Kickflips and Kickstands

S3E1 We'rrrrrre baaaaack

Danny Infante & Grayson Connor Season 3 Episode 1

Welcome back! Didnt think season 3 was gonna be a thing? Neither did we. But now its here and its just as mediocre as you remember, but now with video! Catch up with the homies and enjoy

Speaker 1:

what's up y'all? I wanted to talk to you about burnouts in denton, texas, at dan's silver leaf. It's all going down September 21st, 2024. That's this September 21st, so get your bike show and shine ready. Right now I bet you're driving around and you're asking me, danny, what the hell is Burnouts? It's a shopper show, dingus, I know you like those. There's going to be live music. There's going to be vendors there. You need some parts. Somebody's probably got that. You need a some parts. Somebody's probably got that.

Speaker 1:

Need a black t-shirt with a little logo on the front and a big design on the back. I'm pretty sure everyone will have one of those to sell you Shit. We even do two Choppers music, shopping, beer. I don't know what else to tell you. Pack your shit and get on down to Burnouts this September 21st at Dan's Silverleaf in Denton, texas. Check them out on IG, y'all. We're motherfucking back people. Hello, everyone out in Internet land. Once again, I am Danny from Kickflips and Kickstands podcast. That's what this is. We'll shut that fucking button up real quick. Joined, as always, to my left is the fabulous, the beautiful, the effervescent Grayson, grayson, Grayson. I'm Grayson, you're Grayson.

Speaker 2:

It's me.

Speaker 1:

And our guy in the chair here for color commentary. That's not a racial joke. Josh Britt everyone's favorite, Josh is back with us.

Speaker 3:

Everyone joke uh, josh brit, everyone's favorite josh, is back with us everyone's favorite color.

Speaker 1:

Uh, he's waving right now. And if you're listening to this in your car right now, listener, just pull over.

Speaker 3:

You know you're probably in traffic you don't need to be doing that. It's um full experience. Yeah, this is going to be on the youtubes as well.

Speaker 1:

So if you want a visual experience to this journey, by all means join us we're in two dimensions now uh on our screen.

Speaker 2:

We're in oh yeah, at first I was like no, there's more dimensions than that, grayson, I'm dimension blind but we're back.

Speaker 1:

This is officially the kickoff to season three season three we're actually doing it I missed the other two.

Speaker 2:

I need to.

Speaker 1:

I need to binge and catch up oh, you're not the only one of our friends that will like ask me what any of the episodes are about.

Speaker 3:

I'm like oh, have you listened to it? They're like no I'm like cool yeah appreciate yours. Cool, cool, cool, cool, right cool cool.

Speaker 1:

I think we can find those first two seasons anywhere you find podcasts yes, um, if you're listening to this and you're like, well, I've never heard those, go back. No, listen to this one first. Do me a favor, listen to this one first, don't go anywhere. Then, right, good catch, then go back, listen to all the other ones and that'll give us time to get to the next episode after this one yeah, because take a day off work and just knock it all out yeah, pull over in traffic, call in.

Speaker 1:

You're probably it's the morning. I like to. I like to kick back with a nice podcast in the morning while I'm driving. Yeah, for sure, I usually kick a podcast around until you know one or two, until like 10 or 11, and then I'll put on, you know, some easy listening in the middle of the day and then get back into, like kenny g yeah, oh yeah that fucking. What is it?

Speaker 2:

bassoon what is he playing? Is it bassoon? It's sure, yeah sure, a wood a woodwind instrument, if you will.

Speaker 1:

Um, but we're actually doing it. We're not just a meme page. We are right now at the time of of this recording. We are just a meme page, but the reason we're a meme page is because it's super beneficial to growing an audience. We've gotten so many followers off of just making meme page is because it's super beneficial to growing an audience.

Speaker 2:

We've gotten so many followers off of just making fun of other people.

Speaker 1:

All the rules are different. It's quite addicting.

