The MJ38 Show

Episode #48

June 25, 2024 MJ38 Season 1 Episode 48
Episode #48
The MJ38 Show
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The MJ38 Show
Episode #48
Jun 25, 2024 Season 1 Episode 48

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On this Episode of The MJ38 Show (Podcast):

Matthew and Justin talk about Working at a Chili’s, The Chill Movement, and Restructuring the School System

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On this Episode of The MJ38 Show (Podcast):

Matthew and Justin talk about Working at a Chili’s, The Chill Movement, and Restructuring the School System

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Hydroponic chicken crisp all day, every day of the week. Staple, staple in life. You know, I'm going there for those, right? That's when I'm like, yeah, I know it's going to sound kind. Of come on. I know it's not even Cheesecake Factory, but I'm kind of. We could just go to Chili's I freaking love I'll fuck up some Chili's right now. It's like in my mind, if I just have done a workout and cardio and not eat all day, if I know I'm like, close to getting to the end of the day and I'm about to be like 3000 calories negative on the day, somewhere around there, my brain's just like, just go eat 2500 calories worth of Chili's, bro. Yeah, plenty of wiggle. Room over here. Yeah. It's cheap and you can smack it down. You get it is. Very. Inexpensive. I always want. Chicken when I'm real hungry like that, But bullshit sounds good too. It's the honey chipotle chicken tenders that I'm like. Yeah, that sounds good. Also out of order. Like easy eating. You know, there's no bones, no fuss, no bullshit. I'm just getting in there and some chicken. You know, it's hard to. Fuck up. Harder. Fuck up. It's another good. Thing for sure. I called over there. I'm like, hey, are you busy? They're like, no, we're not busy. I'm like, okay. But like by not busy, do you mean like, are y'all like, good? Is there a way, is there a way? Are we like, is it gonna be a good dining experience? And lady, she's like, oh, we're chillin. Which is so funny cuz I work in a restaurant and, so many people, I just ask him like, hey, how are you doing over here? We're chilling. Chilling. It's like. Okay. So I know the vernacular, but that's how you talk to your guests. Jesus. No, it's all good, fam. Come on in. Look at what you look like chilling over here. She was right, though. They were told. She ain't live. So we went. Over there and, you know, our waitress was like, I don't know. I don't know exactly what happened while we were there. we were definitely, probably the only table intersection. I know because she was cleaning a lot of her section while we were, like, chilling, you know? Okay. But there was like, you know, ten, 15 minutes where, you know, I was out of a drink. We need some napkins. And just like. Like I wanted to order right away because I'm like, man, if I don't get my food here for like, an hour, I'm gonna feel like an idiot for driving over to Chili's and not getting my damn snapper. That I was just getting started, right? I could have just been like, snapper. Let's go. Let's get it, get it. Rock and drop the snap. Yeah. And then, Then I missed the fuckin, you know. Opportunity to her. She's got to go to the bathroom and then I don't. Know, you know, see, you know, know that's the next. Time we're gonna see. Yeah. That's the whole thing, bro. And, by the time we finally like, okay, let's, like, get this order in, and then from then till the food came out, she's just, like, cleaning your section, but not really around. Not available, not checking on us. But I wasn't mad. Like, she looked like she was having a bad time. Oh, and then at one point, the manager comes over and, like, has her sit down and then they're like, sitting down and talking at an empty table. Oh, shit. And then. Yeah, may witness their last day. I don't know, bro. Oh, because at first my brain was like, what were the vibes? I was like, oh, shit, she. You're in trouble or whatever. But then I was like, is that just what I think? Or like, what's really going on? Maybe she's like, you know, maybe she's just been asking for days off and they're having like a conversation about. Just availability or schedule or. Something. Yeah, yeah. Who knows, who knows, who. Knows, but definitely set her down to talk to her. Yeah. They talked for like 2 or 3 minutes. Then she is just having a worst time, it seems. Do you just feel the energy drop a little bit? Yeah, I don't know. Yeah. Maybe she asked for something and. Yeah. Didn't go through. You're not getting Sundays off. Sorry. Whatever it is, you. Know, we need you here tomorrow. We need it. We need you to double. Oh, God. I need you to double the next two days. Not zero, but two. Yeah. Regardless, I. And one part of my mind, I was just like. What are you doing here? Like what? To the server. Yeah. Like what you're just having the worst time, you know what I'm saying? And, like, you know, you're not. You're also not crushing, like, if you can not be having a good time, but still be good at your job and you like to get the money, it's like, that's cool. But like, she was just. Like, that makes sense. Distract it. And I guess probably done for the day, you know. But I think like got fat tip, you know what I'm saying. I'm a fat tip bro. Like especially at Chili's. I'm the king. Yeah I'm the king in here. Yeah okay. They're the fucking third round. You know you tip. 20 bucks in Chili's. You're the king. Regardless meal plays out. You know I have to wait a little bit a little bit longer for teas. we need a napkin. I've got to get up and be like, hey, can I get some napkins? You know, it's like, how bad is it, really? You know how? But it's just, like, such small stuff, you know? Yeah. This lady, though, she's just having this real bad time. I just feel so my heart's like, break, not breaking for her, but I just feel so bad for her, you know what I'm saying? Yeah. And, When you watch a movie. Yeah, yeah. Oh. No context. I'm just like, man, she's having a rough day. You know? And, you know, we end up tipping her, like, solid, like, good. It was like, you know, and $80 at my tip. Like $30. It's like, I want wanted to definitely, like, hopefully, like, be a positive note, but maybe I was just, like, you know, another reason for her to stay in that hellhole. Yeah. Think we kept moving. You know, I was just going to say. Because, like, no matter what, like, that. Was, your intention going out was to try to help bring some positive energy out there to her, to her story. So her narrative, it's like, oh, man, this happened and this happened. And I talk to my boss about this and it didn't go well. And then this happened and then I got a late table, but at least that table took me 40%. That's like, that's that is what happened in the story. But yeah, but. As. You like just like the the negative side could be. Another reason to stay in the hell no longer baby. Well I made my 120 today. I said if I didn't make 120 today, I was going to quit. I said if I made anything. Less than a hundred. Dollars, I was walking. And I was going to change. I was going to turn over a new leaf. I was gonna be. A new, better person. But this fucking tax like a tip before you to the right and. Bring me right back. In fact, back in Joe Rogan. Now, I think now, like. Joe, you wouldn't believe the service I got. No, I mean, it's fucking Chili's, but you did it. It's a good a good thing to happen. Are you able to at least spend your at least your portion of her narrative, you know? Yeah. At least is at least a little bit. I think that also like trying to gauge whether or not I did the right thing. like, I could I could have told you that story, but I was really pissed off about the service, and I didn't tip her a lot because, like, bro, what are you doing? You had one table and we're so easy. And it's like, you know, we've we, like, spilled some shit, needed some napkins. We didn't have anything we need. You know what I'm saying? Like abandoned. Yeah. Yeah. On the. Island. Oh, no. But like, you know, I just didn't feel that. Well, I just didn't feel that way, which I normally probably would. I feel like knowing myself up to this point, I know that that kind of will irritate me or irk me. But in this moment. And in the scenario, because you had to leave the other spot. Yeah. Right. Yeah. So yeah. You're like taking the risk, taking the gamble. Yeah. And it is chill. And we were like, you're only two, you know what I'm saying? Yeah. But you know. I think that the reason like my heart felt like went out to her or whatever, I was just like, oh man. She's like, have a bad time. Just sucks, bro. Like, whatever that thing was. Whatever. Like empathy? Yeah, I guess so. You know what I'm saying? Sometimes. Sometimes I'm just, like, more critical. But whatever it was, I think like that was the right. That was the right thing to do. So I don't think like, you know, giving her $30 for like, not great service was the wrong thing. It could have. Yeah, yeah, yeah. You never know how things go. You know, I think there's like, a guiding force there. If I do the right thing and the right thing happens. Yeah. It's like the right thing is a little different than, like, the the truth per se, of that situation, you know, because it's like the in, in theory, the tip is I think I've heard the tips or tip is supposed to be an acronym, or maybe that was part of the origination of I know there's like there's information and TV shows and episodes about it. Like I forget there was a show. Adam, whatever ruins everything he talks about the service industry and tipping and all that. But I guess I was told that it was a, an acronym to ensure proper service tips. I think that my. Yeah, so that. Makes sense of it either way. That is that is what's going on. I in theory, it's like if you you are inclined to do well and put forth effort and ensure that I have a good experience so that if I if that does happen, I'll be able to or not be able to. But in theory, I'll give you more money. Yeah. The tip. Yeah. Well, we'll reflect the quality of service. Of course. That's the idea going into it. That's it. Yeah. That's the truth of the of the abstract thing that is going out to eat that we all do. But she was not executing at a 30% bucket rate. You know. Saying she wasn't shooting 30%. Yeah. You know whatever it is. But like yeah. So but the right thing is I think to be to construct the narrative because you could the situations, the situation. But you're, you were able to look at it through a more empathetic and loving lens, which is like a superpower, which is fucking awesome. You know what I'm saying? It was it was cool. I mean, I felt bad, you know what I'm saying? So, like, I was literally feeling bad. I'd like to just feel good, you know, that's it for sure. But, you know, it just felt like the right thing to do is just be super chosen. Yeah, yeah. Like, walked out of the table was asshole terrorism and you know, and us. But all that to say, that's the story. But there was definitely one point in that story where I just was to myself, like, what are you doing here? You know, how'd you get here? Like, did you wait, are you a professional surfer? You just like this is your one stop on your ten years of surfing. You're playing for the Minnesota Vikings right now. Yeah, yeah. It's really like, For now. Yeah. I don't know what would. I would I want to work there personally. Yeah. Wingstop I wouldn't want to work there. But there's people working there. Yes. Thank God they're working there. Thank God I needed some chicken tenders. Everyone needs a job. Everyone is having a job is good. Having responsibilities and running or having a queue of obligation and then executing and fit, like finishing those, like those to do list items. It's just good for your soul. It's it's good for you. Like your, your mental health, you know. Yeah. Having a to do list, running errands and a job is definitely kind of that. How much are running errands and or whatever you got to do execute your commands so it's good for you. Everyone needs a job. And I guess young people need jobs, entry level jobs. But yeah, I guess all this kind of that part of this conversation predicated from this, like, yeah, feelings and thoughts that we have because they kind of I guess what we're talking about here is like whenever I went to like a, a Wingstop or you in this case went to a Chili's or whenever we go out because like, we just go out and go exist and live and go experience society, whether it's, I don't know, you go into walking around the mall or walking around the store, target, Walmart, or you go on whatever you're doing. You usually have to interface with somebody, you know, to interface with someone to, to do, to interact around here. Unless you're just like, fucking out in the woods doing your own thing. Yeah. In a seclusion. That's kind of nice. Have your own little commune or compound. Oh, yeah. Solar power with the. Well, that sounds incredible. I ain't got a tattoo. No. Motherfuckers. Hairs on the walls. Come and take you, yo. Yeah, we got a cannon. On a hill. It don't work, but it's symbolic. Yeah, yeah. All of that energy. Yeah, I. Feel that I want that. I think that being self-sustaining is tight. I don't know if it's because I don't want to need people. And maybe we just need people, and that's, like, a wrong thing, a wrong way to do it. But like, You know I don't know. I don't want to, I don't want to need people if we're supposed to be like maybe you're not supposed to get your water from the city, like maybe like a well for your own water, or maybe what the city does with their water. Like you're hoping that like, civilization is just on the up and up and thought kosher. It's all kosher, right? Like everything that's been invented is made with, like, just not only pure intentions, but pure follow through, too. So, like the Flint water system, I don't know what happened there, but like at some point I think the people themselves, if they were like drawn in out of a well or like they were in charge of their own water manufacturing, like, I guess what happens if you're, well dries up, you just die. That's not good. So like, I guess you need city water and. You figure. It out, bro, right? Yeah. Well, we getting water from anyway, Yeah, I don't know. We like it up. We just dig. Yeah, we just dig and hit an aquifer. Yeah. What the fuck? I think so that's what's. What if we get a water from. I don't know, is that we. Explore these questions. I would like to get my own water, just like you. Got to figure it out. We'll figure it out. Yeah, yeah, plenty of, like having a garden. A garden as well. Yeah, I guess be like a farmer is kind of like the idea of. Yeah, I grew up on a farm, so maybe that self-sustaining farmer. It's it's cool to be self-sufficient, but I guess either way we were talking about before all that was, like, whenever we go out to society, we kind of, like, put a mask over it and just this, this guy and not disguise it, but we just simplify it and just make it. It is what it is. I'm going to main event and then just go to Main event. And then you fucking had this birthday party or whatever. You're bowling, you're, you're eating pizza. But then like there's moments when like we're doing that we're going to Wingstop or Chili's in these examples and then like within that kind of normal activity, like part of that normalcy just gets taken away. And like we see people for what they are and worse, like we connected with them and on a different level. It's like an empath or this kind of I was saying, like, you connected with her, like on an empathetic level of, like we become objective observers of what's happening in life. And we're just like, oh, wait, what the fuck are you doing here? What am I doing here? What are any of us doing here? I guess we all have to. Shake and move out where we can. If everything's maybe a placeholder. I hopefully we have something on the back burner that we're working on, but we need to do something in the here and now. This shit's here now? Yeah. There's no telling. Like what? Mechanics propel opportunity. Like what kind of force? Like, opens a door for you. You're like, oh, yeah, I'm gonna go work on Main Event, cause my cousin worked there and I've heard it's good company. I think it's a lot of it. I think a lot of it is through word of mouth from us. Yeah. Kind of who? You know. What? How do you determine whom? You know. Like I say, these things are, like. Built into the game of life. Like, I think that guy working at main events like now, supposed to be working on Main Event, but like that, that's where it might be in his story from the beginning. It's like this, this and this and this. And then all the people were interacting with all the time are unfolding there, this, this and this. I don't know. It could be like that or it could be more. Like me, like it's predetermined. Almost. Yeah. Yeah. So if you look at it as if it were predetermined, you're just like oh yeah. All these people are just doing what they're supposed to do, like what they have to do right now for their story. They're just there. It's like, I don't know. I just haven't had the thought of they're asking like a like, like a movie or having the same thing of like a movie, you know what I'm saying? Like, if you were to we let the movie take over our, our reality, you know, we we let it take over. Or if it's really good, we get immersed in it and we don't have to really question that. We were kind of just here for it and let the story play out. What, regardless of what the genre is or how unrealistic I may be, it's like, that's part of it. But like, we don't see we don't watch movies or TV shows, and most of the time you don't like or commercials and like, see the actor for the actor, you're kind of watching the show, right? You know what I'm saying? Right? And then there's like something beyond the show. You're like. Wait, what are they doing? What are they. Doing? Well, yeah. Everybody's like, for everyone out here was like, oh, there's playing their movie. Like, what do you mean what? What are they doing? It's almost like a silly question to a degree. Yeah. But at the same exact time is like, what the fuck are we doing? Yeah, yeah. It's like you're all existing. You're you're being you. You're fucking. You're killing a good job. You're going like. Yeah, hopefully. Yeah. Or if regardless it's happening for sure. I think, I think part of it is there isn't maybe a predetermined nature behind it or attached to it, like maybe it is. I think there is free will, but also maybe that predetermined nature at the same time. It's kind of a. Fucking weird oxymoron. Yeah. I think it's like what you would do if you exercised your free will is your path. It's like using your free will get you on the path. You know what I'm saying? Yeah. Ideally, I guess you can use your free will improperly, like you're using in a lab, which is like murdering a bunch of people. It's like, not good. No. Let's say like, maybe it's like using your free will optimally, like the predetermined path, like that thing that you've ever seen the movie. So you're saying Adjustment Bureau? No, I think I've heard of it before, though. They have like a plan for everybody's life. Right? It's like in a notebook and then like, sometimes they have to like, recalculate the plan because like, too many variables cause too many different things that maybe happen. So they needed this thing to happen over here so they can get a more predictable timeline. I feel like that's how the predetermined nature of life is. It's like you're on the path, but then sometimes, like things don't get crazy per se, but it's like, no need to like, rewrite the path. And I think suboptimal using your free will would result in maybe more path rewrites. You know? Yeah. If you stuck with the plan from the beginning, you would have ended up where you thought you were going to be in the beginning. But then, like, you know, then how do you know if like someone needs to. Re. Change their like, of course. Correct, correct. Get on the right actions. And now they're doing this thing over there. It's like was that predetermined too. Right. It's crazy right. It's crazy to think about. Like it's like a. Parent or. Yeah, paradox an. Oxymoron a paradox. It's two things at the same time that are the opposite of each other, but they both exist at the same time, in the same place. What the fuck? This is weird out here. Just weird. It's crazy. So yeah, sometimes I'll. I'll have that as well. There's like a. Like, what are they doing here? What is this? I remember the first time I ever experienced that it was a long I was probably I remember I was working with my step dad's friend doing AC in the summer was fucking hot. Yeah, he was making some good money, I'm sure, but it's like it was a crazy just going up in people's attics and fucking with the AC system. He went say like a, I guess like a part distributor. And then he would just get the parts from the guys and then just fucking go out, go to the job and do, do we got to do crazy little summer of AC help in repairing crazy. But, I was just. Talking to him. we were just chillin, doing whatever we got to do, driving from here to there. And then we stopped one time and picked up some food and like, I don't even know, some sort of diner, maybe. And I just remember, like, we we ate and then we went to go do our fucking. Sheesh. And we're like, maybe it was, I want to say I can't remember if he was like, a regular at this spot or he'd been there before, but either way, we were like, he was like, chatted up with the the waitress, at least to a little bit of a degree. And then I remember having the feeling, and whenever we're after we're done, we pay, we leave, we're getting in the truck. I remember thinking to myself, having the feeling of like, oh man, she's like, kind of goes like she's about to like, I'm about to go and go do this other thing. Like, this is her entire life, which is like a, like a blip in my, in my movie, like a scene. But she's gonna stay there. That scene still going on? She has a whole life going on right now in that fucking diner and a whole thing and responsibilities and a whole life outside the diner that she's living, like, Holy shit. Like, I just see, like, we we all see each other for, like, right here, right now, in this moment. But like, in that moment, I was able to see her for much more than what she is as a entity and as x, y, z coordinate. It was like a more dimensions of the flower we're opening up of, like what the person is. I was like, oh my God, she's got like a whole life living over there. And so the why I'm going this way, though. It was like that. It was it was weird. It was a strange little feeling phenomena. Well, just crazy fucking spirits out here flying around, you know, human meat, meat suits. It's it's most of the time you're watching the movie. Yeah. Just, like engaged in life. Yeah. So then, so when you're like. Wait a minute. You're still. In here. Yeah. Crazy. It's like, wait, what script are you reading? Right? No talent. No. Tell them the script they're reading, bro. Yeah, that's the thinking about this stuff lately. And when I'm playing basketball sometimes to win a bunch of games I have to demand the ball, take the ball, score with the ball. Yeah. If I don't do that, we're not gonna win. No I need like 3 or 4 points out of me. And then the team usually wins. It's like 80% of the time. If I score four points, we win. And then I play the game where I went like one for five, made one shot, missed all my jumpers. I think I was just like, getting sick and sore and my muscles felt all off, you know, whatever. Regardless, I'm like, well, that's not helping anything, you know? But like, if I know to win, I need to take the ball to the rack. But me, in the narrative of my team demanding the ball and then saying, I'm taking this guy to the rack, kind of selfishly to like, put points on the board. It's like, I don't necessarily want to do that part. Sometimes I just like, move the ball around and then make good plays that people appreciate. But I'm like, I know if I get four points, we're going to win. And I'm like, pretty solid. If I just have the confidence to go to the rack, like I can just get layups or shoot step back shots and just get some, get us off the board a little bit, get us a 6 or 7, give some points. You know, And it's just like the decision to say like, fuck the perception of like whatever all these actors are doing. I'm doing this in the narrative now because it's like, I want to win this game. This is the scene. This is the kind. The director action. Yeah. Pops out, demands a ball, jab, jab, step pump fake to the to the spot jumper. Swish. That's one. Boom. Now now the next time I demand the ball people are kind of like here you go. That'd be great if you did that again. Yeah. You know. But like it's so crazy in that one moment. Like I just was battling with it the last time I played, I was like, I know my coach, my inner coach is saying like, you need to start scoring, attacking the basket. You're not doing anything now. I was just like, it's hard. I'm gonna have to say, fuck everybody, you know what I'm saying? And I don't necessarily I like my teammates. I want them to like me. I want them to want to pick me up. This sucks when you don't get picked up, you know? yeah. The social ramifications of my. Actions. Coach. Yeah. But then go back out to all these actors. What script or what script are you reading? It's like I'm. Reading the script. Do we? When do I get some bucks? Yeah, and we dove up going. For game straight. But I will lose right now if I don't fucking demand the rock and go off. And I just think that's like really translatable into life. Yeah I think it's, I do that all the time. Yeah. Yeah I think that just translated in my mind to like the like a basketball team or like a sports team because it's like what script are you reading is like a great kind of, I don't know, like like that concept because it's like we're all hopefully reading the script where we, we, we win. That's the script. We're all trying to get on the same page on, like the abstract idea. That's the script we're trying to read. But like when it comes down to the actual lines of dialog in whatever actual papers that you're holding, like you're part in this role, like you need to do your part perfectly. Ultimately we want, but the only way we win is if we're all doing our parts perfectly, you know what I'm saying? And we're all trying to win. It's like, some people are all just the movie of life is crazy. Maybe they're not trying to win. And that point their part perfectly. There you go. I think the predetermined nature of this life is you're the winner. So if you're not actively trying to be the winner like I mean you know John Paxton had to do different things than Michael Jordan had to do. Yes. You know like if John Paxton would have been like Michael Jordan and so like wouldn't have worked, you know. But I think there's like something propelling us internally says like feel like this, you know, like something internally. It was telling me, like, I feel bad for this lady right now. Like I think she's having a bad day. I think it's beyond like how much she cares or skill level or what this business is providing me with, you know, things like just this person's having a bad day, you know, it's just crazy. Like. You know, if the predetermined nature is the winner. I'm not trying to, like, I'm trying to promote that story. For her to try to write the story where we all win, you know? Yeah, yeah, yeah. Maybe that's what the empathy feeling is derived from is like the not winning. And watching someone not win. Was like, oh yeah. You know. Yeah we all want. Where that come from. Who's watching this lady live life. Right. And then you're like, oh yeah. I think that whatever that thing is though, it's like I'm almost magical or that's God or I'm not sure what it is, but I think it's tied into that. How do you use your free will properly? Where does inspiration come from you know. How do you get inspired to act a certain way. Hopefully you're trying to win. I guess we get too many people trying to win. If it turns cutthroat it's like not good. Yeah. Yeah I guess it depends on what context. There's something there though. There's a nugget. There's competition for sure. Competition can be good. That's good. There's good positive and negative aspects to it. Well, just try and get along right. I think we're all just. Trying to get through this fucking. Movie together for the most. Part. Yeah. Right. You'd like it if everybody was cool with it. Yeah. And you could just be called everybody else. It'd be. Cool if I wasn't trying to kill anybody or if no one was trying to kill. Me. Right. That's pretty sweet. Need that. That's that. We just keep that. That'll be cool. We could all just have that be a be a thing. I think it'd be nice. People were worried about people. That movie's going on with that, So I'm just real worried about people, though. so, like, have you heard. Like, people talking about how service sucks since Covid? We've talked about that before. I mean, I've, I've. I've definitely heard that. that's been a conversation piece that's come up a couple times with tables since Covid. Yeah, definitely. Yeah. I'm worried that like, people might kind of suck since Covid and then like not it just seems like the baseline amount of like passion and effort and inspiration is just like a little lower. Like, where was I today? I'm at the fucking vape shop. Check out vape sommelier video vapes. But I go to this one vape shop and I can't stand the owner. Dude, I got into it with her one time about, I. Think what you tell me about this story. Maybe. Yeah, it sounds familiar. I think so. Not the not the one you're telling now, but the getting into it. So I'm basically like, I'm looking for this specific thing. I don't know if you have this specific thing. And then the lady's like, oh, you don't need that specific thing. You could just get this specific thing. And I'm like, I already know that. Like what she's saying is wrong because I'm like, no, the reason that I'm looking for this specific thing is because it has this thing, and that thing does not. So like, I could do that, but I'm looking for this one specific thing I already know. Yeah, I want a but I looked at be being at it any day. I need it. But then the lady she started to argue with me about like she's like, well, I'm the owner here. Like I know what's going on. I know the difference in what age range, whatever the. Yeah, it was, it was for like a delta nine. So it's like that's it's pretty complicated. Like the differences between the strains of like basically synthetic weed that they sell at vape shops. Yeah. The I'm sure it goes down to chemistry. Yeah. It's crazy right. and I don't know like a lot, but I just like, try different things and I get on a wave of certain things. And then I kind of have like a general feel for something. Yeah. Sometimes I'm looking for, like, one thing in particular. It's your own science. Yeah. Like, for instance, I think she was really trying to get me to get a looper. And I'm like, look, I know it says it's the same thing. I know it says this and this, but like, the loopers suck me up. Like I get to a point where I don't even know. I'm like, so high that, like, I leave should everywhere. And I just like zombie slump the bed like peanut butter on my beard. Okay? Like I don't like feeling like that. I enter a crater and like, I just want to feel like a little bit of inspiration. I want to be, like, more awake. I see want you resolve behind and I'll just Frankenstein. The loopers are not it for me. Like I'm telling you, lady. And then she's like, you know. I don't know what you're talking about. Yeah, right. And I was just so frustrated. With like that experience. I'm like, look, I want this one, right. Can you explain the difference in these two over here? To me, she doesn't really explain it, but like because she's kind of out of her depth because it's like a complicated thing. Yeah. You know what I'm saying? Yeah. Like she would have to be like a, like a Somali. Yeah. For like the difference between CBD and THC nine and Delta nine and delta eight, Delta ten. Then there's these new subcategories for all of those. It's a lot. It's all cutting edge. It's just all just coming out within the last year. Right? Right. So anyways after I get into it with her a little bit, I'm just like, whatever, okay, stand that lady or whatever. Yeah. So she says and then she's like, you don't have to shop here. And I'm like, oh, bitch. Beats like I'm on regular. Like I'm here more than I've never seen. You here before, you know what I'm saying? Like, I know the workers here. Yeah. But like, you. Know, that's fucked. Up. I just feel like she's just like lady. Lady. That's just kind of like a. Kind of a bitch. And anyways, so I go in there today and she's in there and she's telling this guy across the counter about how, Nobody wants to work hard anymore. She's like, oh, yeah, have so many people that. So hard to get good people. So hard to get good work help, you know? Yeah. I asked him to do stuff like, I need you to clean the toilet and then just, like, are willing to quit because I don't want to go while it. Means you only need to go. But my boy John, he needs to get tidied up. Can you tidy up, John for me? Bitch? I walk out. Let's go. Let's, Okay. I will not do that. Everyone has a line. That's my line. Oh my God. Well, they've Somalian. Hopefully I'll catch it today. Maybe it's just like a regular. A regular toilet, toilet cleaning job. Well, you know, the. Walking out on that, it's like, oh, come on, man, I need some thicker. Skin. Yeah, just like a. House with, like, doomsday. I mean, she was like that five, five in there. The default label. The fucking zero dark 30, bro. Female. It's a female work like an organization is responsible for this disaster. Really? Yeah. So, like, you know, but she. But she's just this lady, and she's just a mouthpiece talking about. No, it's just everyone wants to quit since you asked him to do anything. Blah, blah. Blah, and I'm just like, I fucking hate this lady. And like, I just, I was. Like, I just. Want I want to work for you. Like, personally. Like you were telling me to do it. I wouldn't want to do it, you know what I'm saying? But if if my boss asked me, it's like, man is like, can you clean the bathroom today? I'd be like. Yeah, it's cool, bro. Not a big deal. Come on. Y'all, unless it's this is the gun fight. I ain't going there, dog. Oh, God. Yeah, yeah. Exactly. How long have I been there for. Good, a terrible. Yeah. How many hours have I worked? Yeah, yeah. How many days have I worked? At least a month. Everyone's got a line. There's a lot of context we're missing here, lady. Oh, with normal bathrooms. No big deal. Yeah, but I clean my own bathroom like, two days ago. Nobody did. It always amazes me how fast you clean a bathroom. They're small. Typically, it's like ten, 15 minutes. It's like pearly white. She's a little fucking common bleach you pour. It's like powder. Powdered bleach? Yeah, some fabuloso, some shit. You just go to the cleaning supplies section, grab a couple a couple things. So it's kind of funny listening to this lady be like, they want cleaning toilet. Bowl, they want to do shit. Also, I was kind of offended as someone who works hard and is passionate, and when I was just like everybody. Thinking that I get it. I see. I see her side. Of the story. Apparently it's like that. I don't know, because she also said that she's like, everybody just wants to stay home. And, kids don't even want to be like, oh, in the world. And like, there is a trend where kids are staying at home with their parents for like on average, much later in life, like 26, 27 is the average. And like I just think that there is something going on. I don't know if it's because of like social media or because like television stuff, whatever it is. Like, people do seem to want to just chill. We're just trying to chill. Chill? That dude just hit the fucking nail on the head, dawg. That's it. That's life. Everyone just wants to chill. Yeah, I'm saying yeah. What the fuck? Why are we are killing people? Yeah. There you go. That's that's the. Drawback, right? Some people get into murder feuds. I think everyone just wants to chill, which is chilling, though. It's like walking through the restaurants. Like, how y'all doing? Y'all doing good over here? Yeah. We're chilling. Yeah, it's with chillin. We just want to, as. People taking care of that table. How y'all doing? Chillin as a support of the people taking care of the table. How are you doing? We're chilling. Then my boss ask me, how we doing. We're chilling. Chilling with my chill all the way up the ladder. Up and down, baby. Yeah. From the pit to the fucking creative office. Yeah. So it's crazy. What we do is be insanely busy. Insanely stressed. Working at crazy K provide order to a crazy chaotic environment, to our best of our ability. Like what we get up and go do. But anyways, trying to like we've established that like. I mean you just know. Yeah, that's the truth. Everybody's just trying to chill spots to chill. So apparently that's what's allegedly what's going on with America is like everybody's really just trying to chill. It's the wave. Of the chill. It's like a hippie vibe. It's like a hippie movement. But it's a chill movement, right? It's the same thing. Was a little a little different labeling. It's crazy. I think psychedelic psychedelics are making a comeback. They are now so more so than ever. Yeah, definitely. I like professionally in academia. Yeah. Mushrooms where like are getting these scheduled or like becoming. Yeah yeah yeah. You know what I'm saying. Let's criminally enforce. Yeah. marijuana too. I think I heard of stats like 38 states have at least medical marijuana. And I guess it's pretty easy to get a medical card if you want one. We're pushing. Let's go. Yeah. So that's like, you know, all right there and then. Yeah, you can also I mean, people want to say that the synthetic weed like the Delta nine and stuff like that is bad for you, but like, you know. Who fucking knows? Who knows? Who fucking knows? Who knows. Allegedly. It's just like moving molecules around to get around legislation, you know. Yeah. Which is like some. Lots of white. Shit. Yeah. Come on, baby science. So that's legal, like everywhere. Yeah. You know what I'm saying? We can you can get weed now. You can get high. Yeah, you can chill. So we want we want more access to chill. That's what it is. Do. We're trying to. Chill. It's a it's a movement coming through. And was it like that 20, 30 years ago. Was a witch hunt you. What what is that 2020s for the late 90s. 1980s. In. The 80s. So off on time. Great. I think 20 years ago was the 80s. Yeah. 2014. That's 2014. It was ten years ago. Oh, yeah. Yeah, yeah, we fucked up. Yeah. Crazy fucked up. I was flying, bro. So I would say, yeah, maybe 20 years ago I think people were. Not as, I don't know, I guess just. Yeah. This is maybe the, the product of 20 years of social media. Maybe it's helping. Yeah. Getting free money for a long time. Yeah. That was a big one. That was a big one. Oh yeah. I think maybe we're heading to the age of chill. The more and more we got involved in fucking Twitch and social media and streaming services and less TV and shit, it's like we're starting to transition to the chill and the government's, like, more chill. Making more docile, kind. Bro fucking a whole year. Just the the the the chillest. Oh yeah. The the kingdom of chill. Yeah. It was awesome. Playing video. Games, getting paid $800 a week. Dude, to chill. Basically. Professional Warzone player. Tax. It was a. Yeah the chills. If you ask me. Straight up to my face what I like to go back to a year that it'd be hard. I mean I have to think about it. I mean, like, the whole the whole global ramifications. Yeah. But just the deal. Well, yeah, a whole nother Covid. Oh, man. Another lockdown. I don't know, that's all. Would we. Take another lockdown because of lockdown if we were able to get. Paid? If I got. Paid? You fucking hard to say. No. It'd be real fucking hard. Yeah, we're. Going 800 a week to chill and still open. You can't go to restaurants though. Sounds like we grind. We fucking. Grind. I think about all the time. If I could go back and re allocate my time during the lockdown, a lot of times you're like nervous and like panicked, you know, like trying to be chill. Are we going to die? Like I would just be like, all right, here we go. Brand new workout program. Know P90x? I forgot we in a lockdown. Honestly, the first time around. Yeah, yeah, about like a week or two in. I forgot we were in a fucking lockdown. So I was like, oh man, has been fucking grinding room scape and working out. That's was so focused on that. Yeah bro, we can make like 20 or 30 songs. It'd be tired. It'd be so tight to have time on your side like that. Yeah. You know, so nice. That aspect of it was so fucking nice. Oh my goodness. Very selfish of us for want to do it. To desire. How's that as a, as a request. That I serve God just. Well that's like that'd be nice. At least I'd ask. But I want that in my life. I said, that's the thing. I want that in my fucking life. Time to chill. Yeah, yeah, yeah. That's it. Dude. Anytime you just at home and I'm like, I'll like, finish the dishes. And I'm like, first down. Nothing on the To-Do list. We're good for the rest of the day, big John. Oh so good. Oh, my. God. Just so good. It's crazy. Laundry, dishes, groceries. You got to have a lot of positive emotion associated to those things. Because if you're if you don't, if you have only negative associations with those, you're going to have a shitty life. I'll tell you right now, kid. Just guaranteed a. Guaranteed shit life. Because that's a lot of adulthood. That is a lot