The AFS Exchange

Thank You, AFS-USA Volunteers!

AFS-USA Season 4 Episode 3
April is Volunteer Appreciation Month at AFS-USA, and we're thrilled to present a special bonus episode dedicated to expressing our gratitude to our incredible AFS volunteers! They truly are the heart of our organization. In this episode, AFS-USA staff have shared heartfelt voice memos, offering shout outs to individual volunteers, teams, advisory groups, and expressing general messages of thanks.

Tune in to this special bonus episode to experience the warmth and appreciation our staff has for the volunteers who make AFS's mission a reality. Are you interested in becoming an AFS-USA volunteer? Visit to get started!

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Kate M.
Hello and welcome to The AFS Exchange. I'm your host, Kate Mulvihill. On this show, we delve into unique perspectives from members of our AFS family, providing insights that only international exchange experiences can offer.

In every episode, we open the door wide to welcome the voices of those whose lives have been profoundly impacted by AFS. This is a place to have conversations, or exchanges, with AFS host families, students, volunteers, and educators.

Kate M.
So with April being Volunteer Appreciation Month at AFS-USA, we wanted to release an extra episode this month to shout out some of our amazing AFS volunteers.
In preparing for this episode, we asked AFS-USA staff to send in thank you messages to share with volunteers, which I have split up into three parts. We have individual shout outs to volunteers and Area Teams, thank yous to groups who carry out a certain task, and lastly, messages of general thanks from folks across the organization.

This episode is going to be pretty different. If you are new to The AFS Exchange and this is the first episode you’re listening to… well, uh, it’s going to be a great one, but I would recommend you check out some of our other episodes where I interview guests about their experiences with AFS. That’s the standard format.

Anyway, before we get started, I wanted to give a quick overview of the volunteer structure at AFS-USA. If you are already an AFS volunteer, I assume you are pretty familiar, but… for everyone else.

Each AFS-USA volunteer is affiliated with a different Area Team, spread out across the U.S. There are over 70 Area Teams. Some of them have pretty straightforward names. Vermont, Georgia, Western New York. But we also have ones like… East Metro, which is the eastern part of the Twin Cities Metro Area. Or… MissTennKy- which encompasses Mississippi, Tennessee, and Kentucky.
Each team has its own leadership, and specific roles. For example, each team has their own Support Coordinator and Compliance Coordinator. Then there are other roles that a number of volunteers may have, like Liaisons and School Representatives.

There are also volunteer opportunities on the national level. These are places where volunteers and staff work together to improve AFS-USA’s processes and address organizational needs. There are multiple Advisory Groups and Committees, as well as the National Council. These are forums where AFS staff and AFS volunteers representing different areas of expertise, knowledge, skills, and talents review different areas of the organization and develop recommendations on how to improve the processes, tools, and resources needed to effectively deliver and support AFS. As an example, let’s take the Compliance Advisory Group. It is composed of staff who work in Compliance at AFS-USA… as well as volunteers who are or have been involved in compliance in their local team. They know what things are like on the ground, and are passing that info long to staff.

Then there’s the National Council. This group includes representatives of each Advisory Group and Committee, as well as a handful of other volunteers and staff. This is a unified effort with the objective of propelling the organizational goals of AFS-USA forward. Also, incorporating the voices of volunteers into programmatic and policy initiatives, while offering valuable counsel to the President and the executive team.

Okay, now that some of those basics are out of the way, let’s get started with the thank yous.


Kate M.
To start, here are some shoutouts to individual volunteers and Area Teams. Some staff sent in two messages, and in those cases I will be combining them and playing them back to back. To start, we received a lot of messages from staff who work in Compliance and Risk Management. They very much complied with the task. One of the ways that volunteers work with this department is by conducting and logging contacts and visits for all AFS hosted students, host families, and schools.

Faye M. 
Hi, this is Faye and I work in the Compliance Department at AFS-USA. For this year's Volunteer Appreciation Month I wanted to highlight Tina from Vermont, a longtime volunteer who has held various essential roles in the team over her years of service. Tina has been diligent in supporting her team's students. She's worked tirelessly with the Compliance Department to log contacts and visits proactively and accurately even after facing a technology issue that stumped staff words cannot fully encompass how grateful we are for Tina's efforts. The Vermont team is lucky to have you.

