Unfollow: Question Everything with Melissa Wiggins

Season 9 Episode 1: Success and Decision Making with Lindsay Dotzlaf

Melissa Wiggins Season 9 Episode 1

What does success mean to you? And how are you going to achieve it? For Master Certified Coach of successful coaches, Lindsay Dotzlaf, it comes down to simplicity and decision making. Listen in as Lindsay joins Master Certified Life Coach Melissa Wiggins to talk about the decisions that are between wherever we are and where we want to be. Learn how to get clear on what those are, and how you’re going to decide, so you can move forward. And why you probably don’t need that extra certification you’re looking at. Start now! Grab a cuppa and listen in.

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Melissa Wiggins  00:00

Hello, lassies and lads. Welcome to Coaching and a Cup of Tea with Mummabear. I have Lindsay Dotzlaf on. I believe I deserve a medal for saying it correct. I literally just practiced with Lindsay before we came on here because of course I want to say a woman who I love and respects named correctly, right. So I'm very glad I was able to do that. So Lindsay is a former coach of mines. I've been in her Coaching Master's program. I'm in her Coaching Lab, and she is someone that I respect greatly. I stalked her for a very long time before I signed up her for her mastermind and I devoured her podcast, which I will link in the show notes because it's phenomenal. And everybody should be listening to it. Whether you're a coach, or you want coaching. Lindsey tell us three things about you before we get started on this episode.

Lindsay Dotzlaf  00:56

Oh, my goodness. Okay, first thing, this is like my nightmare question. I get so nervous. I'm like, I don't have all of the things. But yes, I'm Lindsey dot slough. I am a coach. I work with coaches, I teach coaching mastery. I get very nervous when you ask me questions like this? And is this supposed to be like fun facts about me, or...

Find the FULL Transcript Here: Season 9 Episode 1: Success and Decision Making with Lindsay Dotzlaf

Melissa Wiggins  Hello, lassies and lads. Welcome to Coaching and a Cup of Tea with Mummabear. I have Lindsay Dotzlaf on. I believe I deserve a medal for saying it correct. I literally just practiced with Lindsay before we came on here because of course I want to say a woman who I love and respects named correctly, right. So I'm very glad I was able to do that. So Lindsay is a former coach of mines. I've been in her Coaching Master's program. I'm in her Coaching Lab, and she is someone that I respect greatly. I stalked her for a very long time before I signed up her for her mastermind and I devoured her podcast, which I will link in the show notes because it's phenomenal. And everybody should be listening to it. Whether you're a coach, or you want coaching. Lindsey tell us three things about you before we get started on this episode.

Lindsay Dotzlaf  00:56

Oh, my goodness. Okay, first thing, this is like my nightmare question. I get so nervous. I'm like, I don't have all of the things. But yes, I'm Lindsey dot slough. I am a coach. I work with coaches, I teach coaching mastery. I get very nervous when you ask me questions like this.  And is this supposed to be like fun facts about me, or...

Melissa Wiggins  01:19

It can be whatever you want. Like, I have a cute dog. And I put them on my Instagram stories. And he's adorable. Or it could be like, I'm a seven figure plus errand or like, whatever you want to share with us. We're ready for it. 

Lindsay Dotzlaf  01:33

Okay, yes, all of those things. And I one thing about me, I love to wear black a lot. And when I was coming on this podcast, I thought more about what I was wearing than I ever have going on to a podcast because you're always wearing these bright, amazing things on hats and all the things. And I have put on like four different shirts. And then I was like, Nope, this is just I gotta go with just me. So I put on a black shirt.


Melissa Wiggins  02:00

The Leopard, the leopard, I'm here for it, your rug, my rug, your jacket, we're all matching.

Lindsay Dotzlaf  02:07

What's funny, too, is I think of this as neutral. So it's so funny, because I'm like, Oh, I'm just wearing something very neutral. But I actually have on like a fuzzy leopard jacket. Okay, yes, lesson or she has a very cool fuzzy leopard jacket on. And also yes, totally neutral. Love. So funny.

