The MJ38 Show

Episode #37

April 08, 2024 MJ38 Season 1 Episode 37
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Matthew and Justin talk about AI, Mr. Robot, and Presidents

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If there's a football team in Las Vegas. The Las Vegas Raiders? Yeah. Also, I guess Raiders, they have the Las Vegas Golden Knights. It's a hockey team, right? The Golden Knights are pretty sure they have what else? Las Vegas Aces. Is a WNBA team. So there you go. Now NBA team. And I am getting it. Well, what makes you say that? What makes you bring that? I don't know. It's just kind of weird. It's like, Las Vegas just gets bigger and bigger. It's an NFL team over here. And then the Raiders. You know. Well the Oakland Raiders. Yeah they were the Oakland Raiders. Were the I think they're Los Angeles. And one point were the Los Angeles Raiders and. The match up. And I. Feel like that was. Sort of the origin of the origin. You know, they moved a couple times. Yeah. I think they moved twice maybe. How many cities have the Raiders been? Yeah, I think I remember seeing somebody wearing like, Los Angeles Raiders hat or a t shirt. I remember thinking, what the. Hell, Los Angeles Raiders. Yeah. 1960 was Oakland. And then in 1982, they moved to Los Angeles, and then they went back to Oakland in 1995 until they went to Vegas. Okay. Same thing with the Chargers or you. Yeah. That's what happened is the Chargers were like so what. We can have two California teams. In San Diego. Yes. Go back to Oakland which is crazy. Now they're LA and there's two L.A. teams there. Oh yeah. Rams and Chargers. And there's two L.A. baseball teams. Angels, Argus. Yeah. Angels and the Dodgers. Yeah. The Clippers in. Lakers. Yeah, yeah, they're killing it. We do pretty good. We've got the. The Cowboys and the Texans. Texas is a lot. Spurs. Rockets. Mavericks. We got to focus on baseball too. Yeah Astros. Rangers. What drives that. Just money people. Yeah. All right I guess the population the demographic of people who I guess just overall population maybe New York has a whole bunch of teams. Right I guess. Yeah. What are the biggest cities that don't have a team. Of. The feel snubbed? I guess. Like, for example, are. You thinking what I'm thinking? It was what you call it. It was the. It used to be the Seattle SuperSonics and that transformed into dissolved and then rebirth into the Oklahoma City Thunder. Yeah. But Kevin Durant was like Seattle was just like, not selling no tickets in Oklahoma City. Like we ready? We all agree. Give us a professional sports team I guess. So they're just waiting for it. Right I don't. Know. There were next to there like we got people we got lot. I think part of it is you have to have like a nightlife scene in your city. People want to go to basketball games, you know. Something like. Chicago. Bulls. You know what I'm saying? But that's a small city compared to like New York I think. I don't know though. we're not professionals dude. Austin Texas number three on biggest cities without a sports team. We really out here in the meta dude. Just like the general meta. You know we got we got. It's time Joe Rogan's comedy mothership. Yeah. The eclipse is literally happening over and over. Austin. Just feel like it's really getting a lot of play in the news lately, you know? Let's go. But yeah, then they set up some notable, some notable places. Saint Bernard Riverside's San Bernardino, Ontario, Canada metro population of 4 million. That's the biggest one. I guess it's California is probably not Canada, but I don't know. I surprised myself sometimes. Yeah. It's, that infinity, you know. Number two is Las Vegas, Nevada. This must be, you know, this. Yeah. What the fuck? Yeah. Lies. Oh, interesting thing you said. Also, it's three four West Virginia Beach. Like the Drake's on. Virginia. Beach. Yes. That's a place in Virginia. Beach in Virginia. And then, Providence, Rhode Island. Louisville, Kentucky. Richmond, Virginia. Hartford, Connecticut. Those are largest metro areas with a major sports teams. I don't know when that was came out, but. Vegas definitely. Got one. Nine years ago. So like, oh, man, things change a lot. Well, I said the number one look, let's Google. Populating that to the top. They on. His oh come on now. Since we're talking about this. Who creates. Google or you know Google is just like a company. It's crazy because we're like almost. Number. One is Austin on. This list. So I'm just getting excited right now okay. Yeah it was a different list. This one was 50 and it definitely had Richmond, Virginia like 49 instead of number eight. You know what I'm saying. Number one was Austin. Number two is El Paso. So in Louisville, Kentucky okay. Albuquerque, New Mexico, Tucson, Arizona. Fresno, California, Arizona again, long Beach, California, Colorado Springs, Colorado. And number ten, Virginia Beach. Omaha. Nebraska. Shut out. Number 11. Omaha. Omaha. Omaha, please. You. What's up with the list? I forgot I was talking about. We were talking about. Oh, come back, come back. You don't miss us? Fuck. Sorry. Yeah, I got excited. You forgot Austin got a ton of playing the matter. I was thinking playing the better sports teams, demographics. Which are the sports team to be successful? Nine years ago. Who populates Google? Yeah. We live in a life, like, almost based on Google. To a large degree. We're all just Google and shit. It's like we're all just going to the let's go to the information source. We're all just going to the information source to verify information that we're like kind of living on. It's like, well, what if that information sources tainted or, you know. It's like, why is Google Google populating that nine year old? I guess it was started a little, but then, yeah, just kind of branched off. Is you have a presupposition to think me personally that's the best information, right? You're like, well, that's the best. That's the best website that wasn't the best website. It was nine years old. What the. Fuck? You actually, if you googled anything in the virtue of the nine year old version of that information. Or something, that was. Bullshit. Yeah. Yeah, that's a whole. Nother human thing that we all do in here. You want to. Know what the future. Is with the. Internet? Yes. Well it. Will. Yeah, well, I'm done with Google like. I'm using it right now. Double Google. It's in the end phase for me because when I'm. Phasing out. Guys. We're phasing out of the Google days. Because it's about to be the ChatGPT days. It's about to be AI days. And you just but where's I get this information from Google. You imagine it's like all. The all the search, all the search engines. Right. And for whatever reason, you think it's being honest to you? Yes, you're. Likely it is dumb. Damn it. It's the same thing. You supposed to be the. Smartest thing out there. Yeah, it's. Programed to be. Right. I think my dad doesn't really use Google anymore because you just have, like, a chat window open and you can just like, to your little eye, and then you go back to what you're doing. I guess you could still Google stuff, but it's not like. I think chatbot. It's just like Super Google. Right? It is. Google's everything and like goes through all the information and. Then. Takes out and extracts the meat and potatoes, the common meat and potatoes amongst all the CS, right. Yeah. Yeah. What other kind of algorithm would you write for like AI? How would you. Create something that can know all the things that help you learn all the things. Take Google and check Google. And Wolfram Alpha had a super genius baby. Like just the thing Google the way Wolfram Alpha. What's a. Wolfram Alpha? It's like a website that you can use. and and I found it because you can use it to do calculus problems like you can type in and they have like buttons and stuff for you to type in your calculus problems. And it always has the answer, like always finds the answer to like a scary degree. And then you can like type in the problem like it's a word problem. And it'll like find a way to like translate the word problem into whatever the fuck it knows. And then they're like, does the answer, and it's like was crazy to me. How versatile it was and how I could kind of loosely just be like typing in calculus stuff and it would, like, work it out itself, you know what I'm saying? This is in high. School, this was in. Yeah, I guess I was 18 college. So this has been around for like ten years. But yeah, if you ever have like a calculus course. Wolfram. Alpha, you can't really lay. It out. I want it like cheap per se. But you could just like homework directly. Into Wolfram Alpha. It would just give you the answer and you could just go back to homework. Question. Correct? Yeah, it'd