The MJ38 Show

Episode #29

January 04, 2024 MJ38 Season 1 Episode 29
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Matthew and Justin talk about Influences, Uniforms, and New Year's Resolutions

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I mean, it's not overly complicated. Sorry. Me? Yeah. Scorpion felt like. He. He was digesting life and then putting into his music. And it was. That's why it was hitting me so hard in my soul. Because, like, the all four bars, really, there wasn't just clever wordplay leading up to a punch line. It was like. yeah, that's true. I felt that, too. It's like Linn's looking jaded. I don't know, brother. Just like it was hitting rock. And. Get out. Yeah. Then I think from Certified Lover Boy to. The. More pop EDM. I'm honestly. Never mind. That was like. no, man. It became more punch lines. It became. More of. Eagle Rock. It became more like less taking life and digesting it for me and more just like hard. And then he did the 21 Drake album, and I was like, super hard. But the whole time I'm listening to it, even in my own head, I'm like, And these aren't like ideals I can embody. These are like, This isn't a mode of existence I can stand on forever because like, it's good to step up into yourself and you need to step up. Yes, but it's like I can't live on these things that they're saying right now. These aren't solid foundation. Agree with that. Disagree. Exactly right. Some of it I do want to, like, embody or. Yeah, motivate. Inspire yourself with. Right. I can't think of any line in particular, but, like. You know, just going hard. Yeah. Being the best, being the winner. Yeah, there's. There's stuff like that, But there's also the way he's talking to women and about women and, like. You know. Being petty, super petty, too. That was like, I wouldn't really be that petty. You know, in real life, I think you're kind of lame a little bit, but that's super hard sentiment, though. It's like, tough, you know? But he lost me somewhere in there, is what I'm saying. Yeah. From that album onward. Yeah. Yeah. It's like a maybe not lost because I feel like. I don't know. I feel like I can empathize with that sentiment, but maybe not. Loss is the right word, but just like a different. I dunno, it was a different color of him. Or like different. It's different. I guess I felt kind of because I wasn't really listening to Drake at first and then listened. Yeah, Scorpion was like a big album that like really taught me that song Me around, but I really, really enjoyed listening to that album for sure. That was one of my top track albums, I think. But yeah, I think it was great. That's. Yeah, I like. I don't know, because I didn't listen to that. I felt like right around that time and I guess during that time too, I'd be listening to some of his old stuff. I like the first album too. I, I when I was in high school. Are you talking about the very first? You know, think we later? Okay, there's one of them before that album. Yeah. What's it called? let's. Use a little Vegas on it. Yeah, I it's. Actually, it's got like. Two or three songs I really enjoy from early Drake on there. October's Very Own is our second maybe. Okay. But anyways, no but I usually think of the first studio album as the one thing you later write. This was called. Yeah, that was great. Really good. The resistance is great. Thank me. Later is great. Noname and Dallas, I think is on that or it was a single he released around that time and that song was heavy rotation. Yeah I don't know I feel like yeah I've there has been ebbs and flows where in which I feel like maybe I'm maybe like I'm relating to him or it's like that's maybe he's getting put into my rotation or like my algorithm making input into my algorithm to make me feel these emotions about my current situation. I'm like, empathize with them. But then maybe it's like we're like, out of sync. Yeah, you know. Yeah, I'm with the thing. Maybe he's going to do a different story than I'm going through. It's like being a imagine being a heavy Dillon Brooks fan. He's just like, We're a fan. Before he got into, like, the spotlight that he's in now, where he's like, literally and Drake songs, like, he wasn't that famous like two or three years ago, but he just like, got super. I don't know. Like he was Alan. Brooks, the NBA player. Yeah, right. Okay. So from the perspective of someone who is just like, I'm a Colts fan, so like, I would just be a fan of some like role player or someone who was like the best defensive player on the team. Like, I'd buy that jersey for sure. And also and he's like talking shit to LeBron James is on ESPN every day. It's like, shit, this is crazy. You know, you might not empathize with him. It's like, if I were in contention to be like going to battle against LeBron James, I wouldn't act like that. Even though I was a Dillon Brooks fan back in the day. And having that mentality helped me be this person that I am now. Still wouldn't do it that way. I guess it just means that, like, ultimately influences can't really define you. Just influences. You know. You have to define yourself. Are you hard to find you to, like, express that you know? Yes. Yeah. Your actions, your behaviors. There are no heroes. Kids like, they'll be for one perspective of your life. You got to be your own hero. It's crazy. But that's why it's like Steph Curry is a great He should be your hero. I'm a fucking solid. This solid bucks book city. He shows up every time, every day, every playoffs. He's never getting any crazy drama through his mouth guard a couple times. But like. Relatively speaking, it gives a. Goal for every. Person. Yeah, it's. A passionate guy. Yeah. You know. They. Yeah, I guess. You saw it. I don't know. If I compare. Obviously, I think more highly of Drake than of Dillon Brooks because, you know, Drake's like, the. Most of getting punched here. Like that guy. That's right. Yeah. Yeah. How do you mean? What you're talking about Dillon Brooks, in the sense of, like, he just like it's populated or like, just the person that you see you can empathize with. Yeah. He's ever being brought up, like in the culture of society, right? You can choose or sometimes it's brought in to you and you do empathize with it and then like helps you, you know, But it doesn't like, like we don't always agree with Drake, you know what I'm saying? Yeah. Even though he does help, I don't know. Yeah. Yeah. There's like ebbs and flows. Where in which sometimes I'm like, this is it. And like around scorpion times. Yeah. Or whatever's going on as opposed. To an edge of influence. Yeah. So I feel like after Scorpion, I think we were trying to talk about this in the very beginning. He loved it. Or like, yeah, Scorpion was like one of the best albums that we've or. You know, even just stick a pin in what we're talking about right now. It's like we're always we're always growing into something, you know? So like, you need the ebbs and flows of the influence so that you can like. Make your own. Decisions, I guess. Yeah. Because you're becoming something to. So like. You're defining what you are. Right. And I think it's crazy, too, because I think about Drake, because it's like he's also becoming something like we were talking about. We like that Thank Me later album a lot that's so far detached from who he is now though. Yeah, like, really far. He looks different, you know what I'm saying? It was like, super. I don't wanna say look like a kid, but he's like, kind of skinny and scrawny and super young, and now he looks kind of like he's Drake, like, as we know him now. And it's crazy because Drake, as we know him now, it wasn't always who he was as he was growing up through the becoming of him. Like he didn't have a respect like that or people didn't necessarily think he was like one of the best ever. Like he kind of like, took over the hip hop game and route to becoming him. And it's funny to think about it like, thank me later, he was that kid. And then, let's always at the dinner, take care. Take care was like, kind of hit or miss. People didn't think that was the best of. The world, that album. So sure, I go back to some of the shoots. Bangs do. But yeah, it's good. And then word on road is the click. About the blow gaining. Tell nobody they already. Know. That's really hard bro Like it's still hard but but it's not. Do we look at Drake now with like for all the dogs you know he's he's on the state commercials and he's like, just beat Michael Jackson's record for number one singles. He's crazy. He's crazy. Wasn't MJ. Crazy. Before he was MJ And it seemed to happen. So anyways, he's becoming that thing. And it's crazy because we're talking about ebbs and flows of influences, helping us make decisions that are going