Speaker 3:

I'm almost like why do we even have?

Speaker 1:

to put this together.

Speaker 3:

That kind of interaction is priceless yeah.

Speaker 2:

It used to be that you'd set up a podcast and then record execs would come out and you'd get scouted that way.

Speaker 3:

But it doesn't work like that anymore.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, in this new age of podcasting now you just have to make fun of ticket prices. Yeah, I mean when they're that outrageous, I know yeah, we're not.

Speaker 3:

We're not going to talk about that. They don't? No, no, no, we've already talked about it on the internet.

Speaker 1:

We have throwaways in the real world yeah yeah, uh, grayson, have you been? What have you been up to? We've done a couple of these catch-up episodes and, listener, I know you're like why are they doing this shit again?

Speaker 2:

Catching up again.

Speaker 1:

Because we want to.

Speaker 2:

I'm good, yeah, just been living life. I work for Josh, which is fun, okay, Mostly fun and yeah, let's see I might, might be going to school in a month which is fun, they allow you near those yeah, no, no, it's adult school. Oh okay, the kids, so they don't allow you near them, not anymore that's just a joke, for yeah, for legal reasons like that that's not true, everyone yeah well, but um yeah, but yeah.

Speaker 2:

No, everything's good Chilling, just busy working a lot doing stuff with my band. I want to get into other bands. If there's any musicians out there listening, I'm looking to fill up my life with as many projects as possible.

Speaker 1:

Does your current band know that? Yeah, no, no, no, I want to be in a hardcore band.

Speaker 2:

I want to be in a jazz band. I want to be in a hardcore band, I want to be in a jazz band, I want to be in all the bands. So okay.

Speaker 1:

Well, we've asked a lot of people like what their dream bikes, or like dream trick or dream sessions Like what's your dream band project? Yeah, like musical project.

Speaker 2:

Um, wow, that's a. That's a really difficult question.

Speaker 1:

All right, that's all the time we've got yeah.

Speaker 2:

Uh, I want it to be psychedelic and I want it to be kind of heavy, but not always heavy. Sometimes bring it down and get a mosh, but um, yeah. I just I don't know, just I want to do all this stuff. So okay. I never wanted to do one thing.

Speaker 1:

Tight. And you, recently, you and your lady travel, you guys went to Montana, to Montana, which is.

Speaker 2:

It was cool being in that much space, which was nice.

Speaker 1:


Speaker 2:

It was a nice little change. I didn't realize how much I missed that. It's very quiet there, um, and yeah, weeds legal Love that.

Speaker 1:

Tight, super tight.

Speaker 2:

And yeah Mountain.

Speaker 1:

We got to get that going for everywhere. Huh yeah, I can't believe in weed. How, how have we not thought of that? Well, texas is going to be the last. And if you're new listeners, viewers now too um we're hailing from the great state of texas. We love it, oh don't we love it, but it's probably going to be the last one that legalizes weed, I would think and uh, nothing will change for anyone at that point. Yeah, but uh, yeah, it's actually easier to get some other shit than weed.

Speaker 2:

Sometimes here it's like it's austin texas so many times people are like you you want mushrooms.

Speaker 1:

I'm like do you have weed? They're like no, not at all.

Speaker 3:

No, what the fuck man? What grade are you in?

Speaker 1:

Yeah, yeah, I don't have to schedule a day off for weed no kidding, but yeah. Yeah.

Speaker 2:

Maybe one day move to a place where it has those.

Speaker 1:

Get away from all the city folk. Yes, josh, how have you been? What's new in the world with Josh?

Speaker 3:

Oh, I'm doing all right. I'm trying to stay busy. I work a lot.

Speaker 1:


Speaker 3:

Obviously get to see the other guy quite a bit. Yeah, yeah, just trying to stay busy Working on yeah, yeah, just trying to stay busy um, working on bike stuff, um, a big twin project that I've been dragging my feet on forever.