of adulthood. What I do week in and week out. Is dishes, grocery and lunch. Or his dog. That is a good. Good half of life. Just doing those things, making sure those those box boxes get checked. Yeah, that's so much of your life. Yeah. Especially if you want to create I don't know, I think if you believe in the law of attraction, you want to be on your highest frequency. You gotta live in a clean space. You cannot do this just for a week or two. But it's like driving down your frequency. It's like a weight on your hot air balloon, you know, like, oh, the weight is dropping. It's lowering your frequency just because. Or it's like a double negative. It's the less is less. It's the like the overall energy that it creates in the environment of like a messy space. And then you're literally just out of equipment. Saying you run out of shit to use. For your food. It's like, oh man. I can't eat the cereal, but I'm out of bowls and I'm out of cups. I'm out of everything. So yeah, for less is less. Fuck all of that. It is the same. Thing with dirty clothes. You're right. You're right. You're just scrambling. Yeah. Everything sucks. You're living in filth and you're making poor choices. Yeah. Can't do it. No, gotta do this. You gotta love those three fucking things, kids. You gotta figure out how to love them. I just put on a podcast and let that shit ride. I'm having a great time. I'm doing dishes, I'm folding laundry. I'm hanging out with Joe Rogan. It feels so good. It feels so good when the thing's empty. but when I got that dishwasher running and I got the washing machine running, and, you know, Joe's talking to me, and I pull out the broom. Let's start sweeping up and, like, looking around. Oh, fucking. Oh, that's. Better than espresso. That's some shit. That's a stronghold. Fucking tackle the world's problems out of that place. It's like a head. It's like a head of the good life. God damn it, I'm on it. Oh, great. We're cooking. That's great. That's optimal. Chill all you need. It's all you really need are. People are crazy. People are fucking crazy. So I wonder if my threshold to do that shit is, like, lower in the average American. It's, like harder to do things. I for one, I just want to chill. Like the average person. Average Americans capacity, do their own laundry. Grocery dishes. Grocery dishes is like lower. Like we used to be like 70% success rate, 30% of people having a tough time, ten, 10% of those people are depressed. So it's like you know, shit happens. But now I feel like it's like. People are like at 40% taking care of this. Where, because it's. Like, I see. More difficult. Task. I see, I see we're chilling. Oh my gosh. Yeah. Everyone has a. Different, different definition of chill. I guess it's a feeling more so, I guess is what I'm referring to. I guess the ability to have the free time. But even in my free time, I was that whole free because I have to do those three fucking things, you know what I'm saying? So it's like there's. I think. Pleasure Island is like two too much free time and like, just being fucking just blowing off all. All your, all your time. It's like when you're. Doing nothing. At the. Bar. Yeah, exactly. I feel that for a second. It's like I can't enjoy any of my time that I have to myself, unless I do some of the other shit. Yeah. You know, I think that. Means you enjoy it, like, on a really fundamental level, because you wouldn't do it. Like, you can't enjoy it if you don't do it. And even if you hate it, that must mean you love it, you know, because you, like, have to do it. You're, like, obsessed with it. Hard, right? All of us. It's the gate. It's the gate. It's the gateway to to that feeling. Yeah. You know, the chilling. That's the chill I enjoy. Yeah. That's the that's the chilling because you can get that way. It's like vacation mode. So even when I if I'm going on the vacation mode I need to like ramp up the not necessarily like the work work, but to make sure that I'm fucking on top of things before I leave, so that when I come back, I'll be fine. I'll be able to have like a fine, like depart and arrival or arrival and departure or whatever into the, into the, into and out of the vacation mode. Yeah. But if I'm just like, you go on vacation and you come back and you're fucking literally your house smells like shit because you can take out your trash, like the dishes are dirty and it's just like, fuck yeah. Back to this place. Who left this hellhole? Oh, I did, yeah. Yeah. Yeah, bro, these are real things that we all deal with, right? It's a different. It's a different kind of vacation feeling. It's like even a vacation that you so have just such a negative energy around your being or your story. Yeah. You can't enjoy anything. Yeah. That's butt. Cheeks. That's checkers. Dig super cheeks. To not be able to enjoy anything. I think the same thing about dieting. Like, if you're going to eat something, if you're gonna eat pizza. And I didn't work out today, I'm not enjoying that pizza. I'm just fucking not. Yeah. Yeah. Same same thing, same fucking thing. Like this is it's I'm gonna what's opposite of enjoy I'm gonna like not hate it but it's gonna be like a guilt ridden experience. Or you could really. Enjoy that pizza because you did extra cardio today and it's your cheat day because you ate good all week. Now that pizza's, like, actually enjoyable. It's like all your time. It's kind of like that, you know? Yes, yes, 100%. I remember feeling that big time whenever I was like doing really heavy on and dialing in nutrition and macros and all that, you know, eating relatively clean, like moderate monitoring the amount of carbs and, and shit, like reducing all that, monitoring it and then having a six day or whatever seventh day of rest, then just let that go. It's like, oh, that's so nice, so nice. You can enjoy it so much. You appreciate it so much. Yeah. But yeah, I think times like that are you right? The balance. So that's a weird interview question. So that's how you feel. Of course. Yeah. Yeah I think that's out. I think that's on the money. In my life science. You don't achieve the higher frequency. You're you're trying to like be something great, you know. Well how else would you get there. That's a I think it's I think that ties right back into sacrifice. You know what I'm saying? The truth itself. We bring up all of our multiple times, but it's because it's fucking true. Wrote to sacrifice is like a premise, the basis of all this fucking shit and the sacrifice of anything you. Do is a sacrifice. Anything you do is a. It's a choice. And every every choice is a not choice of everything else. Yeah. You know, I'm saying. In action is. Action. Yeah. Like you choose to do one thing. I mean, you chose to not do everything else, right? This is the one thing I'm choosing to do. Nothing else. This is it just. Yeah, it's crazy. Optimization of free freewill. It's predetermined. You should listen to yourself and then do what the fuck you feel. but we're not doing what we feel is a disconnect. We're living in the crater. Yeah, maybe, I don't know. So it sounds kind of fucking conspiracy theorists. Yeah, well, maybe it's maybe it's not constructed. Well, you know what I'm saying? What's the what's the word engineered. Yeah, right. Like social engineering. Yeah. I think that's it that Joe and Duncan were talking about in regards to the different comments that can appear on someone's post based on who's viewing it. Yeah. It's like, oh, that's so fucking true. What are they viewing. Us shits true. What do they want us to see? That's it. Right. What do they want us to think is going. On with whatever. How people feel about stuff? Yeah, it's I control. Our feelings, our ambitions, I guess. Kind of do a degree. The perception of reality that we hold. On the. Unknown, but that I think there's. Something going. On here, like in Wall-E. You know what I'm saying? Yeah. That movie, they definitely predict us being, like, overweight and type it on the keyboard. Like you're in a chair that floats, takes you where you need to go. You're in front of a computer. You're like, like that was a predictive feature for us. Yeah, no social interfacing like, at all. Really? Yeah. Right. And like that, like, not that we're getting there, but like, I wonder if just naturally this is this the society aspect of our life is taking a hit because we could be more isolated, because we can work remotely, because we can fucking. You could just text me like, you know, I'm watching Netflix. I need to go outside. Yeah. It's like it's like oxymoron to a little bit because, like, we're so we're much more connected. Connected than we've ever been. And the communication is instantaneous almost. And global. But at the same time we're like more isolated and separate at the same time. Yeah. With the same tool. It's like, what? It's crazy. And you're living in a fucking feedback loop of your own. Whatever the algorithm has, you see, in thinking that's reality, you know, because you're not in reality enough to just, like, discern what a reality is based on what you saw. Because, like, what you're seeing about reality is just like an algorithm on your feet. Yeah. You know. Yeah, I was thinking about it. Is the. Feed whenever you're scrolling, is the feed already there or is it being generated as your score. Scroll? Yeah, I think that, yeah, I think. I think it's. Vertical. Right. I think it's in real time is being generated as you're scrolling. Maybe it's one lower. maybe they have like the next one ready to go. Yes. But then they formulate that next one based on the next. Next one. Yeah. And that one is always in the next. The next one could be in line with what the next one is. Or it could be slightly different. Yeah, a different variation to see if that one gets then categorized as the or like as a potential interactive point. Yeah, right. I'm with you. Tasty dude. Who knows what they're fucking cooking down there. In the cooking. Like sometimes I got a quick scroll. Like I realize it's feeding me too much whatever. And I'm like. And then it like, feeds me some new shit, you know? Yeah, I'm trying to teach it. yeah, I think it probably monitors how long you're, like, looking at a posts. If you definitely. If you interact with it in any way, share it. Like it, comment or do anything and then, yeah, probably just the, the speed through which you're moving. Instagram. For sure. For sure. Right. Yeah. Yeah. It monitors your how fast you scroll because it's obviously like a quick scroll is interest