to define us right? And then one thing interesting, that is so we're becoming us, and that requires is ebb and flow. But then I look at where J. Cole stacked up next to Drake on the song Evil Ways and a couple of other songs on the extended version of For All the Dogs. And when you put them like right next to each other, bro, like in my mind. J. Cole Even though I appreciated Drake and liked his music more all the way through their careers, I'm like jingles. I think the better rapper or the better influencer or the better artist. He should take more pure hits. It's more foundational. Like you could stand on it legitimately and it's not like have and it's not like being petty and it's not like shouldn't on people, but like, he's like, I will destroy you. It's like he says, Yeah, there's so many bars where he addresses that like, I'm better than you, even though he's not going to shit on you. He's like, If you ask for a feature, you go see the massacre. The Reaper is like Jesus having your song. Is he? He'd be pissed off at me for what I did to him. I forget like what the bars are particularly, but if he has a feature, he'll reference the fact that, like, people don't want me on the features because I'm going to go crazy. So like, they both do the thing where they compete in the rap hierarchy and they both talk shit to a degree, but jingles is just like more pure. I'm just like, He's better. Like if I were the judge of the if I would be like, my winner is equal. Yeah. It's crazy. That's why it was always like that. No, not until this last album came out. Really? Yeah. I fucking. Logical. Yeah. Yeah. I feel like I felt that in my spirit. I'm like, Man, I just was right about. Yes. Frozen. And that guy in college. Yes. I remember back in the college days. Like if you saw respect. The rap game, you said you like Drake. And Jake was just like, not Drake. So Kendrick, Kendrick and Jacob, they're like the most abstract. Drake was like, to mainstream to a degree. I'm not sure how that even makes sense, you know? Yeah, right. Yeah. So then about hip hop is underground by nature. So you kind of don't like the the mainstream. Yeah. Or is like deeper there was, there was more there but I don't know if I got Jericho since those mixtapes said no that was way back. In the day. Yeah. The, the two influences, I feel like there. Is that conscious going to be lit. Yeah. Because the way. Yeah, that concert is going to be fucking lit. That's one of the best to go to for sure. If you're into hip hop. That's, that's the, that's Super Bowl. Well it's good. You want. What else do you want anyways. That's what my has been out lately evaluating a new year that we're bringing in together. End of the year. You're the newest Kobe year 2024. Boo! Boo! Boo boo! If I had horns, we'd be dropping them. Boop, boop, boop. Boop. 2024. Y'all moving in? It's coming quick. So as far as by. Any big resolutions for the new year. I want to get a little earlier. Did You're like the fourth person I heard say that. Really? Yeah. Dude, I love my position in life because I just asked people the same question across the board to see what kind of answers, I guess. Survey said, Yeah. All the hyper efficient people want to get up earlier. Yeah, for the New Year's. Go on second half earlier, continue to be floss and more of an floss and we're pretty a little bit more often. Give. License keeping up with the responsibilities what we're trying to buy I think it was I'm trying to save up. Yeah yeah. Just do our taxes and save a fuck. Yeah. You ready? I think yeah. For when we get that. She ready. Some money. She said yes. If you're curious, you know where we left off our last podcast? Just as an engagement. We're back. Bucs. We're back with Bucs Superbook. So say I save it for that. Yeah. And let's just stand on a mountain of wealth. Yeah. Sorry. It just feels like sort of money. You know, some great. Loss buries the money depend on it, bro. Come on. Yeah, I'm into that. Yeah. So but aside from that, nothing. I don't know. Just get better and get make out or make our music more consistently and be pushing it more consistently. Yeah, that's all I really. Need to do. I'm into that. Yes. Time for that. Yeah. Thanks. Those are great resolutions. Finally. It was. Nice. Yeah. Stepping into the suit life. Yeah. Let's go. So the. Hero. Yeah. Let's see. Who was the first guy to wear a suit? You know, saying. Dude, a. Baby's so hard. The other day were like, what the. I think of a colonial. I saw all St. George's is so some new kind of. Clothing. I never seen something like that. The Taylors, boy, you know. Yeah, man. I don't know though. It's been a business staple for a long time, though. Right? Yeah, super long time. Some about it. What the fuck's going on there? Just the clothing. It's just like Moonscape. This is like former. Or something with it. I'm trying to think with my mind. I think it definitely fully represents like maximum formality achieved. Like there's some like what you wear in general. This suit. Yeah. Like because what you wear definitely is a projection of yourself, definitely expressing yourself. And then, I mean, this is like. Chris. Because what you wear presents like a different image. So like if you wear like jeans and a t shirt, people like people are more likely to be more relaxed with you because you're more relaxed with yourself. But then. On. And then I'll kind of most of time I wear something in the middle here where we're like slacks and some kind of collared shirt. And I feel like that represents something about like, okay, this guy is like presenting himself well, like he respects himself. Like I'm going to treat him with some respect or something like that. But then if you're wearing like a suit that's like you're there to do the maximum amount you could be and then you could be an investor in the place of standing in like nobody knows, You know what I'm saying? You're the owner. Yeah, you could be. But it also, like, you can't really do business. Not in a suit like you wouldn't. There's like a it's like wearing your NBA jersey so you can actually like play. In the game. Yeah. You can't actually hoop right now unless you're like suited up. I mean I guess you could do business in like jeans and a polo. I'm sure there's a lot of millionaires, billionaires that do, you know. Do you? But if you. Were going to, like, know, square up to battle the will and deal like for your company's life or something like that, like you'd be more. Wheeling and dealing. Yeah. So there's something there like. You know. Yeah. I'm not sure what the hell's going on with that. It's crazy, though. Yeah, I think you're on. It was like the expression of yourself, you know, saying. Yeah. Definitely Clothing in general. Yeah. Like, whenever we have judges and they have to wear, like, a certain garb and like, whenever you, it like, reinforces the character that you're choosing to play to a degree. You know. Yeah. Or maybe there's like also tradition in that answers like a different levels of like sacrifice. I wear anything, you wear anything, you do anything you want. You can always wear whatever you take off, put on change. your expression. Right. Yes. You wouldn't. But like there's stuff that you have to wear to do certain stuff. And. You'd have to get married in a suit. You don't have to like you would. You know what I'm saying? Traditional garb. Or like if you were going to go. There's uniforms, like I said, like, doesn't the idea of uniforms. Right. Yeah. Police officers. Firefighters, that's those. Sure you wouldn't do that? Army sandals and flip flops. You would be a cop. You look like a surfer dude. Yeah, like maybe in Miami. Five. yeah. Miami Vice five. But you get what I'm saying. Like, there is something about. That's why whenever I go to the studio, I'm always trying to like what I wear. Definitely goes through my mind because I'm going to be expressing I'm going to be expressing an energy when I'm in the studio and what I wear grants me access to different energies within myself easier. So like if I shower and change and put on like, you know, a nice button up like long sleeve shirt that's got like a dope pattern on it and some slacks, some Jordans. I'll just like sit down to like, right. And I just feel like I'm tapping into the music so easily. I got like my chain out, my watch on and I'm not saying like, it makes me feel something, but that's just like me expressing myself through what I chose to like wear and stuff like that gives my it gives me an energy. And then that energy, when I'm pulling like bars or thoughts out of it, it's like different. Just like when you go to church, there's an energy that you get into the Sunday best. Yeah, yeah. Or whatever you wear. Still like, yeah, yeah. You