The MJ38 Show

Episode #42

May 14, 2024 MJ38 Season 1 Episode 42
Episode #42
The MJ38 Show
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The MJ38 Show
Episode #42
May 14, 2024 Season 1 Episode 42

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On this Episode of The MJ38 Show (Podcast):

Matthew and Justin talk about Heaven and Hell, Fighting Entropy, and Going Down Swinging

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On this Episode of The MJ38 Show (Podcast):

Matthew and Justin talk about Heaven and Hell, Fighting Entropy, and Going Down Swinging

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Making good time today. Making some good time. Good time. Being ahead of time. On time. Let's go. It's good feeling well? Let's go. I love being up. I got some space. Yeah, I'm up just in in life. Currency time. Yeah I biggest currency I feel up at time ahead of your your schedule. It's wonderful. Ahead of your mapped out mental day. Yeah. So you create your own itinerary. I'm trying to be here by this time, which I'm here with, this time here, but this time reverse engineer, because I need to be here about this time. So how much time do I have? It's really easy to miss that, to circle in a lot of audibles all day long. Well, I was trying to do this, but I guess I'll just say this and then, yeah, there's only 30 minutes here in the gym, so I just freaking play basketball. I'll just sit in the sauna, like when you freaking, like, do everything you wanted to. Then you're like ahead of schedule, extra time. Oh my gosh. Just sit there and just. This basket it. Is. Bask in some of those minutes. It's the difference in heaven and hell though I like when they say heaven and hell are here on earth. sometimes I think it's that. Those are two experiences. Yeah. So like if you're behind and you like, you know, didn't have time to get the groceries and you shut off the gym a little bit later so you're not getting a full workout, you haven't really eaten anything all day. Didn't get a lot of sleep last night. That's like that's like the soul to hell. But it's just like how you feel. You know what I'm saying? Just like, yeah. Your day sucks and you feel like you're a loser or this is me personally, like, I feel like I'm a loser. Like I didn't win it all. Like everything that came my way, I, I like, didn't rise to the occasion or whatever that is. And then so there's like some guilt and some shame and some self loathing and that anxiety inducing because you project forward. Well, what if I'm a loser? Yeah. If I maintain this pace, what am I going to go. Yeah. Versus like the opposite happens if you. Yeah. When everything you're like. If I maintain this pace where am I going to go. Yeah Lord knows. Right. Same exact thing. But it's just. Yeah. The the two sides of the coin of anxiety. It's like a pleasant surprise versus a fucking terrible surprise. All right. And then let's say but like 8 p.m., you're going to be sitting like on your couch either way. By the way, you're gonna be back in that bed eventually, right? The next couple hours. Not even that much really changed. But like, you could be in heaven, or you could like being hell at the same time. Yeah, yeah, yeah. Even, like, yeah, you don't have to go anywhere or do a crazy thing. It's just your how you feel one day versus the next day. You don't have to. It's not I guess it's kind of slowly or you know, maybe that's kind of like, heaven and hell being abstract concepts because who, who really who truly knows what's going on afterwards. But I think heaven and hell definitely exists, kind of, as we're talking about speaking about this in the idea that, how you experience what you're experiencing in the moment, like you're just your overall what's what's going on. We talk about life being a feeling process. And the last one guess. Yeah, yeah, yeah. I think you need to, like, not let you know your emotions dictate your thinking per se, or your feelings to run your life. That sense, that's like not good being a. Slave to your emotions. Yeah. In the moment. But at the same time, like, all you really have is how you're feeling. You know what I'm saying? Ultimately, that's like what your entire life is, right? Right. Yeah. It's like your. Perception, like your senses, your cognitive fucking neurology. You know what I'm saying? Like all the chemicals dropping in your brain all the time. Yeah. How you feel. And, you know, like we said, like a rich person could be in hell. More or less like that could happen, but it would just be like, they're rich, but they feel terrible. All the terrible. They don't. Maybe they're guilty for how they got their money. Maybe it's unrelated to the money. Regardless, life isn't enjoyable. Yeah. So yeah, your day to day experience is not positive. Pleasant, whatever. I think most people have probably been depressed in their life at some point, and I think it would just be like that all the time, you know what I'm saying. But I just it's crazy how. Yeah. Like you know how you feel like heaven or hell or like the idea of like just being a happy person is not like something that money buys or like you can't move to a city. Well, maybe there's some cities that are generally less happy than other cities. Yeah, yeah. But like you get I'm saying, like it happens inside your own temple. Yeah. There's no external. There's no external cure for your own internal generation of whatever you're feeling everywhere. whatever's going on in your interpretation of how how you feel, what life is. Yeah, bro. It's crazy. It's crazy. Just so you could be on the other side of it just so quickly insofar as. Oh, yeah, small things. Bringing that back to feeling up in the schedule, that's like all I can really do, you know what I'm saying is, like, check off the boxes with extreme detail ahead of schedule. Yeah. Try to be early. Yeah. You know. Life. I think it's so easy to visualize, like how you feel when you're driving to work and you're like, ahead of ahead of schedule or like, let's say I'm supposed to be at, like, I'm supposed to be there at one. I'm trying to be there like 1250, but then I'm like five minutes away at 1240. That feeling those five minutes are like. And, born here. We just buy it in the car. Yeah, but. Let's say it like I wanted to be there at 1245, and I need to be there by one, and it's like 1258 and I'm five minutes away, bro. That's fucking like I'm not broad who's like, oh my God, get him. Only get out. I'm like, I fucking. Hate these people. Why do people drive like this in San Antonio? What the fuck? Are you getting in my way? Why are you getting in my way right now? Of course you are. You. You fucking praise God. Everyone wants to go slow. I want to go fast. What the hell? Not to get me. Yeah, to get me. It feels like. That. Feels like is of grand conspiracy theory against. Of course, there's a detour. Post office. The government's in on it. Yeah, exactly. Bro, the aliens are watching you. It is almost like that. So kind of like. That's kind of like that, right? Like I just feel like when you're in that heaven state. There's no. Traffic. Here's a green light. you