Unlimit Yourself

PoP: Taking the Leap in Filmmaking (with John Hughes)

Rick Tibbetts

In today’s episode, I’m kicking off a new series on Unlimit Yourself, called the Power of Passion. The goal of this series is simple: Talk to people who love what they do. There’s something uplifting about people like this, the ones whose enthusiasm for a craft, profession, art form or subject area is so intense that it energizes and inspires us to answer our own calling in life. My guest today, John Hughes, is one of these people. I’ve known him since the sixth grade, when we became best friends over our shared love for filmmaking. With a passion for motion pictures etched in his bones, John pursued the creative arts all the up through high school and college, eventually becoming a professional filmmaker in his own right. Despite the challenges that he’s faced working in the arts, John has stayed the course, overriding the sting of external pressures with the firm, unflinching guidance of his internal compass. Here is his story.