The MJ38 Show

Episode #32

February 06, 2024 MJ38 Season 1 Episode 32
Episode #32
The MJ38 Show
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Matthew and Justin talk about Live Performances, Reincarnation, and Enhancing Your Perspective

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What is his name? I want to say samurai side, but I never saw Samurai say I forget his name. This guy is one of the origins to what I like. Like a. Jiff of my life that lives in my head. Of that. Time. Whatever I figure is. So. He played Adventurer Adventure and. He was like 20, 20 years old in the crowd. And then he goes up this thing. It is like it was. So this watch is this man come off. The stage and walk right up to him. And this guy is performing this artist. He was on stage. He's like 6 to 5, like our height, maybe a little bit taller to like six two ish with like medium length dreads. Before, like. What's a cross genre between rap and, like, screamo music to a degree that screamo music with like a heavily emotionally charged music. Rapper? Yeah, some some hard shit. You go, Ah, this is an aggressive show versus people thinking, which is the first verse of This is pretty cool. You know, you got a backpack. And a cap and he's. Like, I don't think I like it here. So this is how you'll do music here. This is cool. Is like happens here. It's like, Hey man, this is like there was a spot that was popular for open mikes, open mic nights a couple times a week. I'm pretty sure that it had different genres as well, like a country hip hop town or music, whatever. Yeah, whatever. Some sort of variation of genre. But this night was this hard shit. I forget his name. Remember his name? I know the rapper. Okay. I love that. Got it. But yeah, the fucking guy doing it again. He's just sitting there. And then the guys who was performing, mind you, it's like he's he's performing. Middle of a song goes off. It's like almost always most those just are fucking this Espada really throws this kid. Both is like, you're over and the kid is parallel to the ground. Can you not? Is this flying back? It it sounds like, my gosh. You could be like, Look, what's the story you saw? And this guy assaulted this guy. Like what? Like there were like, moshing and stuff like that. So like a. Mass, bro. He was starting to mosh. This guy wanted to encourage the mosh. He was like the artist. And he was like, Hey, coming down off the stage. And he was like. Prepare to fight. For sponsor destroys this kid, obliterates him, bro. It was like he just throws them, bro. He doesn't. Kick them. He doesn't get the reason. This is part of him in the fullest capacity. But no, definitely two. Hands and just fucking. yeah. Throws this kid this kid's by like 160 hundred £50. It was like often. Yours isn't that huge either. Blocking the fucking things off me. Like he boom. Like he laid the wood he didn't like grab him and push him. He like putting my kid like your bag dog, like, Yeah. brother is for kids and he wants them. They get all these little tiny. He was a kid. He was like, I'm not ready for book 60. I don't know. There always. But then he goes up and grabs them. It picks them up or morality within like charges into the pit and takes him into the mass. Thrilled. no, he forgets. And in one sense, like because bro, like I saw I saw what he was he was going off stage. He like, well, coming to our group and we were hanging out with him all day, chillin with him, Right? Yeah. So then he like, looks at me and. I'm like, like to his eyes and I'm like, I want none of that. I don't want none of that because but like, I want me on honest. Like it was a younger version of myself. So there was a part of me that was like, you know. Afraid in that moment because I, I, yeah, he was. Bringing in a monster. It's like I felt that instantly I was like, shit. Like, fuck, know, he's the. Guy towards the back. Backed me. Yeah. From it like, from. Like the mosh was the front and then there was like a row of people right in front of the mosh and they could get roped in any second. You know, I'm saying it's just. Going go nuts. It's far. But yeah, you might get your chair. It's like catch a bow. Watch out, though. And then we're like a row and a half behind them, just kind of like watching everything. And then he, like, is coming to our section. He's like, just carrying the fucking power resumes on him. And I'm like, Yo, that thing's going to that. The hammer's going to drop. The lightning strike that fell to see me be. Like, not from me. Because I think he just looked at the kid next to me and says, Then I take this one. You're. You're also responsible. In a way. He had no idea what his name is. Shattered that kid. What that being said, though, he might have had the best fan experience there. Yeah, if you he was definitely fully, fully immersed. He was. He was there. All of him was in there. It's a for the experience for him. Golly, that's so funny. But yeah, I think about it like that's like being chosen to rap on stage with Big Sean almost. It's like your favorite rapper is like a mob monster Rapper? Yeah. Your favorite band does a lot of mosh pits. Travis Scott. I was scared to death somebody came out. I love Travis Scott. Throw me across the room. I'd be honored. So yeah, it. Just depends on how that kid took it, you know what I'm saying? Yeah. It looked like he had a fun time. Yeah, I did. It was a big risk as an artist to take, you know? It's like, okay. gosh. But, yeah, we toured with him. Yeah, it was his name. Trap Sensei. Tough Sensei Got it, Got it. Tough Sensei. Yeah, yeah, yeah. I left of my own head when I realized you're kind and thinking there. Was something going on with samurais and Sensei's. Yeah, he. He took us to open at the biggest venue we've ever played out, which was rock. But the rock box. And 21 Savage was there like relative Relatively. Relatively prior. Yeah, within like a year or so. And I was just like, well, 21 Savage was in this dressing. Room. That's fucking crazy. That's a weird moment. Crazy dog. It's cool. Yeah, I love anyone. Brawl. Come on. Anyone. I would love to talk 21. I know. Like for anyone, I just. Love 21. We don't make the same exact kind of music. Maybe that's a good juxtaposition, you know? Yeah. Yeah. You think Big Sean would talk 21 when. I think about. Yes, but when I think about Big Sean, I think he probably tours the same way comedians tour. Like you want to tour with someone that you mesh with because you have to be with them all the time. And it probably needs to be kind of like, You make me better. I make you a better relationship, you know? And so when I think about Big Sean, I'm like, What it's worth 21 Like the constraints that come to minor. Like, I do think that like he could help 21 savage his career and then I'm like, could he help us? Career escapes me fucking big, you know? So maybe because he's like a younger person, I think big Chunk could like, mentor him a little bit. And I think the 21 is like on such a run that it would help us, it would help a chance career a lot. Just being. Yeah, yeah, right. It'd be good, right? I don't know if they have. A song together. I was just thinking about that was like, did they have a song together? They do have a song together. What song? I forget what it's called, but it came out a long time ago. We were in college. I'm pretty sure with the cover. It's like a I think like I can like, pull up a wreck. yeah, there it is. It's another that's always good. That was definitely on. Like sometimes when you make a workout playlist, you just like those bangers on that. I had that on a workout playlist like two or three different playlists. Somebody goes off on that thing. A big Sean has a nice part of his verse, but yeah, so it's like, I think that they could go on tour together, but I don't know if 21 Savage would want to, like, spend all that time with Big Sean. I don't know if Big Channel want to spend all that time with 21. Like, I don't know if they would get along like that, you know what I'm saying? Yeah, yeah. Same Now what do you think? Where did your question stem from? You know, I'm saying what kind of made you like, wonder in the first place? I don't know, because I think we like a we are I our coaching tree is definitely big big shot influenced. Yeah and I think he kind of like calls out 21 for say well he kind of. Does he does right Yeah I know what you say what's what does he say. He doesn't say anything directly. I don't like not a direct like this by any means. But he definitely mentioned something to the effect of like, I don't know, someone not being who they say they are or something about like rapping about or like the subject matter of what you're talking about. Is that aligned with Sway? Yeah. You're trying to be about. Is this a line about. Like something like that? You, you. Said you stand with this, but you're going to, you're going to drop another song about marking all your ups. That was like the bars, something like that is like you claim to be about political justice or like forward reform, but like your your next song is about to be before the Opps or something like that. And I was like, shit. And it was like, right after 21 had dropped, I think two or something like that. Yeah, I remember hearing that. I have no idea what the based on verse is. I think it's the future. Maybe I'm not sure anything about what's who's associated with the song, but I know there's definitely a line out there that was kind of, Did I want. To find out real quick? Yeah, we can keep talking about it. It was peaky. It was it peaked out to me. It was, I think, summer 21. It's like kind of on the C, I don't know, because I hear you talking about railroad. Yeah, I mean, but it's so crazy. So we should talk about that. That's crazy. Okay. How do I listen to Red Rum in the gym? And it makes me fucking go. Half like there. Is something inside of me that's just like. Okay, Sorry. That's a doesn't make a lot of sense to the viewer what I just did there. But there's something inside of me that there's a song called Red Rum by 21 Savage on his latest album, which I think is great. We could even do a CI album review as well. But I heard the thing if I heard a couple songs, but it seems like, No, you're good. I listen to it pretty much every day for the last like two or three weeks at least like three or four or five songs on it. Just because it's good, it's new. But with Red Rum, it's crazy to me because when I'm in the gym and I listen to that song, I transcend to like a different level of energy and like my intensity and my ability. Yet, well. I've seen the. Overall ability, like, do you. Ever just like, okay, we got to go crazy here. We got to fucking you. Kind of like pump yourself up like I think in the gym, you definitely know what that feels like. But even if you're about to go, like. For job interviews, you know. Those are going to say whatever you have to go like, ask your boss for a raise or something like that. And you're kind of like in the car beforehand and you're like, Listen. John, close a deal on a house or some shit. Yeah, well, this is this is examples of that. So cool. I was like, it's not just the gym. You got to go on stage of the fucking comedy club, you know, saying you're like, here we go. What the fuck? We're going to talk, You know. Whenever I'm doing that and I'm listening to the song Red Room, it's takes me to a place where I'm like. like, let's go, I'm ready, let's go. Like, it's hard to express that in words, but I'm just like, red room. Right or wrong, I don't know what's right or wrong. Let's go. Is like, That's it. Yeah, that's the thing. Right? Let's go. It's a super high, the highest level. Let's go. There's only like two or three other songs that make me feel that much. Let's go. And. But mind you, this song is literally just like, about murder like red. You know what I'm saying? It's like, Yeah, it's murder backwards. Exactly. One and all I want. Leave a break. On what. Dinosaur beach players say. It sounds like it's not like a great it's not a great message. It's a. Lot of like, I. Want to know what's right and wrong. Powerful energy. Right. Powerful energy. Is that what it is? Because how come that I let that song take me to a place, you know, powerful again? So right. I think