 Melissa Wiggins  02:25

So thank you very much for sharing a little bit about us. So season nine is all about how do we define success and water, one of the things that has really helped you become successful. And when I was thinking about who I wanted to have on this season, I thought about you because you taught me something that was not in my wheelhouse. So Lindsey actually told me this funny story about when I was reaching out to her to be on her mastermind, and not everybody can be on it. It's small, like intimate groups. And I was very excited, lassies, okay? I was emailing her a lot, communicating with her a lot. And she was like, Wow, this girl is like, she's like high energy. And it's like a different kind of energy than me and oh my gosh, what's she gonna be like on this mastermind. But that's what attracted me so much to you was just this very clear, calm, natural, simple energy that you were putting out. I was like, I need this in my life. Because here I am admitting I can overcomplicate all of the things. And what you did for me was helped me bring the concept of simplicity into my business. And I will be forever grateful until the end of time. I love it.

Lindsay Dotzlaf  03:47

That's one of my favorite things about you remembering that and then comparing that even to the way you showed up in the mastermind, which was very different. And then seeing all the changes you made along the way, which was just really fun for me.

Melissa Wiggins  04:00

I mean, that's the base part of your mastermind as it's like, here's the thing, and then work on the thing and then bring it back. Right. So it was like, okay, so this week, we're going to be talking about decision making. And then the next week, I would be coaching my clients on that exact thing. Like it's not a Alright, at the end of the six months, you might know how to coach. No, we're going as we go. Yes. It's amazing. Use it now. Yes, I love it. I will tell you Coaching Masters is the bomb, and everybody should do it. But also, it's all about simplicity. So I would love for you to share with the listeners who are mostly entrepreneur mama bears who have big chaotic lives, right? And what is success is just something I talk about a lot like how do we define it for us? So I would love to know what is your definition of success?

Lindsay Dotzlaf  04:52

Well, I wish I would have thought about this beforehand and kind of written it out. But when I really when I think about success, I think that definition of that has probably evolved for me over time. But in this moment in my life, I think the definition of success looks like being able to kind of do what I want to do, as in have the time to spend where I want to spend it with my family, and in my business, and with my clients, and right, like, all of the things without feeling overwhelmed without feeling like it's too much, and helping as many people as I can along the way. I love it so much.

Melissa Wiggins  05:31

And you know, that really came through during your coaching, I remember when other people would say, Well, you know, I'm available on this for my clients, I'm and I'm available on this for our clients, and they can contact me 24/7 And I'm available, and you're like, I'm sorry, what?


Melissa Wiggins  05:49

I'm okay. And it's like ever the undertone of your entire teaching. I feel like it's about let's not burn out, right. And I kept saying that to you during the mastermind. I'm so scared of that. I have a unconscious slash no conscious fear of loving it so much that like, I can't do it anymore.


Lindsay Dotzlaf  06:14

Yeah, I think one thing I will say, and I don't know if I've ever shared this with you, but my kind of need for simplicity. And the reason that I teach it is because I had to learn that for myself. So if you hadn't met me, prior to coaching prior to me being coached, or me being a coach, I was such a different person, I had so much anxiety all the time, I honestly was having a lot of panic attacks. And it was because I had two young kids, I was running a different business at the time. And I think my thought at the time was like, more is better, I can be great at everything, I can do all the things I can. And it was just a constant. You know, if I wasn't changing a diaper or feeding a kid, I was working on my business, and there was just never any downtime. And so I was doing kind of the opposite of what I teach now. And I really think that that grew from necessity, right. So I really understand what it feels like to be on the other side of that to overcomplicate everything to make everything too big too much, because you think that adds value to it. When in reality, it doesn't.


Melissa Wiggins  07:25

So what would you say to someone that's listening right now changing a diaper, right? Because you know, that's happening, right?