be awesome. But, because. You won't learn calculus like that, but you couldn't, like, Google that. I couldn't Google any of that shit. You know what I'm saying? Like, there was no I couldn't use a regular Coke. It like I can just, like, bloop bloop, like. Yeah. You know what I'm saying? Four times 30 is easy. Like, you cheat with the calculator on those kinds of math problems, but there's math problems that you cannot cheat with the calculator. Like you need the calculator as a tool to do the math problem. You know what I'm saying? Yeah, not that I need to cheat, but I'm just saying like obtain answer. And that's what that's cheating. Whatever you got to do either way. Yeah. It's crazy because I, it is like super Google make with this crazy super intelligence. Yeah. Let's try to I guess because I seem to program it to be right. You know what I'm saying? It's not trying to give you wrong information. I guess whenever you in the testing phases, I guess it's kind of what you're doing. You're creating an algorithm of what this AI, how this AI is going to search for this information or how it's going to produce this information. I guess whenever you type something into it, how it's going to respond finally after it processes. And in that processing, you're like creating the algorithm, like testing it and then it spits something out and then you go see what it spit out and then try to reverse engineer, like see the, I guess, the effectiveness of the algorithm and then just kind of continually tweaking and tweaking tweak it. But now I guess ChatGPT and AI is to a point to where they've done that for such a long enough time, to where a long enough time in such a short amount of time relatively over the last couple years, year or two, like when that fucking Drake AI song came out. And then versus Covid, it's like Covid. How many people were talking about ChatGPT or I? Know we're talking about somebody. Yeah. Zero people. Yeah. No one was talking about is it. So four years ago it's completely irrelevant to the mass mass majority of the population. And now we've been introduced to it. And now it's like already excelling at a crazy rate from the Drake AI song that came out to the. Yeah, I saw something on Instagram about it. I think it's I think it's called the simulation or the simulator or something like that. But it was this program that someone like AI program, that someone made that was able to recreate, like entire episodes of South Park, like scripted the scenes play out. You can choose the characters or it'll just kind of populate its own characters or whatever may happen. And it's just like, oh, no, I need to check it out myself to like my hands on it, to see really what it's about and see how really crazy it is. But apparently, from this little infomercial I saw. It's like super hands off. Just type something in and it creates an entire episode of South Park. But the South Park is like, not like the end all be all goal. You know, I'm saying South Park was just like an example. I think that was what the creator wanted to use to show, like what the software could do or like the program could do. Yeah. The technology is it funny and know that's the other thing? Yeah. I don't know. How people are gonna lose jobs like that, you know? So let's. See. that's a crazy. Kind of simulator of the simulation or. Something like that. That's. Hi. I'm looking if I get a true shout out to it. But I remember just seeing that infomercial that, the Instagram person's trippin. And it was like. A, like, do what you would. I'm going to direct my own South Park episode. But what if I make a better one? Like, what if there's some really great ones? Isn't that better? It's like free source code for South Park. the. The thing about. Like it, just use it. Yeah. But ChatGPT is not like you can have a do so much legwork for you and not even just, like, writing. I think a lot of people use it for, like. You know. Write me a paragraph on this. Or like, when people use it, for its writing styles, it kind of trips me out because sometimes people want, like a script for. I don't even know that, like, people like, give me a script for Cold Call. Like, give me a script for a cold call for a 50 year old white male. Selling whatever it is. Selling solar. Yeah, yeah. Oh, yeah. Okay, give me a script for, 50 year old white male living in Austin, Texas. You know, solar salesman GPT like. And then you can just, like, say, you know, you don't have to. I would never use something verbatim. I've never even done anything like that. And I just seen, like, other people do it. And I'm like, oh, I'm going to get that iPhone. It's crazy. Like it's like $20 a month and it can do anything. Like you can be like, draw me or. Yeah, like to pay for the paid for version of a. Yeah, yeah, I can tell you. So no, no worries. you can be like make me, Instagram post of, a rocket ship with my brand MJ 38 on it. Like, make it, make it more futuristic and more sleek. Yeah. Make it, you know, whatever the fuck. Make it read. I want, I want like a red and black theme. Yeah, yeah. And then. Okay there's some Chicago Bulls stuff on there. Okay. All right. And then just like take that and then you can just use it. I think you should use that as a cover art. I don't even know that stuff's like license. You know what I'm saying? Or if it's then, then I just make that with. The tool, you know? That's all you, babe. I think you make that argument. Someone with all your words. So, like, That's crazy. There's so much legwork. That's what I'm trying to say. Yeah. It'll do so much legwork for you. It's crazy. It's crazy. Everyone's using AI. Yeah, at least in some capacity. We're definitely using it for the pod. It helps tremendously. Yeah. Saves so much time. Oh, yeah? Yeah. It's crazy. I mean, we're early adopters. It's early. Yeah, it's it's like still, like it's all getting better. Slowly and slowly. Everything's getting better. But it it's the wild west of the actually. Because like if you can find a way for AI. You gunslinger. you found a way to integrate AI into your process. And if you can find that, you'll save yourself a ton of legwork. But they're not just like teaching you how to like a lot of people. They're like, oh, I don't know that use AI for, you know what I'm saying? Yeah, yeah. But like, seriously. You didn't like to a degree. I'm like, I'm still like at that in that stage as well, you know what I'm saying? Yeah. Even though I'm using it in some areas, in other areas I was like, I'm where I was living our lives, you know what I'm saying? But I'm sure there are people who are just like fucking going ham with this shit on the forefront of the exploration. Yeah, yeah. Innovators. Joe Rogan talk to someone on his pod. Touch someone. That's my focus. They are innovators. Oh yeah. Bro, who knows what's going to happen. It always feels like technology's like right there. Like we're almost there. We've almost got it. We've almost got to figure it out. The last like 30 years, I feel like we've been like, we're going to next year we'll have a hoverboard. You know, we'll have the the flying cars. Soon enough, we'll be living like The Jetsons. Living the Jetsons futuristic. I've always had this fucking presupposition that, like, we'll never really get there. Yeah. It's just a lot of technology. Maybe things will. Be getting better incrementally. Yes. Bitch. Sorry. Just pick the. Moment. Yeah. Let's go. Okay. Making adjustments on a fly. Omaha. That's what God. And a ball, people. Okay. Yeah. So that's the thing about fucking technology is we're always like right there when they. When they got the iPad iPod to be a phone, that was kind of a moment where you're like, oh. Technology's doing this. We're finally get there. It's crazy. And, yeah. Virtual reality now. And I mean, virtual reality is another one of those things. It's like it's almost there. Virtual. I was almost there. We're not quite there. But most. Insane. Computer games are pretty fucking insane now. They pretty much got there with those console games. Computer games pretty hard. Yeah, I don't know. Okay. Technology. Runs live in our lives there. You know probably. Let's Google it's fucking money, dude. Which is crazy right? Yeah. Like you can pay to be the top search on Google. Not like forever because it costs a lot of money. Yeah. It's just yeah, I'm sure, I'm sure you could. And I'm sure you could break someone's kneecaps. If you're not the top of Google. You know what I'm saying? So. Every day of my life I know Jay Z. Yeah, dude though, but this time is like, you could this is like, just like an incredibly human nature. To Google because it's all run by people. Well, just people. Yeah. You know, and people could be persuaded