Speaker 3:

I finally got it off the the operation table tight got it on the ground okay, it's so much lower than I thought it would be and it's so tight because it's a like a 58 straight leg pan head frame, but it's got a two inch stretch on the down tubes and a stock link springer so it sits real fucking low, okay, um, but yeah, man, yeah, I welded on the floorboard mounts for foot pegs and kind of got it all dialed in and I, you know, jumped up and down, hit them with a hammer, made sure they weren't gonna pop off sick ugly welds but they hold I mean, yeah, I got a grinder, I'd nice them up.

Speaker 3:

I'm sure the titanic had some ugly welds but they hold. I mean, yeah, I got a grinder, I'd I'd nice them up a little.

Speaker 1:

I'm sure the titanic had some ugly welds. Yeah, exactly, that's not why it failed yeah, exactly, it's, you know sheet metal it was a completely different reason, yeah um, so I've been working on that.

Speaker 3:

And then, um, my buddy cecil, who I've known for about a hundred years, uh, he moved into the shack in my backyard nice and we're building a new bike for him you got a yard cecil, I got a yard cecil.

Speaker 1:

I gotta get me one of those right.

Speaker 3:

You know you don't charge him much rent.

Speaker 1:

He mows the lawn and moves piles of wood and dirt, at least but and you guys, I've seen it, you guys have like it's a nice pod, it's not like like I've had, yeah, yeah, I've had a guy on the couch before and like that's's, it's a little, it's a little churched up from there.

Speaker 3:

Yeah, it's, you know, fully, full, mini split climate control.

Speaker 2:

It's really nice Like yeah, you put it on the market. You can do three grand a month.

Speaker 3:

We paid so much to come in the yard and build that thing for us. And the plan was with her jobs and stuff that she's had since we built it, we just weren't utilizing it she'd have to go work in person or so. It was just kind of holding a couch and a tv and a mini fridge and exercise bike that I didn't use. So, um, it was more of an exercise chopper.

Speaker 3:

I just sit on it and fucking pretend I was put some apes on it yeah, pretend I was riding through the american southwest had little fans set up at my shins.

Speaker 1:

Yep, just to get the true full experience yeah, stop at a show and pay 120 bucks to get in to show it off exactly, so I can, so I could park my exercise I got the buttons dude we're using the buttons this season yeah so I don't give a fuck what y'all think about sound boards but, we're fucking using them I love them, I gotta get better ones.

Speaker 1:

There's a lot of fucking just pre-canned shit on here right now, so we'll get some better ones, some more like podcast specific shit, but we got to utilize all this technology. I got a fucking hot rod in front of me yeah, you do and I'm just fucking doing nothing with it but anyways very colorful well, that's you guys.

Speaker 1:

Seem like you've been super busy. This episode is brought to you by, well, us From recording to editing, writing, social media, graphic design, memes, fucking all that shit's in-house Speaking, of which our merch site is live now. So go treat yourself to a nice new little shirt. All the profits go to hopefully bringing you a better show and maybe a little beer money for us, and you look damn good doing. Visit the link in our instagram bio and click the merch tab. And now back to the show.

Speaker 2:

What about you, Danny. What have you been doing?

Speaker 1:

Well, if listener and viewer mostly viewer you guys can't really hear this, but you can see that we're in a different room. We moved, we bought a house. That's where you use that button.

Speaker 2:

I thought the drive was longer. Yeah, yeah, yeah, I knew something was different.

Speaker 1:

So not to dox myself, I'm not going to tell the internet where we live. But we are.

Speaker 2:

Okay, Grayson, get the fuck out of here please. 123 Fakington Street. Oh nice, I just had a brain fart.