it's kind of you're alluding to when you're saying like, do something about it, something powerful or like, yeah, I don't know, maybe, maybe not for everybody to see the other thing. But then your personal story is hidden. Yeah, I guess so. Like, I feel like I'm. Sure. Part of it is like, okay, then you're like, you're like, that's what makes sense to you, Matthew. And I'm like, Well, has the song make sense to me? Because I've never killed anybody? No, I'm saying. But then it's like. We need to be wolves. Yes. Right. And murder is kind of like a metaphor sometimes, or like killing something as a metaphor. Like I killed it. You know what I'm saying? How'd you do last night? I killed it. Or, like, I feel like we probably say, like, when you're playing basketball against somebody, you're like, I want to destroy them. You don't really say like, I want to murder them. Killing it on the dance floor. Yeah, there's another one. You know what I'm saying? I feel like there's, like a I don't know. And also, like, in art, like in books and movies, like, was like people get shot and killed, Like, way more movies in books than, like, you see in real life. Most of the time, unless you're from like, really, you know, there's some places, you know what I'm saying? But I feel like there's something about the dramatization of that that we're like, attracted to in the artwork sense. And I think that that's like. 100% right. Characters mean things that like, represent ideas and ideals, right? And they're symbolisms for whatever. And sometimes you want to see those things die or like the. Idea or die. Yeah. Yeah. And so I think. I wish that character was the fucking worked, right? You really feel that whenever you watch Game of Thrones? I want to break down Game of Thrones with the Ashes type. Nice. But yeah, it makes you feel a whole bunch of that, really, the whole bunch of that shit going on. Better, you know what I'm saying? So yeah. And I think that he taps into that, like he taps into the. Art of. What it would be like to, you know, what I'm saying? Kill your enemy. Like it's crazy because it's like, maybe we shouldn't have a vein for that in our society, but like we do. And he taps into it and like, it's he makes it like part of what makes 21 so good is he writes hip hop bars from the place of someone who would do anything like the he's not like a bad guy per se, but he's like an anti-hero and he's like, No, fucking what's the hardest way to kill someone? I'll do it that way. And then he like, raps that and it's kind of dope. It's like as an artist, not a lot of people have the freedom. They don't give themselves the freedom to talk about, like what they would do to someone who is like an op or like someone who's coming after them, like a bad guy in their story. Not everybody can write for the villain. Yeah, like not everybody can write from the place of like all how how hard they would like kill a book, kill their villain in their story because most of them were like good guys or like there's like a conscience or like, you don't have, like, access to what would be like those dark, twisted thoughts that would allow you to think of how to plot revenge. Like, I don't have a plot revenge muscle, you know what I'm saying? And I'm not saying that you should or shouldn't have one of those, but 21 as an artist is able to write from a place. That. The same way Game of Thrones dramatizes revenge and murder. And we're attracted to that art and it makes sense to us. I think that's why 21 makes sense to me too, because like, it's like you can't that's always been like a critique of people is like, how are you listening to murder and selling drugs and all this shit that raps about and you're just this fucking suburban white boy. So that's, that's it. Can't connect with you, you know what I'm saying? Yeah. And I'm like, But Lil Wayne does connect with that. Ah, yeah, yeah, yeah. That's, that's like the beauty of art, you know? It's anyone. Yeah, everyone. Everyone has their own thing, right? Right. Some sort of creative outlet, whether it's like music, movies, photos, TV drawings, whatever. Something along those lines, something I was. I was in the. Physical, too. I just thought in my own head is like, why did I spend 3 minutes trying to explain why 21 is appreciated all the time? I came up with this statement. That's just one statement. And it's like that. The allegory of murder is timeless. It's in the Bible, it's in the Greeks. It's like murder and revenge and like betrayal. Those things are have been art forever. Like, that's like, rooted in a lot of the stories in the Bible, you know? And then 2021 is just like doing it in 2024. The other allegory, murders like it's going to be in books forever to me. And TV is the main art for all the time. You know what I'm saying? Yeah. It's just like a motif. But, like, it's not what I would want to rap about or wrap my head around or, like, and body into my energy. You know what I'm saying? Yeah. Yeah. But I think that's what's going on is like, how does he so successful? And he raps about killing people all the time, saying that that's always been a story. People are fascinated by that, You know. I guess a lot of maybe not a lot of, but there are definitely particular branches of hip hop that have that thing. You know, that's like one of the motifs deal with that, I guess dealing with opposition in a broad sense, Yeah, dealing with the arts, dealing with adversity. What what is the centered motif, What is sits in there? You know, everyone has a someone opposing them at some point in their life. Or when you do you want an outlet for it. Yeah. Yeah I guess it is. Yeah, I guess it is all really just kind of related to that idea overcoming. And when you're in the arena, man, man's you versus whatever's in there. yeah. So back to the Game of Thrones gladiator days. Yeah. Both kind of fucked up, but yeah, I think about that Derek Wolfe interview with Joe Rogan where he's like. Past lives and shit. Yeah. Specifically the part where he said he was. He would take doses of mushrooms. He would take doses of mushrooms before he would like, walk out onto the field and like for the coin toss and everything like that. So at one point there's like, I think it's in Sofi Stadium in Los Angeles, there's like fans. Line the. Space. It's like an eating place like this, like a place where the fans can come and get food and drinks and stuff like that. All around the walk out of the visitor tunnel. So like when they walk out, there's people like right there wearing jerseys and going nuts and then they like get to the threshold of like, what is the stadium and what is the field? And then they run out from there and. Yeah. But to get to that place, the. Tunnel. Yeah, you're around like 50 to 100 people who are in this. Like maybe it's like VIP fan area or whatever, you know what I'm saying? Paid a lecture for the access to the VIP section. yeah, Yeah. We're back. So, Derek Wolfe? Yeah, he's talking about. He's telling Joe Rogan, he's like, dude, so I'm fucking you know, I'm taking these mushrooms and they're sort of hit and I start, like, feeling like, you know. Like was in the NFL. yeah, Sorry. Derek Wolfe is like, he's a defensive end for the Denver Broncos for, like, ten years. He's kind of like a max Crosby type guy where he's just like a really, really hard nosed team captain, defensive end, defensive ends. What they do is like they're the people that wind up next to the offensive linemen, the guys that block for the quarterback. So they're the people that rush the quarterback and try to like, sack them and bring them down. So most of the time they're usually freaks. They're athletically. Yeah, sometimes they're like the fucking most athletic, most. Freakish. The most freakish on the whole defense, you know what I'm saying? Because they're fast and they're huge, freakish. Like today Clowney, if you've seen his stuff, what's his name? Myles Garrett. Myles Garrett. You know, like freak. Three, they look like. Like superheroes, like real. He could be a superhero real life. And so I'm flying. I'd be like, whoa. Like, it makes sense that to a degree. It would check out. Make sense. So yeah, so this fucking huge dude, like he's, you know, says that he has like a intimations that he was like a Viking in a past life because he gets this like hyper aggressive, hyper brutal, hyper ruthless, hyper savage impulses that he's allowed to he, when he was dosing, he would like unfold into him and like fully take over his conscious. So he's like walking through these people and he's like, how murder all of you. I'd kill all of you right now if you all rush me. He couldn't stop me. And he's just like. Hyping himself up. And the same we talked about in a previous part. What I think he was doing is like removing his governors for his body and his mental state. He's like, taking himself to the place of like, if I had to defend myself against all these people, like the brute, the savage brute force that would come out of me right now, like you guys couldn't stop me. I'm a fucking freak. Like, implying that self-confidence in that reminder of, like, I'm a fucking animal. Yeah, he's a freak. Like, what's his hair? How big is he? Like, six, five, six, six. Let's look it up. Yeah, this. This guy is probably tapped in to some of his past life heritage and some of his. Some of his roots, his ancestry, the. Height and weight of Derek Wolf. But definitely just kind of speculating on that. He claims that. So he's 65 to 80. Big boy. Big boy, bro. Big boy. Just like. Yeah. I mean, he could literally be inviting, you know what I'm saying? And he and he freak. He's he tells the story on Joe Rogan where he got his DNA done and stuff like that. And he's like, from that era and like, from from that area. It has the heritage of I forget what Viking people are. They're from like. Sweden, Norway. Yeah. Up there. I don't know. Like Iceland. Yeah. Where? Minnesota. Where they originate. there's like a fucking I feel like I should know this. I'm literally watching all the Viking shit on Netflix, but yet anyway. And he's like, Yeah, he says he has dreams and stuff like that. He did like a ayahuasca treatment or like maybe it wasn't just like sleep deprivation or a water tank. I'm not. Sensory deprivation. Yeah, I forget what it was that he did where he went into a past life and had a dream that he had been betrayed by somebody and they were going to, like, chop off his head. And he was a Viking and he was like went through the experience of reliving that dream and processing it and then coming out of this life and then like realized that he thought he had like a pent up trauma from that past life that he had lived. And he didn't quite get over the betrayal and the beheading and like, like, like something in his like, whatever you call, like your chakras are like your fucking spiritual. Your origin story, that you're the depth of your if you're like, reincarnated to a degree or living past lives that have multiple lives or do this experience. Yeah, a whole bunch of different ways. I'm going to take on that. I feel like. So sometimes I think reincarnation is like a metaphor for like, I think our our DNA passing down. Like, I think we feel more of that than we know thing, We feel our past DNA sometimes and like it. It really has always been like literally physically, like passed down from person to person, right? Our DNA. And I think what you do in this life will impact the DNA just of your kids, like one generation away does make like a little bit of difference because it's the theory more prevalent is that like you have like 80 generations of behavioral and like adaptation to climate and like lifestyle that creates these like natural buffs or declines that your body gets when you're born. So like if your parents did like, let's say like all your grandfathers did a ton of hard labor, then like allegedly you should have like a little bit like better spine or like some kind of adaptation to like carrying a lot of weight because that's the nature of evolution, right? But they say it has to be like a ton of generations for like any kind of adaptation for to happen where you can like Russian people. To have more access to it. Yeah. Or it's easier, easier to fire those neurons or something