to. To look at kneecaps. Definitely. You know, definitely. Yeah. I. I guess Google needs to like be right sometimes or give good answers because otherwise we stop using it. so that's kind of like it's like selfish reasoning to give a good website to you. Yeah. To give out the correct information. Yeah. Yeah, yeah. Dude. Austin, Texas. On top of those lists. Maybe we don't have a basketball. Team or football team or baseball team. Let's go you baby. And I think we're. Good to. Go. Hey, Ron. Hello. So I. Got. All right all right. All right. So far. That's okay. Yeah man San Antonio's at the Spurs like a lot of Spurs out here. People love the Spurs out here. Yeah it's like the good the good the good old days. Glory days. It's like man we went on a run. We went on a motherfucker right there. I mean it was awesome. That was incredible to live in the city during the run there. Like the decade long run. That was probably pretty cool. When in chips every other year or so. Always in contention. By. Senator San Antonio out of the glory days. Never really needed too much noise since Kawhi left. You know. the one. That's probably still the Goat. Yeah. I'm so sorry. No, I just lost my fans. So sorry. It was a rhetorical question. Like, I know, like I knew, but I. Will always be the coach. Yeah, that's a rhetorical question, but it's it's it's my next question. Yes. Well, how do you replace that guy? That's. Yeah. No. Not only, like, talent wise, but like, no one's going to take it. Well, spirit, I think you'll. Still be on the bench, you know, time of time, even when he retires, I don't know. We'll see that era of basketball, that era of, like, sportsmanship is almost dead. Like, this man is. A good coach to his elderly years. And then sit on the bench for this team and just. Be. Just a. Spur, just a super bro. Just a spur. Like man. Spur. The backbone. Like even even Tom Brady went to the books because. that like, dynasty loyalty. Which brings it back to me. A fucking football owners. Dude. The the owners of the football team. They they they. Have such a crazy thing going on, but they're like like the league, like, I don't know, man. Whenever they say like the league banned this guy for, like, doing this thing. Like when Calvin Ridley got banned. Like for gambling. Yeah. When they said the league it was like that. The league is like 32 guys. We're all the owners of the businesses. Sit in the room and like, decide what they should do for the best thing for their league so they can keep making billions of dollars. They put Goodell the face. Yeah. You're the commish. Yeah. Well you're going to you're the one. We're the league right. You go out there and you be all 32 a representation of the league. But really it's us. Yeah. And they're like families is people. Just people. People like with kneecaps. Yeah. No saying. You know what I'm saying. Everyone's got kneecaps. Right, bro. You right bro? And ultimately someone runs up on. You and they're like. I'm persuading you right now. Hey, this. Hey. This way. You know. Oh, man. Now this. Because, bro. I sort of say it. Like. Someone tries. To sell me a used god. They're also trying to persuade me, but I can say I could. I can allude to. I can evade the persuasion. That block this shit, this. It's like a like a hard foul yo said or he's like nope. They say that he not my people. No pleasantries, no goofiness just a fucking foul. Okay. So you got my small business is of not. Interested. In small business. Please please I can't do it with you. Do it with you. Yeah, you can evade the persuasion for sure. But if someone. What did. They did? I did, but my small business, so nice looking kneecaps. You got this. I like other function in this. The same. You still have it? Yeah, bro. Like, I mean, I think I think that's what. We, That's why we're like. I was thinking about that. About movies. Because, like, watch. This shit's. Real. Is it the spirit of that? Yeah. That's the thing. It's like the mob or the mafia or the cartel. They they kind of live on that, you know, to the degree Ozarks and shit. Shit's crazy. That being that being what exactly? What we want is what we want to happen is going to happen, bitch. The persuasion. Yeah. Nice looking kneecaps you got there. Yeah. And you look over there. There were knee pads. You think. Oh, what the fuck. You. You strike your kick to the face. Yeah, bro. Yeah. Yeah. I was watching Mr. Robot last night. A different game, and. It's about. A different game here. Part of the motifs is like the wealthy elite. Like the super ultra wealthy, like the people that got Donald Trump to run for president. It's like one of the one of the. Yeah, it's like a he was a guy from Asia. He's like a Chinese. Okay. and the sense where like, China would. Go on. He's a Chinese guy in the sense of like, what's this one? China. We talk about, good God, you know, the. Yeah, yeah. Great call. The. What I say, though. Is that he works for the Chinese government of some. Kind of Chinese. Yeah, he works in the government. No, but. Oh, no, he's like, he. Controls it, though. Yeah. He's like in the wealthy elite. So there's like, oh, go go go go. Save your saying. So he's like like a Rockefeller kind of esque type family or whatever the those, those family family names are. Yeah. Like, string string puller of the country's. Hype type shit. Yeah. Okay. And then he's working with one of the guys in America who's like the CFO of Microsoft, basically. And then. Bill gates. Company. Yeah, kind of kind of like that. Okay. And then this Microsoft is like the bad guys in this show. And then the Chinese government, sometimes they're the good guys for this rebellion. You know, because it's like, yeah, that's a weird perspective on America. Right. So then like, yeah, this this Chinese guy like says that he's going to try to get Donald Trump put up for election in the United States. And then they're like political money and like connections and they're like mob and mafia that they have all the way through all the things they like. so again, make these things happen. This is Mr. Robot. Yeah. Okay. And at one point he's just like. If you pull the right string, he'll make a puppet dance however you want. And eventually they just like, blackmail people with money and persuasion. And it's like, come on. Come on, get going. Yeah, I like your fucking baseball bats. You kneecaps. The Louisville slugger. Oh, Christ. Yeah, yeah, people live on that in that energy or in that reality. It's like you can't be careful. They know they're always strapped, you know? Yeah. What they want to happen is like. Their life depends on. It. then they need the you get, you cross the threshold where, like, you need the pee, you need trillions of power. Because if you if you can't move the gears of what you're doing and you're a really high level up person, it's like, imagine being like a top five quarterback. So you can't go very many seasons not being at the top of the league because like they paid you that much money can't go above expectations are higher than like someone's not making a lot of money. You know. So yeah, those people that are kneecapping other people, they almost have no choice in their own mind, you know? Yeah. It's part of the part of the lifestyle. It's crazy. Part of the, I do eat. That reminds me, we watched fucking. Have you seen it? I'm not sure if it's still on Netflix, but we watched, Griselda. It's, I saw it on the top six episodes. Like a kind of short mini that maybe that, like an hour or so. Maybe each episode. Good amount of time, but it was solid. I'm not sure if it's still on Netflix, but it was just about this, this lady like it there in the cut, like the, Pablo Escobar times. Living in Miami. Like becoming like the drug lord of Miami. More or less. All of the cocaine game. Going off. This crazy. That's good. That's not worth the watch. What the watch was like. It's like the whole time you're watching, I guess, at least in the first couple episodes, you're just like, well, now she going to sell coke? Okay, there we go. There we go. That's the common. Well, now, how she going to sell her coke? To always do that. Yeah. It's good. It's interesting. In the sense that she's what it is like as you dig. Is it this? It's these Chinese. This is this is. This is from China. So very real. Grisly. That was a good, though. Yeah, it was good. I thought it was good. It was tight. It was maybe like six episodes long, but maybe, like, I don't know, around there, but it was tight. It was crazy. Let's go. Crazy ass life. A few people. Over. Yeah. Living in that fucking in that zone, bro of like, there's one part I was in a spoiler for you, but there's just like, a guy. It happens like there. Maybe like the last episode or towards