know how when you get out of church? Nathan I do your. Thinking just like a little different. Like you're a little more like I feel like I'm more, like, filled with love and I'm more likely to be forgiving, you know, more likely to see things with, like, you know, like a Christ filled heart. Like, I'm, like, not worried about my own self or my own ego. And I'm likely to just, like, find a solution for any of the problems that I have. Like, my thinking's different after church. And I think that, like, there's something about energies that you get into where your brain chemistry, like you can have different thoughts and there's times where I feel locked out of my harder self thoughts and I'm like, Well, I look like a bum. Like I'm fucking, I'm a showered yet I need to shave. I need to like, summon this is higher energy self out of myself, you. Know, the more ideal. Yeah. The fresh the clean. That's there's a real thing to that. You know cleanliness. Because you ever seen someone that's just like vibrating at that high frequency, it's like, it's like there's a lot of intent that goes into getting to that frequency. Yeah. Yeah, yeah. It's crazy. It's a real thing. It's a real thing. It's. It's really out. There. Yeah. We pay such respect to it as uniforms for everything. That's crazy From the. It's the expression of ourselves. Or I'll do it here. There's also. Like. The nature of is a weird thing because like, when you put someone in a suit, they feel like a different person. Isn't that crazy? They treat them. They project themselves like they're a different person. Yeah. You know. A subconscious level for sure. Right? Yeah. What the hell it What's up with that? What's up with this crazy? This other vest is typically like you wear like a suit to go to church. Right? Right. Was that, like, your best self? It's crazy. Wearing a suit, put on a jacket. So, yeah. The first guy who was over doing that was none of these fucking haters. I'm with the. O.G. grandfather of that. Yes, sir. That's facts, Doctors. We're lab coats. Yeah, uniforms. So think about it. Albert Einstein. He wore a lab coat. Scientists. I got to put. My scientist jacket on. It was. Is. Yes. Yeah, The guy. The war suit was like, I'm here to win. I'm here to be a man. I'm are. Hard, older. Times. I'm here to get the job done. I'm here to have that conversation. I don't know what it is. I was out there in a pink suit. Really? Yeah. Wow. Was his just cause? Yeah. There's influence going to the school. That's cool. Yeah. Think people feel that way when you wear a fresh jersey and a chain on, you get that fucking. I'm the fucking dog. I don't. I think it's a thing, bro. Like you like to be feeling yourself, getting your bag. You know, that's where, like. I don't know, man. It's out there. It's. So what is that? You know, there's the. I have a uniform for myself as what it is. And if whatever. I'm wearing the ME uniform. I definitely hit harder. Like my, my bars are better. Like I'm more for. You know, true, more authentic. Yeah. I'm coming with, like, faster, quicker, better conclusions, more abstract. I feel like I'm surprised myself. You know? That's some real shit. Yeah. Yeah. Some real shit. Yeah. So what? The me uniform? Yeah. Yeah. Alternatively, three. I'm not in my bag. Okay. The home jersey. The home Jersey site. When you were, you know, you got your tier one uniforms. You got your. Yeah. You got your. Favorite outfit you like to wear when you go out. Also, you update the closet, bruh. I'm not trying to be a gatekeeper. I think my brother's always asked me, like, how are you dressing so nice? Like, really? I should H&M for, like, pants, shirts, but nubs, like, every everything. And then I'm too reserved for, like, a crazy shirt, like a crazy sweater. And just, like, sprinkle that into the wardrobe and H&M super affordable. And then, Zara, you're paying like a little bit more money, but like, it's like you want it. It's nice to have it, like, be like the cheap clothes are kind of cheap, and then the expensive clothes are just kind of expensive. So it's makes sense to me. Like every once in a while, buy a dope jacket, you know? And then every once in a while I'll get like really nice pair slacks is like the rotation going, like, not overly complicated, but then, yeah, once you start, I mean, what did you start dressing yourself with? Some, like, intention. I guess whenever you can, I guess. Never getting. Paid. I guess it's like, the same. Yeah, I guess it's the same, like, type of outfits to a degree, but they are usually like, keep the keep the closet going and then in that closet go unprocessed. Like. Makes a massive shitty. Yeah. You ever pull up in a fit you just like late, late twenties. Late twenties. Mid-to-late twenties. Really? I don't know. I guess. I guess you do in school for sure, right? Yeah, hundred percent. Yeah, for sure. Yeah. It's like you have to a degree. You only have so much control over buying your clothes. That's super sure as well. So which are as well. But you had a uniform in high school. Yeah. When you were kids for. Yeah. Yeah. To high school for sure. But also high school. There's a point where my, my uniform was like spurs and then some Nike socks and some cargo shorts, khaki shorts, no cargo pockets actually. And then a hoodie. And like that was the fit. And then there was like super lit fits when I got like a Childish Gambino hoodie from a concert. And then I got like my favorite shorts on some dope sweaters for Christmas. I'm like, I'm a little version of myself, but that was just a uniform of what? It's crazy to think about that. You're like. We have this like outfit that we see ourselves in. We like, Just approach that as many times as we can with the constraint of our closet, I guess. Yeah. It's crazy. Yes. Well, then I guess you, it the first day of school was a real fucking thing. So everywhere you put it intended to that when you're in school. Yeah. I guess the question is when is the first day of school? Things start to, like, hit you, You know, At what age of school? Yeah. Do you care to? Because it's weird. It's one thing. It's like, why would I care what other people think about me so much that I'm going to give so much energy to this appearance of mine? That's like one perspective, you know? But then at some point, I feel like you start caring about the expression of yourself. I don't know. Maybe people that. Were responsible for that thing. Yeah, that's true, too. That's what it is. Yeah, because it's there. Even if you're not, it can be a burden to other people if you're not responsible for it. So it's like that is part of like, I have to take care of this thing. I have a line. I can't pretend I don't have a line, you know. Like, I've got to see my line. Yeah, exactly. Exactly, bro. And you are someone who does responsibility, so that makes sense that, like, you're like, you became aware to me that I was a responsibility in my late twenties, and then I crushed it. Just. This, right? No, it's. Okay. Yeah, I do too. Yeah. H&M is a shit system. H&M. It looks like a b, D, dude. Look at fucking B. The skull. Yeah, dude. So, yeah, the suits. Crazy first day of school was a real thing with dress in it. The dressing, the expression. Like yourself. Yeah. and different. Having a different energy will grant you access to different stuff. I think that's part of the reason people maybe subconsciously kept suits going is because people in suits can get deals done. You become like a. More. Like style version of yourself. That's more John Wick. Yeah, more John Wayne did it for me. Like, I'm not saying if you don't wear a suit in your job doesn't allow you like you're not in a position like I was just in a position where I was really wearing a suit, like whatever that even want to just dress nice. You feel that energy come about in yourself? Yeah. That guy can get more stuff done. Like people will be more likely to see your point of view or your command more respect. Like it's a real thing, dude, you know? Alicia Or I. I guess maybe command and maybe expect a little more from yourself, from within your own perspective of what you're wearing. You know, what is calling you to the character you're calling yourself to be with whatever uniform you're choosing to wear and the energy behind that, the energy you bring with you into that situation without being whatever that thing is. That yeah. That's the bigger question is, well I want to bridge all this to is like, yeah, we're just expressing something inside of us, I guess. And. But the, the energy pool that you imagine that you're in and your frequency is just so real road. So it gets crazy to me when people are, like, not aware that, you know. It's like your energy is palpable all the time. And then, yes. You're