The MJ38 Show

Episode #31

January 29, 2024 MJ38 Season 1 Episode 31
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Matthew and Justin talk about Life Being A Story, Sleep, and Winner Energy

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Yeah, that's crazy. Well, how do you. Think, though? It's a story? Go on. Yeah, Just like how we were talking about before the before the pod. How, Like, some moments are so somewhat perfect, are like the the punchline hits and it's funny, or something happens in the story. It's like when we were reading the story, it's like reading the text and you laugh out loud just because of whatever you're interpreting in the book in your mind. He's like, Yeah, what are you doing? It's like watching it. Yeah, entertain yourself with that. But life is like that. The moments will lead themselves to a funny thing. It's like objectively funny or a foreshadowing moment. Yeah. Character arcs or it feels like it's. It's bigger than what you're just. Sometimes you just, like, wake up and go to work, go home, and then sometimes, like, something happens. It's like. It's like life has good writing. You know, the story of life is rich. Yeah, it's got depth, well-written. There we go. Yeah. This is funny. Yes, it's. It's hilarious. Like, outside of myself. That's just funny. Like, for instance, just for instance, when I have, like, a we have a friend that we work with. That. Wears, like, a suit that's a little bit different than everybody else's suit. But I think it looks dope. But it's also raised some eyebrows around the office. You can imagine, like just in your workplace, someone's uniform is just like a little extra flare on it, you know, kind of out of nowhere. And then, you know, there's been after after a couple of times, you know, the boss is like, all right, like, you know, saying, get to get back to your regular uniform on regular days, you know. And he was just continue to pull up with the looking like the the New York Yankees. And it was hard and I liked it. And sometimes a little diff. Sometimes we were rewarded. For. Going against the grain or being brazen. Like, we definitely need to see some stark in our captains on the floor or on the field or like you'd like to see a sharp, strong personality. So sometimes pulling up in leadership. Yeah. Yeah. Unless you're some awesome fucking connoisseur. And what some moxie, man. That's a better word for it. There we go. Yeah, I like that. I hate that word. Yeah. So sometimes fucking moxie, right? Yeah. That's a good. Trait. You. No, I'm saying you got to know when to turn your switch on and like, B, you. You know what I'm saying? B b stark and brazen. And so I had some appreciation for it. But, you know, like, after a while, people and also because the team was kind of like, Hey, man, like, we're not like, personally, I would wear a black shirt if I was just going to be like ultra. Different. Different and independent. I was like pushing the boundaries completely. Ignoring them, pretty much like I push the boundaries now, but like to just to wear the black shirt would be too completely to ignore them. And like, I'm, I feel like I, you know, I'm trying to be a little balance, you know, I'm saying. But. That's so but for in his instance, he is like basically in that field of ignoring. And at this point, you know what I'm saying? And and that's raising more eyebrows because it's one thing, you know what I'm saying? To push the boundary, another to ignore it, especially because we're leaders like your peers are the leaders. And so we have, like, leadership standards for ourselves and everybody. You know? Yeah. Just like, personally, outside of the fucking job, that's like, what gives us. I feel like the. The credibility to be in that job is because we're those people, you know what I'm saying? That's it. Yeah. 100%. And so, just like person to person, athlete to athlete, like, I'm Christiano, and I'm looking at Suarez. Am I calling him Rose, please, for bro, like. Though we're on the same page here. Yeah, right. Another arbitrator rules to a degree, but it's like, come on. Yeah. And then couple of days. It's not that big a deal at. Work. My man is just like doing his job. Doing his. You got to do. You got to pick something up for one of the coworkers. He drops down real quick, hits a Y, and then, like. He ripped. His. Pants. SpongeBob full on. No, ripped his pants and then. No, you know, moving in those boots. But to your ankles. Then you roll back and let go. Yeah. So. yeah. I've been there. I've been there. Haven't. Yeah, yeah. Yeah. But it was just wearing the suit that. Well, you know what I'm saying was in question. In question and he's doing his job and also, and he bends on for y and embarrassingly enough, destroys his pants from waist to crotch right down the backside, just like SpongeBob. And he's on the job, you know what I'm saying? He's literally at work like this happened. I want to say it was the Thursday night. That was one of the things getting me through. This terrible because I love it. I want to go back. Don't. I guess I didn't. I didn't catch anyone to this. It's crazy what happens in the office in parts of the different floors of the office. I like describing it more like scoped out just as work and more relatable to like an office scenario, you know? So, like, I see him not at his post where he's usually, like doing a lot of damage. Like he's usually like, you know, taking a lot of the pressure off of everybody else on the floor. And he's just kind of in the back doing arbitrary work and I'm like. Not only that. But he's got a fucking apron covering himself on the backside. That's what it was. Okay. Last night. Yes. Yes, that was Thursday, right? that had. To be because I've never seen him with that. I just thought like, what the fuck. I gave him that look and he was like. Rip my pants. And I just. Dude, I didn't even ask. So, Lord, like, I always felt bad. But it was funny because I guess nobody wanted to, like, approach him because he's kind of like a hothead. Like, you know, What the hell are you doing? Go back to work. Like you're here to make fun of me. Go. You do go to your fucking job. You're not going out yet. And like, I respect is is like drill sergeant sometimes it's like. Like I said, it's like same kind of violence raises eyebrows. We're not you know, we're not sure, but you got to be a start. Brazen leader. So it's funny. Because everyone's kind of like, how do I put this table about the fact that Daniel had ripped the suit? It was a real tongue in cheek for everybody in the whole room. And he tells me what happens and I just freaking howl. I'm like, What? Like I just lose it, right? You know? And I feel everybody, like, kind of stencil, like a little bit and like, ease. The tension a little bit. And I was just like, man, like. This is second time this the second time that's happened. Hey, man, if your first one was in. This one, you're referring to his in battle. The first one was before this. I think John was talking about it. I've heard I think I have heard the story from John. Or planning phases. Yeah. Yeah. But. my gosh. So you you wrote. You broke the room. Yeah, it it. Was just funny, bro. To me. It was hilarious. And also. Like, it is. Anyway, I think to be embarrassed for him because I was at the club like, like three weeks ago now and I hadn't been, like, to a club where I was like, dancing, dancing and like a long time and I was just fucking going off and I was like a little tipsy and I just like, you know, have you been, like, dancing? And you're like, Hey, now And. Then it's like you've met him now for like three or four songs, and I've had a couple of drinks and a new bag opens up because you're like, in your groove, you know what I'm saying? Like, it's warmed up. Yeah. The song starts breaking down. I'm like, breaking down with. The song and I pull myself. Back up. I'm like, crushing you, bro. I'm fucking crushing it. Murder Squad. And then I freakin get low. You know, I was freaking hitting like a duggee like dropping it low with the song Get Low and I got too low and ripped. My pants off From ways to the guys questions unclear. My this is what I do next. Yeah, that was it. In the song. Getting Low was my only objective. So I got you got low low mango, low is down there for good. Thanks, bro. Yeah, let's go. So then, you know, it's. I'm thinking, what do I do here? You know what I'm saying? Like, God, I can't. No back up, pants on. You know. You know, I might have had a pair of that. I'm thinking about it, but I was just in the game and like, that's. In a locker room. I'm in the game, man. You know, I wore most of my lack. Of roller when knee deep in the third quarter. So I double down and just start dancing even harder. Like I know on stage. Basically there's like two late stages in the middle of the dance floor and we're just like going crazy. And I'm like, I'm not coming out, coach. I come now we go, We go. Floyd Well, your boxers like what color or what pattern or any pattern, Just color. So that they were definitely under armor, like spandex shorts. Yeah. And so I was like, good on that regard, but I just feel like they were fucking they were either black or white, dude. They did like, like Doug and I, and I feel like black could be I. That wouldn't be too bad, right? You just have the rip there. And I feel like that's ultimately how I got over it. But part of my. Brain was the way because. I was wearing a white shirt. I was wearing a light colored jacket. I was wearing Navy pads. And it sounds to me like if I was wearing that in the light and the way we're available, I would have on them. Okay. Then again. They're like fucking like white spandex and they're bright white. They're not like, dirty at all, you know what I'm saying? Like, they're like, relatively new. So I was just like, Nope. Go for 73. Like, look. Still out here? Yeah. Deal with was. Did you imagine that was. Going. Yeah I had. In fact in Vegas I did the same thing with my. Pants playing Foursquare at that bar. That goes like that has a whole bunch of games outside and shit like two different deejays going on and yeah, going hard and some foursquare and just. Gone. Are happy to pass for. That Foursquare with some of the That's one of the, that's one of the most fun times I've probably had in Las Vegas was just playing Foursquare this this club that. Was packed. So cool is. Poppin. Yeah it was I remember that being super, super tight back in the day years ago and years ago. Well, it's like a archived memory, like. Seven or eight years ago, roughly. Fuck around. Where does this time? Well. Where does it go? Where does it go? The Merritt pants shout out. Right, Pants everywhere. If you have. Your pants, you keep dancing Then I'll rock. With a rock with. You rocking with that. Guy. It is like you've got two choices. So I pulled over the car or bouncer in the middle putting the pedal to the floor. Yeah, just double down, bro. Double down, triple down. I got lower bro belt. You split the in double down to split Ace. Ace claw. Yes, it was great. So at that point, whenever I was just laughing my ass off it, like it was just fuckin like it was just funny to me. I even think about his embarrassment level, you know what I'm saying? But then after that, he was just like, Whatever, bro. Like, I'm telling him off the floor, fuck it. Like, but the hilarious thing about. Like, I do. The thing that makes it so funny, though, is that it was in the suit that he was supposed to stop wearing for so long, and he was just like, Nah, I'm good, I'm good, I'm good. And then he had to go through like, an embarrassing moment, like, you know, slightly embarrassing. A somewhat karmic repercussion. Yeah. And that's just like, like I said, I think it's good, right in life. Yeah, yeah, yeah. It was like. It was hilarious. I part of the narrative structure. Whatever the hell is going on here. Yeah. And it's actually shit. Not all the time. There's like, good things happen to people just like going around and doing, like, good deeds for people, you know what I'm saying? And like, what's the what's the true nature of a good deed? Like if you're doing a good deed because you want something not good for like, I guess altruism means like you want pure good with no selfish attachment to the good that you want. Like you just want good to happen for real. But there