left a Gatorade in the car yesterday. You're like, oh, yeah, this is awesome. But, like, what? You're in hell. It's like you forgot the thing. And should you go back at night? you're got a gas. Yeah. Someone's call me. Hello? I'm sorry. I didn't mean to answer the phone. Angry? I'm having a day. Okay. I'm sorry that you're at a whole. Just like. The whole. Yeah. It's crazy. Compounds. Click. Layers, bruh. Click quick. Man. Being a head for some nice glass canvas. It's so it's so. Yeah, it's trying to trying to get to work ten minutes early. Just that idea just in life. So worth it because then if shit happens it's like okay, you're like right on time or quote unquote, like, right when you're supposed to be here or maybe you're a couple minutes late, whereas you would have been 20 minutes plus. To me the other day is different. I didn't have any fucking socks in my bag. No socks. The men didn't have any socks since back. But. I had like, this was I looked at the clock and I looked at my last exercise, and I looked at the clock and I was like, I'm just going to do like a a double set on both arms. I don't remember I was doing, but I was like, let me just do like 30 letters on the side, 30 on this side. And then I'll just I'll just get out of here, be a little bit early fucking. We'll talk this workout. Be early to work. I'll take a B-minus here, but I'm headed for an A-plus over there. I like that something better than trying to scrap an eight here to maybe be laid over there. And then get all the way dressed and then I'm like, oh, I don't have any socks. This is crazy. Son of a bitch. But thank God I didn't do that last exercise. It was so crazy how the caramel was just like, let me just take some time just in case. Oh, you needed that time, bro. Yeah, yeah. I was like, good call, Google. Yeah. I thought that way the other day at work because I saw that we just had, early reservations. We had like a seven top reservation, like,

as soon as we open, pretty much like 3:

00. It's like, shit. Okay. It's early. We need to be ready. And I was just, like, getting ready, doing the normal procedure to get the restaurant open. And then within that, I was just in passing, doing, doing obligations, doing tasks. I see the, the the tea machine, iced tea machine.

And I was just like normally I started around like 4:

00, but I was just like some something in me. It was like, just just start it. Just start it now. Just get a start just to have it ready. And then that part bro. First two tables bro first.

Like as soon as I hit 3:

00 it was more or less like, can I get a tea? Can I get a tea? That's like, oh fucking God. I think it was like, yeah, I think Bailey was there. And she was like, they asked for tea. Do we have any tea brewed, do you think? I think I remember that, yeah. But were you outwardly excited about the tea? I don't think so. Just internally. Yeah. Yeah, because I knew. All right, I don't know. It was. It was crazy. Just feeling this. Feeling that dude, that thing. Because I was because I was ahead, you know what I'm saying? Or whatever. The just the spirit of being ahead. It's like, okay, you have some wiggle room here now that you're ahead. Because, like, I'm not you're like, kind of in the future, you're dancing with the future now. The future's ahead of you. But like, you're like in the heat of life a little bit. You're like starting to lean that way. And leaning that way gives you enough slack to whenever, like you get swung back into the negative direction, you at least be net neutral. You know, I'm saying I put put behind on the slippery slope downward. Yeah. Dude. It's crazy. You were like, I was so off that my brain was just like, how. Can I get even more up? What else up can I do here? It was so. High up was like, what potential potholes can I see? I can see everything from up here. I see pothole way over there. That's crazy about you. Being like that with like I finances one day and we just like, financially get to where we're like, oh yeah, we're good. Let me just go ahead and get this zero interest credit card just in case. I'm sure we start build some credit and then like. Like that's like that's a good investment. Look there's money in there. Yeah. Exactly. Exactly. And you know, what's it look for. But it's a result of being ahead, right. Yeah. Being up. Yeah. If you're stuck like. That's like playing fucking poker. You know, it's like you have so much more wiggle room if you're at the table with 100 bucks versus if you're at the table with 30 bucks, and you get the same table with people who are averaging 70 or 80 bucks, it's like, oh, you just you have like 50% less funds to play with and like wiggle, wiggle room, hit like make every shot. It's like every hand you go in on. You pretty much have to win. Because if you keep on going in and losing and you only have 30 bucks and everyone else has double or triple the money, you have. Oh, it's a rough table. And I think about like. The hookers are. Fun. Those ten minutes are the same ten minutes in both timelines, but the ten minutes where you're down the whole time and losing like those ten minutes kind of suck. Like the ten minutes with the wiggle room are so much more. It's fun. You can be laughing while you're losing at that point. You can't be like. Like, wait a minute. two poker table. Like two timelines of a poker table. one where you have 30 and average is 80. And, like, you're worried about losing it the whole time. Yeah, unless you like being in a corner. Unless you like to come up. Unless you're like. Yeah, you. I started from the bottom. No, this is that too. But I'm just saying like. This overall enjoyment of the. Game. Yeah. For me. Right hand to hand. Right. Yeah. I'm trying to make sure I maximize my enjoyment hand to hand. But on a life scale. Yes. Because it's just not. It's not worth doing something if you don't enjoy it sometimes. Yeah. I mean, granted, you need discipline, but, I just think if it's not an enjoyable experience that you that it's kind of your employee that like, does your will, that thing starts to be like, Wonder if it's not like an enjoyable process to some degree. Yeah, yeah, yeah. Enjoyable, at least in the moment, or at least or enjoyable in the foreseeable future. You could see in it. Yes, it's like worth it to keep going this way, even though for sure right now it sucks where you can. Yeah. You know, vision of the future, dancing with the future. This past we had there. The asset with the. Future again trying to get the next step. Yeah, yeah. Put yourself in a position where you're able to dance with the ahead, the the free, the fully free versus being behind. Twitch and have. If I had a slippery slope. The other thing I really liked about what you were saying was that you were just doing your day. You're doing your work, you're doing your job, you're ahead. So like, you're kind of like in the zone. I would say to a degree at that point, and then you have this intuition, you have this thought that presents itself to you, which is like, I could do the tea. And then it's almost the same, like fork in the road we were talking about yesterday with