having, like, good or bad things happen to you. And I'm just like, man, there's like one thing you can't control. It's like your energy input output, and then you're like, not controlling that and things aren't going well. And I'm like, that's like square one dog, you know? Yeah. We could all use a little New Year's resolution. That's kind of what you needed. Really? Talking about? Yes. that to say I'm trying to get back in rare form. I feel like there was a point in 2023 where I was like. I was. Humming at such a high frequency that it was shocking to myself. I was literally just like pulling up to I mean, yeah, so like I was a server and I would have a lot of tables with a lot of different things going on, a lot of different, like social dynamics at each table, like business people and then like double day anniversary and then like first time, like they're, they're like on their first date with each other and then like, I'm just like going to each social interaction and like talking to people and then like making a joke and then like fixing the problem and then getting out of there with such efficiency, turning around and then being in this different dynamic and then remembering that it's their 19th year anniversary and saying, Hey, I want this one to feel like the 20th, and you're probably probably really gassed up for the 20. But I don't know if you're going on a trip or what, but like this one just as important or whatever the fuck it was, you know what I'm saying? Just like little sprinkles of this and that. And then I'm like, How? How am I just, like, crushing? It's like a heartbeat. And every heartbeat is so strong. It's got me tripping, bro. In rhythm. Yes. And then, I don't know, like, I was on time everywhere for like a three or four months span. I was just like, super punctual, always on time, never not struggling with anything. Like, my workouts were really good. I was eating super clean. It's like rare form and I feel like I think early on when you're working out, you feel like you get to like a peak and then you kind of drop off a little bit and then get the peaks. And then life sometimes just feels like that where you like, swell upward and then maybe sometimes you have some regression because it took like a lot of energy expenditure to break through the old self to get to a new self. But at some point you get to that new self and then there's like you like draw the line or you like run out of energy or you're like, okay, I have to stop and like evaluate this new self that I have. And that's where you incur regression because you're no longer like pushing into the boundary of the new. And your best optimal performance is when you're like peaking. At the. Through the old you into the new you right before you're going to have regression. Like it's unsustainable to a degree. Maybe we'll find. Out. But they say it's like unsustainable to be pushing yourself so hard to like if you adopt like a new workout program for like eight months, nine months, ten months, it's like hard to stay pushing into. A. Like uncharted territory without having some kind of, like, rest or like, stop or like reevaluation of what you're doing. But your best performance is when you're in the thrill of, like, crushing that new territory. And I want to, like, find that again and then just, like, make it last as long as I can, you know. Hit that rare form. Yeah. Superior forms their full stride. Yes, full stride. That makes sense is a great metaphor. Probably a lot of us are actually not thinking about it. Yeah. So. Yeah. Resolution. Yeah, that's it. That's not a better resolution, right? Yeah, I feel like a better resolution. People want you to, like, say, I'm going to start doing this. I'm going to stop doing that. I'm not really into anything I would have started or stopped. I would kind of like, done already, you know? So there's like part of that going on. We're deep in the game. Yeah. Yeah. People. Yeah. If you want like a something palpable, tangible. Yeah. You know. I was, I was trying to maintain my level of trying to get more be better, not get more per say, but like more expansion, more of more of me, a more pure expression of a better expression. Whatever it costs is better, more well-rounded, well-rounded. That's what I'm saying, too, is that I'm trying to find this better expression. My highest expression. Yeah. That's like, always a resolution every year. Yeah, It's. What does it? Anything. That's not that. I see a lot of people. A lot worse expression of myself in this area of my life. It's like, No, that's not the what. So the point is. That's crazy that there's this kind of a holiday about being a better version of ourselves. We have resolutions. Yeah. What kind of shit you going to fix this? Yeah, that's. That's tight, though. Like the nature of the holiday, you know. The nature of the time. I'm into that. Let's hit this refresh. I mean, I don't really want to. It kind of sucks after Christmas because Christmas was late. Like. It's. It's an awesome vibe when you're in Christmas morning and you just, like, realize like you're trying to share the responsibilities and you got all this new stuff. And even if it's not a lot of new stuff, usually, hopefully it's like something you kind of wanted. Like you built up this anticipation for this thing and now you have it in your life is kind of different. Like I also got an iPhone of surprises, like on Christmas Day, Let's go. I got like I did the update to the latest iPhone. It's though, is different. It kind of fucked my head. I was like, I feel like I'm in a different time now. Like, you know, yeah. I Christmas is always kind of like that, at least for me. But then you get to New Year's and it's like all of that loving, warm stockings, hot chocolate. It's over, it's over, it's over. Be a new. Version of yourself. What do you even fucking do? Right? They start over at one, go back to one. It's like, Man, like my progress. A whole year. Yeah, Yeah, right. Yeah. Just have a. Fucking hell of a year, kids. What we're trying to do, man. Yeah, have a hell of a year every year. But yeah, yeah, you. Yeah, yeah. Like, that's always the resolution, right? So. So I don't feel I feel bad saying it, but it's true. Like that is one of the biggest resolutions is like, okay, no more aggression. Let's get back to our form. Like, I know what it takes to get back into that, like, hyper disciplined state. It's like, let's get there. Then also, I want to release content on Instagram. I don't know exactly how we're going to work it out or what I want to do, but just like at least podcast clips and figure out what the other brand of my content is going to be, I want to make like little short video snippets with grace for like our singles and stuff like that. So I like take it out of it, go out to like a plotted somewhere dope with the background and then have Grace record it and then cut it and do stuff for TikTok. Well. It just little stuff because if we can get a couple, there's a ton of people that are winning awards for like Grammys and country music awards that were they found them on fucking Tik Tok. They found them on a was the thing the green one Vine. I forget what that guy's name is, but he was on the Joe Rogan. Podcast and he just made six. Second Vine clips. It's like Chris Stapleton or someone, you know? So fucking Joe. Rogan. Yeah, he's like the biggest Luke Bryan. I think that's his name. Just blew up off the fucking vine, dude. Like sometimes when I'm overcomplicating things in my own head, you know, like, I feel like we just need to figure out how to sell our package a little bit better. So, yeah, figuring out how to do that. Also making the music. I tentatively you you want something palpable, tentatively. Like I want to make an album this year, like another full 12 track album. Just right. And that's. An album. Yeah, right. Yeah. The year we can release singles and stuff like that on the side all we want, but like, I want to write an album that we could at least at the bare minimum, next New Year's Eve. At the end of the year, we could drop that album and I can feel like I did that that year. You know, I feel like that's and if we make an album for our 30 or 40 fans, it's everyone else is going to come to it. I know if we write to our 30 or 40 fans, everyone else come to it. Just keep on releasing the quality music. Like the next song. Yeah, I was thinking about the other day. When you said that I should have. If I keep making the next song, it's I'm going to do. Yeah, that's all you can do. I guess. With with that being said, keeping that rotation going of making the next song, the intention going into each session of making the song has to be like better a better, harder, truer, more authentic