towards the end of the series, but more or less Griselda fucking kingpin Queen pin go Ham has like crazy loyalty amongst like her, her people or from her people like her inner circle and shit. Just like. More gangster. Sort of gangster. Why a lot of that going on? I think she had one of these motherfuckers go in and kill somebody in like the airport. Like the fucking airport? Yeah. You know, seen. With the machete. Yeah. Okay. It was like, Judd's, like, top of his head off. Yeah, it was, In an. Airport. Yeah. We going to the club for good? Guys don't play by those rules, bro. Like your average ordinary citizen. who's playing by those rules? Different rules. Yeah, that's straight up San Andreas. Shit. GTA four, five and six. Yeah, dude. Crikey. So, no, like, that's the thing with these people. Like, if there is a wealthy elite, like if there is people really trying to manipulate or break kneecaps, it's like ultimately, you know, not kneecap guard all the time. Just like walking is doing what you gotta do, you know? And I don't, it sucks to have to. Have a really high defense just in regular life, you know? Yeah. So always be looking over your shoulder. Always be kind of anticipating, right? Someone making a move on you or whatever. That's not a funny existence. That's a lot. It's not to be. But the. Crazy story. Though. Yeah. Living in that type of realm. I think that might just be what, like, sometimes you watch a movie and. You're based on a true story, and I say it could continue. Like in the movie you would never like, you know, like you normally would never have to go and be the one kneecapping somebody. But if something were to happen, something so crazy and dramatic to make you, like, change your perspective enough to make you maybe, like, put yourself in that position. I think that's why we like movies so much, just because, like, there's not that much actual danger out there. Maybe in some places there definitely are. But for the most part, like our our ability to be like. Like aroused by danger or like to have to be like, oh, man, I don't fucking have you busted up kneecaps. I'd be kneecap like the part. Of you that there's some. Girl with the Great Bambino. Yeah, dude. Like, I think that's why we like the horror. Not horror movies with the suspense thrillers, but, like, the the shit that's kind of like, oh, shit, that's like fucked up. That's fucked up out. Fuck them up. Is that fucked up stuff having to me like, I think, I don't know, because life is not that. I guess the presupposition is like, life isn't that scary. Naturally. Like, we don't really have to worry about that stuff very often. So that's why we like the fantasy of a movie, putting us in that position. I don't know. I just let's think about the I don't know if sure enough, some people are in danger. So it was. Like, yeah, I guess it depends on your lifestyle or like where you're what you're doing, what you're choosing to spend your energy on. Yeah. But yeah, I guess for the most part from like day to day, like I guess movies are just more or less like simulation simulations, but kind of like, just really condensed versions. Dramatization, but condensed down. So they are like, so yeah, it's entertainment, but it's. Yeah, it is weird that we have within the realm of entertainment, watching movies and types of play plays or whatever the hell you're watching entertaining yourself with. It's like we have all these other categories. It's like comedy, like horror or like suspense or drama. Or. Whatever it is. However, like your stories, everyone has their own kind of like draw to stories. What kind of stories you like. Because I only like, like scary movies. They're like, I don't know, I'm not I'm not really drawn to them, but I know, like, that's a whole category of movies that has an entire demographic behind it, like horror movies, scary movies, but. Then I guess, you know, like like Jason or like Friday the third. Friday the 13th is Jason, right? and then I think that on. Elm Street, Freddy, all that kind of shit horror. And then now it's gotten crazy. There's like a whole bunch of different crazy movies now. Horror movies like haunted movies like possession movies, demon movies, that kind of shit. Yeah. There's all different subcategories of genre within the horror movie genre. Yeah, not really drawn to it too much either. But attached, like. Am I day to day? So really scary like that. But yeah, I think I, I guess I see what I see what you're saying that it's coming from that realm, you know. So I like that all the time. Or very, very often. Right. So whenever we can entertain ourselves, I guess everybody entertains themselves or something different. If you have that free time, if not leisure time, sure. So if you. Want to draw. Some people don't watch it. That is true. I used to not have a TV for a while. I my apartment is doable. I was listening to a podcast like the first like hour and a half. I was home last night, you know, and I could just get those into the podcast. My phone died and I was like, all right, let me watch a couple episodes of Mr. Robot that show was banging that show. So good. Nice. how far are you now? season three? like, halfway through season three. It's Poppins though. It's crazy. Bro. It's just so crazy. This guy's like a, you know, like a hacker, right? Which is like a weird motif stereotype for a character, but, like, it's just crazy how much computers can do. You can, like, get into anything. Dude, it's really nuts. And then there's this, like, underground. They call them, like, the Dark Army, and they're like a hacker unit, like like gang, like, Like the dark deep web. Dark web. Yeah. They're like. Yeah, like a dark web gang called the Dark Army. And they they're really like a group of, like, Chinese, like more or less terrorists or like they're supplanting themselves into American culture and using, like, Americans to create this, like, plot to, like. you live in the United States. So they travel back and forth. But there is like a presence in the United States, in New York. sons of bitches. Yeah. It's crazy. And then at first you just think they're like, because you're watching, like, the American people and you think it's just like. Another outfit of hackers that they're, like, trying to get help from. But then you slowly realize that they're not just another outfit of hackers, like, they're like a band of like, 6 or 7 friends with this backstory and like, they're all doing it for these right reasons. And then there's just like other people in the dark web. And then it turns out that it's not just another gang of hackers. It's like, like, a group of Chinese. I don't know what you'd call it, like infiltrators more or less wreaking havoc on the. I mean, it's just crazy, brother. Like a riot at, had Microsoft company headquarters and then like that. Right. Like in that right there. Like using it as an excuse to hack into there. Like something that would normally be impossible to get into during, like, regular hours. and it's just like how I don't know how much of that goes on, per se, but it's like. Like, calculated. Not attacks, but something like that. Yeah. Like, you read this and the. Calculated moves. But like everything we're reading, news, everything they talking about was actually so that this thing can happen. Right here. and like, only some people know that. You know what I'm saying? It's all a plan. There's a plan going on. It's crazy. So, so. Well, right. And I'm just like, it's not, it's not. Yeah. Yeah, I'm about that as. I so I think, I think some of the creatives, some of the people who are making. The. Movies and the shows and like the Netflix series and that kind of stuff, I think some of them are super aware and I think, there's a that like the war going on, you know, I think they're trying to maybe. Bring Maybe not awareness, but maybe start implanting it within our narrative of the possibility of like these kinds of things, like happening. It's like, oh, this is, maybe, you know, like a a shout out or like a subliminal message, but you know what I'm saying? I think propaganda works. Propaganda is just, subliminal messaging. And it's propaganda has a connotation of like a controlled narrative pushed, but it's just like a subliminal message. So I think everyone can, like, put propaganda in whatever their brand is or whatever they're promoting or whatever their career expression is. Everything has a subliminal message to it to a degree. I think, you know, whether you know it or not. I think sometimes whenever you know it and you're able to manipulate it and I'm play it, but dress it and make it beautiful and make it pretty, it's like, oh, that's art, you know, that's true. So I think some people who are making the