FuturePrint Podcast

#202 - Storytelling & Sun Chemical with Simon Daplyn


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Simon Daplyn leads the marketing team at Sunjet which is a division of Sun Chemical with a focus on inkjet ink development. He has had a successful and varied career in inkjet starting by studying in Leeds, UK with a focus on inkjet science and development. 


Simon is both a marketing leader and a scientist with a commercial focus. He is rare in that he can discuss science at a high level but also has a belief in the importance of marketing, storytelling and communication to expedite commercial success. He led the Sensient re-brand prior to their acquisition by Sun Chemical and also had a stint at Xennia who were an innovative leader in ceramic and textile inkjet printing, 


In this podcast discussion, which is a part of a series focusing on storytelling, we talk about how storytelling is instrumental in helping customers understand how an innovative idea can solve their problems, and demystifying complexity. We also talk about the Sensient rebrand prior to the acquisition from Sun Chemical, and I found it fascinating to learn how he went about the rebrand, what problems it solved, and what ingredients are vital in order for storytelling to succeed.

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