you know. Yeah. Oh that's it's playing into effect into the algorithm. Yeah. And they're all just people making. These fucking websites go around. Oh yeah. That work at Facebook. And I work for Google and work for you too. When I was with Mark Zuckerberg soon. Bro bro with kneecaps. These people are you saying. Yeah if I protected, but they got the son. Of a bitch. Yeah. Facebook's insane. Who knows what's going on with these people? Maybe it is socially engineered. What do you want to do? Do you want to go back to caveman times? Right? Or like. Yeah. For what? For? Look. I like the technology we have, you know. I guess it just comes down to they want more power and want. Us to give them more power. And then even with that, though, like. That, then what? You want to control everything? Well, yeah, probably. Or at least be as well as they can be. Man, do you remember? Thomas Ford, it's his name, right? Thomas Ford. The guy that made Ford. The Henry. Ford. Henry Ford. There we. Go. Okay. It's Henry Ford. He wants the government and was like, hey, guys, it'd be super dope if you could, like, organize the education system in such a way that you produce people that are kind of, like, better factory workers because, like, the way that this country is going and the way that my enterprises is going, like factory workers of the future. So if you can get them on like an eight hour shift, it's like a lunch break and they got to sit at a desk and fucking work out what they're doing. It'd be really cool if I could, like, organize the education system to provide us with factory workers so that we can have this industrial revolution. Seamless, right? Yeah. And we're seamless transition, more efficient. Right? Work. I don't know if they really did that. I don't know if that's like a myth that that's why school is kind of like a shift like elementary school, middle school, high school. But what I do know is for sure, Henry Ford went to the government and was like, hey, this would be really cool. And so it's not far fetched for me to think that they're not doing social engineering now. It's like, what's the future of right now? Like fucking being on a computer? Like working remotely, being savvy with the internet. Yeah, I think there was another like social engineering push to a degree. Whatever. Like over the last 20 years, it's been a decline. I would I would say, but prior to that it was like super common for everyone to be going to college. You know, I'm saying like that was like a push narrative for everyone to kind of follow through on. Yeah, I guess maybe it was like a legitimate path into a better future. Yeah, for a lot of people. And it's always good to be continuing education and learning new shit. Of course, new information. But at the same time it was like, nowadays it's definitely viewed a lot differently than it was 20, 30 years ago. People like you go college. The fuck are we talking about? You know, ChatGPT new to learn anything, bro. In two years. That's the hippie movement for sure, right? That's the chill movement. Like. Yeah. Yeah. Definitely. Right. Yeah. Because it's I mean, I think you should still go to school, right? Like my sister went to school and that's. She's an internship. This dope company doing their stuff. I'm like, that's cool. I think just like, as far as you know, when you're a parent, you probably just want your kid to be able to pay their own bills to some degree. So can you just take care of your own square? Could take time. If I gotta keep taking care of you forever, like I fucked up, you know? Yes. So, like, if you can get your kid to go to university and then get one of those jobs where they pay decent and they're happy there, it's like, okay, that's tight. It might just be a function of that, but you definitely don't need that shit. Like, dude, yeah, yeah. There's a common saying about like, people don't use the degree for like what they got the degree for, like, nobody. Does a lot of the time. It's like a large percentage of people don't even use the whatever the degree they got. Not at all. It's just having a degree was a prerequisite to get that job. Yeah. Looks good. It looks good on the resume or whatever. But yeah, if you could just be like, yeah, I specifically studied the concrete industry through a ton of YouTube and ChatGPT like I'm really laced up with knowledge, like ask me anything. I mean, today, in today's age, I probably still don't get that job, but you might be more knowledgeable about the fucking specific thing that they're talking about. You know, big time. Yeah, one way, way more equipped. So then you could have been. Yeah. For sure. So what do you want? You want that knowledge? Shit. You had that knowledge. Yeah. Right. Yeah. You don't have to pay $5,000. Oh, bro. Not even close anymore. It's crazy. It's crazy. So, yeah, I don't know, but I guess what was school like before that? Or, you know, before we had the eight hour system, I guess. How how would we what's the optimal way to to structure it, I guess. Yeah. Like kids move around because they're not good just sitting down on one spot all day long. That was like some people say 80 and ADHD breaking out in so much like that was like pharmaceutical companies gaining power. Pushing for prescriptions. Yeah, well think control and like they want it to be interlaced into like raising a kid. So like sometimes, oh, you got a kid. They can sit down probably. And you give this pill and then you're like, in their fucking system now. but yeah, kids are supposed to meant to sit down. I don't think I've heard that in a couple different places, but yeah, like having a kid sit down for like, four hours straight is like, it's. A big. Ask. Yeah, it's a big ask, boy. And I really don't do that right there, you know. Yeah. It's kind of. Against their nature for sure, I guess. How would we, if you had to optimal or if you had to optimize and to structure a day for a child, a school day. If you're a homeschool teacher, you have children they're in charge of, yeah, you're running this. Let's say it's like that, even like a, like a private school or whatever. Yeah. How are you going to structure your days? What's more optimal? I definitely think that we could get everything done. Was eight hours a good amount? No, that's. That's not the right one to start. Start square ones. I think we. Could get away with like, two more hours of school time. I like learning. Learning. Yeah. Okay. And with that, like. Maybe we do like gym or rec, like halfway or before or after, but I think that, like, you could just, like, do, if you're just doing four classes for an hour each, you know, like English, math, science, what's the other one. Social studies or history? Yeah, right. History. Just do like those four. And then maybe you don't even have to do like those for all five days. Maybe you have like an 80 a day and a day. Yeah. Right. So you learn for hours. We work out somewhere in there and then we get lunch afterwards. And then you're done.

Done by like 1230 every day, maybe 1:

00. I think that's so much more manageable for a kid. I fucking hated going to school. When I was a kid, I felt like a fucking slave. I felt the same way I feel just working a job sometimes where I'm like. What are you doing that you hate? What are we doing here? What do any of these kids doing here? Yeah. Oh. Yeah. I was, you know, just kicking it around in my own mind. I think maybe, I think maybe start the day with some physical activity. You know, I'm saying let's get some of that energy out of there and get some of that shit rolling. So get some of the movement out. I don't know. But I think that's it. If it's my kid, I'd be like, let's work out. from like 8 to 9, probably 30 minutes is more realistic. Get your. Tired. Yeah. This is fucking like, get all the anxiety out of your brain for today. Like it because you feel you can focus so much more after you work out. No 100. Percent. Yeah, so much more sharp. So sharp. Like, oh. There's a lot less voices, like, pressing right here. You kind of like, push all of them out, and then it's just your consciousness streamlined. So yeah, it's fucking boom. Take my class. Think for. I was just a little. maybe I think maybe that might be solid for like, younger kids for sure. Maybe as you get into, like, middle school and high school, they start extending it a little bit. Yeah. Maybe like. Maybe it's four hours of learning and learning classroom time, but then you're there for like a total of six for like some workout time at lunch. Yeah. And like a, like a study period or some shit. Yeah. Doing homework. Right then.

Yeah. You know, I 1:

00, we're doing our homework. Make sure you got it. Or I at least messing with the concepts that we're messing around with today. But maybe six hours of total day with four hours of class. That's like a decent thing. That's solid. We can make that work. We can make that work all the way through. Maybe. Maybe up until high school, you have to be there for an extra two hours. There's an eight hour day. Here's the thing is, when they get to high school, let's just put them in college, cuz, like, I took science. Yeah, yeah, yeah. Okay. But then I get to college and I've got to take biology and I'm like, this is just all the science that I ever learned in high school. Science again. You know what I'm saying? Like for science and same science. What the fuck is that? This is make the college class be the high school class. So yeah they're like more busy. But it's like you could be just be getting your degree right then too. Yeah. And even let's, let's think about it in terms of like a college schedule. You're only going to class 12 hours a week. Yeah. Right. It's like your, your your load or even and then you only have like four classes. They're three hours each. So yeah four classes. And like I said it was a split. So you can do Tuesday Thursday or Monday was a Friday. Classes are like one one class a week for three hours. Yeah. They had solo days Monday once there was a split to the Thursday or they had the 50 minute classes that were Monday, Wednesday, Friday. yeah. So you could in a college schedule, you could have just like 3 or 4 hours of class in one day and that's it. Yeah. So yeah. Even then you're not even doing that much class? No. What the fuck are we doing? Make it factor. We're making. We're making work BS. Yeah. Make work BS. Parents are complaining because it's free childcare. Yeah. Fucking daycares. Expensive dog. Yeah. You send me school, I'm going to work.

