like a this virtuous nature. Yes wanting things for the wrong reasons. Mm hmm. And I think that Neal wasn't like that. So maybe that's why he. That he gets to be being. In love with the Matrix, you know, saying. Why didn't he. Walk away? I don't know. I need to watch the I've only seen the first I two, maybe the third one. I don't think I've seen all four. I'm not sure how the story's told throughout the end, but then the question of why didn't he was sorry when near do. It, why did take the red. Pill? I don't know. Belief. His own belief. I think this is where I think I think this is all whatever. Here's how Morpheus approaches them in the White Rabbit situation. And Morpheus is telling the whole time you are the one where he's like, kind of. This is all. This is all crazy. I guess maybe. How did he get to that? This all crazy moment? How did he get to that? Why did he get picked out of Morpheus? You know, I guess he said, like, I know you've been going through something along like the What's he say in the beginning with, like, talking to him through the computer. He's like trying to find answers. So that was part where I was still washing dishes or something like that before I got fully encapsulated. I got fully encapsulated. When you presented the pill, I was like, Oh shit, it's happening. You know, I'm not sure, But I guess that's that's a question that you need to ask is like, what behavior was Neo exhibiting before he got chosen to be the one? You know. Could it be anybody? Is that we don't know. We got to see what the what the writers. He's kind of like represented as anybody who's the guy working in a cubicle? Mr. Anderson I think he has a first name in the movie and 100% sure. Right. Maybe just be referred to as Mr. Anderson. And yeah, Trinity, when you talk about she represents the Holy Spirit, but unless you have any more thoughts, the kind of brick wall because we you know that was. It because I yeah I think because he does die This is like, this is that he awakens Yeah. What is that. She tells him to keep going. I think that's like the Holy Spirit. You know what I'm saying love. That's what it was. It was love. Yes, I know you are the one because I love you. She's like the oracle, and her prophecy was prophesized. See. It's like Neil needed her validation to a degree or something because he. I don't even know if that point, if he was sure he was the one, he was kind of like just willing to sacrifice himself for Morpheus, which is part of the original prophecy and the original prophecy. I was also that he wasn't the one, so I think he was operating under that guise. And then Trinity kisses him, tells him like, No, you're the one. And then he's like, comes back to life, which is like, what? Resurrection? Not sure. But then at that point he is certain that he's the one. And then once he's certain is the one, he thinks he can break the narrative. And so both of them, especially when he realizes he can just enter that dude, is like, I can do anything. You just find him with one arm. Yeah, it's complete control and the control of the fight with the adversary that's projected through your own story. Oh. Oh, he was handling. It. Oh, I'm sick as it was. Love that movement. Way deeper than I thought. It was really cool how they bounced off the walls, running up the wall, shooting people on the wall. That's what I've thought was dope when I was a kid. Mm hmm. I was watching it now and I was seeing all that. I was just like, There is no spoon. Real talk. Real talk. No cap. Mm hmm. And then I watched literally my life around me. Starts, like, not this story almost just felt like there was, like, a spiral in and out that was like. It's almost like I was seeing another dimension. It's hard to explain it. It was like, actually, now that's exactly what it feels like it was, But I just felt the center of my head. So if you just, like, look forward, you see like relatively a square and then imagine like the center of your square being like a circle, almost like a camera. Like a cone. Yeah, it was like a cone in the middle. Kind of like, yeah. And out here was like the flat of the cone from this perspective of the cone. But then, like, as the center of it got to like a more and more quicker spiral in the middle and I can just feel it kind of like coming at me and ebbing away like waves. Hmm. Mm hmm. And I was just like, There's no spoonbill. I'm trippin right now. I don't even know what I'm looking at. I was like, This movie's crazy. I'm crazy. I'm going to have a day tomorrow. I just, like, went to bed. It was just like, feeling insane. I'll try to maximize my personal legend tomorrow. That's what I'm doing. Just off both of my hand. Mm hmm. Man Yeah, the movie's great. Movies are cool. The movies are weird. Dog Like movies are something else real. Also, just quick movie reference. Watch Blade Runner 2049. It's Ryan Richmond, my favorite Ryan Reynolds movie I've ever seen. Really? Movie is great. You never heard of it? Blade Runner. Blade Runner. There's like a Blade Runner