Lindsay Dotzlaf  07:31

Oh, for sure. 

Melissa Wiggins  07:32

There is someone listening in their pods there may be making dinner or changing a diaper and also trying to figure out like when they're going to talk to their next client?


Lindsay Dotzlaf  07:43

Yeah, that's a great question. I think. So when I started my coaching business, my kids were still fairly young. One of them was home, one of them had just started school. And I think I did a couple things. And you and I talked a little bit about this when you're on my podcast, but one of the things I did is I just got really clear with myself about when could I work? And when could I not? Right? So instead of stressing over, oh, no, I have to change the diaper. But also, I'm supposed to be doing this. And I'm supposed to be doing this. And there are 100 things on my plate. And you know, just letting that play through my head constantly, which is what used to happen. It became more of a note. I'm not supposed to be working right now. Right? Like I decided I'm not working right now. Or I decided I'm changing diapers and sitting on the floor with my kids while consuming content while listening to podcasts. And I feel great about that. Or these are my work hours. How do I figure that out? Right. So I just got really clear about like, what are my boundaries, like time boundaries? And how can I make this work?


Melissa Wiggins  08:45

All right. Lassies, you heard it here first, right? She decided, right? That's what I'm hearing over and over. And that's one of the things you taught me that I know teach my clients, which is not making the decision is a decision, we need it on a t shirt. It's just so impactful when you start thinking about it like that not making a decision as a decision. So let's talk about a little bit about decisions and how making decisions has transformed your business. Because I do feel like that's an element of how you go to simplicity. Right?


Lindsay Dotzlaf  09:18

Yeah. Can I add something to to what I just said before we move on? So I think another thing because just in case anyone's listening and they're like, Okay, that's great. And that feels impossible, because I remember that feeling of hearing all the people saying this is what you should be doing. And I would say even if it's two hours, three hours, five hours that you can start with that you can say like okay, these are the hours that I'm I'm not sure exactly what all the things your clients are doing. But you know, these are the hours that I'm focused on this thing on my business on my XYZ, whatever it is, even if it starts us so small, just having those defined hours will start to change everything, right?


Lindsay Dotzlaf  09:59

It's like you learn to get more done in those hours than you do when you're trying to balance all the things at the same time.


Melissa Wiggins  10:06

I love it. And I do think that when you're in the thick of it, it is really hard to stay out of it. Right? Like it is hard. So if there was one thing we could share with the mama who's like, Oh, I really want to have a business. And I've been thinking about being a coach, and I'd love to do coaching masters or coach lab, I'd love to do those things. I just feel like it's such an important message that you just gave, which is like, it doesn't have to be this all or nothing. And frankly, when you have little kids, it's kind of impossible for it to be all right.


Lindsay Dotzlaf  10:41

Yeah. 100%. Unless, I mean, I guess there are ways right, you could hire a lot of help you could, there are definitely ways to make it work. But I think what most people do, is they try to take their brain from the reality of what's happening right now to Oh, I hear what she's saying, I need to carve out 20 hours this week, or 40 hours this week, or however many hours, right? And that still might feel so impossible. It's like, you know, I've never walked around the block. And now I'm just going to climb a mountain, right? That's what I would compare it to, instead of no, like, start walking around the block, just go a couple of times and see what happens. Start there. Find that doable chunk, and give yourself grace on the other. You know, however many hours. So funny how we do that, though, right? Like we've never ran before. We're like, Sure, we can do a marathon no problem, right? Yep. Yeah. And it's interesting, I actually used to run a lot. And I used to train for races. And one of the easiest ways to get hurt, right is to do too much too soon. And when it really comes to any activity like that, but the same is true. I think if you're building a business or you know, trying to do that thing, it's like if you just go to that place where, okay, I have to go from whatever the is the reality right now to working full time in my business, which looks like you know, this very different thing than what I'm doing right now. You're gonna get burnt out for sure, it's probably not going to work very well, it's gonna feel so uncomfortable.