the oh, I could do that. Like I could turn off the fan, I can make my bed. Yeah. Like it presented itself. And you noticed it like you acknowledged it, like you thought the thought. And it's so crazy how like the thoughts that you for for me, if I was writing, like, ten spiritual laws of Matthew. Right. Okay. One of them, the Gospel of. Matthew, one of that would probably. Be that, like what? What you need to do will tell you that it needs to be done. Like. You don't have to do something that you don't have the inspiration to do, like your the, the like. We're all, you could be writing a book about us right now if you want it to be. And the reason why I would work, I think, is because we have this like sovereignty in us that is experiencing a story. And then a part of that process is that, like what you need to give attention to will present itself to you because there's everything everywhere, all at once. How do you focus on anything? These things, these things call to you and like attach you to them. And then that's what you like. See in your hood. That's what you focus on. That's what your life is. so like, for instance, when I'm at work and I'm really in the zone, super in the zone. Like I'll just have intuitive thoughts pop up to me, like, you know, you should do this. Like you should check on that table over there or like, like someone's thinking about doing something. I'm like, a recommendation pops in my head on its own. And then I could just, like, not act on these, like, intuitions that I'm getting, but, like, they just they're so right that it's kind of spooky. I'm like, how the fuck did I know to make the tea? Or like, oh, did I? How did I know that she was gonna want a lemon drop? Like, that was crazy. And just like being able to have those moments of, like, where you're so right that it's nuts. I'm like, that's coming from somewhere. This little intuition pops like, yeah, they're critical. Yeah. Thinking the right thoughts, doing the right actions, saying the right. Things, the things you could not follow through on those intuition thoughts. I've noticed that too, where it's like I think to myself, like I should clean my apartment now while I have this time, and then I don't do it, and then I have company or something, and then I'm like, fuck yeah. Or like my girlfriend comes over and I'm just like, fuck. Like, I should have cleaned my fucking house, you know what I'm saying? Why don't I do that? It's like I thought the thought like it, like. Yeah, it crossed my across my awareness. Right? And I just think there's things all day long, like with priority importance. Like there's things that, like useful information comes across your hood all day long. Yeah. And if you were to act in a way where you were receptive and like, activated it and stayed like cooking, stayed ahead all day and just kept pursuing the path of like being more ahead until it was all over, like, that's the road to heaven. Yeah. Yeah. It's like more than being happy you know, because you're kind of kind of busy. You're kind of tasked, it's kind of a challenging or demanding task to ask of anyone to be constantly consciously aware of thoughts and information that's passed the all the crazy amount, multiple thousands and thousands of thoughts. You're thinking every day and all the things that you're not even thinking, like things that are happening in your mind, like in your in your life and present themselves to you. It's like you to decipher all this information and to stay on top of it all the time. It's like a it's a hard thing to do, but. It's better than being happy. It's getting books, winning when there's a there's something beyond happiness that comes with winning. Yeah. You know. Yeah. It's that dude like Kobe Bryant. Tom Brady though not necessarily like happy I think you know what I'm saying. Like I'm sure they're happy when they win. But it's something transcendent and beyond the happiness because there's so much work because it's so much fucking work. Meaning. Yeah. It gives meaning maybe helps validate and give meaning to all the work that you've done and the mental pathways that you've developed. Yeah. your philosophies. But I think when they are happy, they're probably a happier happy. Than, like, that. Person is not doing anything when they're happy. And I'm saying I think it's, you know, like you said, it's more than happiness. It's like an. I don't know, I don't know what you'd call it. That's like joy. Joy is more than happiness. But it's like joy per se. It's just like, fulfillment almost. Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah. Fulfillment is a good word. I was gonna say like pride almost. But yeah, it's pride about something or, you know, and that leads to something else. Yeah, sure. It's like a fulfillment feeling or like a completion fullness. Just like whole. Yeah. It's like one oneness. Yeah. That oneness is great. Imagine, like feeling no pain. just feeling like even happiness is gonna leave that feeling of like, Yeah. Just, that feels like. I'm in that 100% frequency. Yeah. The pursuit of that. Because it's like, I think also subconsciously, you know, that, like, you know, margaritas on the beach isn't going to last, so it's not as happy of a thing as if you like. Bill. You know, a career of domination of, of like championship winning, work. You know what I'm saying? Yeah. Once you've built a body of that that you can lean on and like, know that like your. It's like a machine. It's like I built this machine and this machine produces championships. It's fucking awesome. Yeah. So being a mad scientist at the same time, you know. Yes. Yeah. We're old fucking scientists experimenting whether, you know, whether or not that's happening. Your question is like, I'm Michael Jordan and Tom Brady happy. I guess it depends what you mean by happy or like, what you think of when you think of the word happy. I think they get off on that for sure too. But just like, you know, they probably wouldn't be happy if they weren't working that hard, you know, just kind of a crazy concept, right? Right. You could like so you could hate yourself for not working hard eventually. We all know what everyone else that's like. I said, I think that's kind of the default. Maybe that's part of where the pride or the happiness comes from is that, you know that you're going against the grain, because I think we all kind of know. I was talking to to Victoria about it last night, but because we were watching cooking shows or whatever, and then some of the, the judges were just talking about some of the dishes and they're like, oh my God, this is so great, blah, blah, blah. Some of the best food we've had in this competition so far. Let's talk about that. And I was just thinking like, man, you know, it's kind of sad because like the best food in the world, like the best food humanly imaginable, like that's, that's been prepared over all the time. It's like all that food goes bad. Like, if you don't eat it, it just goes bad. There's nothing. It's like, special about it. It just goes bad. Like you throw it away. That's the thing about food. It's almost kind of arbitrary