Unfollow: Question Everything with Melissa Wiggins

Season 8 Episode 6: Movement Is Medicine With Brichard Justin

Melissa Wiggins

When is working out more than just exercise? When there's intention, accountability, commitment and trust. In this episode Brichard Justin joins Melissa to talk about how moving our bodies helps move our minds and shift our energy, and the importance of making time for it -- for ourselves and for the model we can be to our children and others.  Fitness is the gateway drug to personal development. You can be healthy in your mind and body. Grab a cuppa and listen in.

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Melissa Wiggins  00:50
Hello lassies and lads. Welcome to Coaching and a Cup of Tea with Mummabear. You are going to love this episode. Can you feel like my energy I am like jacked up today because I have the one and only a breeze shard? Justin okay, you can see him no but he is showing us his muscles. But what you cannot see if you were watching this video is his brilliant mind. Okay. Rashard is one of the most genuine, caring, authentic people that I've ever made. And also, he is my trainer, who helps me with my brain mostly. And him and I have so many discussions at our 5am workouts about what working out does for my brain. I feel like sometimes we have this idea. You know, we want to lose weight, we want to have the six pack we want all of these things. And I coach mostly women to work out and push them into that section of their life only because I have felt the massive shift in my brain and my energy by moving my body and that's why I have asked Brichard to come on today and really talk about what does it look like to work with him.

Find the FULL Transcript Here: Season 8 Episode 6: Movement is Medicine With Brichard Justin


Brichard Justin  00:05

If you're looking for balance, if you're looking for peace, if you're looking for if you're looking for yourself, you can definitely find that in the gym believe one of the biggest things that I provide any of my clients accountability, good energy, and just a good a good environment to be you if you find your health important, if you find your future important if you find your kids and your spouse important that you will find time to take care of yourself workout, make the sacrifices to be that person

 Melissa Wiggins  00:50

Hello lassies and lads. Welcome to Coaching and a Cup of Tea with Mummabear. You are going to love this episode. Can you feel like my energy I am like jacked up today because I have the one and only a breeze shard? Justin okay, you can see him no but he is showing us his muscles. But what you cannot see if you were watching this video is his brilliant mind. Okay. Brichard is one of the most genuine, caring, authentic people that I've ever made. And also, he is my trainer, who helps me with my brain mostly. And him and I have so many discussions at our 5am workouts about what working out does for my brain. I feel like sometimes we have this idea. You know, we want to lose weight, we want to have the six pack we want all of these things. And I coach mostly women to work out and push them into that section of their life only because I have felt the massive shift in my brain and my energy by moving my body and that's why I have asked for sure to come on today and really talk about what does it look like to work with him? What does it look like to have a personal trainer? What kind of hard things to women struggle with when they approach him? How will they feel at the end of working with him? So we have a lot to get through in this episode. But before we get into all of that last season, I'm gonna have Brichard introduce himself a little bit. He has all about main body and fitness and you're gonna really love has unique approach to why you should work out why you should move your body so I'll just stop talking Rashard.


Brichard Justin  02:53

This kind of reminds me of my work, not that we got to work out. You know, but you know what that is just as important as working out, you know, I definitely just like you, I actually help a lot of moms out that is the bulk of my clients that we I'd say about 80% of my clients are moms, future moms long. You know, it just so crazy that a lot of I feel like they all kind of share a lot of the same thing. First and foremost, what the moms need what everyone needs is a community of social social network needs. Positive people in your life like mine, you see, people who are sharing the same wants to get better the same desire for inner peace for happiness, or, you know, appreciation just from yourself, appreciate yourself, appreciate your efforts, appreciate your work. The biggest thing I do to clients is, and I love it, I'm happy that you felt that you you said like, No, my genuine and my energy. And that's honestly the biggest thing that I try to provide to people. I try to tell my clients, you got to be nice to yourself. You know, I speak nice to you, I encourage you, I, I challenge you, you know, I challenge you not just physically but I challenge you know, mentally, you know, and that's hugely important because you'd be surprised energy is contagious. Positive energy is contagious. Negative energy is contagious. 


Melissa Wiggins  04:39

You know how I feel about this? Yeah, about energy every single day and I don't care if it's woo woo lassies if you're listening and you're like, ‘oh god, they're gonna have a conversation about energy.’ You know, I love it. I talk about energy jars, I talk about the energy of people around you how it goes on to you and so I agree 100% And that's why you're such a good trainer and more coach also, is because You are intentional about what energy you arrive with before you train. So


Brichard Justin  05:06

yeah, and I try to be very intentional with what I say to my clients. It's crazy. So I was, I was looking up a stat and according to the CDC, only roughly 54% of adults perceive that they have consistent social and emotional support in their life. And that's crazy, you know, that this is not just proceed. So is that really what they're getting? You know, and thinking about everyone else. So, you know, the biggest thing I try to do is provide that community provide that support. Because with that, you know, that will help you mentally adjust know, reduce that stress, which will help you just feel like you can do it, you know, we have so much stress in our life. And without someone in our life, whether it's a foreigner, whether it's a friend, whether just someone in a neighborhood that you can just gravitate to, you know, that leads to so many things, mental mental health issues, emotional issues, hormonal issues, and more. So that is the first line of defense is just taking care of your mind talking to you, understanding you, and helping you understand what are these things that are in your life that are affecting you. And if we can talk through that first, happiness is right around the corner, you know, enjoying your life and enjoying the small things in your life, you know, is is right around the corner. Now you won't feel guilty to go out with your friends and, and you know, just relax and be you and, and be in the moment. You know, those are all the things and then if we could conquer that, you know, the body the physical aspects that will just come. That's the easy part. You know, tackling the mind, is that the hard part and that's the most important part.


Melissa Wiggins  06:50

It's funny though, it's just like such a byproduct of working out, you know, you and I have spoken about this before where you know, fitness being that gateway drug to personal growth, and it was Rachel shear. Yeah, that to me once that like blew my mind. Like, yes, it makes so much sense because I could show up Brichard. And maybe my attitude is not great at five in the morning, like, I might be a little tired. And most of the time, I feel like I do show up with a good attitude because I'm a morning person, but there are days when I don't I think the important thing I want everybody listening to know is, even if you show up, and you don't feel great showing up, you will not feel the same when you leave. 30 minutes later. I'm like a new person.


Brichard Justin  07:39

No, it's 100% there's so many studies out there that will show you that working out is literally the magical drug if you need if you need medicine, go to the gym, do some workouts you know get the body moving is proven that there's so many healthy endorses endorphins that come through the body, it will help balance your hormones, it will help balance your appetite. It'll help bounce your mind. You know if you're looking for balance, if you're looking for peace, if you're looking for if you're looking for yourself, you could definitely find out in the gym.


Melissa Wiggins  08:13

Oh my gosh. Okay, so pause that is so good. If you're looking for yourself go find yourself at the gym is that will you just say it drop I'm marking this club. We are gonna have everybody's gonna hear. Yes, yeah, that is so on point. Like, if you're looking to find yourself, go to the gym.


Brichard Justin  08:39

Yeah, don't go to social media. Don't go, don't go to these other places, go to the gym. That is where you'll find yourself. For sure. I've seen countless people know the first day they come into the gym and they don't know what's going on between their life. They don't know what's going on with their bodies, you know, but after a few months of helping them correct their dogs, pushing them mentally helping them grow in that aspect. Watching them go from five pounds to 10 pounds 15 pounds. It's like, I don't know, it's like that snowball is just started rolling in its own thing at that point. You know, now I'm just helping you guys and just helping you stay on track. But outside of that, you know, it's just, it's just great. You know, the DVDs and CDs take control of that and become your own person. So the gym is just is more than just working out.


Melissa Wiggins  09:31

It's so much more. And if you are listening to this episode, I hope that the one thing that you gain from this entire episode is that the gym is so much more than what it does for your actual physical appearance. Yeah, yeah. been the biggest shift of my brain. It is not about that reward of all the different things that come from having a certain physical appearance, it is about what you I feel like, and not just at the end of six months with you, but at the end of the 30 minutes.


Brichard Justin  10:18

Or, you know, what are the first exactly we work out? How are you doing? How are you feeling, you know, what's been going on, you know, we got to, we got to unpack that before we can really get our results physically. And definitely one thing about finding that community, finding that group, finding that trainer to help you get in shape, it's like, it's like you're modeling, you know, you you see someone and you're and you're naturally going to want to, you know, emulate that energy emulate that, that attitude that other person hasn't, you know, so it's just natural. If you're going to the gym, and you're seeing other people give me what you got, you're naturally going to want to give what you got, if you gotta train there, who's puppet who's energized and happy. No matter what time of the morning, it is, who is ready to work and help you get active and naturally gonna feel that energy, feel that vibe, even if you're not winning, you're gonna have by the end of the day, you're like, Yes, I'm happy I did it. You know, there's only thing that made sense. So


