The MJ38 Show

Episode #46

June 04, 2024 MJ38 Season 1 Episode 46
Episode #46
The MJ38 Show
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The MJ38 Show
Episode #46
Jun 04, 2024 Season 1 Episode 46

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On this Episode of The MJ38 Show (Podcast):

Matthew and Justin talk about Answering The Phone, The Blood Bath, and The Olympics 

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On this Episode of The MJ38 Show (Podcast):

Matthew and Justin talk about Answering The Phone, The Blood Bath, and The Olympics 

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In season. He's like trying to push to that highest elevation. He's trying to like, do something he's never done before. It's like, I'm sure a fast and, well, gentlemanly fast and play these games. And I'm probably not going to play as well as I could play, but like, this is what I'm supposed to do right now. I could be super charged up playing crazy. He had one of the ones in Hollis Burke. He went insane and he was like fasting for him right now. Just like saw the feeling of like, I don't think he even really expressed how much he was like, this is it right here. This feeling right here is like, better than anything. Just like like God led me to down this path where I should probably shouldn't be playing so malnourished and dehydrated. But I'm going to do it anyways because, like, this is where I'm at, and then I. Sacrifice sacrificial. Poorly. Yeah. That's I, I guess we're talking about Kyrie. Okay I guess he follows Ramadan. Yeah I think he adheres. To that practice that religious sacrifice. My perception was he had never fasted in season before for Ramadan, but this was the year he was in a fast ten season and still play. It was the first time I'd ever done it. Never tried it out for real. and then I could be wrong. But that's what I thought. And then, yeah, he just like they going to this year. Yeah. Oh. Shot. Yeah. They like win most of the games during like his first season. And then he has one game towards the end of the fast where he just goes insane. He's like tapped and tapped and tapped in like I see it happen to him where he's like, I want stoppable, I can't miss. Everything is like I've got pure perception of what's going on here. I'm faster than them. I'm like, up here. Yeah. I've been, yeah, I had a head in the same moment, like we're all in the moment together. But maybe he's just like .01 second, 0.0 two seconds ahead of everyone else. And that's enough. That's enough to make a difference. Yeah. Oh yeah, a big difference. Especially in like yeah basketball at the highest level. And then yeah just what I feel I feel like I've watched him like embrace that. He's like I know what's going on here. Like I'm ahead at the moment. I just got beat, I just got to beat. And then he wins the game. And then. Yeah like I think Ramadan was ending like in three days or something like that. After that they didn't have to play again. Or maybe it was like, I think, I think they didn't have to play again while they were Ramadan. So I remember the memory. But you can do the research you're having this season. That's why I'm so impressed, is because he goes to Dallas still not given up on this fucking chip. He's running like he's been looking for this chip for every now. Yeah, since the. First one team and trying to build super teams. Super teams trying trying to make it happen. And here they go. Yeah bro it's going down for sure. Starts today. But so yeah so I shut up Kyrie bro I like. That man's crazy. Yeah he's Weiland. He's only like 6162 right. It's like all right that's insane. He's like all right. That they're going crazy. You have to see in Kyrie Irving at LA fitness. Yeah right. So like oh shit okay well who you want to run. I got him. I want that guy. Right. Especially if you get a good pre-game warm up out of him bruh. But yeah fasting during the season. That's crazy I guess. I don't know, maybe you get more spiritually tapped in or maybe a little bit more. Yeah. Ahead in the moment. Just because you're so, I guess maybe the sacrifice, everything you're sacrificing towards is like, I guess, trying to strengthen or increase the relationship or the spirituality aspect of your life. And then maybe in doing that, you're able to even get more tapped into the reality of reality. Yeah. Even if it's like. You're hungry, but like, there's nothing. Deeper there. What's going. On? What's generating that hunger? Then you tapped into the generation of the hunger. yeah. That's like doo doo doo doo doo doo. Doo doo doo doo doo doo doo. Just ones and zeros. You're like, oh my God. The matrix. Yeah. Food is not real I'm not real. Yeah. We don't line this is the real ones and zeros okay. One bank. One. Yo, bro. Oh that's hard. I've actually something like that. I don't know how he perceives all that, but you know. What I'm saying? Something like that. Maybe be hard. Like, didn't say. Yeah. He just. Yeah, that'd be funny from like watching him in his perspective, he's I don't try this shit. And then he just like unfolds the matrix. Yeah. Dude. Yeah, dude. I feel the the sacrifice part. The page ripple a couple times where I'm like, how do I. Like trying to think my way through it? He knows that. He said, this game. Ripped the cosmos, right? Rip the fabric of space time. Yeah. And oh, if you just want to get physical physicists with people in the in the multiverse theory, there's definitely a universe where you're going to do that. And then in infinity universes where you do do that, and then different outcomes happen. Yeah, yeah. So it's not like it's an impossibility. Everything is possible. So I'm trying to say, Infinite timelines. Yeah. If you believe that. Multiverse theory, it's. Like a big, you know, fucking physics. Running theoretical. Yeah. Theory. Running theory out there. What's it called with? we're all trying to figure what the fuck's going on. Yeah. In physics, there's a lot of running theories because it's like they don't know. You can't. You can't prove a lot of stuff. So it's like it's either this, this or this. then people decide for themselves. The scientific community is based on it. Just trying to figure out what is what's up. works for me right now. I talk to people for a second. Oh, no, I know, yeah. Okay. So we'll come back and we'll be right back. All right, all right. Well. Bullet dodged. Oh, everything's good in hood, neo. With the ones and zeros. Breaking the matrix. I mean, it's good life out here. It's good life. You said you had something to talk about or there was topics you had. Dude, I'm just so happy I'm not going to work on. Oh, it's like. Oh, no. Here's something, though, is that, sometimes, sometimes in the mornings, bro. I'm like, don't want to answer the phone, bro. You know, like but it's like bigger than that. So sometimes, like, I'll just get a phone call from, like, you know, spectrum, tell me that my bills overdue with that number like that. Like that. I call that a day, bro. I think sometimes we've talked about this right about they're always calling for their money. Right. It was a sense of it's really big. I'll just leave a little, you know, like I've hit the gym and then. I get a phone call from like, a number. I don't know, you know what I'm saying? and then, you. Hardly answered those. Probably never, bro. Like, very, very rarely. So much better, right? No. Okay. Okay. So here's the thing. Is that, like, sometimes I'll gauge my, like tenacity for the day with like with like a how sometimes I'll pick up. The phone and say hello. Oh willing you are. And the tone you come with in on the phone with. Yeah this I was like, I. Don't want to do that. I don't like you. Busy girl. You just. This is avoidance. Energy. Yeah. Right. Yeah. Is that the times where I'm like, look at the phone and I'm just like, now we're doing it, we're doing it. And then what do you do it? I'm like, in the gym. Like, so I'm just like, hello? What is that? You what do you need from me? Oh, here. I'll be responsible for it. But like, yeah, I was happy just now. Whatever that happened, I was like, hold on, I gotta I gotta do this one real quick. Hello. And then in my own mind, I was like, nice, bro. You're like doing shit. You're like, hand on your shit. Don't shy away from that contact now, player. Yeah, go, go get your contact. That's the thing now, right? Or like the, the tendency to shy away from a phone call conversation. Yeah. For sure. Like, that's. Yeah. Because I experienced that. I think that's a very common trope or common feeling that people share. Yeah. Or maybe if that's a good or that particular feeling is getting more popular or, you know, I feel like that's a sure thing. Right. Yeah. She just. Text me. The great someone's calls. It's definitely people in the screen and calls. It's called keys if you can know who was calling. Yeah. Yeah. Right. But at the same time, I do think that people. Yeah phone call avoid people are like, just text me. What are you what are you calling me? The something it's more demanding of you to be is right. There's something there. I guess it's also maybe, it's part of the game in my mind, was the idea that maybe it's kind of, like, maybe a little bit nerve wracking to be on the spot because you're kind of more on the spot if you're if you're able to, like, gather your thoughts and organize them and then articulate a message through like text or email, it's much more chill versus like freestyling in the moment. Of talking. Live on the phone. It's like you're live. Yeah. I'm listening. the silent the silence is loud. Hi, my name is Matthew. I was looking to do a, conversation real quick about the stuff that I need from you. Yeah, I feel you, you had to put on your whole, like, your your whole presentation of the you, you know. Yeah, you might be, like, laying on the couch. This is me. Like, on my days off, whenever I'm chilling and I've got the blanket over me. And I'm like, knee deep in, like, you know, fall out. And I'm just like. This is nuts. And then, like, word calls you and you're like, oh, man, I gotta like, I got to be, like, presentable. Matthew, you know what I'm saying? Yeah. Come all the way out of that shell and into someone who can make good decisions for yourself. The social. Mask. Yeah, right. Just like I hole up. Yeah. I mean, that I probably should be able to do that, but there it does seem like people are like, man just likes me for that stuff. Yeah. Or. Yeah. Just like, having that being more avoidant, maybe less, not less social. What is it? I don't know, maybe it's because it's easier to avoid. Maybe it's like conflict. Conflict you as a nature, you know, maybe not even like conflict necessarily like negative conflicts, like opposing ideas, but just, maybe the idea of the conversation being put on the spot in conversation is, like, uncomfortable. You know, people hate public speaking, and it's like a mini, mini mini version of public speaking if you're really talking to the phone. Yeah. Versus like the Max or large scale talking to a crowd. But either way, you're still just talking into it. Like being listened to by somebody, right? By a group of people or one person. So maybe that that little dose of that, it's like kind of nerve wracking. That's a that's a very common fear. Yeah. It's like number one fear or something like that. Like top, top two, top three public speaking. Right. And it's energy expenditure. Like you gotta. Yeah for sure. Right. Yeah. It