in that sense. All of it, no matter how well is prepared, nothing like it just it's just going to go bad. This is going to rot. This is rotting already. You've got to enjoy it now because otherwise it's gonna. It's gonna rot. It's getting cold. Yeah. It's gonna actually hurt you. Like if you eat that later on. Is it gonna, like, potentially kill you? So you with disease and bacteria. What is. That? It's like a fleeting nature of things. Yeah. Like fucking sucks. Yeah. That's. It does suck. It's hard to enjoy anything if, you know everything's gonna be over. It's going to expire. So, you know, sea bass, you're going to get cold. It'll fill the living, you know? Yeah. I feel, you know, a TV show, like, sometimes I watch one episode of a show and I'm like. This show is amazing. In the before I get to episode two, I'm like, how many seasons are there? How long do I have with this show? I'm like, three seasons. It got canceled. Oh my God, I, I don't even want to do it anymore. I don't even worth pursuing. Yeah. Yeah, that that happens for sure. You're like, I don't know. I think that's like a trauma response or like, you're not supposed to be scared to enjoy something you just because it's going to be over. But I kind of am. You know, it's just. Yeah, that's part of the part of the nature of the beast. Yeah. I forget what when when they bring that point up about the food stuff. I forget what we're talking about. It's like, oh. Maybe that's the best. Because, like, I think that's where the part of the happiness and the transcendent feeling comes from is because we all know on a subconscious level that we're fucking, we're dying. Entropy is happening. We're heading towards, like the end, and we're just like food on the shelf. It's, we're gonna expire eventually. Like, our time's coming. Yeah. That's it. And I think whenever we fight entropy, like, do actions that try to go the other direction towards life, it's like, why would you plant a garden? It's like it's gonna it's gonna die eventually. It's like, well, while I'm here, while I have my time, all I have is my time and my experience. I'm gonna try to fill it with for things that I deem to be important. And I think we maybe have some of that subconscious important attached to actions that are towards life versus the natural entropy of kind of our default setting of dying. So it's like. Whenever we give. Yeah. New birth or plan a garden or start a new adventure, a new endeavor, a new job, whatever. It's exciting. It's like upward, upward energy. Maybe there's something that's better than happiness there, cuz you can be happy for the moment right now, like do coke and eat cake. Cake. Cake. Got a Coke? Cake. Yeah. Okay. Go. Yeah. No. Right. Why wouldn't you. Exactly. Why not? It makes more sense. That makes sense. Like it's on a basic human level. Cuz I gotta show up to work tomorrow, and my boss is gonna try to talk shit about our contest and working out, and I need something firm to stand on so I can look him in his eye and say, nope. No. Not today and not tomorrow. And I'll be back the next. Day, brother. I'll see you next year. But if I just did a bunch of coke and cake the night before, I'd be like, maybe he's right. Maybe I'm going to get my ass kicked. Like, I don't know. It's like. Bro, if you're doing a whole bunch of coke. And if I wouldn't, taking that challenge. In the first place, who knows what like you go to done, I could stop. Yes. I don't have to stop. There will be, you know, my summer. I'll be young by summer. Just on a. Sugar rush and, Yeah, yeah, I. Had, It's a super, super physical high. You know, saying. Yeah, yeah. No, I. Yeah, but but but I'm saying though, like, there's accountability and stuff like that kind of built into my life luckily, thankfully where I'm like, there's like reasons to not do coke and cake and like for me. But I can understand the questions like, well, why not do that? It's because our subconscious is contending with the future. Like right now. Yes. Like that's what anxiety is, right? We're there right now. Yeah, it's a miss. You're projecting potential bad things into the future. And you're right now. fear is the projection of potential bad things in the future that are happening right now. But like you have to contend with the future in the now like all the time. Yeah. Because it's all connected. It's like you're a product of all your yesterdays and you're heading towards, you're always heading towards tomorrow and you're always a product of your yesterday. It's like we're living in the middle of that always. And it's like we're experiencing all three of it. We're experiencing the right now. We're experiencing the yesterdays, and we're experiencing the thought of what where we're going all at the same time. So we do have to kind of contend with that. And maybe whenever we yeah, whenever we do things that we deem make that forward, wherever we're going, whatever we consider to be tomorrow, wherever that is, whatever that is, it's like a it's a surprise. Either way. It's an unknown either way. You know what I'm saying? It's anxiety inducing either way. But it could be exciting. It could be like Christmas morning, or it could be the day before final that you didn't study for. By the way, you just don't know what's going to happen. I could a. Home run on someone in the audience with that. That's a tangible, you know, what that feels like, you know? Yeah. Just screaming. Oh fuck, bro, I'm gonna get. Like an hour or two of sleep if that. I gotta study all night. If I want to have a shot at having a shot. Ever, like. Yeah, man, it's just a tough situation. Do you ever, like. Dive into biology? Okay. What's this? Final over chapters? one through 18. You start looking at chapter one. You're like, damn, these chapters are long. Oh, yeah. No pictures in here. Yeah, I got I got a naked 18. Literally a textbook. Yeah, hell does that. I remember one time I there was like a study guide for a final, so I go to the library and, you know, I take some heavy nootropics. There we go. And I. Stay focused. We get wired. This is. Going off of the keyboard of all night, finishing this long ass fucking study. Final review. and I'm like, I got to take the test, and I'm, like, bombing. Just absolutely don't know what the fuck I'm doing. It's a kiss test. So you're on the computer doing, like, Excel stuff? like. I don't know it all. Is it, like, so it's not like a Scantron test or it's like Abcde. It's like execute commands on an Excel. Yes. Oh, fuck. You can't even hide behind a gas. No, no, no. And I just know. That I like it, like I just I haven't been to like, class at all. Just get it done. Done. Play the play. Question as the question. Getting crossed. Turn over Dalton turn over. I go to the teacher and I'm like, so I know I didn't do very good in that test because I wasn't in class very much, but I'm hoping maybe I could like, retake it. I, I did this whole study guide for the final. I did like everything. Like it took like 23 hours. Okay. Does that count for anything? She's like, no, you didn't in the class for like, I'm sorry. look, my hands are tied. And I hated her so much for