The MJ38 Show

Episode #44

May 28, 2024 MJ38 Season 1 Episode 44
Episode #44
The MJ38 Show
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The MJ38 Show
Episode #44
May 28, 2024 Season 1 Episode 44

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On this Episode of The MJ38 Show (Podcast):

Matthew and Justin talk about Money, The NBA, and Terrence Howard 

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On this Episode of The MJ38 Show (Podcast):

Matthew and Justin talk about Money, The NBA, and Terrence Howard 

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Just means we got it. If you ask him for the peanut butter and the jelly. And the jelly. Sir. My good sir. I would also like the jelly. Always get the jelly. Oh, man. Hold the phone. Get is enough to get too excited. Fucking jelly. Two peanut butter. Wow. In the door. Call the big boss. Call the big boss right now! We need. We need the newspaper. We need the mayor. We need the president. Get the manager, please. That the manager. The country. International manager. Yeah. One day we'll be like that. That's what I'm trying to. Yeah, that's. That's what I'm trying to do. Just to have that. I'm sure that that's security that comes with that feeling or that money. Everything's all right. At least. At least financially. Right? Yeah. Isn't I'm sure there's a it's been talked about many times, but there's a, there's a certain point where the money won't make you like any happier per se. Once you reach past a certain. Yeah. Then like 70,000. Yeah. There's literally a number out there there. Like your cortisol. Like, I don't know what the fuck they use, but they say you'll be. You can't get much happier than this. Yeah. For me, I think it means especially lately, I feel like it means, like your cortisol won't drop any more once you're at, like this, this threshold of money, you're, like, no longer going to be stressed about money. Like, fundamentally like, not philosophy, but psychologically. psychologically. Like, it just doesn't fuck with you. Yeah, yeah. You know what I'm saying? Yeah. I think there is something. Once you get out of that, once you break past that or break into that, then next financial tier. Yeah. And you're in that zone where, yeah, you're like, you're good and you have to worry about your car or your house or the utilities or food, dude. Like you're good at that point. Just like you can't get any an additional hundred thousand dollars is going to make you that much happier per se. But I don't know. I want to find out. Yeah, right. I run that side of myself. I'll let you know. That's. And the jelly money that's in the jelly money dog. Come on. Oh, yeah. Yeah, I'm with you. I think, even on a micro scale. I recently I saw a video that said of if you one of your first financial goals should be to save up, three times your monthly bills and then, so, like, if whatever it costs, like with your rent and your insurance and your car payment, whatever the hell you have to pay, like one of those bills. And then if you have three times that in your bank account, then that's like a first threshold for, like that feeling. Not financial freedom per se, but like the relief of. Yeah, the. The way in the burden. On the anaconda. Yeah. And then he says to get it, then you get to six months and then once you're sitting at six months, you, stop saving for a second, and then you go back and you pay off anything that's not your, your literal house or your apartment or whatever, like physical place you stay in. But if you have like, a any loan under like 2 or $3000, you want to just pay all those loans off. So if you have like a big car loan, then that's different. Maybe keep paying that on monthly and keep it in your house out monthly. But like everything else, try to pay it off. Yeah, yeah. And then go back to trying to get to three months of your stuff paid up. And that's like the, the thing that I'm following that's like it's advice was. But then just getting to. It's like a gambling strategy. For your life. Yeah. It's cool. Like yeah. It gave me like to leave tangible, you know what I'm saying? Yeah. You need something. Everyone needs something. And, yeah, I just got to where, like, I was kind of close to the three month mark. Or at least, like, able to see it and, like, a little bit away from, like, paycheck to paycheck living and the stress, like, coming off of my shoulders was noticeable. I was like, oh, this is what, like Joe Rogan's talking about. Yeah. It's like you just need to get the weight off of you so you can think better. Yes, I'm like a little. More free. Touch that, like I'm okay. Like, I don't need to make every decision based on, like, today or do or die today. Yeah. Yeah. Not every day to day decisions going to be make or break right? Right. Where sometimes when you're paycheck to paycheck, sometimes it literally is like you need to not. Yeah I'll not get this today or whatever. Yeah. It's like shit. Big difference. That's like, oh, we knew. For a while. Yeah. That's all, you know whenever you're coming or I guess everyone has a different life experience, right? Whenever you're a broke college kid, you're broke college kid sick. Yeah. I think even people with wealthy parents want their kids to feel like broke college kids. At some point. And fucking around and all the time. Yeah, that's part of the experience. Yeah. Dollar tree it up. Dollar tree baby bro. Back in. Oh man we are so we were so blessed back in those days. We were in college in the I don't know early 20 twelves in that ballpark. 2013 for 2015 for me. Yeah. Somewhere in that range. So it's like and then and then and before that it was nice to have legitimate like dollar menus at places that there's no more dollars man. He's and. Whatnot. But it's got value menus. best if you're lucky kid. Yeah. I really wanted Sonic yesterday with my dad. he's take me to Sonic. A lot of craved. Sonic went to fucking Coney. Come on, bro, give me a fucking footlong Coney. And I'm a happy kid, dude. Oh my gosh, that was it. You introduced me to the Coney boy. Okay. Really? Yeah. Let's go. My mom took us to Sonic, and you're like, I'll get a Coney. I was like, the fuck is that kind. Of language you talking about? Yeah, it's in a burger, a secret menu. I don't. What the fuck this is it. It came out. It. It was a fucking chili cheese dog. Yeah, massive chili cheese dog. And I was like, I. Didn't even know. Who the hell is that new item unlocked? New shit. Yeah, yeah. But anyways. 2 or $3. Yeah. So then, yes, I would just order nowadays. I ordered that if I could, just because it was like, it's gonna be coneys. Like it was. My favorite thing on the menu. I didn't get it going with my dad. Because it's like it's never. My favorite thing. But regardless, I get a burger and I don't even really like burgers like that. But just a Sonic burger hits different. It tastes like it tastes like seventh grade to me. There we go. Yeah. Nostalgic. Yeah. It hits like it tastes like nostalgia. I just like. Sweet childhood. Memories. Right? And then I'm like, well, you know, I don't really want fries, but if they have, like, I'm pretty sure they have like a dollar chicken sandwich, like maybe a $2 chicken sandwich. And my dad's like, they have, they don't even have a dollar menu or value menu. It's like, under $4 menu. They all under $4 shit, bro. That's what that's that's what the bar is that now it's quadrupled in the last ten years. What the fuck. They had a three. Dollars and 50 cent chicken slider that you could three. 50 for one chicken slider, a. Slider. What it was sandwich wasn't even. Yeah, even a burger, a chicken slider. That was tough. I was like, dude. A slider, just a mini burger.$3 for a mini burger. Inflation's real bro. That's just what. 99 cent hot spicy bro. 99. Cents. That's a dollar oh. Eight a dollar oh eight. Bro I remember the mad. Yeah I like if. You took 325 you could get three things right because it's like 324. Yeah yeah yeah. 2325 was like worth going. Oh get 300 and. You didn't make dang. Yeah. I can put for 324. We can get a fucking. What was it. I think it was a chicken sandwich base. Or was it a burger? I think it's a McDouble base. It was like a the. McDouble was like the part of the onions deconstructed two McDouble and a big chicken. And then you reconstructed them to make a mega sandwich. Yes. And an. Original hamburger. Chicken burger? Yeah, I had to. Or it could have been two chicken sandwiches and one burger. And you could have done chicken burger. Chicken. Yeah, whatever. I don't know, $3 though. But now you get one slider for the same fucking price. That's crazy. You did a video of that broke college kids. Yeah. So we had a lucky. But we at least had. A lucky do. The dog is nice. That's blessed. Blessed. This is blessed. Use McDonald's. Man. That was how I used to like, measure currency for a while at Walmart. I was like, this is eight McDonald's. Yeah, right. It's. That's great. It's so true. I mean, like, you got to weigh out, like I'm shopping. For myself being a college kid for the first time. You to, like, go shop for yourself and figure out a meal plan or like we're going to make for dinner. Throughout the week. What's your grocery run looks like. how do you eat Monday through Sunday? Four hours. Coke zero cheese, bro. Okay, that was. When I came home with a pack of Coke Zero. And like, some of those fuckin happy cow cheese wheels. The baby. Bill the baby. Yes, bro. Those bro with the red wax. Yes, bro. Those like that red wax. Oh, no is awesome. Like playing with it afterwards and squishing it up. You fucking fold them in on each other. It's like it feels great, bro. Yeah I do, does fucking baby bill cheese, bro. Come on, you know, sit down. For some FIFA and I got my fucking cherry vanilla Coke Zero. My fucking my baby bells. Got 2 or 3 baby bells on a little. Plate of Logan cooking, bro. That was it, baby. Welcome to adulthood. Welcome to personal freedom. Individuality. Yeah. Freedom. Yeah. To make it in, On your own in the world. Yeah. Do. Yeah. And I remember eating that whole pack of cheese and being like. Well, what do I do now? Like. Thank you. Dinner snack session of was a snack session. Yeah. If you do is Nexus device Nexus I. Was just like, oh shit, man, I don't got those anymore. It's like a whole realization. Yeah. Be careful. You gotta buy stuff that can last. I buy snacks you don't eat all at once. Yeah, yeah, yeah. You gotta learn that. Learn that as a kid, it's like, damn if I eat them all day, there's nothing tomorrow. So, bitch, I don't learn, that's all. I was 18 years old, hanging out with you. Who's responsible for this? Oh, it was me. Damn it. It was me. I did that, it was awesome. It was awesome. So, yeah, you got budget. Your awesomeness. Yeah. Budget. Yeah, yeah. There you go. Yeah. Spread it, spread it out. That same thing looks to me now, like, about once a week, I buy a loaf of banana bread. And instead of getting, like, regular milk because I just buy a fucking chocolate milk. Look at that. Yeah, the lactose free protein enhanced milk comes in a carton. And they also have, like a chocolate version of that. But yeah, I shouldn't just be drinking chocolate milk all the time, especially when I'm trying to lose weight. I'm just like. Gulp, don't let the bridge. It's just fucking delicious. Can't blame you, but I was. There once a week or about once a week. Right now I'll get some banana bread and just, like, enjoy that shit. Yeah, sit down and play some video games, see some banana bread, drink some chocolate milk. Having a day? It makes me having a moment. Have a bunch of that awesomeness out of everybody. This is everything. I'm so happy right now. So yeah, just simple creatures. You need sometimes Jeff. Foxworthy is like living, always wondering what men are thinking about. I can tell you I'd like a beer. Let's see some. Boobs. That's it. 95% of the time, you could just assume. I'm thinking that you're not. You're not far off. Yeah, on base for sure that. These guys are running the world. But, yeah. Simple creatures, you know what I'm saying? Simple creatures. We don't need much. It's not just banana bread and chocolate milk. Grateful for that I think. Yeah. So I think with that being said, we can be simple creatures within the realm of we don't need that much money once you get past a certain point for sure. Right? I know that to be true. I know it to be true. But I guess, okay, so then whenever you do get that money, what else? There's something else there. Then I guess, I'm I'm pretty. I'm pretty baseline level. Like, I'm pretty happy across the board in all areas, and I'm doing all right in existence. But just like, so then like the increased money, I guess hypothetically wouldn't wouldn't do anything to your overall existence baseline day to day. Right. So my okay, well if I maxed out the baseline regardless and it's like, well the money's Add, I guess, I don't know. I'm not really a material person. I don't want to like like like buying a whole bunch of stuff. Yeah I want what I want. Yeah. Intensely. Yeah. Passionately. But I don't, I don't think. What's the word here? defendant buying shit to just buy shit. Yeah, yeah, yeah, that's what I'm saying. Or having things I have things. Yeah. We're not necessarily into materialism. Yeah. Or getting something just because it's new. Right. As people were talking about it, it's like if it's I, if I want it, I'm gonna get it. When, when it comes out. But like, I'm not going against arbitrary things that society or pop culture are talking about or deeming to be cool just because our newly trendy, we need. The newest iPhone every time it comes out. Like, fuck