Melissa Wiggins  12:09

You're just stacking the deck against yourself. Right? Instead of what can I start with right now? Yeah, one of the tools I teach in my mastermind is about marathon mindset. And it's because I did a marathon last year, my first and probably my last, if we're honest, it was so hard. But it taught me a lot, right? The running world is I mean, it's a legit world of no, we do this pace for this many miles for this many days for this many months before. Like, it's like very specific. But it's very gradual. And I think sometimes, you know, we was women, especially in the coaching industry, there's a lot of you must make six figures in a year, first year out of the door. And I confess, I was like, okay, that's what we do. All right. So I'm ready, like, go, go. And I get that. And then I was like, Ooh, I probably got to slow down a little bit, I might need to recalibrate a little bit here, simplify some things, which you're coaching masters did for me, like simplify it, and make some decisions around how do I want to build it, maybe I want to build it slower. And I want to maybe build up to that point, over five years and more of a foundation, right? Instead of like, out of the door, you've got to be earning millions of dollars.


Lindsay Dotzlaf  13:34

Yes, absolutely. I think that that is it's so easy to see what other people are doing and compare yourself. But you know, I've talked about this a lot where it's like, but you're not comparing apples to apples, right? So maybe you see someone who is a first year coach who makes a lot of money who just comes in and nails it, right. But maybe what you don't know, as they were already running a business or life was already set up for this, you know, whatever, maybe they were running a very similar business. And it just kind of was a small shift into coaching. There's so many things, so many ways that you know, people come into this industry. And I just think you have to be careful of what you're comparing yourself to. 


Melissa Wiggins  14:13

What would you say to someone listening that saying, you know, I want to simplify my life in order to be successful, right? Your example of success was really like the undertone is a lot of freedom, right? That's what success has really given you is this freedom to play with that cute little puppy on Instagram, right, which I'm obsessed with your dog. But that's a side note. We like dogs in this in this group right now. She's really cute. He's so cute. But it's like the freedom to be as available for your family as you would like to the freedom of that and that doesn't necessarily come in the beginning. What do you have to say about your sort of journey with that?


Lindsay Dotzlaf  14:55

Yeah. First of all, it was definitely a journey and there have been ups and downs right? So that's one thing I would say is to just know that you're not just going to make the changes and then just okay, perfect, great, right? It's like gonna be learning along the way, there are going to be times that you're like, wait a minute, well, how did this happen? Right? Like, how did I get here? Why am I? Why is my schedule so full? Why am I working so much? And then you kind of correct or at least that's what happens for me. And a couple things. I forget the specific question that you asked me, actually.


Lindsay Dotzlaf  15:25

But when I think about just that journey of how did I do it? I have kind of a rebel mind. That really is like, if you told me to do something, I'm like, nope, not doing that. And so when I was first working with a coach and first building my business, I would hear a lot of people say, Okay, well, you have to make a schedule, right? And I was like, Absolutely not. I hate scheduling. I'm not doing it. I refuse, I would be very just kind of defiant about it. And then what I realized is, if I reframe that into I have to make decisions of how I want to spend my time, and then uphold those decisions, right? So for example, you know, this isn't what I did. But for example, I don't even remember it was a while ago, but let's say I was like, okay, Mondays and Tuesdays, those are the days I work my business, Thursdays and Fridays, I you know, do family stuff, whatever. Just knowing like, Okay, I'm gonna make that decision. And everything that comes up, I'm going to run it through like, does this fit? Does it fit what I said I was going to do does it fit the kind of schedule, I'm saying it was like air quotes that I created. But what I saw over time, is that when I really did stick to the thing I created, it really created more freedom for me, right? Like, okay, if I actually worked Monday and Tuesday, like I said, I was going to, then I really got to be 100%, available on Thursday and Friday, like I wanted to write and it was, that was a hard learning for me. It really was. 