that. I was like, you bitch, don't you have any love? And you? Oh, do you not know compassion, ma'am? Where do you get on? How do you sleep at night? What the hell? I drive my best like your best ass. Like my cheeks. I'll tell you, that's. A university level best. Bro. And I was just like, you know how to swallow that pill? But that feeling is real anyways. Yeah, yeah. You like cerebral? Yeah. by the way, it's just. Yeah. The unknown. We have to deal with the unknown for sure, because be a pleasant surprise or the anxiety comes from the interpretation of the surprise. What it may be negative consequences. Negative outcomes are to come. Things are going to fall apart or things are going to crumble or whatever get worse, but they're not bad. Yeah, just get worse overall. There we go. This is worse energy. Yeah. It's worse energy versus better energy. Heaven and hell. What do you think about the future. Yeah I think it's going to play out. Yeah. Like for me I'm at a point where. You have any reasons to believe it's going to be more good, like why? And then it's like, give yourself fucking evidence, bro. That's right. Yeah. Yeah, that's that's been what Kobe and Tom Brady. What your honor. I've got some evidence. Yeah. Exhibits a through Zeta zeta state. Is it. Exactly. And that would be like. The cookie. Jar. Yeah, yeah, yeah, I was thinking that too. I think was a, David Goggins. That's how he conceptualizes that. He's like, you, I. I trained for that marathon and I ran that marathon line to that. I can definitely train for whatever workout program is going to come my way, even if I'm uncomfortable. And then it's like, you're able to like, transmute some of that evidence you have into, like, less anxiety. Yes, 100%. And that's a. Hundred percent. Super useful, ultra useful. Super use. Yeah. I gave yourself some evidence. Yeah. Like I can't enjoy doing something I can't enjoy procrastination anymore. Like when I was a kid. Definitely procrastinating was like, sometimes the best. Fuck this why I'm playing Call of Duty. But like, now if I'm like, you know, playing a video game or like doing this, right, which are the only way I'll waste time or maybe playing too much basketball, there's like stuff I need to do. It's like I can't enjoy it because I'm like, I'm fucking it up, I'm fucking it up. I'm getting behind, I'm getting behind. Yeah, yeah. And then usually I'm just like organized enough with myself to like, do whatever I need to do first. So that way it all like goes in order. By the time I'm playing basketball, I did everything I would have to do up here. And I know I'm doing the next few things on the next level day, so there's no anxiety in the enjoyment process of sending them playing video games. Like, yeah, the free time to really. Enjoy the free time, you have to be kind of locked in everywhere else. If I procrastinate all day and I'm like, probably procrastinate tomorrow. So how do you enjoy a video game session right now? It's like. I guess maybe you can enjoy it right now. But then eventually, like the negative repercussions going to hit that base is going to drop. And the something that is in your life. For me is, yeah, yeah. And I guess you can get away with it for a long time when you're a kid. Like, I didn't study, like, very much in high school when you're younger. Yeah. For sure. Yeah. I guess it feels like the more time you do, you know? Yeah, more time you will. More wiggle room to set standards or to create, you know, to create your person. Yeah. Create your character, your characters, whatever the walls, who you are, things to do. You have time. But then, yeah, as you get older, for sure, it's definitely more it's heavier each minutes, more costly each hours more costly. Luckily we're up right now so. And you're up. We're up. It's a great feeling. Welcome to the warm. Waters are feeling wonderful. It's a good life, man. You're fucking big chill. And the I'm going to go hit some some, some lower body, a little bit of legs later on some Plato school action. But fuck that, man. It's fucking worth what's worth being a hit. Some nice. So nice. I have the best. This is hard. It's hard to do every day. If it weren't hard, I want to do it. Cause I wouldn't. Heaven. It's a hard thing to do. Yeah, yeah. Heaven is a. Feeling that. I get that there's that Jake whole song is like. Yeah. Heaven is mine. Have been a couple times. That's even the melody. You, man. Yeah, I think that's it. I think it's on Caillou. Cody. Maybe. Yeah, yeah. And this resonates, sounds when you're feeling like real bliss and you're like, oh my gosh, it's the best day ever. Yeah. So good. Yeah. So birthday and I got my favorite present. The restaurant up everywhere in all aspects. Everything's going well. Yeah. That feeling school. But also I just think it's like almost the feeling when you're early, early to work and you, you worked out. Yeah. You get breakfast for me. That's all I can do. You know what I'm saying? I'm wearing a clean suit, just like that's. That's the heaven is a mind state thing for me. Yeah, yeah. I'm I'm I'm sufficient here. Like, I'm I'm good. I'm able to as long as I'm able to. I guess I don't need to meet myself halfway in the meeting myself halfway is to maximize my contribution towards life. If I'm able to do that at least, and then like, I'm good with like the extra outcome. Yeah, I'd be okay with that is like. They have in mind state regardless of the external situation. It's like I think you get there virtually regardless. Yeah, a lot of mental for me too. Yeah, because work sucks for sure. Yeah. But for me work is like kind of one before work. Like if I go into work with all of that, all that positive reinforcement of being up, I'm like usually just kind of like gliding through time and through my interactions and through the problems. I'm just like, even the problem derive. Yeah. Like there's some of those problems are just opportunity for me to show them my beauty. Yeah, there it is. It's just the defender sometimes. And it's like, oh, I see you get a buck on this little bitch. Yeah, yeah. I just get to live and then go away. Yeah. Vote for the put the Anthony Davis hand to the floor on them. Yeah I think that there's just something to that. Like you know almost every sometimes in a restaurant I'll play a game with myself where everything is an opportunity. So like even an upset guest, I'm like, this is a potential lifelong fan. Like. This is just it's just an opportunity for me to show him how dedicated I am to fixing his problem. He's got no clue that someone cares as much as I care. That's probably why he's so upset. No one's doing anything about this. I'm like, sir, I'm not just anybody. I am fucking Reggie Bush of this USC because would you like a first down? I'll make go first. I'll stop the fucking world. They get a first down. For you, bro. Oh, brother, nothing exists in this. Restaurant but me and your problem. Yeah, and like, let's go to this old, right? Yeah. Like, that. Person might then become a lifelong fan of this place I'm working at. Or just me personally, to be honest. Like, definitely the. Experience or the feeling you