series from back in the day. I never saw that did no anything. I just know it was dope at that time. Is dope like I saw the reboot for the movie that's Blade Runner 2049, like available on HBO. And I was like, I'm going to watch this. And I watched it, dude. Amazing. It's about like, not the same kind of thing, but like, it's about. The. There's old robots, like humans made robots to have a work force. Then the robots became like conscious to a degree these replicants did. And then they waged war against the humans and it created like mass fallout and. Then from the mass fallout, someone created a. New. Like from the old replicant company. Someone bought it, took it over and created robots that would listen. And then these robots were some of them were hyper trained and sent to kill. The. Old race of robots, the ones that gained consciousness in their own right. And they became like sentient. And they wanted rights and they wanted to like, be communities and stuff like that. And so these Blade runners are the new robots sent to kill the old robots and kill out their existing communities. And Ryan Reynolds is a Blade Runner and then he works for the police. And. But he's like a robot but like at the same time, he, like, has his own story and his own thoughts and his own feelings and like, he eventually finds out that there was a a true baby born to the first set of replicants. And that's when they knew that they were like more than just robots and more than just replicants, that they were like their own culture of people, that they could have their own society because they could start to have their own babies. And that was going to like, shatter the earth, right? It's just going too deep. So then Ryan Reynolds thinks he might be the one like the chosen baby, the miracle child, and then he even has a memory as a kid of like a horse with the date on like a date on the bottom of a horse. It's like his only toy and everyone's super poor. And at one point they try to, like, take his toy from him and he has to hide it and leave it. And he's got this, like, one core memory, but he's like a replicant. So there's like, rules about he doesn't really have a childhood. He was like a robot, you know what I'm saying? Mm hmm. And so but then he goes to a memory maker and shows her the memory, and she's like, That's a real memory. And then he goes to the place and finds the horse, and then he's doing his police work, and he finds like a true baby was born on the day that it says it's his birthday. And he, like, thinks he's the one. But then he's to find out that it's like he's not the one. And it's like sacrificed himself for the one who is the one. But that, like, makes him miraculous in his own regard because he helps like, carry on the legacy of. The the. Replicant true baby. The ideal. The ideal. Yes. You're going to die, too. Yes. Dying for the ideal makes you Christlike even if you're not the savior. Is the behavior of the Savior. Yeah, you know what I'm saying? Yes, that's what that was about. Wow. Yeah. So I was, like, getting fucked up. I was like, Do, these movies are out here? Neil wasn't the one. He is the one. Ryan Reynolds was the one. He's not the one. That's like, Dude, it's nuts. Wow. Mm hmm. Mm hmm. So I've been real introspective lately. I've been real, like. Yeah. I know. What real is your value? Higher. Ah, yeah, your value structure, your value hierarchy. Yeah, Yeah. Whatever you consider to be the ideal is based off your interpretation or your perspective. What's the ideal you value the most? You're highest. Everyone has one, regardless of what you think. How much you value or actually represent, representing the values that you claim to be the ideal is a whole nother question. You know? Yes. Because like. How fake is your social media, you know? Oh. Huh. Yeah. And it's also just like it's one thing to say, like me personally, it's one thing to say being on time is a higher ideal. It's another thing to be on time all the time, sending money, going to church or like. Making your bed. Making your bed working out. There's times where it's like, I value something really highly. I'm not actively upholding the ideals. Hmm. So you're like, carve out your ideal hierarchy and then you got to, like, live up to your ideals and then. You. Know, hope it goes well for you, I guess is the third part. Yeah. Hopefully you interpret it correctly. And if you didn't reap what you sow and then see what goes on after that, try to readjust. Right in the cyclical nature of things. Go back to creating the ideal hierarchy to readjust those, hopefully live up to those financial results. Go back to your ideal hierarchy. Yeah, Every day. Every moment. Yeah. Crazy. And you get. Good. Also. That's the other thing about our energy is like when in my opinion, when you live up to your ideals and your ideals are good set of ideals day in and day out. Terry You get into like a momentum s rhythm. So it's like easier. You're moving downhill. Like it's way easier to stay in rhythm than it is to create rhythm. Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah. The snowball effect. Yeah. And like, once you have that going for yourself, your energy is higher. Like your maximum output is higher, like your vibration is higher. Mm. So you could not do that, but you're not going to be maximizing your personal legend because your energy and your vibration is going to be like lower. You're going to have a. More. An experience that you would want get away from. It's not going to be like a good time. Mm hmm. That's how I think this life thing works. It can be like a lot more children that I guess. Sorry. Last minute. What was. Like. If. They took part of creating a good experience for yourself as don't like when you go into your day and what life gives to you and like your life experience. Yeah. Yeah. To help create make that good. I think like you have to have good ideals and live up to those ideals so that your energy and your own frequency is a high energy, high frequency. So like, good ideas are coming to you, flows coming to you, like positive outcomes are coming to you. But when you're on that like dreadful energy where, you're like, I hate my life. I hate today. Why do I do any of this? Something bad is going to happen. It's like you're attracting lower experience experiences like lower frequency experiences like more. I think it's more likely that bad things happen to you. You're ever like having the worst day. And like, when it rains, it pours. Yeah, that's. It. You know what I'm saying? The poor as. Well. It's like you're some people would say I might say you're on that low frequency. Like you got to get off of that. You know what I'm saying? Yeah. Oh, no, that just, just bare the storm sometimes. It's like. It's like maybe just one day out of however many days or just like, a span of time, but you get to push through it or it's like, keep going, man. What's your what's your other option? The other option is wait, wait, the alternative is worse. So it's like just of further down, downward trend. Yeah. Super. The spiral, the spiral nature of downward trend versus like I I'm on a downward trend, but I'm like the stocks rise and go. Public art is 24/7. Yeah. You're trying to like mitigate your downside. It's like you ever don't have one bad decision. We come to bad decisions. Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah. It's like just trying to fold the bad hand. Like if things aren't going well, like some have heard artists say in the studio, if it's not going well, they just leave. Like, I'm not going to waste more time. Trying to force a vibe. Yeah. And same thing with, like, a bad day. It's like if it's not going, well, I'll just try to make sure it doesn't go. Terrible, you know. Because you also can't control, like, let's say you are conscious enough to be generating positive experiences for yourself. You're really trying to uphold your ideals like you do a great job of that. Sometimes it's like. The the. Story of life gives you downswing, so you can't really help that. Like even if you are doing your best to create positive expressions for yourself, you can't stop what is like the forces that player. Yeah. Bad things happening. Yeah, it's like we are walking up or going to work on Saturday. Slipped and busted my ass on the stairs out the door and there's 30 minutes of traffic. See? Like, what the fuck are you supposed to do about that? But, you know, in the night my heels are hurting like it's own bitch. I was like, Oh, my God, this is the first time I've worn these shoes 40, 50 times in the last month and a half, two months, two months plus, whatever it is, whatever level it's been. And like, I've been fine the entire time I worked last week. Six days in a row. Yeah, six days, seven. And then this week it was five days out of seven. But on the seventh day or Yeah, the Saturday versus last Saturday or any other day before this, it was like my heels hurt, like my feet hurt, huh? Some bitch. What's up with that super, super weird. Oh, things, of course. Yeah, right. This is so weird, bro. You squat, you squatted. Have you? As always one. But you know that that was correlative. No, I don't think so. So we're in a strange the shoes and the insoles or whatever, and you get some insoles. Some doctor shows them to be thorough. I don't know. It's hard for me to downswings happen. I'm sorry. That's more or less story. Everybody. You ever seen everybody having a bad. Day, right? Yeah. Yeah, exactly. Are you like the sequence where in which you hear the news or the information that's like presented into your story or matrix? It's like, Wow. Oh, wow. Oh, well, that's like, connected, connected, connected, you know? So it's like, Oh, that was going on. Or there's a meta something that all three of those have like underneath them, like they're their own individual instance through our own life. Whoever, like this person, this person and this person have their own story going on. But then through your story, they're like something theirs. And you're