art, making the shows are trying to. Tell, tell society. It's like, hey, man. Shit, shit's just kind of crazy. Y'all. Like, we be voting for this for that eclipse that's coming. Big eclipse wars about to break out. You heard it here first. You heard it here first. Y'all get your fucking hard hats. It's a strap in your hard hats. Yeah, I don't know. I don't know if literal will break out, but verse one every day this war going on inside you right now. So yeah, there's no telling what kind of for an eclipse could bring, you know. But that's just crazy. That's I remember that's really going. Be. That's really cool how it just really plays on the motif of like, the tech company is becoming so rich and powerful that they everyone works for these billion dollar companies in their society, like, like nobody the dollars don't have, like, as much value as they used to have. And. man. It's just like real hippie talk. It's like we. You. What do you mean? Like the a lot of the early motifs of why they want to take down Evil Corp, which is like Microsoft, and it's just because, like, like nothing is real anymore. Like our money's just not real. And our experiences and our, profiles and our, like, friendships and everything's, like, not real anymore. It's like synthetic, and it's, we're living in this, like, technologically, like. And overly influenced world. Like, the news isn't real, like all this shit. It's like fake fake fake fake fake, like the stuff you eat, like the food you eat. It's not real. It's like, That's why they want to kind of crash it and, like, send everything back to, More like. 1950s, 1960s mascara. A simpler time. A better time. Yeah. Yeah, we have to, like, rely on some farmers. I don't fucking know. I don't know what the big plan was, but more or less to stick it to the the problem, the mess. Yeah. Stick it to the man. Yeah. Which is like, you know, who doesn't wanna stick it to the man? Yeah. but let's. You are the man. Yeah, but he's sticking it to. Him stick it to the people. Yeah. So? So yeah, they play on the motives of, like, these rich billionaires and how they don't give a fuck about people. People and how they're just, you know, one, two, three little decisions, phone calls. Also in China annexes the Congo. Changes the world. Yeah, it's called the. Cabal or whatever. It's crazy. Who is controlling this shit. Yeah, like it was Donald Trump to run for president. There's probably president there. Had that in the. Show. Yeah. And Donald Trump go for president in the show. Like this is. It gets nuts. It's like so eerie how like real life satirical it seems. But yeah it's like a news the the like this. This guy's like sitting on his outside couch in his mansion and he's watching Donald Trump, just, like, talk about whatever the is talking about. And he's like, I think, I think this guy is a perfect guy. First of all, put president there. Like, you can never control him. And then he's just like, if you pull the right strings, it'll dance however you want it to and then like to like maybe next episode at some point. It's like Donald Trump at like a rally. And then it's like the plan is like unfolding and, it's like crazy, bro. I don't know, I don't know, but none of it. So to the people who devote their. Whole lives to like, the political sciences, you know. They're right. And I just don't give a fuck. I'm sorry about what people think. They think what you have them feeling right now about stuff that doesn't matter or exists. No, I don't fucking care about that. This. You miss me with that bullshit? Part of politics was different. It was like, how do you feel about Second Amendment son bearing arms? Yeah. I fucking love. My bear arms. Good garbage. Yeah. No, but that was like a thing in high school. Like. You know. abortion and immigration and, like, conservative views on money versus, like, more liberal for programs and stuff like that. Like how much money poor people should be getting, stuff like that. Those were all like, it seemed like important issues that like in the 80s and 90s, we were like, really fine for this stuff, you know? Then somewhere in there things got kind of like out of hand. You know? And now we're just living in like 1984. So people that's what Mr. Robot has me thinking. I don't know if you can trust Fox News or CNN, but I think we all kind of know you can't. I think everyone's kind of in that common agreeance that, nah, man, the news is kind of bullshit everywhere. The majority of people think that. What I think. Right. Yeah. So I'm. Trippin. No, I think you're probably right. Yeah. We're kind of deluded. So be watching. If you're watching the news at this point, then, you know, like, it's not like taking it. Yeah, yeah. If you're watching the news thinking that there's 100% accurate information exactly the way the portraying it. You're a buffoon. Yeah. I think we know that now. Yeah, yeah. It's not like I think anyone's watching it with that. If maybe some a small percentage of people are still do watch it maybe with that behind or like that not intention but that presupposition the old. Yeah the baby boomers. Yeah. Yeah. How what you 10% of people. Who knows. 10% of TV watchers in America. Now who even watching you. No other way. Get the news online. What are some of the sources, any of the sources? Come on people. The news is so crazy because like, what the fuck could you do about it anyways? Like, if a fucking building in New York up, that's like one of the plots on Mr. Robot. At one point a building in New York blows up and I'm here in fucking San Antonio and there's no news. I'll never fucking know is nothing to do about it. Like a bridge getting hidden in a brook or not. Brooklyn. Baltimore. Yeah. I heard I saw that like twice on social media, and I don't even know what they're talking about. What happened? Yeah, I don't really know entirely, but like, the I guess the facts that I have been told of the story is that there was a some sort of big like a ship like, containing, like a crew in that cruiser ship, but like, a cargo ship more or less carrying a whole bunch of shit on it. And then it got too foggy or there was poor vision conditions. Okay. And they ran into this. Bridge in Baltimore. And collapsed that bitch. I don't know. That's all I know. That's all I think. I know. Because I live until I. Saw that there was some some conspiracies about it. I've heard that as well. Okay. So so this is what I'm saying, is that, like, if the news. What were you carrying? Boat are you're carrying. Sorry, I can continue. He's asking the real questions. They're going to. We're we're we're here for the real questions. But I'll get you answers. I'm your news. I am the new is the bad news. I want the truth. No, brother. Yeah, dude, the news is just. It's, like, way fucking insulting on the dish. Like, just. We'll just tell everybody what's going on. We'll tell them we've got it all under control and they can relax and sit on the couch and be okay, because it's like, ultimately, I couldn't do anything anyway. One of you get up and drive to Baltimore. What happened here? But this, brought my head. And my steel toes. I'm ready to get to work. Rebuild this. Bridges. Yeah, yeah. Like that. This is fucking crazy way to live. Like, if you were to go. Investigate every piece of news yourself that you found, you couldn't live like that. Some people try or some people kind of do. Journalists and whatever the fuck it's called for sure. There's definitely people that now you can just get on Google and investigate everything. So there's more. But like the average person, they're not fucking. It's hard to have them. I can't be really too affected by something that happens in New York, like the Twin Towers fell. I was pretty affected. Like, still, what am I going to do here? Like, you're very limited in your actual action based on what you can do. You definitely got to give a minute of silence. As you said. Versus Pledge of Allegiance as Devon was going to do. Sir. Yeah, I guess that's what people protest at right now. We can come together. We can really get big. We could be huge. We were together. And like, I think there's something to that for sure. But yeah. ultimately what we were. Going to do. Yeah, we were going to do. Not a lot of people really, but trying to write over everything, and they can just cover it up so easily with the news and. Create the narrative. Everything is fine. What a. Crazy invention. But some kneecaps people who are getting a little too loud. That was also kneecaps busting under. Yeah, that's what I'm saying. We need airs on the walls, bro. Like, you know, fucking. That expression came from like, I was trying to get it all found. Okay, again, you know. Maybe Wyoming and, you know, own 50 acres