costs. God. It costs your faculties to operate. Right. Now. Yeah. You gotta change your voice. Yeah. I remember noticing my mom do that. When I was a kid. Hello? Yeah. She answered the phone and put it all. Like, customer service. Voice. Yeah, yeah, yeah, definitely. Hang it up. Like I. Yeah. Like talking to your homies versus talking to your boss. Yeah. Or a guest or employees. Yeah, exactly. It's costly. That's a common trend. Now. Another thing is that it's like that normally happens in naturally occurring social occasions where you're like, you know, you've gone outside and you are your outside self and personality and you're like, then you come across someone in the workplace and they're like, hey, how are you doing, man? And it's like, I'm doing well, you know, like you have that naturally occurring conversation, but someone can just like directly request that from you, like in the privacy of your own time. Yeah. Yeah. Like, no, no no no no no. It's like oh no. Like that's the I'm not I'm not. Engaging in social stuff right now. Yeah. And you know. Yeah, yeah. He's to be like, boom. Saw what you need for articulated it. Yeah. So you know, but not gonna work. Big chill on a day. Yeah. yeah. Yeah. Big chilling today. Yeah. And we answered the phone. Well, we're just like, let's solve this problem. Maybe I might have changed the timeline with that attitude. Yeah. Forks in the road, right? Yes. Many of those phone calls. I'm telling you, bro, like the energy I answer those phone calls with, like, man, it sets the tone. It sets the tone for. The whole day. It does. I was literally talking to myself about this last night, okay? I was like, that shit is true, brother. Like, you can't ignore that. Like making the bed before you leave the house. That's a that's a fork. There you the did make the bed and you're on that trajectory or you did not make the bed and you're on that trajectory. And like, I just feel like there was such a long period in my life where I had this, like, juice to do things because Jordan Pearson ingrained it in my brain that those decisions will, like, shape the outcome of your day, that like making the breakfast, it just like isn't even just like making sure you get food in your stomach. It's just like maximizing the best potential situation for yourself with maximum input from yourself. It's like I went through, I did everything I could, everything that my brain could imagine and I spent time imagining what I could do. I did it all in honor of this day. And then that day is like better. It's more fulfilling. Like you're more in sync with the rhythm of the nature. Like your opportunity to have positive interactions are literally higher because of your sacrifice of that day. Jordan Peterson had me like, there was like an extra juice for just like, make sure we have the best day we can have. Make sure we had the. You're. Going to war later, brother. It. Was there anything to help you dodge a couple bullets? Because in a restaurant, anything could go wrong all the time. How do you go through a whole shift and nothing goes wrong like, that's why I respect Kyrie Irving fasting so much in the basketball. Okay. Because I feel like he's sacrificing. He took it to the most extreme. So like I'm going in this war and right now I feel called to like the best thing that go. Into this world with no ammo. Yeah it's a big choice. They just I know it's. Going down here. This was the mission. And then. And now he's. In the championship, you know? So that's kind of why I want him to win so bad is like, I feel like he's. He's the guy. I think he's been the best point guard in the last ten years. He's a little crazy. I'd rather he shoot like Steph, but he's crazy. True, true. He's a he's a he's a mad man. I put him right up there bro. He's got to be right up there. As a defender. I'd rather have to try to guard Steph than Kyrie Irving Kyrie Irving just buries you all night. That's it. Thank you. Oh that's the worst is going to kill someone is hits threes. They hit threes. They're they're a good shooter. Well what can you do about that I could I could do is try to annoy him and contain him. But like if he's no one can hold this man he can't stop him. He's just going to make you look stupid. Your teammates are gonna bro. Do something, bro. Do something. Just push him, bro. Foul! I'm. It's going to be. It's gonna be tough. Yeah, yeah. He he has that aspect to him right. As far as his game. He's he's a he's a killer. So that's what he represents to me. From when I look at this this you know modern NBA that we look at. That's what he represents to me now. and that's why I ultimately I do kind of like I was open the whole time that the Mavs would do well. But I was also watching a bunch of other shit. But now that there's not that other shit to watch, I'm kind of like I kind let them know I'm rooting. Yeah. Yeah, I love the Mavs. Other than ever since my, Ryan college roommate. Yeah, that's his squad. Really diehard Dallas. Diehard Dallas. That's I think that's verse NBA game I went to I went to an NBA game with him. Nice for his I forget what birthday I don't know some birthday in high school but me him and like two of our other homies maybe and his brother we all went to I think I forget where they're playing, but it was Dallas in Dallas. It was tight. It was tight. So yeah, always I always got a soft, soft spot in my heart for detail. I didn't like that. Lucas Lucas lit Lucas lit. Lucas changed my mind about Dallas as a whole because I did not like them. Really? Yeah, it was a big one because. They beat the. Heat. Yeah, I mean, I love Dwyane Wade. Dwyane Wade made his mark beating Dallas. So it kind of just felt like they were the bad guy or like. The he beat them in 2006. Yeah he got he got back. There up to oh. Yeah God. And he went insane with like no help. That was crazy. Yeah, I was him a Shaq. He was on the heat at that time. That's crazy. Yeah Shaq he won a couple with the Lakers and then they left. Then anyone with Dwyane Wade. That's how spotty my childhood memory is. I'm just like he went insane all by himself. No one else is on the. So the game played defense. Just him went on five five. You was but yeah yeah so and but there was just something about Dirk Nowitzki fans that I didn't like. just like in the best. Like, you know how sometimes like the Tom Brady fans are annoying. Yeah I felt that way about some Mavs fans. I don't know if that's fair or not. You know. awkward German basketball. Kind. Of one foot behind the head. Got him. But Luka put that on its head because it's like the same fans of Dirk love Luka. And like, yeah. The German or the Germans are the foreign guy. Yeah. Foreign white guy coming in dominating the star. He's like a star of the team. He's in both errors right there. And Luka. Yeah they built a they're built around him. Here is a accentuating piece to him. He just happens to be perfect. Lucas discussing. These disgusting. Disgusting. He has a place where you're just like it says form basketball players. They do shit that we've never seen. And he was like, what the fuck was that? It looks almost as if they're playing at a different pace or different speed. It's a or maybe not a different speed, but a different tempo. That's like off speed. It's like they're the like traditional era American NBA basketball is played at like 90 BPMs, but they're coming in at like 85 or like 87. It's just like a little different, little off, but like it works. Yeah. And they. They rap off beat to their off tempo and somehow they're in rhythm. For sure. It's like, what the fuck. You're like a half measure behind but like you're ahead. Quarter measure. Yeah. The fuck he does do that. He does. That's how he hit that game. Winner on. That guy's like he's. Literally moving slower. They took them back and cooked them cooked. Very good. Really. Go back. The Frenchman, he said that. Yeah. You cooked them. He called the Frenchman. Yeah. That was. And I said, I'm pretty sure that's real. That's why you can't trust anything anymore, man. Fucking deep fakes shit going crazy. So we should just make defense. athletes saying hilarious shit. Yeah. You know, but no, but, I've seen a bunch of clips of him, like. He talks a shit. Talks. He talks some shit. Yeah. Yeah, he was talking a lot. Of spikes it. Up right after he. Right after he hit that shot. You just see him like. Going, oh my God. Yeah, I don't know. I never saw what he said did you. It looked as if he said in English. It looked as if he said you can't fucking guard me. You can't fucking guard me. That's what it looks like. If I'm breeding. That's what it looks like. But you know, least he was asked and he said. I didn't say that. He's speaking Slovenian. Yeah. It's like, okay, who's going to say what? Who can. Tell? Who knows who was courtside that night? Those lips. I'm telling you, that's what. That's what they spoke to me. Dude. Michael Jordan's the fucking, you know, Superman of basketball. He's he's the one. And he talked a lot of shit after he won. be like, screaming like, oh. Hahahahaha. Yes. Yeah. So I feel like there's room for that. We got room for that. He backs it up. He's crazy. He's crazy. But sacrifice to the moment so he could have that better day. Get on that better trajectory. Get ahead in the moment. And last night I'm not debating with myself, but I'm. Like answer the phone. It's like talking to myself about how, That's almost kind of magical to say if I make my, like, if I make my bed and then I go, there's a better day waiting for me as I travel into that day, versus if I don't make the bed, there's a different reality that is a lower frequency with lower outcomes, more room for chaos, and a lower threshold for the optimal outcome that could occur based on me making my bed or not. That's kind of like, I was debating with them myself. I was like, is that too fantastic? Like, is that, is that my. Reading too much into this? And I'm putting too much into this right. Is that like a solution of grander. You know what I'm saying? Like, is, Trying to create nuance. Yeah. Terrence Howard really started making me evaluate, like, he might be fucking. What do you mean, continue? Because I'm with you. He with you. He might be fucking crazy, but he makes so a little bit. He makes so much sense in the sense where, like, I listen to the whole podcast and I'm like, you know, the way that he presents like he says what he says. And then Joe Rogan is like, what about this? And he's like, well, that. And then he has like a perfect explanation for why that's not relevant to what he's talking about. And he keeps presenting this new information and you're like taking it all in. And it's like believable. But like as I'm reading the YouTube comments of that episode, I'm like, people are just like destroying him. People are like saying that he's an ape. Like basically trying. To discredit. Him. Yeah, basically saying he's a crazy person. this is like all nonsense. And then he's like, comparing himself to, like, Plato and like Socrates and like, I'm like. Well, we go to Plato school every day, so what? What's up with that? I was like, oh, like quick little, quick little pot or like, a sticky note, like, are you saying that was because I listen to the, the very beginning, at least the first like 30 or so minutes of the Duncan Trussell, Joe Rogan most recent one. And then within that they talk about motherfucking comments like populating like the what comments that you're seeing