Marvels, Mysteries and Midlanders

Episode 26 - Cruel Coppinger

November 07, 2021 Marvels, Mysteries & Midlanders Season 1 Episode 26

Now, hear us out here. What DO you DO with a drunken sailor? Especially when it's fairly early in the morning? We're asking for a friend...anyway...

GOOD MORROW MATEYS! And welcome aboard the Marvels, Mysteries and Midlanders first voyage on the high seas TO CORNWALL. On this episode we tell the tale of Cruel Coppinger, a bad man pirate with an even badder fighting style. Expect evil children, high speed chases and too many Pirates of the Caribbean references. 

Join us we find out why Mr. Coppinger became so cruel, and the destruction he left in his wake.