Melissa Wiggins  11:15

it's funny that we're talking about this right now, I just did a group coaching call with empowered life. That's my mastermind. And we were talking about how do you learn to trust yourself in order to like, love yourself, right to love yourself enough to be kind to yourself. And the reason you want to get there is because that's what you then project out into the world to the to your kids, or spouse, if you don't love yourself, you cannot love someone else. We're talking about trust, and how do you develop that trust. And one of the ways I've really been able to push into trusting myself as this idea of committing, promising myself, I will show up at the gym, I will be very honest at to you and to the listeners, that is so much easier Burchard because I don't want to let you down or not show up there. Because there's someone else waiting for me the same when I was training for the marathon. There's a group of people waiting, so I'm not going to not show up. Whereas when it's just on your own, and it is really hard to create those new neural pathways have all of a sudden he we don't just not work out anymore, we work out and it's like, having someone like you, who has good energy, it just makes it so much easier to show


Brichard Justin  12:49

up. Yeah, yeah, just to me. It's kind of funny, because you know, talking to my client, and while I'm training, I always say me, even though I'm not actually, I'm not exercise with you, I can't wait because regardless, we are in this together. So when he thinking me, you're at home taking me. So it's just it's contagious. And you're the standard that you love is not just us, technically, even though I'm providing you energy, I'm getting energy at just as much from you, you know, so it's like we are bouncing off of each other. We are helping each other I'm filling you. You're still in me, I'm filling up your your coffee cup, you're filling her wine, and we're helping each other grow in that sense. So yes, of course, accountability is huge. And that's one of the biggest things that I provide any of my clients accountability, good energy, and just good, good environment to be you.


Melissa Wiggins  13:42

What the encounter does is it leads to empowerment right? Now, this is what I tell my clients, right? Eventually you will get to the point of where these things become easier for you to maintain in your life with or without when they're without a trainer. It may take a year or two in my experience with my clients to get to the point of where it becomes a part of who you are. You can self coach you're so you can go to the gym without a trainer right? And it's just like how do I get there making this be a part of who I am and my experience doing it with someone accountability partner is like the missing link. Women keep it up


Brichard Justin  14:35

is you know, a lot of I know a lot of ladies sometimes are missing some home environment help from home positivity or maybe not getting enough from this house. Maybe you know, it's tough like between the kids balancing work and whatnot. But definitely having a trainer and definitely working with someone that helps eases that pain. You know, it definitely you know on top of the energy on helping you maximize your time and helping you understand You don't need an hour in the gym, you don't need to be, you know, a million hours a week trying to work out, you know, 10 minutes, 20 minutes or 30 minutes come and we will maximize your time, your mind, your body and your soul in that time. So, on top of that, you know, and then I'm educating you, because of course, if you're here for five years, and you still don't know how to work out on your own, I failed you, you know, by the time you're done with me, no matter how much if you're only with me for a week, I want you to be able to leave me and and gain something from what I've said to you, and from what I've told them, and be able to, you know, build off of that, and continue your own journey. Because I you know, that's what life is, you know, you got to take an eject from the situation or from the experience, and then we got to build on top of that, on to the next day. I remember I had one particular client, some time ago, when I first started, we're doing a bootcamp class. And I just remember telling them, I'm just talking, you know, giving out random, helpful, you know, information about housing models, I remember telling them that stretching and flexibility is the that is a true fountain of youth. Not sure what is not, you know, all this million dollars, being able to move through, feel like yourself, well into your, you know, your adult age. Even more, that is what's most important. And I remember, like a week later, getting a call in that someone in my group heard what I said, and was moved and motivated to come out and join, you know, like backlight volume gave me so much energy and inspiration, motivation. 


Melissa Wiggins  16:40

You do a good job with not just sticking to the same exercises and shifting it each day. And not only that, like doing it with the goals. I know a little movie with working with me, like in the beginning, like you said, the five and the eight pound dumbbells. That was a struggle for me, you know, like 20 pounds, I'm like, okay, all right, you know, now you're


Brichard Justin  17:01

looking at the weight and wondering where the weight where the weight is now, you know, so cute.


Melissa Wiggins  17:11

Right? One of the things I know you really push into with the women you work with, because I know you work with a lot of women who have either just had babies, or maybe they're pregnant, like there's a lot of body image main stuff that comes up once you've had baby, your body's not the same. And the work you do is bringing confidence. So if you're listening, and you've had a baby, you're gonna have a baby. And you're like having all that main drama about your body. Just know that the gym and working out with a trainer, well get your brain where it needs to be to be feeling confident, because you literally will watch your progress, right? Like you will watch it Burchard will seem to be like this is how much weight you did today. This is what it was, then we look back on that. And we look at that stuff before we set my next goal. So we already have our 2023 goals are already set. We're already working towards them. But what that does for a woman, especially a mama who's working and really does take an effort to take the time to go work out as it proves that I could do it. And if I can do it with that thing, then I can do it with my business, I can do it with my marriage, I can do it with my head and it's like a snowball effect. So if you're listening and you're like oh big deal working out trust me lassies get is so much more than that you will get a confident that I don't think you can get from other activities.