that, I'm getting the new iPhone. Oh well, what is it? What are the upgrades? What's the enhancement? Yeah, yeah. What's the. I'm not sure it's bigger and I'm going to get it. I think there's a button on the side. It's the newest. One. Yeah. And it's mine. I'm sure there's tons. It's the newest one. I'm sure there's tons of enhancements. I can't wait to find out. Like, I'll let you know. Yeah, right. And honestly, dude. Okay, let's, like, put yourself in the shoes of the millionaire version of yourself, okay? Okay. I'm wearing those shoes. You in five years, like, you're just good and the jelly money for. Days and the jelly. Kind of over it, like, I'm sure when you get that. Yeah. Okay. Yeah, I'm sure when you get a ton of money at first you're kind of like, let me get that Dom Perignon bucket. Like, you might make a couple dumb financial decisions. Maybe not you, but, like, I could see the. Yeah, you know what I'm saying? That's kind of archetypical like if in a movie, if that were to happen, if someone were to just, there would be a probably a couple scenes of that. Yeah. Oh yes. Unadulterated balling. Yeah. And every movie probably ever where someone. Inherits a whole bunch of money just by a little span of time, immediately afterwards where they're like little reckless with it. It's like New Year's. Eve, you know, I'm saying you're like, oh, fuck yeah, this is new. I'm gonna go crazy. Yeah, we'll run it through the streets. Yeah. So he's actually in a diaper. I'm baby new year, maybe. Welcome to me, baby birthday suit. Yeah, yeah, dude, I'm sure. Right. So maybe that feeling is kind of like an alien test with that new. Yeah, right. That's cool. Why not? Right. Yeah. This season, for everything. Like the Bible. This is biblical, right? It's like, I think there's this, season to be. A little reckless. Yeah, a little a little a little excited. Yeah. Well, happy. Go! Woo woo! Yeah, yeah, yeah. I'm crazy. Life hands you enough depressive moments just on its own that I feel like the balance for that is is that feeling you know. So yeah. But it's funny because I, I know now like I already I'm already like don't, don't, don't do anything crazy. You know what I'm saying. We don't buy a car like don't buy a house like go fucking buy a bottle. The Dom Perignon like a smart dumb decision. Yeah. Maybe it's like percentages, you know, or it's like the money that you get in the large influx of a hundred thousand or 1 million or 10 million or whatever it may be. It's like maybe there's like a percentage that's like, you know, like. Yeah, like a, a blanket percentage. That's kind of like an industry standard. Whenever you get to that amount of money, it's like you could blow this 8%, whatever, 8%. Just fucking blow it. If you want to throw it off of a building or fucking just throw it into a pool or set it on fire, that's fine. But like once you don't use 80% of. What you just got in and spend it on a. Car or spend it on a fucking. House, or you getting $1 million, you buy a $200,000 chain, like that's 20%, 20% of your lake. Yeah. Of that thing you're really excited about. You only got four licks left. You're like, use one fifth of your licks. Dude. That's scary. That's good. Now you guys are thinking about ten instantly. You're like, let me back up and I'll spend like $5,000 at a time going forward. Yeah, no more bills, more than $2,000. Like also now you're in the energy of like, backpedaling. Conservation. Yeah. You know what I'm saying? Like, scared. Yeah. I want to lose it. I'm going to lose it. Right? I'm going to lose it. Oh, fuck that. Oh fuck that. You got to stay on that fucking. You know, I don't know. I guess it's not necessarily like. Oh, it's like whoa. And the Jedi baby and and. Yeah, I don't think you. Can say on that either, but there's some kind of like confidently walking forward, like, now we're fucking generating baby. We're generating. You'd find that you find a little groove. Yeah I think there's a groove I think there is. But I think with that being said ultimately we kind of talked about the idea that there's a, a proper amount or a balance or a maybe a correcting sort of pendulum swing back that is achieved whenever you do that. Can I get chaotic or get unbalanced? It's like it's planned unbalance, like chaotic or, like organized chaos. Yeah. Yes. How do you account for the unaccountable? kind of like that. Yeah. You know what I'm saying? It's like I would be crazy. I don't even know what I'm doing. Yeah. Fox Avenue. Yeah, I agree with you. Sometimes I also, I think sometimes your story needs you to, like. Have your at the moment take over. Yeah. Your axioms are perfect. Like they got you to the moment, but maybe your axioms won't get you through the moment. So you need the ability to, like, shed what you think is what you should be doing. How to. Act. Yeah. And just like, be in the moment, let that moment kind of take you. Yeah, yeah, yeah, obviously don't be like manipulated into stuff, but like, you know what I'm saying. Like, yeah, I think yeah, I'm with you. I'm not sure if they're with you, but. I'm with you. Yeah. Like, let's say, like you wouldn't normally drink, right? You're like, I don't, I don't normally drink on a weekend or on a weekday, but like, this is like a kind of a perfect scenario where it's like, well, we are opening kind of late tomorrow and like my this person really, I told them I would go out with them like I owe them, like, let me let me stop and get a beer with you moment. And like, it's just kind of like lining up. And I was just like, And then you just feel that thing where it's like, I'm gonna. This feels like even though I normally wouldn't, this just feels like maybe I'm supposed to be here right now. but the ability to do that's, like, kind of tough because we live on axioms. Yeah, exactly. It's like you gotta account for chaos in your own system, you know what I'm saying? So you don't get, like, here's a flat board of a tornado. Yeah. You can't be too, too strict. Yeah, yeah, too rigid in there. We got so weird. Yeah, right. Too much rigidity would lead to. Yeah. There's no flexibility to bend and to to move with the moment. it's like if it's too rigid, it'll it'll break. It'll break. You need to be able to move with the moment. And don't break your. Yeah. So shit like that. Yeah. Yeah. So I think the financially I mean I don't know because I'm don't like, have tons of money. Yeah. You know what I'm saying? When you get a millionaire on here. Yeah. Tell me what it's like. I don't know, assume all day long. Yeah. Whenever you first got to be, like, be a millionaire, did you. You probably spend a lot of the nice. Yeah, I spend about 8%. Of your. Lick on something that's kind of like you would never. You would never do you never do it. Yeah, ever. Yeah. Like under your own devices, like day to day. It's like you, you never do that. You never consciously make that choice to buy this. Whatever it is, this. Watch, this Louis V bag. Or this bottle of wine at this dinner. Yeah, yeah yeah yeah. Yeah. There's a there's got to be a proper way to do that. You got to take a stab into that next. That thing you would never do. That way you can become something you aren't. Yes, exactly. Yeah, I was just I was kind of talking about that as well. Maybe that helps solidify the new thing. Yes. And doing a new thing. It's a little bit of a but you know. Yeah. You don't want to go. I guess if you're successfully moving forward, you don't want to discard too much of you because like it's being successful going forward, it's propagating, you know, like a positive manner. So it's like the Deadwood at that point is like really just dead wood. And you just like slowly, it's like twigs at that point. It's not like fucking whole portions of your forests need to go away. It's like just the small twigs and the dead shit. The old shit like a perfect a perfect for it still has, like, dead things. It's like fall off over time. Time is just happening. It's it's just happening. Yeah. Just nature. Yeah. And it's good. There's some stuff that's only supposed to be like, pick it up and put it down and pick it up and put it down because it's like the seasonality. Yeah. You need that in the modality of time. Like it's just some experiences like they say reason season or lifetime. Yeah. But that gives each of those have their own different flavor. It's like different varietals of the great. You can enjoy Cabernet and Pinot noir when you want to like taste the difference in both, I guess allegedly. You know what I'm saying? If you're interested in wine, interested in the grape, it's like, well, I want to have this this temporary moment in this like temporary feeling of season. But then also I want to have like when season comes together and creates like, or I guess it would be more like there's like episodic stuff like this one episode, this one motif happened and I felt this one thing. But now that was just that episode, and I keep moving in my life. And then there's like episodes that tie together to create like a season finale, and that shit's fucking crazy. We love that. You're like. Oh, it's the fucking guy from The Thing. You're right. We never actually saw him die. Full circle. Yeah, exactly. And then there's like the big hidden ones where it's like, oh, in season one. And then he did do that. And, you know, his whole journey was kind of about that. And actually, like, he redeemed himself, which is all you can ever ask of anybody. Like, I think he might be my hero, like, but that, that's kind of shit. What happened in your own story? Those bigger, larger stones of, like, human experience? Yeah, but it's like you want to enjoy all of it. It's more. It's a more nuanced experience. You know what I'm saying? Just to see the different dimensions of impact like that. yeah. Just thinking about or I guess in regards to what you're just talking about, it's like you can appreciate the ability to appreciate the, the whole the whole series, the entire series for what it is and then like, down to the to like each line of dialog in the scene, you know, like everything is like built upon that, like the scene by scene. It's a whole bunch of collections of scenes that create this series and like, your life's the same thing. and sometimes like just one line of dialog, like if eventually you find the, the meaning or find importance and value in the small moments and all the everything in between, from every line of dialog, every breath, every pick up to every crescendoing season finale. Yeah, it's like, oh shit, yeah. I'm crazy, bro. Life's going on like that. It's like that. Dude. One of the reasons I talked about the dimensions of experiences, because that's also what I felt when we talked about being broke. College kids. it adds another dimension of experience because, like, if you're a. Lump that right, I loved it. Yeah. It was. People would be like, you love being broke. It's like, well, not if you're broke forever, you know what I'm saying? Not if you don't ever figure out a way to maneuver financially in this world. Yeah, if it's either binary 1 or 0, it's like, I'd rather not be broke if it's 1 or 0. But you'd rather have a cold. Even when it is the one, then you have to be. You have to deal with being broke. It's like, this is like a, temporary situation. Like a life circumstance that's taking place. Right? You know, it's humbling. It's a good to be normal versus. Yeah, at least that's it. I miss my mindset. It's like being broke is I think I got that from Dave Chappelle. I think he his dad talks about that or he he has a bit or a line where he talks about growing up. I think he was growing up. I forget where he said was growing up. Either way, it was cold and they couldn't afford to put the heater on. Jeez. And that type shit. And, his dad was or Dave was like, man, like when you turn the heater on, he's like, damn it, we can't. We can't do it or whatever it was. I forget the the limitation they were facing. But then Dave was like, man, I hate being poor. Yeah, and I hate being poor. And then his dad was like, we're not poor. And then they broke down. The difference between being poor and being broke is like being poor is like a mindset. Being poor, it's like a state of being. It's like a, like a not habit per se, but, you know, it's like a modality of existence. It's it's like it's a mindset ultimately. And we're not poor. It's like we're we're broke, being broken. We're like a financial like everyone goes through, goes through financial hardships. Talked about this last time. It's like the currency of money, the flow, the energy exchange is like it comes and goes. So like being broke is kind of just like a inevitable thing. It's going to happen to you sometimes, or you're going to make a make a poor financial decision or an investment is not going to pan out. You're going to lose money like that is going to happen. Yeah. So like right now we are broke like for sure. But like it's not going to like we're not poor for sure or whatever like broke that and down that distinction. Yeah. But yeah so rather not be broke. But if you are broke, you still need to be able to find happiness or find something lives deep and rich that I think there's nuance. I think there is the ability to do that. Yes. Like Nelson Mandela, there are people who are like, yeah, like in prison or whatever. If you think of my life as a whole, it's like, I feel like my mom definitely impressed on me as a kid that you should be able to go into that water and be okay. They're comfortable. They're still happy there to be like. Yeah. Oh, good to be a good boy. Matthew. I mean, it's kind of like how my mom put it, but not really