Melissa Wiggins  16:50

I love it. I love it. I like having a similar thing, except mines like a Friday to be able to do things with the kids like with their school. So like on this Friday, they have a Thanksgiving lunch, right? If you're listening, this is not going to be recorded and put out a Thanksgiving but that Thanksgiving lunch, there's a field trip to Starbucks with the kindergarten class.


Lindsay Dotzlaf  17:10

So my gosh, that's so cute.


Melissa Wiggins  17:12

It's the cutest thing. And then the teachers were getting in touch with me to do a teach in, to come in and talk about being an entrepreneur and things like that. And my kids are like, super proud of their mom right now. Because let's just face it. They're nine, nine and 11, they're boys so like, I'm still seeing my cool, Lindsay. Yeah, I appreciate that's about to change. And there's going to be no teach ins in middle school in high school. Yeah, but like, we wanted to do it sort of in the middle of the week. And for me, the middle of the week is really my big chunk of work. It's clients, it's podcasting. It's writing, it's called B, it's all that stuff. And, you know, like, sort of going into the middle of the day. It's a little tougher, right? Like, and I know how I work. So I asked them if I could do it on a different day, but like on a Friday and a month. Yep, sure. 100%. You can they said yes. It wasn't like that turned into a no. But it's like, we start to train our subconscious to be like, This day, each week is available for this. This is my family value. That's super important to me, and I want to have it, I just can't have it all throughout the week through every single piece of the week. I gotta like chunk it over here.


Lindsay Dotzlaf  18:23

Yeah, I think I may have talked to you about this at some point. I don't know, maybe it was on my podcast, but I created rules for myself, because I would, especially in the very beginning of my business, I had to be on to myself, because when it came to the kids and the kids teachers and all of that they would just like you said, email me ask for help. I would say yes. And then when you say yes, they're like, Okay, more help, right? Because of course, teachers need so much help right now, which is amazing. And I loved it. I loved going in. I mean, it's terrible, how much help they need, but also amazing that they have parents that are willing to do it. Right. And I loved going in I loved being in the classroom. And I just kept saying yes. And then I realized, Okay, wait, yes, I love this. And I can't just say yes, all the time. So I created very specific rules. So it was kind of like parameters, right? So it was it? I think it was I had to be on a Monday or Friday, because those were my more flexible days. It had to be something with the kids. So like, sometimes they would say, can you come in and like make copies or cut things or whatever.


Lindsay Dotzlaf  19:25

And first of all, I justdidn't love that. But also, it just wasn't why I was doing it. Right. I wanted to be hanging out with the kids. I wanted to be meeting their friends like all of that. And so I just made those rules. And sometimes something would fall outside of that, like a big field trip or something. And I might change the rules for that thing. But it just made it so clear in my mind that Oh, this one's a no. Right or, Oh yeah, it's a Friday. I'm available. It's with the kids. Yes, I'm all in. Right and it just made it so


Lindsay Dotzlaf  19:59

It just didn't take up any space in my brain. It was just very clear. This is a no, this is a yes. And it allowed everything great to bring you back to simplicity. It really made everything so much simpler instead of should I do this? Should I rearrange my schedule? Should I don't really have any calls that day, right? And just like all the time I was spending thinking about it.


Melissa Wiggins  20:19

And I just love that, right? Really getting super intentional about where am I pouring my energy. And once you have made those decisions on your calendar, and I did that specific thing with working out, I no longer look at my schedule and decide what yoga instructor I want to go to I don't do that anymore. I work out at the same time, every single day, five days a week, the same place, drive two minutes for me, I do 30 minutes I leave, I had to get to a point of making the decision to say, I just have to make a decision about this. And maybe and another season, I can do something else. But right now this is how it has to be. And when it comes to the school, I am mostly like the vain more Mom, I am like, how much do you need? Okay, you need this because I'm not going to bake the brownies and 100%.


