Earl Thomas "The VOICE" Season 4 Episode 13

When we see anyone with loads of money,...
There are other signs that deeply demonstrate success. Integrity, long lasting friendships, willing to volunteer...  A study by Strayer University in Washington D.C. found that 90% of Americans believe ... Only 20% stated that monetary wealth determines success.

Comparing our selves to those who look like they have arrived fully at SUCCESS is not a great idea. We don’t know... My purpose today is to get you thinking & inspire you to find out what is important in your journey to success. 

I am on a SUCCESS journey. Being a VOICE-OVER artist & Podcast host & producer is not an easy road to SUCCESS... Meeting Deborah Raymond is a true blessing to my life, being my Financial Advisor. Deb sees the whole picture.... The bonus is my life financially is much more healthier that it was a few years ago. I highly recommend her....

My life is more successful by the rich friendships i have made in the TOASTMASTERS Community specifically my JUST PROS Club. Twice a month...

Two of my long time friends total over 100 yrs of friendship 116 to be exact. ...Writing this I realize I am very successful. Should more money come my way which is happening slowly but surely, it would be a bonus.

Getting to know podcast guests has enriched my life. Recently Jeanette Martin ...
Writing now I am realizing my SUCCESS as i never expected to be in my 4th season of VOICE POWER. The number of friends & meaningful relationships I have is totally AMAZING.  It feels like in the weeks ahead I could do another episode on SUCCESS. Maybe by then I will have made my first million, hahahah. No there is more work to do. 

I understand SUCCESS can be very fleeting & the only way to be sure is to be at peace with GOD...I have found when things get rough...

I would love to hear your take on what SUCCESS is. You are welcome to email @
dukeearl@shaw.ca, or message on my Linkedin, or FACEBOOK.
I am always glad to hear from you...

My Offer to you,  25%  off my regular recording fee. Include all your voice production details: finalized script, voice style- narration, high energy, middle or lower energy,     any pauses, word emphasis, & production due date.  In the personalized quote I will include FREE a very brief segment of the script voiced. Then you will hear that I am the right fit for your voice project.  Once your project is completed to your 100% satisfaction I will include  FREE a Linkedin post to help you gain greater public awareness. My connections on Linkedin are now at 1,100+ & 1,220+ Followers.

Thanks for joining VOICE POWER this morning, afternoon, or evening. Don’t forget to subscribe & leave a review on Apple or Spotify podcasts. Thanks for tuning in & don’t forget someone may need your encouragement. We can use our eyes & voice to smile & greet others in a  friendly way. You never know how your life will be a blessing to someone else.

Best regards,
Earl Thomas "The VOICE"
https://www.facebook.com/EarlThomasTheVoice/ OPTION TO  Follow
Podcast Host of VOICE POWER launched May 23, 2021

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