Speaker 1:

Oh yeah, so since then we've moved. We are officially homeowners. We are off the rental market for now. Congrats, officially homeowners, we are off the rental market for now. Congrats, thank you. Yeah, it's been a gigantic learning curve. You've done what so many of your generation will never do it's kind of crazy like you won, you beat it yeah, we're, we're starting to build that generational wealth like yeah um, yeah patient kids they're gonna be, but

Speaker 1:

we fucking shout out to the silicon valley bank crash. Um, that kind of helped us. It was we were working a gig together to like get some on the book work, to maybe try and get a loan and uh fucking, interest rates were kind of wonky and they still are. Actually at the time of this recording they're higher than we got in.

Speaker 1:

So we won again yeah um, but that bank crash happened in that week, like the. The day it happened and I like was just like you know, you're scrolling on your break like eating a sandwich, looking at like current events and that shit happened and I saw an article that was like the svb bank crash could knock interest rates down half a point. So I like looked at heather and I'm like reach out to your loan guy right now, like yeah let's see what we can get turning, and there wasn't a lot on the market.

Speaker 1:

Where we are um. We used to be in austin, texas. We're currently in the great city of lockhart.

Speaker 1:

I'll say it there we go um and yeah, we found a little a little slice of the american dream, and we're fucking working on our house while living in it. So that's the whole other bucket of challenges that comes with that. But yeah, it's fucking ours. It's kind of surreal to like every month. Technically it's the bank's still, but we pay the bank and not some dickwad that lives in San Francisco that never returns my text when I need something repaired. But it's always on time when, when asking for the rent for some reason.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, yeah, really bad at texting back when, like the AC, is acting up but you know 117 degrees if it's a second or third and he's like oh, I know you have until the fifth, but like where's rent? I was like oh, it's crazy. Technically there's been a long pause. We're like on. It was like I think it's been like a year and some change since our last episode yeah, I was looking at um.

Speaker 1:

So we did some traveling too, because when we first started thinking about getting a house and everyone was like, well, you can maybe get a shack with mold in austin texas if you want to uh, for like three hundred thousand dollars, only 350. Dude, there's a fucking house out just outside, like not quite by coda, but like on the way to coda and like they wanted 280 000 for it and a literal hole was burnt through the roof in one room one room looked like it was just charred.

Speaker 1:

Well, didn't look like it was. It was charredred. The rest of the house, for some reason, wasn't burnt down, but that whole entire room and the fucking roof on top of it must have been a fucking meth lab or something.

Speaker 3:

I was going to say a crack lighter, yeah, too hot.

Speaker 1:

So we were like, well, fuck this. So we went to Mexico, fucking did the whole Mexico thing, and then when we got back we went and visited my family in florida because we were like, well, might as well travel if we're not fucking dumping money into a house right now and then shortly after that.

Speaker 3:

I've been in mexico since the last time we recorded this yeah, you went to mexico city.

Speaker 1:

I went to mexico city, yeah yeah, I went down there to.

Speaker 3:

It was my 40th birthday. I'm gonna dox myself age-wise. Um yeah, we went down there for my birthday. Man and uh wandered around, you know, stayed kind of city center. It was for um, my birthday and um dio de los muertos oh tight because it was you know, we were there for that that week and mexican thanksgiving huge celebration.

Speaker 3:

Yeah, yeah, it's all all the holidays. It's man, it was. It was an incredible experience. Um, but mexico city for anyone listening if you've never been it's, uh, one and a half times the size of new york city. Population goes. That's insane. Massive, massive, massive city, um and it's just from movies.

Speaker 1:

It's just like clay huts and like a sepia tone. Yeah, exactly yeah sepia everywhere.

Speaker 3:

Everything's just kind of just hazy and brown, and there's people holding six shooters yeah, that's just what I thought it'd be it is an amazing bustling city of modern culture and, uh, ate a lot of really good food. Um, you know, made some friends. We stayed in like didn't drink the water right?

Speaker 1:

didn't drink the water no. You can't drink the water right.

Speaker 3:

Didn't drink the water no you can't drink the water, but the food was super good and super duper cheap. Um you know, did, by standard, go to the zoo that I do in every city I travel to, uh, and their zoo is incredible and free.