Robin W.
Hello, this is Robin and I work in Compliance and Risk Management at AFS-USA. For this year's volunteer Appreciation Month, I would like to highlight Nicola from California and Kathy from New Mexico. In addition to holding leadership roles at the local level, Nicola and Kathie have been longtime members of the National Compliance Advisory Group. As members of the group they have led and participated in initiatives that make achieving compliance with regulations governing our semester and your long program easier for all volunteers. Kathie and Nicola always have the best interests of our participants at heart. I'm grateful for their commitment to the students, passion for intercultural learning, and dedication to streamlining compliance processes for volunteers. Their efforts and those of all volunteers make AFS stand apart from other exchange organizations. Thank you, Nicola and Kathie.
I would like to recognize and thank Austyn from Colorado and Nate from Georgia. Austyn is an AFS returnee who has held a variety of volunteer roles over the years including but not limited to student interviewer, Sponsored Programs Cluster Coordinator, and Liaison Coordinator.  Austyn has been a member of the Compliance Advisory Group since 2021 and recently took on the role of co-chair of the group. She brings firsthand knowledge of and enthusiasm for the AFS program to all her roles at AFS.
Nate from Georgia is his Team’s chair and he holds several roles on the team. Along them, coordinating orientations for host families and participants. He has also served as a member of the National Compliance Advisory Group since 2022. AFS would not exist without volunteers like Nate and Austyn, who generously give of their time and energy to help make the world a better place one student, one host family, and one community at a time. Thank you, Nate and Austyn.

Lulu B.
Hello, this is Lulu and I work in the Compliance Department at AFS-USA. For this year's Volunteer Appreciation Month I wanted to highlight Ann from East Metro, a longtime volunteer and wonderful human being. Ann plays a vital role in the AFS community. She serves as a host family liaison and conducts NSLI interviews, all while coordinating orientations and bio writing duties. Last cycle I had the privilege of collaborating closely with Ann for a monthly contact follow up for the audit and her dedication exceeded expectations. Her efforts were instrumental in ensuring that everything was completed thoroughly. The East Metro team is lucky to have you, Ann.
For this year's Volunteer Appreciation Month I wanted to highlight Lauren from MissTennky. Lauren serves as a team's Compliance Coordinator and as a valued member of the Compliance Advisory Group known as the CAG. Lauren's dedication to compliance and her multifaceted involvement in the AFS community make her an indispensable asset. Not only is she a committed volunteer, but she also brings firsthand experience as a former participant. This year, I've had the pleasure of collaborating with Lauren on one of the Compliance Advisory Group goals. Her intelligence, attention to detail, and unwavering dedication to compliance is unmatched. Lauren's insights have played a pivotal role in developing new processes and revitalizing existing ones. The MissTennky team is incredibly lucky to have you, Lauren.

Amy H.
Hello this is Amy Hayes and I work in the Compliance Department at AFS-USA. For this year's Volunteer Appreciation Month I want to highlight Carol Collins and Kim Jones from our Western New York Area Team. This fall Western New York was lacking a Compliance Coordinator, So Carol jumped in to help me keep things on track. She also helped recruit our new Compliance Coordinator Kim Jones, who has been able to step in and keep track of contacts moving forward. Together, Carol and Kim have made a significant difference in the compliance of our monthly student and host family contacts in Western New York. Great job ladies and thanks for all you do.

Kate M.
Then, our study abroad staff. Our first message, from Adriana, mentions a volunteer named Lynn Whetstone.
That name may sound familiar to regular listeners of this podcast. I interviewed her for an episode that came out in January 2023, called “Faces of America: How Scholarships Can Change Lives.” Since 2010, Faces of America has awarded scholarships to over 1,200 motivated, high-performing teenagers across the country. The majority of these scholars identify as Black, Latina or Latino, or as Asian or Pacific Islander. 93% of them would be first-generation college students. A number of these awardees come from Reno, Nevada, and Lynn Whetstone is a key player in helping them with their applications and preparing for their time abroad.