like, Oh, well, like, I see like a you know, so it becomes more than just instances or one part of life. It gets two dimensional, life gets two dimensional, you know, like art, like a story, like a metaphor. So sort yeah. Running back on mean catching it went back on me again. We were talking about March of two. Dimensional. Said. It becomes like. You get more dimensional if you're able to see something in a guy. What are you talking about? My mind drifted for the second. The of. It so you know it was important. Yeah I think I recorded it come back. Mm hmm. Yeah I see life come alive too. And that's when you know the the the value structure, your hierarchy value structure when life comes alive and you realize, like, you're happy that you've done everything you can to be person you are because life is like coming to you in a sense. It makes it all super real, super worth it. It's not just words on a podcast or like stuff I'm reading out of books. It's like, this is my actual experience. This is like the life I get to live, you know? I'm saying, Mm hmm. It's it's all we got. You know, I'm saying maximizing the personal legend is worthwhile. It's all there is to do here. Yeah. Or out of all the things you could do here, that's the one that's, like, the most worth it. What do you value? What do you think that would be? What you think that would look like? How do you justify that? What does that actually look like? What's the other alternatives? Like we play video games forever, I think. Distract yourself forever. Whatever you'd like to. Yeah, I guess. What does it look like to maximize a personal legend? Or if not the ideal? What is the ideal? You know? Mm hmm. Mm hmm. I guess. Like to enjoy the distractions of life. Yeah. To be, like, drunk, you know, sad to a degree of the ego and off the matrix and rather be in this, like, make this your God or make this your I believe this is what's real. What? Your foundation of what's real. Oh, the guy just wants to be an actor. Well, see, someone important was enjoy the Matrix and eat medium rare steaks. Damn it, bro. I understand the. Allure. I get it. I get it, bro. I get it. I get it. Living the once by color. Yeah, yeah. You stop all It's like. Not to be him at the sun of David. Yeah, yeah. I'm just like. It's crazy. The podcast comes so full circle on me. I feel like talking about thinking about my life like, a week and, like, talking to you about it. And then we get to the podcast and then like, really dive in there, and then we're talking about like The Matrix and David where we're at. And it just I hope it does the same thing for you guys at home sometimes. Yes, I. Hope that especially as you get into rhythm with us and like we get like fans that are listening to us week to week, we should like develop some kind of symbiosis between our energy where you guys are kind of like some of the stuff we're talking about becomes more prevalent. Yeah, because you gave attention to it. Now White Rabbit, very elusive. It's real, though. You'll like feel it like you can't not see it when you see it. Like, there it is. And you can ignore it if you want. But that's like more energy. You're going to expend the energy ignoring it. It's not that it didn't exist. Mm hmm. Mm hmm. Mm hmm. All right. Bang. Yeah, that's it. That's tight, dude. Yes. Welcome. Bounces off of metaphysics real quick and get us out of here. Maybe, but. We are going to. Can I tell him, please? We're going to Vegas. We're going to. Vegas. Going to Vegas. Now tell me. I'll watch. This will be already back. Vegas? That's right. So that's kind of a that's like a time capsule. It's kind of strange. Yeah. Welcome. Yeah. Welcome to The Sandcastle. But it's about time you see this, you know? Or maybe not. Maybe we did. Really? Well, maybe I'll hanging out for another week. We'll see how good it was. Oh, you never know what's going to happen. We go to Vegas. I never come back. And it's going to Vegas. My spoon's not. Real. We're burned in the walls. And we'll see. We'll see what the next episode looks like. Yes. So then I propose. Oh, that's crazy. That's going to be done in a couple of days. This is so cool. This is. Just such a cool thing we're doing right. Here. That's like, Yeah. It's crazy because that's a surprise. Yeah, Yeah, that has surprised. It hasn't happened yet, but by the time this goes public, you'll probably see an Instagram post. It's going down. So to talking about the family unit. Yeah, seriously, Justin's doing this. Yeah. You think so? Crazy. You. It's crazy. It's more than self fulfilling. It was hard. Is super hard. Yeah, it is a self. Self performance important. It's like. Don't you take care of you? Yeah. Yeah. You want you to be winning? Yeah. Live with you. Show them and hopefully we'll be winning. We never come back. Yeah. Oh, yeah. This is going to be fun. I want. I want it, I want it. I want that life. I'm about that action. Like I think we're ready to make music and make podcasts. I think we got it, dude. Or therefore I'm here for it. So here for it. Yeah. It's