Unfollow: Question Everything with Melissa Wiggins

Season 9 Episode 2: Defining Success with Sindy Warren

Melissa Wiggins Season 9 Episode 2

What does success mean to you? Do you know why? Life and Business Coach Sindy Warren joins Master Certified Life Coach Melissa Wiggins to talk about how to live an intentional life that feels like success to you. And it’s not all or nothing. The host of the Side Gig School Podcast, Warren explains how to start where you are, how our intentions change, and why those doubts and questions we all have are not a problem. Grab a cuppa and listen in.

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Melissa Wiggins  00:00

Hello lassies Welcome to Coaching and a Cup of Tea with Mummabear. Today, I have a special treat for you. I have Sindy Warren with us today, she is going to tell us a little bit about herself. But this season the reason why she's here is because season nine, we are talking all about success. What does success mean to you? How do you get to success? When have been times when you didn't feel successful? And really getting down to the nitty gritty of how do you define it, so you know, how you feel like you're there. And that's why we have Cindy here said detail a little bit about yourself. I'm so excited you're here and that you made time for the listeners. Thank you. You're a busy Lassie.

Sindy Warren  00:47

Melissa, I am thrilled to be here. So I am a life and business coach. And before I found coaching, I'm also an employment lawyer. So I'm, I'm still a lawyer, I don't practice law anymore. I'm a lawyer. I had an HR consulting business for many years, and also a yoga teacher. I had a book published a few years ago about yoga philosophy. And now coaching is my, my through line, my passion. That's really what I do. My business is called Blue tree coaching.

Melissa Wiggins  01:19
I love it.

Find the FULL Transcript Here: Season 9 Episode 2: Defining Success with Sindy Warren

Melissa Wiggins  00:00

Hello lassies Welcome to Coaching and a Cup of Tea with Mummabear. Today, I have a special treat for you. I have Sindy Warren with us today, she is going to tell us a little bit about herself. But this season the reason why she's here is because season nine, we are talking all about success. What does success mean to you? How do you get to success? When have been times when you didn't feel successful? And really getting down to the nitty gritty of how do you define it, so you know, how you feel like you're there. And that's why we have Cindy here said detail a little bit about yourself. I'm so excited you're here and that you made time for the listeners. Thank you. You're a busy Lassie.


Sindy Warren  00:47

Melissa, I am thrilled to be here. So I am a life and business coach. And before I found coaching, I'm also an employment lawyer. So I'm, I'm still a lawyer, I don't practice law anymore. I'm a lawyer. I had an HR consulting business for many years, and also a yoga teacher. I had a book published a few years ago about yoga philosophy. And now coaching is my, my through line, my passion. That's really what I do. My business is called Blue tree coaching.


Melissa Wiggins  01:19

I love it. And we will like everything about you everywhere to find you all of the things because I know you have some incredible offerings. And you really are. You're like the Lassie who helps women start businesses. And so I feel like there is no one more perfect to be on the podcast talking about what does success mean to you? What is the role of intentionality? And that what is the role of goal setting and that that's your jam, like your social media is fire. I love it. It's so inspiring. And I just like I'm excited, you're here because we have so much in common also lawyers, state moms all the things right. And it's interesting because the kids asked me to come and do a teach in their school, you know, where you talk about what your career is. And I was like, which one will? Right? And I was like, I know I'm gonna talk to them about being an entrepreneur, how you can like Sunday, be a lawyer, you can write a book, you can be a yoga teacher, I feel like there is so much chatter about pick a thing. And that's the only thing and do the thing. And it's like when you have multifaceted individuals like us, sometimes you start as a lawyer. And then you take all of those incredible skills, which by the way, I my skills from law are the reason that we're good coaches, in my opinion, research. We can simplify things. We know how to teach things. I don't want to discredit that, but it's like it led us to be here. So if you're listening, and you're like, I have several passions, this is definitely the podcast episode for you to listen to. Because you're an example of that, Cindy?


Sindy Warren  03:06

Yeah. And I think it's really interesting because Melissa, when we were like growing up, people didn't like being a multi hyphenate. I feel like there were so many less examples of that around us. And now you look around. And I think that one thing women entrepreneurs in today's world have done is really normalized, that it's okay to pivot and have different things and they're different seasons of life and what success means for you, in your 20s is not going to be the same thing it means to you in your 50s. So I think embracing that there are seasons of change. And understanding that all parts of our professional paths can really take us wherever we want to go and contribute to success as only we can define it for ourselves.