might not be the legitimate, most recent, most relevant comments. The comments that you're seeing could be algorithmically put in front of you to make you have a certain narrative about what are you watching because they're talking about, like the guy in the girl watch the same exact video, but the the comments are different for each of them. Yeah. It's like maybe they want to discredit them. Want to say, yeah. This guy's crazy, guy's stupid as fuck, dude. So I continue, I. Just this is the great debate, you know, come on. Like, this is it. This is it's you ain't got me, dog. You ain't got us. 38 strong. Strong in this with a capital K scroll from voice that we're talking about. But I'm buying in baby stocks going up four more years. Yeah, it's an election year. Yeah, a reelection year. Because someone who talked my parents out, you're talking about maybe you're looking too much into life about this fork in the road, because I think it does get that small. They're obvious, grand decisions that are like, take this job or don't take this job. They're like obvious. But I think it gets down to the micro. Like, do I brush my teeth this morning? Do I fucking walk the dog or do I whatever. Okay, so to be a good scientist dog, you made me cry over here to be a good scientist. I'm like, let me detach from these ideas that, like, I fucking placed all my chips on. Like having my entire life savings. I do like, I put my all of my being into believing this stuff, you know what I'm saying? And then I'm just like, watching Terrence Howard. I don't know, I don't know, you know what I'm saying? He's obviously very invested into what he believes, that that's at least true. But then with my potentially generated discrediting comments, the critique is just so you know, this dude is like mentally ill almost. You know what I'm saying? And I'm just like, crazy, man, right? Right. And then I'm like, I'm, you know, I'm very invested in what I believe over here. And life seems to be like, got like playing out at a trajectory for which, like, I think things should go, but also like, you know, thinking that making your beds a bit fantastic, like some of these, the, the capacity to like, manifest the life you want. It's like, you know, how much like I believe in frequencies too, right? I believe in, like, being on the frequency of the thing that you like, aspire to be. Yeah. Or setting yourself on a frequency attracts the things of that frequency to you. And then like your energy travels in waves which is frequency. Everything is waves. And all waves are frequencies. I like believe that shit. That's like in my own doctorate. We had like ten years. Ago dude. So like maybe that's in the course of like six. You know, that's how I make sense of this world long time ago. It motivates a lot of my. We're thinking about this shit, right? It's like what the part of the Law of Attraction is built upon watching that, the movie The Secret and Pressure is what it's called The secret. But now it's like super common knowledge or super in the meta of things. It's like a common point of conversation nowadays versus ten, five, ten years ago. Yes. Like the Law of Attraction and, the secret and those kind of philosophies. But that's built upon the idea that everything is a wave and all waves are frequencies, and frequencies are just different wavelengths. Yeah. I'm I'm saying yes, sir. That's it. That's it, that's it. Your matter. Like it looks. Like it looks like solid matter. Yeah, but it's not. It's it's whole. It. Yeah. It's like when you look at a chemical at the most microscopic level, you see like protons and photons, you see protons and neutrons and electrons. Yeah. Right. And if you looked at us at the most mostly empty space level. Yeah, I feel like that's what, that's what you would find, you know what I'm saying. It's like everything's moving. It's like whenever something something's moving so fast like a rim or like a, like a fan, if it's moving so fast it looks like it's not even moving once it goes to a certain speed. You know what I'm saying. At first you can see the rotation, but then once it starts spinning fast enough, it looks completely still. that's what that's what this is saying. God damn it, sun, that once it's. That's nice. Right? I think that's what's going on. Yeah, right. So I believe in that shit, right. So there's something but he's getting he's getting killed for this. You know. Yeah. Well, because people are like, you're going to fix science, Terrence Howard. It's like people, you know, allegedly people hated working with you. You're not even, like, fun to be around. He's like, you're like Nikola Tesla. That's what you that's what you got going on here is you're just Nikola Tesla in the flesh. You're going to rewrite, you're going to give us fucking UFOs, and you have lightning guns. And like, you, you know what I'm saying? Yeah, yeah, it's a bit fantastic. Like, that's that's kind of crazy. And. I don't know, I watched this one video discrediting him, and it was crazy to me because it was like, I just youtubed like Terrence Howard, Joe Rogan reaction. And I looked for what looked to be like the most discrediting video with the most views I saw. I was trying to, you know what I'm saying? Like, yeah. What's the leading anti theory on this? Right. That's I was looking for it. And then I watch it. And the thing is, is like they would just take like statements at a time and then break down to debunk them. Yeah. But the way that they have bunk the statements that he would just like he was like, this isn't even makes sense because this isn't even a real word. And this is but like the stuff he was attacking was like, not really his ideas and not all of like everything he was doing. It was like the attacks were like, I don't know, it was just like an argument and someone's like arguing against you and they're not really addressing what you're saying. They're just kind of like short stumping you and then being like, well, that's not true, because blah blah blah blah. You're like, that's not even what I said. Like, there was it was weird how many times I feel like they didn't they didn't really address what he was talking about. They just we're talking a lot of shit about him. I was like, your argument so bad that it almost makes me like I came here for, like, a good someone, actually, to, like, be, like, dissect it and show the debate. Yeah, you give me a counter. Argument, and I just like there we go, shitting on the way he talks. you know, so it's kind of weird to me. I was like, this is the most viewed somebody fucking get like, out. It's just weird because he literally says one times one equals two. right. Because he says, like, you can't have two particles. Two if you're going to like, interact two things together. They multiply means to increase. Yeah. Is like, you can't. You can equal the same thing if you're going to multiply that someone multiplication is. And then his other thing is like there's a proof where it's like two squared. And then they use two squared in a lot of physics proofs, like everything has like the square root of two I think is what it is. square root of two. Right. And then they use the square root of two for like other proofs. And then he just like the it's like the square root of two is. Like 1.4 or something or whatever. Yeah. I don't know how that part goes. It's something about how the square root of two is less is somehow. than the square root of two cubed is more than the square root of two is more than two. I think that's what it is. And it, like, fucks with the there's no way that should happen based on like math laws. But they let it happen for two and three because it's like that. Those don't really fit the overall proof. But then they use the square root of two and like oh they're physics proofs. So he's like how can that be that the exception to the rule is the one that you lean all the other science on. it's like what he's trying to say is like, here's what's actually true. And this makes all of your calculations actually work. If you do it like this instead of that allegedly is what he's trying to say. but he is also might just be fucked with the. Calculator a lot. When he was a kid. Like, like some kind of, you know, people with numbers like this, people with a little bit of autism, then numbers, like, they're not even difficult for them to wrap their mind around. Like, we need a calculator. They don't really need a calculator. And it's just like, he might have just been a kid that fucking figured out this isn't that, and then that, and then started fucking with teachers. I mean, like, y'all are broken. I'll break your god of gravity. And then he became an actor, you know? So he's fucking. Yeah, he's a crazy life story. He was mentioning that he saw some shit in his dreams, like as his, his first memories were when he was six months old, like that kind of shit. Okay? That's what. What? That's one of the business things. It's like, how how. Do you or the not how you discredit him, but like, you could just say he's crazy, but, like, that's just. Who's to say, you know what I'm saying? Who's to say Justin? He's maybe he's crazy. Maybe he's not. Maybe he's crazy. Maybe he is fucking crazy. And but maybe the linchpin is real. And it took a kind of. Fucking crazy person to unlock. The linchpin. Yes. You know what I'm saying? It's certain amount of craziness. It's like the line between crazy and genius is paper thin. Always razor thin. Razor thin. do you think. I think sometimes you have to cross into the crazy to get into the upper levels of genius. You know what I'm saying? You need to completely break the box and go outside. Outside? The outside, the box. Do you think Michael Jordan like feeling crazy? More or more like a genius? Because I think you probably liked when he felt crazy. Yeah. He's on like a fucking 40 game run. He's just like, I will deny you, bro, I will fucking. What'd you say about me? Yeah, he. Was going crazy mode throughout the season in the practices. And then he felt like a genius in the fucking championships. So he's holding up the trophy and he. Just crying or whatever, you know what I'm saying? But I think he. I know what it's like to enjoy the fucking, the, the work sometimes whenever you're like, really just being a savage and you're really on that mode and you're really like, the best in the world right now. Anybody fucking with this dog? I'm putting in work. Yeah. And just work going off every single day. That feels fucking great. Your rhythm, your energy's like boom, boom, boom. Not. I remember feeling like you're traveling at like speed. There we go. Sweet little the reality. Another day goes by. Boom. Just like traveling through timelines. The more positivity because your frequency is so high. Come to banging that shit. But you got to be kind of crazy to keep that. To manage. That shit. Knock knock. And those damn hey to knock knock a door down every day bro. You got to be on some shit bro. You really gotta. That's why these business executives do high yoga in the mornings and fuckin, you know, getting a massage in the day, in the middle of the day, or, like, having whatever the fuck like you he's hear of, like, tech industry moguls that do a lot of, like, stuff or am shit. Yeah. For am shit like to make their life, I don't know. It's like more sacrifice to get their frequency higher is what I'm trying to say. like, people do a lot of crazy shit just to, like, not get an edge. But here's