is a lot of selfish attachments for people who want to do good. So like those people who are falling short of altruism, their karma wouldn't even necessarily just be like good things back for them based on where that thing is coming from. In my opinion. You know, like if you're doing good for a selfish reason, I don't think the universe is going to give you good back. It's like, like it's legal tender, you know what I'm saying? Like, God knows your heart. Yeah. Reflects the truth of what you're trying to do. I think you know your. You know, your deepest intention, I think. Yeah, right. That's true, too. Even more than you do. Because we have that whole subconscious thing going on down there. Yeah, we're solely conscious on this level. We still control this level, so who knows what's going on? Really? Really. You know. Crazy shit like that. That one guy on the Joe Rogan podcast, what was it, the Dorian Yates? I don't know. Maybe it might have been an episode with Dorian Yates, but there was an episode where he was talking to a guy who was doing or maybe recalling an experience he had with one of his homies about doing. It was a DMT, I think something like that maybe this. Is Dorian. Story. Yeah. But then like his homie had like opened a box of a memory of him, like as a baby with the umbilical cord wrapped around. yeah. And he like reenacted that out almost whenever he was going to that trip. Well it's like yeah. Or like something that was like trapped in a state. That's the mushroom guy, right? I'm not sure which one it was. I don't know. Okay. Yeah. What's the story about DMT? And like, it opened up that box more or less of like, that part of his memory. Yeah. Was, like, locked in there. Yeah. You're subconscious. Yeah, right. Yeah, that's it. That's. There you go. I think life knows your truest intention, You know, even if you don't even consciously know what you're really, really trying to do. Think there's, I think in your heart of hearts, whatever that you don't say, whatever that phrase is referring to in the depth of the depth. Yeah. Past the past your own perception of what you think's going on here. You know what's going on here. Yeah, you're right. Yeah, I think so. Yeah, that makes sense to me, you know? You know? Yeah. That's why that's a big fucking. No, that's why that's the thing. Is because, like, people know. In your heart of hearts. I think that's why when someone tells the truth and you feel someone be like, he's right. Like, that's fucking because, you know, like, you know, sometimes, man, it's like history is written by who can make the best argument sometimes because it's hard. Because if you don't, like, say, an articulate the thing that everybody kind of knows, then it'll stay just in that place of like, subconscious, you know. You know the ambiguity. Yeah. In the shadows. Yeah. And you have to do it yourself with your own ambiguity. Ambiguity for the things that you kind of like. I think it was easy for me to see the things that I was hiding for myself. Whenever you start being like, it's just a self-reflective, you know. Start looking, start putting the light on some things. There's like, looking at it. Yeah. It's usually like the the things you want to avoid the most are the things that you probably need to address, like an equal of importance. So, like, maybe like. And I not always help you to, like, say the things you want to address. The least you should address with those things, first and foremost. Might not be accurate, might take some time, but you kind of. Kind of. I do like, give up sugar before I could give up smoking because I had to, like, understand what it was like to give something up because I didn't really have, like, even level one give something up yet. But then once I got level one, give something up, it was easier to apply it to something more difficult to give up. So I think it's the same thing with like kind of going backwards with like the things in your own self reflection that you need to take care of sometimes take care of some little shit first. So you develop like some tools for taking care of your. Yeah, your shit, you. Know, fasting muscle. Yeah. And then whenever you have like that. Yeah. You really don't want to think about or like, you know, the thing you really want to avoid fixing about yourself because it's going to take a lot of changing or whatever. Like maybe you'll be a little more like. Or like, discomfort. Yeah. Because some of the discomfort is like a lot to handle, you know? But I think you can like, kind of, like, prepare yourself for it. Be better prepared for it. Yeah, I don't need that. Like, yeah, little shit or anything. Any disciplinary action? Yeah. I'm trying to give a good example. Would be like, I remember when I was a kid, I went through a phase where I didn't look in the mirror for a long time, like, maybe like almost a year where, like as I'm going to leave a bathroom, as I'm going to look at the mirror, I'm already like, failing that and like, not looking at the mirror and walking out because I was like overweight and didn't want to, like, look at myself, you know what I'm saying? Yeah, yeah, yeah. But then even at some level, I was like, well, that's that's like, weird. You know what I'm saying? It's you can't look in the mirror. That's kind of like, not something I want to be doing as a person, You know what I'm saying? Like, it felt in the. Movie that I got to watch. Yeah. And so I'm like, How do I go about fucking fixing this? And at first I was just like, okay, I'm just going to like, look in the mirror. And then I, like, looked in the mirror and I was like, okay, like, this is like what I am. I need to, like, fix this or I'm not going to be happy. And then I. Ended up having people come into my life that just like wanted to help me work on getting shape and look, just being like working itself out, you know what I'm saying? Like, help came to me and I just, like, accepted the help, you know what I'm saying? Heck yeah, let's go. They were just like, All you have to do is. Like. The uncomfortable, like, get up early and go to this place and be uncomfortable and you can have what you want. It's like, that's not too much to ask, you know? Yeah, that was so hard. But like, I did it. Yeah. Thank God for that. Right. God brings those people or the story brings those people into your life. Yeah. It's like, bam, a skull. And I think that's what. I'll say, like, during, like, your high school years. Yeah, for sure. Critical. Critical time. That was probably like, age 14. And then by age or like, maybe it was like 14 and a half to 15 and a half and then from 15 and a half to 16 is when, like those people came into my life and like, helped me out, you know what I'm saying? And got me give me like help that really what I think sometimes what they did was they saw me for how I saw myself. And I didn't see myself as this person that was like overweight and couldn't have the discipline to, like, be who they wanted to be because I felt like I could always be like a grinder and I was I played so much sports, you know, I'm saying I was like, I can win this football game. I just don't of the ball like. I. Like I'm a winner like, or whatever it would be, you know what I'm saying? Yeah. And, and with that in mind, they were like, okay, he just doesn't know how to do these things. So we can, like, teach him and like, take him through, like, the fucking shit, you know what I'm saying? And he'll allegedly get to the other side. Yeah. And that show was cool. Like, Yeah, like you said, critical years, Critical, critical years, man. Hitting bro fucking. Yeah. So and it was like, I think I think one thing that little my mind when you were talking to that story was like if you're maybe just like even that step of addressing and, and like even like looking at the mirror for the first time, you know, saying like addressing that, putting awareness on it kind of quickly and or whatever or like fully that full awareness of like, all right, boom, take it. Like maybe taking that step was like enough to attract those. Like there's like a ripple effect that brought those people into your life or whatever or allowed those conversations to happen. I think. So. I think I like that you. Were open to those doors. You're like this. I'm ready for that. Yeah, I'll do it. Whatever. I think that's how the pattern works, right? Is like, to, to look at the thing is the first step towards, like, like sometimes you do need help. Most of the time we do need help to take care of whatever is going on, you know? But like, looking at, it's always the first step to like, maybe that help coming to you. I don't know. I think, yeah, I kind. Of want to scratch what I just said and more. Just agree with what you said that I think you, when you put the energy on like I want something better then like when you actually take that step, like I'm going to look at myself in like the thing I'm avoiding looking at, Like I'm going to actually see what I'm doing wrong here and try to figure out what I could be doing better. You know, like that energy going on. That energy, Yeah. Bring something back. Hopefully. You know. I got lucky up. Hold something very awesome. Yeah, Maybe it was like that energy. Was that energy is always that energy just looks different every time you do it. And like the first time or whenever you're doing it that first time it was like looking at the mirror was like the equivalent of like what we did today. You know, saying like, it's the same energy. It's just it just looks different. Yeah, it's just more developed. Yeah. Like the level at the level at which you can do it. You know, saying. Yeah, like I remember it wasn't in my life to just go to the gym. And so for an extreme right, I didn't know, like it was the hard thing to do then was to just look at that was the squat, that was the deadlift. That was the painful thing that, that uncomfortable thing. Yeah. Yeah. And then like reaching for it at that degree and then yeah, like just running around the block. I think that like just committing at whatever level, like I think your mind kind of like imagine sometimes, like if I did this, that would mean something to me. Like if I ran like for four laps around the block, that would mean something to me. And then I get like one or two laps around the block and you can kind of like fold on yourself or like push for that number that you saw in your head. And I feel like that's kind of the game. I always play with myself where it's like, whatever that vision I had for what I should do, I either want to do it or supersede it, you know? Yeah, yeah, yeah. And then that builds like the forward momentum of like trying to outdo yourself, trying to. PR Yeah, that feeling of PR is like a real thing. Yeah. I mean, different now. Yeah. That's crazy, right? Right. Yeah. It's like, it's like tracking growth. Almost nervous. It feels great. Yeah, Like what you said. I was just a kid, so, like, as a kid, you know, maybe it's just, like, simple actions can also have massive energy swings because you live a simple life. The energy, you know, that's what's important thing. Super to. Me. Yeah. Yeah. And then I guess back better altruism like I tend to do it like for for what It's like for myself. For real. Yeah. Like, that's like, well, I feel like the betterment of. It's like being getting better. Being better than what it is right now. Yeah. Like, more good. It can be more good than this. How good can we make it? Yeah. What can I be? And then I guess. Yeah, not I falling short of that. We're talked about that earlier. I figure. In what capacity people. Not really one good factor or having selfish desires. Yeah. Because I was talking about like, energy input output. It's like sometimes just people that are just going around doing like quote unquote good deeds might not just have like good things happen to them. So we were talking about how our friend who was doing cruising for. Cruising for Bruce and that's a thing. Yeah, okay. That's what it seemed like. And then he got his, like, reaction from the universe. Yeah, the life. And it just played a little joke on him, like, kind of sweet, you know, just a little funny. Like, I should've listened, you know? So it's funny. Well. Then, like, it's sweet, but yeah, then. Then I was talking about how. But it's. I don't think it's like just like people who