Farmer Wants a Healthy Life
Farmer Wants a Healthy Life
Health Quiz at Field Days
In this episode, West Wimmera Health Services own Trish Heinrich shares how she helps farmers at field days with on the spot health’ checks. Trish is a WWHS nurse, who also works for and trained by the National Centre for Farmer Health in Agrisafe’. She talks about what happens when you get a farmer health check and how they can help you. She also talks about her top tips for harvest time health.
Interested in the topic and looking for more?
National Centre for Farmer Health contact details are:
Phone: (03) 5551 8533
Contact form: http://farmerhealth.org/contact-us
Website: https://farmerhealth.org.au/
A list of the Centre’s events, including the health assessments at field days can be found here.
Trish spoke about health screenings and how some people are not sure when to get them. The following links might help:
Manage your health in your 40s
Manage your health in your 50s
Manage your health in your 60s
Manage your health in your 70s and older
High blood pressure and high cholesterol were said to be the most common things found during checks. But what are they exactly? Check out these links:
Trish gave us some of her tips to be healthy at harvest time, want to find some more? Check out the National Centre for Farmer Health tip sheet here. There are also loads more fact sheets available on their website here.
Join the conversation
Facebook: @FarmerWantsaHealthyLife Twitter: @_FWAHL
Facebook: @FarmerWantsaHealthyLife Twitter: @_FWAHL
This is a West Wimmera Health Service podcast. Presented by me Brigitte Muir.
This series focuses around stories and issues related to health and wellbeing. Some of the people we hear from a sharing their stories, hoping that they experiences will help us with our own health and wellbeing. Please be aware that some of their life experiences may touch on issues that are sensitive to some. Please listen with care. You will find information on seeking help if you need it in the notes attached to each episode.
I you someone who is into killing two birds, with one stone. Well, if checking the state of your health and lifestyle has been at the back of your mind for a while, and you enjoy field days, guess what? You can have your cake and eat it too. I talked with Trish Heinrich from West Wimmera Health Service just before Christmas, so you get bonus tips on how to deal with those crazy busy times of the year as well. Let's meet Trish, who will explain to us how to take the bull by the horns
I’m a local girl, grew up in Rainbow. Did all my studies in Rainbow, except for when I went to nursing in Adelaide. Got trained in Adelaide, came back here, was never going to come back to the country but decided that my boyfriend at the time… *Chuckle* and I should probably get engaged so did come back to the country. My family were a farming family in Rainbow, and have been for so many generations. So that's why I sort of got into the farmer health side of it.
So you absolutely have an interest in the health of farmers. Yes, you've got a nursing background. And you decided to ….do…. health and lifestyle assessments. How did that start?
I had seen how farming families and how sometimes the health of farming families isn't number one priority because the farm is, and I thought there's got to be something, there's some got to be some course that we can do as nurses or health professionals to help educate and broaden the horizons for farmers with their health. Then saw this course through Western District Health Service, but also through Deakin Uni that offered this health and lifestyle assessments.
It… it sounds like a great course to do, if you want to get a job in the country.
Absolutely, for sure.
And who doesn't want a job under the big sky? *Laughter*
Okay, well it sounds like it's a perfect fit for you.
Absolutely. Yes, yes. I just wish there was more people around who had done the course so we could offer it, you know, more widely than just field days and…and other events for farmers.
So, you do not at this stage travel to people's farms.
No, not at this stage we don't. We certainly just set up the National Centre for Farmer Health, often coordinates…. events. So, you know we go to the field days, Wimmera Mallee Field Days, we go to the Speed Field Days. We do the Birchip Cropping Group, and we did actually have two sessions, one in Warracknabeal for the Active Farmers group, and one in Goroke for the farmers down there, so we set that up for a day in Goroke.
Right so you have special events,
you turn up
and farmers can come to you and…. say what?