like something like that, right? If you don't get like actually like a physically stronger body, like after, like direct hand down, then you get maybe like it's easier for you to, to have access to that body or whatever that musculature. Yeah, I think. It comes more naturally because I think yeah, I think there's some. Sort of like your hip hip joint start to like sit in a different way so that you can like carry more load like there's some kind of, like your body starts to be like kind of I make this next life a little bit easier for this fucking thing based on like all the habits that you put into your shit, you know? And so I think that what you do will affect your kid, like to like one. I think that we think that it's not really like that. It would take a bunch of generations of a certain type of behavior to like making a DNA heritage adaptation to like your offspring, but I'm pretty sure it's closer than we think. Yeah, I think there's definitely I remember hearing stories I've seen saying things, heard things about people's offspring having like same mannerisms as other members of the family, you know? Yeah, right. Like the same type of reaction to the same type of situation or like making the same emotional reaction, resulting in a physical display, like a facial expression or something. It's like, you look just like you're like your grandpa, whatever. Whenever he was a baby. Yeah, sure. Like that. So I think it is like super, super close, right? Something like that. That's become exactly. The more psychedelic thought is like. Like that's not like a reincarnation. Yeah. The thing is. You. Yeah, but it's not you. But it's you and the thing before you was you too. And you got to, like, honest consciousness. Yeah, right. Consciousness manifest personified. It's like created another consciousness. It's like, this. That's like my creation. They create. Creations. What's up? Yeah. And it's like, why do we get to have that? Like, we're made in the image of God or like, that's my opinion. So it's like, and then he's a creator. It's like the image of a creator as a creator that's creating creators. It's a keynote. I'm saying like, you kind of make sense for sure. That's definitely honor, right? So yeah, so I think but that's part of the reason, like the sins of our fathers are real. Like behavioral patterns are real. Like, I think if your like, if your have like a lot of addictive behavior, it's like, where did that come from? Like the people that are easily addicted to things, right? That's like some people say that's like something that gets passed down. It's like, your grandpa was an alcoholic, You know what I'm saying? He drank like a sailor. Like, you just got that that thing like, And then you see in your friends too. Some people get hooked on stuff and they're just like, Dude, I'm fucking all about it. Like, dude, I'm one of those people, you know what I'm saying? Like, I can get super wrapped into something where I'm just like, all of a sudden I've been playing a video game for 21 days straight. Like, I don't do that so much anymore. But yeah. I feel you. Yeah, it's like play play Runescape for 24 hours. All right. You just, like. Can think I'm in. Yeah, yeah. Right of there. Definitely into something. Some people have a more of a proclivity to be. Susceptible like that or. Yeah. Just being like that for sure. And so, that's and he also says I think I never do cocaine, you know, I'm saying because that drugs like super addictive and I have a super addictive personality type like and it's like boost your ego and it makes you feel like you're fucking, like you fuck this goal that. Know it's. More that. Right? And so, like, I get it when he says that, like, that's like a thing. But why is that a thing? They say it's like passed down to you to some degree, but I think also you can, like, hedge it, like you can like damper, how much of it you pass down to the next one based on like how much you feed that gene or how much you try to like whittle it away, you know. I think that that's, there's like hoping that it's like because it's like, why should I try to like not just give in to whatever shitty parts of me exist from my genealogy. It's like because you could like. Maybe you can like, yeah, maybe you could move the stat lines, figure for your stats, you know, or just the experience or just the leveling in your stats, right? And then hopefully pass that on to the next player. It's like right now you get a better, a better baseline and. Then hopefully tell them you're like, Hey, you fucking have a proclivity to fucking fuck up. like I've been. Working on that for a long time, but I need you to like, get with it. And I feel like that's kind of what your parents are doing, you know what I'm saying? Or hopefully. Hopefully. Yeah. Maybe it's what top. People are trying their best. Yeah. Yeah. I think that was a I think I saw an Instagram clip or some sort of a social media clip about a guy talking about how kids are able to sort of enlighten the parents and like because give them are given that like you weren't you didn't have the awareness that you have now whenever you was like six. So like whenever you see like your six year old like it, you are like vicariously, I guess kind of experiencing life through them and are able to experience it again, like as if you were that, like you're just kind of you're in both, in both places and like are like and that information and relate ability to this crazy story thing is accessible through like the children like they're like teaching us and like we're like kind of, it's like a loop. That makes sense because you see stuff. You want your kid to do. Yeah, it gives you a new. A new view, a new perspective on game, the innocence of the behavior, too. I think that's freeing. Like when you see someone who's obviously like when it's your self, I think it's a little convoluted, but when you see like a kid who's kind of like pure and like innocent and like obviously has no moral intention, really, and they're exhibiting the behavior that's just like you maybe have a lot of guilt and self-denial about. It's got to be like almost freeing to realize that like, this should just happen to the people. Like if you're not careful, you'll like Lyla or like, be a glutton or like, be really lazy. And it's just like easy to see. Sometimes you're like, This kid's not like a fucked up kid. He just a kid. But he's just he struggles with being lazy to like, thinking lightning to yourself. I think in that sense. Something definitely helps here. Yeah. Like analyzing the life and I guess seeing that, I guess it kind of removes some of the complexity of just like humans because you're saying, like I just like made a human, like, I mean human and just like made one of these things and like that thing is going to the same way I experience and interpret all this is going to have its own experience and interpretation of all of this. And like that was like my parents and they are like, you know, like it's like kind of maybe gives a little bit of a predisposition for you or maybe it's why females maybe render higher on like a being more sensitive or being more compassionate because you're able to just kind of they empathize more so with like, like, well, just people like women just make people like, like anyone who's a person was like, made by another person. Yeah. shit. That's how all this happened. That's how it's going down, Yeah, For forever. For as long as we know, with all different kinds of species. Yeah. Doing that shit. Yeah, that's. That's like. That's like it. Insofar as what's keeping this thing moving. I think that's what there's a Hulu show about that where the idea that fertility like goes away to a degree in society and there's only a select few and it's called The Hands Me Handmaid's Tale. Yeah, something like that. But it's about that premise of fertility going away. You know, it's like percentage of the population can reproduce and like that obviously becomes crucial, like down the down the line. If everyone is dying off, it's like there's not much of us left. What would happen? You think it would get weird? That show's weird, right? I've seen a season, maybe a season, and change Can't speak on 100%. It would get weird as fuck. Yeah. Well, the imaginary government was was fucking cool, you know what I'm saying? Like, there's no. I guess I was just. I guess I was saying like, well, there was no people. Like if we just, like, died off, if we couldn't reproduce, you know, saying what would happen. I thought you were imagining a circumstance where like the super few people can reproduce. Yeah. Even if we lived in The Handmaid's Tale time. Yeah, whatever that society's going through, I. Think sometimes we were like, well, it wouldn't be that corrupt, but our government is pretty fucking corrupt sometimes. yeah. And weird. They'd be handling it how they wanted to handle it for sure. It should be fucking weird. Yeah, that's crazy. Yeah, but have you seen it? Can I speak on it? I'm sure. So we get panicky for sure. That's the first thing I can sense about. That situation would get real panicky if we thought we were dying. Probably. Yeah. Fucking weird dudes. People would be, like, super hedonistic, just drinking all the alcohol you've got left, you know, saying murder rates are probably skyrocketing. People would be like, No fucking I'm balling that guy's knee. So he's had it coming for 20 years, right? Yeah, I'm taking my hands. Yeah. For like. A lot of the. Future. Yeah, Well, yeah. Imagine if there was no tomorrow. well, well, if people do. You know what I'm saying? The world's going to end in 24 hours. People in South Park, something about that stuff. It has a scene where that happens. So I'm trying to get from my mind to pretty sure. Yeah. Something like that. Nobody would go to work. Fuck, no. It's fine anymore Bills, bro. But God. Knows why. Paying for anything any more. Nothing would happen, you know? Yeah, no one would be People would be manning the gas stations or like, no one's going to work for anything. Yeah, at some. Point, nothing is going to work. We're going to run out of gas. We're going to run out of food. This thing real quick, I think. You know how to do it yourself. That's why doomsday preppers are so like, man, I'm ready. fuck. And everybody's like, It's everybody else's fault. That's what I'm ready. That's probably. What part of what they get off on, too, is that like everyone else will be fucked and I won't. Be and I'll be good. Because it's it's a little strange behavior. Like, why are you doing that? You know, at me all the. I'll show them. You're right, though. You're right. Yes. All of this connected back to ancestry and shit down reincarnation, past lives. Derek Wolfe, Viking man, 65 to 80 than to murder all the people. And you know those people. I think what it was is some of it's like we're moving the governors on. Like your ability to take yourself energetically to like that, that maximum state of. Whatever. That powerful energy that you can embody it within yourself. It's like. Murder. Energy. Yeah, it's kind of fucked up. I don't know if you should. Yeah, I don't know if you should let yourself into that place. You know, it's kind of the argument, right? Yeah, I guess if you murder, if you have to, But I guess there's a difference between, like. I guess. I don't know. I guess it's just like the times. Like if you fucking take territory to take territory and maybe you're defending someone else trying to take your territory, what do you think? They can get it. Yeah, you know what I'm saying? They can get it. Well, I think I'm trying to, like, go out of my way and take someone else's territory. Seems kind of rude. One problem is, I think we have stores of that built up from, like those times in the past. You know what I'm saying? So. Yeah, yeah, yeah. Well, what creates the borderline, you know, like what's, what, what creates that agreed upon split divide? Yeah. It's like, All right, we're good on this land. You're good on that land, We're fine. I mean, back in the day, it was just people would be like, All right, we're changing. The lines were raided. The fuck you know. Who were taking it? That it is ours. That. Yeah. And these towns were built to like, withstand that. So they