The Incredible Journey

Moses Part 3: The Exodus

Gary Kent Season 7 Episode 13

On the shores of the Red Sea, God performed his final act of judgment against the Egyptians and his most powerful act of deliverance on behalf of the Israelites. While the Egyptian armies rushed to slaughter their recently released slaves, God parted the waters of the Red Sea and commanded the Israelites to cross on dry land. The very path that offered the Israelites their freedom turned into a watery grave for their enemies when the Egyptians raced into the middle of the sea only to have the walls of water collapse around them. From the Red Sea, God led the Israelites through the wilderness, performing one miracle after another. Instead of trusting God, the Israelites constantly complained when faced with challenges. Moses was receiving much of their disgruntlement, largely because he was their visible leader. Despite all his challenges, however, Moses remained faithful to God and cared for the Israelites as tenderly as a shepherd caring for his sheep.