Business Owner Breakthrough Podcast

Present Better - Your business depends on it, with Jenny Locklin

Pete Mohr Season 3 Episode 10

Text Pete

Jenny Locklin joins me for another conversation today all around Presentations! 

As leaders, we’re always presenting - it’s our job to communicate to our clients, team, and outsource partners. We need to spread the vision far and wide! Even if you don’t love to present, you’re going to want to listen to this episode because Jenny makes everything easier!

Here are a few things we chat about:

Some of the biggest mistakes that people make when presenting

  • Why you don’t want to overwhelm
  • The 6-word solution to presenting
  • Why you don’t have to be ‘outgoing’ to give a presentation
  • The energy and power of having fun and humour

To learn more about Jenny and her programs you can visit her website at:

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Jenny Locklin:

If you're talking about sales, statistics, or sadness, you need humor, because you can relieve that tension. But the problem is a lot of times people think well, but I'm not funny I or maybe I tried it once, and I felt really foolish. But that's one of the things that that I like to help people with is how to add some humor without telling a joke. You can use images, you can use stories, personal stories, and it just makes it so much more fun for the listener. And for you, the speaker, you become so much more confident when you see your listeners having fun, right? Because if you're not having fun, and they're not having fun listening to your podcasts are probably not going to come back for another one. It's actually you know, they are we know they,

Pete Mohr:

of course, of course. Hey, it's Pete, and welcome to another edition of the simplifying entrepreneurship podcast. This series designed to help you change your entrepreneurial worries and wants into wins by providing the tips and tools that will help you cut through the chaos and create clarity using systems that will transform your business and life as a leader. Today, I had the opportunity to speak with Jenny Laughlin, and you may remember her from a podcast in the past love to have her back on today to talk about three more tips to prepare when you're giving your next presentation. And Jenny is just a wealth of information and works with her dad Joel Weldon who's a Hall of Fame speaker at the ultimate speaking system. I'm going to dig right into it here with my conversation with Jenny Laughlin. Hi, Jenny, thanks for being back with me here on the simplifying entrepreneurship podcast. It's great to see your smiling face again here today. Good to see up. Yeah. When I get together with you, we talk about communication. And we talk about all the things around communication and speaking and getting the word out there in the best way that you can. And today we're going to talk a little bit about the three tips that will prepare you for your next presentation. As you know, presentations are a big part of leadership, we're presenting all the time, to our team, to our clients all over the place. So it's just one of those things that we have to do. And as leaders, we need to be presenting in such a way that makes sense to those that are listening. When we look at some of the stuff that we're going to chat about today, I thought it'd be kind of cool to talk about the biggest mistakes people make when they're going into a presentation, whether it be a big presentation or a small presentation. You know, you can make mistakes on big and small. Mm hmm. What's your thought on some of the biggest mistakes that people make on presentations? Jenny?

Jenny Locklin:

Yeah, well, I'm like you just said a presentation could be just to one person, be on zoom over the phone in person, or it could be to 100 people, for sure. One thing that that might be helpful is how often when you're talking to someone, and you ask them a question, they give you so much information, right? And it's like overwhelming, right? And we do the same thing, because you're excited about whether you're talking about your business or any other topic that somebody asked you about the the common problem is you overwhelm you firehose, someone right with the nation. And so a tip that I learned that's been very helpful. And and this is six words, it's the six word solution, you will never overwhelm your listener again. And that is when they ask you if I said, So, Pete, tell me about your business. And you go into how long you've been doing it. And I have this many employees, and I love this, and I love it. And it's like, 10 minutes, because you're excited about it, right? Yeah. But what if I said, Hey, Pete, tell me about your business. And you responded with the six words, these six words, what would you like to know? And I say, Well, I just want to know, Are you hiring anyone? I don't care how many years you've been doing it. I don't care how many hours you work or how much money you make. I just want to know like, Are you hiring right now? And it's amazing. This would happen to us. You know, people would ask about my dad's coaching and tell me about your coaching. Oh, he's been a Hall of Fame speaker and it was this and this and this. And I finally learned the What would you like to know? And the guy says, I just want to know is the coaching done on Zoom? It was like, can you imagine if I vomited all that information when you really just want to know one thing. So what would you like to know is one thing that can help you

Pete Mohr:

I love that one, by the way like that. Yeah, I do. And it's something that I think I do sometimes subconsciously, but not actively. I'm gonna change that.

Jenny Locklin:

And it's not a weird, like, you know, sometimes questions seem kind of a little too personal or something doesn't sound conversational. But if I say like, Hey, what's it like in Canada? And you say, what would you like to know? I wouldn't be like, Well, that was a weird question. You know, it's just very natural. Yep. Alright, so another you want you want a total of three? Here's, I would say, a lot of times, I think people think that they have to be a certain kind of person to do a presentation. Like, if they're not a Tony Robbins, or if they're not outgoing, they don't think of themselves as a speaker. Right? That is not at all true. Because really, you just want to be yourself. The biggest disconnect is when someone's trying to be someone they're not. It's like, there's not, there's something off, you can't quite put your finger on it, right? There's not the trust or something. And so really just being yourself, and sometimes introverts quiet shy, people that don't think of themselves as speakers are some of the best speakers because, you know, sometimes the really gregarious people they're like, all over the place. And you're and they're just squirrel going from one thing to the next. It's like, just because you have the gift of gab doesn't always mean that you're making a clear point, right? So hopefully, that if you're one of those more quiet, shy people and you are not comfortable speaking, just know that there is no personality for being a speaker.