like to be. Like someone, someone that you can appreciate yourself for is to be able to be broke and be okay and be happy and still enjoy life at that level and then, like, work your way out of it instead of like, just being miserable there and just like, thinking you're too good to to live life like that. You know what I'm saying? That it's not like part of the experience that you can also go through and manage and maneuver and then get out of, you know, Hmhm because I feel like, You know, my, my mom's side of the family is definitely like, they my grandma, my grandma was definitely like, if they don't have it at Walmart, then like, you don't need it as like an expression. She used. It's like, do they sell it at Walmart? It's like, dang, you don't need that shit. Like, why are you mean you don't need all that extra shit? You know that extra shit? You don't you? We can get it from Walmart. We'll get it from from Walmart. I think it's just a way of saying like, I don't know, keep it tight. No, I'm saying. Yeah, yeah, yeah. Don't be. Keep the ship. Tight. Frivolous or. Yeah, frivolous. Be more frugal. What are we talking about here? And I think there's just something to that there. Like, I can appreciate like I can appreciate like, sometimes I want to be, I want to. And the jelly money so bad that, like, it's hard to be just, like, content right here. Like, if you're driving, like, a 2 or $3000 car, like a, like a beater, you know, and you're like, whooped. I want that Beamer, you know, I want that Beamer money. I want that Audi money, bro. I'm trying to fuck you. Oh, that out of money. And I'm like, yeah, it can make you uncomfortable, you know? Well, maybe. Yeah, maybe it just puts you in a different maybe that wanting or that mismatch is just, Too much. Maybe not too much, but just negativity. Over time. It's good to have aspirations and, like, want to strive for better. Of course. Yes, but then to. I don't know, maybe it could be too, too heavy of a weight if you bear it too heavily. Or maybe you're not carrying it properly, but maybe it could be. Yeah, maybe too much extra stress and pressure. Which leads then more negativity, more anxiety and more analysis paralysis. Just crushing down and down and down. Yeah. Yeah. You start getting into less is less territory. Set of the more is more territory. Yeah. Yeah I need that help. The other thing is that like for me a lot of life is just like neuro neuro fucking railways and Like thought patterns. And thought patterns. Yes. And. Fucking live on a podcast and I'm blinking. It was like habits, I guess. Habits. But what we were just talking about. we were talking about life being crazy. As a whole, for sure. Is that a what? We're just talking about. An energy, right? Like, the more is more being real. so. People being broke and then being broke and then I guess, yeah, being broken and being miserable about it because you want to be somewhere else so bad and like, you're just you can't be where you are. Right? So part of the threshold of like handling that is, like we said, like the money once you cross a certain point with the money, like you're kind of at least not dropping negative chemicals of like fear and anxiety into yourself and let yourself like, think a little bit better. Yeah, let yourself create an environment where you can get your Ferrari to go. Like that. I think the same thing exist with your car. Like once you cross a certain threshold with your car, it's like you don't at least you're not worried about it breaking down. You're not worried about it. I think that's why we're talking about it. About the deep. Odell. There's a I'm. I'm content with my car. Yeah, like I cross it. I love my. Car. Right? It's not a fucking Maserati. Yeah, it's not a Lamborghini. There's a maserati that works right next to me sometimes, and it's like, the exact same color as my car. A little bit bigger. Yeah, I see it. I'm like, is that NASCAR? Fucking awesome. I. I didn't have any. Oh, you deal like, that's like. Level five. And I'm on, like, level. Three right now. it's just cool. Like, it doesn't. It excites me. But does it? Yes, yes, yes. You let it excites you and fuel you. Motivate you. Yeah. Or it could be discouraging and. Right. Yeah. It's I effect. It could like, I don't know, I'm not doing anything crazy to not feel that negative. Like no. Want the fucking Maserati. I'm just I'm just not fuck that guy. Yeah. And it's a really I was. I'm sure if you haven't felt like that, it's at least believable. You know that temptation sometimes. Yeah, but, like, just lately. Not really, like, just excited, you know? Yeah. Yeah, yeah. That's what could come down to as well. I think being on that, being in the, in the hole and wanting to or just being so upset about being in the whole like you want to try and knock people into the hole and take people down with you so you can maintain energy. Yeah. So I think and then that's like the energy that you're just putting out. So like you're putting out that negativity like negative vibes and trying to bring people down and ultimately like you're bringing yourself down with them. Yeah. Even though you think you're bringing them down with you. I don't know, it's weird. It's a whole thing, but you can see the same exact car and they express different energy output towards it being like motivating and inspiring. It's like, oh man, that thing's beautiful. Yeah. That's awesome. I want one one day. Well, like it's possible. Like that's awesome. It's possible right there. Like, that guy's doing it like, fuck yeah. If he could do it, I could do it. Why not? It's. It's a thing that can be done. There we go. That's what it is. It's like running the four minute mile. It's like some son of a bitch. He did it. It's actually. It is possible. It's not like I have the same thought playing a video game. You're like, this boss is impossible. This is fucked. I can't do this. How are you gonna beat him? How much was beat this guy? How do you want me to know this? It can be done. He's like, well, they fucking made. The game to make him be able to be beaten. So you just aren't losing. Just like you. You don't want to. Yeah, exactly. You don't want to hold on to that user. Error, right? It's like now this game is broken. Fuck this. Game. It's hard not to get to a point where you think you're trying your best and you're like, this shit's fucked. Like, I don't know what the fuck they want from me. I would have to go read a fucking guidebook like a YouTube. Yeah, I need you to walk through and shit. 100%. Yeah, it's almost natural, you know what I'm saying? That's makes sense. Part of the problem with the Cain and Abel story is that, like, There's Cain and everybody, you know, like, we all have to kind of fight that. We all have that. Yeah, we all have that inclination or that thought crosses our awareness. Yes. But then emotion, whatever it is. Both. Yeah. We're human as fuck. Yeah, yeah. It's just it's part of the experience. It's part of this thing. In our code, bro. DNA. Yeah. And you can get it out, but you got to get it out, you know what I'm saying? You gotta write different code. Yeah. Become aware of what's happening. Yeah. And then yeah it's like the awareness and then you guys are doing the work. That's like shit. I think a lot of it too is just like creating. When I see that Maserati and I look at it and I just feel excited about it, it's like that's just like having having my budget, like getting close to that three point, is like relieving a lot of cortisol from my system. And then the monster that I do drive and like into work and my AC works, I've driven to work for like a whole summer where my AC didn't work type shit. Been there dude. Been there? Yeah, bro. In Texas it's been there. Mobile son a dog. Watch out bro, freeze on it and. Cook eggs on that bitch. For real, dude, like cooking eggs on the dash? Yeah that's right. Like I had to shower at the gym before I went to work because the drive to work was like a sauna session. But anyways, just being in the AC, like the cortisol doesn't happen. So then I think that's like what? What can happen when they say like more is more and less is less. Like if everything is stressing you out, then when a new thing arrives in front of you and it's not, there is no good or bad. Like, a super dope car can make me excited and then if I see like someone driving around, I hope it can make me feel like, humbled, like, very like, you know, grateful. Grateful. Yes. But like, there's also times when like you could the I think if you had more stress on your plate and more shit on your system, you might be like, man, fuck that guy in that car. At least I'm not that pussy in that fucking. Like pussy. Yeah. Like I'm going to not like bomb ass motherfucker. Yeah, I think, like, you can look out your. Right window and see the Maserati and be like. And then look at the left window and see the hoop roll down your windows, turn your music all the way up, and just look at this mode. Just like a defender, like, yeah, I'm balling, I'm balling. If you look over here you're not balling. You know it's not your ass then. No. Nobody could no but and I. Think that like, there's, human at least in myself, there's like a human nature to do something like that instead of just like. Being in the God. Oh, so not that pussy. All of that is just cause, I guess, negative emotions, you know? Yeah. And instead. I'm just like, there's times where I'm just. Then I'm just like. Not really looking. I love you, I love you too. Pussy. Love for both of them. Yeah. You can have, like, love, appreciation and gratitude for both. For both. For all sides of the spectrum. I think Live life is that nuance. You can find love everywhere. And I think we're talking about it. I think you're hitting on it just like the ability to have your current car now or like where you're at with your car, like in my specific situation as well. It's like, I fucking love my car. It's like, I fucking love it. It AC works, it turns on, it's fucking reliable. It's just like a it literally is a Toyota Camry. Just like this fucking. It's like. That's a. Movie car. It was, it was. Like a just like a fucking. Yeah. Like a show about a guy who does, like, work in the office. He drives a fucking Camry. You know, saying. This is like Jim Halpert does a Camry. Yeah, it's like this basic level shit, but it's. I appreciate it so much for what it is. And I love it for I guess you have the ability to have gratitude towards it. I love that as well. I'm just like, man, I love that. I appreciate this thing so much. Yeah, right. You know, that's how I feel about this apartment I like I appreciate it so much. And it's like, you know, not I was trying to make a budget move with the apartment, get something really cheap, as cheap as I could possibly get it, and then, like, find a good location, great cheap apartment that just, like, fits my needs literally perfectly. And I'm like, man, this is fucking chef's kiss right here. Yeah, yeah, this was it. It's inexpensive. Right? Like sometimes you're. Yeah. Like you said like the camera isn't a maserati, but it's like. It's like a perfect choice. Like Tesla is the perfect choice. Yes. It's it's everything I need. It's perfect. It's perfect. And. Yeah, I think we do. I say just I think you do grow to that to appreciate that feeling of like, I like this for what it is and that's like good enough for me. And then you're like, I'm going to hold on to that. That's it feels good to feel like that. This is fine. Yeah. I'm fine. I'm fine with that. Yeah. And that's the baseline I think, for getting into more is more territory. or creating an environment where you can like thrive and optimally think ultimately like your thoughts. Yeah. Like your your brain and your thoughts and your mind, like your brain in your mind are different things. So it's like a whole, whole fucking thing we're all dealing with here. But I think once you get to that point where, like, I was just gonna mention that. Yeah, I think we were hitting on the idea that, like, you're once you get to that base level, like, then at that base level point where, like, you have like metaphorically like you don't have the whoop de, but you don't have the Maserati, but like, you're perfect where, like where you are and you appreciate where you are, pretty sure where you were and you are like, excited. Where about where you're going. It's like, that's like a perfect environment for your brain to start. Just like fucking firing on all cylinders and for you to start noticing those moments of crazy little hints and winks and just like, little like shoulder nudges and like little high fives. You said, dude. I got. Fucking big 50. Caliber. I'm running out of spawn, I'm playing on fog. I'm going to play and be dome. That's a that's a really niche metaphor for, like, life kind of slapped me with one of these other nuggets. bug and just. Dude, that you performed down your voice like I'm going to be. I'm going to be. Like, oh, we lost God. We lost God. Yeah, bro. I, I have these Luka tunes that I bought, and I and I had just been looking for a low top Jordan basketball shoe because I had a low top red and Jordan basketball shoe. The why not Russ. And they were like, perfect, perfect shoe. But I just wanted some white ones because like I had to kind of like wear a season of stuff where I could always make red shoes work. And then I just like, wanted to lose that constraint. Just wear white shoes, you know what I'm saying? Yeah. Constraint lists like, always messes with anything, right? And then I'm looking like I finally think to myself, okay, like, hold on, I'm going to look for new shoes today. And