have, like, gates and fucking towers and watchtowers. Yeah. People on patrol. It's like a real. Problem, you know? Right? Yeah. What the hell? But that was a culture back then too. People were fighting to like this idea of, like. Give me that land. Yeah, they want it. They wanted to build the country, build a kingdom. Have they got a homestead? Yes. Maybe a place to stay for sure. Near. Near Homestead. I don't know. Yeah. Then the the Alexander the Great comes along and starts fucking taking all the land and shit. Yeah. It's like. Yes, more land. Well, yeah. The empire ideas are more tied together than we think. I think like it's part of it is they don't want the people to die out, so they have to grow. You need a steady. Yeah, definitely some of a foothold within the the craziness that is Earth. Yeah. These are sort of nice solid sheltering for sure. Yeah. But then I guess at what point does a stretch beyond that and become that selfish? But in that vein, you know, like, yeah, when he's becoming an asshole, you know. Taking too much. Just to conquer. Yeah. Champion Because you definitely need to be able to have a solid shelter homestead and then defend it. Yeah. So like, I guess like the murder side of the coin and like the aggression side of That's it. It's ultra. Aggression. Is important. Yeah, you're right. And then what's the stretch is beyond that and it's like, okay. Or I guess when does that you know. Yeah, yeah. There is some sort of Why are you so great covering all this? Taken on my life. But yeah, four, four, one four. Four, one. Well I can't I. Live ver would. I don't get it. Yeah. I'm with you there. There would be a some kind of. I think it stems from maybe like a like they want to spread a desired spread of an ideology or a belief or a doctrine or something. You know. That's something you found if some of their societies on foundation raised. England was founded like that, they wanted people to be Christians. And so fucking I guess Hitler was trying to take over whatever France and everywhere else. Yeah, it's like the idea. That control and I think it all stems back to control. The bad guy always wants to control the villain, super villain or domination for one. On the ends. The market has its own story. I don't. You're just. I'm just doing what I'm doing. Yeah, I think so. I think. I don't know. I definitely can. Not 100% like, empathize with this Derek Wolfe character, but definitely find myself thinking that that's, I don't know, likely that we're kind of, like, redoing this thing or have done this thing before or there's some sort of reincarnation, ancestry, past life sort of connecting line that way. Like where we're at now is all the way connected to like where we started in this time on this timeline. That is one line. I think. So I think that's what's going on here. And and we're like, all everybody is everybody. You know, I'm saying we're all like one consciousness, I think, like we're all the God's bride or the figure that's explained in the Bible. Like by the church or whatever. So like that. Yes. Like if we're. All. Meant to. Be what. God, like, takes care of us. We're like the God's people more or less. And like, we go through trial, tribulation and like, fuck of our own lives. And there's like tyranny and evil because they have like, free will. Like ultimately the ultimate goal is like, we would all. Be. Followers of God through Jesus Christ. And then like, we would be like, set and would you, like, transcend to heaven is like that story, you know what I'm saying? And so I think what I'm trying to say is I'm. In. On super mega multivitamins. I definitely feel like you have expressed you felt like we're all like one consciousness put into like. Different people. Are like sometimes to me it feels like it's like where there's like a diamond or refracting a light like into a billion different consciousnesses. But really it's just like one light that's just being refracted. And then you can take yourself out of the refraction and you're like, we're. All. We're all just consciousness. We're all the same thing. We're all going through life like I'm you and. Me, you know? Yeah, yeah, we're all connected to the same source that generates all of this and what makes the fucking world go round, spin on its axis and rotate around the sun. Whatever's keeping that going, allowing things to reproduce. What the hell allows that? Because I guess the other aspect of it I was saying, like, what if there was no people? What is it? What would happen? What? Anything? What is a I don't know. I guess there's been more to their life. I guess there is the life on on earth without the people. I guess hypothetically, with like whatever the animal kingdom makes up. And trees and stuff. If you think that's life. Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, for sure. Birds and worms and fish have hypothetically, that was what was going on before we got here, before evolution had taken this course long enough for us to become monkeys. And then for those monkeys to take mushrooms. If that's. The view of us. Hypothetically, with the stone ape theory would be, I don't know. I guess that of we went through in a forest kind of question. Let's just pretend like that's true, bro. Like, can you accredit all of our all of our evolution to psychedelics? Is it the study of theories? True? Yeah. All of our evolution as far as like a a human. Human intelligence. From like some like monkeys this. Yeah. Like they ate mushrooms and it, like, unlocked, like parts of their brain. They, they learned like language like, started to walk upright, start to be able to like there's something going on that's like way different than just, like, being an animal, you know, what's the what's the difference when you and your dog like, a lot, You know what I'm saying? Yeah, but Allegedly it wasn't that until like veggie dog took mushrooms and just like also started talking to you. Yeah. So it's a logging the two ways. Yes. It's like, well, there was no dog last I slept like that. Would the banger another bear. Yeah. That be some shit. Yeah. Right. But like allegedly that. Happened and a couple of dogs, a couple thousand dogs in a row, you know what I'm saying? Yeah. For however long. How many years. It's crazy to think about hypothetically. It's true. I don't know. It could be. It's. It's a theory. It makes sense. Happened through that line of logic. I can follow that, I guess. Follow that? Yeah. It's just weird to. Think I can believe it, but it makes sense. I think we come from. The line of thinking is that a psychedelic is like. It's powerful. All. I'll tell you right now that's like a ton of bricks. It can make you evolve. Yeah. yeah. For real. You will forget. You'll forgive very. Unless you're doing it all all the time. If I won't forget you forget like little tidbits We all remember for the most part, any any crazy shit that went down or like any real revelatory moments, sort of impactful thoughts and experiences on those vitamins you'll buy. I don't want to say you'll hold them near and dear to your heart, but they'll be in at the percolate in your subconscious. They're being greedy. It's like, yeah, Remember that time you forgot who you were? Like, yeah, this is crazy. Life's crazy. It's always like this. It's always like this. It's always like that. I guess crazy. I'll connect to that one consciousness experiencing. It's in our own unique personal way, but it's all connected at the same, same source. That's definitely true. As far as like your birth, it's definitely like your whole it's always one line of consciousness. We successfully reproduce for super long time. Thousands of years we've been doing this shit. As far as evolved monkeys, evolved monkey level was we. Once we. Get that shit, whenever that happened, yeah, I guess a written written language came down. In the Bible. It just describes like Adam and Eve were adults that came down to earth and then had Cain and Abel. Yeah, I guess that could be true too. Yeah, but here, if that's what's going on, then, like, animals are clearly distinct from humans. Like we're not the same. Thing. You know what I'm saying? Yeah. Whereas, like, the stoned ape theories is like, we are the evolution of that life. So I guess what I'm saying is, if there's no life, that would be crazy. Because if all the humans died out, then God would have to put more humans back on the earth. Yeah, but if there were the other way around, then I guess eventually monkeys would be mushrooms again sometime and then eventually populate this again. You know what I'm saying? Yeah. I heard someone talking about an opponent. That's. Sorry, I don't know. I don't. Even go over. Because I think it's like part of the natural story of Earth or was like the that the either the apes or whatever natural evolution takes its place along enough with animal and plant life that humans are human as they come along. And then maybe maybe we the intermediary between the fucking aliens or the next dimension of creature because we're definitely more advanced per say in in many facets than a fucking dog. And like a monkey. Like, you know what I'm saying? Not going to be a dick. However, look, we got a quantum physics crazy. We have airplanes, we got crazy travel, communication, the internet. Hey, I know what crazy little fucking animals. Way different than any other animal that's out there. The fuck, You're right. Yeah, like, that's what they were talking about on the dog. And so it's some people go, yes, some people believe that we're just like a fucking vessel for Air Intelligence that like we have the capacity to create technology that will end up creating like the supercomputers that, I don't know, maybe like, run this whole thing that we're doing. Like this is all some kind of paradox of what happens when you have an earth. It's like dinosaurs, animals, humans, artificial intelligence simulations. More earths. It's an earth that I guess our earth is definitely perfectly geared because within our solar organs, as far as we know, there's no like I guess as far as we know, there's no other planets that have life like ours, I guess, because even in with dinosaurs and shit and then just kept on evolving and whatever now we're now we're at the time we're at with the lifeforms that we have. But as I say, I don't think we have any record of any other lifeforms out there on any planets that yeah, maybe the were in the past. Who knows? We don't know. We don't know. Aliens are crazy thought not sure what's going on. Not sure. Aliens. I'm not sure what just like Yeah I don't know how God works. You know what I'm saying. It's like we need technology and we're like, aliens crash with the UFO. Then some people are like, Yeah, we took that technology and and like, took us from 1950s technology to like 2024 technology. We have like a more digital space, like we got fiber optics and like more capacity to. Do. Like microchips and like our technology really ramped up. And it's like some people say that the aliens gave us technology to help our help us technical logically advanced so that they could, for whatever whatever reason. You know what I'm saying? They were meant in the in the story of Earth to create the life that bridges the gap to the next dimension or to whatever. Right. The next league could be. You know what I'm saying? I don't know. But then, yeah, I'm like, how do you discern. What that be? So we as a. It's just like. On. A Joe Rogan episode, they were trying to like draw a cross-reference between like angels and aliens and like angels as they're depicted in, like, Ezekiel. Sound like potentially you could interpret that to be like if you took away your conception of aliens to be like gray men and UFOs and just like, had a more like, like aliens were more like a supernatural force that people didn't really understand. And like, then maybe like the way that these angels are depicted in Ezekiel could be, like, more framed as what people believe to be like aliens at that time to, like, maybe there's a more of a cross in between. What's really going on there? I've seen that suggested elsewhere as well. I remember hearing that in the Joe Rogan episode with that Lady Diana or Diana, whatever her name is. And I remember hearing or seeing I think Gabby was