the other thing about it is, like, if these decisions to have an optimal day, these optimal sacrifices is just doing the thing that your brain imagines for yourself, like, oh, I should do those dishes before I go. I have ten minutes. It's like that thing that you imagined for yourself following the road where that leads to like, your day, like microscopic changes in your day result in the on the macro side as, like a really big swing in between a bad day and a good day. It's like microscopic shit, bro. I think it's down to that level. Like even like, dude, you remember the day where you weren't gonna ask for cake and then you wanted to leave, and then you went to do one more thing and then got validation for your entire sacrifice and then got cake. Yeah. Like that. That one microscopic, like, fraction of a, like, even if you didn't debate about the cake, if you to just like, you know, left without debating for a second or whatever one high five from one person. Yeah. You know what I'm saying? Delayed you enough to catch you before you walked out the door. But it's like that. It was just that little. So whenever you're talking about making that bed, it's like later down that line of that day, one extra handshake changes your whole fucking day into what you deem to be like a good day, into what goes in the narrative of your life as a good day. Yeah, that's fucking bananas, dude. It doesn't take a lot, you know what I'm saying? Or like let's say like one guest complaint versus like one guest like five star review. And then what if it's just like one moment when you just when you break the ice, whether or not you accidentally lost them or you accidentally won them over just based on one interaction of energy change the whole fucking day, man. Like that blows my mind. So last night when I'm evaluating, like, you know, am I tripping, right. We all it sounds like some of his foundational literature is the law of attraction. Like he's often more. Or less like, I don't know when he was just speaking in waves and stuff like, yeah, you know what I'm saying. And I'm like, you know, some people will just say that's like in a crazy person's that's like one of the books that can lead you to like a deluded reality. Even Joe Rogan says, like the Law of Attraction isn't like you can't just be like, I want to. Buy a bike. Yeah. It's not it's not as cut and dry as it may appear, or as simple as some people may be able to try to put it. And we can get into that too. But what I'm just trying to say right now is like. Big Sean was on that shit. Why is it? But also why is he, why is he winning? Hip hop is a question, right? Maybe he is. Winning hip hop. I think he's doing well. Yeah. Yeah, right. He didn't get in the beef just now. Yeah, he's still up. He still tours other shows. Yeah, he's doing just fine. He's doing just fine. So for further evaluation of just like, you know, is this, I don't want to be like, I don't want to be like Terrence Howard. If Terrence Howard is, like, a crazy person, obviously, right? Yeah. Right. Who who would want that? Right. Except for it's crazy that he might be like his crazy is going to, like, make his mark on history that maybe he's supposed to make. But who the fuck remembers being in their womb. Right? Fuck is like. When I was six months and I was a fetus, so my highest self told me I was going to change the world. It's like. I kind of believe them. Who knows, right? Who knows? Yeah, I don't know. It's hard to it's hard to say one way or the other. You see what he's he seems to be legit, in my estimation, just by listening to him. Because, like, I guess, I don't know, I guess part of the thing I'm that makes me think that is that him coming up with this, it's like it is somewhat ground shattering, earthshaking information, you know, and then with something that comes along with that earth shattering information is your earth shattering. So I think that. Happening is like kind of a scary thing. So maybe like the immediate typical response will be to kind of find look for, discredit or invalidation and make it like, not true to like maintain your earth from shattering and having to put it back together. But I think this the shit that he's coming out with also everyone who receives it, it's all just information that he's putting out. But we're all interpreting in our own way. And I think part of the interpretation is our, openness, our openness own to to new shit. And I'm pretty open. Yeah. I'm pretty open. I was. Like, because I don't know what the fuck is really going on here. Taking those super mega multivitamins, or we'll do that to you. It'll move your whole standard deviation and that that should be permanent, because that shit's lasted a whole long time. It's been like seven, eight years now. I'm still pretty. Open. And I said, what's going on here, y'all? I was along for the ride sometimes. Yeah, I think it is super mystical and magical and crazy, down to the smallest nuance level of detail that can make or break or set you up or everything's built upon. It's everything is built upon the prior moment, or that's how we interpret life. Like time is kind of an illusion, I think. But we live past presents a future. So everything's like builds upon each other. So I think that it literally does work like that, like your decisions do lead to another decision, but then it gets down to the smaller like thought impulses that you choose to act on and choose to, yeah, give attention towards energy towards and listen to because we all have that inner voice. This inner voice is going on telling us to do things or thoughts that populate, like thoughts that we propagate and then thoughts that just populate like the both there. It's like a two. It's like a fucking chat room and it's going on. There's two bubbles coming in. Yeah. And you can enter into the chat for sure. But like this other other bubbles come into the chat. Yeah. You know I'm saying. Yeah. You're trying to like. Love that thing into just populating everything you want it to populate. Right turn take control of that. But either way pretty open to information. So I'm not sure if this man is crazy or not because I consider myself to be pretty crazy. I'm pretty crazy. That's the thing right? I'm pretty. Well I believe some crazy. Shit go on because I believe he's just. Experienced some crazy shit. Man. Yeah. Life isn't necessarily what it seems. Yeah, the coincidental aspect of the coincidental nature of life. Yeah, bro. You want to hit. Do you want to give us a coincidental nature? Please. My dog. You want to, though? I'd love to. So. Okay, so we're just talking about stuff, right? Yeah, we're just talking about life, as always. I'm saying. Just talking about it. So, like, after work on Friday night. Okay. I'm there pretty late. Went off. I don't remember exactly what happened. I think. I'm not sure, but regardless. Okay. Apartment. Oh, is that the night with the NBA player? Yeah. Yeah yeah. And that was just that was cool. And I see our friend John hanging out outside his car after I thought he would have left by then. By the time I thought he left versus when I left. And then I drive over to where he's at and then just like, park, like, in front of his car and just leave my car running and then stop by and then talk to him for a little bit, and then we end up just like chopping it up for like 45 minutes, almost an hour, chopping it, just chopping the wood. Chopping that and. Having that thing down, buddy. Charity. Just chopping. Deals. Yes. It's a chop chop. But this is. Yeah, man. And, In that conversation, you know, just like a lot of times I don't want to spend the energy doing that. A lot of times I'm like, introvert. It's a long time. That's a long time, bro. You only get like, 16 hours of conscious life, right? I mean, you get home, you know, some dinner, you know what I'm saying? Maybe put some TV on, like, chill for a second before you. Wind down and then go to sleep right. Because I'm on the open. I got that open the next day. Yeah, yeah. You open in that open. I don't play bro. Like in life. That's like a 48 hour mission. The club open. Yeah. No, it's one long. It's two one long day. Just two days together. Yeah. And you get a, you get a. Decent nap in there. Yeah, yeah. And, but, you know, it just felt like I felt like I should, you know, be there for my friend. You know what I'm saying? He's a little stressed out. He's a little like, you know, kind of, you know, I feel like, just, like, hanging out with them for a little bit would be like, you know, a good thing for a stress level, because I know it's like you're looking out for the homies, you know? Yeah. Make sure everybody's okay. and, chop it up in good spirits. I got to get out of there. I'm like, okay. I'm like, Dinah's getting, like, I gotta go. And then in that conversation was when I told him that we usually wear red ties on Saturdays if he wanted to get in on the on the vibes, you know what I'm saying? And then the next morning, dude, okay, this is point where you can just call me crazy because. you know what you're saying? The energy you're coming with right there, it's like, give a fuck what you think, because I know what I'm experiencing here. Yeah, okay. If you call me crazy. That's Terrence Howard. You're six months in the womb. Fine, fine. I'll give it to you. Give us a little spin. I'll give it to you. I pull the rose petals. Off the flower. Us? Do you do your flower life thing right? Yeah. I'm getting ready in the morning and I feel well. He told me he was like, text me in the morning, you remind me. And red tagging. Yes. And I am getting ready. And I feel him through the cosmos. I feel him think, oh, it's red tied. Who's going to text me? Like, you could call me crazy, but I'm getting to the point where, like, I can feel people feel things, and then later on in the day, they bring it up to me, and I want to be like,

did you think of this about, like, 10:

40 a.m.? That was about when this hit you, and then you held on to it till now, because I felt they hit you like I know. Right and better than no sleep. Done. Just got. Hit. Yeah. 1043 I'll do it. I was also doing it, bro, because. Like, I feel like I'm getting on with it. Like, yeah, yeah. There's that you that fuck some people up. It's crazy like I can I feel them, feel it. Like I don't know if they give off, a signature or. You hear, like, a gong, like the. Yeah. Because like the. And the idea floats into my space, too. And then I feel the idea float into my space, and then the energy pull, I can feel them accept it or like it. Like it's like on a string in between both of you. Yeah. And whenever they catch it, like. Like, yeah, that's becomes taut. That's what I feel. Oh. Oh shit. Like that. Yeah. Oh, strings just like go the crazy. But that's what happening. Like with like relative like. And we'll have our he like how did he he validated this that. He just shows up in the red tie. But I didn't text. It okay okay okay. Right. So like in my own head, it was like if I didn't text him and remind him, he probably wasn't, you know, whether red tie, you know what I'm saying? But like, I felt that tug but was also just like kind of still getting ready and like, you know, I don't want to be like, say, bro, I better be wearing the unit today wasn't, but I was, you know, I also knew that in our relationship he would have probably because I'm usually like, yeah bro, we'll do something. Yeah bro. My dad. Well, well we'll fucking, you know, drink the beer, play the ping pong or hit the hot tub, lift the weights, sauna down, fucking whatever you want to do, bro. I'm fucking, I'm around. But then it, like, sometimes I don't like. It's not that I don't follow through, but I'm not taking a lot of initiative. It's busy. I'm a little introverted, you know what I'm saying? that's why I stopping at the car was me getting a little out of that introverted nature. And then whenever I felt the tightness, I'm like, I felt him feel that. And I still didn't text him. I feel like he felt like I had already invested into, like, the friendship when I had the opportunity. Like, I didn't text you back, but we just hung out for like, our last night, you know what I'm saying? Like, that's my dog. I thought of it. I'm going to wear the red tie, is what I assumed happened in my own story as I'm analyzing. Right? Because I just didn't text him. but he shows up in the red tie, and then the three of us are red tied up, looking like presidential is what I think, right? I think we're looking presidential. Presidential. But then John's like, welcome to Blood bath Saturday. Yeah. Welcome to the blood that I was just like that's hard. You know how much Vikings I'm into it. But then. Some crazy. Stuff happens at work. Crazy shit happens in restaurants all the nation. All the time. Every day across the nation. Everyone. All the time, every day. It happens every Saturday. Across the nation. I wonder how many other times it happens. But yeah, we experience a little, a little loss. There's a little loss of staff. Have you ever the bloodbath ensue? Have you had a. Dream and watch the TV show where someone quits, you know, and they're like, did you scream at the boss? Did you spin in his face? Did you, did you. Did you flip your desk? Like you? Every everybody kind of aspires to have a great quitting story. Yeah, yeah, yeah. It's all going to shove it. Yeah. What did you do? All I'm saying is. On the other end of every quitting story is a squad in a blood bath. Is a team that just lost some teammates. Yeah. So you know what I'm saying? What I'm saying anymore, we all immediately like the theme of the day. Like the name of the episode was the bloodbath. Yeah, but like. Some. Days just have, Well, what happened yesterday? Well, this is what happened, you know what I'm saying? Yeah. You go through every day, and every day is kind of the same. And then the nuances between the days kind of define the days. Yeah. You know. Yeah, that's crazy. That Disney nuance. Was fucking that we lost some people. and we're all we're in the blood baptized. Right. And then it was just like eerie, you know, all day. And then I tell you, I'm like, yo, I woke up thinking about how, like, I normally feel like my only opponent is me. I'm like, I look in the mirror. That's the only worthy opponent I see. I respect you and I hate you. And I love you, you bitch, I love you. Yeah, yeah. Like I want to shake your hand before I fucking get. In that ass for 48 minutes, bro. Like I'm your. Biggest problem too. you're locked in. You want to see me, bro? Yeah I got you, you got me I got you. Yeah. That's me, that's. I want to have that moment with the mirror every day okay I love that. But like and yes that day I felt specifically more like my opponent wasn't just like me. It was like. Like Satan himself. Oh. So yeah, I was. Like, oh, yeah, those are the different feeling. When you look in the mirror that day. Or like from the beginning of the day, I. Felt it over here somewhere. I remember. Feeling. It right here and then, and then my energy went to my mirror. I was like, oh, my opponent. Like, I love that guy. I hate him, but like. I mean, he's the guy I want to obsess. Over say, like. That's my that's my adversary. I felt this other man like, oh, you're adversary edge. And I was just like. I got to whip your ass like I was. I'm training with that guy so that I can move your ass. Yeah, yeah. It's like you're training partner. You're sparring partner? Yeah. I was like, I. Miss my sparring partner. Yeah, like my dog. And I was like, oh, shit. Like, oh, yeah, all the sparring is for this. Yeah, we spar to fight like. That's crazy. And, I just, I don't know why I felt that, you know what I'm saying? Like, I just, like, felt that, you know, and so. I remember you saying that, right? Whenever it was like the bloodbath was like the the the precept and then, like, the shoe dropped and then became the blood bath for real. And then you're like, I knew it. I fucking felt that this morning. Yeah, bro. It's like it felt like, the previous most difficult day we ever worked out. Work was Valentine's Day, so that kind of lives and infamy. Just because it was a very difficult day. That was a bloodbath. And that populated in my mind while I was getting ready to. I think it was when I was putting on the red. I was like, fish. I wore red tie that day too. Right? Makes sense. Why wouldn't, Valentine's Day second one. Right? Yeah. And, I think that it, for whatever reason, that populated in my head and I was like, you know, I just I just don't want a day to be like that. I just don't want that kind of day. That day was terrible. It was. It was bad. For me and for me. Right. So. So it. Was weird. And then when I tell you, like, bro, I was feeling all this shit this morning. Yeah. Like, do you ever feel like you're in a moment and you're like, realizing, like, oh, I'm living in a moment right now. Like I'm in an episode right now. Like I'm acting. And it was crazy because, like you said, that's probably in your own mind. And then in my own mind, like the thought populated. Like. Do you want to join? Yeah. You want to? Irish. Goodbye. You want to skedaddle? Skedaddle. This is some of a it's a little bit of like, there's a lot of sudden left in the Saturday. Maybe. I'm probably going to the river. There's a nice sunset. Don't sunset till about 830. Now. Oh, look. And, And, brother, I'm telling you like brother, like, you know, immediately the next thing I said to you was. That would be one of the worst things I ever did whenever, like, I truly evaluated that dog because at first it came across my. Play it out. As like a joke. Like a meme, you know what I'm saying? and then I was like, what would happen if I did that? You know, I was like, I'd be sick with myself. The fantasy. Yeah, yeah, yeah. I don't know if I'd be sick with myself. That's not the truth. I probably have a lot of fun on the river. You probably have. You probably have a lot of fun that day. You know what I'm saying? But it's like there was some place. There was. Maybe it was with God. That's what you said. But like, there's some place where I'm like, yeah, I don't want to have done that. That's like a big that's not the right thing to do. That'd be missing the mark pretty bad, you know? like that would be a big. At least a little bit. if you. Definitely missing the mark. Yeah. In my opinion. Yeah. In my opinion, at that point in my life, like, that would be a big, you know, that's an interception. We're not trying to throw a pick on the game winning drive. What are we doing here? Yeah, we're trying to go to state. Yeah. Try to score it tight every practice. We're trying go a state. Yeah yeah I was just like I like metaphysics I know like I'm not I wouldn't I wouldn't do that. Especially after what happened or like or like the, like to, to do that on your own accord is like maybe your life circumstance plays out to where that's like the maybe a proper, a proper. Decision, you know, but in this particular situation, I don't think so. I just like the vibes, bro. What? We're fucking done, bro. We calling it bruh. Done, bruh. If it's done, is coach, the horse is. Dead. I'm not going to kick it. I'm not going to beat it, bruh, though. I just shoot the horse. But. The horse became a camel. He broke his. Back. Bro. Dude. Turtles, bro. The fucking dude's back, Yeah, he'd like that, but I'm just going with the energy. Yeah. That's extreme. The route. Oh, this movie sucks. This movie sucks. Look, this is the last person left in this theater. Look the fuck? This this is. I think that's why I was like, you know, there's opportunity. That's the real. Oh my gosh. So. Yeah. But no, I'm in that bitch. No, I'm in that motherfucker. I'm hooping bro. I came to hold Whoopi. We all be. And, do, but check me out. Check me out. So I'm like, you know, get off of work. Finally, dawg, I'm finally out of that thing. It was a fucking tough first day. I like, you know, work the whole shift. Work the whole. As soon as it started going, I didn't really stop until, like, you know, 15 minutes before time to call it. Yeah. Pretty much. And just balling. But things weren't following my way. You know that's another thing that I reminded myself that like man it's just like little ass moments can like change the whole room. Like if you go have like three of your actions, three of your interactions early on in the interact like I got like triple sat, three tables and then say, like I greeted all of them with like, B-plus to a minus degree. I was still warming up. I was still trying to, like, have good rhythm, but like, I delivered all the information very well. And then I get into, like, phase one of, like, taking orders, you know what I'm saying? And it was just tough because, like, I'm asking this table if they want to order any appetizers, they had a chance. Look, any questions about the menu. And they're basically like kind of put off. They're like, no, we're chilling more relaxing today. Like so we're not any rush at all. I'm like, I don't even that's cool. Yeah, take your time. And I go to the next table and then I'm like more or less same question. Right? And then they're kind of like, oh yeah, I think we could like give you everything. And then they give me like their whole order, which is like cool thing. I also didn't want them to feel like they needed to give me their whole order if they didn't want to. And it was also they were a family from Turkey. So I'm trying to like, you know, bridge a cultural gap there, which is cool. And I end up doing it, but it just was like a little shaky at first, you know what I'm saying? and then like, you know, import a bottle of wine and I know that this wine has fucking sediments in the fucking wine. Right? And my brain, like, tells me, like, just how you decant this wine. My brain's like, got it, bro. Glug glug glug. Oh, no. Because some of them, it. Helps to, like. Glug it out. Get out of there. Oh, we're going to glug it up. CUH lugger Louisville. Glover. Go go go go. And I get some glug. Out of there. And then I see like sediment on the thing and I'm like oh bruh. Like that's this one. Is a hold it in the shoulder guy. Yeah. You know shoulder those. Burdens, brother. Put it right in the holster, baby. Just, you know. And I was like, you know, just just just mortified a little bit internally, you know. There's a little. Fuck that's a swing and a miss for sure. Fuck a load of that. And then I like, pour out the rest of the decanter and like, the sediments kind of stay on one side of that, the cancer and I pour out the other side of it and it's like, I mean, just like instead of one this I just like, like this. It's not a lot of change, but like avoid the sediments don't get a lot in the glass. But still regardless they go for the second bottle and then I'm like, you know, ask them. I'm like, would you like another decanter? And the guy's like, yeah, we could do it, let's do another decanter. And