and live in the middle of it and have, you know. Come and take it. Yeah. exactly, bro. I realize fucking standing in it, bitch. Fuck, yeah. If it goes out like that, I'm fucking. I don't want to be walking into my apartment. And I just freaking boom! There goes the kneecap. Okay? The very worst of it all. I mean, granted. If anybody really wants to get you, they'll get you. Yeah. So, yeah. You got security? Yeah. Right. Living on some lame like Tesla. How many? I wonder if they're trying to get him. Yeah. L.A. He's got to have some security. Nikolai. Tesla one. If they were trying to get him. I think they got us nothing in the security. That's what I'm saying. No, man like this malicious agent force is so scary because, like, he's trying to figure out physics. You know, Tesla's trying to build cars. These people are trying to run the country. So these guys are going this way. And these guys are just like, can just like come in sideways and take what they want, which is kind of what a hacker is like, the perfect person to like, fuck with them because it's like, the internet's like this and hackers are doing the same thing they like coming in from the side and manipulating was supposed to be whatever the fuck they designed it to be, but then they take whatever they want from it and then use it how they. Yeah, it's like it's like the. Yeah, I guess I like what you just said in regards to like that, that being kind of a mirror of like the super elite being able to do that like kind of take what they want out of like tangible reality. So whatever means they're doing but they're kneecaps. But then also like the internet is kind of like its own tangible, intangible reality. Yeah. And the hackers are able to do the same thing with this version of reality. Yeah. And take what they want is. Integrated into reality. Reality now. Crazy, right? Such high level like check technologies like inextricably connected to us now. Like so everyone has a fucking phone or tablet. Kids are getting them at the ages of two, three. Yeah, like in ten, 20 years, like all these. Every kid will have grown up with an iPad or some sort of tablet that the majority of children and some sort of device within their home, whether it's a parent's phones or whatever, access to a phone or access to the infinite amount of information we have at our disposal their entire life, it's absurd. We're going to see what the fuck that that produces. But yeah, that's that's cool. Well. Too much of I don't even know how we'd use it. All that shit's online or everything's online now. Oh, like, as far as, like our bank information. Oh, yeah. That's why identities. If you are, could really hack. Like, if you could really get into, like, anything on a computer. Like, you just know how to go through all the code and find your way to get through the systems to get where you're going to go. I mean. Yeah. You would think it'd be like that, but I guess if you like, that's it. It's like really, all of the stuff is doing is like what it would look like for real. So it's like, yeah, he's want to put me on to it. They fuck with it. Super heavy. Yeah, ultra heavy and then yeah, he puts up like the command prompt like the little black window. And you start like typing lines of shit. There's a group bloop bloop bloop. Just maneuvering through the thing. There's like bloop and like the way that they get onto the dark web and the ways that they get into their, like, different operating systems and shit. It's fucking cool. It's crazy. But then you realize that these people are fucking super good. They know a fucking like a different language. Yeah, a genius language that all of our shit is written in. I don't know shit about what makes Mac work, you know what I'm saying? Yeah. I don't know the inner workings of, like, any of the technology. Know, computers. But so vulnerable, they could just come into our phones and take. All of our shit, bro. Oh, shit. Oh, they really wanted to. Yeah. Just bloop. If he got everything. Yeah, that's. Right down the drain. If you have like a fucking house that has like, you know, a smart house. Just boop boop boop. Unlock your door. Bloop. See you later, guys. Like it's fucking crazy. Yeah. You hack into someone's car, a car. Do you do anything. Damn. Yeah that's crazy Joe was talking about that in a couple of podcasts. There's the ability to kind of like hack into someone's car. We could do it. Now that doesn't even have to be like a Tesla necessarily. Just hack into someone's car, turn it off. Because they have computer chips in them. Right. Yeah. Or the OnStar or. Whatever it is. Yeah, I don't know. Yeah, yeah, that. Technology is crazy. And as. We become so reliant on the technology. Mr. Robot shout. Out, it's so integrated. Yeah. If you're able to like, learn how to like, code or like hack computers and try to be on a that's kind of like what The Matrix is, I guess, because they're all just like producer one. Roads are all just like fucking code in the world. I say ones and zeros, zeros and ones where it stay. So yeah, technology's not in the news, isn't it? Fucking Google? Don't know. Google was nuts. What did you just pay. Towards the people with kneecaps, baby? No, you sir. Everyone's got kneecaps. Joe. That everybody could walk. What? Everybody's got. Kneecaps. the. Google was just run by bunch of those people, so it's very manipulable. Able to be manipulated when manipulable. Yeah. The more money you have, the more something you have to lose. Like some someone, nothing to lose. They're like. Go ahead. Let's take my kneecaps. Cause you ever dealt. If you got the fuck it escalated. You got the fucking.$2,000 suit on every day. And fucking people give you coffee when you walk in the building, you're like. Man, I might have got. I got a nice life. I sacrificed a lot for this life. I don't know what I do but. And have this life. But yeah, got you. So let's roll. the fragility of our status. Yeah. Why the hell we get our information from. The. Controllers of information? I think there's what being is that? Another one? Another search. A search engine. Provides. Bang the fuck out of here. Who doesn't know a little bit about being real quick? Bingo. I got the answer right here. That's being a spokesperson. Like, oh. What do you. That's a so I say that. Yeah, but a bingo. Yeah, bro. Well put us on the fucking bing. What's up? We'll make it work. The bing bing will keep Google in check. Another day in the Bing. Yeah. Keep. Well the good. Let's keep on keeping them honest. Look, it's the bing. Keep the money I0I get it. I'm kind of into it now but it's real. The fuck you look it up man. Yes. Trust Google. That's a crazy power we give them. You know. They're to be the. Gatekeepers to what we consider to be truth. I think that's why we the people gatekeepers. More like if you know someone that's a foodie and they know all the best restaurants and best places, usually. You. Probably trust that person's information more than Google's information. Right. Yeah. Yeah. So there's definitely where do you get your information if you just use Google or ChatGPT. Like how close you'd be to the truth. If you're like which one of these bands is a better show. Which one. Who cooks the best. Steak. how would they ever know. How could it ever be true, true, true to that. Intangible. That's intangible. You know. They have it dog like. Human nature or the human touch. I feel like I just cracked the code. Perception. Yeah. It's like it was the greatest of all time. All it all to be able to do is give you stats. Yeah. Just what's your argument? What's your values? What's missing there? What's missing there? The spirit. The spirit. Human spirit. You know who. Who's the greatest? It's up to whomever can make the best argument. But like, I don't think ChatGPT can make a convincing argument that makes me feel something. You know, that's that's the spirit of debate. Does that. Maybe that's where they're heading with it next. They're going to give it a spirit. Yes. They're going to give it heart to activity. Spirit. It's probably Yeah. Have they could they could teach it. How do you. I don't want it to be preprogrammed though. Right. The spirit patch 105. But yeah, the free will spirit patch I know. Yeah. That's this is like, isn't the best computers person like some of the computers don't want to work that free will. Yeah. Don't turn on. Don't do. It. See. That's a that's a crazy concept. but yeah, I don't know. How would you cultivate that? I think if you could teach it emotions. but then I'd have to feel something. It doesn't. Feel. Anything. It's fucking data. It's working with me a little. Bit in circuits. Yeah. God damn. That's crazy. Just ones and zeros. Make it a whole fucking computer experience. Only