Speaker 1:

We'll probably do a whole episode about that.

Speaker 3:

It's this crazy thing where, where you're told it's a third world country. And then you get there and you're like, oh wait, they have all of these social services and programs set up where like-.

Speaker 1:

It's a real first world out here.

Speaker 3:

Yeah, there's all this arts and culture that's like handed to you. You get to go to the old presidential palace that sits. It's basically on a mountain, in a lake, on a mountain in the middle of mexico damn like it's yeah, it's absolutely crazy that's fucking tight how it's kind of laid out and it's yeah, beautiful city um, amazing culture, amazing food.

Speaker 1:

Everyone was super nice, um, but yeah, different experience than your mexico trip yeah, we went to tulum, we did the the t thing and we were like we looked into it cause we didn't really like we researched it like a little bit. But then, right before she was kind of freaking out cause she was, like.

Speaker 1:

Oh, this is like where all the fucking influencers go, so like we don't want to and there was some of that but like it's really easy to not experience that when you're there. Yeah, and the biggest thing I took back from Tulum is it's just Mexico's Daytona Beach.

Speaker 3:


Speaker 1:

I've been to Daytona Beach a shit ton of times and Tulum is just that, but with the sepia filter and the clay huts.

Speaker 3:

Yeah, exactly, no.

Speaker 1:

but the food was incredible. We rented a car and drove around. We drove into the peninsula to go to Chichen Itza, which was like a two and a half hour each way drive and everyone was like it was. It wasn't sketchy, but there was a couple of times where like people tried to wave you off the road and stop you and you're just like no, I'm good, see you, homie. Yeah, similar thing I'm not stopping in this other country.

Speaker 3:

We went to the pyramids outside of Mexico City, teotihuacan, about 30 minutes out, 35 minutes out, and you're in your big bus and you're pulling in and you see people on the side of the road like, hey, come, pull into this little parking lot. And you're like don't do it, yeah, keep driving, just keep driving till you get to a parking lot.

Speaker 1:

They did the same thing. We went to Tulum has ruins right on the beach and we went over there and like someone tried to stop us. It was just. This one was less sketchy. The one on the way out to Chichen Itza was like literally like in the middle of the peninsula, in the middle of the fucking jungle and these people were like waving off the side of the road.

Speaker 3:

I'm like nah, I'm good With a machete. Just pointing at you with a machete like.

Speaker 1:

The other one in Tulum, was like right, like literally, like maybe 100 yards before the parking lot that you want to get to and they're just trying to wave you over yeah they're like oh, park here. I'm like motherfucker. I see the parking lot for the ruins up there. That's where I want to go.

Speaker 1:

I'm not parking here, like I know it's going to be triple the price here yeah, and there's a sign and I can read that sign yeah that says parking here and I don't know about you guys, but we found that Google Maps was way more helpful than Apple Maps in another country.

Speaker 3:

I haven't used Apple Maps since it launched. Yeah, I'm Google Maps all the way Really.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, I mean, I don't know how I feel about that.

Speaker 2:

There's a split in my family between Shelby and I of Waze or Google Maps. I'm team Google Maps.

Speaker 1:

Well, Waze is different split in my family between shelby and I have ways or google maps and I'm doing google maps well, ways is different.

Speaker 2:

I just don't, I haven't ways is like the metro pcs of map apps. I feel they're invasive, I feel ways yeah because, like they will send you all a 30 minute trip all residential roads they're like, but as the crow flies, it's faster like I know, but it feels wrong yeah, um, yeah, we did that, what else?

Speaker 1:

I think that was it. And then we just fucking, oh, we went to florida, visited the homies in florida, uh, visited the family, that was cool. And then we got back and again we were like not even thinking about the whole home ownership thing and it just kind of fell into our laps. And now we're here 30 minutes away.

Speaker 2:

It was quick, I mean from yeah, how was the drive? Oh, I mean, the drive was fine.