So not just farmers, but it's also farming families,
Yes of course
because we want to keep the farming families as healthy as well because they're all supporting that farm as well. They often just say, “Oh, I haven't had a health check for a while”. And you say, “Well, now's your chance”. We've got 20 minutes. It doesn't take long. You don't have to really do much other than sit there and answer a few questions. And then we have a look at it in depth, after they've completed the survey and…and we've done their blood pressure, and all those sorts of things.
What kind of questions do you ask?
Some of the questions include their lifestyle practices… alcohol intake for the week, sun protection, skin protection, recent screenings, all those sorts of things. So, you'd be surprised at the amount of people who actually don't realise what screenings they need to do for their age group. And so, then we spend time actually speaking to them about what screenings they should be having done, and even show them you know, this is the bowel screening tool, this is how you do it. It's not actually that invasive at all. It's not really that gross. Yeah.
And it's very important to do those tests
Yes, absolutely
Because we often forget, that …as self-employed people, we are the most important tool
Yes absolutely
in our array, of tools
Your most important asset on the farm, is the farming family.
What are the most common problems you come across?
So, we have those normal health conditions that we see in lots of the populations. So, the undiagnosed high blood pressure, and undiagnosed high cholesterol, because we can actually do the cholesterol testing on a day. It's obviously not a fasting one, but it's a very good indicator. We also see… like we do a wellbeing questionnaire, of 10 questions that we often see how… stress can affect people in different ways. So, we certainly give them… some strategies and some advice, on who they should go and seek after the consult that we have with them. Because certainly there is a lot of stress in farming. All sorts of farming.
Yeah, let's not talk about what's happening with the weather….*Chuckles
That's right exactly definetly
how do people… find out more about it?
So, West Wimmera Health Service is working with the National Centre for Farmer Health, to … collaborate more and to bring more events, for health and lifestyle assessments next year. But certainly the first point of contact would be contacting the National Centre for Farmer Health cause they can actually advise where there might be health and lifestyle assessments coming up.
And it's very easy. You just pick up the phone and call them basically
or their website is awesome and lots of resources on there. I know lots of things, tips for harvest and all that sort of thing on there as well.
Talking about harvest. We're getting towards the busy period of the year with Christmas coming up, with the end of lockdowns, touch wood …and with harvest also… which will start to happen… what would be your best advice to people? To survive that busy season.
Make sure your farm and your equipment is ready to go, make sure you've got well ventilated headers, and trucks, and Tractors. Also, if it can, make sure you get a healthy harvest diet. I know that's tricky. Sometimes there's a lot of take away. But if you can kind of have that planned early, and take some snacks that are healthy with you. Hydration is very important. So remember to drink your water, as well as not too many caffeine drinks if you can, I know that's tricky when you're trying to stay awake. Try and stretch when you can, even when you jump off the header, just do that stretching, you know, move your neck around on the header, all those sorts of things to keep you in prime condition. As well as trying to manage fatigue, which I know is very difficult in harvest because there's always the constraints of the weather. But if you can manage fatigue, that's always a good one…I think
Do you parents still farm?
No, nah, we've actually leased our farm out.
My brother and nephew are actually contract harvesting, for a company and moving down from Queensland, to New South Wales to Victoria, as we speak. So that's exciting that they're back into that. Yeah.
Do you tell them what to do?
To stay healthy and safe?
We have, we have floated the idea of creating a book about how to survive harvest with some tips and some stories and all those sorts of things. But it hasn't really got much more than just ..just an idea at these days.
Oh, it's a great idea. I'm sure it would work really well. Well, we're starting with a podcast.
That's right, exactly. For sure
Well, thank you very much for you time and for those tips. It's very good to know that these health and lifestyle assessment actually exists and farming families can get to it …at many events around the area. Once again, thank you very much and I hope the rest of the year goes really well for you.
Thank you
Trish Heinrich there talking about those very handy those Field Days health checks.
You will find us always contact numbers and details in the notes attached to this episode. And while you're at it, please give us a star rating. We'd also love to hear your comments and suggestions. Our Facebook and Twitter details are in the notes. Until next have a healthy life won’t you
Transcribed by https://otter.ai edited by WWHS Health Promotion