Melissa Wiggins  03:55

I think the important thing that you said there was the word contribute, right? It's not starting again, right? Like the boys said to me the other day like what do you charge an hour mom? And I said I charge $500 An hour and they were like, what? And I said I don't base my value on per hour. But that was the question right? Yeah. Because the reality is you look at the education and what we've done and you're getting a multitude of graduate degrees and certifications and life. You want to encompass it in a 60 minutes fine. There's a price tag to it but it's a contribution of all the different things we've learned along the way and one of the things I love about you Sunday is the you know the side gig school they examples of like hey lassies if you are a stay at home mom, you can still make money on the side you do not have to give up pickup time. You do not have to give up drop up time or the YMC five o'clock to eight o'clock. It seems like I have every week like you don't have to give those things up. You can absolutely contribute to your family on society on the side.


Sindy Warren  05:09

Exactly. So we can move away from binary and black and white thinking and move into possibility. And like you said, yeah, what am I main, my main gigs is I run a program called sidekick school. And I have a podcast by the same name. And it is really about teaching women how to start and grow side hustles that are outlets for passion vehicles for money, freedom. And I think it's so important that we learn that we can build it in whatever we want our lives to look like there is no cookie cutter approach to entrepreneurship, there doesn't have to be. And that's such a beautiful gift that we all have. I love it.


Melissa Wiggins  05:51

I'm curious if when you get people to the point of Side Gig school, which by the way, if you are listening and thinking about starting a business, that is the place to go start on her podcast, the Side Gig School, and then look into the program, right? I'm always sending people your way, by the way. What I do first is I think some of the work I do is almost like before your work, because I think some of the things that are important to get a woman to the main set that I think is appropriate for all right now I'm ready to start a side hustle or a side business or do this when my kids are at school as taking away some of those emotions, like shame and guilt, that we're not doing these other things for our family, that money is freedom, it is nothing else that is a tool, right? Like really just teaching some of those core values and intentionality to get a woman to the point of saying, oh, like I had a client this week, yesterday on our group coaching call. And she left her job of 18 years now, after six months of coaching. Wow, was it my goal to make her leave that job? No, 100%? No. But it was my goal, to show her her value, and what she was worth and where she may be wanted to go in the future. And guess what, she now has this insanely amazing job, new opportunity, everything she ever wanted higher pay better package, like all the things. And it was because first she realized her value.


Sindy Warren  07:32

Yeah, there's nothing more important than that work that is deep inner work.


Melissa Wiggins  07:35

And I know you do that with your clients. I know you do that.


Sindy Warren  07:40

I do. But yes, I also coach people one on one on all the things. But I think what you just described Melissa is like, yeah, that is foundational inner work. That is really important. On the entrepreneurial journey, it totally makes sense to me that people would need to get that that right first. And then if they want to, if it's in line with their desires, and it feels aligned with their values, maybe start a business on the side or otherwise. Totally.


Melissa Wiggins  08:09

And so what is your program? Tell me a little bit about the Side Gig School?


Sindy Warren  08:13

Yeah, it's a 12 week program, I run it a few times a year. And it's a course where I literally walk you through having an idea to getting your first client in three months. So we teach you all the things the tech support the legal side, I put my lawyer hat on a little bit and tell you all the things you need to do to have a legitimate business from a legal perspective, marketing coming up with your offer. And then the mindset work around all that. And the group community is like this built in little incubator of women networking with women, and it is so much fun.


Melissa Wiggins  08:49

What do you see in terms of women and their thoughts on success? What is your temperature gauge on that right now?


Sindy Warren  08:58

It really varies. But I would say one thing that I see on repeat, is women wondering if they can start and grow a business and kind of believing that maybe it's possible for them. And that's really only the seed you need to have, I think and then of course you need to water it and grow it and you know, light it up with sunshine and etc. For it to grow. So there's got to be a seed of belief. But what I see so many women thinking is Yeah, but can I really or who am I to or it's already being done or so and so does it better, things like that. So the mindset work gets very, very deep. Nothing shows you your brain, like the entrepreneurial journey in my opinion. You're just right up against all of your thoughts.