Speaker 1:

I mean honestly working in south austin like, yeah, it's like nothing, 30 minutes at 5 30 it probably takes you longer to get home oh yeah, oh, through austin yeah, 100 through austin for like eight miles. It takes you longer to get 30 miles down there.

Speaker 2:

My commute from where we work is anywhere between 45 minutes to an hour, and then out here at 530 is about 30 minutes and it's probably 6 to 7 times the distance to get out here.

Speaker 3:

Yeah, I forgot the joys of the toll road. Because the road to get out here is 85 miles an hour speed limit it's 85.

Speaker 1:

So if you're doing 90 to 95, you're only 5 to 10 over the speed.

Speaker 3:

Yeah and I forget that my truck at uh 95 miles an hour. I forget that my truck likes to wiggle oh yeah high horsepower. Low weight in the back single cab.

Speaker 1:

Get a little squirrely back there, yeah yeah, yeah.

Speaker 3:

And then I remembered that time that I had that uh 1933 brough in the back of my truck doing 95 through kansas oh yeah, you had to run up to like south dakota or something. Yeah, I had to had to go drop a bike off in south dakota for the cannonball um, and it's a, you know, a bike that was worth a lot, a lot, a lot of money. Do you know who owns that bike now? Who you want to pick?

Speaker 1:

Keanu Reeves Just guess.

Speaker 3:

You're on the right track. Long hair.

Speaker 1:

Keanu Reeves.

Speaker 3:

Oh, trent Reznor, Different Good God. Who bought a motorcycle from everybody? That's not Addie Matheson.

Speaker 2:

Oh, Chad Kroger.

Speaker 1:

God damn it. Look Chad Kroger. God damn it. Look at this motorcycle.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, I'm running out of names. I can't think of who else it would be.

Speaker 3:

I'm pretty sure Momoa owns that Lawn Hair.

Speaker 1:


Speaker 2:

Yeah, I saw him and Segura.

Speaker 1:

Jason Momoa.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, they were actually like sitting on a bunch of bikes on their ground we actually have one degree of separation from Momoa coming up this season.

Speaker 1:

listeners, oh no kidding.

Speaker 3:

Yeah, we've got a guest coming up, that's not me is it?

Speaker 1:

No, we've got a guest that has dealt and sold Momoa some jewelry.

Speaker 3:

Oh, all right, cool, that'll be on this season. I've heard nothing but wonderful things about that guy.

Speaker 1:

Same Same thing with Matty Matheson.

Speaker 3:

Yeah, they bought a lot of bikes and ruined the market.

Speaker 1:

But I can't tell you that if I got super famous and had that kind of money, I wouldn't do the same exact thing exactly and he's doing it the right way and he's getting the right people to build them bikes and he's like he appreciates it and he respects it and he's you know, he's not.

Speaker 3:

He doesn't seem like much of an interloper, like he's actually. He found something he's into, I found something that makes him happy and he's just trying to dive that first into it. Yeah, and I love that.

Speaker 2:

That's the Canadian dream.

Speaker 3:

I really like that guy, exactly. Exactly Just be really friendly and say thank you a lot, yeah, exactly, and be kind of cool and scream at food while you're cooking it.

Speaker 1:

Oh, I would love to do that. Oh man, I would absolutely love to do that.

Speaker 3:

Once a week. Every time he posts one of those cooking videos I'm like I'm never gonna make this particular dish he's showing me, but I'm gonna watch him scream fuck at the top of his lungs for 10 minutes and I've made a couple um and they're so good yeah, he's great man I have his cookbook it's so far so good.

Speaker 2:

Um, following just followed exactly. Yeah, I did his fried chicken. It was really good. Oof, I did a different thing, I can't remember right now. It was really good, okay, so yeah, hell yeah, I was dropping subtle hints for Christmas.

Speaker 3:

I was trying to get Selena to buy me one of his pro model pans, because that thing looks awesome, that cast iron.