gave. Them right. And it's like, how does that start? That starts by this guy being really pissed off. And I'm almost like, yes. I suppose you're trying to do me up perfect. Working on my crossover all night. and I think that, so guys, I don't know, efficient. Well, whatever, previous restaurants that I worked at where, like, you're not in a typical environment where you're making your own money. I almost was excited for problems towards the end of that tenure because I'm like, if nothing happens and I have no opportunity for me to help someone or and put any person. Above and beyond. Right, then I'm not gonna make any money. I'm not gonna get any of above and Beyond pay. Yeah, right. I need someone. To be a really difficult guest. That creates a mess, and it's hard to handle it that way. I do some hard work worth some more money, some higher dollar, you know, which is, you know, that's a crazy thought. I had that allegedly. Right. Let's do it myself. When that happens, it doesn't result in that it's you lose faith, you service that. You just become. A picky asshole. I'll still take care of. Of course. Of course I'll take care of that. Sometimes those people, it's just a whole. It's like they sucked from the beginning. They sucked in the middle and the tip sucked to like that. This. I don't see that nearly as much now that I work in more fine dining establishments. But just when I worked at, like, more affordable price point, like a lot of that, a lot of that was happening, and you don't I don't want to judge people at all, but it was just kind of like, I think showing me that, like, people's energy is their energy like the same person. That's going to be a really picking and knowing guess at the same person that's going to pick apart your service for no reason. And it's like. You know. I don't want to be that kind of person personally. Yeah. I think that stems from something going on in their subconscious, you know, some some sort of wiring that they need to redo or look at. You know, we're all just we're all just kind of victims to our emotions and to, you know, so I think we talked about that earlier, being a slave to your emotions and to your thought patterns and to your tendencies in your habits or whatever. And you don't want to do that. But we do that. All the time. People just take out, yeah, or whatever they act. The way they're acting is just definitely not. It's like, just be a chill person. You know, he's be a chill person. If even if shit goes wrong. It's like, I'm never like crazy, crazy upset at a restaurant, you know, like they overcook the steak or it takes a little bit, like, longer than normal wait time. It's like, I'm not going to, like, I pick them apart. Yeah. Sometimes people just have that kind of overflow, you know? The cup runneth over with some negative juices can splash in the negative. Negative ones. They also say something else in regards to that, though. Being a slave to your emotions. Yeah, I'm talking about the restaurant or dealing with guests. People. Oh I think I, I think I was just thinking about, noticing coming from your more affordable establishments, like on the Riverwalk and then, more like a middle of the road kind of steakhouse place, and then like a higher end fine dining esque steakhouse place that's like in that progression, upwards of, like nicer restaurant and higher price points and like, you know, more average cost per guest and higher cost of drinks. And everything is more expensive like in that progression upward. I noticed that like the tips got better, like you would think would be the opposite. You think you would think that if they're spending more money, they might be a little more frugal with, with the tip to try to conserve, just be more conservative overall. It's like the opposite. Nobody. Service is worth $500. Yeah. What can you do for me that's worth $500? Yeah. Or a thousand? Yeah. What if $1,000 is 20% of the tab, though? So you would expect that there'd be a drop off in percentage tip percentage. Because it makes sense that like, if the tabs more expensive the tips are higher right then. Because yeah, just kind of based on like just restaurant. What is it like restaurant etiquette? 20% is like kind of standardized across the board. Right. But you what you're alluding to is that at the lower price point restaurants, the tip percentage was lower. And at the higher price point, you're getting a higher tip percentage on average. Yeah. And what is that? What does that point to? I think I think it was you were saying it a little. You touched on it just saying it's like your energy's your energy because I think you're saying like sometimes people would be prone or apt to kind of be more a little more difficult, maybe a little more easy to complain, quick to complain and then leave a low tip. It's like those, that population of people that exist that do that exhibit that behavior. They typically don't go to the to the to the nicer place. it's weird you're saying. Yeah, it's the vibration. Yeah. Some like that's going on. Maybe, maybe it also points to it's just easier to be it's easier to have better energy if you have more money. And it's simple as that. Get some more wiggle room over there. Edge over a room. Feel good bro. You know the time. Wiggle room feel good. That's fine. It's a look, a room feel real good for your legs. Yeah, yeah, yeah. We're good to go, bro. Yeah. Get a Rover range. Yeah, the Range Rover. Both of them call colors. Yeah. The the embers and outburst. Yeah. The peanut butter and jelly. Yeah, yeah I want that. So that was a young man's microphone. Hell yeah. Brother Furman shit. Preach. Yeah. Can I get the peanut butter in the jelly. What does that means? Okay. The booth. But you guys one specifically. Hell yeah. Fuck yeah. I can't wait to do that someday. I was hoping that's what you were talking about. I was like. You mean like, big financial wiggle room? What do you mean. By the lips? Yeah, both. You know. Yeah, bro. That'd be. I'm sure that's sick. so maybe those people are just more apt to be more generous than I've got. I've seen it. I've seen it like it's right. it's crazy. The, the percentage is higher. Like overall it is a percentage base kind of structure for tipping. So it's like it would make sense that the dollar amounts higher, but the actual percentage is higher. It's like, what the fuck. Where's that come from. People just Tipton tipping thousands of dollars. But my brain wants to say my what I want to believe is that like they have wealthy energy, they get more money by being generous. Yeah, yeah, yeah. More current or more. Yeah. The currency flows, you know. Yeah. They let it go when it comes back to them too. That's the other thing people say about money is that you got to be I don't. Want to be like to, to tight fisted with it. Right. Because it won't come to you. You need to be like a conduit, like. Yeah, yeah. You need to be open like palms open. You know what I'm saying? Yeah. It comes, it comes, it's nice. And when it goes, it goes. It's fine because it'll come right back. And that wealthy ass energy is going to just attract boatloads of money