Melissa Wiggins  09:53

I love you sharing those thoughts because I know that there's someone listening that's like, I think that Oh, yeah, right.


Sindy Warren  10:02

Yeah. And what I want to say to that person, and I say this to my clients all the time is like, that's not a problem. Of course, you think that you're doing something new.


Melissa Wiggins  10:10

By the way, let's pause for a second. You say that like it was a simple little thing. It is a mind altering game changing thought. That's not a problem. Yeah, like you say it. So simplistically, right? Yeah, yeah. But the truth is, a lot of people believe their thoughts, right? We repeat them, we're gonna repeat them to become our belief. But what you just said is, it's not a problem that you think that right? It's mind altering. It's like, what do you mean it that's a problem? It's not, it's a thought. So good.


Sindy Warren  10:45

I love I'd love to then add on almost like you're hugging me. You're a little child's like this. Okay, honey, of course, you think that? Look at all the evidence you've collected to, you know, prove that thought to yourself, and it's okay, now we can together work on a new belief system, step by step. It's like


Melissa Wiggins  11:02

the thought for many people as a roadblock, you cannot see it. And this is why both of us are madly in love with coaching as it's like, oh, we're just gonna move the roadblock to the sight for Yeah. And move through now. And it's like that permissions slash belief from someone else, your coach. And until I always say to my clients, I am your biggest cheerleader until you are your biggest cheerleader.


Sindy Warren  11:31

That's amazing. Yes. That's


Melissa Wiggins  11:33

like the whole point of what we do is making them become Yeah, they are cheer.


Sindy Warren  11:38

Exactly. Exactly. And there is nothing more gratifying for me. I'm sure like I could feel across the screen. Melissa, you feel this when you were talking about your client who left her job and got a better paying job. There's nothing more gratifying than when a client looks back and is like, what, look what I created, and I'm getting paid to do something I love, my mind is blown. And I hear that all the time. My mind is blown and nothing makes me happier. Yeah, let's blow your mind. Let's blow your mind.


Melissa Wiggins  12:06

Let's blow your mind. I think we both are at the school of thought. For me. I am all about empowerment coaching. And I know that both of us you know, we may just for the listeners we may end Lindsay dolts lofts, coaching masters. And Cindy has done it several times, which is why she's incredible. But I think this is the biggest misconception about what a coach is, in my opinion is that we tell people what to do. We don't, we don't do that. I promise you, what we do do as we show you things we give you examples of that's not a problem. And we ask these very, very specific questions. And then you come to your own conclusion, I did not tell my client to leave her job, I never talked to her about what she should do with her job. I questioned if these are your goals. And these are your intentions. And this is your job, do the match.


Sindy Warren  13:03

Right? But that's it. That's it and with with, you know, our sort of like Coach brain and I we can see where people might not be in alignment and might not know it. So I had this amazing client started a side hustle came to me a year ago wasn't even sure her idea could be a thing. And it quickly became a money making thing that she loves. And one of her passions is preventing burnout. And she noticed she was starting to create a little bit of burnout for herself, doing the nine to five and also the side hustle. And I sort of held up the mirror and was like, Wait, but is this what you want? And she was like, Whoa, I didn't see I was doing it again, thank you for showing me. And then she made choices that lead her to success as not I define it, but as she defines it for herself. And that's really powerful.


Melissa Wiggins  13:56

It's so powerful, Cindy, because I think so often, we get the opportunity to work with very successful people. And and if we're looking at that, from my financial standpoint, we have both had opportunities to work with people who make millions of dollars. That doesn't mean that that person is happier than the person that just joined your side gig school and is thinking about the idea and it hurts my heart when I have these women and men that I've coached who have got to this point in their career that you and I from the outside would be like holy shit. Like whoa, and you're insane, miserable. And I think that's why I just love that you do the mindset and the business because so often we can give you the tools and shielding the way with the business. But if the main set stuff is missing, you're never going to feel successful.


Sindy Warren  14:56

I completely agree. I think it is like the Most powerful combination that I'm able to offer is the mindset and the strategy together, they are fire. You can't have one without the other. You can't.


Melissa Wiggins  15:11

And when you when people say like, you know, money doesn't buy you happiness, that's the honestly, it's the cliche is but as it is literally such a good example of if you put all of your energy into the value of growing and being successful, and leadership, and you don't put any of your energy into this other internal world foundation that you spoke about in the beginning, it's never going to feel good.


Sindy Warren  15:39

That's exactly right. And that is, that is very yogi, which is why I named my coaching business blue tree coaching, I love the imagery of a tree, which is so grounded, and earthy and stable, and that is our inner world. We've all got deep roots, y'all. And we got to attend to those first and get grounded in who we are and what matters to us. And then sky's the limit baby, then we can expand and grow. But we've got to start with the inner work.


Melissa Wiggins  16:09

And so if you're listening, and you started on this podcast on season nine about what success is, listen to this part rewind, go backwards, right? Because like, if you're at the beginning, and you're thinking about starting a business, this episode is kind of about Don't skip the nrps. Yeah. Yeah. Because you and I have both worked with people who have and then we have to go back.


Sindy Warren  16:33

Yeah. And I've also been that person, not only have I worked with her and him, I've been that person prior in my life, right? Where it was like, What am I doing? Why am I doing this? Is this in line with my values? Who am I and now I'm 51 years old. And I feel like with some solid decades behind me, I have so much more. Such a such a greater ability to live and work with intention.


Melissa Wiggins  17:02

So talk to me a little bit about intentionality I, and my six month empowered Life Mastermind we spend over a month doing values work. So I work with Brant Menswar, who is like the leading expert on values, he has a book called Black Sheep. He's incredible New York bestseller top 10 motivational speaker, he's amazing. And he's been teaching us this month, actually every week for an hour on values and how they are in our life and how we prove them and find them. And so if you want to be successful, one of the things you can do is figure out what your values are and prove that they're your values, right? Because the other thing we do some things is is we have other people's values that we think are ours, but they're not. Right. And so I would love for you to share a little bit about your work around intentionality, and how you believe that as a part of our very important part of being successful. Well,


Sindy Warren  18:01

it's really funny, I don't know where this came from. But I have this very vivid memory of being at Tufts University as an undergrad in the early early 90s. And having this thought, I don't want to live on autopilot. And I'm not even sure where the thought came from. But it's such a vivid memory and then the irony, and maybe a little bit tragedy is I then went on spent about a decade living very unintentionally, you know, I don't regret going to law school I went to Stanford, it was an amazing experience, but went to law school because I wasn't sure what else to do got married to my at the time boyfriend because I thought I was supposed to he's now my ex husband, by the way. And, you know, at some point like that memory came back to me and I was like, Wait a minute. Let me go in. Let me draw in. And to me intentionality is knowing what's important to me. And more importantly, understanding why.


Melissa Wiggins  18:58

Wow, repeat that because I want everybody to hear what you just said. intentionality is...


Sindy Warren  19:07

Knowing what you want. And knowing why. For me, the most powerful word, question, is why? So when, for example, when women are starting their businesses, whether they intend them to just be on the side, or they want something more full blown. We always start with why why does this matter to you? Like what's the point like a question is like, I want to help so and so do such and such. Why Why does that matter? Like so what actually love saying to my clients, so what? And then you get to know this is really important to me because and I think knowing and no one can tell you what your why is. And I think especially in the world, Melissa, you will know this and resonate with this, I'm sure of online entrepreneurship. There is a lot of noise out there and like you said had with our values. It can be sort of hard to be like, Wait, is that someone else's? Why that I've just heard again and again, wait, what's my why? There's a lot of noise out there. And I think that requires deep introspection and planning. It doesn't have to take long it can take 30 seconds. But you got to kind of quiet your mind, cut out the distractions and just ask yourself that very important question of why does this matter? To me?


Melissa Wiggins  20:25

It's funny, because it's, it's like, if you don't know the answer, what does that mean? If you asked me that, and I'm like, I don't know why I have a podcast or ya know why I'm a life coach, or why I do retreats? Yeah. What does that mean? Does that mean that it's not the right thing for me? Does it just mean on? On enough awareness?