I'm like, yeah, this one's fucking covered in dirt. Like, obviously we should do another one. Shit, this mistake, is it gone unnoticed to eat this? That's a that's the other thing is like, you fucked up. And it's obvious bro right there. And I'm like, all right, so this table things. I had bad timing. This table was going to eat gravel because of me. I get this table. Over here and then that's, that's the table that like I'm down two points I get them going and hummin and I'm like, what should I do here? What should I do here? They are like good. They like basically more or less told me that when they need me to tell me and then this table like eating and then this table is like in this in-between phase. Let me just like invest in this table right now because that's like the most free thing to do. And then it turns out that guy, like, owns a business. His business is basically a date night. You go and make a candle and they provide free wine because they don't have a liquor license, but wine is included in the experience. And then you like, get a date night of like drinking a bottle and making a candle. And then it's just like cool. Little bow thing. Yeah. You just like. Yeah. Popping off. They make decent money. He says. It's like his own business. That's cool. I'm like, that's true, bro. Do that. Yeah. And then just like, make friends with this guy and then their food ends up taking like a long ass time. and I was just so happy, like, I had invested into this dude's, like, experience already, because he was just like, bro, like, you're good. Don't even worry about a thing. And I was just like. Let's go, baby. And then like from that point, more or less like, rallied out the last two tables. the middle table was celebrating a 76th birthday. Damn. It was like the sun was like a 50 year old person, and then the wife and then the grandpa, and then the grandpa was talking about. I asked him, I was like, what's the key to vitality? Like, what are you doing to stay forever young over here? Is it like spinach? Like, what do you use to lift the weights? And he's like, And Turkish explains that he drinks this like traditional Turkish liquor. I think it's like Turkish roadhouse or something. Okay. It's, alcoholic beverage. Yes. Okay. And then love it. You know, he'd ask me like, where, where I'm from or where my family's from or something like that. And then I had, like, told him that some of my grandparents were from Italy, and he was like, super like, fucking Franco. I got, like, excited about that. Yeah, like Turkey Italia's like, right there. It's like neighbors, brother. Yeah. And I was just like. You know, that makes you feel good, bro. Yeah. We're in. I'm pretty red blooded American dog, you know, saying. And then he explains that this Turkish liquor that he's trying to talk about in Italy is grappa. Oh, yeah. Yeah. It's like more or less the same thing. Oh, shit. Okay. Right. Heard. And then so I go and get some grappa and then pour him out of pour that. And I'm just like for the, you know what I'm saying. The key to life that. Yeah. There you go. Vitality. Yeah. The key to vitality. And then I was like, bar gotta. But that table's booked up. That's booked. We're good. They're happy, they're cool. Recovered from a shoulder full of sentiments like. And I want to put the second bottle. I did it right. And there was like hardly any sediments in the fuck in the cancer. And it was just like, just feel like a goofball, you know what I'm saying? That's I meant it for the first time. Right? And then get back to the third table and they're like, happy. But my time is kind of off. And I'm just like, And then John comes in with help, side talks, the table gets to know them. They, he pours them out some ice wine a little bit for everybody gets to know them. They're super cool. John. By the time they leave, they're super happy. It was like perfect. Like I was like, kind of getting beat on the outside. And then the safety came over the top and obliterated it. And I was like, let's go. My fucking defense is working. I'm like, I guess what it happened to is they quiz me super hard on the menu right when they sat down. I get in like a really nice, great. I come back, they tell me my time is off, I come back again, and then they quiz the fuck out of me on the menu. Oh, I'm just like, oh jeez. And I answered like, every question. Like, good. But I was kind of taken aback. So my energy wasn't super like, no, no, no. yeah. Just like rattling it off, you know? Oh, well, I believe that as well, you know what I'm saying? Should he play it by my standard. A little deal, a little, a little different energy? I'm gonna fucking sue, baby. Deliver that shit standing. Deliver, Papa. Let us see. Get on the table, baby. Teach these kids, baby. You know what I'm saying? For real, bro? Yeah. That's how you teach these kids. Yeah, yeah, yeah. So how about. Yeah, I'm over here fucking. With my left hand like. But yeah. Anyways, awkward speech is awkward speech, but I felt like, you know. And then I told him that fucking. We get our steaks from Nebraska. Not true. This is a bull moose, right? I gotta go back over there. It's a fucking crow. So if I leave, I open up this crow. It's like a big bite right in front of you. Actually, we get our steaks from Arkansas City, Kansas. Which I'll never fucking forget again. He's like Arkansas. Kansas, which is that boy. And I'm like, Our Kansas City is in Kansas. There's a city in Kansas called Arkansas City. I'm looking at it right now regardless. Regardless, he. Just had me in the conversation. In the doubt. I wasn't instilled this instilled doubt. He's like, it doesn't make any sense. I was like, I don't fucking make the map, bitch. Kansas City's in Missouri. Fuck you. Right. That's where I was with them. And then luckily, one doctor comes over, says, my dad bucks up. Thank God I look, you know what I'm saying? Invested in our relationship the day before because, maybe he just thought to check on me for an extra moment. That one decision to hang on to talk for an hour. Let me check on a section. This table doesn't look like those tables look obviously happy. This table looks kind of somewhere in the middle. Steps in, makes a friend drop some ice wine, turns him back around, and we're out of there and we're Gooch. Gooch. But even I ball and it's these these little things, bro. Can just fuck you like good nights. A bad night because I took tables last Saturday. Bald, bald. And it's glistening. And pulling up like every. Single table, just like, crushing. and then my last table, especially just Ultra Crush, like the biggest table that had the most questions and wanted to know, you know, get a big bottle of wine. It's like if they come in, ask for it, you know, it's always so many. Some tables are easier than other tables, but that was like maximum threat of like me not performing well was like this more critical guest, you know, and just crush, just crush every level dude murder. And then they were super happy when they left. Love the experience, loved the place. And it felt great. I was like, yeah, this is. What we this is what we came for. We built a country on this right here. I built a fucking castle on. Foundationally sound service, you know, 100%. And then coming to that Saturday night when we need the ball, it's a bloodbath. And I was down oh two. I'm like, boy, you better get some box. Boy, you better get some box in this bitch row. We're down here too long. Seven game series, baby. Come on. Okay, so that's the whole day, right? That's the. That's the day I get out of that motherfucker. I'm driving home. Call my girlfriend. I think you know what? I think he's hilarious. If you let a group of people get out of work, all of them say bye. I feel like they all. The next thing you hear is. But, it's a phone ringing on the Bluetooth, you know? It's so funny how many times, like, I just see people get in the car, and the first thing to do is call somebody, you know? And, You. See, you know how that shit goes, you know what I'm saying? You know, hood, as you go, you know, hot as it goes. And then she just kind of gets into telling me about her day first, and she's just like, yeah, just feel like the devil is just really fucking out there today. Just fucking just everything was kind of trying to go wrong. And I don't know, I just really felt like, the devil is really trying to break us down today, like an extra little bit. And I'm just like, that's. Right. That's a couple of days ago. Right. This past Saturday. Yeah. Yeah yeah. Yeah. The bloodbath there. Yeah. Right. She's telling me this on the phone because like Saturdays I usually get out of work, stop at home, pack a bag, shower. I stop at the cute and get some sugar free peach black tea. That's like our thing on Saturday nights. Okay? It's like sugar free sweet tea. Peach tea. But it's from cute and is delicious. Let's go. So, like, she'll usually make some dinner. I'll bring some sweet tea over, and then we, we kick it. Right. So I'm talking to her while I'm driving to the crib so that I can, like, shower. check up with her, make sure she's good. She told me all this stuff I like, hang up, shower, change, stop at the cute. I'm driving to her crib. I pull up to the crib, bro. I pull up to the crib, bro. Yeah, at the crib. I'm at the crib, bro. Pull the I clubbing, bro. Clubbing from Friday night, bro. I'm a little tired, bro. Yeah, yeah. Okay. So blood bath all day. Pull up as soon as I pull up, bro. As soon as I pull up, bro. You pull up. There's like a car in front of, like she's parked in the driveway, bro. And like, I can park, like, in the driveway behind her. Right? So, like one, one lane, but two cars can fit there. Yeah. And as I'm pulling in, I see her dog asleep underneath her car, but in my stomach I get kind of, like, petrified because I realize I don't think that dog's asleep. Oh, I think that dog's dead. No, I think that's it. That. No. Oh, no. Like as soon as that, since. You saw I didn't even it wasn't even. It was like it was like a split instant. Because like the, the driveway. So like when the car went up on the driveway, I could see underneath the car where she always falls asleep. But then, like when it came down a little bit, she was no longer my vision. But I knew in my stomach I was like, oh, I don't think that dog was alive. Well, it was so crazy. I was like, I smelled it or something else. Yeah. That's all I was trying to get to. It's like you could just literally sense it. It was just like The Matrix. It was like once in zero was like, whoa, anomaly. Yeah. What's that? That that's a that's not normal. Ones and zeros. Yes, bro. It's all zeros. Also because last week I, I saw her and that feeling hit me of like oh you look like not okay. Oh like you look is this dog okay? Like, And I just didn't, you know, I didn't think so. And then in the middle of the week, my son was kind of freaking out because she said Daisy didn't hadn't come home. And I was like, oh, that dog looks sick. and then I was like, nah, I just shook her. She'll come home. She's gonna come home. She's probably outside right now. She probably sleeping somewhere. She's like, she's like kind of get upset and she's like, she's not here. Like, look, I'm going to go outside and she goes outside and kind of screams out, Daisy! Daisy! And then Daisy came around and was there and I was like, see, I told you, she's there. Like, if she's a little sick, you know? and then I pull up and like, it