I go to like Dexcom, Dick's Sporting Goods. Whoa. I never into that situation before as well. So the Google doc, I was like, no, no no no no no no. It can't be. It. I can just Google Dick's colors basketball shoes from Dick's Sporting Goods. It's it until you get real specific. Oh my god. So yeah I click on basketball and like one of the first shoes to pop up is a low top white Jordan basketball shoe. And, they're the new Luka or that I guess they unveiled the Luka threes. But these are the Luka two three. That's right. So I buy the ball. At my ball. That boy it I I fucking with him I. Mean I want them. To win me two. They're my fucking What I thought about. Love Anthony Edwards I. Love him. That boy. That boy hoping to I love. He's my favorite player. Mavericks are my favorite team in this playoffs. Yeah, yeah I think just real quick Segway. I think that it might be the motherfucking him coming up in the next generation. I think he has to lose this year the same way I thought back in the day. I thought Patty had to lose to Tom Brady. I think he has to lose this year. I guess he's not losing to Tom Brady, per se, but I just don't think. He's going to play the Tom Brady character. Can I see I don't. Know I think I think this too. The Celtics might take it. Yeah they're pretty fucking hard J JT hungry. Yeah I thought they're going to do it last year or two years ago. Whatever. Chef asked me like two weeks ago who I thought I was going to win before I, I really hadn't seen anything. And I was like, I think the Celtics like I. Think these other two do. I think they're going to win. I want them to win. And I'm rooting for Anthony Edwards. I think he has. I like that, I like living in the living. In that narrative and winning on all sides like the Pacers ran on some random shit. Yeah, they fucking they put on. I really didn't think that. Well, it's just weird because Jalen Brunson is such a superstar. Like his highlights. Are you still. Impressive? Anthony Edwards looks more dominant. Like I'm more scared of Anthony Edwards. But like Jalen Brunson highlights are more spectacular. You're like oh my god. Just coast to coast on these guys magic. And I didn't think that both of the new guys were going to break through because also Shaquille Gary is also feels like this character in this thing on the Thunder. Yeah. And I just didn't think that, Shai Gilgeous-Alexander yes I do. Yeah. There's no way all three of them get to like the finals or like literally they can't, you know what I'm saying? But even so, somebody got to fall here. That's what I was thinking to myself. And then sure enough, Jalen Brunson freaking well he broke his hand I guess. And oh. Really. Yeah he couldn't play in the game seven. Oh bitch I didn't know that. Yeah. Then. And then when he went out that they were like they already had like five injuries and I think two of their starters were already out. And then he breaks his hand and they were like done and done. And the Pacers shot like 67% from the floor. And game seven. It's not stupid. Just going dummy like. He's down right pass down go go go. Just sort of making it rain dude. Took their opportunity. Messes up. Yeah that's what I go back to. Luka Luka Tyus. So I just buy these shoes online. I'm like, fuck it. I'll just pick them up like you have an 11.5 because sometimes, there's a shoe that I'm like, okay, I'll buy the shoe. And then the they don't have an 11.5 or the 11 have two tight. They don't have a 12, can't quite get the right size. And I'm not fucking around. I'm not going to buy a shoe that is literally like a half size off. It just doesn't. I'm like, I'll just pass, you know? Yeah. So I just buy them, pick them up, start wearing them. I also go from like three months of just losing just showing up. Oh my basketball. Yeah. We I got an ex. He's got an ex that he's got an ex and he's got next. There's only like 15 people in this gym I play with. You know I got five couples. You know I got five okay. Well I'll get the last next. And then I'd wait two hours and then lose.

And then it would be like literally like 7:

00 and I'd be like, what the fuck am I supposed to do here? wait, another five games. I should when I feel like three months. Oh, no. I get these shoes and I. And the last two weeks I have won four games both weeks. Boom. Like get on win win, win win. Like, I just left on the first week. The second week I went for five, but my legs were cooked and we ended up losing the fifth and I was like, I should have just walked the fifth game. It's hard to win. But it's a lot of basketball. Yeah bro, it's a lot of running. And it was so crazy. Like the first week, I just literally felt like I could feel everything, bro. Just so tapped into the game, so tapped into the game flow like this guy was guarding me so hard in game two. Like, literally like hand checking me every time I had the ball. Just like, not even with the ball. I'm running down the court and he's like, hand checking me. I don't like God because I'm like a big dude. They're like, are you gonna have to be physical with them? I feel like that's what the fuck they say. And so I'm telling you, like, but I could also, like, nudge off of his physicality, like, pin him behind me, call for the ball, get the ball, turn around, jab, snap a couple times, and then now it's like I'm just he's just playing defense now. But every time I wanted the ball it took all of that. Had you had ritual your way into position? Yeah. Even start to even start bro. And then I also had to like take it to the rack and score. It's like so much going on. But I remember thinking to myself, like, I can do this, I can do this. It's annoying. But like, I can do this, I can win this game. I can contribute 4 or 5 points. I just got to like set screens, come down, run the floor, getting tired. Like just so much control over the whole game flow and situation and how I handled it. And then we win and I'm just like, let's go. Who's up next? Fucking bigger dude comes on the court and I'm like, all right, big, fucking pretty big guy, man. Let's fucking go big boy. The same thing. Just like just the control of, like, this is how I'm gonna do this. This. I'm going to do that. So set this guy up for a while. So he starts playing and helps out. Then I can attack a little bit more. And it was just so crazy. So I'm like, just on this crazy winning streak and just super tapped in. And I notice on the back of my shoes it's got like a phrase on both of the shoes. It's like one phrase and then a second phrase. Is it one continue to phrase or two different. Two different. Phrases. Okay. And then I thought they were like in French. So I asked my dad, I'm like, yeah, what is this? What does it say on my shoe? And he's like, I don't know, it's not French. It's I think it's Latin. Different language. And I was like, okay. And then he just looks it up on ChatGPT, and it's the shoe. It says, don't stop. And then the other shoe says, don't leave. It's like, don't stop, don't leave. And now and they're like these Latin phrases that are like kind of timeless, you know what I'm saying? And I was just like, interesting. Oh. I got a hotline. I got a hotline to a God, watch my story. Just telling me don't stop. Literally printed on the back of my shoes that I put on and start getting Luka Doncic dubs. Literally have all of a sudden all the control bits. Yeah, pulling up with the knee up, dude. and just like. I started hooping as a. Ball, I. Felt myself be like, you need to some point. At some point, look up what that means. Like, I don't even know what's on my feet. I'm getting all these dubs and I don't even know what the fuck are. You felt like a clear difference that a clear night and day. The shoes. It's the shoes, bro. The transition. As soon as I've got those things on and I kind of was like a little bit different version of myself, like, I don't know how to. I put those things on and I was like, I got a ball. Like I just spent some money on some nice shoes. Everybody just saw me like, put on the fresh. These shoes are white. Like everybody. Knows. These are brand new brand. I got to be hooping. Hubba hubba. Hubba hubba. And plus, I was sick of taking hours. It's almost not worth my time anymore to keep going to the basketball court. And yeah, if you're having that experience, the L's isn't that big of a deal. But the the time investment into just taking an L and just sitting around waiting to take an L, like, that's just that's rough. Horrifying. Losing best was not that big a deal, but the time hours invested. That sucks all of us. Hard to be a big deal a little bit on my like. And losing sucks too, of course. What am I asking? But am I asking my cheeks? No one wants to. Play with me and every time I play I lose. If you told me on paper I mean on paper, that guys cheeks. Yeah. And then I just felt like I felt the change. I felt the switch flip. That's crazy. I caught one of the players that, like, gets picked up every time. Like, if he loses, they're like, hey, you wanna run with us? He runs. I didn't have five people. I just told everybody I had five people. I said, it's bad for you, bro. And, I just got on the team with him and then some other people. Big dude just rumbling. So, And I feel myself, I feel something telling me, like, look up what this means, like, or whatever. I was driving up there, I was like, I should just ask dad to, like, tell me what it means. Maybe he knows what I thought. Luka Doncic was French for a second, but. And I was like, he knows French. He'll know he'll look at it and see what it means. Yeah, but like, regardless, I end up like, ask him in that moment. And it was just like, I just felt like the fuck in, like pretty much all of MJ 38 right now is like, don't stop. Like just don't stop. Stay on the path. Don't stop, don't leave. Just like keep up, keep. Showing up. And then whatever. Like those are the two phrases we just looked at my back to back and it was that shit had me like. I don't know when I me so. They're doing doing the fucking Highline bling dance, dancing my fucking dad's house like. Is God talking to me? God talking to me. Don't. That's hard. Yeah. That's hard. It's crazy because it's. Yeah. Like the just like the see on the back of your shoe is just like there's so many things to look at. But then to that, for that to catch your attention and to like speak to you, it was like highlighted and it was like golden or it was, you know, it was like shining. Yeah. It was like, that's important. You need to investigate this. Look at that, look at that, look at it, look at it, look, investigate further. Even deeply. Seriously. Because that everything calls to you like that. You know what I'm saying? And also, I was going to buy those shoes no matter what. Like I had the axiom to buy those shoes, like, set up. For almost a year, I'd been looking for a pair of low top white Jordans, like, go to the mall. let me go looking for, like, where they got. They got a lot of my Jordans. No, I don't want any of these shoes. It was just like that for, like, a long time. And then I just, like. I also was debating not going to play basketball there anymore, you know what I'm saying? Like my cheeks. And then I put on the shoes and then just like, no, like I like I'm right. Like I can fucking win games and go on a run and be like a team leader. And play basketball. Basketball, basketball. That's that's that's why we like that thing. I pick a basketball that's I think of like that. That's what we would go on a run. We would try to fucking get 5 to 5 more focused together. They don't have to be the most athletic or the most physically gifted, but they got some grit. They got some hustle. We could fucking go on a run, y'all. Yeah. So these motherfuckers don't want to run. They don't want to run. They don't want to run, don't want to play hard defense. They don't want me to play hard defense for 20 possessions in a row. Yeah. Like, bro, we can do this. Single and run it that LA fitness or wherever you. But the YMCA, wherever the hell are you playing basketball. Yeah. If you're with hoopers out there. There's good competition at this fitness. It's like legitimately good competition. And there's like a lot of people. But yeah, it's fun. But yeah, she was tight. That's tight. I'm telling you. Like, there's those moments where, like, I ran with that man and it was just like, if I felt all of that in that moment, like it was like a message from God for me. It's like, don't stop, don't leave. Like, why does Luka Doncic put that on a shoe? It's not even like a it's not just do it. It's not like it's almost like, keep going. Like it's like. Different. You know what I'm saying? I it was it. Why do you. Put it in. Latin. Yeah. That's like it took me longer time to go translate it. You know what I'm saying. Yeah. It was cool. So yeah I felt that way about the same way I felt in that moment of basketball, like the revelation of just like I know I'm good, I know I'm cold, I know I'm nasty. Like I know that I can go into this place and I can win. And then it just translated really directly. I felt like to the music, it was just like, I know we're nasty. I know one SC. You like it? We can go to any open gym. Hip hop where we just go to any open. Gym now, like anywhere, bro. We're like six foot plus specimens. Like we're physically gifted. Like where we can go pull up, we can like, hang. I'm not saying we could like, run NBA drills per se, but maybe, give me six months. We can fucking get there, dog. And we're hanging out with the right people. We might be able to hoop at lifetime with Jay Cole and Russell Westbrook. And you know what I'm saying? Like hold our