Sindy Warren  20:48

Yeah, I think it probably means you don't have the level of awareness that is important to sustain you going forward and growing. Again, not a problem. Nothing wrong with not having the awareness, you didn't. Now you can see that you didn't have that awareness. And we just sit quietly with the questions. And this is one fact about the human brain. I just love. Our brains love to answer questions. So it's very hard to ask yourself a question. And if you're quiet long enough, come up with nothing. I actually have a client who loves to answer my questions with I don't know. And in about our third session, we've now been working together for about a year, he's a one on one client. I said, 'Danny, you're not allowed to say I don't know. Like, that's just off the table. We don't do that anymore in our sessions.' And that's been very hard for him. But he's gone a lot deeper than I think he would have otherwise. Yeah. Because Melissa, we usually do No, we usually have an inkling somewhere in there, it's gonna come up. If you can't say, I don't know if that's not an option. And you just pose the question why something is going to bubble up.


Melissa Wiggins  21:55

I love that. And I want to, if you are, if you are listening, pause this audio of your podcast and ask yourself exactly the questions that send you just gave you last year, this is free coaching, okay, like, people pay a lot of money to have Sunday, do this. But literally pause and ask yourself why. And if something doesn't come up, like Sindy just said, that doesn't mean it's not the right thing for you. It just means you need some deeper introspection work to sort of dig into it. And maybe maybe with someone who could help you do that, right? Because I will tell you, by the way, that coaching and keynote speaking and retreats were things that were coached to me through questions. I was the CEO of my nonprofit. And I was working with a life coach and a motivational coach. And those coaches swear served me to the question that are why I'm sitting doing a podcast with you right now. I wasn't able to do it by myself. Yeah.


Sindy Warren  23:05

And again, now the problem. Neither was I, I wouldn't be where I was without my own coaches. There's no way. So yeah, that's right. I think having that objective guide that can just ask you really powerful questions that they don't tell you the answer you tell you the answer is a really huge accelerator of growth, both personal and professional.


Melissa Wiggins  23:27

So as I'm listening to this Sunday, and I'm like, Alright, okay, I've asked myself why. And now I know I need to be intentional. What does being intentional mean? Right? Because it's like one of those words like auto pilot, consciousness and inner work. I do think that we hear a lot of these words. And I am, I'm a big proponent on defining things for myself, like even with my values, like, what does growth mean to me, I need to know exactly what it means so I can identify and prove I'm on the right track because it's in my life, I'm proving it.


Sindy Warren  24:02

Exactly, we need to have a way to measure it. My favorite way to measure intentionality for myself and my clients is the calendar. What am I doing with my time? If I say my marriage is one of the most important things in my life, and I'm not making time to spend with my husband and go on date nights, etc, then I'm not actually living intentionally or I'm somehow out of alignment either what I'm saying I don't actually mean it or I'm letting other things get in the way like people pleasing overextending myself etc. So I really look like to look at how am I spending my time as a gauge of am I living with intention?


Melissa Wiggins  24:44

And here's another way that we can also bring in 'it's not a problem.' If you are listening, and you know your values and you understand like what intentionality is and you do exactly what Sindy just told us to do, which was look at our calendar and see, are those things there? It's not a problem if they're not.


Sindy Warren  25:04

Right? We didn't know now we know. That's good news.


Melissa Wiggins  25:09

When we know better, we do better. That's exactly what I say all the time, 'When we know better, we do better.' And that's it. I feel like I always have to keep saying on this podcast because I really deeply, I really don't want anyone to ever listen to the podcast and have any shame about anything that they're not doing, quote unquote, right? Like that is that is not the purpose of our work. Right? Right like that. Like, I don't want that for you. So if you look at your calendar, and you're like, I want to be more intentional, and it's not there. That is what I call like data mining, right? Like we're mining for the data, we're looking for it, and then we'll make decisions based on what we find.


