Think Aloud with Dr. G.

E40 - Beth Stormshak

Season 1 Episode 40

Dr. Beth Stormshak is a Knight Chair and Professor in the Counseling Psychology and Human Services department in the College of Education at the University of Oregon. Her research focuses on understanding risk factors in early and middle childhood associated with the development of problem behavior in late adolescence, including substance use and delinquency. Her research focus includes testing the efficacy of family-centered interventions, such as the Family Check-Up, that reduce the later risk of problem behavior. She also has developed an online version of the Family Check-Up for wide-scale dissemination.

Resources from this episode (Clickable Links):
More on Dr. Beth Stormshak
Preventing Emotional and Behavior Problems in Middle School Youth at risk of Disability after the COVID-19 Pandemic with the Family Check-Up Online
Institute of Education Sciences
National Center for Special Education Research

To read: (Check out your local bookstore or favorite online provider)

Related Services in Special Education: Working Together as a Team by Lisa Goran & David F. Bateman - available from Rowman & Littlefield

Everyday Parenting: A Professional's Guide to Building Family Management Skills

Prevention Science Journal

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