Melissa Wiggins  21:08

And less than they need us to right? There are moms that want to do that. And that's awesome. I love you. Thank you very much. If you're one of those people that's listening. I love it. I respect that. But it's like once you start to simplify and make those decisions to get to that point of success, which we're discussing the freedom of that. It makes it so much easier, right? Like Sure I'll Venmo you the money. I can absolutely do that thing because it's on Friday.


Lindsay Dotzlaf  21:35

Yep, 100%. I'm the same way I will even tell, you know, when the party planner, moms reach out to me, Hey, can you because now my kids are a little older. So now there's not. It's not like just coming in to like help the kids read or you know, whatever. It's more like coming in for something very specific, a party or whatever. And I always just say, Listen, I will send you all of the money. Just let me know how much you need. I will not be planning anything first is not my forte. And second. No time. I don't say it and those exact words probably a little nicer. But that's how I think about it. Right. It's like, I will fund the entire party. But I will not be planning it.


Melissa Wiggins  22:13

I will legit pay for the party.


Lindsay Dotzlaf  22:16

If it works out, I will come help. But I'm not going to plan right. And that's just not my skill set. Like you don't want me planning anyway, trust me, you'd rather me just give them the money.


Melissa Wiggins  22:25

 It was actually so funny. So my my boys play basketball. And we were in the store and Gray was like remember, I want you to make brownies for the team this Saturday. And we were literally at the baking section that had these lovely fresh baked Publix brownies. And I showed them to him. And I was like, great. Look at these. These look amazing. I can take these for your team tomorrow. And he was like, oh, no, Mom, why would you buy them when you could bake them? Like, how are you my child? So I legit make brownies, working with Charlie. Oh, they were awful.


Lindsay Dotzlaf  23:06

I thought you were gonna tell me that you gave him a whole lesson on why you're going to buy them instead of baking them.


Melissa Wiggins  23:13

So I bake them and I take them to the team and I guess the container I bake them and I thought it was one of those ones you could like also Serafin and so I mean, it was hilarious. the mom of the team that was working was trying to get a fork down the side to pull the brownie out of the tray. Let's just say we should have bought them.


Melissa Wiggins  23:34

We should have bought the brownies and I should have pretended  to my child that I baked them. That would have been a better right. But it was so funny. But whatever. I just thought that was like a funny story to share. Because it's just another reason why I make the decision to not do that.


Lindsay Dotzlaf  23:51

Okay, tell me the truth. Did you like not spray the piano on purpose? So that next time I'll never ask you to bake the brownies again?


Melissa Wiggins  23:58

Like husbands who don't know how to do laundry and do it one time and we just say oh, it's fine. I'll handle it. Yeah, yep. Yep. So funny. Yes. Yes. My children actually think my husband is like an incredible cook. And I'm terrible. So same might be common.


Lindsay Dotzlaf  24:16

My husband is actually an incredible Cook, and I'm not great. And I let him cook. Most of the time. I'm okay, I can do it. If there's time. And it's not going to be a massive cleanup fine. But otherwise, you know, Triple D is wonderful. Yes, I am. Excellent at following directions. So if I have time, and there's a recipe I can cook and it will taste like it's supposed to and it will be fine. But will I enjoy it? Probably not. And will it be as good as what my husband can just like whip up like a magician.


Melissa Wiggins  24:51

I love it. So last season, if you're listening and you're not married, make sure your husband could cook. Oh, yeah. You should make Yes. All right. So I want to wrap up when we talked about what simplicity is, and making decisions, what would you say to someone that is listening? And they're like, Okay, I think I might be able to do this entrepreneur, mom thing, what would be your, here's something I've learned, and you should know that. So you don't have to learn it right? Because that's the other thing that I think you do a really good job of, as you do explain, like, Hey, I had anxiety, I had panic attacks, it was tough for me. That's why I ended up here. But it's like, we're in the business of making people not have to do the life lessons. Right? That's kind of what we do, right? Hey, you don't have to do those seven things we did wrong.