into your life over and over and over again, is what I want to believe for sure. So look at that. And I'm like the proof evidence. But it's like, you know, sometimes I just think man tipping, like. Trying to find the words for it. Gathering. It took him. A big things here. Like, I think sometimes I think when I tip like a good tip or what I think is a good tip, like, let's say if it's under $50, I try to tip like 20 or 30 bucks sometimes like 15 at the lowest and then like for, you know, higher tab between 100, 100 to $200. I'm trying to tip like 25% at the service was like, blew me away. And I'm like, I just got a paycheck, maybe like 30%, you know what I'm saying? Yeah. but I'm always trying to do, like, a little more than, like what? Industry standard. But yeah, what I think the industry standard is. Yeah, exactly. I'm trying to like outperform the average. And but I don't think that like I mean like sure that I feel like that's the good energy to have, but it feels like the tips are so like I could see a really wealthy person, like, not tipping a lot. Like I could see that too. And I could see like, a cynical person tipping less or like, someone just doesn't get, like, outstanding service and then like, the stakes not great, but they still tip 20%, you know what I'm saying. Like where's the seen that. What are we. What are we doing here. Yes. What are any of us doing with that. That's right. It feels almost random. To some degree. This is. Yeah. This is your own personal bullshit you're putting on me and and my wage. You know what I'm saying? So I want to believe that, like, all of my good tips are, like, some good karma that put, like. That's what I think my mom told me is, like, every time me tip is just an opportunity to build your own karma. Like, even if they suck, it's like even more karma for you if you tip them good and then if they like did great and you tip them great, then that's just like good karma for you. You're like keeping things going in the right direction. Yeah okay. That's right. Makes sense. And so that's kind of what I always thought about a tip. Like always tip high because you're gonna keep it's your karma. You know what I'm saying. You want good things happen to you, right? Yeah. But, you know. That's my own personal bullshit. That is true. You know, personal philosophy. Yeah, but said there's. No there's no evidence to back this up. It's just your own life. Right? Well, ultimately, we're all living by our own laws. We're all cowboys. They were always. Yeah, yeah, but the code, yeah, we're all code it up. Yeah. Real? Yeah. I don't know what it is that drives the creator. Yeah. Tip narrative. Yeah. the creator own narratives of what the hell's going on here and how to act and how to behave is like, yeah, in regards to tipping, everyone has their own philosophy towards it. And yeah, my I'm in the same alignment. I want to do more than the average, especially if they do well. If they don't do well, I want to do at least like around the average for sure, unless it's like horrendous. If some shit I. Get like personally tax you like spill water on me, I'll still probably give you like 10%. I think it'll be okay. But yeah, it's our own, it's our own thing. But I'm trying to be aligned with Joey Rogan because Joey Rogan and he be dropping love bombs on people. I can't wait to drop a love. Bomb on something. Oh, and just drop $1,000. I can't do that right now. I can't do irresponsible. I guess I could do it if you're very silly and irresponsible. Yeah. That's what I'm saying. It would go against your code to do that right now. Yeah, because you kind of fuck yourself a little bit. but Joey Rowe can do this, and it's not fucking himself. That's cool. I want that wiggle room. Yeah, yeah. For sure. So you. Because. Yeah, I think it's within Joe. I think because what we're referring to is Joe Rogan would leave. Yeah. Really, really hot tips. I think he's kind of notorious for doing that at restaurants. He lives upwards of multiple hundreds, maybe 1000 or 2000 plus dollars in that ballpark is what I've been told I haven't oh, I have no verification of this at all. But Joe has said it before, and I think I've heard other people on his podcast like references. Yeah, talk to him. And he's like, yeah, I was like, leaving a little love bomb. So I think his philosophy behind that is in line with what your mom was saying, like what we're thinking about and what's the idea of what goes around comes around. Because I think I was just like in one of our clips, I think it just came out today and it's like, we were talking about reap what You Sow and eating the fruit of the, the tree that you plant and like the it's eat the fruit of the tree that eat the fruit of the tree that it bears, whatever it is. Yeah. You have to like that that like, came to me like that. It hit me like yesterday. I was just like reaping what you sow. Like, it's not like a philosophy. It's like that. Just. You have to reap what you sow. Like that's just what it is. You. You are consuming what you've been like, producing or what I you know what I'm saying? You have to on a spiritual level. And that's just that looks like this. It looks like this, but it's happening in a different plane of existence that we can't really even conceptualize fully, like the spiritual realm, the place where all the fucking forces or whatever's going on, I don't know. But in that realm, we're battling with ourselves and making this plane, you know? Yeah. Creating this thing. Yeah. And you have to eat the fruit like you have to. It's your life. Like. Yeah, it's like you're. Living like that's just what life is, is like you're experiencing. Like, what are you experiencing? You're experiencing your own karma. Oh. Always like you have to. Even just the karma of your past. Even if it's just defined as your previous actions. You know what I'm saying? Yeah, yeah. You're yesterday's. What do you do yesterday? Like you're experiencing that today? Like if you drank a whole bunch last night. You're experiencing that today. Yeah. If you worked out for the last ten years experiencing that today. Yeah. If you're sick yesterday, you're like, you're probably still feeling it today or like coming down from it or whatever, but you're still like, we're all just accumulations of our yesterdays. Yeah. And there's such thing as, like a fresh start for sure. But like, even if you're at a fresh start now, you're at a fresh start because of your yesterday, you needed a fresh start. Everything's that transition from what was to is. Yeah. And is transitioning into next. Maybe that's why the next is so weighing on our mind so heavily is because I'm like, it just was my was this my is my this is my next. Like it's it's all happening right now. It's all like something for your subconscious. You know. Yeah. All of it's going down. I think what sparked that thought. You have to. Eat it. You have to eat that shit. Yeah, yeah, yeah. There is the cause I was thinking about it in in regards of you reap what you sow and it sounds I guess I used to think it sounded like a, like a kind of like a philosophy or kind of just like, yeah, I