Roar with Shari. . . All Things Justice for Women & Survivors

Secret Database of Files Expose Explosive Epidemic of Child Abuse Within Jehovah’s Witness Religious Organization.

Shari Karney Season 2 Episode 10

In this episode, I’m talking with former Jehovah’s Witness, Mark O'Donnell who rips the lid off the Jehovah’s Witness Secret DATA BASE OF CHILD ABUSE

“It’s like a cult.” says, Mark O’Donnell in the documentary made about the child sexual abuse occurring in the JW, called “Crusaders.” JW makes people fear for their lives and puts them in a box they cannot escape.

Mark is now a heroic whistleblower about the secret child sexual abuse files he alleges were KEPT HIDDEN in Kingdom Halls, in congregations throughout the World
Finding the secret data base was like  finding  the holy grail.

Mark O’Donnell is all about truth, and  how he is turning his pain into purpose.

The dirty little secrets are well kept.  According to Attorney Irwin Zalkin, “The problem with Jehovah’s Witness’ the child sexual abuse in that organization is much more prevalent than it is even in the Catholic Church.”

Listen with us today, to  Mark O’Donnell’s  story of how he turned from  being a faithful believer in Jehovah Witness and Watchtower to being disfellowed, shunned banned for making made public Jehovah  Witnesses dirty little secret of rampant child sexual abuse and torture among elders, parishioners, and fellows toward the very children the organization claimed to care so much about, and how JW knew and did nothing about it.

Listeners, Please Note:  Shari Karney, the host of Roar with Shari. . . All Things Justice for Women and Survivors is a survivor and a practicing attorney in California representing victims of child sexual abuse, sexual harassment, and sexual assault.
 Even though Shari Karney is a licensed practicing attorney in the State of California practicing in the areas of child sexual abuse, sexual assault, sexual harassment, this podcast is intended for informational purposes only, there is no expectation of confidentiality and is not intended nor should it be construed as legal advice.  For legal advice, you should seek competent legal counsel. If you’re interested in speaking to Karney’s law practice they can be reached at

 Please also note that Karney Law is owned by Shari Karney. Karney is the founder of Roar as One. Roar as One is a nonprofit, Karney Law is a law firm and they are otherwise unaffiliated.