watching it a while ago, some sort of Netflix thing about the him or some sort of ufologists or alien researcher was making that same sort of connection with like some of the biblical references and verses and some some shit like that? I was like, okay, I've seen that. So I see that. I've seen that before. I've seen that twice now. Interesting. Interesting. They are they you know, these are I guess was it because, you know, the Ezekiel what the angels were depicted as or like is said. I just saw an Instagram video one time where it was like how we how we imagine angels. And then it was like pictures of angels with like wings and halos and white gowns. And then it was like how angels are depicted in Ezekiel. And it was like, Wow, dude, It was like a giant floating eye. And then like, massive, like a really big giant floating eye. And it just looked like crazy. I was just like, what? Like, I don't even know. I never even heard of that really, before. I'd seen a video maybe a couple months ago. And then then I heard them talking about on Joe Rogan, too. And I was just like, shit, that is a thing. Like. The. Fuck it was going to on. I want to check on that one. The interesting. But yeah, it's just like, I don't know, you know, but I don't want to tribute. I don't want to be like, I think aliens are God and God made aliens. So it could be like that. You know what I'm saying? I don't. I do think that God is the one that's in control here. But overall, I know that. I know that Roe. Yeah. It's like if anything exists, God made it. Fax. Fax. this is. And it's perfect. Like, it's super perfect. It's like, flawed, but it's like, perfectly flawed. So it's like bad things happen, but it's like, that's what that's the game we play. Good things happen to not one good things. So hard to explain. Like you need balance, literally need balance. We have to have balance. So ecosystems. Work. On a level that yeah. In the separation. I saw another quote on Instagram that was like whenever this person like kind of questioned God and then God responded with like, were you with me whenever I made like the. The. Core layers of the earth agree with me when I figured out how like. All. Of this was going to work. So you weren't so like, if you don't know what I'm what I'm doing, then just, like, wait and see. You know, if you know, you'll find out. And I was. Just like, Yeah, it's like that, bro. Like gravity of, like water is like, this is so perfect. So I feel like anytime I'm like, being critical of life, I'm like, I just need to, like, like, I guess wait it out, you know what I'm saying? Yeah, to a degree, for sure. Because it's beyond our comprehension. It's perfect. But you get people like Hitler, so it's like, how perfect is that? You know what I'm saying? Yeah. Tough to talk about. Fucking the gulag. Yeah, That's not perfect. no. It said the evil that exists. Pure mal now, Alice. Sorry. Fuck. Why? why? I think it's just like that's the nature of the game. I think we all have a snake in our heart. There's no bad without the good and the good with the bad. Yeah. And so, like, in in your own story, like the real story, we didn't. Maybe we were ignorant to that and we were only in the good. And then it was like the knowledge of, like, good and evil. And this is like you had all the good. It was only good. And then now it's now you know, it's the same thing. But now, now it's like you're just like, aware, evil people are insecure and we can murder people. And evil is like a real thing that's going on here. It was exists. That was fucking enlightening. I feel like that was it. That was a So you should be humble and graceful and like, all these, like, more better characteristics that you can embody. That's all I'm saying is a start. It's a you thing like. The. The journey of Christianity is like. Or. The journey of sanctification. It's like, I'm not sure. It's hard to sometimes fully understand why you should be doing that, but I think because it's a lot to ask of anybody. But I think that's what we're here to do. Like that's the game of life. Like your story is it starts on you like you're dealing with yourself. And then once you get yourself like into that place where you're hopefully like, good like have a good relationship with God and you're like, peace with yourself and you're like pursuing what is like your own story, Like the like a good Christian peace, you know? Then like you're able to expand from your you to like a family and some people are able to expand from like a family to like a community. And then like, you take care as much as you can, like as you can. You know, I'm saying you adopt the most responsibility that you can adopt till you're like, I can't do anymore. And then that's like the ideal pursuit, hopefully. But the problem is, is that not everybody is doing this that game. Not everybody's playing that game as people find other games and then you're like. fuck. I got to deal with that shit too. Yes. Or you don't like do you do a great job of just staying here, bro? You're like, No, I worry about that. Anyway, I'm doing this right here. Sometimes I'm like, Well, that's all excellent. That's admirable. Well, I'll handle Exile. And I've never seen it not work for you either. That's the other thing is, like, sometimes I'm like, I'm a stick to the man. Man. Or at least when I was. Younger, for sure. these oppressive, tyrannical. Fucks back. Man. Like, have you ever had, like, a like, like a shitty boss or like, an unfair system or an unjust hierarchy? You're like, I'm not. I won't stand for this. Like, this person is obviously, like, in power. And even if it's just like you know, someone in the same position as you, but in the hierarchy, they're like at a higher position and you just like they don't work as hard as me or like they don't they don't embody a good employee. Like they don't embody the spirit of someone who loves to do this, but they have more resource and they have more like praise favor. Yeah, there you go. And like, you could just be like, Okay, with that. You're. Usually just like, It's cool, bro. Like good role. Good. No. I'm like, not fucked up. Like, like I want to do something about it or like, I feel like I need to handle this or I need to use my influence to try to say that, like, I disagree with this. And if you think that, like, my influence is valuable or like if you because I think that like some somewhere in my mind I got to put it in there that like if you don't say something, then you're kind of agreeing with the status quo. And then there's people that look up to you. And if you're subconsciously agreeing to the status quo, then they feel like they like have to or if they if they look up to you and you're agreeing on something that's fucked up, then they're going to be hurt by that. So like, you have to stand up for what's right because there's people that like, you know, I guess cause I had like a little sister shit. So there's definitely, like literally younger people looking right up at you, you know what I'm saying? And, and so there's this thing that's like, no, I like, have to disagree with it. Whenever I get to a point where there's like an. A gross injustice. Yeah. Or like, sometimes I'll think about it at night and then you don't get in a moment to actually disagree with that thing. But then there is times where it's like the dialog of the Xbox game rises up and it's like the person talking about the thing that you said that you weren't cool with. And then it's like, can I just say okay, or should I say option B, which is like, whatever this conflicting statement that I've got growing inside of me right now, you know, but that's not very this that's more like. You like it. I'm not ready. To go to war. Yeah, Ideologically, for sure. Yeah. You have the ideas. Yeah. Because. Yeah, when you have to confront. I want to go to the justices in gross enough or the. Yeah. Injustices. GROSS enough or whatever, or the shit's too far out of balance. So not saying something is the wrong thing to do. Yeah, for sure. There's often that balance hundred percent V I have to be ready for the exact that reminds me of the we haven't seen or is it? Sometimes it's not worth it though. That's what you've taught me is that it's just not worth it. And then I'm like, It is worth it. It's a just cause. You're like, But then I see what you're saying. It's just like it's kind of, but not like beneath us, but like, kind of like everything is like, a little bit to you. Give it the power to be something big by having like this, by giving it so much of your energy. But like, in reality, it's like it's, it probably is a little bit smaller than something we need to actually be worrying about. And if you take away the power from it, then like it is really small at that point. explain it. It's yeah, it's visceral. This is like whatever, bro. It's like I don't give a fuck. I'm like everything that I need to come out of this situation is happening for me. And so, like that stuff, I don't need to worry about it because it's like, I'm not here for that. Yeah, yeah, it's always a relevant thing. Goodbye. Powerful shit, bro loop. Fucking akito, bro. Like, fuck him. It's, you know. Yeah, Yeah. It's like that reminds me of the I just like talking about that. Whenever you mentioned. It's either like the moving through the, the idea thought thought realm like this, the spiritual thought realm is like I can push it all off to the side. It's like moving through to get where I got to go feeling this fucking crazy thing out. Yeah, this feeling process. Yeah. And then the otherwise it's like you have to be ready to come up with the fucking flying Swan Crane knee to the fucking dome. Yeah, And that reminded me of this because I've seen Love the First Matrix. Have you seen the other ones? I remember watching them a long, long time ago when I was like ten, 11, 12, you know, but haven't seen them since. But then we watched just a little bit of the second one. We haven't finished it, but just in the end, one of the very beginning scenes is whenever Neo goes, they go back into the matrix after some sheesh, they have to go see the Oracle. They can't find her, but then she pops back up so we need to go. They just landed back at home or whatever. Guess I figured that the home base is called, but they land back at home base. Oracle's like now ready and they talk to you. Okay, we are go. Go back to the Matrix. And then Neo is like walking through and it shows like he walks into a like a Dojo esque looking room and then sees a man like in crisscross and then he, it goes into like Neosporin nails poppy and it's like all the green ones and zeros is like flying through. But then he looks at the guy and the guy is like, glowing like yellow or it's like gold because, like, his numbers are gold and they're like ones and zeros with the gold, he's like, What the fuck? And then he, like, starts fighting and after like a good 30 seconds, 45 seconds of fighting, the guy is like, okay, like, I'm good, Thank you. Good. Like you are. You are the one. I can let you see the aura now he's like, What the hell, man? You could just, like, ask me. He's like, the only way you know somebody is like, you fight them or like, that's the only way you can really know who somebody is. That's like. It's like you. It's not theory. So, you know, I'm saying if they ready to have your justifications, if there's, like, a disagreement, it's like, what? Where, where's our disagreement lie? You know, saying like, what's our what's our conflict here? It is like that is okay. Yes, it's I was like, yeah, you're right. It's like, know like I'm right. I was like, I can make a compromise. I see what you're saying. You do, but you something have to. Yeah, because it's like sometimes in my mind I'm like, why do I have to stick up for myself or why do I have to? Why do I like? I'm almost frustrated with the fact that they're going to make me have to say this. I'm like, why don't you know? You know, I'm saying this is obvious, you know what I'm saying? But then I'm like, in my own. But then I'm like, kind of just take more responsibility for it. And I'm like, if I don't say something, they're not going to realize that I feel this way. They're not going to take it into account. And then I'm like, Yo, it's not cool