The Podcast With Marben Bland

Sermon: Four Blessings

August 19, 2024 Marben Bland Season 4 Episode 109

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God is in the blessings business, in all things and in all times The Lord is giving us all we need so that we can abound in every good work.   While it is true that God’s blessings are too numerous to count, in a sermon recorded on Sunday, August 18, 2024, Pastor Marben Bland focuses on four blessings that we often take for granted but truly have a profound impact on our lives.  

 Key points: 

The Blessings Of Life 

Genesis 2:7 says that The Lord God formed us from the dust of the ground breathing the breath of life into us.   Therefore, life itself is a blessing from God.  So, the question is what are we doing with the blessings that is life?   Regardless of our age or condition are we living life the way God wants us to live it?  

The Blessings Of The Scars 

In life we will experience trials and tribulations and as unbelievable as it may seem the scars of those hard times are a blessing.  James 1:2-4 tells us blessed is the person who perseveres under trials and tribulations for in our endurance we receive the approval of God.   

The Blessings Of Work 

Scripture tells us early on that God intends for human beings to work. One of the first Bible verses about work comes in Genesis 2, when God places man in the Garden of Eden to care for it. This tells us that we are intended and built to work, and it should be an encouragement for us. Even when work gets tough or daunting, we were built to have a solid work ethic.

The Blessing Of Hope 

God’s blessings of hope is not based on your efforts or even your desires.  God’s blessings of is something that we receive, God hope pours into us through the Holy Spirit and because of it we can as Romans 12:12 tell us we can rejoice in hope, we can be patient in tribulation, and we can be constant in prayer.  


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