Lindsay Dotzlaf  25:42

Yeah, I could probably come up with 100. But the one that just kind of popped into my mind is to just get started to be aware, if you are the type of person, some people might not be like this. But if you're the type of person who thinks I need to learn more, I need to learn more, I need to learn more. And next thing, you know, it's two years later, and you haven't actually started the thing. I think it's so important to know you have genius right now to share. And yes, you might need to learn some skills. So for example, I work with coaches. So if you are thinking, Okay, I want to be a coach, this is what I'm going to do. Yes, you do need to learn how to coach somewhere, right? Like that is a part of it. And you can learn how to coach without them having to, you know, practice for two years and get more certifications and more learning and then advanced learning. And then you know, all of that which I just see so many entrepreneurs doing and next thing, you know, they've like spent so much money on all these things. And you can just get started, like way sooner than you think you can.


Melissa Wiggins  26:46

And isn't it funny that that is how we and I see that mostly, by the way with women, okay. My husband is not doing certifications. Okay. All right. Well, we, and you do do a lot of work that definitely saved into my subconscious of like, Melissa, you don't need any more credentials. Right? Okay. But before I started working with a coach, I was like, Well, I know, I'm a lawyer, but maybe I could be...maybe I should do neuroscience or be a psychologist or, yeah, I think maybe a therapist is a good route for me. Let me go back to school for six years and become a therapist now.


Melissa Wiggins  27:28

All right, I was like 37 years old, had had a fair bit of life experience enough credentials. And actually, I just needed to start.


Lindsay Dotzlaf  27:40

Yep. Right. Yeah. And I want to be clear that I'm a huge proponent of learning, right. So if you love to learn, go for it. If you have the money to invest in it, go for it. And definitely be good at what you do. Right? It's so much of what I teach is being amazing at coaching faster. But that doesn't take nearly as much time and effort as you think it does. And I one thing I see coaches do, and I'm sure this happens in other fields as well, is some of my clients will come to me they have like five different certifications. And it always cracks me up because then they're just confused about how do I use all of them? How do I combine them? How do I, like I have all of this knowledge, and I have absolutely no idea how to actually apply it.


Melissa Wiggins  28:23

I mean, it's it's really, really true, like in any industry, right? It could be yoga, it could be meditation, it could be anything, right? Like we definitely can do that. It's funny. I, earlier this season, interviewed Cindy Warren. And one of the things she said, and I know she's a fellow student of yours and friend, and she's amazing. But one of the things she said was asking yourself why. And so if you're listening, and you're like, wait, I was just about to sign up for that other certificationl that begins in January.


Melissa Wiggins  28:54

Maybe ask yourself why, right? Because I also love to learn, I read read every single day, I love to. But I think one of the things that you said in your mastermind was there is a time to consume, and there is a time to create. And you talked a little bit about that. And I think it's just getting very clear. And getting making the decision. Is this a time where I want to consume? Or is this a time when I want to create because you can't do them all the time together?


Lindsay Dotzlaf  29:23

Yeah. And I think I always think about making the decision from these words I use all of the time, but in this situation, to me, it makes it very clear. It's like are you making this decision from fear or abundance? Right? Fear is like, I am not good enough yet. I need more I should do this thing. Right? It sounds like those things, versus Oh, I've been working with my clients for a while and I can see there's this one area where I really want to improve my skill or I really want to add this thing. And I'm at the place where I have the time I have the money to do it. Right. Those are two that's just two very different ways to make the decision.


Melissa Wiggins  30:01

Yeah, it's very, very true. One of the things I liked about Coaching Masters when we did it was that even though we were consuming new information we were creating in real time. And I think that is, you know, not to diss all of the online courses. But I do feel like there's a lack of that. And a lot of online courses where an actually, if you're listening and thinking about doing an online course, it's a very good question to ask the organizer, right? Like, is this a waste, just consume it all? And then I create something at the end? Because I have seen it most effectively working where you consume, create, consume, create, like it's in real time. Yeah, like you would teach us goal setting. And I was literally two days later recording a video for my mastermind on goal setting.