are doing bad, bad things happen to people who are doing good. Good things happen. Like, how do you define what's good? Like what is what are we talking truly good? Or like how much stuff is good? Because also, like, sometimes you can be doing something selfish, but your heart's in the right place. You know? So or doing something like philanthropic. Your heart's in the wrong place. Yeah, right. So, like. Show me who you show me who your heroes are. You know, like, tell me. Tell me how they act. yeah, yeah. They're my role model and my brother's dog. For real. It's crazy. We could write this song, Doug. Yeah, yeah, yeah. I think we really. Well, I think that you should try your hardest. That it's the same thing. Like, usually doing whatever that more true good thing is, is like, just like the, the weight room where you get to be like a little uncomfortable and like, usually you identify in your imagination before the opportunity presents itself and you try to follow through and do the thing that you were like, like, I'm going to wake up early and go to church. So I can do this whole day like this or like I'm going to, like, study a little bit longer because I don't think I'm prepared for this test. I like that moment of like, I need to do the right thing here. You know, like, yeah, life will play itself out in accordance with that, I guess I'll yeah, I don't know, because I guess it does seem like random shit kind of happens all the time, but I don't think that's the case at all. In my personal belief that it seems random is just based on you right now at this level of consciousness. Like you said, it's. So little compared to what's really out there. Yeah. Like how much are you aware of really? You know, who who's a who? They say they're aware of what's going on. That's true. It's crazy. It's crazy to think that we know what's happening. Yeah, like, I know. I don't know what's happening. That's. That's. That's just facts. Yeah. I mean, I've limited control. Like, what do I know? Right? Go ahead. I was like, Yeah, you have, like, limited control and limited perspective. Yeah, I know so much where you're at. There's so much out there. A wise man knows he knows nothing at all. Yeah, I think Aristotle maybe I forget who says that sense of it. Drink? Yeah. I don't know. None of it. Seriously. That's. I try. To stay humble because. That's. I would like science so much. Science is like, this is this. This is this. I fucker's like it's like I know this gravity. we can define it like things are falling down. We can define it, we can experiment with it. We know we can quantify it. Yeah we know exactly how fast know what force is coming down. Different planets have different amount of fast, where. It's coming from, how I got here. I know how it got here exactly, but. Dude, I think there's just no science for, like, story. Like story isn't our art, is it? Science, I guess is what I'm saying. Yes. Yes. But like, streets are. Well, it is a science. yeah, but it just is true. yeah. But like, I think so when I think about art. So. Right when I think about, like random shit going on, I'm like, I think that's just like the, like, like in our fucking, in space there's like, asteroids and like, fucking comments and like, what you would deem random shit that makes like, a universe that that's like the contents of a universe, though, is it? There's other planets and asteroids and stars and. Shit, and they're like, nothing. Yeah, exactly. I think, like, that's the same thing with story is like there's random shit going on. Yes. And if you don't engage with your story, you'll just in and interact with like the asteroid belts and the stars and the gas chambers. Like that's the that's the makings of the story that constitutes like where your story resides in and you're supposed to be engaging with your story and then the random shit wouldn't really be in your life very much. It would be really random, so it would be more incorporated into your path. Yeah. And it would like. Make part of the path. Make sense, make sense as it's as it's supposed to, you know. Yeah, it's. Part of the movie is like the is just like did the shit and then like but now they like stole the ship and now the ship is going through an asteroid field. And I was like, shit, it's exciting. Yeah, right. Instead of just like. Random asteroid fields all the time. Yeah, yeah, exactly. Fuck that. But people I think are engaging with their story at like a high level. Or like, I see what you're saying 100%. Like, let's imagine like Runescape, like a story. You have a directive in your head of like, I'm going to do this and this and going to get this is I'm right, I'm going to do that and I'll do that. QUEST And like, but instead people are just like logging in and they know that's their directive. And if they were going to really play the game, that's how they play it. But instead they're just like bullshitting around, like walking, talking to NPCs is going to be sales. It's like not really doing anything, you know what I'm saying? It's like the avoidance of the story because it's, you know, it's a lot. It's a lot to commit to. Yeah. Any time you go, why? Why would people struggle to embrace their story? I was just thinking in the metaphor of Runescape. It's a lot to say like, Yeah, man, I'm gonna go from level X to level Y and I'm going to do that. And then like, you start doing it and it's like, my God, this is going to take hours, look, fuck around. So I guess how does that translate? Because like, this is hard and it is time consuming and it's taxing and so take a long time to work out. It's not going to you're not going to see any results from one workout. You're not going to see any results from one study session for one hour. You need to dedicate hours, days, weeks, months, years. Expand a frame. Yeah, I thought. That we were in the gym today because I can't hold that gym. Thought I'm going to go back further. That sentiment is why I quit playing guitar when I was a kid because I took lessons for like a year, maybe give or take a couple of months. And like, I played I like the Christmas. You know. Like Christmas church event, how they do all the carols and they have like special music and stuff like that. Like I played there, I played at my school so I could play in front of people, you know what I'm saying? Boy, Hope out here. Yeah. Yeah, for sure. Especially when I was just learning one song at a time because I would just like, learn how to play that song. And then I have like mastery of that song and then I go on to the next song when I was just like learning different songs like that. But it got to the point where I was like, okay, but like, I want to be nasty. Like, I. Want to just pick up the guitar and play dope shit and not have to be like reading off of fucking scripts and like memorizing different stuff, like four songs. I don't even really want to play it, you know what I'm saying? Yeah, yeah. I just want to hop on the piano and, like, shred on. A. Shred of a. Fucking crush. And they were like, It's going to take fucking 10000 hours. And the. Word. Bitches. Yeah. And then they were like, We'll teach you more power chords and you can start learning like how to just play chords over and over. So that way, like when you want to start writing music, you'll know different chords to put together. And I was like trying to wrap my mind around that. And it was just like. It was just too overwhelming. I was like, I don't wanna do this. I wanna play sports, video games and fucking be a kid, bro. It's a lot. It's a lot. Yeah, but I. Regret it as an adult, you know what I'm saying? There's other things where I didn't do that. You know what I'm saying? For instance, like when we were in the gym today, I like, we were lifting heaviest weight and it was just like pushing kind of a lot. And we were like into the workout. And I didn't feel like overwhelmed, but I was just like, okay, you got to like, fucking draw down off like a draw down from that to pull the strength out over here. Yeah. Like real, like taking myself to the edges of my mental capacities and then trying to take a few steps over that. That's kind of like the ideal workout, right? Yeah. Hell, yeah, brother. And I was just, like, really going after it. And then it was it's cool because, like, I remember being younger in the gym. And. I couldn't lift heavy weight, really respected to what I think is heavy and I didn't look super good and I was very far away from my goals. And also I was super new. So like I didn't know for sure, like the equation for like, is this worth my time? You know, you're kind of just like walking to faith for a while. You know what you're doing 100%. No, no way. No, no. That's part of being new. But that guy just kind of take over. So. Yeah. And I looked at you and I looked at Emilio, and I was like, not working for them like that shit. Their position is true. All these male fucking athletes I see everywhere, man. Bitch. And they're right. And every time I put in work, I get closer to my ideal self, you know? I don't look like Jalen hurts or fucking when you're a kid. You know? I'm saying, like, I had role models. Rose. Also, weight was kind of like a thing in my family because, like, my parents were overweight and didn't want to be overweight. So as a kid, I'm like, seeing athletes and I look at my parents being like, Yeah, I wish I was like more in shape. And I'm like, These guys are like that. I'm like. How am I going to. You know? So I'm like, I'm always like, kind of figuring out like, am I going to fall down the same path of, I don't get to have that because it's not for me or isn't my genetics or. Or am I going to like I. Don't have access to that. Yeah. Like what the fuck. You know. What. Yeah. Seems obvious. Fuck that bullshit. My parents are like, suffering every day because they don't have it, you know? I'm saying so it's not on paper. It'd be like, false. But then, like. Like every time I go home, I'm like, Well, God damn it, it's true. You know, it was. It was just like, you know. Here it is. But like, it's crazy. Just because the perspective changed from now where I'm like, just so worth my time like this, so worth the commitment level that I've given to it. And then I still give to it and like, It's just so far detached from that's that space of and I think that's what the life work is like too. Like in the beginning, you're like, Man, I see is this thing and there's a lot of reasons why I doing my best doesn't seem to be worth it. And like giving. Like your heart out to what you have to do and, like, being really committed to something is like a lot to ask of anybody. And if people get burned on their commitments and shit like that and they see a lot of like, you know, trauma going around to all the people around them, it's like, why? You know, why would you? It's it's a lot to ask someone to give themselves to something, you know? Yeah. Yeah. So you got any all your time and attention and all of it. But I need you to be always giving the time and attention to this, whatever it is. Yeah. Sacrificing for. Sacrificing. Dedicating yourself to it. Going against the grain for you. Yeah. It's kind of the nature of life, right? Yeah, It's a lot. You're all in this, too. And Peterson would say. Dude, I saw him for. All that. And there's a of other. Come on, baby. She might as well be. Because you are. You are. You are. At least as far as we could tell. You know, what really happens in the after. But all we know for sure is that this is finite. You know, saying like, can be here for so long. I saw this quote that was like. The story is amazing. So they keep going. So Jim thought it was a jump, thought. That was it. That was like what I was talking about just now where I was in the gym. And it hit me like that. Where I'm at now, it's obvious to me how worth it it is to have put in 10000 hours to have, you know, after my surgery, there was a point where I was doing a lot of machine weights and that's how I convinced myself, like none. And I know you're in rehab, should be in rehab, but you're going to rehab yourself. How would you do that? And I'd be like, well, I'd go back to machine weights. I do lightweight. I do like four weeks of taking and careful with myself. And then I'd have up to how high reps, low weight and conquer that and but then eventually I'd have to jump to free weights. I