We'll link back up around 4:

00. You know? Yeah. Fuck, bro. As a kid I was like, this is ass. This is cheeks, that is cheeks. It is cheeks. Butt crazy. You know. What are you going to do. Put your kid in private school. Go private. School homeschool. Yeah. Allegedly a montessori is the best way for your kid to go to school. But what the hell is that? I'm on a montessori. Put my kids in Montessori and Montessori and I. You heard Kanye West say that, It's a bar. Really? Yeah, it's a master. It's, It's like a private school, but it's like a their curriculum because there's, like Catholic schools that are private schools, but the curriculum really closely, like, resembles public education. Okay. Like, but like a montessori is like where you would be on a completely different schedule, like, they're not they just make up their own curriculum and their own time to do things. And they don't really care if you go to school there or not, but you just pay a ton of money pretty much to. They have like grades. They have some kind of system. Oh, you know, I'm saying. Yeah. Right. Yeah. It could be if they're if they are accredited and like those diplomas count or I think even like middle school there. If you go elementary and middle school at a montessori, I think it matters. You probably get into high school just fine. You know. If they're accredited and then whatever system they have is like, you just accept that. But it's usually like a lot different. Then they'll be like, yeah, okay. Just for like two for like 3 or 4 hours, you know what I'm saying? and this is our curriculum. Like, we don't necessarily teach that, but they'll be able to be fine whenever they get the high school. But it's it's it's really expensive, though. That's the thing. That's why people don't really do it. It's like a super not preppy, but more expensive private school. It's a child centered educational approach that emphasizes independent exploration and self-directed learning. Developed by Teach Yourselves, motherfuckers. We'll be back to You YouTube channel. We'll be back in four hours. Let me know what you learned. yeah. Since developing natural interests and activities rather than using formal teacher methods. So I think part of it is like if they're interested in doing like something, then they do more of that stuff, then. Okay. It's more individually geared. Yeah. Based on interest. Yeah. And that's what's so like promote better education because they're like actually engaged. Makes sense. Right. Not widely available to everybody. Yeah. Yeah. It's not an educational system that's crazy. Yeah. That's why making worker bees bro. So they're able to make the worker bees back in the 60s, 70s, 80s, whenever the fuck that was going down. So they trying to influence shit nowadays. For sure, for sure, for sure. I think. They never stopped. After. Joe Biden. Didn't even like a real fucking person. Right? I mean, I've. Literally seen that the like videos talking about there's clones of him. Actors of him. Really? Yeah. Impersonators or. Actors. Yeah. I've seen, videos talk about like, he's just out of it, but he takes a ton of drugs so he can go out for these public appearances. But sometimes drugs wear off. He's just like, it's like in. Right. Hold on, hold it right there. He's on the decline right there. That moment he starts to look at his lips. Look at his lips? Yeah, yeah. See that I twitch. He's fucking out of it. Some people will tell you Joe Biden like, is not making decisions. I don't think that's true. A quarter people around him making the decisions and that actually they'd rather be like the guy who was in charge that actually could make decisions that everybody would listen to is actually just not really. If that guy was dynamic and charismatic and independent, constantly going on the news, talking about crazy stuff, that'd be like bad for business. So the people in charge and in power, like the fucking the web is fucking real. Like the machine. It's out there really. Who knows what their fucking prerogative is. You know, generate wealth. Maintain power. What are the what the fuck that that. Yeah, I think I heard maybe like Tim Dillon and Joe talking about it. Talking about Joe Biden. Yeah. It's like he's a he's I like he's a real person. I don't think. Yeah. It's a funny joke because it's like that. Also, how much Joe Biden have you really seen? That's what's crazy too is we don't really watch TV. Yeah, I've no idea. I have actually seen probably zero. Yeah. Myself. Everything I see is a clip on the internet pretty much maybe in passing at a fucking whatever and whatever. Yeah. Local business you go to that has a news on. And a Planet. Fitness, you know. Yeah. Exactly. That's it. Yeah. Aside from that nothing bro. And that's most of the country I think, which is bananas I don't know, I don't if you want to keep all the politics, I guess you could. But we all know it's fucked. Yeah, we all know it. How do you feel about the vaccine? Right? I think it's fucked, right? I saw that shit a mile away, so I was like, I ain't doing this. I ain't gonna do it. You could do. It. I'll watch. Yeah, I'll. See what happens. For sure. And then if it comes down to it, I guess we'll we'll figure it out then. But I think I think I'm good. I think I'm, we're moderately healthy. You know, we're healthy young men too, who are physically fit, take care of our we workout. So we didn't have much to worry about per se that it that's how I that energy entered my perspective in regards to how. I felt about it. Yeah. Do I need to take it? Absolutely. No. Okay. Nope. Yeah I'm good. Also just sitting out in. The trust too. I'll just and that was it. That was it too. I was like, if everything is actually true, what they're saying, do I need to take it like still it's like, probably not like you should be fine. Like you're pretty healthy. Okay, okay. And then that was like the the more like, chill, relaxed voice. But then the other side was like, that could be lying about everything. So you definitely don't need to take that shit. Yeah. I was like, yes, you. Are also valid. Well, listen to both of you. Also, we're. In agreeance here. Even if they are telling the truth. Well yeah. Yeah. But yeah, I think that the, the other voices louder. Just like I think the whole thing is a far stick. I don't know, man. There's a lot of reports. Some say a lot of people that died were the elderly, super young kids or people with co-morbidities, which was a lot of elders, you know, like a heart problem. This then it's like pneumonia would have killed them too. Maybe. You know what I'm saying? Yeah, that's another thing. The potential reporting and actual like statistics that were reported. So how many of those numbers were fudged? Right. It's like this guy got eaten by a shark. Covid. Yeah, right. Yeah, yeah. Covid. Yeah. Covid for sure. And then why are you trying to make me take it like that's another thing that's kind of weird. Like I Pfizer. Already kind of weary of it. It's like, why is this a social pressure for me to get vaccinated? Like. It ends with you. Yeah. It does. It ends with me. Yeah, that's that's fine. Like, So silly. Yeah. So silly. Hindsight's always. Well, telling the truth. I think we're going to the. Restaurant also is kind of what led me to believe, like, just, you know, what goes on behind the restaurant and what's actually happening on the floor. Oh, yeah. Two different things. I think life's like that. Exactly. Life has got a front of house and a back house. What going on in the back of the house? You ain't want to know about it most of the time. You know what I know, though. But, yeah, I've. Seen enough, like, back of the house fucking fights turn into arguments, turn into walking out. Like. And this is your dinner tonight. Like. I was like, that feels what's going on with the vaccine. I think in the back of the house. This this isn't necessarily like kosher, what we should be doing, but for whatever reason, the presentation of it is like, this is the best thing for you. You need to do it. You have to do it. We're gonna get everybody to do it. Just like doesn't check out. Yeah. And I guess maybe that also that that narrative helps maybe bolster up the initial narrative in general. Just like the seriousness of this disease is going around here. Right? It's so serious out there, y'all. It's so serious. Right? It's so serious. We need to take extra medicine to help us prevent from it. Okay. It's that serious. It's like I think it's not that serious. And you're just bullshitting me. Just like true, true. Oh. And other way. Yeah. Four years later, everyone's like, oh fuck yeah. Yeah. Tripping. Yeah. They were tripping. To read anything or watch your podcast, you know. but yeah, so many people got health complications from the vaccine. It's gene therapy. It's not even a vaccine. It's a gene therapy. So it, like, changes some of your genes to make you resistant to the way the virus spreads in your genes. Like, it's not even like this ingredient you're allergic to. So we're going to give you something that, like, counteracts that ingredient. It's like we're going to change the way that your body gets allergic to things. I don't really trust that science. That's crazy. Yeah. That's crazy right? Yeah. Like most vaccines are just like, like imagine taking an antibiotic for the flu. It's like it's meant to get that thing out of your system. So like, you would take, like, a vaccine so that you wouldn't get like the measles and then that vaccines like, not the opposite of the measles, but it's like it's the cure. It's the antidote. It's the thing that would get you healthy, you know? But I get also, the way I guess it works is if you get a little bit of the measles, then your body develops naturally. Naturally, right? Yeah. It's like if you get a flu shot, they give you like a little bit of the flu. Is that like the idea behind it? I think so. And then you develop your own immunity through just life. Yeah. That's the way your body works. You feel kind of shitty for a couple days, but you don't actually get the flu. But this was like it changes the way that the virus spreads in your system. So like I don't know bro. I'm like don't therapy my genes. Yeah. Fuck that's crazy. I didn't get approved for by the fucking habits. Of. Ass health organization. Yeah I'm like. They saw an opportunity. They just saw Fauci dollar signs for a lot of dollar sign Dallas. That's crazy bro. Fucking bananas. Yeah. Fuck it. Oh, bro. You know, those are like. That should be. But, some of that fucking rocked my cradle in listening to Joe, I forget who you're talking to. There was Tony Hinchcliffe, but there was talking about the presidential election in Mexico. Yeah, like 36, 37. Right. 