only a matter of time. No idea when or what or how or why. I know. But however, when. The words are being shown, I know I'm gonna get it. I just don't know how. I just don't know how. Yeah. So I feel. I feel the same way about you guys. So I hope you like it. Yes. The stories, it'll work out. It could work out better than you imagine that personal legend. So write the best story for yourself. Did the best to live that story to truth. But then know that someone else can have a better than you could have written you at a lot. That's like to think not to believe God. I should get to him. It's worthwhile, though. It's worth it. Yeah, I think it's worth it. It's worth it. Yes. Come on, Vegas vibes, dude. Vegas vibes. I'm telling you, I'll turn it. Up to be fun. Turn it up. What's your favorite? What's your favorite game in Vegas? It was blackjack when asked me. Craps hard. Craps took my life. That's how my life took that life. That part. My life. The life. The guys going to Vegas. This will be my ninth year with my mom. I guess. And like it was Vegas or as it was in Vegas, it was blackjack. That was the that was the game. That was the game. It was so fun. But as of the last two, maybe this will be the third year. I think craps is more I'm having a bit better luck with Lady Luck. I better dance with Lady Luck in that game. Yeah. A lot of people told me that you're like the second or third person where we thought blackjack was like the game to play it. And they were like, Dude, I love craps. Craps. It's like Steve told me that. I think Derek told me that. You told me that it's fun. I think it's the best odds. I don't know. I'm pretty sure that's true. The best odds for the house. I don't know how sorry for the. For the user. For the user. Yeah. Yeah. All right. Well, either way, however, it's going down. Slots, whatever we just bump into a talent agent. Who knows what's going to happen, bro? Who knows? We're going to get to sit next to one of these playing to be next to at these events in these places. And has atoms collide? Yeah, it's energy energies, the frequencies. We're trying to create positive experiences. For myself, I believe there's no spin. I'm taking on the role zone. I accept that. Accept that. I'll be. Neil, Come on. It's not in my ideals. There's no limit to the amount of uniqueness in the world. You can all be the one. We could all be the one. Your maximize personal legend. Oh, no. What's going on in there? Yeah, okay. I could guess because we all share. We all. We all share one. That's one thing we share. We all share what. We all share. The common fact that we all have a consciousness. We all have a life that we're living. We all have a story that we're in. Yeah, right. That's inarguable. Yes. But obviously you're right there, right? Yeah. Like you're not, like, talking to none of an object. US. Like, come on, couch. Oh, really? Oh, these girls got only fans couch. It's crazy. How do you deal with that? Well, just that seated l l position. No, you're right. You're right. Yeah, we all have to do. We all have to deal with the fact that we're conscious and also in the Bible says is like. Like life is suffering and you have to die to be alive, suffer, die. So those are things we're all having to deal with for sure. Hmm. But maybe there's a way to transcend death. Maybe, just maybe. Oh, that's what we learn about church, for sure. Reason for the season. Yeah. Vegas vibes. Let's go. Christmas vibes. Christmas vibes. Hell yeah. I will holler at home but won't come back. Just is going to have. To be a billionaire. Yes. I heard that. Sorry. A peek at our minds, Jim. But. But the big wave right there. Oh yeah, yeah. Trying to come back on to differentiate. Differentiate. What you want to say to your old self. How do you keep going? Yeah, that's right. Yeah. Keep going. Well alive. You could do your best. Keep doing your best. You did your best, Scott. Keep going. There's always more to give. Yeah, Do. As they do. Better. Feels the ideal is the catchable. You can't. You can't hold it. You know, saying the ideal just like right outside your realm of maximum capacity. Yeah. That is what Jesus like. So amazing. One step ahead. He can't quite. Hold it for too long. Take a pump. So you can be there. You can have a pump. It feels great when you're upholding the ideal. Yeah, like. Unfortunately, like not it's not sustainable. I mean, some ideas are sustainable, you know? But it's like, that's the thing about balance is like nothing is sustainable to a degree. MM Hmm. Yeah, I think just like in the idea of the energy of, like a the ideal, you know, the ideas are like one step outside of your best. Like you literally can't do it. It's like, literally what that is, you know, I'm saying. Cause otherwise it'd be standard. Yeah, something you could achieve is like if you could achieve, it's not your ideal. It's like the ideal is the thing that you can't achieve. You can't do that once you do it. Just like I won't push push when I can't do a further out. Then then you do all