own. Russell Westbrook is who I was thinking of. Get out of here. Come on, come on, come on. Yeah 100%. We train with rest for six months. We're training hard. We're hooping. We're playing for real. It's like. And I could play fucking hard ass defense and jump and rebound and be physical. Yeah. Like be. You're athletic in your body. Yeah. You know how to do the dance. Yeah. So we, I think we could translate that directly to hip hop. I think we could do that in hip hop. Yes. I mean, we don't have anything to, like, show for it or like. We don't have, like, a highlight reel per se, like, metaphorically speaking, to show to. Colleges. Great tape. But yeah, but I know we can go to any open gym and hoop with the best of them in the music making it industry. I feel that. In the same way I felt all the control of like when we were winning and I knew how to beat my matchup and I was really like diagnosing it. And then like my diagnosis would play out to a tee and it took maximum effort. Like, this is going to suck. I'm literally I have to run every possession, but then he's going to get tired and then like at the end of the game, he's tired and I'm like, okay, I worked like this whole game to get to 1010 to get him tired. And now I got to keep running up and down the court because, like, I know it's going to pay off. This is it. And then we get like a fast break layup and win the game. And I'm like, bro, I'm right there with it. You know I feel that way. But we'll get there with the music too. Like not only can we win, but we're going to get into our moment and we're going to be like, hold on, I've been this whole time. I knew the podcast was going to be fucking it, dude. I knew that the podcast was going to be. It's like, I'm right here. With it, bro. I'm right. Here. But it's a marathon, not a sprint. It's not one pickup game like music is. It's fucking for everything it takes to. It's a beast. It's a beast. It's a fucking beast. Marathon. Yeah, dog. It's crazy because I had a moment like that last night, and it was, because I was about to leave. I was working and typically on a Monday, it's we're we're fucking big, big fat chillin. In the restaurant industry. Mondays are usually pretty slow. Mondays and Tuesdays are pretty slow. So Monday for us typically looking like 5050 or so covers on the books, plus or minus like 10 or 15 usually. So we're chilling usually. But then last night we finished the night with over 120. So we like doubled our normal over doubled our normal Monday production. Beautiful. So it was like we're we're hoping we're we're whooping a holler. And it was a good Monday. We're moving. It was much more lively than typical. But I'm leaving. I'm about a month to leave. So I guess with that being said, Mondays I typically get out of there a little earlier than the the usual shift duration, especially on the weekends. Right. But I was there. I was leaving like a little bit like typically I live around like let's say like 930. But I was there last night to like 1030 and run like 1020 something hour. So I was like, let's clock out. But to head out and finish up the last little round of things, make sure everything's good. I got my hand out and then I literally clock out, and then I get a tap, and then it's one of the food runners and he's like, hey, and get points. My attention to the window. And it's one of our other captains, Joseph. And he asked me to come out. And then I'm like, what's up bro? I'm like, yo, y'all good? And then he's like, oh yeah, man, can you help me? I've never done this. Can you, like, card this tomahawk and show me how to do it? And I was like, yeah, yeah, yeah. So then I and then it's crazy too, because as I was about to leave before I even clocked out, before I clock out, I'm in the back getting my water bottle, get on my shit, getting ready to clock out. And then I'm thinking to myself, am I should I should I try to get a dessert tonight? Should I get a little cake, see if I can do a little cake to go a. Little something, a. Little something small, a little something. Sweet? Put a boil on down. One time I went to work, man. I'm all. So I was like, no, I got ice cream at the crib, I think. I think we're chilling. I I'll think I need anything, I'll be I'll be right there. So then I clock out and then I get the, the nudge, go out to the, the dining room. I start kind of tomahawk and I'm kind of explaining it as I'm doing it. And then I'm it's just I just like a little three top in the bar and then, the tomahawks on the board or whatever. I got the knife, get the little tongs. I'm like, okay, I'm going to cut off this outer part because like, it was a tomahawk. So like the it's a ribeye cut. And the ribeye has like the eye of the ribeye. And then there's like the marbling kind of all throughout of it. But then mostly it's like on like like a like a cap almost. And that's like the spineless portion of it. And then like I, I cut it off the bone, cut it down the middle for the temperature. Open it up. Temperature's good. Okay. Perfect. Okay, I'll cut off. The panel also has like, most of the marbling and a lot of the juicy flavor, blah blah, blah. But here's I have the rib eye, so I cut in that. Sheesh. And then the guys at the center, one of the guys at the table, was like, he meant I forgot exactly what he says, but he's just like, oh man, it's crazy. Like the amount of nuance that goes into this, this whole thing. He doesn't say that exactly. But you know that that's translated. That's a cliff nose for him. And then I was like, yeah, man, that's crazy. We've been, we've been doing this shit for a year, or I've been like, I guess with blue for about a year now. Then last summer we were going through a lot of, like, kind of wine knowledge and, the intricacies behind wine like production and the different types of grapes and different, a whole all the fucking intricacies about wine. And then talk about a little bit about the cuts of the a beef and like the cow, like the and like anatomy of the cow, like the muscular structure and like where the cuts kind of come from and like all that kind of shit. I was like explaining this to him and like, I was like doing all this. I was like, man, it was so worth it. Or like, there was. So it's so it is so much nuance and there is so much information out there and like that. It is worth to like dive into if you're going to be like doing it into like expand your it was in that moment. It was so worth it to have known all that information. Just like to have this. It was like kind of validating in that sense. I think that was kind of like a nudge as well. Just like this is a it's important for you to like be that person, regardless of whatever field you're in, to be the person who knows what the hell they're doing in whatever field you're doing while you're doing it. Because all you really got is your day to day, and the feeling of how you feel day to day. And if you feel like you're someone who knows what the fuck they're doing and like, that's important. It's amazing. It's amazing. It's way better than not knowing. What the fuck are you doing? Yeah. Terrifying. That's scary. And then you get put on the spot like, oh. You did it on the fucking nose. And you know. And when the. Teacher ask a question that you know the answer to. You're like, be right here, bitch. Try me, bitch, this is it. The teacher's. Like. And who knows the square root of four and a half. Justin. You don't know the answer to that question. Latin. Latin is incorrect. Justin. We're talking about numbers. Yeah, exactly. That's it's it's horrible. Dude. It's fucking. Big. Big difference in energy. Also like, but. Oh, yeah. But to round out the story, it was just like, oh, that was nice. And then talking to him about, talking to the guest and Joseph about all the time how connected up blah blah blah. I finished it up. I'm out of here. And then as I'm walking out I'm like, all right, you know my shit. Get on my shit. All right. Yeah, well, I clocked out. I better get my water bottle. Okay. I'm out of here. And then as I'm walking out fucking chef, the chef in the in the dessert kitchen line, literally just like, turns to me has a, a plate with a pink cake on it. And she's like, here you go. That's just like. Okay. At least I put it in the box. He's like like, I'm not going to take the plate. I'll put it in a box. That's fire. That's absolutely. Like, that's like, whoa, that was crazy. Just when you want to leave, just when you're out the door is like, now one more thing. One more thing. It's like we could go a little extra step. A little extra was one more step. One more step is okay, I'll do one more step. I'm already clocked up. I'll do one more step. And it was like validation for all the work that you put in for the year, for, like, the last year, it was like, here's a cake to. Like, oh my God, no. Why did this whole time? That's crazy. Yeah, this is a little. Crazy, dude. I was like, well, that was cool. Life's crazy like that. Yeah, that's the thing. Life is crazy like that. Try to explain that you get fucked up by your shoes, or how one moment at work can change your entire shift, change your entire week? Yeah. Just like change the revalidate a year's worth of studying and information that you've been trying to memorize. That's crazy. Then it's like, oh, yeah, this is like, impressive. I was like, it was. It was work to be done. And it's like, not everybody can do that. Everybody knows these things. Yeah. I guess, yeah. And when I say it, everybody can do that. It's just like, oh are willing to do it. There we go. Are willing to just like, dive into whatever the fuck nuances are, exist in whatever field are at all the information that's out there. It's all this information. Yeah. There's so much infinite amounts. And then to, like, sift through it, see what's important and try to, like, incorporate it into your memory, which is like your life. Your whole life is just your memory. So it's like you're and then be able to recall information that you've been looking at and say, okay, yeah, that was a part of your being at that point. Once you have it etched into your memories and you can just recall it on, on, on command of the top of the head, it's like, yeah, now it's integrated fully, it's hard to do whether you're learning about cars or music or fucking, but it's worth. Food to be knowledgeable. It's worth it. Yeah, it's worth it to incorporate the information that's what we're doing or information interpret or interpreters. We're just looking for information and we see it I guess, and then we could not see it. And then if we do see it, we could choose to tangle with it. And if we choose to engage with it, then we could like to so much effort to put into that engagement. So like so many levels and layers. So it's like it's worth it to look for it, find it, engage with a fully, incorporate it fully and like be into life man. Fucking dance with this shit. This informational pool that we're in. Yeah. All these ones and zeros. It's not all we have, but it's like, what else are you going to do? You know what I'm saying? Just be dumb or be a fool, or be so caught up in your own stuff that you don't ever engage with life itself, like it's an experience, like wasting your money. You ever go to a buffet and just eat all. Rolls with like. Like three plates of rolls and then leave the buffet and be like, man, this place kind of sucks. But it's like kind of what people are doing in life sometimes. Yeah, yeah, yeah. It's like, I. Like that Uber. Zen rolls and shit. Like, come on y'all. Yeah. Just being consumed with yourself or like always, if you've you feel bad, so then you feel bad. So then your hostile and not good to work with and then not doing a great job and then you're tired. So then you like don't study. You don't. There's like a lot of ways to be so self-involved that you don't like, get out of yourself and into life. You know, I think having a body and a human in a brain is like a difficult thing to manage. Some people are just struggle with managing the car, much less get on the highway and driving somewhere with it, you know? Yeah. Yeah. When the I think it was Arnold, Arnold Schwarzenegger was saying that. Yeah. This is like a we're like a pilot operating the most sophisticated craft ever. Yeah. This human true dog like. So we try plot of course. And you got to try to like, go somewhere like a whole bunch of controls and shit going on in this control room. It's like, oh, my God. There's so much happening. It's too much. It's unavoidable. You're in it, you know? We're in it. Yeah. You exist. Yes. Thanks. Sorry. I just that's just happening regardless how you feel about it. You just existed. Yeah. And your life's like a lottery ticket. It's like some people. It's like crazy to be here. So crazy to be here. Crazy to be. Here. Crazy to be whatever. State all you got. Whatever your parents are like, whatever fucking whatever you're born into. Like some situations, like suck ass cheeks. You're still here, though, like separate heal and then, like, experience, you know, just harder. Easier said than done, for sure. but I just, you know, I think most of the most of the world is most of the world's problems are people caught up in their own folly. That's why I feel the need to talk about it so much. It's like most of. I think all of. Them. Right. Virtually all of them. Yeah. So I think most of the negativity or like bad experiences, anything that like cause why do you have anxiety or fear or if you experience trauma, all that's like negative experience. so like, I think most negative experiences, it's not hardly ever. It's just random chaos. Most of the time it's like. Natural