37 nominees. I wouldn't know whether nominees, candidates ever go. That's the word. 37 candidates running for president of. Mexico that. I wanna get. Something with. fascist. They don't have the capacity for. What the fuck? Fucking. That's crazy. Festival. How do you get 37 presidential candidates? We've got, like. That's crazy. Yeah, that's a lot. Well, you kill the first day, then you kill. The next day, and then the next day all the way to. 37. What the. Fuck? If I'm candidate 24, 23 of my fellow candidates are dead. I'm dropping out. I'm dropping the fuck out. You guys have it. I'm. I'm moving to anywhere. I'm moving anywhere. I'm gone. But they were just like prospects. Well, this guy, he's the mayor of fucking Guadalajara. Maybe he could do it. That he could run. Yeah, yeah. Maybe they wouldn't. Even official candidates. They were just like potential candidates. Yeah. I don't know if the mayor got a hard, hard, right. We're just we're just we're speculating here. Sure. Speculation, but no. But legitimately, 37 people dead, 30. Seven people in Mexico within their presidential so they could get election. A lady up there. Yes. I think that ladies was the ultimate winner. Who she tied. To. Who does she know? She they. No way. She got, she got to show. Got us. She got a big test. I was like, super, bro. That's just that was something. I to talk about it. so there's been a couple of bananas that are here. Yeah, I'm not sure where they got that news article from, but either way, that's just absolutely insane. Yeah, it's funny, with the cartel. That's insane. It's like they're corruption is more obvious to us. Our corruption is, like, more elusive. Yeah, maybe it's more obvious to other people, but like like does corrupt over there. But we don't just like, no, we don't have that going on. You know what I'm saying? That's pretty. That's pretty in your face. Yeah. That's that's that's pretty irrefutable. That's those like there's some. Fishy business going. On in there. That's pretty fucking obvious stuff. We have the we have the same type of fishy fishy business. It's just not as obvious. Yeah. Or maybe in some people's opinion it's not as obvious. Some some people, it's like, oh duh. Fucking duh. They've been doing this shit probably since the beginning of time, right? The beginning. Of civilizations. When you going to watch Game of Thrones? You you belong in a. In a small. Minority, my. Friends of a very select. Few people who've never seen Game of Thrones ever. And who would love it. We're planning on watching. We're finishing Vikings run the last two episodes. Okay, then. We're going to watch Black Sails. Black says, what's that? It's supposed to be like. It came out around the same time as Vikings did when Vikings was like rocking the world. And what's it on Amazon or history. But it now it's on Netflix. Oh it just came to Netflix. but apparently this show like took a lot from Vikings. It was trying to be like a show that would go hard like Vikings did. But it's about pirates. Oh yeah. That could be cool, right? It's supposed to be like, really. Good HBO style series of Pirates of the Caribbean. Yeah. Yeah. Like that. Like my aunt was like, you like Vikings. That's right. Have you seen Black Sails? And I was like, no, she's like, you don't know anything about things like Vikings, Black Sails, like. And they. Sam from work told me the same thing. Really? Yeah. But she told me that like six, like 4 or 5 years ago. Well, yeah. Then he told me that, like, last week. So I was like, okay, well I watch that show next and then Game of Thrones. It's going down where. But please be willing to open my. Open my mom game Game of Thrones is. So lit because I guess it made me think of that was just the idea of civilization from the beginning, like medieval times and like it comes to a point where in which someone's got a lead, someone's got to fucking tell us what to do, or I guess, like to make sure that we're on the right path, ideally, and make sure, like, everything's prosperous. Yeah. Like we have enough food and money and we're safe. If we have enough food money, we're safe. And like, we're clean, we're sanitary to a degree, and we're not crime ridden. Or like, there's some sort of justice system going on in place, like those are some things that you need for society. Yeah. So like, we we had to build that eventually at some point. And like whenever it does get established, maybe there's like an inherent corruption that comes with that or that comes maybe an inherent corruption slash deception that has to be a part of. It's like being a parent, almost being a parent to a child. So you don't tell you kid everything. You know what I'm saying? Not everything. Yeah. You only tell them what's really right. Like what? They need to know what you deem they need to know. Right? Right. Yeah. Maybe it's just a part of of the fucking infant and a fucking toddler. But that's the thing, too. It gets to a point somewhere in which they're not kids anymore. They're not. They're not completely relying upon you anymore. They're actually adults. So how do you how do you parent an adult? Lead me in the mood when I. Want to be led, you know? No, but. You. Gotta you. Yeah. Do the right thing, you know? Be honest and I guess if someone gives you, like, this is our fucking leader. They just, like, kind of trust them. But it's not like they're an adult, and you're, like, being corrupt. They're going to be like, hey, what the fuck you get to be the leader. Like, it's not fucking us, you know? But yeah, but I found out about it. Yeah. It's trippy. Some people would say, like, if you're like, you didn't have enough food to make it to the winter, maybe we should tell everybody they're going to freak out. We need them. Just keep working. You know? Oh, that's a rough one. That's a rough. Spot, son. Right. Those conversations happen, though. Or like, that shit goes down. It's like it's a big thing. Like Game of Thrones is kind of built on. Is like the the narratives, the narrative, all what's going on like with the people, things going on and then what's actually going on with like who is like ruling or who's in charge of the people and society and culture. It's like that shit's actually happening too. I was like, George R.R. Martin does a good. It's like a I don't know, it's kind of opened your mind to that. Idea of like, oh man, the government, they could just be fucking lined. Was that I assume what that's it's go along with it. Yeah. That's just a story. That's just what happened. That's how they died. Or whatever, you. Know, saying. Yeah, big time. Like they don't even know this person killed. And they just, you know, that he's dead. Or whatever. All that kind of shit, big time, all that kind of shit. Check in with us. It's amazing. For that reason, it's time. Yeah. I'm pretty sure that our government whacked JFK. Who knows who else. How many, how many people have committed suicide. But the gunshots this back of the head put themselves, like, in a box? Well, that's why you gotta, I guess, avoid that game. Like, don't play that game. Don't get into the politics. It's ruthless. People are ruthless with. The politics and everything. Yeah. Convincing someone or gaining. Not gaining favor. Exactly. But maybe their vote, whatever their vote is running things. Things had to be run. I have your support. Yeah. Support to run it Kelly. It's life that we live. It's crazy. It's crazy. So when I asked the lady what she's doing at Chili's. you know there's no telling on no tell the officers got something going on. Striving for this. Yeah. Really? Help. I want to ask. That is, like, pretty much. I remember having that conversation with myself about this kind of like the basic conversation or, like, base level social interaction. It's like, hey, how's it going? You know? So that's kind of like the default question. Yeah, I've like. A to a person to person. But then like there's something there's something there that seems almost like decent, genuine, you know, it seems almost robotic a little bit. Yeah. Because but then like if you were to dive into like the, a more, deeper question or something that's like more substantial or more substance to it, it's like. Like what are you doing here? Like you're like, what do you want. To do here? Yeah. There's like the question I kept on, like, ultimately trying to like, circulate in my mind. I've had it like, let's ask people that's something else. Yeah. It's like what's going on? Like what? What are you working on? More or less. Yeah. Especially as a server, because that's not a lot of people's end goal. so it's kind of server. You're like, oh, so what do you what do you work at? Well, typically. Yeah, typically it's a place holder. Yeah. It's like most most people have a story there. I'm doing this and I'm get my money here or I'm. Doing that, you know, Yes bro. Oh, yeah. Oh, shit. You want to one rapper down one or down for a little bit? Yeah. Confident. Good time. So I love it. You know a different time slot this evening. Oh yeah. For sure. Into the night time. In the afternoon. Evening part afternoon evening. I can't wait for the. Like. The. Late night pods. Yeah. Wish if I can get a bottle of whiskey. I've got a couple shots. Yeah, bro. I'll have a. Fucking park or not. Parks and rec. What is it? Protect our. Parks. Yeah. We need to protect our parks crew. Yeah, we have for our long podcasts. It's me, you, Steve, Luke. That's it bro bro. That's it. Just I love that. Oh, man. I want that so bad. We'll get there. Guest. Coming soon. Yes, yes. Something's calling me. Actually, something's calling you. It's me. Let him. It's a call to action. It's incestuous. Yeah. If you could, like, share, comment, subscribe. Tell a friend. Be a friend. That'd be great. We'd like to grow that. We'd love that. Yeah. Thank you for watching the latest episode. We love you. Yeah. All right. Rooting for you. Rooting for you. Win a win today. What are you doing here? Right. Right right. Hopefully optimizing your frame. Let's go. Let's go. Foreign I'm serious.