things. Yes I've been on time is is isn't ideal is because I suck at it. That's why I had the. Slides and I do what I see someone it I'm like, that's hard. Well you're. Always you're on time. But yeah as well as points on the board or whatever the fuck. I mean yeah I. You like hard thing accomplish difficult task made the. Easy Hmm. And that's dope that's idealistic yeah yeah. Being honest. Wasn't. An ideal. And it's not just standard. It's. It's like, hard to do sometimes. Hard to do. And it's easier to lie. Yeah, sometimes. But we give you a choice to choose one or the other, so. Yeah, Yeah. Lying takes more energy for sure. I mean, it's not always like, quote unquote, the easiest. Sometimes it's not as though you're creating. Definitely problems for yourself later way. More narrative to to keep under control. Yeah so God laid it out. Narrative manipulation. So happy just to be living in an honest realm. So I forgot about what it's like to ever have to keep up with lies or telling people. Like a long time ago, Jordan Peterson really stamped out any fire of just like because I feel like there's where I'd be like, Yeah, then I'm going to go to Luke's house and then I like drive to College Station to go see my girlfriend at the time. And this is like high school. And I'm saying, it's like lives like that, you know? But then Jordan Peterson was like, Don't lie. It's like, open up your world a little bit. It'll create a new color you get to look at. Then I was like, Oh, he's right. Like purple is crazy. It's like. Sort of felt like, hmm. Yeah, like clarity or like, you know, life got turned up a little bit, you know, more rightness of, like, the truth of what's really going on here. Yeah, that's cool. Yes. So, yeah, that's just a lot. A lot of stuff. Furniture. I like this. Hopefully along for the ride. Yeah. So there's a. Little you listening to this line. You're definitely along for the ride. We appreciate you. We appreciate you. That's what this show is about. Yeah. Yeah. Something nice. Obviously us. We're up. Massive. A massive. Story. We saw that. It's weird. Mm hmm. Strange up. And then you odyssey to see us all the time. Yes. My music coming out. Yes. Three songs you want to, hopefully relatively soon. Oh, my God. It's like 90% of the works done, which I finished the last 10%. Yes. And then I guess of the music part. And then we got to do the picture and the what you call it, creating the name of the title or title of the project. Yeah, I could do that. Yes. Yeah. Music coming out. Hopefully a lot more coming out soon. A lot more coming out soon. I'm freaking. God borrows from. Bardo. He's bada bada dude rapping the hardest in the world. The new Drake old joke that came out fucking for all the dogs you said in addition. Yeah, dude, I've just been through those beats. Just inspire something out of me. Just like it's cool. I've learned this new skill to what I'm rapping to just be spontaneous. Like, sometimes I'm like, I put on, like, 10% spontaneity and I'm like, integrating. It's like I'm hitting shuffle sometimes. Like instead of I'm just picking an unpredictability and once I've inserted some unpredictability, I'm like, Well, that was kind of crazy. And then I like, use that as like the rhyme scheme for a little bit. And then I like switch off of that and then inject more. I'm like, reshuffle. I'm trying to give me something else crazy different. Yeah, yeah. I'm doing that like in real time though, and it's like a cool thing. It's a cool weapon to have a cool spell to cast as like a writer or like a flow maker, you know. Someone who's able to manipulate the syllables, pronunciation and timing of those things. Right? So cool. Bro, into more than what they are. Just like, on their own accord. You know what I'm saying? Yeah. You take all of them, make them into a crazy thing. It's like. I think so. Yeah. Yeah. I'm like that BOPs like. That's sick. And yeah, just. Just a more development as an artist as I continue to grow up and older and I'm just like. Nice. Nice, like being a wide receiver and my hands keep getting better. I think the catches I make now. Are do crazy footwork. I'm crazy, right? Yeah. Yeah, that's tight. So that's cool. So yeah, once we get the time and the freedom to be making more music but still just be like overdue, I mean, drop an album that fucks society. Yeah. Up. You don't want to make it out and it goes like, do the really good. It's like really good, I gather playing a lot in like Atlanta and like Miami and like the streams are up, like all over the United States. It's like million views later, you know what I'm saying? Boom. You can figure how to organize around tour and shit. Fuck yeah, bro. Yep. Yes. Yeah. Hopefully we're going to just have one. Should think about it one day. Imagine since our bro, hopefully I'll maximize that legend. We're rooting for you. Yeah. Care about they care. About this shit. You have you love your piece, but I really do like to look where we might go. I just thought this with Jump in my Soul. Let's start with.