remember that was like, scary, you know what I'm saying? You got to like, fucking I got to get back to mention this one. But that's like. Or he or she could be a machinist. Utilizes machine weights, bro. It could just like, keep away. It's like, No, I'm saying you're going to work out in, you know. The status quo. Yeah, I had to be like, Nah, I'm not going to be someone who does a squat again. After that surgery. Someone pushes the envelope, right? You got to be a brazen motherfucker. Yeah, We're all a little pushing more fucking. Yeah, yeah, yeah. And it's like, within your own limits. Are you set for yourself or whatever? Yeah. Fast forward to to my own self now where I'm like, Yeah, I got to throw three plates on for the set or I'm not going to feel like I'm really fucking doing it. Like, I know I can do that. It's a lot I'm going to say to, to 25, like the 275 was the big one. I didn't really want to ever put that on the blog. So I guess a lot of people will like to 45. I was happy with that. I was happy to do that. Like 8 to 10 times and call it a day bro Color Day. And then then I just felt the call, bro. Like, felt the fucking call hanging out with a good group. I'll do that. You know, I'm saying call the wild. And then you got to answer that call is what life is. You know what I'm saying? Like the vision. You get that imagination, you get that like, Yeah, but what if I did this? I think my little brother's doing this. I think you could do that. Maybe you could work up to doing that, like. Or you could run away from it and say, No, I don't want to. That's not scary. Or what? I don't know. Yeah, I'm good. You know what I'm saying? Because, yeah, there are some things that I guess in the real You were also saying that's part of the reason why you had not done the guitar, because it's a lot. It's a lot to like with, like working out. It's like I'm not, I'm trying to be on the fucking AVB stage, but just like being someone who works out, it's like a thing in and of itself. So like, push yourself. Yeah, just like to be the person who pushes themself, you know? Yeah, yeah, that's good. You need that. I think that's like the baseline. Yeah. Be pushing yourself as something. Yeah. I think the gym, the physical, doing something like riding your bike, whatever the fuck it is. Mountain climbing. Yeah. It's similar to the energy exchange of like I'm doing this like I'm putting, I'm putting work out, I'm putting something out for it. Part of me is all in. Yeah, I'm sacrificing for it. And and that's bringing back result. Like, that's one equation we have worked out. Like, it's not science. It is. There's a science to it. You know what I'm saying? Like, it is science, But ultimately, it's like you putting in work and then seeing result is like that happens. That is part of life. Yeah, that's like I think Jordan Peterson would refer to that as like the cornerstone of positive emotion. If you don't have any of that going on in your life, it's like, Fuck yeah, you know, or if your. Your habits are more negative and you want to like preclude your vision of that to yourself, it's like it's good to have some positives because you sometimes you're sacrificing yourself to something that's bad for you and then you probably don't want to like look at that too much. You know what I'm saying? You're just going to do it and keep it in the closet and hide it from yourself. But if you have some good ones, you can build the positive emotion, which is like I'm sacrificing for a good thing and good returns to me. Like, this is, like you said, the cornerstone of positive emotion. Like you get dopamine. It's like, I guess you get dopamine from bats up too. But like, it's not helping you, you know what I'm saying? Yeah, yeah, yeah. I think specifically he is talking about the, the feeling of like, progression towards something. Yeah. That's, that's where all the positive emotion comes from. Yeah. Whatever that thing is. That walk. That climb. That's right. That's it. So that we have that life calls. You to those. Yeah. Like some people probably never thought they'd be like a surfer and then they get called to, like, you know, go out into the ocean and the fucking surfing represents to them in that moment in their life. But like, adapting to a thing and like, taking on a challenge and, like, becoming good at something, it's arbitrary what it is, you know what I'm saying? It's like that. That's why. Wax on, Wax off. Makes sense. Like everybody applies. Like everything. You know what I'm saying? Because it's like life constantly gives you like, some kind of hierarchy to have to climb, some kind of skill to have to learn amongst other people to know that skill, you know? Yeah. Like, like trying to organize like that. Yeah. And also, like, make some, make some. Individual lives. And matures people. Yeah. I think it's all my personal beliefs, it's all tailor made for you. It's your, your story, your ultimate like best best possible version story is out there. It's out there trying to get their own, their time. Any moment you can do it. Any moment is trying to decide to be their best version of yourself and trying to find that story. But we're all attracted to different things like like being a surfer or being a chef or being in martial. Yeah. Or being in video games or whatever the hell whatever calls you. And in this thing, this life thing that's going on. Yeah. They're interacting with. Yeah. It does. It seeks you. Out. Because you. Like you. You don't have to be too imaginative to figure out what you want to do, in my opinion. Like, I think you kind of know. You know what I'm saying? Then in life, like, No, I don't think you have to look sweet. Like knocking the doors in the door so be opened. You know what I'm saying? Yeah. So you can. You'll find it. Yeah. Like you don't have to. It's not, it's not impossible is what I'm trying to say. Yes. So to take, like, the optimal level of discomfort to allow you access into that place. Yeah. I mean, for you. I have to be like that, bro. For real. It's like that's. That's the art side. That's what movies and that's the science of literature is telling you that. You know what I'm saying? Yeah. You can't quite quantify it in a in a, in a formula or like with numbers. Or I'll give you testimonials. Yeah. So it's all just the situations, just the dramatization of all this. What's going on here, what's important here, what's happening. Yeah, that's true For me. Love wins, I think. Okay, that's it. Reload the shotgun after that body down, like. Yeah, that's. Yeah, that's a little in a lot of arguments bro. Like a lot of philosophical arguments is like, but, but like love ones so that you've got your, your perspective, your argument, your actions, your deciding factors are coming from a place of like, I mean, if the opposite of love is basically like a demonic force that's evil, you know what I'm saying? So that's selfishness or greed or like hatred or revenge or lust or like. All the the conscious, the conscious effort of or like, you know, trying to inflict pain or, you know what I'm saying. Yeah, yeah. Right. To do harm. Yeah. To take away from the malicious. Yeah. Yeah. More the thief. Yeah. More definitions to. The. Killjoy. Yeah. So like want to take happiness to whatever goodness is to like oppose that. You. Know what I'm saying. Whatever the right thing is to do to lobby for the wrong thing to do at your own personal gain. 180 degrees. Yeah, Yeah, yeah. Well. That's but and it's hard because it doesn't necessarily I don't think it necessarily seems like that all the time. It's so obvious that someone's like a fucking supervillain, you know? Yeah. But I think that's why we like dramatization, because then it becomes more obvious who's the bad guys and who the good guy is and what they represent and what kind of struggles they go through. And so people. I think. You know, because I, I feel like I can feel the energy when you're just like one step away from like just committing to being whatever you want to be. Like, I'm gonna start going to the gym every day and it starts today and it's like deciding and like jumping off the plunge. I mean, like today I'm working out hard, and then tomorrow I'll, you know, put back on the fucking whatever you have to do to, to address this thing like that feeling of like you're about to snap forward. You know what I'm saying? Something's got to give, and it's my fuckin, my, my will to not do it is going to be the thing that's going to give because I want it so bad, you know what I'm saying? Yeah, I remember what that feels like when I'm thinking about, like, all this energy back in the day, early in the weight room. Yeah, yeah, yeah. And I think I just listen to the voice in my head, like, you can ignore it. Some people drink it away, some people smoke it away, some people are smoking for that at all. Like I smoke regular recreationally. You know, I'm saying this like chill, but I think people use drugs and. Alcohol and media. You this was a you could. Drink it and shit like sometimes like you drink and like it's like a sparkle to it. Like a little dazzle. Like. Yeah, I'll thinking about that the other day. I was like, how everyone's got a mountain to climb, You know, everyone, everyone's stories telling me for them. Like your mountain is your mountain like for me, like fasting from alcohol is like, not hard to do. Like at all. Like, I get like it's nothing to me or like, like smoking cigarets like I have no desire to smoke a cigaret like, none. Like it's I can't, I can't even I can't fast that, you know, saying sure. Wouldn't be a fast. Yeah. It's like okay, it's like it's too easy but everyone has their own mountain to climb, you know? So yeah, you have your own story. You're trying to conquer then games are trying to win. Everyone has their own games are trying to win. That is crazy. Yeah. I mean, it's good though. Yeah, that's. Well, yeah, that's what creates the asteroid belts and the other things around you is other people have other dealing. With their own shit, are dealing with the games and like how their reaction to the games are playing. Yeah. And you have to have some room for that because what life is, is that happening like a MMO or RPG? You know, saying it's like a. Wild is like stars flying through. The air. Yeah, there's some collisions broken with plastic asteroid fields and shit for a trajectory trajectory. Like I'm not saying you have ultimately control because like, you know, chaos. I don't Yes. And chaos, not in the sense of like, I mean, an antidote to chaos is almost defined as like you can do things to stop chaos from like hurting, like, not so much. Just sometimes crazy shit happens, you know? So. Yeah, you can be the best prepared. Yeah, best prepared as I all I can really help me. I was like, put your trust into a different higher power. Yeah, It's like I don't have. I have. I have the control amount that I have been given at this level of consciousness. I'm going to take all of that responsibility for all of that. But then, like, that's only. That's like, all I can do. That's it. It's like the maxed out. We maxed out our capacity of maxing out our capacity and like, that's all you can. And there's so much more than like that. That's just you and there's so much more than you out there that you're dealing with or you're surrounded by, you know, the craziness of like your neighbors and like everyone, their own fucking crazy story going on. And you just like, surrounded by all these crazy stories and yeah, like the collisions and the asteroid fields are like the, the dangerous, chaotic, crazy shit that happens. Like someone hit your car or someone breaks your window or someone fucking whenever you get sick or someone you love get sick or some crazy shit's going on. Yeah, it's like all of us just dealing with all of us. Yeah. And we have so much control. So. So there is like a and I think you kind of have to have faith in something else like that. Something else is going to, like, help. Maybe, like, not help help you out. I guess with with that with that chaotic force or like, you know. Yeah. Well you're naturally the universe is give it purpose to you. So maybe that's like the balance of that is that like the universe is naturally trending upward, It's naturally trying to nurture you. I think like, in my opinion, like God's naturally trying to, like, take