Stephen Bly Down A Western Trail
BlyBooks.com Legacy Series presents award-winning western author Stephen Bly speaking on Faith, Family, and Western Wisdom. Stephen Bly authored more than 100 inspirational fiction and non-fiction books for adults, teens, and kids (8-14 years), including the Stuart Brannon Western Series, Code of the West Series, Austin-Stoner Files, Nathan Riggins Western Adventure Series, Horse Dreams Series, and Throw The Devil Off The Train. Theme for all his books and audio: to prepare hearts to receive God's truth.
Stephen Bly Down A Western Trail
WESTERN WISDOM "Scissorbills" audio podcast by award-winning western author Stephen Bly. Sponsored by BlyBooks.com Legacy Series.
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Stephen Bly
Circa 1996
Punky Clarke spent almost ten years moving cattle from south Texas to the Kansas railheads. Then, as an old man, he wrote his memoirs in 1925. I read through that account where he discussed the quality of work from fellow cowboys.
He called one man, Snake Sims, a regular scissorbill.
I took it from the context that a scissorbill is a lazy one who doesn’t do his work well. But I have no idea of the origin of that word. But I know it’s not a compliment and could, at times, be the start of a knock down, drag out fight.
If any of you know something about the origin of the word, scissorbill, we at Bly Books would appreciate hearing from you. You can make contact at janet@blybooks.com
Every Profession’s Buzzwords
I suppose most every profession has a term, a colorful phrase, a description of those who do a lousy job in that particular field. But it seems to me, in the Christian faith, we’ve never developed such a vocabulary. However, what do we call a fellow believer, who by their own choice, does a horrible job of living a Christ-like life?
Some might call them backsliders. But most often, a backslider is one who doesn’t try to live the faith at all. That is, he or she has momentarily or permanently walked away from a Christian commitment.
Pew Sitters
What I’m thinking about is thew brother or sister who sits in the pew just about every Sunday but their personal life, business life, or family life is so unbiblical they seem an embarrassment to the fellowship of believers.
Now I know that’s where church discipline should come in. But for most churches, discipline comes slowly, awkwardly, if it happens at all. Besides, we save the formal proceedings of church discipline for the most obvious, prolonged, unrepentant cases. How about a general shirking of Christian responsibility?
Biblical Guideline
The scriptures never seem to hesitate to confront.
Hebrews says, “We have much to say about this, but it is hard to explain because you are slow to learn” (Hebrews 5:11).
It just looks like to me, every once in a while a pastor, a deacon, a church leader ought to scan the congregation, give an exhortation, and say something to the effect, “You scissorbills out there in the crowd had better straighten up. Get your life in order. You’re an embarrassment to the Lord!”