Unlimit Yourself

PoP: The Legend of SargeGames (with Erik Sargent)

Rick Tibbetts

In today’s episode, also known as the second installment of Unlimit Yourself’s Power of Passion series, we’ll be exploring the story of Erik Sargent, a master of media arts who literally has a master’s in media arts. Among his many titles, Erik is an audio engineer, music composer, sound and graphic designer, drummer, Legend of Zelda super fan and a video game aficionado. He is also a Twitch streamer who creates captivating and hilarious content under his own personal brand, SargeGames. Leveraging the tri-force of courage, skill and passion, Erik summoned the power to overcome self doubt and go public with his unique voice and content style. Watching him be so open with his creativity and unreservedly himself helped motivate me to do the same. It’s for that reason that I knew Erik would be a fantastic addition to this show.