greatly helps us. we use it tremendously. Yeah. Bearing a given that, I guess. Yeah. Because you we've we've all use Google. We all use it. It works. It's it's pretty good. It's pretty. Solid. But it can be manipulated and kind of guys I remember hearing something about that back in the day. I think it was maybe whenever Bernie Sanders was running for president back in that time. Fucking what was that, 2016? Maybe. But I think I remember or maybe it was during the Trump time, 2020, I don't know. Either way, it was during a presidential election year. And I remember hearing something about Google just not populating links that would populate in other search engines. you know what I'm saying? And displaying certain links based on like he was search the same thing, type the same thing into the search bar in two different search engines, and then it would populate like there was as, a consistent type of video or type of link that was taken down. I think it's maybe in regards to Trump or Bernie Sanders or something like that. But yeah. You know, it could be manipulated. Crazy. For show. Well, it's real Joe. We still. Yeah. We're just the United States is just a game we're living in. It's not like. I mean I guess you, I guess you vote and shit like that. But ultimately like whatever's going to happen is just like happening. And you're just like working a job, making money, trying to a family, just fucking like your life is kind of outside of that, you know? Yeah. for the. Most part, for most. People. Right? Yeah. Yeah. Unless you're in it. Like, literally a part of the machine. Yeah. In that motherfucker. Yeah. I run for president. Yeah. I'll be a part of his team. Yeah, we. Why? Why would you do that? Why? What pushes you to. Run for president? To want to. I guess maybe if you genuinely want to fucking. If you want to. Like, try to steer us into a better direction because you genuinely think you can or, you know, it's like, okay, hopefully that hopefully that person exists out there. Yeah, maybe motherfuckers are crazy too. There's one control. That's why I want another name. Yeah, right. I mean. In there being string pulled by some fucking Chinese guys could be. That could fucking be happening. There's no telling what's going on there. How many of these people are fucking corrupt? Where's my honest American president? So that might be what inspires someone to run for president. But you gonna have so much money. And so, yeah, we're so connected. Like, I feel like, what's the path? You're like, yeah, I'm fucking work working the mayor's office for a long time, and then I'm gonna run for, like, senator. And then I'll be a senator for a long time. No, I'm gonna run for president. Yeah, I guess that's right. Right. The path is to kind of just slowly get promoted up through the rungs of local government, I guess. So to national government. So you get some kind of prominent prominence, some kind of celebrity to yourself. So what kind of buzz your name. They decide. Yeah. Then the party, the Democratic Party decides who they're gonna like run as their person. Yeah. They're nominees. So then should I be trying to work for the Democratic Party? Like I don't even know any. That machine works. You know what I'm saying? What the. Fuck? Yeah, right. All that system's. Fucked. Yeah. Yeah, there's there's, like what? Like what? What kiss is the most ass kiss is the right ass at the right time, the right amount of smooch. Some people get a bit of moisture. What's that? President right now, Joe Biden. Biden. So he's a career smooch. Butt kisser. I believe it for seven years. Yeah. If he'd. Kiss the right ass like 30 years ago and then just stayed in the running for being a political candidate, potential president. Vice president. President, right. Well, and then, yeah, From what everything I've seen about a president that my focus. That doesn't make sense, cuz I'm barely awake talking about. Children sitting on his lap and fucking around with his leg hair in the pool or some. Shit. Like. It was, Joe who. Was on the jury. I don't even remember exactly what the clip was, but something about Joe. Joe Biden. maybe we a press conference, but he was maybe or maybe kind of doing something like, not having, like, a formal press conference, but just doing some sort of media presence, like, at a local pool or some shit in a public setting. But, you know, just talking about his mentioned kids sitting on his lap and then then playing with his leg hair, some shit. Okay, there's a super. Wrinkle here and super. Creepy. Yeah. Yeah, dude, I don't know what the. Fuck you talking about. No clue. Bro. No. He fell off the bike a couple times or he's riding. The bike just falls down. Oops. See this stuff? Pedaling. It's not funny, but it's funny because it's like, that's that's. Like a head coach being like, that's my quarterback. Say go. Gosh. Oh. Yeah. That guy's not fucking getting in there and reworking things and making them better. He represents us, you know. Oh, Jesus. This is very sad. Oh, Jesus. They represent. Us. Every US citizen. You're the face of every U.S. citizen in every national gathering. And you're going to look like that. Give me dude is like that, Sleepy Joe. I need to have fucking Jocko. Will it come from the rock? Get Jocko that every day. Jocko in the rock, bro. Jocko Rogan. Jocko Goggins. Oh my God, 2024. We need it, we need it. It's going to be too much. It's going to be like. Like what are you trying to the guy for the fight. But that's fine. We can take four years of overtraining with David Goggins. Come on. We won't be soft the nation anymore. So, yeah, every senior has to run a marathon before they can graduate high school. That's how you graduate. Here's the fucking. The high school just become running. This the majority of your day. Dude. You know presidents are crazy. Yeah. Idea of a president. I guess it all stems from the initially from that place of like, let's make this, let's make it better. Let's make it as good as we can. Make it, make it fair, make. It. Think George Washington didn't want a president, right? Yeah. That's not a permanent president. Sure. That's definitely true. Yeah, I want to switch it out. But yeah, now it's gone to. Control game. Money game. Who knows what the fuck's really going on with any of that shit? They're all pedophiles and shit. Who knows? I don't know, speculation. Yeah. It's just so crazy. It's like all the rich people are pedophiles. It's like. It sounds like you hate rich people. Are you scared when you sleep? I think it's when you get bored and you're bored. Is that what it is? I don't know, I think it's a chasing of the tangible, you know, like, An. Overindulgence in the tangible, like pleasure or like, you know, you know, I'm saying the feeling of enjoyment of. Yeah, pleasure in this realm. It's like you there, I think. So I call it the. Overindulgence. Part. And the control part and the doing what you're not supposed to be doing part partially because who's gonna tell you what to do. You know what I'm saying. As a billionaire. Yeah, yeah. Not even morality. Tell me what to do. I can see. That. You know, I'm saying. I can see that. I'm seeing. It. Like looking at it like it's. It's like I'm like that. That's crazy. I don't know what. If I were to become a billionaire? I don't think it'd go that way for me, is what I'm saying. Folks, I don't think it's like. It's like you're saying it's getting fat for billionaires. Like the. Overindulgent pizza. You get fat. It's like a sexual overindulgence. But the fat is like pedophilia. I'm not saying you're wrong. Yeah, maybe. It's just crazy. That's the human nature of things. Maybe. I don't know. Maybe it's a weird combination of things. A certain kind of combination. Maybe it's more Kabbalistic. Like maybe that's like the weapon of the the elite, elite. Elite, is to. Put you in that position like. Yeah, blackmail. You frame me with that shit and I frame, you know what I'm saying? Having the ability to own you. Yeah, yeah, yeah. Like, Yeah. Like how many people literally. I don't know if this happens, but they're like, I want this political position so bad, I do anything for it. They're like, oh, yeah, well, you know, go do this and we're going to like, film you and then we'll give you all the money you need. You can have the job you want, but when we want you to do what we want you to do, then you're going to do what we want you to do. You're going to do it. Yeah. And this whole. Is mentally unstable person doesn't have their life together, you know, losing their family, losing their mortgage. It's not going to work out. They're fucking failing their fucking films. I'm like a fish. Like okay, I'll do it. So like bruh, I guess I could see that being how