disasters or something too. But yeah. Whatever. You know, life already has its own its own bullshit that we got to deal with for sure. That's true. we'll deal with that then. Not your own bullshit. Exactly. Yeah. It's like there's fucking sickness and viruses and global disasters and fires and earthquakes and all kinds of bullshit going on. Just like in Earth. There's like on the in the game that we're playing. And then like, we also have to deal with other people's bullshit. Yeah. I think it's crazy because I was thinking, I think it's all just listening to the Flagrant Shorts podcast. Yeah, shorts in the cash. And, they had that episode with Billy Carson. I think his name is. Okay, the guy who talks about the crazy shit. The pyramids and all that crazy. Yeah, but at the. End of it, he was talking it because, like, yeah, I empathize with him. I think I told you about or express this idea in the form of a potential like show or something. I remember expressing it to you, but the thought and the idea that we, him and I share was, he was expressing it to them on the On the Flagrant podcast, but he was saying, I guess and he was saying this in regards to God, I think I think somebody asked him, he's like, do you think Jesus is going to come back? And then he said, he's like, I think the Christ consciousness is going to come back. Like, I'm not sure if it's going to be like a person, but I think the Christ consciousness is more or less like the ability for all of us to reach our highest elevated self and like the collective consciousness to like, finally get to the point where in which we are, we pass all of our human problems like we're we're done with those human problems now, like those are old problems. Like, no, we're on to new problems and bigger, bigger scope and bigger sphere of consciousness and existence and like, yeah, we can't get again, but like almost invite it in to the fucking to the aliens or to the higher beings or to to things that don't deal with the things that we deal with. it's like I was like, okay, I fucking empathize with that shit. I see what you're talking about. Believe me, because I think I express that to you as well. It's just like, because I think it's all the majority of our problems are just human generated, and it's all user error. Yeah, a lot of it. A lot of it. Yeah. It's like, not your fault necessarily. Sometimes it's all passed down. It's just like passed down trauma like trauma begets trauma and hurt people hurt people. And it's just like a spread of that until someone decides in the generational or name, generational or whatever in the global consciousness, somebody like this has to stop it, I guess. Same thing with like generation generational curses or whatever cyclical patterns that your family kind of goes through. For someone in the generation just like to stop the cycle of whatever it is. In this case, I'm talking about this negativity or bullshit trauma, hurting other people because you're hurt or whatever. Yeah, misery loves company. I think that's like it's the nature of this epidemic of negativity, bad things happening. So most of it is cyclical and stuff like, you can stop the cycle, you can break it. And I think most people try to break as many cycles as they can. everybody's just like knows nosediving their life on purpose, you know. Yeah, yeah. But it still is like, it takes that that elevated consciousness that like different frame of thinking that to like, realign your priorities so that you don't deal with those things anymore, you know, when, when he says that Christ consciousness will come over everybody or it will present itself, what does what does that look like? I have no idea. Yeah. I mean, it'd be awesome. I want that idea. Yeah. He's he was he was the home of some crazy shit. Other aliens or aliens and other beings from different planets and different galaxies and dimensions. Talks about he talks about it. But I've also heard Joe talk about it a whole bunch with other people on his podcast. But yeah, more or less that ancient Egypt was just like civilized beyond our belief and way, way more, way more advanced than we can even, like try to try to begin to understand. Yeah, the pyramid of kind of some kind of nuclear generator. Yeah. It's like a power generator. Creating like anti-gravity fields even maybe. Yeah, some some wild shit and like, all the pyramids. And I even just like the Egyptian pyramids, but I've multiple pyramids throughout all of the worlds are all like, kind of just quote unquote coincidentally, or they all just line up perfectly whenever the, I think it's Orion's Belt or there's a certain, a certain like, cluster of stars that line up like it's coordinates perfectly. Exactly. With the pyramids in like a certain portion of the year or some, some, some crazy shit. Apparently he first of them is like maps. They were like, made by these, these higher dimensional beings, like they're created and, like, plotted specifically like, purposefully crafted for whatever it was or whatever it is. But there's been like global disasters and like, intergalactic wars and shit going on, apparently. I don't know people I don't know. He's awesome. Shit, y'all. Billy Carson, I'm sure you have seen him. I think his what's his handle, the forbidden knowledge or something like that. Really? Yeah, I think, I don't know, something along those lines, some verbiage like that. Forbidden information. Do you think that guy's crazy? Like mentally ill? I mean. No, I don't think so. He talks about seeing aliens or like he had an interaction. He had a encounter. There we go. That's like a 5050. He's mentally ill. What was his interaction like? He's, Where was he at? I forget how old he was. He was probably in his 30s or so. I think he was at his house. And then he was, I think so he was watching TV and then the lights all, like, turn off and then they turn back on. And then when they turn back on, there's like these two alien creatures, like, in front of him. And I don't even think he said that they had any exchange of communication. I don't think they really said anything. Yeah, I'm trying to count. I don't think so. I think he just said that he was like, freaking out. And like, in his mind, he was like. It felt as if his brain was, like, buzzing and like about to explode or like, throbbing more or less. And then his, he tried to scream or try to, like, make noise and try to, like, say something. But he's like, I, I fired the neuron to scream, but like, no, there's no vocal, there's no audio that came out. I was like, screaming, but there was no sound. And then they, like, floated away and like, dissolve through the wall. I guess maybe the lights came on after they left or whatever. Either way, these fucking creatures. And then he was tripping after that for a while, and then I guess he said after that he his mind, his. Yeah. had like a recurring thought and it was, I think it's just a worldwide telescope is what, just like that word or those words, that phrase worldwide telescope, worldwide telescope that kept on repeating in his mind for a couple weeks thereafter, or however long it was, I forget that exact duration. Whatever. I'm butchering the story. Either way. He was just on his head and he looks up Worldwide Telescope and it's like a he Googles it. And then there's like a website. It's like Worldwide or some shit. He Googles it or Google back then or whatever this was, find some sort of internet access to this worldwide telescope thing that starts looking up. I think he said he started looking at things on like Mars. We had, I guess NASA maybe planted some, I don't know, there's some sort of footage or some sort of way to view pictures or a live stream or feed or photos of, like, Mars and the moon. And I guess on those pictures and all those things that he saw, he said that he was he found like anomalies or he found things that aren't supposed to be there. And, it's all like public record. Apparently we can all go look this shit up, but yeah, I guess that that kind of started him down this crazy rabbit hole of figuring out, like, what the moon's about. Like the dark side of the moon. Apparently, it's a whole fucking thing to the moon. He thinks it's like a fucking like a it's empty or it's like hollow. Paper machine. Moon. Yeah, yeah. Or it's like a fucking people are living there. Well, I don't know. It's crazy, bro. Dude. I mean, he's fucking out there, dog. Go on. Yeah, actually, down the rabbit hole. This is tick tock right here. Yeah, bro. It's it's, it's tie is tie is is definitely worth a listen. Because it's funny too, because Schultz kind of starts the podcast by like, yeah, we're not going to fact checking into this shit. Take us down the rabbit hole. Yeah. Dude, if. You ever think about aliens, like what it would be like to encounter aliens. I've thought about it, I think I guess I thought about it, and in my thinking about it, I've come to maybe the, I've come to a place with it where I think that maybe we maybe we do, or who knows what alien it's. They have the ability to. Because I think, I don't know, everyone has their own personal with UFOs, aliens, everyone feels a certain type of way about it. But I think that there are, like. I don't think there's any, maybe not hard evidence, maybe not anything to discredit them or credit them because there's a whole bunch of maybe a whole bunch of misinformation, potentially because I'm sure there's are there are people who are coming out, maybe who do have legitimate stories like this Billy Carson guy or Bob Lazar or other people who have their whatever reasonings. But then there might be like, oh, no government influence, too, for misinformation. There's a whole bunch of extra stories about UFOs. So maybe there's a whole bunch of shit about UFOs. And I think it's both. Some of it's true and some of it's false. And I think that's probably purposefully done to maybe just muddy the waters of what's going on here to keep us kind of like always guessing and never really sure. Yeah. But through all that shit, I think just, personal feeling, I think there are there's something else out there, but who knows how it's going to present itself. There are some higher dimensional beings that if they are, if there are higher dimensional, more advanced things out there like aliens, quote unquote, that are 500,000 million years more advanced than us then, like, how would the fuck how do we even we can't compete. We can't even do anything. They could just come and go do what the fuck ever they want. And maybe they could be that lamp or like, you know, so they could be a chair. They could be like a bird. They could be a squirrel or whatever. Jamal. Yeah. There's like there's. Like, embody a fucking thing that makes sense in our eyes. So we don't even discredit it, or we don't pay any animalistic attention towards being visible. Yeah. Just being visible. Yeah. Why the fuck not just cloak? Yeah. You just. I kind of assume that's what. So maybe there is. So I think with that being said, I think there could be like, why not? Why the fuck not? How could you, how could you say one way or the other? At least in my thinking, I don't know, but I think there is something out there and I think we can. If you did see aliens, because some people say, like this Billy Carson guy, he said that they were like physical entities. They weren't like they didn't have legs. They didn't have like they weren't walking. They were more. Like LeBron James sized aliens. Yeah. Scary. Whoa, those fuck. You watching. TV. Whoa, brother. Like, whoa, what's up dog? Yeah, dude. Dwight. Howard. Yeah. Jesus. Or. Oh, that could be small or whatever, I don't know. Would you be scared? Yeah, alarmed for. Sure, I think so, yeah. Your brain is just fucking. You reality's fracturing in front of you. Like you're either having a breakdown or, like, everything you know is out the window. That's a lot for anybody. You know? Like the hell. Yeah, I guess I I've thought about. Have you thought about meeting aliens? Yeah. What they look like. Feel like. See, like. The problem is, is like, if they're hostile or friendly, like a friendly aliens. Like, the best case scenario. I think let maybe I think friendly. I think friendly ultimately is like the, the what they would lean towards. I'm not sure if friendly is the right word exactly, but I think that if they were the opposite of that, if they were like hostile, then I think they would just like, fuck us up. I've heard of people getting probed. That's like, I think that's the that is the thing that's like worst that is. Yeah, maybe that's that's pretty fucked up. That's pretty fucked up. Maybe that's some of that governmental misinformation make us not like the aliens and not. Receptive. Board a circle table full of suits. And they're like. Well. How do we drive people away from these aliens? How do we make them hate the aliens and make. Them not want to mess with the aliens, make them afraid of the. Aliens? Yeah. What would you be. Afraid an alien would do to. You from a butthole? Right of my pooper to. Okay, I'm not afraid. I'm not. Sure about aliens. But I'm just afraid that general. That everyone disagree. That's. That's like a leading story there. Yeah. There we go. There we go. Why would they want to put it in your pooper? Well, I, I I think they're going to fuck you. They have dicks too, which is like no no no no no, they're above that. But they need your pooper because they got the. Chance to do research on us. Okay. Right. Because they're, they're more advanced. They want to see what the fuck we're doing because we're so interesting. I guess these interdimensional beings. Are massive gravitational