was just like, oh. And I was like, nah, bro. Damn. No, bro, that's crazy. Crazy, bro. That's crazy. Because I was going to say I was also going to mention that on that. The, picture was Saturday because, yeah, the lady had gone through, she went through a week because we took our pictures on Sunday with Jacoby for like, our engagement stuff and all that and like the entire Monday to Saturday leading up to that, she had like a week, just like going through it. And then Saturday she was like, I get a call and she's just like, she goes to the gym. And she calls me shortly thereafter and she's like, like, not freaking out, but definitely like a little worked up and she's like, bam! I just like, hit a bird or. Like a bird. Just like. Hit my car. I'm pretty sure I killed this. Oh, no. She's like the sound, the sound, the crunching is the guys. You know, just driving straight. It just fucking flew out of my left and just. Damn, bro. Little birdie bro. Saturday bloodbath like. That happened on. Saturday Saturday morning. That's crazy bruh. And that was the end of your Saturday night. Yeah. Well, also, you know what happens when your dog dies? What happened? I mean, you got to, like, bury it. Yeah, you got to do something with it, you know what I'm saying? Because it's not. I mean, that's terrible, right? Oh, yeah. So start smell and then, like, the vultures don't come like that. That every morning they're looking. The vultures are looking, bro. They vulture. They vulture. So, you know, I'm fucking exhausted, brother. I got my cut to my hand. The cute Sugar-Free Baby Vikings. Yes, yes. no. So we're debating and weighing out bearing this dog options. We're just like, what to do. And then I call like a 24 seven vet. And then they offer like, You know, a service where you could, like, get the dog cremated. And so, you know, we got to run the dog over to the 24 seven vet, and it's like a whole sad, emotional thing. Oh that sucks. Rolling a dog dies real dude or something. Oh, loves love dogs, man. Fucking love dogs, man. Dude, I love them. That's rough. I mean, how old is he? Six plus. Oh, yeah. Not that awful young. Yeah, yeah. Does she still it out though. Fucking it out. You want to talk about, dog life? Yeah. Dog that out. Thug life. She had, like, at least two litters. A dog's for sure. Just in the streets. This dog, like, love to be outside. Like love to be outside. I didn't want to be inside. And then not only didn't want to be inside, but, like, didn't want to, like, stay inside the gate. Like, would do like crazy shit to get out of the gate. And it's like at some point there was kind of like for the. Streets, a decision, a decision was made that she was for the streets. But the streets, we could have invested more. Into the fortress at one point to like, keep the dog, you know what I'm saying? Like corralled around. Yeah. But then it was just like this dog, like, you. Know, was going to get out. She just wants to get out there using. All of her concerted life force to get out of this fucking. Gate. Yeah, yeah, that's a whole mission. That's it. So she ran with the streets all night and Daisy. Oh, night and day. She right. Like if you seen, like, you. Know, you ever been in, like, you know, a neighborhood where you just like, you know, you seen a pack of dogs? That's a gang of dogs. It's always at least three of them. You're like, whoa, whatever. That gang of dogs, they're. You know what I'm saying? That was Daisy. She was out there and she's like, you know, only this big. She's like, she's not tiny, she's not a Chihuahua size, but she's like. Medium, medium. She medium for sure. Yeah. Super short. Medium. She weighed like 30 pounds probably. Okay. Yeah. Exact medium. Yeah. She's medium. Just not microscopic. she was just fucking it out though, bro. She had of all her babies that she had. Right. She had a baby. And then this baby, like all the other dogs, got sold away. Right. But she kept one of those babies. And then that dog at one point got pregnant. Kind of, like, around, like, two years old. Like, maybe a little bit too early for a dog. But then she had all these puppies. Right. so this is like your grandma dog? Yeah. We're talking about Daisy, right? Yeah. Okay. So again, talking it out. Daisy. Yeah. In the streets. And then this dog, Ruby is her name. Okay? She, like, didn't take care of her babies, bro. Like she would like at one point was, like, fighting with them or like, roughing them up or like, maybe even trying to eat them. Oh, who the fuck is that, bro? What the fuck is that, bro? Like, I never even heard a dog doing that, bro. That's crazy. What kind of. That's not how nature works very often, you know. And then. It's just too young. Right. That's what. That's what my girlfriend says. So she had to take the babies away from her because she's going to like kill them. Probably. And then. After that Daisy already kind of like protects the fortress. Anybody walking by, she's like. Those. Fucking nuts. Okay, if you go, if there's a bike that goes by you. I like dog like she. She could take out a biker, like, if she really needed to. She fucking get right in that tire. Fucking take somebody out. Right fucking. I've definitely seen. In maybe get her as close. To getting beat a couple times, but I would just like scream. You know what I'm saying? I don't really condone this behavior, but it's also not my dog as we like. Yeah. Oh, I'm fucking dog fuck about, you know. And and she's not she listen to me like it's respect. This just if you like. Well, at least I use this as a control of the dog. Yeah, yeah, it is a control bulldog. This has got some boundaries or some. It's got some laws. But. Apparently Ruby, she ain't have that comeback. she ain't have that. Yeah, yeah. And so she, she like, you know, attacked like Amazon work or something like that. Oh no. Yeah. And then ends up getting put down. Oh Jesus. Yeah. Because she was kind of fucked up after trying to eat her kids. Didn't work out. What the fuck? So back to Daisy. Yes. She saw all of that shit. Okay. Her scope. I'm like, that's crazy. I had a I had a lot of babies. I kept this baby. This baby was crazy. Hey, go all the way. Put down fuck! And then she was. Still tugging at it. I think at that point, she was just, like an even harder street dog. You know, I'm more hardened. She see some shit, you know? Yeah. More calloused over. Yeah. Yeah, even less of a fuck. That's crazy though, man. That's. That sucks. Yeah, but she held it down and she was always super sweet to like, the fam size, you know. Yeah. And then you had to get to do some shit Saturday night as well. Yeah. No we took it to the. Oh yeah to get cream. That was it. Yeah I think it's a bit to like five in the morning. Jesus got above. Oh it was a that's a long day. That's a clothing. That's a classic. Clothing and a half. But in reality okay, just super transparency. I ended up writing the verse to pop pop during that time because, like, it got super like I just got super wavy and I listen to pop, pop. And sleep deprivation. Got to you. Yeah. And also the concrete medical, metaphysical reality of the fact that this was the blood bath day. I'm fucking trippin, dude. The cloak been into. The blood bath into the. This is. This is how I know it was a blood bath day. no. This is. Yeah. This was an episode, right? This is an episodic span of time. And then in that energy post shift, post-workout post everything. Post episode. Post episode, I was just like, just, you know, going off. It's like, For a little bit of shine and the Boykin sound like the middle of July, and you put it on the line, so you got to get it done in the other phone. But you say no because in order to do it, one got better on the money. Love for the heart. Just like just oh, there it is it bro. That felt very stuck. There it is. Yeah. Getting inspired by the moment. How crazy. It was just so crazy to me. And I was like, I'll never forget when I wrote this verse that this day is, like, super specific in my mind. All that shit's crazy. Crazy, bro. So yeah, when I evaluate whether or not Terrence Howard is crazy, I'm like, is am I crazy? That's that's what I'm saying. Yeah, that's what I'm saying. It's hard for me to just say someone's crazy. I guess whenever you say that, crazy can have a lot of depth and a lot of nuance to it and a lot of, levels, you know, but guess everyone's a little crazy. We're all living in a hallucination. We're all just kind of figuring this shit out so everyone has their own perspective. But then I guess some people are, like, mentally ill or, like, schizophrenic or whatever the fuck. So they're like, quote unquote crazy. But then some people are just really kind of philosophically out there or maybe on the cusp of some information, scientific field, like metaphysical studies and all that kind of shit. Yeah. What's that's crazy quote unquote as well. Yeah, I guess, yeah. What is like, yeah. What's real is like and it's anything, what's crazy and what's real. So it's also by what you define, you know, because some things that people think are crazy are just like. Common or foundational knowledge for other people or whatever. You know. So I think we're crazy in that regard for some, because I think that making your bed or like the way that the universe works, we're all we all have our own crazy interpretation of how the universe works, and everyone just has their own specific little thing, even if you don't know what it is verbally and consciously. Like we're all we're all operating under something. We're all operating under some sort of assumptions and analytics here. Like we're trying to do something here. But yeah, for us to think that if I make my bed, it'll put me on like a different, like timeline or like a different frequency, a different wavelength of different trajectory for a different type of experience going forward. Because who knows what the future holds. That's what I guess it was all while trying to figure out what the fuck the future holds, you know? Well, as progressing into the future. Don't you see how. That future. How is it going to unfold? Yeah. How does it unfold in a way where I deem that this is like good or better than it was or beneficial in some manner or something? We're always trying to go towards that better future. Do we want the good life. No one's, no one's I guess a more accurate thing might be to say that no one's at, intentionally trying to create a worse future for themselves. No one's intentionally trying to do that. We're all trying to predict the future and trying to create a future. Yes, create the future. Maybe not. some people are just living in the present. That it's harder to stretch yourself. Yeah. Stretch your mind to the past to remember what happened so that you can project into the future and then kind of like live in both places and travel forward while you're living in both places. So it's like, you know, I remember being like 23. He's like, wake up, go sit on the couch like what's on TV, you know what I'm saying? It's like living life. What I gotta do today, go get my tires. I feel like we're kind of doing something different now, you know? Maybe it looks a little bit different. Man, I think we're ultimately are. I think we're the soul we're trying to do is try and make a better progress towards a better future. Yeah, maybe that is more true. Maybe everybody is trying to do that independently in some degree. So yeah. But however they deem that to be. Yeah. I guess I don't