because of this, this and this. And then they're like, shit, he's right. There's something that happens there where they're like, You present that truth, and then once they know that it like changes, like if someone's really up, like taking all factors in and then you give them new factors that are true, they're like, fuck, these are new factors. Like they have to like reframe now, you know what I'm saying? Yeah, it helps them correct their whatever you could limitations choose. To ignore and keep the same interpretation that you have. Yeah, you could choose that, but it's less optimal. Like you're less powerful if you just ignore things. And then especially if they're true. Right? Right. Especially they're true. Yes. So it's very bad, right? Like you can't ignore it. It's like you're out of gas. You're running low on gas. You know, I'm not. Sure if reality. Yeah, exactly. Right. Reality is truth or there's truth in reality for sure. Right. So, yeah, that's why some people some people get really caught up trying to prove a point, because I think they get caught up on some kind of nuance of some kind of truth that they didn't like. And then they're like, No, I'm going to prove a point that like that truth that haunted me is it necessarily the truth? And then it's like usually like it's like, well, you spend your whole consciousness trying to prove a point that, like, isn't even really true. Sucks. careful. Yeah. Be careful what you said. Yeah. So definitely they're trying to incorporate those. But I feel like two things. I feel it in conflict. I feel it in workplace conflict. Like, why are you so like this? And it's like, because you're proving a point to yourself that, I don't know, like for I had a boss one time that was super. I felt like he really disliked, like testosterone filled, like, Let's fucking goes fucking gorillas, be savage. That's like, whatever, like Derek Wolfe Energy. Yeah, bro. He was like. A Viking murder, the whole village. And he thought that that the way that people can climb a hierarchy being like that, he was kind of opposed to that. He's like, There's better ways to climb a hierarchy. There's like, it was like he didn't want to reward the behavior that. Was the way the log. Yeah, exactly. From Planet Fitness, right? And I was like, someone who's just, like, trying to be a badass at the job, I guess, like he wanted to reward, like, more kind behavior, more like community building behavior, more like it seemed like if somebody was better at the job but more standoffish about it versus somebody who was less competent but more friendly about it, he rewarded that friendly behavior more than the competency, which is crazy because generally it's a competence based hierarchy. I think a. Rick. If you bring that around, I think that's where the the competence portion comes from. I think it's like just like thinking about disciplinarians and like good like I think the army or that branch of military, whatever, some sort of branch military, it's like you have to have the competence, like the hierarchies are competence based, so it talks to the truth and blood brothers for sure. You know, the first episode when where Ross I forget his name, I think his name was corp cabal. Cabal. Some like the Sergeant Cabal and Band of Brothers. yeah. Ross from Friends. He was like the the one in charge of them at the hierarchy, like running the fucking drills and shit, making him do all this crazy extra work. And then when it came down to the fucking boots on the ground, guns in the hands, we in the mud in the trash. This motherfucker can navigate. He doesn't know what's going on. He's jumpy. He's proven time and time again that he is incompetent. So it's like everyone he. He gets next. They are going to send you elsewhere, that's all. These motherfuckers wanted to quit. Literally everybody. It's like, okay, there's something wrong with it. It's all right with you folks. It's crazy. The hierarchy is competence based. It's got to be. So I think there's a truth in that. For show. There is, bro. There is. And that's why. So then I got to that place where I'm like, Why does he consciously choose to ignore this truth? Like, I don't get why he doesn't reward the people. That and something that that I've just noticed is like, man, like, it was like he didn't like confidence either. Like there was like, a threshold or he wanted you to be like, positive energy, but didn't want you to be like, if he felt you going into like a cocky place or like an overly confident place, it felt like he didn't want to reward that in such a sense where, like, he's going to tell you does want to reward that. But you're you're going to receive less true favor from like his organization. And it's like, yeah, it's cool. But like it's not cool because like we said, it's like this is sometimes you have to be confident to like, perform high. To have the confidence. Right, to have the competence, you have to have confidence. It's like, why would you discourage people trying to figure out how to maintain competence? Like we don't always Do you ever seen like, fuckin like the starting five of a basketball team? It's like sometimes their personalities are kind of big and sometimes they go through phases of stuff, you know what I'm saying? And like, you just see that happen. And it to me, it's just a truth. Like those are people more ideally, I feel like you do a really good job of just like managing your ego, managing your personality, being a bright light, but like. Not. Overbearing on anybody in any sense. Just very like in your lane, like born out of your mind playing good basketball. Not you're not you don't infringe very much at all, which is like admirable. It's a good trait, but sometimes people's personalities do become like infringing. And then this dude hated that so much that he would like instead of trying to build the team around that or coach those people through that, it felt like it was just like, No, I want to build a team around people who are not like that. Like he saw it as for whatever reason. Right? And I'm trying to figure out why. I'm like, why? Why is he like that? Why is why is this coach coaching like this? And I just came to like a realization. I was like, he's trying to prove a point and he's not he's not trying to prove it to me. And I don't think he's trying to prove it to maybe anybody around us per say, consciously. Consciously, right. But he there's some kind of point that he's trying to prove. And then I realize at this point, I'm trying to prove a point like, that's kind of was driving me right now. Point. Yeah. Is like the opposite point, you know what I'm saying? That like, I want people to be confident, I want to instill confidence in my teammates. I wanted them to have swag on to feel like they're the shit and that they're the best. And then like, not in a way that that makes them drunk and lazy on like discipline, but in a way where they feel like in. Corners. They're like, I'm on the ship or I ain't got to fucking show up on time. I like that. I got practice are now I need you to get bucks. I want you to get bucks. If we're a team full of job Moran's our team full of fucking cubbies. We're insolvable, right? We're trying to cultivate a culture of cultivating Kobe's, and that's like where my head space is at. But I'm, like, why is keep getting misinterpreted? But it's just then that kind of made me realize, like, I think maybe a lot of people, what they're doing in life in general is like proving a point like at some point there was some kind of like infringement on them or some kind of truth that they couldn't quite swallow or like some really good or bad shit that they agree with or disagree with. And then they kind of like spend their life like proving a point more or less. Yeah, yeah. Proven the point or. Yeah, I guess I see I'm trying to rephrase it, but I guess I had the idea just trying to justify or validate whatever they're going through or whatever. They believe that they're, they're truth. That's not truth or whatever. Either they're truth or they're not truth. But The thing is that there's many truths that are true. They're the truest things. And you're alignment with the Met a truth determine your energy output. They determine your frequency. They determine like like if an artist didn't if like, what they said didn't make sense and they like like the things that the artists have. If you're if you're talking about heartbreak in a song like and you say the true things about it, people will resonate with it. But if whatever you whatever your subject matter is, if you weren't like saying like the truth that we're behind it, people would never resonate with us. So you'll never be successful. People like wouldn't listen to the music. But then, like, the best art is stuff everybody resonates with because they tap into, like, the true truths the best and expound upon them and just sit in the well of like, Yeah, you know, this thing? Yeah, like this. You guys know this? Yeah. And everybody's like, man, this is crazy. Yeah, that relatability. And so I think that that's like if we talk about metaphysics or fucking what's the science with, like, string theory? Yeah, that stuff. I think that quantum physics, I think that with quantum physics, like some of that is your, your energy output is kind of like dependent of your thoughts and your ideologies and your belief systems and like this thing that you're doing and how you connect with God and how you connect with your self. Like your. Your, your body's like a temple that you house that energy in, but you can only have access to so much energy that you like. If you embody and accept like that the most true things about life. You get access to more. But if you like, hide from them and run from them and don't grow and don't evolve, then you don't have very high energy. So I think that's why you get like Jay-Z, for instance. I for whatever reason, he's tapped, in truth, on a way that's like, it's hard to understand how someone could understand something deeper than you understand it. How do you how do you understand what you mean? Yeah, right. What do you mean? Yeah. We only get so much vision into the to or past the surface level of something watching or interpreting information. Whatever information we're interpreting, however we're interpreting it, we only see so much. But then everyone has a different access to like the it's like they initiate the like, What do you mean? Picture of a horde. Yeah, right. But for whatever if they. So that's like you're like unfortunately, like that person that doesn't have that perspective is like a lower frequency. It's a lower they're like younger, more immature or whatever. It's I think some people don't grow into that energy that they're supposed to grow into. Yeah, yeah. But that's intended for you, right, that you could have access to. It's in you like it's there, it's. There. But you have to grow it, you know it. The cultivated. Find more of yourself. Yes. Can. Yes I think I found more of myself through fasting. That's one way that you can find more yourself inside of yourself. One one. The first way is just listening to you. Like some people, my family struggled with their weight and I realized that, like, emotionally and in their growth, definitely for a period of time, there would have been something that would have happened if they would have like said my weight and my body and my physique plagued me. I'm going to dedicate my energy and my resource and my time to fixing this thing that plagues me. And then if they would have fixed that, they would have then been people who had fixed something that had plagued. Them. And then they could go about whatever the fuck else they needed to do in life, but instead they just suffered that plague for like ten, 15, 20 years. And I to some degree I'm not saying my parents like this is a weird statement being a kid, but to some degree that stunted their evolution as people. Because if imagine just like you're trying to build a bridge and it's just like you have to build the next fucking step in the bridge that you can cross this thing that you're going to cross. And the next step of the bridge is like literally, you think about it all the time. It's like, I want to fix my way. I want to fix my way. Like