forces. Yeah. What are the probes for? You know, like, what are you. Doing this you get into. Just to understand what's underneath the skin? Maybe. Right. Why don't you just dissect it? It's like aliens don't know how to dissect something. These advanced creatures, they have this crazy, crazy technology, this crazy projectile flight technology that we can't even begin to understand and fathom. It's like they're going to put something in our pooper. To learn something about us. I don't think so. Right. But, yes, I mean. That's a story. Maybe it's a government that's. A story run and that's a story that's been. Running. I think about encountering aliens. I'm like, well. They want to kidnap me and shove it up my boobs. Somebody's afraid in a line I might try to defend myself. I'm definitely not inviting. Yeah, and there's, you know, look, I'm in, boys. I'm running to that party. I've been waiting all night. Oh, finally. No, thanks. Look. It's up. Fuck that. It's, I don't think. I don't think this. But that is a story I like. That's like a common. Yeah. If we were to ask 100 people, family Feud style, it's like, give me some fucking alien motifs. And they'd be like, yeah, flying saucers. They probe you, they, abduct you in your sleep. greymon. Yeah. They're gray, man with big eyes or the green or whatever. Crop circles. Crop circles. Might. Be the one that's on the board. That's on the board. But, yeah, maybe those things are just, I don't know, misinformation or more. Yeah. Maybe misinformation. I want to kidnap being probed. I mean, I can't really I what do we. Like a fucking do it. Whenever they want. That's okay. That's that's the thing it is. Aliens are really aliens. Yeah. And it's like they could really just do it the fuck ever. They want. Like, we can't do shit. The Bible says Jesus protects us from some things. praise. God, Christ in my. Spirit. I've been Baptist. I think even the aliens are some sort of godly creature or made by God if it exists. The God I'm thinking about. Like outside of that, it's like anything that I encounter in this at all. It's like God is outside of that. Right? And, you know, I'm saying so it's like, I think that if there are aliens in here, it's like God is still there. God or the the it, the the, the creation, the whole thing is still there's something bigger than them that made them to we're all just interacting in this crazy shit. Who, for whatever reason, we don't we don't exactly know what the hell's going on here. Just want to enjoy the ride while we're here, have a good time. Finds a meeting, laugh a little bit. That's all we got, right? Life experience. That's it. Dude. So the aliens want to do that shit, bro. They can do what the. Fuck they want. Yeah, so? So I don't think they're bad. I think they're hostile. I think I would lean more towards, maybe not friendly, but maybe they're, like, guiding. Maybe they're like a wisdom, like sages. Like they're trying to help us. I mean, that'd be awesome. If the two aliens appeared and were. Like, we want to give you the missing key that you're missing. I'd be like. Thank you. Is understanding. Oh, the. Wonderful, if you know. But there's definitely people that like, if you were laying in your bed and also you saw two aliens you'd like, reach for the shotgun. Freak the fuck out for sure. You're freaking the fuck out. Yeah, absolutely. No question about it. Does that make sense? But, I don't think they're. Because I think if they wanted to harm us, they would. They would, they would do it. They just hurt me. It would happen. Yeah. They just fucking shoot you with their laser. Or maybe they've advanced beyond that. Maybe they're so advanced beyond, like violence that they're like, don't even think about hurting us because, like, because I think they. Yeah. If you I think I've mentioned this before, like if the, if they are elevated higher dimensional or higher, more enlightened aware being that's more advanced than us, then I think that along that advancement, we would lose the urge for violence and all the human bullshit that we have to deal with, like people not being able to deal with themselves. So we'd like, we gotta deal with them or like they're like spilling out into the fucking environment, right? It's like they're so far beyond that, they don't even fucking have to deal with that. What do you deal with? Right? I don't know us. I guess so. I guess, Like, what are these fuckers doing? Maybe they also. Or maybe they're maybe they're invested in us because they also have to live in this galaxy or whatever. Yeah. This dimension, wherever Earth, whatever Earth is for us. Like, they have their they have their own Earth and maybe Earth, just like influences that or we could influence that. Maybe like how many what percentage of people on earth are beekeepers or what are beekeepers? Beekeepers. Yeah. Like honey maker. Yeah. It's like I don't know, the one person who doesn't tell me, wait, let's say 1%. Maybe that's what it was with the alien suit. It's like 800,000. This is a niche group of aliens that likes to fucking keep humans alive because they're good for nature. okay. You know what I'm saying? Like, okay, we're not even like that important to aliens. It was the bees of the cosmic, cosmic world. We make love and they put love on all their fucking brains again. Cereal and coffee. There's love is fucking good. This is a love form. We make the Halloween yo love for the. I'm happy to do it all. Happy to do. Welcome aliens. Love you. Enjoy snack time because God did it. That's something good I get it. Oh, shit, I understand it now. We're born. Well, this I was, I'd say about themselves, too. it was more of that imported honey. That's imported. Love. Yeah. I mean, maybe they. I think Joe's talked about it as well in The Theory of aliens, that they harvest us for something like that, or some sort of energy or some sort of. That's a scary. Thought. Something you live your whole life just to create some kind of like. A flu boo box, like fucking aliens. Double-A battery. They fucking. They need another double back in the power. Something yourself, you know what I'm saying? Like Jesus in the political box. Yeah, yeah. Whatever the the. Rick and Morty alternate universes. So who knows, who knows. And I think that when knowing God, even. I'm sorry, I think. Hold on with knowing even change your day to day. If you knew what the aliens were using us for, you know, it's like you could go your whole life and never wonder about aliens and just die. And it's just you had your whole life experience. Sometimes you gotta grant yourself that wonderful ignorance, right? You don't need to open the Pandora's. What? What do you need to know all that shit for? Why are. You worried. About pyramids. Fucking thousands of years ago? Shit, right? Yeah. Shit to do today. what's more. Right. I don't know. We don't want to repeat history, I guess. Right? Yeah. We don't wanna be too worried about just today. Repeat the negative bullshit that's been happening cyclically for the last ever. Do you think, like I like, I want to go to Rome and go look at the Colosseum, go to France and look at the Louvre Museum? Like I'm down. Right. Is that a waste of my time? Is that frivolous, frivolous time spent? no, I guess I guess my first instinct is no, because man does not live by bread alone to that, to that, that kind of. Damn getting Greek on man doesn't live by breaking up art. Oh my God. I think it's in the Bible somewhere or some some gospel boss. But I think that's the the idea of what that sentiment is pointing towards is something like, yeah, if you just had three square meals a day and was like living in a gray room, like you'd be alive, but you wouldn't be like living like we were talking about earlier, like fully engaged with this sumbitch. Yeah. Yeah, I guess maybe, I don't know, fully engaging with it. I guess whenever you go to a museum, you're seeing the outcome of other people who are fully engaged with life, right? Right. Artists who are, like, trying to fucking create something crazy, trying to express an idea or to make something that's moving or touching it makes you cry when you look at it right? I guess it could be a waste of time. All right. Because it depends on your mindset when you go into it. Yeah, I was watching Netflix. A waste of time if you're watching Netflix to to be moved anyways in your time, maybe. Yeah. What was it? What started this? What we're talking about before that aliens. Oh, I guess I guess knowing if the aliens are knowing we're being useful, would that change your day to day? Well, here's one thing that's definitely changing. Our day today is the Terrence Howard episode. I didn't listen to that. I've been seeing some holy shit, I haven't seen some a lot of clips on that shit. And like TikTok and other random shit like, this is fucking lit. This these little clips are lit. This guy's crazy. Crazy. I listen to the other one you told me to listen to. That one's fucking awesome too, bro. Simulation theory. Crazy fucking awesome. Back to back. I'm just like my presuppositions and axioms for life. I'm just like, I don't even know. I don't even know where if these motherfuckers. If Terrence Howard is right. I mean, dude, like what? What he's saying. Tell me, bro, bro, I haven't, okay, well, I listen to it thing, but. One of the things he said is that he like, figured out that the way that we look at science and numbers is like, basically like, basically, I'm, I'm probably butchering it, but like, my takeaway is that, like, we've been looking at it like two dimensional, but the universe is like three dimensional. So like there's certain things that like don't make sense, like there's there's equations where it's like, this is true. But then if you use like number two, it's like too small of a number for it to be true for number two. Like you can't square root it and take this and then have it be bigger than the original number. So like some of like math is like just ignores that it doesn't really work for some of these variables. And then he has found son of a bitch. Yeah. Those lazy fuckers. Yeah. It works for. Like 98% of everything. it's the best we've got. It's basically that's. What it was. That's what it was, right? Yeah, yeah. I was just thinking about, like, in terms of, like a, like we've inherited like a family restaurant and it's like our great, great, great grandfathers were fucking cut corners back there. They didn't tell us like, son of a bitch. What the fuck? Yeah, we're missing this whole equation. There's no how. What are you did this place got doing? What have you been doing? We have. No. So what the fuck? Something like that. But. Yeah. So the best I could do at the time with what they had. He figures out this, like, he figures out this fucking way to look at the world from, like, a three dimensional space. I saw somewhere that, it was a clip of him on Joe, and it was like the circle and that circle of life, some some sort of, like, ancient 2D symbol that's been, like, used like this. I think it's circle of life is what come in my mind. I forget what the actual thing was called, but then like, yeah, he flips it like this and is able to, like project different, different dimension, like a different, like a whole nother dimension to this thing. Right. And they're talking about. When he does that to just like the universe, like he's able to like bring it back. I don't know if he like, starts at what would be the big bang or like the trajectory of how the universe he's able to create a simulation where like that, unraveling that he does with that circle perfectly predicts, like where the solar system is now. And it's like, it's like perfect. Like you said, the way that the pyramids lined up perfectly with the stars. and then what it is is that he has this thing called, the linchpin. So the linchpin theory, and it's like the axioms of like that the, our universe actually exists on are like nine different points. It's like, he draws in in one of the videos, but it's like instead of being like a flat plane like this, like X and Y, it's like a cylinder like this, like a tight cylinder. And when he projects like the movement of the universe on that tight cylinder, it like, perfectly predicts where everything is. And then on top of that, he's able to, he says that all of the elements also exist in frequency, and that a lot of the elements are like the same frequency doubled. So it's like, okay, calcium is like a sharp, 47Hz. And then like potassium is like a sharp, whatever, 47Hz, double this. And it like, moves on through that and you're able to use frequency and Hertz to like, create these elements more or less. And then life only needs like these certain elements to create, like whatever the fuck it's supposed to create. And with that he's able to, like, understand how. So like, our body is, I guess, like the way that bacteria grows and the way that, like, cells form has to do with, like, hydrogen and oxygen and the amount of different things in those. And you can basically like create the frequency that would like if you needed more hydrogen to like stop the decay in your body because like as you're getting older, you're like, you're losing chemical balance and it's making you like go through the same life cycle that like a star goes through, and like you're able he allegedly we're going to be able to like, project these frequencies and create these chemicals and things. But it's like hard to explain that part. But definitely what's crazy that I can kind of explain is that he says this linchpin theory has given him the ability to, like, create something that generates its own zero gravity force