version of myself that stands on stands more firmly on more firm foundations, you know? So, yeah. That's hard. Yeah, yeah. So every time you write a song, you're also redefining yourself. Re implementing what you believe in. Yeah. Activating and standing on it, doubling down on it. It's fire. Every time you make a song, you become a better version of yourself. Literally. Yeah. That's trying to make it. Yeah. Then also there's the constraints of the genre and whatever. Everyone you know as far as making music. But our constraints are like in my, like my constraints, I guess it's like, has to be hard, has to be like, true, you know, saying there's like subtle nuances between like what the hip hop rules are that like, everyone plays by. Yeah. To be considered in the game of hip hop, you know, it's like, yeah, So it's like you has to like rhyme, it has to have flow and sense. Yeah. We're saying something like. Get me say some shit. Even if you're talking about 4 hours, but it's still something you got to like draw my attention. You know? I'm saying it's got to make sense to some degree. Yeah, there's a lot of rules. The rules? And there's rules in uniforms. Yeah, that's hard. my God. It's really hard work. Life is crazy. I've got rules and uniforms. It's very different. So make more music. Make the next song. That's a big New Year's resolution. Also, like, I just have a song called Alive that I just think Fucking Bangs really like six, seven months ago, you know, the process for creation to distribution. Because if I was a fan of big shows dropping a song every three weeks, I'd be so happy, bro. So happy I listened to like Palisades when he dropped the letter June. It was also just one of those I mean, he is like a hot commodity, but he's one of those people that has a career and then they pop up in the mirror and then the people that are in the middle, like kind of swoop them up into more meta, you know, they hear a song called Palisades or three June where it's just like really good dude, he's just going off. I'm like, Why doesn't he make more music where I don't want to be an artist? Yeah, I'm already an artist where my friends are like, Well, here we want music. With music. Yeah, like, I don't want to do that to people, you know? Yes. Eventually I get to the point where we can streamline it, but even at that point, we need to live life. We need to live life and have interpretation of that life or enough time to interpret that life, to have a response. That's album music. That's what I'm saying. Like, I think that that's Scorpion, you know, I'm saying like, I need to digest life and then turn it into art for you guys. And I feel like that's what Scorpion was. But at the same time, I can make all of this like, 21 Savage album. Drake stuff like the mixtape stuff. Like, that's why I like Lil Wayne. I think that's why he's so prolific is because he's not always writing his solo. So that was he's just like pen exercising. He's like, Yeah, man, he's crazy. Just be talking about I'm sharper than a knife. Who can catch blade when it falls? Like just the mental imagery of like it makes it. He's like, That's why I can't stand with you all. I got to stand on me like going off his stuff is so, like, his punch lines are. It's not. What I'm trying to say is, like, they're really good and they're really catchy and they make you think. But he's not necessarily telling you about something that he literally like is going through right now. Revelatory moment. Yeah. Yeah. Not just his generalized expression of himself, whatever, whatever he was thinking about that day, you know? So I kind of want to write like in a milli freestyle where I'm just like, not talking shit, but like, you know, a million here, a million there, Like, he's not. It's just bars. I go to bars. Yes. They are bars for you, bro. I think that's the other thing I found, like in this about to be 30 year old self of me is like, that's a good balance right there of like I want to make music and just like drop music because I like making music, but also I want to make like an album that I'm like protecting and I'm like taking my time with this and I don't want to rush that and I want to like, really say something or really like express something. Or so like when you make a movie, like, I just want that movie to really hit, you know what I'm saying? I want it to really feel like something I want you to be. If it's like a scary movie, like I want you fucking scared. I want it to feel scary, real scary. Movie like I. Want and what that feels like. I guess the music is like I want the the ambiance of the tracks to hit together. Like I want it to be a mood and. I want it to, like, feel like a like whatever it was we were trying to express. We really like express it in that album, you know, I think that's like just also something as an artist that I've been wrap my mind around is like when I want to put out my projects, there's like, I really want that project to feel like something like you got the vibe, like you got the idea. Like we explored it all the way through. Like we talked about stuff early on and then the stuff at the end. Like, I'm not saying everything has to be a book where you go through like progression, like this is like my unaware phase and now I'm fully aware by the end of the album, but some kind of like nuance there at least, you know. It's appreciated. Yeah, I want to do something like that, like we have all the time and intention to do it. Like it would be a waste not to. But also if you're not careful, then you won't really release any music because that takes a lot of focus and a lot of time. Like you really got to give it a lot of attention. Well, we could just like, I know I can hop on a couple of Lil Wayne songs and just like do a no Ceilings version of his song and fucking kill it. Like I do it in my car every day, you know? Yeah. There's something in between that we also kind of struggle to pop. Like, we've been doing this for like five years and we haven't just like exploded with a fanbase per say. You know, everyone we come in contact with generally, generally becomes a fan, you know. Yeah. It was a lot to to a degree, but yeah, I know, it's weird. Who knows how it happens, Who knows how it happens? But, you. Know, I can say for sure, no one could say for sure that even if it does happen. There's no success or there's no guarantee of success for anyone, particularly. There's a lot of broke rappers. Yeah, that's the more common perspective. Yeah, their careers don't last too long in this league. Unless they do, you know, which is crazy, unless you're in the top 10%. Pusha T Still, if you dropped an album and listen it for sure, you might get a Grammy of that thing. Yeah, I don't know. You know. You know, once you get into that that matter of the meta Yeah that that big I guess. Like Jack Harlow he's in right now bro. In his in his fucking in dude. What is that. You know what I'm saying. Like how are you in there. In the fucking matter of the metaphor. We'll. Get our shot. But part of it is like, you know, you get a buzz and then once you get a buzz, you get like a lyrical eliminator. You get like an MTV spot. It's like, we just need to get our buzz and then get our show all the fuck off. So why am I missing that shot? Does it get a buck? Just like Atlanta, you know, so I don't know. All I know is that we have to keep on making. This fucking music. Yeah. That's. That's. That's all, I'm sure. Yeah. Not sure how it's all going to happen, but I know that it's going to happen if I just make the next song. Just keep making the next song. Because even whenever you're on, you still need to keep making the next song. Getting better and getting better. Yeah, So I love playing sports because it train my mind for that. It's already hard work. Like, I'm going to go give like, a maximum simulation version of myself win, lose or draw. I've got to, like, reevaluate and get better for the next time. I've got to go give the maximum version of myself, you know, so long season. Like you got to be able to give it all, get better, give it all get better. And you can see that in like virtually every artist's up. Like, I guess that's the idea of what you want to see is like, get better, get better, get better. But I guess some people might branch away in the end. Whoever is whatever artist you're listening to in their process of making the next song, whatever that, however that plays out for them. So some people, yeah, like the ebbs and flows of like you're not influenced by that person to the same degree that you were before. Yeah. I wonder if that's like, are they being the best version of themselves or if they start following their, their ebbs and flows, ebbs them out of my ebbs and flows. It's kind