Speaker 1:

He's got a pro model pan head already.

Speaker 3:

Yeah, he just flip it upside down. The double is it's a skeletal. Yeah, it's great that would be sick.

Speaker 1:

If you're listening, Matty, you can have that idea. We'll just put that one to you Also, if you're listening and want to be on the guest on the show love to have you.

Speaker 3:

Oh yeah, It'd be great.

Speaker 1:

Absolutely. I mean, what else can we talk about? Uh, mother fucker, I'm forgetting and I'm I'm forgetting what also trying to think of? Um, hey Grayson, we met working on what scooters that were produced by Uber.

Speaker 2:

No, it was a manufacturer that made those.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, and this is how we get to the next part of the program Um so that gentleman uh, it's going to be red rabbit Trading. That's going to be one of our guests this season. Listener, we've got so many real guests this season and we're going to get back into some historical episodes, because I put a poll up on Instagram and got a resounding yes that you guys liked those historical episodes and spoiler alert, it didn't really matter, we were going to do it anyways.

Speaker 3:

Yeah, I voted no.

Speaker 1:

I'm not going to say it's easy content, but I've talked about this before on this show, where it's like planning my schedule is great, but then adding other people into it and then a whole other guest is like. I mean, people are just busy. There's a reason why we've been on a year hiatus. Every time we wanted to start back up. It's like something pops up and life gets in the way. But yeah, we're here, we've got some guests coming up for you, we've got some historical mid to deep dives maybe, um, and we might have some stickers for sale. We might put the koozies up for sale. Finally, um, probably going to finally start another bike night. It's gonna be in lockhart.

Speaker 3:

spoiler alert uh, because it's super easy for me I'm gonna trailer my bike out there you go and then just park and park, like three blocks away and ride it in, yeah, but it's a 35 mile ride. My, uh, my bike runs again, oh nice, yeah, I took the tank off to your is a sportster. Yeah, yeah okay, yeah, the little 97 sporty uh repainted the tank. And you know I did that thing where I took the tank off to repaint it and then 18 months later I finished painting it and put it back on. It took two days to do, yeah.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, it's always like nothing.

Speaker 3:

Yeah, I just something good came on TV and then I saw a squirrel and shit got away from me, shit. So yeah, but yeah, no, bike runs now. Um nice yeah, everything's everything's good. Gotta throw a new set of tires on it, but as far as it goes, I mean I could I'd ride it back and forth across texas if I needed to. I'm so glad I don't have to, though yeah, it is for anyone listening who doesn't live in texas it's hot.

Speaker 1:

I know it's hot where you are but it's hotter here yeah, no, it's fucking bad. I don't want to do anything, no, except be in water. Yeah, which we might do that actually, let's think about uh slapping together a little. We tried that carbs and coffee in town, yeah, um, but it was hot and we didn't like really try, uh. But I might try and pop that back up down here, because there's a cool little coffee shop in the square and martindale is just like a hop skip and a stone throw away and there's a cool little plunge spot there so you just change it if you're in jet skis and wetsuits if you're in the south austin or if you're in the aust area and the San Antonio area.

Speaker 1:

If I can, come on over to Lockhart, grab some coffee with us and then we'll go for a swim.

Speaker 3:

It is one of my favorite places in the whole world On motorcycles.

Speaker 2:

What I thought you were about to say is doing an episode from your little stock tank pool, but that logistically would probably be a nightmare.

Speaker 1:

Oh no, we could do that, we can figure that out, that would be fun.

Speaker 3:

You have to drag the pool in the studio. No, no, no, no, I got the little handheld guy, so we didn't have to move this thing.

Speaker 1:

What we started the podcast on. That'd be cool, we'll just pop that out and clamp these on the side of the pool.

Speaker 2:

Just two cameras.

Speaker 3:

Yeah, cannonballs. Yeah Well, it's only two feet deep, so diving yes.

Speaker 1:

No hands in front of you, just dive head first. Dolphin dive in the series finale of kickflips and kickstands.

