Unlimit Yourself

The Internal Compass

Rick Tibbetts

In today’s episode, we’re going to focus on a concept that I’ve mentioned numerous times on the show but never fully explained. It’s an idea that undergirds all episodes of the podcast and a resource for anyone struggling with how to stay true to themselves. I call it: The Internal Compass. This naturally built-in navigation system manifests as a mental and emotional reaction to matters large and small. It offers sometimes clear, often subtle guidance on making decisions that fall in line with who you are, who you want to be and what you genuinely want to do. Everyone possess their own internal compass, but no one receives a manual on how to use it. Throughout their lives, most people — including myself — struggle with interpreting the compass’s direction, leading to feelings of confusion, discontent and wasted time. Fortunately, I believe there are certain steps one can take to avoid this predicament and the trappings of self-deception.