Sindy Warren  25:50

And it's also okay for it to change. So for example, for me, like my physical vibrancy and fitness is really important to me. And I scheduled my workouts for the entire week on Sunday. Then I look back, I'm like, yeah, did I get them all in? Yes, I did. Like that is me living with intention. And a shift happened over the last couple of years. I also am a certified meditation teacher, and was a very big meditator myself. And when I discovered coaching, I'm now a little bit coach and obsessed, instead of meditation obsessed, and I no longer meditate. And I pushed up against that for such a long time being like, wait, but I'm a meditation teacher, and I'm looking at my calendar. And, you know, every day I'm like, I should I should, I should, but I'm not. Instead, what am I doing? I'm doing thought work. So I'm still being mindful and intentional. It's just it shifted a little bit, how I define my own success in that realm. And if you are listening, and you meditate, it's an amazing, amazing tool. I am sure when the time is right, I will pick up my meditation cushion, sit my butt down and use my old mantra. So it can change, it can evolve.


Melissa Wiggins  27:03

So Brant Menswar talks a lot about aspirational values, right? So some people like for you, I believe wholeheartedly that health is a deep core value of who you are, right? It is who you are, you talk about vibrancy, your glowing, always right, like that's a part of who you are. But then there are people who have the aspirational goal, or the aspirational value of I would like to be a healthier human. I think that it is really important. And I talk a lot about this and my mastermind to know that when you have those things that are tougher, like maybe meditation, right can be an aspirational value and something that you want to push into. But the truth is Sandy, it's not a core of who you are. Right? Right. And so when at the core, it's not difficult at that is not hard for you to make a salad enjoy it work, then there's a good chance that that's just a core of who you are, that is a part of you. Right? The same with gratitude or growth or connection. And I think I think there's a lot of knowledge, they can come in terms of intentionality, and things are harder for you to know. They can be aspirational values, they can be things you want to be more intentional about. But they you have to know that they might be harder for you, because they're not the core of who you are.


Sindy Warren  28:35

That's exactly right. And again, I think there are different seasons where different things matter more or are more or less helpful to us. And again, we can come back to like, okay, though, I'm a multi passionate, multi hyphenate human. And right now I want to focus on x versus y five years ago, it was why and not might make ourselves wrong in any way for that.


Melissa Wiggins  28:56

Yeah, can we just pause for a second and let everybody know to like stop listening to the the noise out there about picking one thing. Okay, and you see a lot in the coaching worlds, right? Like, if you are how you can do nothing else. And I'm like, I love coaching. I will do coaching until the day I die. But I also love podcasting. And I also love keynote speaking. And I also love retreats. So like those are all going to be a part of what I do. I


Sindy Warren  29:24

think it all comes down to if we believe we can create whatever we want for ourselves professionally and personally. It doesn't need to look any certain way. Yeah, we get to define and that's really what we're talking about here is like what is success for you? Success for you is not just coaching, it's also podcasting and speaking and retreats, etc. Success for me is making sure I have time for my physical fitness every day and teaching yoga and getting my own practice in and spending time you know, with my besties and my man and all the other things so we all We'll get to define it for ourselves. And like you said, I do think it's really important to pause and be like, if you love and admire coach Mama Bear, that doesn't mean you need to lead retreats and have a podcast and be a keynote speaker and be a coach, you do you let her do her? Part of the journey of life is defining. Okay, what does it mean for me to do me? What is that? Who is she?


Melissa Wiggins  30:22

And you know, sometimes Sindy, what I find is that coaching is a vehicle of permission for that, right? And I, and I hate to use the word permission, because I'm such an advocate of women finding their own voice, but in my experience, sometimes the permission and the accountability is found before the voice is found.


Sindy Warren  30:48

Yeah, that's right. That's right. You need someone to sort of like the path for you. It's like, we're just wandering a path. And maybe I'm a couple steps ahead of someone listening with my flashlight. And maybe they're a couple steps ahead of me. But we're all on our own path. And we can just support and illuminate the way for each other.


Melissa Wiggins  31:04

Totally. And I think by doing things like what we're doing right this minute, like talking about it, you know, putting out a podcast about it, that as a vehicle of permission to say to someone lesson, you can define your own success. And in Sindy's observation that begins with intentionality,


Sindy Warren  31:26

it does. And I've had a couple of interesting experiences where people signed on to coaching packages with me to work on starting or growing their business, only to discover a few sessions in that that's not actually what they want. And what I've said to them is, that's not a problem. This is for you, just because you said you wanted to start a side hustle. And now you've actually come to the realization that you don't, great, good, let's go do that. So it really there is no right way.