Adriana M. 
Good morning. This is Adriana and I work in the Study Abroad Department at AFS-USA. For this year's Volunteer Appreciation Month I would like to highlight Lynn Whetstone from Reno, Nevada. Lynn has been a long term volunteer with AFS-USA. And I don't think there is enough space in this message to list her numerous contributions to AFS over the years. However, most recently, she has been an invaluable member of the Study Abroad Advisory Group. All together with other volunteers and stuff she has worked to improve a number of Study Abroad processes. She has also been instrumental in Faces of America diversity initiative and a Reno, Nevada area and she's always been there when support is needed for any students that come from the team. Thank you so much, Lynn.

Caitlin S. 
Hello, this is Caitlin Schneider and I work in the Study Abroad Department at AFS-USA. For this year's Volunteer Appreciation Month. I wanted to highlight Sue Poet, a Study Abroad volunteer from the Colorado Rockies Area Team. Sue has worked tirelessly with her team to broaden the diversity of the sending applicants from Colorado Rockies by offering a local scholarship. She works with our team regularly to stay up to date with applicants’ progress and make sure that she and her fellow volunteers are doing what they can to support those local applicants. She's also willing to work across teams to share resources, information and experience. AFS-USA and the applicants from the Colorado Rockies team are lucky to have you, Sue. Thank you.

Kate M.
And some shoutouts from folks who work with student travel. The biggest events of the year are Arrivals and Departures… so, dealing with domestic flights, international flights, buses, trains, hotels, delays… it’s a huge puzzle. And while staff are the ones in touch with the international partners, and booking flights… it’s really the volunteers on the ground who make all of the pieces come together.

Ryan T.
Hi everybody, my name is Ryan Tallman. I work at AFS-USA in the Travel Department, and for this year’s Volunteer Appreciation Month I would like to recognize Jay Crumley from MassBay. I've known Jay since 2011, since I started with AFS and he has always been one of those volunteers that has stepped in for his Area Team to wear multiple hats, but particularly for the Travel Department. Jay has always been one of those volunteers to step in and help us out in any way possible. Before COVID he was one of those volunteers that would travel over from Massachusetts to New York to help with Departure Day and Arrivals. And Post COVID he has been one of those volunteers to help out at his local airport with transits, pickups, overnights with students. So everything that we really need from the Travel Department from a volunteers perspective, Jay has been one of those volunteers to step in and really help us out. Jay also works with us on the Travel Advisory Group, and has been with the group since its inception in late 2019. So, Jay, thank you so much for all you do. We couldn't do half of what we need without you and thank you. We really appreciate your service.

Rebecca K.
Hello, this is Rebecca and I work in the Sponsored Programs Travel Department at AFS-USA for this year as volunteer Appreciation Month. I wanted to highlight Debra from Mentor, Ohio, a longtime volunteer and a wonderful advocate for the volunteer recognition committee with hundreds of students helped on a regular yearly basis. Debra is a valuable support on our team. She coordinates multiple things for fight chaperone opportunities, and we would be lost without her. She's quick with all of her email responses and tracking of those flight chaperone opportunities. Thanks Debra. We appreciate all of your hard work and dedication to AFS-USA.
I would like to thank our volunteer Jenny in the Greater Cleveland area. She is an amazing Travel Representative and tackling this role with pride. We appreciate all that you do for us here, Jenny, you've positively impacted our team by making travel days as smooth as possible. We will be lost without you. Thanks, Jenny. We are happy to have you on our team.

Kat S.
Hello volunteers This is Kat Sweeney. I work in the AFS-USA Travel Department. For this year's Volunteer Appreciation Month I wanted to highlight Fevzi from the Dallas Area Team. Fevzi is a longtime volunteer and the co-chair of the Travel Advisory Group. With hundreds of students who fly through Dallas for Arrivals, Departures, and other miscellaneous connections throughout the year. Fevzi’s constant support there is invaluable to us. He coordinates with the local team and works seamlessly with the Travel Department to make sure all the students get where they need to go. This entails making schedules, being up to date with student travel plans, liaising at the airport, and always being able to think on his feet as flight changes can happen at any time. The Dallas team and AFS are so lucky to have you, Fevzi. Thank you.

Kate M.
And here are some messages from staff from a variety of departments, thanking volunteers by name. I also threw a message of my own in there.

Michelle B.
My name is Michelle Bird, and I'm the staff co chair of the Volunteer Recognition Committee. We call it the VRC and it's the committee that recognizes volunteers with awards like the Mission Award, the Emerging Leader Award, and Flight Chaperone Awards. The volunteers on this committee spend an enormous amount of time and care trying to make sure that other volunteers feel appreciated and valued. I'm talking hours of reading nominations, fitting the puzzle pieces of Flight Award together with volunteer availability and working to make other people feel celebrated. So today I'd like to celebrate them. Thank you to Steve Sweet, Debra Brita, Kim Allegretti, Elisabeth Hinshaw-Osgood, Laura Raymond for contributing so much joy to volunteers’ lives.

Jordan L.
Hi, this is Jordan with Participant Support AFS-USA. I wanted to highlight Leigh, who is a longtime Support Volunteer at AFS in Colorado Rockies, and she is also the chair of the Support Advisory Group. Leigh provides expert support to our students and always seeks to take on multiple perspectives and look for ways in which she can encourage students to grow while they're here on program. I had the wonderful opportunity to visit Lee recently. And she took wonderful care of me. It was so nice to spend time with her and spend time with the students. And I just so appreciate her support of her team, her students and of me as staff. So thank you, Leigh, you're much appreciated.

Kate M
Hi, this is Kate Mulvihill. I am the Producer and Host of The AFS Exchange podcast. Throughout the tenure of this show, I have interviewed a number of AFS volunteers. While it may not be seen as ‘volunteering’ in the traditional sense, it is still them sharing their time and energy to support AFS.
Also, some of the guests that I have spoken with on this show have been recommended to me by AFS volunteers! They knew that a host family, student or another volunteer would have a good story to tell and passed their information along to me. Some of the volunteers who have recommended guests over the years include Kim Thompson, April Murphy, Patrick Gafney, Nancy Studwell, and Jessica Greenstein. And keep ‘em comin’!

Audrey P.
Good morning. My name is Audrey Pinchock, and I'm from the Stakeholder Engagement Department at AFS-USA. And this morning, I'd like to give a special shout out to the members of the Volunteer Engagement Advisory Group. These folks have worked together over the last couple of years to find ways to bring engagement to our individuals and teams across the country by creating resources to make their jobs and their roles a little bit easier. So April Murphy from Arizona, our chair, Ashe Purscell, a newer member from Midland Central, Kerry Gonzales, Northwest California, Linda Hasan from the Vermont team. Maggy Ngo Mgombi from New Jersey, Kayla Wickerman from Colorado Rockies. And last but not least, our newest member Sandy Rolf from Northeast Ohio. Thank you ladies for all the time and energy that you give to this. I love the diversity of geography of this team and working with you each month throughout the year. Thank you very much.

Kate M.
And two of our staff members called out Area Teams that are doing great work.

Megan F.
Hi, my name is Megan and I work in the Hosting Operations Department at AFS-USA. For volunteer Appreciation Month, I wanted to give a shout out to all of the volunteers in the East Metro Area team in Minnesota and western Wisconsin, who are the ones who helped me start my AFS journey way back in 2017. When I was an exchange student to Paraguay, I really appreciated all the orientations where I got to meet the other students and talk through my worries about my program. And I also really appreciated the East Metro scholarship I received which helped me do a lot more cultural activities on my program. Thanks so much to East Metro because without you guys, I wouldn't have had such a successful exchange year.

Phil P.
Hey everyone, it's Phil from Support. While it's difficult to pick which team to highlight, because they're all amazing, I wanted to give a special shout out to World Flags in Wisconsin. Throughout this entire year, they've shown such careful, thoughtful and proactive support for our participants. You all have done an incredible job and I’m really looking forward to working with you more in the future. I wanted to say thanks again. And I hope you have a great day.


Kate M.
So, we received many wonderful individual volunteer and team shout outs… but then we also have staff who wanted to thank volunteers who help out with specific tasks.
To start, our Marketing team thanking volunteers who get the word out about AFS.

Julie B.  
My name is Julie Ball. I'm the Director of Marketing and External Communications at AFS-USA. And I would like to thank all volunteers for their incredible work marketing our programs and opportunities. Thank you so much for tabling those events, handing out those flyers, talking to potential host families and study abroad students and recruiting fellow volunteers in your teams. Thank you so much for all you do. We truly appreciate it. We couldn't do what we do without the support of our many volunteers. Thank you.

Carter A.
Hi my name is Carter Austin, and I work in the marketing and participant support Departments here at AFS-USA. For volunteer Appreciation Month. I wanted to give a big shout out to so many volunteers who go above and beyond with placing specialized advertisements in their local communities to help spread the word of AFS. Thanks for all that you do, and we hope you continue to pass peace forward.

Kate M.
And some shoutouts to the volunteers who work with schools. Yes, finding a family for a student is so important- but if there’s a family and no school, there’s no placement! Establishing and maintaining mutually beneficial relationships with schools is key for AFS, and volunteers are instrumental in making that work.

Sarah R.
Hi, this is Sarah Radermacher, the School Partnerships Manager at AFS-USA. I am so thankful for the volunteers who step up as school representatives and serve as the face of AFS in their schools and communities. These volunteers bring their local schools and communities opportunities they wouldn't have had otherwise. And I'm so grateful for each and every one of you. Thank you!

Micki B.
Hi, my name is Micki Bareto and I'm a School Partnerships Coordinator with AFS-USA. I would love to take this opportunity to give a huge thank you to all of our amazing volunteers who are willing to step up and help us secure PAFs. There are times as School Partnerships Coordinators, when a school is not responsive to us for any number of reasons. Usually, it's because we are unknown to the school and we're just another email that is being sent. But we are fortunate enough to have so many volunteers and all of our Area Teams that are willing to reach out to the school and sometimes even go to the school in person as a local member of the community. And that has made all the difference in securing those placements for our exchange students. So again, I just want to say a huge, huge thank you to all of those volunteers who step up and do that important work. We wouldn't be able to do what we do without you. And School Partnerships is really grateful for you.

Christine R.

Hi, this is Christine Robinson and I work with the Programs Department at AFS-USA. I officially started with AFS back in November of 2023. But I've had some connection with AFS in my past work experience. But it wasn't until I officially became an employee that I fully understood how much volunteers support all areas of the organization. I'm amazed at the work volunteers do with schools from building and cultivating relationships with schools and school administrators to ensuring documents are signed, to all the email and phone communication or even asking a school to help in finding host families. Thank you all for your time and for the work you do with schools.

Kate M.
At AFS-USA, when we refer to Sponsored Programs, or SP, we are talking about programs that are funded by the U.S. Department of State's Bureau of Educational and Cultural Affairs. A number of AFS students come to the U.S. on these scholarships, and there is a whole department at AFS-USA dedicated to working with these programs. There are also many volunteers across the U.S. who support these students on program. Their AFS experience is mostly the same as anyone else’s, but Sponsored Programs participants also are involved in additional programming, like community service, cultural enrichment activities, and extra orientations.
Each team with SP students has a volunteer Cluster Coordinator, who oversees these activities.

Akemi A.
Hello, my name is Akemi. I am one of the YES Participant Support Specialists at the Sponsored Programs Department. I wanted to extend my heartfelt gratitude to all of the volunteers who work so closely with our YES students. Thank you so so much for supporting them and caring for them and all that you do.

Jacob N.
Hi, this is Jacob Nathanson.

Natalie R.
This is Natalie Rehberger and we work in the Sponsored Programs Department and AFS-USA.

Jacob N. 
For this year's volunteer Appreciation Month. We wanted to highlight all of the amazing Cluster Coordinators across all Area Teams at AFS-USA.

Natalie R.
From planning engaging enrichment activities, maintaining cluster budgets, organizing the travel and logistics and promoting Sponsored Programs students to potential host families, Cluster Coordinators are true champions of ECA, its mission of public diplomacy, and intercultural learning initiatives.

Jacob N.
Thank you for encouraging the students to become visible in their host communities, as well as inspiring them to become changemakers in their home countries. We appreciate everything you do for ECA programs.

Nadia R.
My name is Nadia Rodela and I'm one of the YES Participant Support Specialists in the Sponsored Programs Department at AFS I would like to give a big shout out and appreciation to every single volunteer across our country who helps support place and dedicate a lot of their time to our YES students. Thank you so much. We couldn't do it without you.

Apple E.
Hello, this is Apple Edelman and I work in the Sponsored Program Department at AFS-USA, and I'm the FLEX specialist. For this year's volunteer Appreciation Month. I would like to thank all the volunteers for all your hard work, all the things that you do. You always go above and beyond for our students whose families and the communities and I just want to say how much I appreciate everything that you do. You do it so well because you're so passionate about what you do. So I like to say extra extra thank you to all the volunteers that also work really hard for all the FLEX students and help support them. I have heard positive feedback, nothing but positive feedback again, thank you so much.

Kate M.
And we have some thank yous from staff who work in Participant Support, as well as Hosting Operations.

Melvin H.
I'm Melvin Harmon. And one of the AFS-USA Departments of which I am a member is the Participant Support and Learning Department. Today, I want to thank the many support related volunteers, including Support Coordinators, Liaisons, and the many other team members whose guidance helps us to deliver the support needed to ensure successful learning experiences. These days, we encounter a lot of support related challenges that might not have been so common in the past, like issues that involve an increased level of severity around mental health. Today's teens often face problems and pressures that might not be as familiar to us even for those of us who've been involved with AFS student and host family support for many years. But if we are anything, we're adaptable, and we place great importance on empathy, through our attributes and values as AFSer, we can be proud of our knack for being resilient in the face of some very difficult and unfamiliar support situations. It's hard work and it's sometimes exhausting. But the life changing impact of these efforts is immeasurable. I have such gratitude for the AFS support volunteers who have exemplified over and over the patience, empathy and adaptability that continues to sustain one of our core organizational strengths, our ability to support our students and host families. Thank you so much for all that you do.

Megan F.
Hello, my name is Megan and I work in the Hosting Operations Department at AFS-USA. I wanted to give a shout out to all of the amazing volunteers all over the country who helped us take photos, conduct interviews, get in school forums, and so so much more. Without all of you there are so many kids who would never get such an amazing opportunity to live abroad in the US for a year. And as an AFS returnee myself, volunteers are such an important part of our experience. And I couldn't have done my exchange year without the help of dozens of volunteers, both in the US and in my host country. Thank you. You are so appreciated by all of us, both staff and students alike. Thank you.


Kate M.
And of course, there are staff who shared general Thank you messages to all volunteers! I’ll play these all back-to-back, starting with one from AFS-USA’s President, Tara Hoffman.

Tara H. 
Hi, everybody. This is Tara Hoffman, President of AFS-USA and I just want to send a message of thank you to all the volunteers of AFS-USA without each and every one of you our organization could not achieve our goals and reach our mission. And I appreciate everything you do every single day.

Stakeholder Engagement Department
Hi, this is Stakeholder Engagement. I'm Mary Jo. I'm Scott. I'm Michelle. I’m Jill.. I'm Annelise. I'm Jennifer. I'm Audrey. And I'm Rebecca. And we'd like to say, thank you!

Keri D.  
My name is Keri Dooley, thank you to the many AFS volunteers who have helped me, mentored me along my 30 year career at AFS-USA. I have sent my three daughters abroad, I'm a returnee myself and know that none of our experiences would be possible without you there to care for us in our times of need in there to support us and encourage us as a staff member as well as a returnee I know your role is the most critical one. And thank you so much for your dedication, your care, and making sure that all of our families, participants are well cared for and feeling the love and connection that is at the core of the events.

Jack C.
Hi, this is Jack with The AFS-USA Sponsored Programs team. I really just want to express my gratitude to the entire AFS-USA volunteer base for their continued dedication to the AFS mission and our values and ensuring that all of our participants receive as great an experience as they can, both domestic and abroad.

Hannah B.
Hello, my name is Hannah Bruesewitz and I'm a Regional Field Specialist in the Central Region. This Volunteer Appreciation Month I just want to say thank you to all of the AFS volunteers that I work with directly and also throughout the country. I know it takes a lot to keep things running smoothly to support the students that are here, while also finding families and getting ready for next year students. It wouldn't be possible without people like you to keep things moving forward and to keep AFS strong in our communities. I hope you know how big of an impact you're having not just on the students and families that you work with directly, but also in the broader community and then the rest of the world. We are so lucky to have you here at AFS and thank you so much for being an AFS volunteer.

Candace O.
Hi, this is Candace and I work in the Development and Communications Department at AFS-USA. For this year's Volunteer Appreciation Month. I wanted to thank our volunteers. I couldn't just pick one AFS. Volunteers are literally some of the most amazing people I've met in my life. Their compassion, dedication, empathy, creativity and enthusiasm are inspiring. What volunteers are able to make happen is nothing less than magic. A student once described AFS volunteers as dream makers for making so many people's dreams come true. And it is so so true. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you from the bottom of my heart.

Diana M.
Hello all, my name is Diana Maratea and I'm the Inbound Sponsored Programs Hosting Manager. So I've been with AFS-USA for about a year now. And I have to honestly say that the dedication of the AFS volunteers is truly incredible. You know, while I have a special place in my heart for the YES and FLEX students, well, also for the Italian students for more personal reasons, this is a shout out to all volunteers.
Just thinking about everything you do. From the promotion of our Sending and Hosting programs, to the selection of the students going abroad, and the host families to the orientations and the support. As well as working with schools. AFS just couldn't exist without you. You know, and I think it's in times like these that I feel it's important to reflect on what a tremendous impact AFS has in so many people's lives. We decide which students go abroad, we decide which families host, and who they welcome into their families. We give them the guidance they need to embark on this incredible journey with AFS. We help put the hosted students in touch with people in their communities, through the school, through the enrichment, and in Area Team activities. While there may be moments in our lives when we ask ourselves, “What is going on in this world of craziness?” we also have to remember that we're effectively contributing to making a positive change. We directly touch people's lives, day in and day out, giving them the opportunity to have a better understanding of themselves and of the world through the lifelong relationships and bonds that they create thanks to AFS. So I really want to take this opportunity to thank you volunteers for all your precious dedication and passion. We look forward to a fantastic year ahead. Thanks.

Stephanie C.
Hi, this is Stephanie Cashmore, with AFS. I work in our Risk Management Department. I've been with the organization for approximately 17 years. And I am just thankful to all of our volunteers for their dedication, their knowledge, and their guidance to our host families and to our students. And it's one of the reasons that I've been at the organization for as long as I have, because of all of you. Thank you again.

Rory V.
Hello, this is Rory Vibar from the Risk Management Compliance and Quality Assurance team. I've been with AFS for many many years. I am thankful for the opportunities I get to interact with volunteers. Most recently it is my work as a Duty Officer that I witness the dedication and a sincere concern of our volunteers for the welfare of our students, host families, sending families and partners abroad. Our volunteers are priceless caretakers of our programs. I have seen how you devote your personal time, skills and efforts to achieve the best possible outcomes in the most trying circumstances, the way you handle issues when you provide children's support is highly professional and deeply compassionate. I learned so much from you and am constantly inspired by you. When I think of the many moving parts under the AFS umbrella that make the public diplomacy program of the United States successful. We can look to you as the foundation of this success. To our AFS volunteers, you are at the heart of international peace.

Kate M.
Yes, AFS volunteers, you are at the heart of international peace. Rory said it well. AFS’s mission would not be possible without the love, time, and energy put forth by our volunteers. Because of their efforts, lives are changed across the globe every day through the power of intercultural connection. Thank you for all that you do, and Happy Volunteer Appreciation Month! We hope you enjoyed this episode.
And also, a thank you from me to all of the staff across the organization who sent in voice memos and Zoom recordings so that this episode would be possible.
Next month, we will be back with a more standard episode, this one featuring hosted students from Finland, Japan, Portugal, and Germany, and their host siblings.


Kate M.
Thank you for listening to The AFS Exchange! I’m Kate Mulvihill. Let us know what you thought of this episode by sending a message to You can also rate and review on Apple Podcasts and Spotify. You can also subscribe there as well so you don’t miss any episodes in this 4th season.

This podcast was created by Kate Mulvihill. Social media by Julie Ball and Nina Gaulin. Special thanks to Michelle Bird.

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