Brichard Justin  18:54

Community a good coach, a good workout program will feed you and your soul just as much as food will feed you and your soul. Okay? And if you're out there and you don't have a trainer please feel free to reach out to me you know the number one thing I will give you is the appropriate environment the appropriate energy and appropriate experience you know, that's the only way you have you have the room to grow. If you're if you're in a negative environment if you're in a bad place no matter what we do you will not grow you will not reach that potential you know that you you're hoping for that you're fighting for. So that's


Melissa Wiggins  19:31

not even that hard. You can't even see your potential like you literally there that's like part of the problem. Right? So what would you say to the mama bear that's listening to say that all sounds great, but I can afford a personal trainer and I don't have time to work out a couple times a week.


Brichard Justin  19:56

Yeah, people will will make time for what they find If you size, if you find your health important, if you find your future important, if you find your kids and your spouse important that you will find time to take care of yourself, workout, make the sacrifices to be that person, for your family. For those who loves and for yourself, I'm am a great example of helping people maximize their time. If you join me lace up and get asked this My mind and body for this program, I show you that 10 minutes is more than enough. 15 minutes, let's do it right, I tell you over working out, right, there's only two minutes that have led you all the time. That's plenty of time. Right had plenty of time to get it done, you know. So don't be afraid if you don't have time, as long as you have someone that you can trust, right? That's number one. So when you can trust, an environment that you can grow in 1015 2030 minutes is more than enough to get you on track and get you working towards your goals.


Melissa Wiggins  21:00

Based on what you just saved. One of the things I hear a lot is the guilt of taking time away from the family. And you and I have talked about this because you know, I have clients that struggle with this, you have clients that struggle with this thing that I want to see to everybody that's listening is What greater gift could I give my children than a healthy model? Right? I'm literally the healthiest model that they could ever see. Right? Because our kids chart, they tend to not listen to us. But they watch us they watch. My kids will say to me, are you going to the gym in the morning, Mom, did you work out the smarter like, and I'll show them the little videos that we make. And here's what we're doing. And that stopped. I saw that growing up. You know, I talked about my dad all the time, I talked about how I would come home from school. And he was in this shed in the back garden. And he had the music blaring and he was always working every day he was doing his doing his weight it was every single day. And he used to go out there for 30 minutes to an hour that was modeled to me, it wasn't totally, it was modeled it was what I school. And so lassies if you're listening and you want to be a modal, not a martyr, you know, on this podcast I talked about all the time, we're not martyrs, here, we're models. And if we're going to be models to our kids, What greater gift than showing them, you can be healthy in your mind and your body just by doing a little bit of movement every single day and showing it to them, not just telling


Brichard Justin  22:55

them. Yeah, and definitely just understand now, if we don't take the time now, life will make you take the time in the future, your body will force you to take that time. You know, so you got to kind of, we kind of got to pick what you want, you know, you're going to put the time in now, or run the risk of your body forcing you to stop slow down. You know, and that's not what you want. And what is that?


Melissa Wiggins  23:23

You don't take time for your health, you'll take time for your illness.


Brichard Justin  23:27

Yeah, that's 100% True. That is every single day, you have to take ownership not to. It's important. And yeah, your kids aren't absorbing everything. They might not, they might not, you know, seek it, but they see they hear they feel that energy. So if you go to the gym and you fill yourself up with positive energy, you're only going to take that home and transfer that to your kids. And yes, they're going to model they're going to model their life after you and what you've given and what you've shown them so please, lashing in live, please, everyone out there you are listening, okay? Find someone find that group, find that person that can help you that can help you mentally, spiritually and physically. It's imperative not working out there, your mindset definitely will be the first thing to go and you know, is not a pretty sight.


Melissa Wiggins  24:21

All right, so I am going to link up in the show notes, all your links for all of your things, your your podcast, your coat, your coaching and training, your programs, all of the things so we will get all that information up on the show notes. lassies. What I want you to hear so badly as be a modal, be a modal for your children, for your people, for everybody around you and listen to what we said about time and money and what's important What you're showing by being a healthy Mummabear? All right last east. Thank you so much for listening. Brichard, thank you so much for coming on and giving us your wisdom and we will link up at birth and so everyone can hear what they need to from you.


Brichard Justin  25:15

Thank you for having me and remember be the difference you want to see out in the world.


Melissa Wiggins  25:19

Heck, yes. Heck, yes, let's go.