care of the child and like the end result of that or like the balance of that through your experience is like chaotic stuff happens and that creates like negative circumstance for you to have a more full understanding of the spectrum of what it feels like to really be on earth. To be a human. Yeah. To be a human. Yeah. To max out. Yeah, to Max. Max, You out? Yeah. Yeah, I think I saw Alex. Hormones. You talking about? Like, if God wanted to make, like, wanted to make you strong or wanted to make you, like, resilient or tough or whatever, you know, brazen, be fucking hard, Start like you wouldn't be an easy life dog. Like. Yeah, be hard. Yeah. Facts. Is this. It's crazy out here. It really is. Yeah. Yeah. All of these mountains are hard to climb. It's be, like, strong. Four You're not going to climb the mountains that you truly want to climb. Like, I don't know if everybody is ambitious as me. I think everybody at some level wants like what they would deem to be an ideal life. I think we're pretty ambitious. Yeah, we're pretty ambitious, But I think it's good to have, like, a crazy level of ambition in some capacity, at least tied into your imagination is like, kind of like, go hand in hand. It's like, What do you see? Yeah. You know, try to max out what you see and what you see for yourself. Like in your own personal vision of like your maximum written out story. It's like, what do you see on that, on the, on those pages or whatever, you know. Yeah. So which I may start that story, but I think everyone should be at least a little ambitious. And because like we're trying to make lots of money doing this podcast and music stuff. Yeah, really. I'm trying to max my out to the maximum. Kind of max I set out. Yeah, because I was going to say that. No limit ever. Nobody like if I just asked you to define an ideal life. An ideal fantasy life. I don't think people would, you know, necessarily like, down what their ideal was if I said to them in that sense, if I asked them, like, what do you think you can get done in this lifetime? The list might be like, different than what if, like, if they were living an ideal like fantasy life, what would you do? What's your like? And then I think that there's like a disconnect there between like. You. Could pursue your ideals instead of like negotiating with yourself and saying like, this is what I think I could have for me in this life. I wish I could run a marathon, but like, in reality, I'm really just going to power walk in the mornings because, like, even jogging is hard on my knees. It's like. If. You really wanted to run a marathon and your knee joints hurt like you could, I think you could address that as a whole. You know what I'm saying? Maybe not. Maybe it is outside of your hands. But like, really? I think. Really it is outside of your hands. Yeah. Or at least there's something you could do. Some. Some African before maybe, But. We definitely personally want to max it out. We're like, define the ideal life. And we're not. We haven't negotiated very far away from that. You know what I'm saying? That. Yeah, that part. Almost just to prove we could all have it. Yeah. That's kind of like, yeah, if I have any altruism in me, it's, it probably stems from that place that a lot of my life I always felt like was like I just wanted to show other people around me that they could also have what they wanted if they found the right sacrifices to make. And we're disciplined. And so that's kind of what drove me a lot was, you. Know, they rain dance their way there. Yeah. Like, well, my parents, like I said, I was like, yeah, you guys could have this like, thing that's eluding you and hurting you. Like, you could have it. You could watch, like, I'm show you. Guys. And I feel the same way with, like, our career, almost like now. You guys could have, like, a better than an office job. You guys could have, like, a a life of stardom almost, if you like, Really pursued it. Really gave your all to it. Really committed to. It. Yes. Yeah, Yeah. And and yeah at the to be willing to sacrifice for it and also have that outside faith that's like something else is controlling the stored nerves doing your best to maximize your contribution so that the story will meet you halfway in life will treat you like reciprocally. Yes. It's a fucking who It's like a good back and forth. Yeah. And you're able to see those moments or maybe those moments become more clear or more obvious to you whenever it's like a movie like or like a story esque moment that happens in front of you. I think more of those will happen in front of you. Get better identifying them if you're like trying to work with life. In that reciprocity, I gave my best and my whole life gives me best and all this like positive energy, just like for the betterment, not even any. I guess it has a maybe doesn't have to, but I think we were alluding to this earlier because like, if you're just trying to like, be better than other people, I think it's like always it's only with yourself, you know, like, but if you're trying to put that energy out there to be like tangible like life or like trying to be the best or trying to like, conquer the mountain or like physically and then in the tangible, that energy isn't quite the, the, the reciprocity behind that one's not quite as high or maybe not quite have high high of a vibration for sure. Right. And it's kind of like altruism or what that word even this kind of like referring to. The higher good, higher vibration or frequency of feeling. Yeah. So it's really wanting better just for the sake of like having things be because like time is passing regardless. So it's like better or worse, it's like that's the only options. And if you don't choose better, it's worse. Yeah, better for better say. Worse is just happening. Yeah, sure. All you gotta do is nothing. I things just in worse. Yeah. True. It takes all of you to like, make it not be worse. And to do that just for the sake of not being worse. Like the highest intention. That pure energy output. If, like, best the best for not trying to, I guess. I don't know. I think about Michael Jordan being the best. Yeah, I don't know. I think life will give you that. If you're giving out good energy and trying to better your sorry for the sake of your own story. Yeah. That's like the winner. I think. Like sometimes the universe rewards powerful energy, and powerful energy doesn't necessarily have to come from, like, other like a holy place. And so but I think ultimately, like when it comes down to, like, like, let's say like the game. Of. Like in basketball, it's really easy to define because there's like points that decide a game. But if it's like good versus evil is happening metaphorically and metaphysically throughout your everyday life, and it's going to come to like a deciding factor whether one way thing like breaks this way or breaks that way, I think like the good versus evil points, like ultimately, like love wins, good wins, like it's a it's a higher energy. Even if this energy is like really powerful and it's like affecting the the physics of what's happening in a bad way. It's like the good energy is like even if it's like 99 to 97, like the good guy always wins, you know what I'm saying? Like the person with the truth. And even if it's like a, like a child or like Katniss Everdeen is an example of like almost like a child woman that like her true intent, like killing all the adversaries, you know what I'm saying? And being like a martyr and a sacrifice and like almost like a Christ like figure, because that's like the most holy energy, you know? Yeah, But all that to say, I think that's a metaphor for like, the bad the bad won't win. Like, it might be powerful. There might be, like, a Hitler for real dark times. Yeah. Tyrannical empires. Fucking fuck around, bro. Yeah, for real. They don't win. They won't last. It won't last. Truth and love when every time. Yeah, This is the way of the world. How every story goes. So I figure out how that works for you. If you're in line with truth love, I guess like. Truly. Yeah, right, right. Yeah. It's a mix of, like, doing your best to, like, you really got to be doing your best. Like, how do you explain Jay-Z? Because he did a lot of bad stuff. Yeah. To find that. Was his you. I was trying to think of a line where he references using a stove and nothing came to mind. But my. Goodness, there's plenty more steamy streets in my artery, bane of my existence on the Gotham City Heartbeat, Yeah, that sounds kind of about all that. I feel like his. Like he just grew up in an. Area so Wanted a while for Hova. Just took a leg. That's a really good one. God is an amazing song, but yeah, I think the song Mercy Me kind of encapsulates like he was just from a place where, like, she was just going down and just doing his best, you know? I'm saying it's like all. Your heart's in the right place. That was talked about earlier. Right? True. It's like really trying to do right by him and his mom and. You know, Right. Like. What are you supposed to do? Some some there are some environments where like, well, you were deemed to be like bad behavior is more like normalized and regular. And if you're just like doing your best. And also survival is another thing. Like, you know, in the jungle you don't like. Yeah. Then my focus living in the Amazon right now. Yeah bro what are they doing? What's your Amazon life like? No clue. But no fucking idea. Over here. And I was just talking about nature. I wasn't trying to say like, you know, poor communities are like the jungle per se or anything like that. But I was saying, like in nature, like if you see one living somewhere. Yeah, right. Yeah. Yeah, sure. And it's all yeah, it's just life planning. However, after you don't really get to choose to a degree, you do. Yeah, but definitely whenever you're born you don't like you're just fucking born. Not at all. Wherever the hell you're born native. Born into a lot of shit, you know. Yeah. You know, as for anything. Yeah. No, sir. No. Sir. Yeah, you're just in there. So I think this was Jay-Z trying to explain where he's like, I was doing that shit, but, like, you know, I turned. He turned it into a rose. I got to smelling like Rose. I forgot how it goes. But turn the cocaine into champagne. Yeah, exactly. Well, like, you. Know, it's bush and ace of spades. So if I ask how I define Jay-Z, how I make sense of Jay-Z, it's like he came to a point where he could, like, step away from the stuff and have a more legit legalize business and like, like, flip his situation around and he did it. And some people get to the point where they could flip the situation for the better and they like, don't do it. They shy away from that or whatever like the. Basically. Demonic forces keeping them away from aligning themselves with good whatever. It's like greed or revenge, jealousy or like self-absorption, you know what I'm saying? Like, Whatever the fuck you have going on, that if you fall to that, then, like, you'll lose your opportunity to. Yeah, I don't think Jay-Z would be Jay-Z, you know what I'm saying? I don't think he would have become like, legendary. But the story of him isn't that, you know, stories like he flipped it, even though like negative situation, true intent, true intent, true intent. As soon as he found a way to break, good. He broke good. And so I think that there is something to be said for that. Like that'll work out for you. Yeah, I think so. Right. I think so. The thing is where I think. Jay-Z is happy. I would think yes, I would lean. Yes. I mean, yes. Because, you know, I don't know anybody truly. But yes. Yeah, yeah. Fucking hopefully get to meet Jay-Z every time you dropped him off one time. I really hope that was like foreshadowing. Of the best days of life. Yeah. Come on, baby. Foreshadow for me with Shadow echoes. Come on. Yeah. We're kind of such a sad day, too. Yeah, we took it out of Jay-Z like a home. We hadn't seen him in minute. So, bro, so cool fucking. He had mansions. And that is what leathery, bro. Man works. Experience. There it is, kids. Well, just a. Young kid. Bro. Just young. But it's crazy how like, Yeah, I mean, a lot of times like. That was great. The people that I would listen to or give my money to or give my musical currency or whatever, that would be like my views and listens. Yeah. A lot of fan hood. Yeah. A lot of times those people made a fan out of me when I was like 15 a long time ago, like Big Sean and very. Childish. Childish Gambino fuckin they made a fan of me, like, a long time ago. Yeah. And then that's the people that I give the most views and the most listened to because, like, I guess it's like that for everybody. And I'm saying, like. You, it's 14 years, bro. Yeah, those are. Yeah, my mom, my mom. And I'm sure a lot of people's parents still listen to the music that they were listening to at high school. It's crazy. Right? It's like, I think it's a very common thing. What the fuck? Yeah, that's weird, right? Everybody does that. Maybe something in our taste buds change changes, because I think that's what. That's truth. You know. You say. Well, just like, I think that's what good is. But now I don't have the ability to hear something. I see. I think that's what good is. It's like I had a phase of picking out what I thought good was, and now you're either close to that or not. Yeah. Where do you stand in on kind of standing on? I can't understand all this very standard. I thought this was good for 20 years. I just think it's bad now. Like I've adopted everything. I foundation right. The foundation of your personality. Right. What kind of music are you into? You kind of develop that near that age. I guess You can go through phases, right? You can for sure. For sure. But I guess you wind up back into it. Listening to in high school, how often is it that someone listens to like, just like completely different genre? Like, yeah, in high school, I'll listen to this for like four or five, six years. But now I listen to this as like, it's different. Yeah, I think maybe you do introduced to new things later on you might pick them up. I think you always have that foundation that you built in those formative years, right? Maybe like this style of jazz because you liked whatever that was back then or you liked you like more rock sounding. You're in a country music now, but you like it because of the stuff that sounds like rock and roll about it. You know, I'm saying, like, you still get like the imprint of your influence from your core core foundation influence, Right? Right. Yeah. I don't think you get to undo that. Yeah, not very easily. I don't know. Maybe if you come back, take some super big multivitamins. Yeah, yeah, yeah. It's like. I mean, that was fucked. Like, I see a lot of things to the context of sports because that's like at a young ages, I was using that to view life a lot, I guess. So it's just like a nice translation, like working on it. Sports translates to life really easily for me. It's just easy for me to use that as a translator device for myself. I'm like, yeah, this is just like hard work paying off or like, yeah, he's like a defense or like he's a dirty player or like, this is really easy to just like what's happening in front of me. that's like this in sports because I know what that is, but I don't necessarily know what this is. And I think that that's like, what's music? Music should sound like what it sounded like to me. What does it sound like now? And it's just like hard to get rid of that transit of piece that you used to use to, like, help you identify the world with? Yeah, yeah. But like, I listened to like Jack Harlow for the most part, he's came to me later in life and I'm a fan of his work, but it also sounds like Big Sean. He literally has Drake on features and stuff like that. So it's not like a different music, you know what I'm saying? Yeah, it's different enough, but not too different. Yeah, that's kind of. Optimal. Different? Yeah. I think that's maybe how taste expands. Like you're playing to that. That's part of what makes Drake so good, is he sounds ultimately like what's been going on, but I ultimately knew enough that he can continue to ascend. He can gain fans into his fan hood. Yeah, he's got a wide enough range and genre differences make his sound sound different, but new, but the same. Yeah, they're similar enough. Yeah, it's a good the different. That's fucking. Well, it's crazy. Yeah. They always have that influence. Yeah. During your formative years, whatever that means. Like, I think you kind of, I guess, you know, whenever you're able to say identify yourself, whenever you're a kid, you're a kid, you kind of skin it up. Just being a little child or baby shower. You know what you're doing? Sure. Just kind of just do whatever you want to do. But then, like, I guess whenever you start going to school later, years in school, like school, high school. So formative years. Yeah, formative years. You got. To fucking decide who you. Are. Yeah. You got to create this fucking thing you responsible for. Or you can avoid it, but, like, that has consequences now. Yeah, because now you're in a social contract. And kids are vicious, and it's a crazy structure. Yeah. Schools are. Crazy. People are crazy. People are. People are vicious. It's like high schools, like life. And life was like high school. It was like. It's not quite the same, but it's there's the social. The social piece. Yeah. It's the first. Fucking people out here, the fucking people going on. All of them do. Are you? I think. Schools are crazy. Like the define that. They don't have. None of them have it figured out. No one ever. You never know that. Till you get older. You're like. fuck, you're all just people. I thought there were like adults and kids. But no, you're just fucking grown. Kids. And so you. Do get to be an adult eventually when you like mature and reached that perspective of like growth and you're like, I am different now than I used to be. Yeah, I see that. I can see how that looks. I can see how I used to be of sort of increasing awareness like that is. Yeah, yeah. You can see the whole thing over and over are like through and through, I mean. And I think that a. Lot of kids mean. Yeah, just. Kids. But you build, you build something, you build the prototype. I think is what I'm trying to say. You know, like those formative years, it's like. It's like a a life project, you know? Yeah. Well, look, the universe has given us. Yeah. Like a project to turn in by the age of 18 or something. We got to give it something like This is who I am. This is what I'm going to do. Yeah, but is this a prototype? I don't know what the fuck they're going. Then eventually, like you update the model and update the model. Not at the model. When you get more information and create a different one. Yeah. Yeah. This. This product or this model. Dog is sure, right? I mean, the GM in the wide body, big block. Yeah. Yeah. You have to make the prototype. You have to like decided to get the work to get to the ideal state and then get there and be like, what am I missing? What am I looking like? this wasn't good. I wanted this for the wrong reason. I'm after like, it just is like science projects, right? And then it's just like another prototype like you were talking about and you just start popping those out. So you're like, This motherfucker's got some room. This boy's got some stats. Yeah. Yeah, it's fucking typo. I think that's what's going on here. Yeah, that's something that's going on for sure. But you definitely have some sort of that first prototype of who you are or like that music. You listen to whatever you like in high school. I think those years are very I think it's a super common thing. Super common thing is when your self because you like those movies, like that type of whatever it's like imprinted into you, you can grow past that, of course, and change. Change for the better. Sure. I think that. We'll be changing from that thing, you know? Yeah, it's a block like you're putting a you probably you're putting in blocks every season, you know what I'm saying? And you can like edit and pull stuff out, but a lot of stuff like you can't really pull out your childhood in a sense where. Like your. Childhood is your childhood, you know that like good or bad things to you, like that's yours to cope with forever. Like you can manage it better. And if it's like a jagged, unsettled, like crooked block that's hard to stack on, you can like, straighten it out a little bit, but it's still going to be same block, you know, And at some point you get more control over the blocks that you're stacking up. As long as you take control of it, which is dope. Fucking. Yeah. Hell, yeah. Yeah. No, I think that's true. You did, too. We're building. We're building something here. You're building your life, your story. You're building your story. You're writing your story. Yeah. You can't like unripe things. You be, like, make sense of them. Yeah, right. Maybe dissect them. Or maybe you can't change things if you like. Just misperceive something or gain new information that changes your perspective of, like, how you use a view, something. Yeah, you can go back and like kind of edit the So I was the MC in creating our story as we're living it. Yeah. Done in real time. So I was like with the block metaphor, I like that too, because it's like, yeah, it's like Tetris. Like you had to stack them as a coming down. Both like the coming down. Yeah. Regardless of if you're going to stack them or not, like it's going to, Yeah. There's going to like not be doing very well in the game. Not actively trying to move them and place them as is happening because time is just everyday just going. It's crazy. It wouldn't take very long for this shit to crash. Yeah. If you're not managing it well. Things are getting worse all the time. that's, that's a default. So you have to like put energy and effort in for that to not happen. Yeah. Even though ultimately you're going to die if. We don't think. It's worth. It. Super it, it's not that difficult either. Like what's all. There is to do here. Like philosophically sounds like it's a whole thing, right? This, it's like we spend like, almost an hour talking about the philosophy of it, right? Like, actionable. It's just like three or four or five things you have to do every day. Having like a good attitude and trying your best to, like, do the right thing. All the time, but usually like do three or four things every day, like work out and like go to the job and then like. You know. Study and then to sleep. I definitely like three or four things you got to do, but to do it the right way with good intention every day. Like that's kind of like I think how you build like that positive energy like that. How close do you get to altruism for yourself? Like how much do you sacrifice? Like, where do your sacrifices fall short when it's like, is it for selfish reasons? Or like it all plays out in the metaphysics? Like you won't get as good a workout or like, you won't know the information as well and you'll get a lower test grade like any time you try to, like, quantify where you're at with it. If you're not making the proper sacrifices, you're not going to be like higher or lower than where you want to be, you know? But like, actually issues just it's just a day by day. You like 24 hours and you'd sleep for eight of those. So go do your best for this day. Check out and then come back in the next day. Do your best day. Check out like that. That makes it, like, doable for me because it's a lot to put in 10000 hours. It's going to take months and years for me to attain mastery. So yeah, what is one supposed to do on the way to mastery and not fucking pull their eyes out while they're watching paint dry? Like it's like, what do you do there? It's like just one day at a time. Do your best one day at a time. That's all it is. So you get and it's, yeah, we have to sleep. Like, what the hell? Why is that? Why do we have to sleep? I think it's like a equalizer. I got. Like some people would go fucking ham if they. Sleep, it would be going crazy. Like, could you imagine Nikola Tesla. Is a fucking crazy scientist, Einstein. This is it. You have to sleep. Yeah, but I guess, like, because I try to imagine them in my head, but, like, I just know that no sleep evil equals like, just downfall and downtrend. But like, in a world where you don't have to sleep, you would just be late all the time or what? Yeah, Yeah. Ready to fucking go? Yeah. It's probably like. Like, no, like no caffeine needed whatsoever because, like, caffeine just to make you, like, not fall asleep or like, to give you an increase in energy. Let's say, like when you're tired. Yeah, it's