Business Owner Breakthrough Podcast

Transformative Leadership: Align & Assign

Pete Mohr Season 1 Episode 30

Text Pete

In this episode of the Business Owner Breakthrough Podcast with host Pete Mohr, we delve into the power of transformative leadership, comparing the worlds of "Blame and Complain" with "Align and Assign." Discover how embracing an ownership mindset can revolutionize your business and lead to unparalleled success.

Here are a few things Pete covers:

The significance of true leadership and responsibility
The detrimental impact of blaming and complaining on teams.
The importance of clear communication and delegation
How aligning and assigning tasks enhance efficiency and time management.
Building trust and accountability in the workplace
It’s time to take action:
After listening to this episode, take a moment to evaluate your leadership approach. Are you stuck in a culture of blame and complaints, or are you ready to embrace an ownership mindset? Identify areas that need improvement and start by aligning tasks and assigning responsibilities. Remember, your role is to coach and empower your team to success, not do everything yourself.
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The Business Owner Breakthrough

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Pete Mohr:

Are you ready to move from operator to owner? Well, decisions in your organization should be made at the lowest possible level of your business. Every day, there is a framework that can help and it's called the five P's. Understanding your promise, aligning your product process and people to it will generate the most amount of profit. And that's when the freedom comes. Freedom from the day to day management and freedom to start doing the things that you want, and deserve to do, inside and outside of your business. No one ever said it was easy, but it's time to start the process on the business owner breakthrough. If you'd like to chat with me about helping you breakthrough in your business, simply go to speak to that speak to, to book an appointment and to see if we're a right fit. When faced with challenges in your business. Do you find yourself more likely to blame and complain? Or do you strive to align and assign? Well, today, it's about exploring these two different worlds that leaders can inhabit. And I bet by the end of our conversation, you'll see just how transformational the shift from the former to the latter can truly be. Because true leadership is about ownership. And it's about embodying responsibility. And when things go right, it's easy to stand at the helm. But the true character, when you face challenges by aligning your team's vision, and assigning the tasks with clarity, you really anchor your ship, ensuring that everyone knows the direction the destination, right? That's the goal as the leader communicate the destination, and let your team take some of the responsibility around this. And every time we point a finger or vent our frustrations without seeking solutions. We're really just wasting valuable time, we're wasting valuable energy and the negative culture just doesn't affect today or this week, it sets a precedent and teams become defensive. They become hesitant and they innovate for fear of blame. And instead of forward momentum, you get stagnation. Imagine a business where every team member knows their role where they fit into the grand scheme of things and why their contribution matters. This clarity isn't about tasks, it's all about purpose. It instills the sense of belonging and direction in every individual in the organization. Because a well oiled machine functions seamlessly because every part knows its purpose, right? Similarly, in a business where the objectives are aligned and the tasks are assigned appropriately. Efficiency isn't just improved, it's transformed. deadlines are met with ease projects flow smoothly and the quality of work just simply skyrockets. A harmonious workplace is built on trust and trust. Well, it's cultivated when leaders show faith in their team's abilities, this kind of environment really celebrate shared victories and collectively navigates challenges fostering not just accountability. But camaraderie. Interestingly, about two months ago, when one of my clients said that she didn't trust your team members enough to release authority on a given task, well, I asked her if it was truly the person that she didn't trust? Or was it the process that was in place that she didn't trust in order to deliver the desired result by aligning assigning the process to the appropriate team member? Right? It's an interesting thought. Because if you truly don't trust that employee, should they be working for you at all. If it's the process that you don't trust, then you need to own that as the leader, and you've got some work to do clean it up, make sure it's good alignment and assign it to someone who can own it down the road. Because your job after that truly is to coach them to success, not simply do it for them, you'll never be free. If you don't align and assign it right. Changing this kind of culture isn't a switch to be flipped overnight. It's gradual, and it's just a journey. But it begins with a single step, recognizing the need for change. And by modeling these behaviors we wish to see praising the proactive problem solving and encouraging open dialogue. We lay the foundations for a transformative shift. You've heard me talk a little bit about the CPA in the past, I'm sure No, it's not your Certified Professional Accountancy. Although I do believe in knowing your numbers of course, but the CPA stands for understanding and having a thorough command of communication, process management and accountability. Those are the primary three things that you need to do as a leader of your business, focus on communication, focus on process management and focus on accountability. It's your only way to have more freedom as a leader with clarity in the roles and a supportive environment teams don't just do the tasks that Think they innovate, they propose novel solutions. They become invested stakeholders in the business's success. To truly master the art of aligning and assigning begin with a thorough goal setting workshops with your team, foster the environments where they can voice their insights regularly review and adjust the roles to ensure an optimal fit. And remember, it's not just enough to assign the tasks, we must also equip our teams with the right tools and the right support the right coaching from you, their leader, often in your head, you're saying cheese, why don't they just get it done? Well, that's more of a blame and complain attitude, right? In reality, your team probably just doesn't feel clarity around what they need to do, or they haven't been given the final authority to do it without your authorization. If they keep coming to you for authorization every time, it's because they don't feel as though they have the power to make that decision themselves yet, think about it. If a client came into shoe topia, or shoe stores and wanted to simply exchange their size eight footwear for size eight and a half, they wouldn't want to have to go through the salesperson, then the assistant manager, then the store manager, then me as the owner, decisions need to be made at the lowest possible level of the organization. The client just wants the size changed. And if you're asking yourself that question, why don't they just get it done for something like that within your business? Well, you know, you've got some work to do around aligning and assigning the task, get it down to the lowest possible level of the organization so that it can be aligned and assigned to be customer facing at that level. beyond the immediate efficiency canes. This approach really promises enduring rewards, employee turnover rates plummet, your team wants to be empowered and accountable. They want to feel as though what they are doing is making a difference. clients and customers notice a difference to leading to the increase loyalty and referrals. That business doesn't just grow, it flourishes and sets new benchmarks when your team is helping to make the decisions and becomes empowered to be a true part of the business and steering and guiding it ahead. As we wrap up, reflect on your leadership journey. It's the divide between the blame and complain and the Align and assign because it's pretty fast. One path leads to endless circles of frustration, while the other path. Well, it leads to the way for unparalleled success. You've worked hard and you deserve more freedom from these frustrations in your business. And I have the frameworks that can help you get there. Simply book a chat with me at speak to that speak to And if you're a regular listener, I'd really appreciate if you would rate and review the podcast you know it really helps the rankings and the ratings of the show and better yet, tell your friends about it if you know of anyone in your network that might be interested in breaking through as a business owner. Now go and make it a great day

Buzz Burbank:

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