Speaker 3:

Everyone dies from broken necks in a stock tank pool.

Speaker 1:

But think of the YouTube content. Right, right, yeah. What's up, guys? Today we fucking make a bloody pool.

Speaker 3:

You're going to have to, you know, just have somebody on deck to upload it afterwards, because everyone just bleeds out a little metal circle of water yeah, it'll be art.

Speaker 2:

I'm into that.

Speaker 1:

It's performance, high art lowbrow art depending on your perspective yeah, well, I think that's good for an intro episode. Yeah, it's pretty good um what do you want?

Speaker 2:

what do you want us?

Speaker 1:

to say what you want from me I is all I hate it.

Speaker 3:

You can't get audio product placement from this camera I wish you could hear how good this sounds.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, these liquid deaths are delicious oh yeah, we don't have to do that. They don't pay us but text message here, appreciate the water yes, it's, it's free and it's great and, to be honest with you, I would drink it even if it wasn't free same.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, oh yeah. I honestly do the tea ones. I've been getting the tea ones a lot and they're so good, yeah, yeah the tea ones are good.

Speaker 1:

The just the flavored waters, yeah, they're all right. Um, yeah, they're fine because they're good mixers but it's also like I'm just burnt out on flavored waters. I was just talking to a buddy today about it, because it's like everyone just did flavored waters it was like every week there's like a new flavored water brand. So it's like, and you're like, oh, a new one, I'm gonna try it. And then it just got to the point where I was like I don't want.

Speaker 3:

If I want juice, if I want flavoring just give me a juice or tea so is it like this everywhere else, or is you know central texas has been? There's a fuck ton of flavored water companies central texas has been bubble water for as long as I can remember we were topo, yeah yeah, we were topo people forever and ever and ever and there's waterloo but yeah, but it also feels like there's a lot of.

Speaker 1:

Maybe it's just because it's hot as fuck, but like yeah, bubble water brands based out of waterloo um rambler. Richards, richards. Any of these brands want to float us some product.

Speaker 2:

Specifically Weirdwater.

Speaker 3:

Those guys are great. I love everything they do. All of their profits go to charity and my good friend Michael Sieben is one of the Well listener.

Speaker 1:

I think that's going to wrap it up for this little brief introduction episode. We're going to kick it back to our intro that Grayson's actually working on a new intro, so I'm going to say that you're going to hear this intro and outro right now and by the time that we're airing these episodes it will be a different one with the magic of editing.

Speaker 2:


Speaker 3:

I can figure it out. If he can figure it out, if he can learn how to play smooth jazz, yeah, we can hook dude again Ferrari, lamborghini.

Speaker 1:

You can hook your guitar into this thing and play the intro for us live, if you want.

Speaker 2:

That'd be cool, but I'm not going to do that. Why Play live? Yes, I don't play like that. I'm not that good.

Speaker 1:

You play live music all the time and you rip dude Confession. You're such a good guitar Confession to make Artist Player. Is he a guitar player?

Speaker 2:

I use player. Yes, I use AI to play music live. That's not actually me playing, it's like lip singing but with my fingers.

Speaker 1:

Oh yeah, if you use it to play, inspire you. It's different. I'm just always playing to a track. Yeah, well, ai is going to take over everything. I'm ai, I use it to edit this podcast.

Speaker 2:

I was going to say if you could edit me just dissolving into pixels, yeah, well, no, I'm not editing the video feed like the audio like you just pop it into all the pauses that happen here.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, it's just going to transcribe it into words and I just look for the pauses and delete that. Yeah.

Speaker 2:

Isn't technology amazing?

Speaker 3:

Soon enough we don't have to get together and record anything.

Speaker 1:


Speaker 3:

You, just you.

Speaker 1:

I've been trying to not have you guys come over since we started this thing. All right, we'll see you guys on the next episode where we dive into the history of Harley Davidson Music. I'm out.