guess maybe a building block or a narrative to help understand the world. And, but I think it just is what's going on here. Like, we are reaping what we're sowing. I think that's why it's in the Bible. not reap what you sow, but that, you know, you can judge a tree by the fruit it bears. Yeah. And I was thinking that. So, like, you don't have to necessarily be worried. You don't have to be worried at all. Like, that's what doing like trying to do good and trying to like to move towards better in the future. Like if you're just trying to do that, like if you're legitimately putting all your efforts and conscious energies and like your mental, your actions and your thoughts and your speech, all that you're being towards the good, the and betterment like towards upwards, towards like the highest ideal you can think of for the sake of like just because you have to do something here. I think doing that energy is like, it just will result. Like you will reap those, you will reap that no matter what. Like it just is what's going to happen here if you just truly stay on shit. Yeah. I think we're just. Yeah. You know, you gotta necessarily worry about the outcome. The the input. Just worry about the input. It's all you can really focus on. I think we talked about that a whole bunch, but I think it really just kind of crystallized in my mind with the in reference to reap what you sow. Yeah. Like I will if you. Are like you didn't your sowing bro. Yeah. You're reaping. Yeah. And it's reaping. We remove it. You're reaping all the time. Every day. Yeah. Yeah. That's is what's happening. It's not like a wishful thinking or like hopefully if I do good things, good things will happen. It's like not like that. They will like that is what's going on here. Yes. Is dangerous like free will. It's like. Yeah, blessing and a curse. Like you have to be careful with it, you know what I'm saying? You got to be careful. Whatever you water is going to grow. Whatever you give energy towards will grow. But if you focus on where attention goes, energy flows. That type shit. Crazy. Be ahead. Y'all just like you. Yeah. You gotta focus on something. Focus on the competence or the focus on the being the the winner. Or, like, what am I call Jordan and Tom Brady focusing on. You know what I'm saying? Like striving for the best the best achievement you could win. But not maybe not for winning sake, but just like because you're trying to do something with yourself. Yeah. Maximize your empire. Yeah. You need to justify this thing where you exist. Yeah. So you need to deal with that. How do you deal with that? Should there be a lot of like, you know, if that's so, do I have to, like, work out what's the point if like, you know what I'm saying? Like, at what level should I be complacent? Yeah. And I'm like, you shouldn't zero 0% like Michael Jordan. Tom Brady ten out of ten David Goggins. Yeah. Get the fuck up there and just do it. And it's like, why? You know, before we sign off, just like, I don't know how to answer that question. I was thinking about it and like some people think Michael Jordan's jackass. Yes. David Goggins, what would he what do you think he would say? Don't people hate him? Ask him why? Why have you this? Ten out of ten? You only got one life to live, bitch. You want to go to heaven and God tells you you're supposed to be an astronaut, dude. But Jesus fucking saddle constantly. Cheetos all day. I give you 55 opportunities. To be an astronaut. I think, with something like that, I think I think he. Has used that justification or he has used that, that reasoning of like. And I'm not sure I think he mentions or talks about it at he's like, I'm not necessarily like a religious person, but he definitely believes in like a higher power and like something out there. And I think we're going to come face to face with that one day. I think that's where it all predicates from and stems from is his belief in that is that you're gonna have to come, you're gonna have this, you're gonna have to fucking answer to this shit, or you know that. At least look at it. Look at your whole. And you have to look at what could have been two. Yeah, that's the thing, he says. It's like I imagine God telling me, like, David, you could have been a Navy Seal ultramarathon runner, like all these crazy things that he actually is. Yeah. And he's like, I could, I could I can't imagine being who I was not pursuing this ten out of ten maximum. And like, I wouldn't have any of this stuff. My life would still be like in milkshakes and being a pest exterminator. Yeah. It's like the fear of missing out on that great life I think should motivate. Just like, fuck it dude. Like, even if I'm wrong, I think I'd rather just go out swinging doors. Like, I'd rather go out swinging. Dog. That's what it. Is, bro. Yeah, right. Like a lot of swinging, bro, for sure. It's at least shoot my fucking shot, bro. Yeah, yeah. Not everyone can make a shot, but it's a fucking full court shot. And you're blindfolded. You know, with the rims moving. Yeah. Give a fuck, bro. At least. Like, at least let me try, right? Yeah. There's something about fucking. We're all there. We're all. We're all there. I think we're gonna be if we're not. I think that's where the quote comes from. Like the massive men leading lives of just quite desperation. yeah. Something like that. Because people want their fucking chance. Think everyone wants. Take the shot. Jordan Peterson says we're all watching. It's scary if you miss. Look at me. Embarrassing? Yeah, I guess. Right. Embarrassed? Yeah. What the fuck? What are they doing? They're not living your life. They're not. Even their. Life. Yeah, you come on, bro. Like, damn. Yeah. Sorry. Yeah, yeah. Just drop some. Stank face when we get on some. Bars. Jordan Peterson's like. What do you what do you have? No. No passion for life. What do you have? No fucking wanderlust like? No, you're not animated by what do you animated by? Yeah. What's calling. To you? Yeah. Like you're just gonna passively sit by and just sit in net neutral to negative and just try to not have a bad life. It's like, what are we even talking about? You know what I'm saying. You could have a chance at fucking the good life. That's it. Fuck man. Yeah. All right. Well we gotta get. Our class from staying ahead and we're gonna stay ahead of that. We need to go and keep it moving. So I advise you do the same. Subscribe comment like share. Post follow. Step today. All the above. We're here for it. We're here for you. We appreciate you I'm rooting for you. We are getting. Ready. If you got something you want us to talk about on the next podcast, post in the comments. Yeah, hit us in the comments. Give me a good give us any questions you got. Yeah. Questions. Here's an A DMs on the new the Social system J 38 everything MJ 38 will pop up. We'll be there. So oh yeah, wherever wherever you're looking we'll be there. Oh you you brother. All right, brother Plato. School it is. Oh, yeah. Let me guess. Okay. Missions. The killing. By rolling through the city to light. Your soul. Reeling. Ain't no telling where we might go I just. Jump in my. Soul and let's.