Pete Mohr:

The other day, I asked a client, do you know what you want and she said, You know what, I really don't know what I want. So I created a one page document called the want clarifier. And it takes you through the idea and into the activation so you can understand what it is you want fully flush it out and then set up a plan to activate it. If you'd like a copy of the one page want clarifier just go to simplifying forward slash want. Jenny something that we're both involved with is Toastmasters. Right? And I think Toastmasters is a great way for people to enter and get rid of some of their fears of speaking and some of that sort of stuff, too.

Jenny Locklin:

Yeah, Toastmasters is great.

Pete Mohr:

So what's tip number three for us here today?

Jenny Locklin:

I think Tip number three is humor, having fun, you know, whether you're talking to one person, whether you're talking to a group, whether you're doing virtual, whether you're in person, a lot of times people think oh, no, like, I don't want to do any humor. You know, I talk about cancer, or I talk about facts and investment. And, or I'm, I'm a funeral director, I don't know, whatever. Yeah. And that's not a funny topic. But actually, if you're talking about sales, statistics, or sadness, you need humor, because you really pay attention. But the problem is, a lot of times people think well, but I'm not funny, I or maybe I tried it once. And I felt really foolish. But that's one of the things that that I like to help people with is, is how to add some humor without telling a joke. You can use images, you can use stories, personal stories, and it just makes it so much more fun for the listener. And for you, the speaker, you become so much more confident when you see your listeners having fun, right? Because if you're not having fun, and they're not having fun listening to your podcast, you're probably not going to come back for another one.

Pete Mohr:

Exactly. No,


they are we?

Pete Mohr:

Of course, of course. No, I appreciate that, Jenny, and you know what, that's a big part of your speaking business. Right? And your coaching business is all around the humor side of things. What are a couple things that you're working with people these days on injecting humor into some of those things? And how are you doing that? And how are you helping them along?

Jenny Locklin:

Hmm, good question. Well, if it's a virtual presentation, or in person, you can always use images, like if you're doing a PowerPoint, and if you have slides that have text on it, try to replace some of your text slides with an image that's more engaging but even better than that, try to replace that image with a funny image. And if you're wondering like what kind of image that won't offend my audience and appropriate if you search dogs or babies, you know funny dogs or babies on your topic or an emotion like excited didn't you show a funny excited dog, you will never offend no one. Everybody loves dogs and babies. They do not recommend cats but and then the other way is if you're doing stories and let's say you're you already tell stories in your speaking, the formula for comedy is pain, plus time equals comedy pain plus time equals comedy. So think of like, things that you did as a kid, probably pretty painful to your parents at the time. But now that time has passed. It's funny, you probably tell those stories to your friends, right? Your your first, like, think of your first job, or your first kiss, or your first car or first time in prison. I mean, all those kinds of things are gonna jog your memory. So if you think of firsts, and failures, and those just failures, like relationships, or maybe it the beginning of your business, you did something that was really dumb at the time, and now time has passed, and you look back at that, and you go that that's, I can laugh about that. Now, that was Yeah, so those are the kinds of things that connect you with your listeners first, and failures with your stories. And I and I help people kind of think of those develop them. And again, if it's about you, and it's self deprecating, you can never offend your listener.

Pete Mohr:

We got three good points on that last point. And I think that was awesome using humor. And then three sub questions, there are three good more points underneath it that allow us to better understand how you can use humor to prepare for your next presentation. And I'm really thankful for that. These podcasts go by quickly, and we're coming to the end. So what I'd like to do now is just to let you tell everyone here, if they're interested in getting a hold of you in learning more, even more, then how can they get a hold of you and you know, get in touch?

Jenny Locklin:

Yeah, the best way to do that is to go to ultimate ultimate

Pete Mohr:

Awesome, awesome. Thanks so much. And great seeing you again, and looking forward to chatting again in the near future. And bye for now.


Yes. All right. Bye, Pete.

Pete Mohr:

Thanks for spending some time with me here on the simplifying entrepreneurship podcast and think about how you can apply today's simplifying entrepreneurship topic of those tips to prepare your next presentation and making it even better. Remember, we talked a little bit about don't give too much information. You don't need to overwhelm the person you're speaking with. Just be yourself. It's okay. That's what people came to listen to and want to hear anyway, it's the natural way. And when you can add a little bit of humor, it just breaks things up and makes it even more interesting. So think about how you can use those three tips in your next presentation in your next conversation. Because every conversation essentially is a presentation and that way you'll be able to have an even better business and entrepreneurial life. So if you'd like the podcast, please share it with your friends invite them to listen, I'd really appreciate it and for more information on my coaching and leader programs visit more coach that's mo Ach more dot coach or email me directly at Pete at more coach and until next time, make it a great day


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