know. Yeah. We're all just. So we're all crazy in that regard. We do a ton of sewing. We're like doing a lot of sewing, which is good. Like that's where we're almost like farmers for whatever the fuck you reap. You know? It's like we have to sew. That's like what we're invested in. But I think other people, I don't know how much other people are, like spending every day sewing, trying to, like, get to where they're going, but like, where we're going if we don't try and focus and put a lot of energy and sew a lot we like won't get there. But maybe everybody feels like that, you know? Yeah. Right. I think I think there's a common shared human story, you know. Yeah. Part of the story that we all share or an emotion that we all experience within the story. Right. Yeah. So who's who's to say that he's crazy, but I guess he has some people I want to see. Yeah, I want to see some sort of scientific debate or some sort of something with him, because God knows what's going to happen going forward. Do it. You got to do it, right? Yeah. He literally called them all out. He called out life, called out gravity. Like anyone who believes in gravity, he's got to defend this shit. Or they got a got to try to make this shit right. It's crazy. How do they not debate it? Yeah. So that's coming soon. Yeah. That's that's going to be a cool thing to see going forward. The next time that he's on Joe Rogan I'm curious to see what's going to happen in between what just happened. he was on a couple of weeks ago versus the next time he's on what takes place in between then and now or now and then I've been looking. I want to see the debates. I want to see something. Yeah. Something crazy. Because, yeah, y'all, I guess he's talking about fucking breaking our whole scientific periodic table or not breaking it. But reconstructing it. And then also kind of reconstructing our mathematical systems and then gravity and then propulsion systems like cars we don't need. I guess he was trying to say like, we don't need oil or whatever the fuck he was trying to say, to do the things that we're trying to do. You just uncouple from the Earth's rotational speed and the Earth's gravity. So uncouple from that shit, and then to float it like planes would be like, do to do. Then you'd be at your desk on arrival. Imagine, like, you board this fucking giant cube and then you would, like, put on your seatbelt, fasten all your luggage. You'll be in Tokyo in 10s. So bloop. Bloop. Welcome to Tokyo. It's like that would be fucking crazy, dude. Everywhere. Allegedly. We're going to be there like, right now. According to Terrence Howard, we're idiots for not being. Coming there soon. It's coming up. But he's he's got he has to have some sort of like, full team behind him. I know he mentions he has a team of people doing help helping helping him do this shit. The real scientist. So all. Of them. Yeah, all of them are like in agreement with him and they're all trying to use this information to progress forward. So it's like, what's going to happen now? I'm curious to. See I'm curious to see, curious to see. Outside. Most excited? I don't know why. It's part of my mind, but we were talking about the other day, mean lady in the fam. But the Olympics are coming back on this bitch. We haven't seen an Olympics in like eight years. Well, 2020 was the last supposed to be Olympics, so we haven't seen one since 2016. They know it's going down. Do we love the Olympics? Olympics are tight. Who doesn't love the Olympics? Fucking haters, fucking haters, fucking haters. I want to go see them. I think they're going to be in LA in two rotations. What? Yeah. I forget where they're at this year. Damn. I just left it up to I think it's London. Really. So they're gonna be in London this year. Might be 2028, actually. So next time I think it's 2028 or 2032, they're going to be in LA. That's crazy. that's kind of cool. That'd be ill. Get our tickets now. Bro. Oh, get them now. Go. Have you tried to go to the Olympics? That'd be tight. I want to see some track and field. We'll see. Basketball. If we could see some basketball, that'd be cool, bro. Olympic hoops. Which is like, you know, you catch one of those games where they're just like, it's a good game. And team USA is like in the middle of a good game. That's going to be bananas. That's pretty cool. Yeah. Yeah. So I'm excited for that shit too. It's coming up in a couple months. The rich people vacations are fucking cool. Imagine if we had some fucking MPs and then we went to the Olympics. Yeah. If you got MPs you're definitely going to events that you deem worthy of going to, you know, we'd go to the Olympics, we'd go to the World Cup, we go to see all kinds of shit. Well, what kind of event do you deem the most worthy to go to? Because I, I wouldn't go to the Olympics. Just, you know, like, right now. Not like. Dying. Like I gotta go. I got to see one before I die, bro. Like, that doesn't burn at me. But if I had a lot of money. Fucking bro. Let's go to hell. If I had a lot of money, definitely. Yeah. For sure. No questions asked. There'd be a lot more fucking moments. I guess I'll put the Olympics up there. I definitely wanna see an Olympics. A world. Cup would be really tight to see as. Well. Super Bowl would be cool. Oh yeah. Oh if the Colts were in it or like. Oh yeah dude. That's like a premium ultimate experience. Yeah I only have a team like that that I'm like super super diehard for for the NFL. But I go with you to go see the Colts in the in. The Super Bowl. Dude, I would try to be like Jason Kelce trash by the end of it. I feel like you got to be like. Oh that's good. Like to really be a. Football fan just like 12 years in. Not really. I would you know I could help myself especially maybe if we were balling. And if we had to see the NBA finals like a la Lakers, I guess I am like a Lakers fan like my most diehard sports affiliation basketball, men's NBA, the Lakers Kobe was my dog. Did I think so I season might be one of the most dope experiences you can have as a fan of any sport is more exciting than basketball, right? Because they on the fucking court. Right fucking there. Right there. You hear all this shit? They're talking to each other. You can actually watch the game, you know. Yeah, like high five. When you watch the broadcast of the game at home, you watch two guys talk about the game at home. Like if you ever sat at L.A. fitness and watched like two teams, like, you know, they're calling fouls on each other now. They're getting pissed off for the fouls. And now this this dude's been scoring the last 3 or 4 points. So now this guy's really trying to lock him up. It's like, is he going to get bailed out by the other players, or is he going to say, fuck this and take this guy to the rack? Like those little those little nuances? I think they get kind of lost. But if you're right, they're like, fucking Luka just does it to him. Turns around screaming, daps you up like bruh. And he fucking awesome. Oh my god. I think that'd be that might be cooler. That's what I want to see. Yeah that would be tight, right? I want to dap up an NBA player after something. Some crazy shit happens. That'd be fucking litty. You don't only do that if you're courtside, you can't really do that in the NFL. Never seen the Lambo leap that you gotta take, right? That's. Yeah, I think that'd be the one of the best play. You can't. It's not a great viewing point for the game. They say like you want to be on the 50 yard line right. We had seeds man. Right on the 50 yard line bro. Yeah yeah. But I guess right. That's like ideal. Yeah. You really watch the whole game happen I guess. but Lambeau Leap catching your boy. I mean, that would be fucking it, bro. That's it. Yeah that's it bro. Yeah. Well that that's premium, but I don't think that's nearly as cool as like being right there on the court. Like, watch Jordan talk shit. You know what I'm saying? I'm seeing Dennis get pissed off and fuckin throw a chair or something like that. Right. Next. You like. Oh, shit. Someone get ejected? Yeah, right. Right. Yeah. That'd be tight. So those are definitely up there. But the Olympics will be super cool. I think there's a lot to watch. That's the other thing. There's a lot to watch. So much. Just so many fucking different events. They do. Like it. Tons of heats too, right? I think so, yeah. Just to get the final bracket. Yeah. I don't even. Know. I don't even. Know. I know that guy's got whole one to track, a whole bunch of fields swimming, all the sports. So I think they're going to start trying to incorporate some sort of American football in that beach to maybe like to hand touch a flag or some shit for some tackle. Yeah, I'm pretty sure. Right. Yeah. I think remember seeing those discussions were being had. America is would fucking dominate. The thing is, is like I think they'd have to really invest in being good at flag football. That's like learn the playbook. And like if they got nasty a flag football, that'd be so fun to watch, bro. Let me tell you. Have you worried that it wouldn't take it seriously? it's like. But it's an Olympics. The Olympics are tied to the fucking nation. Come on, bro, I take it seriously. They're all take it seriously. Yeah, you have to. They never want to beat America. Yeah, yeah, that'd be tight, bro. shit. Fucking Tyreek yeah Tariq and Justin Jefferson getting thrown to by you know Patrick Mahomes. Fuck yeah. Does Alan fuck. Yeah. Geez. Good time. that's it. Who's guarding that. Yeah that'll be fun. It'll be fun to watch. So that might be an Olympic event coming in soon. I think it's going to be instituted this go around in a couple months, but potentially in the next four years we might see some some sort of American football in the Olympics. Usain Bolt really put the Olympics in this on the map. Like, you know, Michael Phelps too. Yeah. He was that was our run when we were growing up. Yeah. Seeing those motherfuckers just dominating the Olympics. Gold medals. Breaking records whole fucking life. Yeah. You're watching one attempt, you know. Yeah. Four years for one attempt. They've been running. For how long? Training. Training and training. Yeah, yeah. That's wild. But, let me tell you the time. I'm never heard that old bull bow bow bow bow bow bow bow, Papa bottle. Fucking get the gold, baby. It's gold. Okay, you. One wanted down. Dude. I want a pot for another hour and a half. Know I just want to keep going forever, bro. We got a day ahead of us. Oh yeah. We heading into Plato's school. Finna hit a lifters within the hit the studio. And then hit the. Shifters. And we hit it. We didn't shifters. No. No. Oh praise God I was like, what are you talking about? The fucked. yeah. This is this is the work day, baby. This is it. Yeah, but I thought that was nice. Hopefully you have a good, good work day ahead of you. Whatever you're doing, whether you're working or not, putting some work. It's all work. It's all of. It's all up and up. Up and up, baby. Come on, baby, don't forget to take a break every now and then. Yeah. That's yourself. You're crazy. Ask yourself what's real. Embrace your craziness. Yeah. Oh, yeah. Yes! Embrace this shit. Is. It's me again calling you to action. You better answer that shit and like and sub in. Comment, share and sub all the above. B above the go ahead and sub up for me every time. Jersey Mike's. Been. Sub it up. Subway be a friend. Come on, tell a friend, tell a friend. Help a friend. Sub just fine. I never said but I