of crazy to think about. Is Drake just meant to dominate the middle? Like, I don't know. I don't think so, per say. Right. People should have some control over that. Like Jake, if he wants to dominate the money, he should be able to take it over. There's like something in the way. What is that? It does it. I don't know what it is or like any rapper would want to be number one, you know? So it's like. Popularity. I guess. Yeah. Well, what defines popularity? Like plays, money. Awards. Yeah, I guess the how you get to define it. Taylor Swift defines it. She's number one, right, in her genre. I think it's just like plays and sex. I don't. Know. I don't know. It's very. This is all. This is like, we don't really. Know what we're talking about. You know, saying it's like the swell of success. Yeah. Who's who dominates the matter? Who is, like, the number one? Yeah. There's always going to be that debate. In, like, all fields, right? Well, to a degree, yeah. There always be debate. But it's always true that, like the Matthew Principle is like, the more gets more, the less get less thresholds where there's like, you know, 20% get all of the sunshine, it's like treason, of course. It's like science and nature that like there's going to be. A. Person at the top of the pyramid making almost all of the money or like selling all the music or like doing all the distribution for whatever industry. It's like it gets scaled up to a pyramid where 20% are doing almost everything and the 1% is doing like nearly all of it. That's like the nature of existence is like Fibonacci code and shit. So like just how stuff works. So I'm saying it's crazy, like you're fighting for that thing. You're fighting for the to be the biggest tree in the forest so that you can get the most sunlight like you're not. It is like that tree is kind of irrelevant, you know what I'm saying? It's like the space. If you occupy the number one spot, you. Will. Make more money than everything else. Which is crazy because you don't necessarily have to have a better product. So take that number one spot over for a period of time where you if you're the biggest in the city, then you garner more access to more deals. And then if you can just become the biggest long enough to get the right access to the right deals, you can continue to just like grow and overpopulate and then make so much money. You fix all your holes later. That's some shady business shit, but that's all people will be doing, bro. Like they were. Like you could if it's like a product, you know what I'm saying? Like, they might not have the best product right away. Yeah, but then, like, they can still occupy the number one space in the marketplace long enough to attain success, to fix the product on the back end. And it's like when it works, it's though, but it's also like. Jewel. Was kind of like that, but then ended up not being great for people. I was watching a documentary on how they. Really. Their company was. Yeah. There their number one. There were number one for sure. And they're blue. They were number one. Then this being the top of the meter space is like, translatable across everything. Yeah, yeah, yeah. But that's fucked up. Yeah. Same is not true. It's not going to last. That's true. That's true. Yeah. Like Joe. Yeah. And the music. The music too. Yeah. Because you may be number one for a time, but it's like consistency. How long? What's going on with that? I'm going to Chance the Rapper voice. Where's he had in the middle. He's got some diehard fans. I love James. Since what I'm saying. Part of the problem is, is that these people are actively competing for the crown. Okay? That's part of the thing that I'm seeing in like the hip hop space. I'm like, Push, why aren't you actively? You came after Drake one time saying you have to come after him, after him. But if you felt so inclined to literally, like, start a beef, why don't you just instead try to, like, chip up and, like, win this year of hip hop? You know what I'm saying? That's what I want to see these people do was you. Because if I'm in there, I'm going to be fucking swinging your in the post, bro. Drop in singles row. You know bars bars. The are. Great. At a great life analyst. Yeah. A great artist. That's all I'm trying to do. That's what. It is. That's all I'm trying to be. Jack Carlos Pretty good. Yeah, he competes. He's out here living on me. Fucking that. Things like number one, you know. Let's go far. Fire about. That Sure works. Yeah. I guess all this kind of talk about like the intangible nature of being number one, I guess, like in a creative space. So who's the best painter? Who's the best sculptor? Who, you know, it's like all kind of subjective. So within that where however you attain yourself to the top of that pyramid, it's there's no definitive, I guess, Grammys and shit like little actual awards and numbers of plays is a metric you could use, but you can't really do that with I guess I What's the painting? It's sold for? You know, it says that we're going to use. I don't fucking I mean who can make the most convincing argument. well, you know, whenever Jake says, I wish we were playing in a sport where we were getting rings. Yeah, I think it's. It's like we won. We haven't won. Which. Yeah. Because that's because that's what defines. He says that in reference to this is the same question like, who's better MJ or LeBron? It's like who can make the more convincing argument is like, who's going to who is going to end up? We're deciding who's better is. You know, it's hard to actually define it, but it's like, well, we could talk awards, we could talk point scored or we could talk about rosters. They be rosters they had, or it's like someone can make an argument. Whoever makes the most convincing argument, more or less, unless you're just like, this. Is the truth. What's going on with the verdict? Yeah, that's the Spurs. Right themselves, man. But yeah, I think that that's chips. Ultimately, in basketball, we go to chips, everybody's like, Chip talk. To. Michael Jordan said, I'm not if I'm not the best, then when I have more race than everybody else, I will be the best. And then he got my race and everybody else and they were like facts. Elizabeth And then Kobe was like everyone's boy. He was like the hardest basketball player in the league. And he was like, It's Chip Duck. He was number. One. And so, yeah, all these are really influential People at the top of Ladder got up there and said, It's about getting rings. Tom Brady. Tom Brady. Still wearing. Tight top. And it's true. That's the hardest. And we can't say no to that. Yeah. What? The refs. We're the fucking refs. Yeah, that's part of it. That's a big thing. I mean, no, that's part of the game, bro. Like, yeah, you're like, complaining about radio stations. It's like the radio stations just don't. My algorithm doesn't quite. It's like breath. Then you're not number one on. I tell you. Number. One, I guess some people say games are rigged. I've been hearing that a lot lately too. And I don't know if I'm into that, bro. I don't know. I like I guess to what degree? To what degree? Because there was a scandal in the NBA where that one that ref got cut for fucking not cheating games. But, you know, being a ref in an NBA game that you were potentially betting on. So, you know, you might let some shit slide. You might see some double, double, triple double triples, you know. Yeah, there's a, there's a ref that got caught betting against Allen Iverson and then he would ref Allen Iverson and he would just call his dribble. Okay. It's like the same dribble he always does That doesn't really call the care. It's like James Harden has like a step back. That's ridiculous. Just imagine he gets called for travel like every time one game and he's like pissed off and it's like that ref was just like betting against the rockets, you know what I'm saying? Like that they definitely been caught doing that for sure. Yeah. Yeah. So but even within that. You can't. Necessarily like rig a game per se. You know. The only way, I mean the only credible way to do this would be like if the NFL used their A.I. and they knew how to like, like if you subtract 50 yards of total offense from this team, they don't win this game. So throughout the night, they end up subtracting 50 yards of offense from more favored team by like spotting the ball behind a couple of yards over here and there and calling a couple of false starts that weren't really false starts. And then they get to their ideal green Zone number and they're like, okay, we swing this game from being like a 4555 to being more like a 6535. And with those odds over the course of the season long, then our Vegas bets are more likely to win and like fund our company or whatever