like, the fuck is that? Do you ever, like, want to take a nap? But you don't and you kind of come back to your regular, regular life energy and probably be like that, or you. Could fall into the net. Yeah. You like, fall asleep. You're like. Do not in that world. But yeah, I did that yesterday. I was so tired, bro. And I lay down on the bed was like, not don't. I'm just like sideways on the bed, like, just like five down for a second. Yeah. With all the blankets on and everything. And I was like. Boom, go find it. Yeah. You fall. Fall. And I woke up and I was like, Give me out of. There at this level of consciousness. And there's like, you know, somewhere get a sense of some sort of subconscious realm or the fucking some crazy shit that's going on who really know what's going on with that? I don't know. But yeah, could you imagine if you didn't have to sleep, how much more shit would we get to? But I don't know why. But why? God, why do I need to sleep? But it feels good to sleep too, right? It feels good to, like, wake up, breaths, anything. fuck. That was nice. It's satiating. Yeah. It's a good meal. Like for your brain and body, You know? Yeah, Maybe that's like. Yeah, like making sure that we eat for our body, but it's like eating for our brain awareness, you know? Yeah, this is or. Where it is easy to get charged up, because if you're not, if you sleep your awareness, like you're gonna lose it. You're going to. Be very where at all. You're going to be asleep. It's like that. Someone's battery always awareness battery. It's like obvious to me how much I lose based on how much lack of sleep I got or how much I'm not eating because I have I know what peak performance feels like and you check in like a lot of boxes every day. And then as soon as your like off of peak performance, because I was up till three in the four in the morning last night, then you fucking like see yourself missing boxes, you know, like it's just obvious to me, like you're saying, like you're not as aware, you know, you're not as locked in, you're not as energized, not as like, fully there. And if you're going to have a high performance job, you have to, like, fucking be there. You know what I'm saying? Yeah, Yeah. Fully aware and present. So you need sleep. Yeah. So. But why. Right there. Because it's a. It's as a god there is made a world where he needed to sleep now. So I'm trying to figure out like where does that come into play. Like why would we need to, to not be awake anymore. Or to not be. At this level of consciousness? Like we need to go back to source or whatever, You know, we need to recharge at source because we're fucking obviously can't do this forever. Like if you, if you go to sleep deprived like you will, I'm sure there's been terrible experiments have been ran on this premise and I forget what the results were, but I'm pretty sure they're pretty terrifying. You die some point. Like kill yourself or some shit. Like you go crazy. Yeah, you do? Definitely go. Absolutely insane. Yeah. Some sort Russian experiments. I'm off because I wake for, like, 100, 200 hours. They just go, crap. They go, I'm crazy. They go crack. What's up with that cat? What's up with that? Maybe that's like a default was, like, cracked being. We need to go back to source. They're like, recharge. Yeah, it could be just, like, fucking neurotic, crazy. And it's going on. We've become the chaos. We're fucking animals. Yeah, yeah, yeah. That's crazy. Chaotic animals. And what animates us out of that, whatever we're going to get when we sleep. Yeah, yeah. We bring some of that back, so it's like. Come from, you know, What is it? We're not crazy. When we wake up, I can see wicked rested and then you definitely feel it if you've been not sleeping very well over the course of time. Takes a toll on you. Yeah, for sure. So what the fuck? What are we getting? Rejuvenation? Like pure, like recovery. That's what I think. Mental recovery. Your brain and. Your. Body needs. You and your body bodies, like, physically needs it and produces, like, good shit for you whenever you sleep and get deep sleep, right? Yeah. Helps you maintain your immunity and grow and shit and recover. Yeah. Absolute requirement. Happen. Why do you have any other hypotheses now? I think that was one that I had developed a little bit ago, just like they come into source. So what that means exactly like you. Mean even like aliens? It could be like aliens came to this planet and sent something through a different dimension to make us more civilized beings. And like, they they have to give us that. Or we become just like the Andersons, You know what I'm saying? Like tribalistic and brutal savage. And, like. We could be going to sleep to go get some of that in whatever it is. That different dimension. Stuff and bring. It back into this thing. You animate, you know what I'm saying? You're wearing this? Yeah. Leaves and go somewhere and just brings it right back to you. You like, I think kind of got that feel much better. Like I handle the day. You can make it work for a day or two, but I guess if you go for, like, a span, you know, it's like it's taxing. It's super taxing. Super taxing. Falling asleep at work. That's like the worst feeling in the world. Yeah. When you're driving. my gosh. That's like one of those. That's more scary than drunk driving. For real? Yeah. Seriously, that. Shit is wild. Because. It gets bad. You're really falling asleep like. Like slapping yourself. And she's like. my God. Yes. I've been there. Dorf Real world on the windowsill. It's cold. Crank up the here too. It's high rental. It's cold Back and forth just right in the the opposite feeling of, like, fucking clove cigarets I hope the most out of I can fix it. Keep going. Keep those nootropics. Keep you awake. Yes. It's shocking how much you knew. But trouble will keep you awake. Keep pushing. I'm driving back from Minnesota. I was saying, like an hour and a half to go. I'm like, you know, And I just, like, stopped at a gas station and they fucking I mean, it's like on the boonies, so, like, I just get a fucking black and mild and a fucking couple, like, black coffee. It's like powdered creamer in there and powdered sugar. And I was like, Man, it sucks, but I need something so bad. Dude, And I'm just cooking on that dying. But, but I'm freaking out back. And I was just like, man, that was sort to drive. I'm literally about to pass out. Yeah. To have my awareness taken away from me. Yeah. I can't hold this thing up anymore. You're on probation, Like. Give me that shit. Yeah. All right. Well. Strange. It's a strange thing. Strange as hell, because it is truly just so restorative, like pure, you know, just pure, fucking pure breath. It is. There's no. You can't. Some bias. Yeah, right. It's just good. Like air. This fucking air. Do you sleep? And just thank God for that in this weird game that he made or in this experience of human in human form, at this level of consciousness awareness. Because it is. Part of the game we love, we all fucking play it. We'll have to go to sleep. Go to sleep. It's a big part of life and it plays into everything else you do through this. That weird inclination at the end of the night. It's like Victoria will have it sometimes. Like she won't even, like, tell me. She's like, passing out. She's like, pass out on me. Like, like you said, it was like I used to, like, I guess I'm like, away. And then ventilators, like, no, God, it was like, but I know what that is because I deal with that. Like whenever you come home from work, there's like that feeling of like, I don't want to, like, wind down. I remember feeling that high school of, like, I would be asleep or asleep. I'd be sleepy, like in the morning. As I wake up, I'm like, my God. Okay. And usually early tonight, usually earlier tonight, because I rolls around and I go to sleep really like, although

it was like I get to that point like ten, 10:

30 a.m., like I go to sleep now that like I don't wanna. Yeah yeah I know that I it to do the episode of Family Guy some of you. Preach to the choir. Right? Yeah. It's like. Is that. It. Bad. I want to, I want to enjoy my awareness. Yeah, I love this awareness. I get to be awake. For. Each and every obligation lists and awake. I got to go to sleep. I got to sacrifice that. Fuck you. That's people don't try their hardest and commit this shit. So that's one of the reasons is because that thing feels great. I'm like. What the fuck do you call that? Just fucking willy nilly doing whatever you want. Pleasure Island. Yeah, you know what I'm saying? And video games make it tough in. High school because you're like, one more game. One game? Yeah. I got to play one more. I guess like 2 hours later on the day that you said you were going to go to sleep early, and I'm like, reading the Bible like he doth what he hate. So true, so true. I do what I. Hate like of the next morning I'm like, fuck yeah. That. I feel terrible. That's the. Thing though. 345 rolls around, I'm fucking dying. please. I need get out of here. If you have practice after that, like, fuck me now. Practice after school or practice before school. Shit. Waking up sleep was aware that shit that was worse. Singing you extra fucked. Yeah. At least it's over after school practices bitch when you're that tired. But yeah it's there's that weird inclination to want to hold on to this awareness thing that we got that freedom, I guess, is also another thing of it. If you don't have to, like, do anything particularly chilling in your own free time, we finally have free time at the end of the day, like one little pocket of like doing a whole bunch of shit that you have to do every day. But then you're done with all that. You're like, yes, my little pocket of me. My pocket of me is closing down. Don't let it go. Don't let it go. I can go in tomorrow and can't tomorrow. They don't me. 20 minutes I 30 minutes of another show my show homework episode. Do you start telling yourself sorts of shit to keep that feel alive a little bit longer? I've watched people keep that pocket of for three or four days. It's sweet. It's a sweet little thing. Sometimes you need it. That's another thing I you the names of that pocket for too long. It's almost like denying yourself of sleep. You start acting crazy and you're not. You're not as tapped into what your best self would be. Because, like, you need to, like, reconnect with yourself and spend some of that leisure time. That's the word I'm looking for. Be with you. Yeah. Yeah, whatever. Leisure to you. I'm telling you what to do. You need. Some. But yeah, that gets abused real quick. Yes. Slippery slope. That one's slick. Slick and slippery slopes. It's tough. Road. And if you're out of balance, it's another thing to like. If you're a month out of balance, then you get to that day where you're going to have some needs. Maybe you take a lot, you take a little bit, you're, my gosh, what have I been doing? Let me play the man and holy shit, the ultimate team. This is sick Bay. 12 hours and 100 hours later you realize like you made a bad choice. Now you're going to go grand for two without touching the pocket. That's not good either, though, you know I'm saying. But like imbalance, you know, I'm saying you learned, like, wrong lessons and sugar. C Yeah. It's a lot of fucking that. I think you grab more and more cornerstones as you like, get wiser, you know what I'm saying? And you piece together what it means to have the right energy that kind of navigates you through all things. You know, optimal story. You got to just lean towards that kind of decision making and that kind of behavior, and it's usually more close to the right thing to do. So things play out well. Hopefully. But yeah, I'm spent years. I. Hate when I wake up like I'm I'm such a son of a bitch. Son of a bitch. And the worst I fucked myself. Yeah, yeah. You wake up like, man, fuck me. Yeah, dude, I fucking. And you don't know when your kid really you don't know what the punishment of staying until four in the morning is. You just like gambling with house money, bro. Like, I'll be fine. You don't even know it. Yeah. No, I don't. Yeah. You learn quick, but it's just crazy because at first you're just willing to. I'm usually pretty willing to sacrifice my health for the experience. Like, I'll stay up all night trying to call a session, and I fuck it. I'll drive back in the