Lindsay Dotzlaf  30:53

Yeah, yeah, I love it. Which is so much of what I teach it. And I think it's because I tend to attract clients who are kind of typical, like overachievers, who love to learn who you know, maybe have multiple degrees, all the things kind of like you probably, and they come with this like, Okay, tell me the secret, right? Tell me what's the thing I need to know. And sometimes they just kind of wait for me to just then give them all of this new information. And so one of the things that I kind of want to break them out of is yes, I'll be giving you some new stuff, but also really going to work with what you already have. And you know, really learning how to use all the tools you already have, and how to make them your own. How to know that you have enough right now and just get started. And then figure out okay, now where do I want to focus my attention, which is very different than just consuming more, consuming more, consuming more?


Melissa Wiggins  31:48

Well, I just want to say thank you very, very much for your time, I wanted to talk about decision making. And I wanted to talk about simplicity and success. And I feel like you are just such a beautiful example of that. And also one of the best coaches I've ever watched ever coach. I mean, truly like, I feel like I learned as much as the content as just watching you coach, other people. I mean, you're phenomenal. And you can tell you fit a lot into your craft. And now you get to create amazing more coaches to go into the world. And that's so cool. 


Lindsay Dotzlaf  32:24

Yeah, I love that. Thank you so much that that compliment really just like hit me. So thank you. That was very nice.


Melissa Wiggins  32:29

It's true. And it's funny, because now when I work with people that are trained by you, I can tell really, like if I have them on the podcast or whatever, I can tell that they just have this grounding. Like it's just different. I don't know. So anyway, I'm very grateful. You're incredible. What closing comments do you have for someone who's like, Okay, I want to be successful. I want to use simplicity and decision making. I'm good to go. What's your closing statement? Such a lawyer -- I can't even help but do that.


Lindsay Dotzlaf  33:02

I know, I didn't prepare anything, shouldn't I have my notes? Let's see what is my closing statement? I would say it is just stop overcomplicating it just get started. And just get clear about even just asking yourself what decisions are in the way, right? What do I need to decide to get started. And if you're feeling I teach this a little bit in my mastermind, but if you're feeling overwhelmed or confused, those are two kind of red flag emotions for me that there might be some decisions that you just haven't made, or that you don't even know are there. Right?


Lindsay Dotzlaf  33:38

So start there of like, what decisions are between here and wherever I'm trying to go? What do I need to decide? And then how am I going to decide? Right? Some of them might be very obvious when you ask yourself that question. And you can just decide, some of them might be okay, I see this decision, it feels like a big one. And it might require more thought more, what coaching more input or whatever you need, but really just doing it, and then moving forward. 


Melissa Wiggins  34:05

Thank you. I love it. It's amazing. All right, I'm gonna get all of the information from you to link up what offers do you have right now and anything that you have going on that people can enter soon? Like, I will like everything, Coaching masters, Coach Lab, like all of it. All the things, the podcast, your podcast, too. 


Lindsay Dotzlaf  34:27

Yeah. So you know, true simplicity. I have just two offers. I have a lifetime access program for coaches called the Coach Lab, which teaches foundational coach skills. And I have a six month mastermind called Coaching Masters. Did I say that right? Do I say that Coach Lab? The words are all the same. So now I'm like, wait a minute, what did I just say? So yeah, my mastermind is Coaching Masters and that is a six months and that is to kind of go past the foundations. It's kind of all the things we've been talking about today. And then my podcast is MasteringYour Coaching Skills. That's it.


Melissa Wiggins  35:02

Amazing. I love it. I love that you have two offers I love that you keep it simple and you've made those decisions. It's incredible. Thank you, thank you very much for your time, you're amazing, lassie.


Lindsay Dotzlaf  35:12

Thank you so much for having me this was really fun