Melissa Wiggins  31:56

No, I love that. Is that a problem? And then the other part that I think about after that is even if it is a problem. So if you're listening, and your brain is telling you this absolutely as a problem, right? This is a problem when I'm asking myself, what she's saying. One of the my favorite favorite questions that comes after that is can you still move forward with it being a problem?


Sindy Warren  32:22

Yeah, right. Yeah, totally. Maybe it's a problem. Now, what do we want to do about it?


Melissa Wiggins  32:27

Yeah, Lindsay Doltzlaf say that all the time in Coaching Masters. I used to just love it when she said that, because our brains stop at these little things, thoughts that come up, and we think they're a problem. And when they think we're a problem, we think we can't move forward. And the truth is, even if we believe at that time they are, we can still move forward. Right? Because it's like, if I'm thinking if I'm a stay at home mom right now, and I'm listening to this, and I'm like, Oh, I'd love to start a business. Yeah. But, you know, my husband travels, and I have four children. And you know, both of these things are current for me, I could just stop right there. But if I have a coach like you, and you're going to coach me through, even if those things are true, yeah. Even if you feel like a problem, we can still move forward.


Sindy Warren  33:21

Yeah. And maybe what happens is, it just takes a little longer. Okay, so you devote one hour a week to it instead of five. All right, that doesn't mean we throw away the whole idea. There are always ways to move forward.


Melissa Wiggins  33:35

Yeah, the all or nothing mindset cannot live in, I believe the success path. I have more like a marathon mindset. Yes, we can do a little bit a little bit faster, you know, do a little more and like you said, there are seasons where maybe we might be a spread and it might be the last male could be the first guy oh, you know, so if you're listening lassies and you're thinking about starting a business and and your brain lots of things are coming up, I wouldn't be successful. I don't think I'm smart enough. Whatever the thoughts are, no, first of all, that they're just thoughts. And know that even if you do believe they're a problem, you can still move forward. You heard send detail you write ask yourself, why, why why. And also start looking at your calendar in order to see what your life looks like in terms of your values and intentionality. And come up with what you define success to be and then ask yourself why.


Sindy Warren  34:40

Yeah, and then once you know, either go do it if you have all the skills you need or find a coach to guide you. Nothing wrong with that saying, Okay, I know what I want to do. And I don't know how Okay, well we can figure that out.


Melissa Wiggins  34:55

The other thing is because like sometimes the mental blocks, Sindy, for a lot of women, is money. So I don't have the money to get a coach. Yeah, I've had lots of people who send me messages that, Oh, that's great if you have money, etc, what I would say, and there are so many incredible podcasts like Sindy's, which I will put in the show notes, like Lindsey don't fluff, like main, like all Bell work, literally, you could spend three hours a day while you breastfeed your kid if you wanted, and listen to incredible podcasts and that stuff will just seep into your subconscious. And eventually, I promise you, you will somehow figure out oh, I could find the money to do this.


Sindy Warren  35:46

Yeah. Yeah. And one of my goals with my podcast, actually, is to help people who I'm never going to meet who are never going to work with me start and grow their side hustles.


Melissa Wiggins  35:58

I love that goal.


Sindy Warren  36:01

Right? Yeah. Because I really do believe anyone who wants to do it can do it. And I have some skills and knowledge and experience. So I'm just sharing it with you. So you can go walk that path. If that speaks to you.


Melissa Wiggins  36:12

You're amazing. I adore you. You're such an incredible coach and person and human. And you just glow like you definitely glow from the inside. I can tell you've done a lot of work. Is there anything you want to end with like, and I will put everything in the show notes so everyone can find you and any offerings you have. But do you have any like closing remarks?


Sindy Warren  36:36

First of all, it's been so fabulous to be here with you, Melissa? Truly, what a pleasure and an honor. And I just want to say to anyone who is listening, if you are thinking there's a spark of a desire to start a business of some kind, don't believe your doubts, just question them open up the possibility that it is possible that maybe you can do it and check out my podcast and you can just learn all the things and never have to hire me or anyone else. You can definitely do it on your own. 


Melissa Wiggins  37:07

Oh, thankyou so much. You're amazing.


Sindy Warren  37:10

Okay, thank you.