it bothers you day in and day out. It's like obvious what this next fucking piece of the bridges. But instead you just start fixing the rails and you start looking for more for more other people to help build the bridge. And you get into like a bridge lobbying committee. You're doing everything but building the fucking step, dude. You know what I'm saying? Yeah. And then I know personally, because done it too, where it's like, I remember where that thing plagued me. And then I fixed my ailment and then it's like, What do you think about after that? You got to think about something. It's like the next thing presents itself to you. Yes. And then I know what it's like for the next thing to present itself to me. And I'm like, man, my parents. Like, I wish that they could have, like, cleared their cue and then got the feeling of like, now. I next mission, you know. Right next clean mission. I'm a person that now I got this thing and I'm going to do this thing and then I'll have that thing and then I'll do this thing like but they miss the fucking jetpack. I like. Them. Yeah, the jetpack helps a lot. You wanted the jetpack so long. Yeah. And it was that that takes everything though. But yeah. Where. And it starts with awareness for sure. Awareness and listening to yourself. Things like how I started that. Yeah. Listening to yourself. Because you will tell. You'll think. About it. Yeah, well, you think about in the I guess meditating is like the word that comes to mind, but just, just increasing your awareness. I think meditation is somewhat like a, like prayer or just like a mental exercise that builds your sort of a emotional resilience to a degree where you're able to control your thoughts or I guess increase the awareness that you have within yourself that scans the thoughts before they go out or like before they go in to the subconscious both ways. If the gatekeeper is like you build the gatekeepers, strength the awareness, then you're able to respond to situations more so than reacting. I'm saying unforseen a little bit further, a little bit further. I remember having like a like a homogeneous moment, like because I was able to like, look into the future or see what's on with like a fucking bowl of ice cream. And I was just like, Victoria had a cone and I had a bowl of ice cream, and then I had a bite of her cone and I was like, this is delicious. The fucking cones lit up. I like the bowl of ice cream because you get more, it's easier access the cones kind of limited and it's like, first of all, it's annoying putting the ice cream in the cone that's just annoying. Sometimes it breaks and you like stuff it in there at the ice creams. Too cold. It's extra annoying. So you got to wait for the ice cream to be right. Right. Temperature Fill in the cone. You only fill it up so much limited volume kind of annoying to create, whereas the bowl is just bang, bang, bang. And then I was like, but the cone though, when I get that bite the cone in it that I said, That's the trade off here. Yeah, there. It. But then I was like, wait a second, I could just fucking that was, that's what I'm after, right? That bite with the cone in, I can just take a cone and crumble it and put it over the bowl. Ice cream like. I'm a genius. I'm a genius. The next time we got ice cream. Victoria's Ladyland Bowl, the Colonel's like, Watch this. Shit. Cause it's like, my God, this is great. And then, yeah, sure enough was like, Damn, this is good. Fuck me, this is good. The fourth that are, like, just the thing, like the, the, the deeper. Yeah. What do you. Weirdness. What do you saying that to say. That's like a great that's a great fucking illustration you just said. I think there's we were talking before that just the increasing your awareness. It starts with your awareness and that's kind of I tie that to meditation so I guess I'll have to say I meditated a lot and I think meditation, you do it day, I do it in the song all the time. It's like it doesn't have to be like a formal because I didn't formal meditation where like I sat in like my chair, like time myself and then like, empty my mind and cleared my thoughts and just became aware of thoughts as they presented themselves. And then I pick them up and then I was like, I am holding a thought better. And I got better at like, Well, wait, put it down. I was like, I'm holding something off. I'll get put it down when I hold anything. Right now it might be important, it might be crucial, might be critical, but I know right now I'll handle it, whatever that is I got. So I built that muscle, whatever that put down. Yeah, muscle is. I felt that in passing, too. Yes. Yeah, There we go. Yeah, yeah. We're talking about building that awareness. Yeah. Yeah. Because I think the first thing the. I didn't quite realize that that's how useful it is as a tool for like building your own awareness, but like for me it showed me that like sometimes you, we consume whatever it is that you would fast from that thing, you might. So for me, I just like faster from smoking and from it was crazy because I did like sugar, like food and smoking. And I didn't realize like how me specifically and I think maybe people more than they know, like use food and whatever advice that you have, maybe if it's like glass of wine or beer or like nicotine or weed or whatever it is, like those things. Are. You're using those to, like, soothe yourself. Yeah. And then it's like, what are you soothing? That's the question. Soothing from. Yeah. Yes. And when you take away your soothers the things that you're soothing rise to the surface. And I felt them like, come up in me and it was uncomfortable, super uncomfortable. Like I felt like it and, like, embarrassed some degree for sure. Where like, I don't even I'd almost rather just soothe and not even have to deal with the fact that I have anxiety. That's something to soothe from. Yeah, exactly. Or that like, I can get uncomfortable. Or maybe I'm more immature than I'd like to think I am. And I just like, can get high on weed and like, rearrange my thoughts and, be like in a better place about it. But like, the baseline is lower than I'd like it to be. Naturally, I didn't quite realize that. You know what I'm saying? Yeah, yeah, yeah. And like I So it's like when sometimes the only thing that makes me feel better about it is like we were talking about earlier. There's true or truths. So if you think when I think I'm the shit and when I think I'm like fucking crushing and I think I'm like fucking him, I'm just like, yeah, bitch. Like part of the thinking is like, like a little bit better. Thinking is knowing that I'm not perfect. Like, that's more true than thinking that, like, I'm fucking him. Like what? Invincible. I'm invincible, right? Like, I can't miss. I can't fucking miss Watch. I'll shoot from half court. It's like. Why is. It a more true or. Truth? Is that like, I'm not perfect and I could miss? I need to run a good play. I need to be, like, disciplined and locked in. I need to fucking not fuck this up, you know what I'm saying? Yeah. And so ultimately, metaphysically, if you just put those two me's in the arena, the me that knows that I'm not perfect has, a higher frequency than the the person that thinks the ultra confidence almost. Yes. And like I want to have ultra confidence and knowing I'm not perfect and if I could understand that and embody it truly that would be even higher fucking. You know what I'm saying? Like the next evolution, a deeper, more a more in-depth or deeper understanding, which requires a higher level of awareness. Yes, yes, yes. Because I didn't understand any of that. And so I fasted all I was in a previous existence of like, you know, feeling guilt about maybe smoking a little bit too much or like, I wouldn't like it that every two or 3 hours at work I would like want to hit my vape really bad and like, sometimes just like, make an excuse or like time out, be like, okay, I'm going to go to the bathroom and like 3 hours and then it's 6 hours and then I'll just like his nicotine then and then just be like that. I'll that'll be a recipe that I'll know in the back of my head that a bare minimum I'll do that. And then sometimes like an opportunity to present itself or it's like I need you to go outside and get a bottle of wine from the outside place. And I'm like, Okay, cool. I literally hit my vape. On undoing the lock key. No wasted time. Perfect. No compromise, like no casualties. So bad about the witnesses. Perfect crime. But I know. Pussy. I know. You know what I'm saying? Yeah, like I know Ed said, and that's enough. That's enough for it to be fucked up. You know what I'm saying? Yeah. Yeah. To give you that guilt or shame feeling or it's like, what am I what's going on here? Right. But yeah, I think it's, it's true. Or truth or. Yeah, I think you're 100% right on the money with that. It's like we are flawed creatures, you know, I'm saying, and we all have our own neuro associations with whatever's going on, you know what I'm saying? It's like fucking. It's crazy. And we all have a snake in our heart. Like, it's just true. Like, we all have imbalance somewhere. Well, we always imbalance ourselves, even if for by perfect balance across the board doesn't stay that way forever. Because that's a balance. That's crazy. We suffer, right? We suffer from needing to suffer sometimes. Right? What the fuck? It's crazy. Well, yeah. I don't know. She's. Christ to suffer. To be. We are. Creatures. We're strange creatures. Access to this imagination. The imagination and memory. Passing, passing forward. Creatures, actually. Weird shit. It's so strange that some people will tap into something. So I can't. Quite explain what it is. But you get like a Jay-Z or you get like Alexander the Great or you get like a. Shakespeare. Shakespeare or Marcus Aurelius. These people that you fucking still hear about, You know what I'm saying? Like Kanye West talks about like, I'm Walt Disney. Like, like he trying to like, like he's greater than, like his time frame, if that makes sense. Yeah, yeah, yeah. But I think it's like. Like what? What? What's crazy to me is I can conceptualize that, like, for whatever reason, their perception and their action and their whatever their story is like it is like it's within our capacity to evolve to a place where you could be like greater than time. It's literally within you. Yeah, it was. It was possible for them and they did it. It's very, very few people will be. David Goggins It may not even be healthy to be. David Goggins It might be fucked up to be. David Goggins. The and. I don't even know if they've got tickets to heaven. It might be a weird conversation with God. Scott's like, really destroyed the body I gave you. Like you get obliterated. It, like animal. But I'm sure he'll love him, you know? So I'm sure it's not going to be like, well, I don't know. I'm just saying I don't know. You know, I'm saying. It's exactly right. Yeah, yeah. I don't know. But the potential for that is in every single soul. Yeah. Yeah. It's a be that person. Even if we don't really hear about them in the fucking history books. So you could still be that kind of person, though, You know, Give a fuck you real urban legend or local myth, whatever the fuck. Yeah. Local legend, urban myth. This is a local legend that's on what was it? You know, But. But I'm saying, like and it appears to me that the people that tap into those things, life gives them like platforms to be an influence for other people or God gives them platforms. To use themselves to. People will help encourage us, encourage the the people, the children, the fucking people, people who inhabit this at this level, Earth, level, human consciousness, earth. That's all we got tuned into right now as far as our day to day. Yeah. Yeah. It's a lot to digest our full existence in one shot, you know what I'm saying? It's hard to fucking wrap your head around. People. And thinking and imagination and past and future and balance and imbalance. And the focus was we doing here? Aliens? Yeah. God, it's a hard thing. All this is hard to just like it really just got to be like living your life day to day, you know what I'm saying? Yeah, for the most part. And we're all doing it. We're all doing it. Well, share that for sure. It'll happen to