the fuck it would be. I don't know why the NFL would need to rig their league. You know, Why would you do that? There's a lot of money in gambling. That's why you would do it. Through right through right. To do anything. And money himself is true. Well. Like the NFL is, it's also like, you know, it's entertainment. It's not it's tough. It's definitely like WWE. Was just thinking about that. Yeah, it's the same contract. Like they're not like actually a crucible. They're not like literally if they wanted to manipulate it, then it wouldn't be against any kind of rule. Like there would be no like red flag to throw, you know what I'm saying? It is their league. Yeah, it's their league. They can sell whatever they want. The TVs. yeah. So pitchmen we have. I guess with all that being said, though, you can maybe influence a game to a degree if you're a referee, but someone just might. Bo So. It could just BO There's nothing you could have done that. If they've been trying to rig games for years, then I guarantee you some of our favorite athletes, there were times where they were like, Fuck that, like Michael Jordan bro. Are legitimately think some of the shit that he went through. Whereas like people coming up to his character and defaming him and stuff like that was because they were trying to throw games and he was like, I'm not throwing this game. I'm not fucking throwing this game. If I to score 45, 50, 55 points, we're winning this game. I'm going to the playoffs. Fucking chance. Yeah. And he fucking ruined some people probably that like, I don't know. I mean, like his dad like, died, they got murdered and I'm not saying that was tied to his gambling, even though they definitely like at the time. Some people allege that, you know, but like I think just sometimes when you think about athletes saying, like, if their league is rigged, there are some athletes that are like, Nah, cause I'm not playing by those rules. They don't have to be. What kind of competitor is going to say, Come on. Now, I got to leave the playoffs. Like, let them win. Fuck. Fine. No way, bro. Like Peyton Manning. I guarantee you there was a time when they were like, Hey, we need to lose here. We're let's pay. We're going to Tom Brady. Go to the Super Bowl. For a. It's better for the league. Right now. That broke you fucking heads. It doesn't. Work. Well. That happened. And I think that's why Peyton Manning had so many audibles, too, because it's like, what if you're offensive coordinators on the take and you're the quarterback and he's telling you to throw in the coverage? Literally, it's like, I think that's why Peyton Manning is like, No, I know what the coverages. I've got my own plays. Fuck you guys sometimes like I'm calling the plays here. What's going on over here? Yeah, I know how to read this. I know how to read this, but I like your input, but I trust my own interpretation of this book more than yours. Yeah, that's true. I think the same thing about Aaron Rodgers sometimes. Yeah. He's like, he dances the line with like, if the league is rigged and there's some bullshit going on, he knows and he's like, just trying to get chips doesn't give a fuck. Turn chip up and. Rodgers that guy too. Yeah. Yeah. I mean, we're talking about. The nature of competitive domains. Yeah, the having the rings. Yeah. It's nice because they had music and an art I guess to get the Grammys and shit like that mentioned. But still, it's a lot different. It's different. Right? Yeah. How is that different? How is a Grammy win different than a an NFL NBA championship? In my mind, it doesn't really I mean, because a panel of people decide a Grammy Award versus like a true competitive battle, like one B, one scrap for. Yeah. It's like I think the people who think that this album wins, you. You you get your first five, you get your best. Yeah. Yeah. Right. It would be like more. True in our minds. You know, like, give me a chance. You let me freestyle right now. Give me some kind of, like, opportunity to. Prove. My art. I don't know, you know? Yeah, it's a little more abstract and a little different, but it. Is. Creative domain. And who's to say that Grammy Award winning art is more valuable than, you know, art that doesn't get the recognition like that. Right? Right, right, right. Fuck. Who are those people? Like this painting? Like, no one knows what this painting is, but this painting makes me cry. Makes me cry. It's been. Fucking subdued. Like. Makes me think there's hope. And then there's hope again. So you can. I can. This is valuable to me, but it's just not sold on shelves. They don't have the HBO deal in the marketplace, you know? Yeah, it's a weird thing. Yeah, it's different. Strange. That's how I was. You didn't make the art for 34. That's it? Yeah, that's what it comes down to. You need to make the fucking art, bro. I speak for itself. Yeah, Yeah. I think Jay Jacob talks about that. He mentions a song, right? Go on. Record. He says, I know He says something to the effect of like, I was hoping the music would speak for itself, but the people want everything else. What is a song is that a lot? I think. Yeah. So I never know. Yeah, he goes off. Yeah. Because I was hoping to speak for myself. Yeah, that's the thing. That's cool. Like, that's the same. Well, we run into a little bit is like that. I empathize with that. Yeah, it's like. But it does, it. Does speak to like there's people that love some of our songs, like it does speak for itself to some degree. Which is The people man. Jack Harlow successful because he signed a deal with like Warner Brothers, literally one of the biggest companies whole like publishing, produce and like build a fan base like this. That helps a lot. You know. Drake had Lil Wayne with Lil Wayne knows at the top of the game. Yeah chosen as his like Yeah you know what I'm saying? Those is Bill Belichick. By the way. Yeah. Do so part of the reason that they get to compete at such high level is because, you know, they were like. Super. Rare opportunity. You know. What cracked you though. Yeah I guess the question now that that begs the question in my mind how do you go from I guess Yeah. With I guess to get the deal is and is an option but how do you go from just making the music to getting it in front of the panel of the critically acclaimed, you know. I guess fine. I guess my opinion, you know. Like I ask the question. Like, you seen that guy outside in his fucking. Side, but to maintain it that's the did play it that level of stay at that level. Yeah that's like. Yeah that's. What we work out like we do or like it's the same kind of principle. It's like I want to be able do this every day. Like I'm working on doing this every day. Same thing with the hip hop. Like I don't want to have one in one song, one hit wonder. Like I want to be able to make hits. But the hits roll. Yeah. Yes, roll. Yes, bro, we can do that. We're right there, right? Fucking that. We're doing our job. We're doing our responsibility. Yeah, yeah. So I see. I see you seen that dude in the forest and he's like, fucking. They ain't paying to share, but he's talking about, ooh. but you know, until you damn thing. Well he tells. You what the world you know makes. You cry though. Yes bro. Yes. Couldn't, couldn't name a bar right now. But that video, I think I got signed to a deal like the next week, bro. So I'm Joe Rogan. Like the next week, bro. Like, dude, You know what I'm saying? Come on. What would be talking about? One video, bro? Talking about no. One even I've never seen like, I'm a fucking like. You know. People I haven't seen in my. Life a ton. Millions, billions of people I've never seen. But this guy. Just however the fuck everyone phone gets populated with his video and we all watch it and we're like, My God, he's he's right, bro. Like, everybody. Roll and. Like, you know. Now that guy goes and makes an album. He's in the guy and he's in the mirror. He could win that Grammy. The panel would be aware of him. They could award him that award. But you got to have the like, whatever that fucking rocket ship. Like, whenever we break through the atmosphere, bro, we got to keep going for. Ever. Bro. Like we get better. Yes. If we can release a follow up album, then, like we'll have once we have the opportunity of the public gaze and then we release like a great album, people will be like, shit, Like then we're competitors at that point, you know, and we're in there. I want that part. Yes, bro. That part of the story. I think we're we're we're going to write the album. That is the album that when we have that pop, you can go back to the album, be like, yeah, They're like, They've been going off, they've got a thing going on. I feel like we're doing that. Like right now. What? The feed. The