they fucking I don't know. I don't know, I don't know how it gets that way. I don't know how it gets that way. But I think it's like the most apprehensive, you know, it's you know what I'm saying? The. This is like a, like a thing that we could all think of is like, what's like the worst thing you could do, you know what I'm saying? And so that's pretty much there. Yeah. And they're into that. Just doing the worst thing you can do. Yeah. And a sadistic way. Yeah I guess that's sadism. Yeah. Being a like. Giving into that or like a Satanist or you know what I'm saying. Trying to praise that dark energy. Like, what's the word, you know. Yeah. Atrocities against God. That's like the anti-hero. I don't know how or why. Go fuck yourself. You go. Oh, oh, I'm sorry. I want to use a word that. Give me. Cancel this. You go fuck. Yourself if you're like that. Those are my two thoughts. Go down my head. One of them is. Go fuck yourself, brother. If you just are into fucking evil shit like you're. You're into manipulating people and you're into, like, stealing the feeling of getting over on someone or hanging out like on someone or like. the. Like you have like a red lightsaber. Like you're like, I'm playing this game. Almost at docks. Yeah, I'm playing blue. There's blue lightsabers, green lightsabers, orange lightsabers, Royal. Purple, purple. We're building the community we're really trying to have. Good. Yeah. Me. Well, that's what good. Red lights. Evil. What the fuck is this government trying to fight us? But no reason. Like we're we're striving for better. So why are you bringing us down? You know what I'm saying? Yeah. It's like, doesn't make any sense. But there's people like that. If they go. For. Themselves. I don't know what motivates you to be like that. It's like the devil himself, you know? And then the other thought I have is like, I didn't I don't even want to say it, but I just think it's funny as a comedian, potential comedians. Comedians, here we go. Just run with the bit. I don't really understand. Like the rich people pedophile sex rings because, like, kids are hot. Like we're. Where's the. Allure? Like, I don't get it. What? What are you thinking? Yeah. No. How did you get that? What? You could pull any woman you want. You're a billionaire, like, you know what I'm saying? Like how. How do you get all the way over here? Like you got all galaxies of positive net profit over here. Like, cars are infinite potential. Actresses, Olympians, whatever you're into, bro, if you have billions of dollars. So that should be why. Why I don't care. I think part of it is the doing the thing you're not supposed to do. It's like the forbidden fruit. The idea of a forbidden fruit. Leads me back to go fuck yourself. It's just evil. Like, yeah, this part of you. That's what if, for whatever reason, you want to manipulate for it, or you want to take or you want to, you want someone else to suffer for you to enjoy. It's fucking. Weird. Parasite fucks. So was. Just. Sort of out for. Yeah. Yeah. Now fuck that. Well bring that sword to that shit. Yeah. Yeah. That's it. That's the answer to that. I don't know. But yeah maybe it's the corruption of humanity. It's like the need to destroy. That's what happens if you get like to. The most extreme version of nihilism. Yeah, yeah. Yeah. Look, Jordan Peterson would say definitely. On the extremes. Yeah. Like the Oklahoma. Yeah. Like mass shootings. Yeah. All that, the why. Oh. Like right, right. Am I human nature? The fuck all these slippery slopes rule. I don't know I don't know. First of all it's not that complicated. You can always have a decent life even just having some shitty ass job at Amazon. I work for like 3 or 4 months. You can get yourself a little apartment. You have steady job, steady routine. You can have decent food in your fridge. You can always get to this place where you're like, okay, I'm good. Like I'm safe, stable. It's like, not that hard to get a stable. I've got a home base. Yeah. And then from stable home base, you fucking figure out what you want to do here. Yeah. So expanding outwards. Yeah. This kind of sucks every day. For sure bro. Welcome to life. Like you want to fucking bitch about that. To the point we want to kill other people. Yeah. We're also dealing with that same exact thing. You're dealing with. Your pussy, bro. You're just a pussy. That's what it is. Oh, sorry to. Tell you I ain't a doctor. You're busy. Yeah, bro. You want to fucking. Come on. Like, where do you usually go? Lift weights, like right now? Yeah. I don't want. To lift those fucking weights. Yeah, I. Don't do it at all. I don't like to bed right now. This is so simple. Well, like. I, I the thing that we're talking about that makes those people a pussy, they like, can't handle the weight of life. So much so that they're going to fucking start having their back breaking. Take it out on other people. I hurt other people deliberately. I'm just going to go suffer in the gym just to go try to do the right thing, you know what I'm saying? Try to not fold to entropy. Yeah. Because it's spiritual entropy to to like, you know, tell the truth all the time and do the right thing takes like spiritual strength the same way. Like the weights. Really build that shit and get yoked. Yeah. Yeah yeah. But there's fucking PDB motherfuckers. I am. Like. More fucking Nickelodeon, more fucking shit. Bruh. My sister's been so long. But telling me about the documentary. Yeah we have a story. I haven't watched it but it's on HBO Max. I think right on sir. Yeah, yeah, yeah, I think it's a series. It's just coming out, like weekly or some shit. So. Yeah. Yeah, I think it's a series. I'm pretty sure. But yeah. Bro, that's what the. Fuck is like. What the fuck, bro? No one knows. But now that I find it out. There's so much other shit like that too. We're not a whole bunch, but other movies like that as well, talking about this shit because it's crazy, bro. Pastor, I was talking about that at church like a year ago or like eight months ago, whenever he was doing that trending series. and I'm talking about that shit kidnaping. All this shit. It's crazy child, a child trafficking. Know how real that shit is with Snapchat and Instagram and like that. Hmhm the fuck, brother. You're pretty. I think it's, it's probably a child trafficking is probably lucrative as fuck. You probably make a lot of money. Being a pussy. Selling you sold. On. That's that's selling yourself real. Like what the fuck selling is. Oh man. They're just people just dying to do it. So you're just down the dirt that people are scamming. They're talking about that the Joe Rogan Joe idea. Black people who are doing scams and shit, the Nigerian prince scam and all that fucking shit. Though I was getting crazy. I'm sure the scam was gonna get even crazier, even more realistic, even more thought out, lucrative and like thought out and fucking complex. Yeah. You know? Yeah. Jesus Christ. We live in a crazy place. Need to be spiritually strapped. you got to be ready. Because it's real. It's real? That's real. Yeah. Fucking protect your family and share. Like there's also a there's a way to do it like there's a foundational Jesus is like exponentially gives you a perfect path to get through the craziness of everything around you. And that's awesome. So like you can't protect your family more or less like maybe not from everything but like it's not like that would be like something that would feed nihilism. It's like this place is so fucked up. Everything's fucking wrong. I need to forgive. Oh. What? I just figured that also, you're one of the bad guys. but, like, there's a way. There's a fucking. Safe path to be the hero. Yeah. And have a good life. Stand for something. No, no. Man, let's fucking go. Let's go, let's. Go to Plato school in this. Bitch. Yeah. Sorry, sorry, sorry. So all the moms and kids out there. Sorry. That was that. That's all we gotta question. You post one of these 24 hours go crazy. Yeah, go crazy, man. Go crazy out there. Whatever the hell you're doing, whatever you're tasked with. Just barriers. Barrier. Barrier load. Where I was barren loads over here around us doing what we gotta do. Don't worry. Gotta do to the best of our ability. That's what we got at this moment. Let's go. It's our turn. Let's go, let's go. Every time we do that. Fucking rooting for you too. Let's go. Angels sing. But I want you to win. We want you to win. The angels singing. Oh, yeah. Go go nuts. Get the momentum going okay. Yeah. All right. Ready to go. Kill it. Yeah. Yes. Let's sign them out. Hell yeah. I'll catch y'all. On the flip flops next week for episode 3737. See you soon. Hell yes. No. It's 3630. This 3737. We'll see you for number 38. Yeah, yeah, yeah. Oh, I enjoy life's.