you. If you're not happy to the. Facts, it'll pass by a quick dude or you're not careful. A week ago, by so fast. Yeah. Braun weeks gone. Boom, gone Another week. shit. There goes a month. You got to do so. It's January. January is gone. We're in February now. We've got it. Gentlemen, do some more. You got to do something about that like you got to do. You got to get up off the couch. My boy, like. Warned. You that time as Tom waits for no man for real. It's a. Cold bitch. Rufus here. For you. It's. I mean, I remember. I mean, I think it's, like, relatable, but, like, if you ever get a spot in your life where you're like, do it over, eats like you're driving for ubereats or fuck in favor and. Favor and shit and believe it. Like, that's how you're making it. Reach. Like if you're your money is like going down, bro. And if you ever just sit on the couch saying like, Man, I don't wanna go to this favorite shit, bro. Like, the fuck am I doing here? How do I get to this place? You know, I'm saying, am I surely confident that I'm, like, bridging myself to that next place? Like, what's the next place? Like, Yeah, get off that fucking couch, bro, because I still am. One month to six years gone. I'll just rip that shit from. Ripping from your dog forever feeling like similar sentiments. Whenever I was working at the River Walk, the Italian spot and it wasn't that great of money, like when we had to work out your lunch shift. lunch was cheeks bro. Cheeky blinders. Or sometimes it be so that they send someone home. It's like I go home. Your home is like, I didn't work that day. You wasted zero $0. Yeah, spend money. She just goes, Yeah, give me that. Yeah, yeah. Fight that fight. Yeah. I get bored of that thing. The thing is taking away your time from You think that's hindering yourself from reaching your full potential. Railroad. Railroad. Railroad. Yeah. The gym. We kind of come face to face with that thing. It's like the person that doesn't wanna live that way, and you're, like, literally, like, literally fighting that thing. Like, every set. It's like. You fuck you, fuck me, fuck me. Yeah, Fuck down. Fuck you, Fuck me, guys. Do be like that for. Real. Yeah. I feel the I feel it almost. Especially when I'm tired. Like last night, it was like every set, like I, finished the set, and then I'm like, sitting there and, you know, I up the weight and then I feel like the status, like the thing that just wants to sit and be and like, you're like, okay, John And then I'm like, I need to the set. And I feel this feeling of like the, like this feeling of like, I don't want to again, That's why I shut up, start going off, you know what I'm saying? But I have to, like, thin that thing off. Yeah. Go quick stiff arm. Yeah. Sometimes I'm in the zone so much that I don't really feel that. I'm just like, Let's go, let's go, let's go. Yeah, yeah. Feels fun. Yeah. Having a good time. Enjoying it legitimately. Yes. Well, yes room. But sometimes I definitely that like. God, I don't wanna do this. Yeah. Folks. Well, I think. I do this. I really shouldn't feel like that about it. I feel like you can get to a better place about it. Yeah. Or even, like, I guess in a more broader, like, I want to do this at all, but I also think it should be like, I don't wanna do this weight, you know, says I'll do, I'll do £5 less. Yeah it's. True. It's I want to do five or £10 less. Yeah. True. You know say yeah. For I don't want to do eight reps. I'll do like six. You're right. Yeah. It's a little fucking you're like negotiating with. Yourself the whole time. Is there. The whole time. Yeah. You know. Yeah. For real. Yeah. Be very for it. It comes on many levels. It comes all the time. He's always trying to steal. Even if you go to the gym every, every if, if he got this whole bitch. I feel. It. Yeah, yeah. Fight that thing. There's always that, like, I don't want to. Yeah. Feel it. But I'm like, I don't want to do like. And what if. We only did like, 275? Well, I could do that, you know, so, you know, but then I'm fucking, I don't. The problem is that you shouldn't, like, lie to yourself, you know what I'm saying? So but, but back in the day for sure, I'd be like, All right, now that I got you here. But throw that. 15 on, you know what I'm saying? Like, but I try to just be, you know, like last night I wanted to. I told myself, I wasn't going do the abs I almost wasn't able to do today. And then I was going to not do abs last night. So that way I could just kind of like get out of there and not be there for like a super long time because I was already feeling like, I don't want to be here super late. And then I got to the end of the workout and then I was like. I just walked over to. Like for about $20 and. Real. Quick. And I was like, I felt myself be like, Hey, man, you told me like we were going to do absentee. Yeah, you know? And I was like, Yeah, that's cool. I'll just account those tomorrow because I did like, I don't want to just like a lot of myself. It's not a good relationship to have with the you. You definitely got to like I used to tell myself I was going to reward myself to a degree or take myself out or get myself like a night for video games, wherever the fuck it would be like, do these five days and I'll give you this. And then just like kind of lean on that relationship. And then I would work harder myself and I feel like I'd have less fatigue and more drive because I knew, like I'd made this agreement with myself to reward myself at this point in time. But then if you were to do that and not reward yourself at that point in time, then like you get this kind of linear relationship with yourself where you don't like trust yourself to do the things that you say you're going to do. So you can't just like say you're going to do something for New Years every year and, not do it, because then you start to believe that you're a person that doesn't follow through with your own commitments. Yeah, Whereas if you do follow through with your commitments, then, like there's just more at stake. You can bet more on it. You can bet more energy. Like you just become more powerful. Like it's hard to explain. It's like your word has more weight to it. Yeah, maybe better able to create the future. I think you if you mold it, tell yourself you're going to do a more difficult task. Your yourself is more apt to arise to that challenge because you have that relationship with yourself already. But if you don't, and then you ask yourself to do something really. Difficult or life asks you to do something really difficult. Exactly. Your boss, your whatever your partner. Can I do like half of that? My, you know, tragedy. That sounds a lot like a lot these kids coming school. Results. Like can I would you have 30. 30 minutes of my mom dying Not like the full set. You know what I'm saying? You can't control that shit. Like, I feel just like you. It you. Heart. It's going to happen, bro. Or like, a hard day at work will just happen. There's no fucking negotiating it. You know what I'm saying? The situation will play out. The perfect storm hits on a perfect day. But it's like. That. It's always like that. It's. It's or deep bro, you know how an hour and a half, a perfectly nice hour and a half and change positive And we want to ending words ending sentiments. And I think. Current events are going on. I think crazy. Super Bowl Sunday is coming up. Sunday, Sunday. Sunday. Patrick Mahomes, the winner guy who wins. Just has been receiving Patrick Mahomes is just a frickin winner, dude. He's probably going to win again. I wouldn't be surprised, but I don't like I see it the other way. Christian McCaffrey is a beast. A defense is good. I can see it either way. Everyone just wants a good game. No, no one wants to see a blowout. I guess some people do want to see Patrick Mahomes. If you're betting more, If. You're betting you want to see a blowout, whatever your favor, whatever you're favoring. But everyone else, the average spectator this want to see a good game and the average American want to see some good commercials. Yeah, right. That's it. Funny how that tied in a Super Bowl feeling. It's some good. What do they happen? They happen like. They were good. All right. When did that become a thing? Now it's like it's definitely a certain fight. For the last couple of Super Bowls. Everyone's been that everyone. But that's been a recurring motif and theme is that the the commercials are a selling point. People will watch just for the commercials. But when did that happen? When I was a kid going to Super Bowl parties, that was already a thing for sure. Really? Yeah, The whole the whole course is crazy. We're like, Super Bowl commercials are dope, and they pay, like, all this money for him. Remember being a kid and be like, Well, it's crazy. To him, but. So it's always been televised, right? Probably probably like in than I would guess. And like the eighties and nineties, it became popularized. That's probably when it got kicked up a lot like people really, companies really started selling out for their Super Bowl commercial trying to make a better commercial. Really good one. And knowing that yes, that this air, this air time particularly is like guaranteed to have a lot of eyes on it from a whole lot of demographics. Yeah Yeah. No, it's just like known. Yeah. Whenever that became known, there were definitely some marketing agencies that were like, We gotta take advantage of this shit. Yeah, somebody was like, Bro, I'm telling you, if we get. Commercials. Over and then it was over and they were like, Bro, I told you. And then people probably, like, emulated. Yeah, yeah, I'm sure it's going to be on ESPN 3430 on it. The Super Bowl commercials. Yeah, that is fucking cool. Pitch that shit. That's dope. A documentary on that. That's a good. The first Super Bowl commercial. A commercial about a documentary about commercial issues. Yeah. So 30. 38 went to that shit? Hell, yes. So, yeah, Super Bowl. Yeah, we're in February now. Already? It's gone by quick. Well, yes. I don't think so. She's coming up quick. Get your girl some flowers. Get ready for you, get some chocolates, whatever you got to do, do it ahead of time. Yeah. Whatever it is that you got to do. You got about a week. Yeah. Go. Go ahead and get your shopping done. Start looking. This is just saying, gentlemen, start looking. Put. Put yourself out there. There you go. Yeah, well. I hope everything's good. Fucking. Yeah. Nice and good and busy if. You have some resolutions. Fucking. you're sticking to that. Yeah. Yeah. Over a month and baby, already kind of month. Thank Mo. Stay strong. Yeah. If you've been going to the gym for a month, that's fire. Let's go. Fire fucking whoopin. Do whatever you got to do. If you're learning the news, whatever you learn in studying something new, try something new, incorporating a new routine or habit. So we've been over a month. Let's fucking go. Let's go. That's hard. So that's time. That's experts. Yes. Come on. I feel like I the urge to remind you that, like, sometimes learning how to do something is failing at that thing. And I feel like a failing at it. And learn from those failures. Yes. Like the no. The neuro association to the failure is sometimes like the most critical part. Like if you're like, what? I miss going to the gym, if I just make an excuse for it and I create a wiring that allows myself to dismiss that poor performance, that's like the bad thing. I kind of need to feel guilt and shame and be like, No, I need to fix that so it's not okay. I think that's like part of earnestly repenting is like, you need to be like, No, hold on. I don't want to be like that. How do I how do I be better than this? And sometimes just asking yourself, hold on, I don't want to be like that. How to be better than this? I think that's like the most important part of the fight. That's how you're going to gain competency and how you're going to keep the habit. Yes. And I resent that awareness. So keep going. Even if you fucking struggle with that shit. Just keep going. Keep going. That's it, man. We're rooting for you. 32, 32. 32 at the. Edge and James. Edge. Keep an Agile, Get an edge cutting edge. So you see this door city to the light. Show building to look where we might go. I just. Would jump in my. Eyes open like.