feed, the population we have with a really deep album with like some really true version of us, like our hardest, most authentic bars, like my most crafty, clever self, my most like vulnerable, authentic self going off. And then we get an opportunity where we crack there and then it's like we've already done the process. Once we just do a better version of that, you know, just like make it happen again. But like this version of us, because we'll have lived so much life, you know? Yeah, yeah. Living, yeah. Lived life with the intention of that resolution, mind state mindset. Things get better this year. They like, what does that look like? You know, saying like that always changes. But the idea of like in better this year is like. Skip doing that. Yes. So then will we have we will have had that interpretation while we're interpreting life and then we make music from that place. And yeah, just continue that cycle and hopefully we get better. I think Drake's kind of done that to a degree. He's done a lot, he's maintained popularity, he's maintained his status, I guess his throne. To. A degree. Yeah. Yeah. He's gotten you listen back to his old stuff too. It's, it's, it's solid but just that the idea of that progression. And so trying to you. Try to get better every time. Yeah that's exciting. Got a lot better last year. Ever since I was like, 27, I was like, shit, I can go off like, I like. I see. It's so weird, right? The way I always saw it in my mind was like, you're trying to not all the way until you're like, frontal cortex closes somewhere between age 25, 27, and then like, something happens in your brain where, like, you're building all of these, like, structures. And then it felt like I was saying and I and then when the prefrontal cortex closes, it's like then the not actually ties into a knot. And I was like. like. Cause and effect. Like I have control over my life. I can wake up early and go to work, like I can work out every day and then I'll get result. It's like what I eat makes me look like this. Like either way, good or bad, it's like instead of it being like something, you're kind of like, barely understanding. It was like I stood on it and I don't know how to explain it. Like, it's like I fully understand it. I can fully take responsibility for it. It's like, there it is. Yeah. And it's so nice, bro. So nice. I was like, I just have better days. And then I remember better weeks. Then we have better months. And I was like, shit, this is crazy, bro. Jordan Peterson was like, right at the tail end of that really helped a lot. Yes, it's crazy. Yeah. But from that point on, the getting better process because I have like a control over it, I feel like I can control what's going on here. It's way easier to get better every year. Like I maintain that mindset. Yeah, this was there for anyway resolution every time. It's the same thing every year, I guess. Yeah. That the idea of resolution. Just be. Whatever is always there when that start. I don't know. I think. Probably early on in early America. Years resolution. Look at it for the people in the mirror we can learn about out of here. You know the hell is going on. Hopefully yours is good. Episode 29 We're coming at you. We'll get to 29 Athlete eventually as well. It's the 29th episode. I think so, yeah. Nice is our 29. Happy 29. This was just as important, this 30 000 let it go. I feel a little rusty. We haven't put it in one. Every everyone after 20 and Mike Nice. Keep going the kept going but I has been a minute now for Vegas now it's New Year's 2024 time of resolutions this year hopefully you got the idea is always better than next year. Better than next year. Better than last year and a better even next year. That's it. That's always it. Stay to day, I guess that New Year's resolution, whenever that calendar flips, is when we really don't know it's we wanted that comes from somewhere. Yeah no 4000 years ago Babylonians. Stale school they. Celebrated the. New year. Well that's what the then John Peterson talking about that at the Mesopotamians. yeah. Is that ever peoples Yeah it is different kind of. They take the king aside when they do. They said they were the first people to make New Year's resolutions about 4000 years ago. They had celebrations the 12 day religious festival and they crowned a new king reaffirmed their loyalties to the reigning king, and they also made promises that got to pay their debts. Returning the objects they'd borrowed. The promises could be considered. The forerunners of our New Year's resolutions. So it was like a prom. They were saying, We have to pay all my debts or I'm going to return something that they borrowed. And that was their resolution to be like a better self. And they would have to like, do that or God wouldn't like, be rocking with, you know, what it says more or less. Yes. Okay. You said you're going to turn that thing. You didn't do it. Like the hell your. Conversation turned sour, like your gods aren't going to be in their favor. That was done. 4000 years ago. But you might be right, because it says they would either crown a new king or reaffirm their old king at this festival. Yeah, I think it does. They would take the king out and, then strip him of his royal garb and then, like, make him admit or go through his, like, watched the film of his fuckups over the course of the year. It's like, how could he have been better? And then they bring him back to the city. I think something along those lines. But again, better as they come from somewhere, there's something to it. There's an ideal self in yourself. Yes, that's what it is. We're all identifying. There. Yeah. You want to take a big leap towards the ideal self whom you want to be. Yeah. And get the courage around New York with that. Yeah. Come on, let's just do it, bro. Do it. This is doable. It's hard. It's constraints, brothers constraints. Let's just do it. But this with a couple. Speedboats on the way to this kind of hard. Looking. It just like the office, bro. It is like, just eat the broccoli. Stanley. Fuck your broccoli. He's like trying to eat the broccoli whole. And he's like, You can't do it. That's it, bro. You know what I'm saying? Like, you want to just eat the broccoli, but it's. Like, tough sometimes, you know? yes, yes. Yeah. Whereas in years ago, they were wrong with that shit. We're still rocking with that shit today. Come on. In school you were rock and roll. It takes a lot to dig deep because it's Kobe here. I mean, digging deeper, it's Kobe. It's time to dig deep, bro. Tap in. Tap into something deeper. Yeah, push harder. Push for your ancestor is, bro. You know what I'm saying? Go on. Push for that line. Yeah, I'm. Saying that line that brought you here. You've got the baton right now. Yeah, you're. The one running with the baton. Yeah. We're running an eternity long marathon. And you're in. You're in, kid. You can feel it in your. Room for. You when you're, like, right at the line. You're like, I'm doing all I can do. And I can as soon as, like, do more, it's like, play more aggressive, play faster. It's like, go get more uncomfortable. I don't know it's like hard to quite put your finger on it, but I feel that Kobe mentality. I feel that, what is that black mamba about? It's like, give more, find more, push harder, run faster. Dig deeper, dig deeper. Letter forward. David, There's something to that too, you know. Yeah. Digging deeper. So, yes, we're about that shit I think opportunity. I. Of you guys, we're more regular hopefully. You know. Come back in so hopefully get a little more regular regularized schedule Christmas and New Year's. Day. Here we go. I try to chill and chill in life. Regular scheduled programing, allegedly. You know we're part of a new business opening up. And it was our busy season. Busiest season, busy. Season. That's what they tell you in the industry. It's like it's really tough around this time. Just bear with us. You know, be I, kid. yeah, that was some shit. Yeah. So I'll make some more music just for our podcast. Yeah, we went on a run, you know, we went to Vegas and then we came back and then worked, like 90 hours as. Much as. I could. Baby. The music in. Seven straight, you know, we're pushing, we're pushing the Yeah, so we're going back and what's a route? Nice said, making more music. Guess what? Sure. That's for. Damn sure. Yes. If you're out there with aging, it's common. It's common. Our argument when you get the like. The three songs are there, but we're right there. Right there. We get the shit out here. So listen. We said yes. Those resolutions were written for you. Weren't for you Read philosophical that well, we did that to city to like chose not to look where we might go. I just look this with jump in open look some of guys.