morning school. It will be good. Good story. I'll be good. Yeah, I'll be good. Yeah, I'm good. Just throwing that out there all the time. Like I'm good dog. I No, no job. I mean, this guy, he's good. Don't worry about him. Yeah, but. There was time. Surprisingly enough, I wasn't good. Yeah, I thought I was. Good thing. Give me that where it is. Yeah, that's it. It's crazy. Bro. Wild. man Search everywhere. Site a the of people out here. I was trying to think is there anything going on in current culture that's crazy. Well the Super Bowl coming up. Yes bro. The fucking it's been set. It's been set in stone and stone. Another rematch. With 40. Nine Niners chiefs. Man we have to work. Colleagues that were one of them likes the Niners and the other one likes the lions. And I was just thinking about that the whole time the game was playing. I was watching it and the lions were up. They were good. They were a big early. They're a bigger than I was. Like, Damn, Boise. They were doing it to him. He's happy for the first time in 32 years. First time in his entire life they've been in this position. This is this is while they. Were poised to go to the. Chair, they were ready and then it just didn't happen for them, still happen for him. So I was I was pretty sad for him. But I think he had already said that the day before. He's like, man, I'm good. Or like, I'm proud of the season. Like, it was a good season regardless. Like they could they could just have like, I could have like the best day in my life tomorrow. Like, sure, they can be the best game I've ever seen. That's a great perspective. I'm good either way. But he's like, I think it's I'm proud of them. It was a good season. It was a good season. Playing well. Ravens also a great season. Yeah. Yeah. But Happy Trails. Fucking pro Patrick Mahomes is a winner. This is what championships are. He's. Ladies and gentlemen, the whole season comes down one great try and it's not enough. Sorry. We'll see Patrick Mahomes again. Like, dude, it comes down to one incomplete pass, one interception, one fumble on the goal line, one. Wrong decision. And your whole story. Not this year. Nope. Tracking next time. fuck. Fuck. Dammit, son. Fuck Dune. So they did everything they could. Patty's got that one in the lab. Well, when I tell you what better than working with some shit boy crazy. Yeah, he's got two two rings. Three. I think is three. I think that's it. Because I know he beat the Niners last time and then he I think they lost to the Bucs. They lost to Brady and Chip and then they beat Jalen in the chip and I think this is their fourth Super Bowl appearance. Okay yeah so it's three. I think two. Yeah his three appearance or this is his fourth appearance in the Super Bowl and he lost to Tom Brady. He beat the Niners the first time, lost to Tom Brady and then he beat Jalen Hurts last year. 2020 and 2020. Three. Yeah, it's all. This weird 21/4 quarter points to beat the 40 Niners and. Super Bowl. LV Yeah. They were down bro. I think when I like that. And go now like that. Ain't going. I like that man. That's why I love sports because you can fucking man 21 for the Lions road. Roll the Niners came back on this go 27 unanswered Yeah but. Making special plays. Yeah that's crazy crazy shit happens in sports so yeah. Super Bowl. We love the Super Bowl. We love this year. Yeah, it's like we love the World Cup. And I guess as an as a species. Yeah. Soccer's more popular for sure. For sure. But in America, we love Super Bowl, baby. yeah. Super Bowl Sunday School. Hell, yeah. We're going. To celebrate. You want a Super Bowl party? You want to pick squares? yeah. Foxworthy is I forget every year. But I know one place it's worth when I'm. Sure they bought. They have to be all play some squares. I've got some cash. Let's go. I'm like. Yeah, well, super horses are live. In food, watching the game. I want to. See was a real party trying to, like, go to our party and then go to Steve's party. Stevie, Stevie Wonder says, you're listening. Well, a party, please. Yeah. If I'm part of this, I want to fucking know what is the fence to go on for? I know what a heartbreaker. Yeah, In and out, too. Damn cold doves don't listen. Wait. Today I'm code of the in chiefs are just fucking. He's a winner, bro. What the. What do you want, Patty? Behold, you wins. I think Joe Burrow has some of that energy. Whatever. Whenever he went to Vegas, he went to the Super Bowl, but he lost to the Rams. Still humming one high brow. Thing and still that kind of that kind of energy. But Patty Mahomes, he's a winner. Yeah, Tom Brady, He's a winner. Yeah, they win. Michael Jordan when winner is feeling dubs. Think shit when they the ball it's like shit that. Takes a lot of fucking sacrifice and lot of commitment to be that person who can do that. So we just see him win. But like, like you mentioned today in the gym, they pay Mahomes by doing this shit. Kansas City. Squad, you know, say. I watched that. In squats on a monday dog. I'm sure that's a closeness to the game, but I want to live so happy. But you buy those. Because. It's fucking Patrick Mahomes. But like abortion is definitely lifting heavy right now. Is getting it in. Yeah. It's got week long rule. Yeah, it's like a like you've ever like played a video game and then like you either watch the pros play it or like you go on YouTube and search like how to play this like a professional and also you play the game like way different, way better in reality, only took like 20 or 30 minutes of doing something extra to like change the way that you play the game. And I think that that's what Tom Brady I thought that this morning when I was watching a TikTok video talking about how he had his own film room before the game where it was like, no coaches, just players that had to come to an extra film session before the game where they were going to talk about every single play and all the times they fucked it up in practice, like what's going on there, how we're going to run it, like final decisions, final say on what this rule is actually supposed to look like. And like, I'm like, Yeah, we're like an hour of extra can literally take you from just like average to. Winning. For a winner. You know what I'm saying? Extraordinary. It's completely extraordinary. It's crazy. Bro. But it's it's that kind of person that's like going to say like, no, I need more. I need an edge. And I even like an edge like that. But like, I want to I want to maximize the amount of meat that I'm putting into this. Like, like no stone unturned, you know? Yeah. Yeah. How do you do that? More responsibility. Yeah. So things then go right. What could I have done to win? Fuck that right up in practice. I should have talked with them. I should have said we're running like this. I thought I knew we were running like this. I'm having a meeting from now on where I show everybody everything that we fuck up and. And saying we're doing like this. That's like adopting more responsibility for this situation, you know what I'm saying? Yeah. Yeah. That's ultimately what it is for sure. It's a right. Yeah, but it looks like that. Yeah. That energy more responsibility is like the answer for a lot of shit. Yeah, but it always looks different. Whatever you're doing, whenever you're doing it with doing it in, but it looks the same. But it's just winter energy bros. Winter energy. More responsibility. It's winter energy. Yeah, that's what the fuck we're about, man. Come on, man. Yeah, yeah, It's in my. Way. That's a me out of my head. I was like, That makes sense here. But it's the same energy, you know what I'm saying? You take responsibility. Like I said, in my way. Come on, give me the harder shit to do. I won't. Give me the burnt tortilla. You don't care. Either. I'll eat the butt of the bread. You know I don't have any sauce tonight. Guess what I mean, chicken with no sauce. Yeah, come. On. Like, I don't know. Whatever that is to me. Winter energy with the holiday chicken. No sauce. Give a fuck. I'm a winner. Yeah. Yes. Well. Try to get the stomach flu. I got to do. Yeah, Yeah. I'll take responsibility for it. Put that on my plate. Put that on my tab. Yeah, dude, come on. That's not go to hell. Yeah. And that's real, because there's, like, snake like energy. There's like, slop, like energy. To not do that to the opposite of that. Pass that buck. Yeah. You take the tab. They all. They're charging me for all of it. wasn't even that good. The fuck do you like that drink that much. I never came here. I came here. Yeah, bro. No, there's, yeah, there's different kinds of ways to be, you know what I'm saying? And it's like. It'll play out. It's going to play out in your story. It's going to play out like you get a winner. Energy. Do best to try to attain that. It's esoteric and elusive. Who doesn't want be like Tom Brady? What's it like to be Tom Brady? I'm forget now you know like take that influence and then go through your life until you feel like no. One's present themselves where you can choose to be. Tom Brady Like yeah. Your imagination says like whatever to you. Sometimes you got to fuck it up for like a week and then be like, No I. Know. When this opportunity arises, I'm going to say this thing, and then you finally say it. And like, eventually it's easier and easier and easier, but for a little bit, like sometimes it just looks like you not doing it, but you like kind of hassle with yourself. I mean, like, why am I like this? I don't wanna be like that and be more like Tom Brady. I'll be more inspired or whatever, you know, I'm saying. When discipline. Yeah. Bro style strong. This shit's the fucking process I'm in love with. It is deep. I hear y'all. It's full, deep, deep within the services. It's easier to be in love with you because right now life looks like. You know, cool. For us, I guess. Yeah, that's going well. Life. Life's good. Still have work to do. Always. Always. Job's not finished. That's always just happens. I have no jobs. I finish unfinished. It's not that at all. You're right. As of right now. you're right. You're right. That's good. The stories. The stories are stories. Guys. Trust the story. Yeah, just story. Put it all you can and then trust the fucking story, man. Trust the story maker. Yeah. You're not the story maker. You're only making so much. You are, but you're not. Yeah, you've given. You've given some sort of influence into the script. A lot of responsibility is put on you for sure. You're like the producer and the director and the main cast. Yeah. once. You the star all at once. Luckily, guys, for the most part writing the script for you because it's like if you look inward, the answers are usually their story. Yeah. So like, that's Thanks already. That's good. Yeah. The endings are written. Yes. So to get there. I get there. It's great and it's great. It's great. But as you can imagine, you limited your limited in a good way. Perfectly limited. Yeah. Yeah. True. For your optimal story, you don't want to be Superman to a degree like how they had to add my not faults, but add my kryptonite. Because if he was just like fucking Superman all the time, I was like Superman kicking ass and never even coming close to true conflict or True actual fears vs blow every team out by 70 points. All right. I don't even want to watch this team anymore. There's blowing everybody up by 70 points. Yeah, right. It's not a good game. So fucking blowout. Eventually a good game is more exciting to watch no matter what. yeah. Yeah. That's also. Yeah. So embrace those limits. The perfectly made for you. Fuck. Yes. I work out hard and then enjoy sleep like grind and then go see a movie. Yeah, like you can do. There's a balance is like a virtue, you know. I'm saying, like, as much as it is just like, willpower to become who you want to be, you also have to take into account some of like the being a human part of this thing. You know what I'm saying? You're human as far. You got to enjoy life. It's like important. Yes. Yeah. Yeah. Passes time enjoyably preferably you're. Go a forcible. Ruin for you. Keep pushing you. 31 Reggie Miller. 31. This whole baby. We're out here, Kobe here. We're pushing. You Just keep pushing. Resolutions still intact. Let's go. Make it happen. Keep going. Keep going. See you next week, Jason. Go to city to the. Light show to look where we might go. I just thought. This would jump in my. Eyes all the.