field. So he's like has like, a fucking vehicle that can, like, just like. Bloop bloop bloop bloop. Because it, like, uncouple itself from the gravitational pull of, like the Earth and the universe and the galaxy, and it just, like, uncoupled from that and uses the Earth's natural pole, like, if everything's spinning like this and say something spinning like this, and that's only spinning like this, and then you just, like, detach from that, and then you wouldn't have like boosters per se. You would like, use the natural spin of things and just like stay still or like you would use boosters and go forward and like he says that he can just like fucking. Move. And they can like go underwater and. Be like, oh, me, the UFO like a UFO. Holy shit, he made a UFO. He made a UFO. Oh fuck. Like it's on. It's all fucking on, y'all like it's on. Like in our lifetime. We like, meet these motherfuckers. It's crazy. Right? That's crazy. Yeah. Literally like, he's like, dude, like it's over, dog. It's on, it's on. I made a UFO. Yeah, yeah. That's worth. Holy shit. Well, he's on there, says Joe Trippy. Yeah, for sure. Version of. It's the most recent one. I'm trying to. A lot of times he's just letting him speak. who is this? I thought he was an actor. Exactly right. That's what, like. Everybody in America is saying right now. Like, what the fuck? He's a 97 patents. Yeah, yeah, it's. Crazy, right? He invented AR, VR, like the glasses that you put on where you like seeing the world, but then like, other stuff will, like, populate and like, you could see, like, text messages or like the Pokemon VR where, like, you could, like, take a picture or you can have your phone out and then you'd see, like a fucking Pokemon in the real world. And like all of the little apps that do that, he, like, invented that. Here's the patent for that. Holy shit. Yeah. And like all the there's like a list of companies that cite him for that pen and it's like Sony, IBM, Amazon, like everybody that makes a AR, VR world. they like, have to cite his patent because he he's the guy that fuckin did that shit. What the. Fuck? Yo know? He's fucking crazy, like, legitimately. And then his story for how he gets this knowledge is that like, his higher self came to himself in dreams and when he was a baby and like, told him, like, this is how the elements are supposed to work and like this is how like there's like a flower and you guys are like smashing the flower down and you're like, this is what we see. It's like a flower. And you like, pull out the petals. And then once you've pulled out the petals, like, that's that's the universe. That's the chemical. And then he says, like that divine given information is like how he was able to create the linchpin that sits like this and how he's able to see, like, basically everything he's doing. Yeah. It's like, that's the true axiom of the universe. Just some divine intervention. It's like, I can't think of this shit. That's crazy. Yeah, bro. He's definitely an actor. I'm looking. He was on Hustle and Flow. It's on a show, The Empire. He's an iron man using crash. Yeah. Yes. Died. It was in the first Iron Man. And he was supposed to be Don Cheadle, like the other Iron Man suit guy. and then they signed him for three deals, and it was just be like 4 million. 8 million, 12 million. And then after the first movie, when he was, dude, 8 million for the second movie, they went to his agent and said, hey, we want you, but we want to pay you 1 million. Oh, right. Fuck you. That's exactly what the agent said. And then they were like, okay, cool. Fuck us, fuck you, fuck us, fuck you, Don Cheadle, do you want to come play the role? And then they replaced him with Don Cheadle and then they. Pay him 1 million. I don't know what they paid him, to be honest. If he fucked, if they didn't, right. It was $10 million. Don Cheadle with a lot more than that guy got. I got to get out of that one. Got that ball. And then. And then there's Terrence. Howard said that they smeared him like whenever brother Terrence Howard, my dad was like, oh, that guy's a fucking idiot. And I was like. I mean, it like, hold the phone, dog. 97 pet dog. Yeah, 97. And then he was like, well, I guess I mean, like, he's an idiot actor because, like, he was an Iron man and then like, fucked it up for himself. And I was like, that's so funny. Because like, he talks about that and he's like, yeah, they. My agent told them to fuck off and replace me with Don Cheadle and then put a bunch of shit in the news about how I was, like, unbearable, unsafe. To work with. Hard to work with, had like, justify the replacement. Yeah. Yeah, exactly. And then he's like, I got Tony, I got Robert Downey Jr, the job for Tony Stark. It's like they didn't want to see Robert Downey Jr. Like I had heard he wanted the role. And then I also heard that they wouldn't give him an audition. And then I called the guy up and I'm like, hey, what about fucking Robert Downey Jr for Tony Stark? Like I heard he's interested in the part and he's the shit. Like, I love him. And then the guy was like, yeah, but we had to like pay him $1 million for his like, act his like, Actors Guild fee to, like, even be able to audition him. We'd have to pay him $1 million and like, fuck that. Damn. And then he has a $4 million deal for that first movie. And he's like, well, just give me $3 million and take a million off and audition him and just see what happens. And then he gets the part and then like, I guess then they kind of fuck over Terrence Howard after he gets Robert Downey Jr into the part, and then he's like blowing up Robert Downey Junior like bro, fuckin tell them you won't do it. Like tell him fuck off. Like talk to somebody for me. And then Robert. Downey hooked me up. Dog apparently doesn't answer the phone for three years. Oh. For three years. He does it. Oh. Boy. I thought we were cool, man. I got you the job, dog, bro. Crazy, right? A million out of my pocket, That's fucked. That's crazy. Right? But I love it because ultimately, now he's here again. These patterns and shit. Maybe that wouldn't have happened had that or had that not have fallen through. That's what Robert Downey Junior Dalton into. It's kind of fucked up. Yeah. They ended up like reconnecting. Yeah. Like three years later he saw him at somebody's wedding. Oh fuck. And he was like. Hey, motherfucker. I guess he came up on Empire and was like, making a name for himself through Empire. I don't know if he won awards or got like, a fuck ton of money for that or what, but like, he was like, well, we are where we are now. And they kind of thank God for that, right? Like Hmhm good came out of that situation. It's like you're at home. Yeah, well, you know, it's what you are. Yeah. You just hold me and like me and God made it happen. Like. Yeah, yeah, right. You just the whole. You just flat ho. That sucks dude. Yeah. That's crazy. Crazy, right. That's crazy. That's like a story. And then he proceeds to, I don't know, I guess take his money or like, just start investing in the, the technology industry and, build a company that builds things, build stuff that get patents, then creates AR, VR. He says he created like a lightning gun. That's like. What? Do like a flamethrower with a lightning throw thrower. And apparently, holy shit. From his world, they could like, assault rifles would be irrelevant. Irrelevant. He's like, dude. That's what I. Mean. Yeah, he's like, that's what I'm saying. He rips the atmosphere. Make these. He can make the frequencies that generate, like. Lightning, the. Perfect conditions for lightning and then direct that lightning because he has like control of all the chemicals, like, so I'm saying like this is hard to explain. Like chemicals make up everything in the entire world. It's all chemical compilation, right? Yeah. And if. Elements, if you have a machine that generates like the. Element, whatever elements are needed to make the thing. Exactly. Yeah, yeah. And especially be like, hey, you know, like Tony would appear. You know, what was saying? Like, ooh, yeah. I don't know exactly how it works, but it's like something like that. Like, jeez, we're right on the precipice of this shit you all like. And then you could just be like, well, Joe Rogan, I mean it's Joe Rogan, like, what the fuck are you talking about? But it's some crazy shit. Yo. That's. Yeah. Andy, listen. I'm worried that guy's gonna get killed, to be honest with you. Yeah. Protect Terrence Howard. Protect that guy. Security teams around the clock. Yo. That's crazy. Yeah, that's why Island this motherfucker made a UFO. Could you imagine? That was like. That was the thing that they were like. The things about the UFOs that were so tribute to us were the fucking. Its movement, its ability to not need propulsion or to stop or slow. It could stop and or it could stop on a dime and move and change direction and go underwater with. No G-Force. Take off. Yeah. It's crazy. No. No need to move gravity or to move this external world that moves in its own different, in a slightly different dimension. That's what I'm saying. They were becoming potentially. Slightly. Opening of this next dimension, y'all. Yeah. Damn, bro. Imagine like airstrip trips where now, like this new gray cube that's at like ten people, and it's just like a fucking like a Tesla truck with no wheels. And you just, like, get in this weird gray cube and then show. Me when you're in Tokyo, like, dude. Done, done, dude. Like that. That might be the future of, like, air travel, you know what I'm saying? We're going to get on this like. Yeah, dude. He was like, tell you boy, tell you boy from Tesla fucking Elon Musk. Link up with me. We can go to Mars dog or Mars tomorrow. Dog. Like, I bet they're going to link up soon. That like, yeah, Lord. Knows what's going on. That's what I'm saying. Yeah, that that podcast happened like a week ago or so. That shit moves quick. Brother Joe Rogan has like 14 million listeners, bro. Like 14 million. Some crazy number like that. That's a lot. That's a lot of motherfuckers. It's a lot. That's a lot of. People listening to that. It's not that many though. How many. Grand scheme. Of things. Yeah. Like on Earth, on Earth. But as far as podcast, it's definitely more than any news show. Like they're. Fuck Fox. The Fox is not have 14 million people fuck CNN. Not even close. Not even close. Sometimes it's like 20,000 people are watching CNN at three in the morning in the whole country. That's nothing. It's like nothing. It's fucking nothing. But yeah, this dude's got 14 million. It's a lot to like constituency. and it's like continual and probably growing. It definitely grew through Covid. Yeah. Right. He blew up everybody listening to podcasts and just chilling doing nothing. Yeah. Yeah. Like something people had to listen to. Like during Covid. He like because when you weren't sure if the actual CNN and Fox News was lying to you about like what was going on. Yeah. Yeah. So you're saying. He was having like doctors on and he was having people from Congress on and they were talking shit about Fauci and then bringing up his past and showing that he's worked for these pharmaceutical companies for like 30 or 40 years, and that he had a plan to try to get everybody more vaccines like 20 years ago and was like trying to implement new waves of vaccines as, like part of, like, babies and stuff like that. Just, just to run it up for the pharmaceuticals to generate that industry. And then you put that guy in charge of like, the Covid decisions, it's like that, that kind of like that wasn't so revealed on Fox News. They weren't talking about it like that. Definitely not common knowledge on a lot of outlets. So I think even a guy like my dad who's like more sent, like maybe thinks Joe Rogan's a little bit more. Out. Like out there. Like, not a reliable information source. Yeah, yeah. There you go. was like, you should probably. Listen to this. He's Wikipedia. Yeah, right. You can't use that shit on a on a thesis. Definitely not. Definitely not. But then it became more regular. Like, you were like, oh, well, we probably should listen, at least to hear what he's saying, you. Know, or at least hear what the side of the story is. Yeah, yeah. He became that vehicle. Yeah. That's tight. Fucking tight, Joe. Fucking tight. Come on baby I love that. Fucking did it. I fucking love. It. Last two episodes are amazing. Like highly recommend. Yeah I'm listening to the Vivek or whatever Vivek firm or whatever it is. He's got that. Crazy simulation theory. It's fucking tight and like a 30 minutes and it's fucking awesome. It slaps. I'm so here for it. I'm so here for it. I said, yeah, bro, you want to you want to wander down? Yeah. The number 38 pod. I love you guys. So thank you for joining us. Thank you for joining us. Kill the rest of your day and just have a little murder squad like comment. So share scribe follow tell a friend. Be a friend. That's it. Action. I love you guys. Keep tuning in. We're like 4000 subscribers. More coming, more coming, more music, more everything. We're going to get some music hopefully released in the next couple weeks. A little summer, at least a summer single, and then try to follow that up shortly thereafter with a little summer EP and a little three track. So four songs hopefully coming out in the next month or two. Some summertime vibes down by the pool, flowing the river. Whatever y'all doing, give the boys and play time. Yeah, throw it on rotation. Tell some friends, show some friends. Beat that culture. Push it. Push that culture. Push it. I love you guys. Keep being you fucking love y'all. Keep doing what you're doing. Catch on the other side. Peace.