The Educator's Blueprint
The Educator's Blueprint
Episode 54: Intensifying High Leverage Practices (Part 1) with Dr. Sara Estrapala and Dr. Ashely Rila
Join us for this lively and informative conversation around intensifying the High Leverage Practices specifically, effective feedback! Learn the acronym T.O.P.I.C. and walk away with tangible tools and strategies. It was such an enlightening talk that we will be breaking it up in 2 parts!
Rila, A. & Estrapala S. (2023) Positive specific feedback for learning and behavior. In J. McLeskey, L. Maheady, B. Billingsley, M. T. Brownell, T. Lewis, and S. Alber-Morgan (Eds.) High Leverage Practices for Intensive Interventions. New York: Routledge.
Here is a video describing key components for effective feedback along with teachers using effective feedback with their students: