Unlimit Yourself

Unrestrained Openness (with Calvin Skinner)

Rick Tibbetts

In today’s episode, the first since returning from my hiatus, I’m going to be talking to Calvin Skinner, a man who unapologetically marches to the beat of his own drum. No one definition perfectly captures the uniqueness of Calvin’s character, and he wouldn’t have it any other way. Calvin is a skilled photographer, cook, content creator, mechanic, instrumentalist, lover of nature, philosopher, and most importantly, my best friend. His expansive breadth of talents and passions can be summed up in a phrase that also reflects the way he lives his life. And that phrase is unrestrained openness. Calvin is one of the rare individuals who habitually discards judgement for empathy, fear for curiosity, and hatred for love. Seemingly impervious to outside criticism, he is a stellar example of the kind of authenticity and limitless mindset I so ardently promote on this show. Growing up, I learned so much from Calvin, and in this episode, I hope you do, too.